Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Aug 1916, p. 8

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-. TURB1~Y, *JGUST~17,111M Mrs. Latt' aummer bou Railroad ti Mrs. Coli recruitlng this district C. Colbourn Word bhai Barnshey, %N ton, and wl bas been t lui. K IL Boce have. Mr. Vali ducted lte cburch oit evening Mi ewas the pr 20th, Sergi Battation, nervices. Mr. Wm, lat îveek îneetilig or MIRS Fia weeks ivitli Re%. H. for uoreI hake part Behool fer presoti ti n g Board of i sechool wiIl and bnl>y F oiey. A vory facilita (tie greni -cl dens iare ii o! ee4 tuifhttsd? rot Communtes wheete i.crP bal ,wfys been ab4ln- Lettrs rom dant, ornes. the saine tory. a lxu.ýDrc la stil - soaring, and the ordineally common potato la bcmn uUY Corranonenta Mrs. Parrinder and family desire to thank their rnany egor an frienda for great kindneas and syni- tpathy extended during their late be- BROOKLIN. reavemielit. Limore bas returned to ber Earl Lawrence Is holidaylag with ne on tbe corner of Miil andfredstOsaatiwe. recta.. , rs. Chas. Batchelor, o! Toronto, la bourne bas been apeointed spendin, a few days witb ber parents, agent, and Is orking In Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Bllght. t *ith her husband, Pte. E. Mrs. Gordon Anderson and famlly, of e.l Toronto, returned home on TbursdaY B been received that Private laet after spendiag six weeks athber .ho Joined the 1161.1> attaI- home bere. ho lias bfen la the hospitai, Miss Bunker, o! Oshawa, spent t.he ransfeî-red to Mimîco ABy- weKi-end with ber friend, Miss A. jBiight. ,- _ îTedy, fkrs. Love and Miss Mca. IM*tSO, Who bas beêii îreryl, ýbeen hoiidaying ln Toronto. la sente better. Uer daughter-i-iaw Is 1er Wigg, of Oshawa, con- nursing ber. services la the Methodist Miss Lynes, of Oshawa flospital, vis- ç'dymonn, n Rleled aI Mrs. Walker's recently. r. George West, o! Aahbumn. Mca. Webster, cf Toronto, la visiting cacher. On Sunday. August ai the home o! Mrs. Tonilinsofi. tCuimiliga, of the lS2nd Capt. Lou J. and Mrs. Sebert. of Lon>- Whitby, %vil[ coîiduct both don, and the iattec's mother. Mca. Mason, of Seneca. Kansas. have been iArksey was ln Chatham vîsitîng with Mr. and Mca. O. Sebert. atiendlng the Grand Lodge Mrs. Jamnes litutchinsoh announces Ethe Oddifeliows. the imacria-ge of lier daughter, Frances retnce Tinkk isendtng lu-n Alexandra Mlaxndrel, formeriy of h Helen and Rlachel Arksey. Blrookl, to Mr. Sydney ('harles Wooi- %V. Foiey ieft on Friday lasi sion. on Satuirday. Auglisi l2th, ln To- Bny, MaittitîtuiIsland, to ronîno. Mr. aud Mca. Wooiston îvill be ini a co-operative soimmer iii honte afier October let, nt I 1f6 Duf- Sundo.y Seliniol workers, re-fer-in SIceel. Toronto. The brides many lte Gertnil Sîînday Schooiliro)okilhi friends %ish lier mnutcli api- ho Methodisi ChiiiccP TPe ues. 1 lwet P wpec . Mrs. FoIeb, le',.. Geor-e Yilo. oof Oshawa, lbas i aiiî-a icconiiaiied iM r. 1tii-no occuîýyllu g the pîî lpiiiof tthc l'e- IN.lvt i Chîtii (Iiring the nîeieof gnive tnd sains difiletîli: v Mr. I i<lg on lits vacat ion. !Ir. Ytîie andî î of o!iîs vilcinlty ile lite fail' 1ýhave aiso heen cosldiiis in lteo ,cil e ol atoî-s. S01114, gnr. u a a i îîit1huts. wi bild lii g i ith le anîiait r. NW. A. lryeîieciffly Illort cd GASOLINE ENGINES Tl11is is the tinie to decide on the purclînse of an Engine. W e considler it a plasure to show you lte hghi class construction anti simplicity of tho Engines wce sell. Thîey willI) hum any of the fuels flOW used and eau ho used for all purposes. The equipinetit is com- plete. Buit; in any horse power. M&NURE SPREADERS Our Spreaders inake a hit witIî theo purchaser. They arc how down, oD1ly 41 iuches to top of sides, 17 ý inches clearance uînier conveyor track, wide spread, no0 chutchles, no gears, will beondle big loads, do perfect work, with lighit draft. PLOWS For every purpo8e, both riding and walking. The kind it paya ho use. SILO FILLEIRS one eliglithy used Ohio, Silver Box. also bave new one of différent styles. B3ell and lad. Pliones Thîis is a bargain. We Whitby, Ont. 