pered, and the curtain descended slow- 'y. A new cry came f rom the clarùor-0 TtfE LARS OPous house. Some one was shouting li A SE 0 atiior Dorcas laid her hn 1u ENOCN WENTWORTII -hyw-n o, secid t3y ISABEL 4JORDÃ"N CURTIS, go irn front of the curtain. The noise In front grew louder. The girl flew Authi o ! T e W m n fom W letn" aevros~s the stage and put her hangi Teated Recipes servig peaches bhere will always b upon lier brother's shoulder. PickIed Walnuta.-One hunclred f ouiI?1 amall or slightly irneerfect o0e ______ - "Enoch," she pleaded In a whisper, wîus atadwtr oec which do flot look as fine h.,the re1 "tak Mery wlhyou nd xpiaîL" quart, of vinegar allow two ounces of of the fruit. Settheasd fo CHAPTER XII.-(Cont'd). fit company for -your sister for in- Wentwvorth Ieft ber without a word. whole black peper, one ounce of ail- sweet, plelde. Scald out a fruit ar The singer lank In a chair eixhauu t- stance.', Oswald and the stage manager back- spice, one ounce of brulsed ginger. wipe the peaches carefully, do fo cd heniberos an puhedherw~ "Who said mhe wtor?" snarled Went- oned to hlm from the wingq. She Prick each walnut witb a fork. Pre- skin them; then stick Into epeach a,<MN dow frm te alcny. Dorasworth. "I had flot tboight of throw- book a fe w flying steps as if to holdpaeasrn bi.ofat ndwt whole cloves, four or five to a snia dwthefr wth aptl gze. Pr- ,ng lher into my sister's society. hlm back, then stopped. Merry had paerafourpounds iof sait and gaon eacb. Packcthe fruit as ightlY a spiratlrion was washing white streak'i DOrcas Woul d not have to tbolerate called her. Sepuestrn noof water, into which put the walnuts, possible in thbe jars. Then Ia n A the patches of rouge on her e asn cuitnewt e i ywt er letting thern stand aine days, chang- enameled ware prébÉerviflg k~ u cheeks. ~~behind the scenes if 1 had m wa. . (obco'nud.Ing the brine every third day. Drain on the lire eltber eider or white '0n the of, uttheMoya ish paceviegaTo ,hsugr ionho roprton __ "She is flot fit to be seen with a de n-_______a i tePrP07 "Who is the woman?" she asked. hmOf u hmo ih lc was mo."ii the sun until they becomc per-of a Pound of sugar t-o a quarto wsfamous fro-m one end of ltaly to 'You glve mewhieccrerît thenifnhe-ogyor vin the other. When she went to Genoa ine - a decent man ?' sneera 1 Enoch. viiiïU J~ three dayti. Have ready dry jars1 ware kettle, as any other metal W1 i ainto which place the walnuts, and do darken the viflegar. Let lb boil u antb iecdDsiePio to fl unengaf-met th whoe ton "To a certain limt-I do." -1br n kmcrfly hna flowa d o at? et 1t iuite fil the jars. rPoil guffîci- br emaadBles turned out 1,0 meet ber, the shopa Wlwasoyuwn? et 1siko inao n ittle Mc. pulchldy turned an apprehensive glance MIADE IN G R A Y etvnrrt oe hmfrtnsicofcn mnada1 4 close l, and it was a pbi oia worth N G R A Y et'n r ocvrten o ai Pour over the fruit in tbe Jars id TmetothnmeoHerLb "cld screained themq;elre.s boarse in a 111I want you to promise.beo Iprin and pour it bot over thc wal- iue ntebp i ne ttekeh mn emn at rn weicorne. She waa the' star of the turn over thiq manuscript. that ý'ou CC LLECTION IN THE BRITISH nuts, which must b. quite covered el ofa f ortnîght open tgaîn.j'rs, pltcanwobsbend1rie R Bliiin Naples. She sang in Paris will have ncthing io do witn Ziîl a with the plckle, and bile down a.nd keep Lm hr ilb odda fte"rvs nni emrY"Le mndLonon. Shecam heele MUSEUbuMnes.wy.imffthereinegar ad asc0.d da Bellini ~Paget except InUSEsinssMa. in a dry place. They will b. fitfowhcnusbecrulyrno-kctisaciasadbs a m on . A m a h~e r w n am i h eryiers lf'"cu m , w 4 w aY5b c r l u l r i sick and could not fill ber engae- Whv, are you int.erested In ber use a month and will keep goud two e wthanenmeedwa nipaabefco r7sa or tbree Years. fe Oe omeorte teSikig fLet t-he vinegar boil up once, afteri îiaim gls h oiac fGra shebeLwha moey he asi fren e ry odll o ch! ndrisw 'ckt and On1ommr s h ikg one laremelon.rsevs.Rnd bas been thoroughly cieared orwibweaenwfgtig lhuh desrte 'êrsh caeboent,-th rol fcppmeinhîspoketan th Lsitniatheer oeulrgimeon.inau u unlak- ackonneb fuit srecfg ow th b ma nt bve sngi sppote this.' jumped tlecbis feet. ed lime. Twro lmn-Ton cups tops of the jaruis vetgh .mnbe eerhia-statun IAon "Otepo ol"Dra' "flere, sitdcown. 1 want this afTairGennHro. gar. Peel the rind and cut in squars "O l h thepor. su! ocs oc straightened out--n(,w. PThe British Museum bas recently oblongs or any fancy shapi. Put the. "Hr' asanuusa c~e"~~ Merry did not answer. île walke.l tbe ystm wbcb a bingng "e' MArid "HrswBa nsa ie, adacquired. for thbe most part as a gift 'lime in a jar with a galion of waterThnetoR ebr.-oiscn-y.H babenhutdvstn fr0maanden oftoeNatoat C in torhefistreetscverthof BerlSerein.h cialinr ttced 1 9I've heard,. It makes you realize table wbere a litter of pbotographs Los a smail but representative Soak two bours. Wasb and drain. in place of meat. Intowba- a hor bit ofour ive fa eLiY. He picked one up carelegsly and ________- ilic, Int wata sor bt f or ivs ame lace a lt i ws n equsie series of medls made in Germany Boil t-h. sugar with t-hree cups of Lemnon wilI remove match scratchs- hs rbens fin e ur stou portrait-sgazd since the out-break of t-be war. AI- wà à ber. Slice t-be lemons t-bm and lerom paint. professionrareia of Dorca.. r y huhteemeasba osgs ofr drop in t-be syrup wit- t-be rind. Boil A lit-tle g-een sage placed in th ~ ~ ~ uesn army a pitiful arrny. tTniess one has intt) bis traight'forwtird îlook bigise b fIca atoiy'h until transparent. Fi inta jars and pantry wiii keep out red anbts. a home and somte one in it t-o cbenish which wà iq characit'ristir of thbe girl.1 impression t-bey give is that t-bey con- pour over t-he remnaining iiquid and A bit of alum wiil keep st-ac and love. the lonely days of old tige "Wii yoLi tell me," there was ste'rn stitute part of thbe semi-off iciai pro- seai whiie bot. fresh, for use for severai days. are- Anrew iaubed'mand in Went-wortl's. v ice, " aad hihGray 'ldvio- "bî "W pll, IAndeer t- hink f them." sly you explain whv vou are so concerne4i p g n a w ih G r an -sd vl p hl Ripe Tomato Pickles.