'FRUIT.Â.TrVS Emt e Jii OC IMDMVI bMrbRIL Bil St. Rose St., Montreal. April 4th. 'For over hwo years 1 wim sick and m-iserabiu I sufrered from constant Heladl caddPliatino e1 ev. Thos, Jophia, $ecretacy o! the Hleada-hsohad hat Iferl I wlonofdthe -Shantymea's Chrîstian Association, Iled o bdl tiat1 eard wuldd'e.preached here on Sunday. Thîcre seemed to be a lump in lily Mc. Roy Morcombe, of Port Arthur, stonîiîcli and the Constipation Nvas is iîolidaying ai the home o! Pis par-t dreadut. I stîfferoil front Pain in the ente bore.t Mc. Ben. Wilings, o! Audley, vlstted ( Back and K-idney fieasc. In aur nidst on Suîîday. I 1 was trellte4 b phyqî1îiciaiî for a vear Nlce. Morgan and son, o! Toronto. and a Iitiif nul lw ie 41 meni gond at ail. . spent a feNv days îvlth Mca. A. W. Rlch. 1 titeul lri a-t ives"' as a ast cesort, ardson. Aft-r tusing tIirop boxes, 1 vas greai1/y Mcc. George Redd visited with Mca. nl)l telv lýxt" mae Ile orcombe on Tuesday. ii>~son/nultîeIt îo~~ ii~ît'îIî .suad M>-e. Fred Diligman vlsiled w ,-il.N' Ivanu wor ail (I.- and tu-ce w ih Nir. and INîrs. %V. Dinginai'.on Suin- art, nîI it-îltîI nPalpitation, no day. Ilicatt T-nl n tonishipation, no Miss 11111 and Miss Ednionds, o! To- Pain or liinev 'Trouile (-and 1 /-el like ronie. spvoot ihe week-end ulihMiss Il Rose Gaston ei lier home Pore. a r-~tîg-a iîl.t miss "Frîit-a-tivc(s" Mr. and Mca. NW. Dîngtuan and May blia gae n' ltCk ue îcaîli"- w ere Ili OstiaN a on TtîesdEgy attending m'i.\ Ul~i1'l l\ lIÀN-l-. the funeral (i Mca. Fingian'snic- a ho, 6 or rialsiz, 2, Mcs. Johin Siainion, whe dted vecy sud- ) denîn ou Saturday lest. At ail oeiectr senît posi paid by Fruit- Pi'e.George H tl, o! Noctiiecu (0- a-tires Limîitel, tOttawma. tarie, -as renewling acqualiaîîces liiet on Tilîesday befoce going ovvrseas Niti the 22Stlî Batahion. 59~ Pead ef Sîîocthocns. the pcoduct o! -Miss Rose Gaston bias cetiiriiud te s0ilie, of!Ile hest hocds ln Scotland. lhec work ln Toronto a! toc spendiný; lier lIev. George H. Thomas, focmocly vacation at liec home liece. liasior (if the Cxbrldge Baptist Chtirch,' Mc. and Mca. Patty anîdehilîdren. of nu'.'.a n member o! the IX2nd Battalloît, shaîva. motoced avec and speut Sti- is, Ilu charge of thie services ai the Bab- day at the home o! Mc, Wm, Oke. liai Ciîncch durtng Auguet. w-hile Rev * G. A. Mcrletiî h on his vacation In RAGLAIN. Western Ontario. The Epwocth beague have acceptod INI. David Purnslias been notified the Invitation o! Rev. George Nu-hie 10 t(ha( ho iii again be on the judge's take the evening service at Mycile nexi lier for the fail faîrs this yeac. Sunday evetilag. On Monday evening a spark tram the Thae Garden Party held here last 6 o'clock C. N. R. train Ignited the week by the Methodiat Churccl was a bush west o! the C. N. R. Station to decided success. The weather and the wards Greenhburti. For a time it wgs prograin were ot the finest. Evecyone f eared that ibece would he a serîcus enjoyed the concert givea by the W%,hit- file, as evecyihing was so dry, but the by Orchatra and Mc. Clarke and bis fiarnes apparently <ied dowa before family o! blockbeads front Toronto. the e Proceeda o! the eevning amounted (o they became a menace te te ommu- nvrS10 Mca. James Armstrong, o! Toronto,8 la vlsiting ber aunt, Mca. W. M. Law- rence, ibis week. Mr. Armstrong la ln thie 75th Battallon. now at the front. 