- The finest cider vnegar should b o "Wçl, neer hin ofthm.' abut y mrai?"ed t-o so rcmarkabie. a deg re.le. Secure larze ripe tomat-oes, whole, chosen for ail sorts of pickles. lie stretcheil out bis hand t-o in- e iintcar ai about my oras? But- whatever t-beir origine there solid anbi smooth. Pick wit-h a fork To dlean mirrors, dip a bit of f- tercept a boy Nvho wandered bet-ween cId~' cr ob no doubt t-bat t-bey provide in several- places; lay n a tub of slt-I loht-b ao Ihi nd rub îightly - emn tebbe lhRtafulo rmo osly. asee MrycnePu a singxîiarly interestmng index t t-be brin. strong enough t-o bear up an If eggs that- are t-o be boiicd r roses. le laid a bmnrh of them be- j sy. I l is thbOfinigabo(,ut- y s-t-at-e of mmid of t-h. Germans, and it egg. Whcn t-bey t-ast-e of sait (tbis first- wet- in cold wat-er t-bey wilnot-ere fore I)orcas. She buried her face in i sister. 1 ?amT till fool enougb to be- 1, fortunate t-bat- a number of these'usually requires two day's time) lay crack. t-be cool pet-ais. lieve that- you bave som e decencaveft.b b eud for he on a board t-o drain over night. Next- Borax wili remove the Wrt-e 'Shill we go)?' nfikeiMerry. 1 will bond over t-is act-, reWltt-en as Nrecodsa 'lecteen secahu orst-e mrigptinatbo thrlresansmd ysoe nlgt As t-bey pusbed their way tbrough ou wlnt- lbe o poie t-o Natinaroe ctos, thoug as t-be rning cpu inoub or ot-er are stacins.d ysoao ib ooe thpaz fcrssdtbeste - haenti visible t-o the public unt-il aft-er t-beet-hem t-o cover. Leave la t-bis about Cleansing with mustard is si . ~ ~ fbsi eola wmanwh sae dnig aone Se wen ery soppd peainghewar. They are described as follows thrce days. Put- a layer of toma- t-o remove t-be emeli of fishfrn worc an orange vevet gow-ri, and a t-ook a sent- opposite Enoch and %vaited in t-be Londion Times:j tocs in a big sbone jar; t-hen a layer cooking ut-ensila. t;bnbb)v lace sc-rf covered ber nkdfrarpy There are, it- would appear, mnany of sliced onion, ait-ernat-ely, until t-hi' Remember there is a wide rangeo lai u1d er.dobrcahîîn d forbe A Wentorpicaed i- vmpn t-e t.Engllishmen wbo are reluctant- t-o o- jar is nearly full. Heat- one-baîf ga-i-f ood, as yeb inexpensive. f rom ic moment. adbe ad pthePOTi W nwrhpce t u n oe lieve t-bat- a medal was act-ually la- Ibn of good cider vinegar with a bag t-o choose t-be daily menu. m en's arm. andi spoke a (Wwod in lto balves. He sat tearing and le- sedt- glorify t-be sinking of t-be of ail kinds of wboie spices in it-; lay A dlot-h dipped int-o soda and,,ate itaiinn. The lsinger lcoo\ýed up and teariiig it in perfect~ silence. When it Lusitania; but- bore is a specimen of bag of spices on top of jar*, pour t-be will quickly remove [Il stainsfrmigda pu riNrinuz-betizo-neh bond up- waq reduced t-o fragmen-,hogt he-tbis very piece. On one side is a bot vnegar over content-s of jar, as tinware and brigbt-ea it.I on t-be girlI's fingers. Merry st-ood ed them into tbeolo ofishn, crowd of Americans taking ickets! for as it- wiil go; then 1111 up t-be re- Add a little sait-t-o gasoline beoelog:- wiichngt-em 'li wma lokd (dl 1ropped tfieM in t-be wasb'e bask'et-;i ver n' an fdedundr h ehilethe li loke acossatMerY. h dvals t-hem out- is a grisly skciet-on. a gaod t-bick cloth over top and and no ring wiil remain around -b glart' of t-be electnicit-y. but ht-r f ace "Thel \%was Mi,.s Paget-'s card:'Kr <becs.isn gre~ eaer nd remlou wbie sbesaid hborshlv. 'lrn througb wit-h ber." ,T-e t-b Cunard ofic;t-h.erkAllbo matine f arwIf tyt-b codthiega.'n sino t-t.a soao fbc tin andtreulos"Busiçheness alcove cveryt-hing." On vinegar gets white, t-urn off and put When boiling rice add a lti poured out- ber soul in ber ownin Mrrto: the maucit'fo i -eother side w. scect-be Lusit-ania on fresb vinegar. lmforced thewte. hi g g. Dorcas t-ook one rose f 'ro pocket, laid it on t-be tablebefore lemn jiicot-ot-b waard hitmekeinoscriptoioen dunteLllsG th uterInoier alownan anddt-be Einscripdion t-cilst.Fig Marmalade.-To two pounis of the rice wbite and separates t-e nctfo be ors Wfih-ng "My t-be luste b be arm anc1laid 'be Eocb.ami wlked t-bat-t-be liner was sunk by a Ger- fresb figs add anc and one-baîf poiinds grains.sok isftbr îhi"le' l of -b f~ga' bosslfs esdtAhe orwhnin' dit-e l tr ch opfie. a sbaieonMy5 95(-eof sugar oal thbe juicecand 1grat-ed 1 Neyeravt-ee-uciavssk-Incbfub-foBbe,-efa-sfr 'Çett-qiouse'Socl-a*iet-,l daemoVasMaprcciseiy thet-bebeI Ifithhlpev t-b 11singefospaphi g w t-be ocr manhîcbed ott-ohoxinowffice atul dat-e 'as hemy 7> Abovo t-e-rido thceoage ndtboclmos ng i c ola-esr. Ifte evesar "Yoj'l '~ go v. orpat-ngwi- A yongleman esa esdet-e inow hesaveered -b mt--o "o on1Co, un-iCook-b(aou- hre-qar yun tbi pocssma(st-emoubbtsmebo-tle drig nd af-c thomay1 ycir - '41. ?" hi hspered aq she 'cge, .sî, hv okdtrabrand." and t-be just-ificat-ion is pro- teso m or.s-rigcntitl rdtsees t-o prevent- barning. Figasbould b. Cold chicken lcft- from t-le rn' e.l'm fphd ycîtc dclili t-. Once uican a on me. I can't see Mr. Oswald, even cluding a fuily riggeci erpanl -.. t-mc'stoe oumcets wrea worn-out- Tell him I arn busy, writing." wit-h wbich ber decks are piled. p1cld. Ti la ail rvead- u ntodcer ed witgra mhee 'netos" Hr ibnctbm uoe A îeiittnfoi' that m'a'*-da" I Went-wortib ocked t-be door of t-be lg1lsrrs - -o.wobaeduos15sl ufrd cnieet o 8Idrc ct-n toma, an Hoorng urdr.nover tried iL. A douous figbiiled.mnts nafr-oaoreusgto "up 'ces he las oeelwit-b roses5office, sot clown in bs bigchair, and Hooringiî>derwAbi and dra ah' .it-h e m a us r oncere d p ckelica e y asim a dbra n -Ccligmoure- lak.e 'pickedq Upwt-beemanutcript-. Ho nread Aafinalt-ouchelofaversnmilitudeola1ing figs and cooking bill tender in a emoke con be wasbod with coano i s i mrsnet asv D'~-cîs macseb oirt-o coo t- nd i- apibl, siped bankshet-of'seen in bier st-em, which bas a ram ayrup made froni one quart- vinegar, bouse soda dissolved in wat-r-abu pehs ing rcfertihin txrtb read beh iteouian audncesonoof he Paliamntsaglfo - a -iqon t e iec -ffte -tyusggse. feel sorry for t-be artlst wbo i. asked tbi eonfuis and place on saucer lnany table by a jug eofbolingtetO'tm ut-a-Grwyl wgn éte boxmisfbisce. H e ds tcby 0f!' -be - at-1you ugeat-cdo'l laesp eeal nie eco Iepo rs lpinqwe h orim ever se glad you foui ures except ln t-be way ofcfrcaur.!If it does n~t et-tirniiy at- t-befirît-ubnlasadladafeîwr adhaaIth.merwlc batotai opcned and Merry walkcd bn. 1iike t. You wili say ycuraelf it is 'But t-ba- reverse design surpasses ailj test, repent unt-il sample shows t-he de- pouring a îitt-ic spirite cf wlnoo -ebe bogttet-ecutr uth ilh prised glance on Enoch's face while ; ý hope se." Enoch spôke liit-lessly. on a submarine and sbakiag bis fit- tort jeli ycu ena add te ment-aofcf ot-b. I-l noetlgtontht lb S ho spoke. 