1 A large number haom here were 'ah the cîrcus and Black Precephory Or-1 ange celebrat ion la Oshawa on Satur- day. TPe village seented ho be weU tblnned o!fia population.d Mr. aîîd Mca. George bander and tam- Ily, o! Oshiawa, motored out te Brook- lia anîd spent the day- wlth Mc. and Mrs. W. M. Lawrence on Sunday. ,'cI. Eugene Willsoît bas secured the services o! Mcr. Perey Potier, Newmar- kol, as baker. Mc. Potter eomntenced Pis 'i ock Pore thîs week. Mc. Willsoa h-as fond business so rusbing that Ih Pas necessitated ibis addition te hisa staff, and he now bas two bakera, wbo are kei busy. Mci. Bert Manning, o! the Toronto Neva Company, visited bis mother thi week. Misi Hom-son. cf Toronto, is spend-f tng a hoiiday ntthIe honte of ber uncle, !Mlr. Cooper. Mr. Lriah Jenes mctored ta Beaver- ton on Tuesday. 'the doctor bas beea ln continuai ah- tendance upon Mr. Wm. Bllght. and at time of writIng reports as t 1 is hcalh are îîot as favorable as one would wisb. The fantily have been home. as hia con- dition bas ben very serieus. The death or Wm. Mason Parînder. o! lot 30, con. 7, Wbitby, which occur- ced on Thtursday. August 3. brougbt profound grief ta the eut.tre commît- niîy liitwhieb -be Ilved. DeathIcare after a short lbi.a wbich began with a pain ia the headad afeeling of lassitude sosie 10 <lays before hlz death. MUr. Parrindêr went abont. bowever, fer severai dys, and ln»afly teck to hie 1*4. Symptoins of a stroke of paraly- ie develepedalto 50evidfl of det tor- ium. The.illueue proireuW 4steadly. and deatb enmd is she ufteitnimon Thiursday. Mr. Parritider waUc hgi respected reIdeat « fthe To'rishtp atd vus lnbis 62tkiyesr,, Tv. M"a *rM with int itlta pritipu*-t« orOVu- M" userIe,.A Wlow Md 0»eue eMr imun a t home. Tne. tmiy have smua *yiipStbi tu thela mitteu mi st t mot 10512UW #040pfU5 wOdM . oRivet M. And Mr&os weio.hh m*0114 fflo lu*-7«M M Ut..M MOI - ~ ~ ~ l t-stteMW it tt *1 colatb-. spending ber bolldays with ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrsi Richard Stacey. Mr. Harry Mc1tinley has moved to Port Perry after attending to the Osh- awa Club Fishery for several years. Ris place at the flsbery As being taken by Mr. Norman Whitney, of Oshawa. Mrs. Morley Lulce 19 spending a few clays witb Mr. and4Mrs. W. Luke. Misa Fleda Driigès home f rom To- rauto, Mrs. F. Dring lEu lmprOi'lng af ter ber illuess.1 Ti-ere le mor'enaab tin titiSsection cf (the country th it 0i ohr 3sseee put tlgether, sud for yearà il was nua0ed tel be la :urable. DoctorS prescttbedg iel -remnedies, andi b cou- siantI' filiinu;(o cure erlth local trestomeaPro. nouoi'edtti ncurable. .Ctarrb ls.a ocplIdisease, greatly loofluenced lsytostltulioial conditions and tterefore requîtes conalltutt.>nal treat- nieut. HllIs catatr, Cure, manufactureti by y. 1. cheuey & Ceo, Toiedo Ohioto e a cou- sgtilutiolal remnedy, J.i; akentinternahlyad scts ltaiu the lleA on lte Milcous àSurfaces oU te 8en.0 liundred Poilais reward IA offer- eÃŽtorasoy caseltaS KÃ"ilientearrt Cure faits (o cute. Send for ciftulats and testlmoassle. Y1.CH UN ZY & ÇQ. Toledo, 0h10 Hal'»~ ~ 5~ oalptot ASURBURN. Mn,. Brrown, of Poet Perry, vliieal with Mma. Brasb lut week. Mc. Henry Johuehon wua home for over Sunday. Mcm.WlitSitLhIof Uxbrldge. vlsited wit.b ber alater, àmce.D. Parrott tant Week. Misos Leona MIS loi vlalhing tu Green River. 