64"Aînd, Dingiey, while I t-hink cf it îendI at- Brit-isb shippiag. Somnet-lung ina about t-wlvo poea t-ojies t-o OveT7 Use vogetable foriTpt-knh-,iebsfabrlapsio-av Andrew noddéd i respor-e, then be an mensage back t-o Miss Paget. As3k t-be way in wbich t-ho subject- la quart-cfJulte., t-be meats t-chob oiled suc sas comblation dishes cf uss- a-rn-oalt a -rcyaabv drew a package oîf sainiucript- froni if I can see ber now, in ber dressing treated irreslstibly suggest-s t-bat- ho wittbt-hé Jie. andcecrtala, lentUs and r-ediced h vlte Palono, nd-ceu hîs pochet. Wentwwrths eyes turn- roin for a f ew minutes!"'71e turl.j bas been uuarconed and lf vent-bagi Canned Veigtablé for Soup...On p..,dnicd beaas-whclu, alteub hligfr-on-encs-eta cd an him euriously wh~~~~Ii riefate e . o Oswaîd. 1*1inust- ci plain te bis ipotcrnt-rage at t-e ho ip t-bat- peçlc ofripe t-oma-ct fwo bnse avaehae -a lb out- on t-he tolilp e * re hbm nober t-be change we're mnking. Bet- ba desert-ed hlm. I Icabaeon oe carrik(medIium Most Isyf4oUbatntbem hntisfy-E unee.nycourtesies passd bé. t-er bave t-be part- eopied at- oico; it C.~ aae~u~. isizo>, one buach Of PanseY, One-haif Whea pot-at-oeaare lncilnod utiracprs lg-hw dspnc. yui t--teeîî t-bos. must be put tnt-o quick rebearsal" p I of ' nthre taksofcf 1 bec ncokn afwd "I1 rew rote th-a sce:me as you sug-I pekccaos !Weeyblhlackagddafwrp f geqtî, ai Adewcaeeqol.Von Tirpitz le a it-t-itlY OntcOf:oedozen cars cf cern. Seaki, peci vinegar t-ot-be wat-er in wbbob t-byacavn geste," sbd Anrew areiesiy.CHAPTER XIV It-be chief berces cf t-is sui cf aad math t-be t-omat-oe, cbop thb. Cab- boild Thà is l excellent as Il-mao "That- was gcod of yau." la bis sur- But-bst-bei' friendlinesst. Ho streý:hed out- bis ig, i- Mryboobe, Rin g frosa t-hoeg1>lI7. Tbii. r 05 Bllt-he cernon t-be cob fer t-nan l- 0wnGoyl -r Ato t -ii waPritt he hoos itaga.lnst-astable. The. curtaln a d .of Von Kuck's portrait- rpresota nut-c, thon eut off sud semp. MxNuà ao ot1s r o I 'ft-eso wae ne cordiality in Merrv's% falica on thbe t-bIrd ut- cf "TPh. Hou us-yrda T al,194"a i ea-bn d m1 mdfle AL EI face. lie gianced quietiy threîwh di. of Estrerbrook." Th ii. ri'1s bodyctelget-aitkpat-lon W"k rem"nd sait- t. asci -gpnle. if the i.mxbxe vn1,l thrbboi f-cmbohet- fot-, «t of t-he med4 'st-ru t LcotdOn" veau dry add watanassaoessary, C«uus ftse -oSgtlgl rnel ctheodlaa contnge "YVou co.tnbt-hi, change in t-ho pia i-a fthwOiitOI- e- cUt-h wbicbNapoléôn MCO rMdBail t theb.carreta are t-borSgmbIy Wua iGiidUBi Ti5.pat.I o-t-th.oteth~ a ' nrecessit-y-" ho asked brutrquely. ba4 been crowded lut-o t-bat ainsl ît->»t int-uion oet £agiand wbh v*S. edtheW .eaî wMio hot.AMd 41 guesa tht's wbat- t-miglit b. heur. 'Photo was a babel cf noise lot. Inover t-o tae.plamcCunt Von Zcp- tis e sup t-.isln thé. vint-rarm, Sere)ltis dimcvery by t-IhBÃŽ a-tefwdsndmntotk -o ut Cnld"Went-wort-h's voice.was imua- blad tescou-c; in fs-ont the pp usepelilabas a view ef L*eOi@ ~th* t-be ,t- lit-e.aidsmr4mult -beywuapê trm tbtr tler't-, and a frown Chass I acrosbis sousdcd lke s tosupoat-At Intervab r ~.- t t.ic rde re os- 8ct lku- oal n tr*aahei id u-ndthef croa -h fac. Osxvald's bi-on -askincq for it t-be badelaps dîed away asafronti dtlà borhood oftde wr Bridge Gref~k t-. mailo. t-j uin <ka t-ie*oa-eo!thcOicul tlszuîn. When a quiet- felow wes.rinessa. only teo beginat-la w1t-b b"Insii on Auffat -M I-us L up a l dr..Umy ;paà callonwetil onT p01t-lon aGulfd liko h-m maakes up bis mnd t-obave à tremacadous vigor. ne rP«Mlo" of plt. a b.TS cam«, iIt- a @rtis laO tbing, he'u apt t-o bc confoundediy ta-:' Cns and i ry;"c ut 'St odlrorsot «Ilt iS *mi 1T051 trSg li W8i?5 n ,su iiiapt oesustartie nvrrncedgê-tL ",Thesyou want it-"' "Agalal9" wbtspes-ed tho girl. Ut-it gwt-ith d swer< tb* M sY- p posw -que sogenâj cb1t-. ticat- "I rat-11 nildayigbt-t-e write t-is' t-o of us aioe."-~ oftlOlwi. Kk*tj . tasctileV tt-ie:"tbi tm t-beog« S -.AUO.etfuiwSu --It-'sa n lmproVent-~n uitn t-he ct-ber scb: 1"Th ct-w.of us?"ln<.a, bu« a.t-w jM e ~Sio tatpot n t ý b&tfa*Ioi - -tnouues"Te twoof uslin"mu Cd; oïao tiot-l'O( - - - ons..- -Cais oe t-bat- ms .Oswald wl! o tuslgte" ion asjr , id ot-' udso'w 1 - _- ýtis tel l' you, 1I-tbink,t-hitt16carrlie ut à alow, tmedqtwM InihtK votec& eus r tmlla ' el'i',a, _hi& s c *exat1y. Befgeo I band lt Ife tS-oeh ber 1 ïM w beron .ptppi0t, 5< à b'WWbd'OM trd*& - antet 1 ~lwaat- - t ah. a dkkor wit-b upon t-he .mpIty st* Tbi *s a W . smp » n ---- - ï 1* w as lifting glowtr. -, P v bse a*te-swM*li et âd » a .lst-ood aie MWa£"Ch %W&u*sin t tom* lmas8, li ussdaus of Tom «#' bit* ' S, DR,,-SUDEKUM ()T TFILNK A 'VICTORY OF' E ALLIES POSSIBLE. Sociaiist Believes AdYeo" ries Wil Fizterminate Each Other. - ýo Munoz oftht-e HerBldiO o01 being a neut-ral ban been Gemanny and made a apedal studying t-be roleocf t-be -0 eput-les, as; ho bnd found it t-o reconcile their attitude te t-be war witb t-boit at-t--c ce. Dr. Sudekum recoived room in t-ho Reichstag. Seoi hus reports t-ho prominelit cannot imagine t-be enornietis of work t-brown on Parlia- t-ho prolongation o f t-be war. î bad organizod for every- :t-be diplomatie tension of -eding two years bad f orcod Sready for Lb. eventunhities at an eary dato. Nevert-'- 11I do not believe t-bore in any ,or conconiing it-, t-be durat-fon ities bas surpaseed t-be calcu- ft-he moat pesslmlstlc cf my non. 'nhe blochade bas sori- abarnsaed us and nltbough we no mens dead yet, t-be Gov- -on t-be announcemeit cf t-be ntg cf t-be blockade, was ob- J ýccording t-o t-bat excellent rist-ic of met-bcd wbicb be- Sour race, t-e take up a quoi- bch if we allowed Qurselves t-e )rised zntgbtresuit la victory' t-s route and la eut being o siga a shameful peace. ýratan Hatred cf Eagland. poiit-ical ideas have net- bang- Lm still decided t-c collaborate as I possibly can to reestnb- ice, but I cannot- nccept Ger- being crusbed by a counitry ginnd." direct question wbet-her he- red Eagland t-be cause cf t-hoe' an war Sudekusa gave ni- eply. pose," ho said, "t-bat a people Ba pushod into war by t-beex- - force cf lt-s race, and t-ho )f iLs commerce, sbould a sini 'udence lnt-erdict- ûs frosa st-ny- ýe baek these two pirovinces t-bey ,ave t-o conquer t-hem at- tho of t-ho bayonet. - - fait, ne on. ca say t-bat- wo imen conqueWc. I, as a ýGentian, onfidence ln t-be great- reicuneas - r lndustry. The- Inteniosi- of ven -pIt t-he lait extresity;, - lU inceely, do not believ'e. h k' agu.ictony of t-e at-Uc..'The. sun * ie n tI exterm inate Il . 1' andgot9thoe let zan h e - an-d yet It wlU ho W-h -bis var cf ceiquet >.pld1 it or uot,-wêe ' coitr blch claIiê ~ -u groat Peweru <- o euo vveCalitvi le foeux It ablie conditiloinlu wbfe1- 'w ar-e rich ZWa4 has mpKrn