'Mr. Perce, of! éanilla, 'visited wlh hie daughtor, Mr&. Varcoc, ever $un- day and Monday., 'Mr. and t Mn..Al. Ntghsvaater. of the Noth West, *ttied with Mri. andl Ur. . aud Mille b . M a nd tnù vertOa(re=n UiYwr over Suiaa'. Miss Zie& Irve" Who la werkins la Whitby, wvu hoSOê Cor mi B unte>. Kionoi' and Jimlov Mafti0ý Min Siftiith à ýtorotûo pent thé Ir week-end With ber cousin, Miss Elva ln Smith. The. lnef3bei of the Ragla.n mIwDorth ;j League wili have charge of the service E here on Bu.nday evening. L Farmers are weli on with harvesttng n: operations, and report a shortage ln Il grain, but abundance of straw. il Mr. B. Granger, of Toronto, spent the ti week-end at the parsonage. i r BASE LINE WEST. Mr. and..Mrsý. Wilbur Miayne and daughters, and Mrs. W. Bradley spent Thursday at Mr. T. C. Osborne's. C Mr. and Mrs. John Boyes, of Piciier-m ing. visited Mr.Mobt. Howland's ont Wednesday.a Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Gale were ln the city on Thursday.a Mazters Ernest and Burk Gale haver returned home alter spending threet weeks wit.h their grandmother in Dar- iington.t Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Howland spenté Sunday ln Drooklil.t Mr. Ben Willings spent Sunday at Mr. T. C. Osborne's. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Winters and daugbter, of Uxbridge,and Mrs. Rundie1 and famliy, o! Dickenson, North Da-t kota, are spending a few days at Mr. T. E. Phiip's. ALMON DS. conflict, wbether il be soon or later there must be a ce-construction la th- w.orld of commerce, a ce-construction i the werld o! finance, and a re-construc tien la the w-ocld o! men. It isa lb time îîow ho begin our re-conshructloi la the world o! men, te ineet the futuri as an educahed people. We bave la tPg County Town ncarly 500 cbildren o scbeel age. the comIng mca and womoîi The purpose e! the public achool la t( prepare tbe-youth o! ov.7 land for tbeli responsIbIlltles as cltitos. Are oui publié achools fulfililng their purpose Whatever you would bav#e appear li the 1f. of a people. yoesbould pu into your sciiocîs. Educate a boy ani you train a citizen: educ5te a girl an4 you train a tamihy. Nin#ty.aeven pe cent. o!thIe ehildren leave scbool ani go eut Int life unable te apply thel so-ceileal education te tlem mmediat probleiniof maktng a livelihocal.Vi cationai education will help te solv the probhema whieh confronts the avel age boy or girl te-day. la educaticc necosary tethe eiUiseof e fui.tur Canada? -mavl dcUnc The averae go nwt dcainc eommaid a salaiT eof$.M00 "r yeai Re vont t uring the averago lftiat 40 ye&ar t the cnt of whieh Lime b hbu eait$40offl. Tiie laboring mu or the mmi lacktugs doratm amsea average e 8.5 pt ai'.for$40 ta3 lthe yeerinikidu#40 y«er t $Um 'at * «& t 40 YOM In eèr.e'ae b.wseuthe oaraintg espi $»»,40. Ih takes 12 pM vftii 1M mnhnrallfg tubvas~. or, no140 teté Farm- Laborersi dur lndioaktèd with an asterisk, -P) follow- Ing the naine. q, W. Armnstrong, math. III., French RjU. physits, MI.: K. E. Nicholson.* ..aughlln, English MI., French III., Ger- man Il.; W. M. W. Rynard, French Ill., physics Ill.; R. G. Smyth. chem. III., biol. Il.; W. H. Warne, Eng. III., math. IL., Latin IL., French IL., biol. i.; A. E. Wilson, math. 111. The following list contains the namnes of the candidates who were successful la whoie or la part on the pass junior matriculation examination for Ontario Cotinty. Normai Entrance candidates îvho were also candidates for matricula- tion have been considered la the re- suits. In Group 1. are given the namnes of ail candidates wlio have obtained comn- plete matriculation by passing on the tweive required examination papers. In Grcup II. are given the namea-of those who have passed on at least aine o!f the papers requ.red for compete ma- trieulation and have obtalned the min- imum required on the wvhoie examin- atton. They have, therefore, faiied ln flot more than three papers. These papers are indicated ln brackets a! ter the candidates' namne. la Group III. are given the naines o! ail those candidates who have faiied to obtain the minimum required on the whoie examination, but who have oh- tained forty per cent. on each of at least eight papers, with an average of slxty per cent. on the samne. Sîîch can- didates have been awarded partial ma- triculation and ln order to comîtiete thieir matriculation miust obtain nt ont- examination forty per cent. o! each of the remiaining papers mith an average o! sixty per cent. on the saine. The papers required to comrplote tiîoir arts matriculation are indicatpd in brack- eis afier the namie of the candidates. AUl candidates whio have faiied on the June imsti'cultion exarnation in whole or iin part are eligibtlo n hcorni, candidates at the supplimcnili niati c ffltiIn examn ltIion beg iii ng (in Tuies- da.y, Septomber 51i. Ail siicti are u fornu dtliat appîllcatiloti brins, tiime ttehies, sud fifflinformat ion nmay heo ut- taiîipd froîni ho .l-ocrei ary, ti uivfireit y Niai ricti la ionItuBa rd . L'a r)lamniet Ifliid- Pigs, and tiiat aîppicatiions are diiotiy Septomber isi. W'h i t b vH igi> Sctîool punilsiqIndicated wiili an asterisk (!:) foiîoNving tlie nlaine. tiroitp I. b. F. Boddy. G..NV. Cragg, E.E. Cronk.5 NM.A. Everson, V. ForsyIth, Ii. C. Franîcis,. Ni. Fraser, t. M. .Jack- son,* 1 E. L.ow. M. A. McLaiighliin. W. N. Mloore, L. M. Morris. M. R. Raw- son. A. V. Spoffard, A. J. Scott. W. Wl- liamson, K. NI. \oods. Group Il.-lt. E. Nîîtting- (clien.), M. F. MeGroiiy5 (aig). T. F. 'lea.ry (E ng. conîp., nlg.), M. V. Ray (10g.). Group III.-G. E. Argali (aig.). 1). M. Brodie, (Eng. lit., anc. ist., chem., Lat. C.), A.R.liarrett (anc. hiet., phys., chem., Lat. A.), H. NI. Connoily (alg.), 1M. B. Corke (Eng. Comp.. aig., geom.), 'G. L. Field (anc. hist., Lat. A.). D. A. Gall (one option), J. L. Gowans (alg., chem., Lat. A.). J. M. Hislop* (Latin .Authors, phys., chem.), K. H. bogan, (alg., chem.), H. Bl. Logan (phys., .chem., Lat. A., Lat. C.), b. J. Pierson )(anc. hist., aig., geom., chem.), A. Rob- insoa* (alg., phys., Lat. C.), R. E. Saunders (Lat. C.). K. Smith (Eng. . it., B. and C. hist., anc. hist., Lat. A-), )P. D. Thompson (Eng. lit.. alg., phys., chem.), H. W. Trlck (alg.). Preparing for After the War. Excurions Coing Trip W., $12.0O TO WINNWO TPe IPort 1-erry Coitucîl lies decided Euýh \,Ititard, a Larme? cf Scoit 'TP.9- to -xpend $2,5,00 0ou building cernent lîad a Psy yleld of over 70 hoads froin ruade mi ithîn tte ocpocaiiotî, the ex- 1.l acces. pontitice lao1)0 slîceAover noi more _____________________ tlitaii four ye(ars. l'art o!thie mock, la-- VnlVing saboliti w0O.mlîl ho commettc- ilfiilnPnî- cd as soon as possible. 61 DiisionConfi ROYA THETRE COUNTT OF ONTARIO.L Three Nlghts a Week 1. WHITY-Mieu.E. LMadnn During JuIy and August, IWliitby, CIerk-J5fla. 4, Feb. 1, Mar.,-1, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday Apr. 4, May 2, June 1, Julir 4, Sept 5, " Gaft " êvoy Modenigt. Oct 8 ov ,Dm 4, Jan.2# 1917.u Admisio il 0C u a]) e Nar ax. W btby, Clerk-JSIL , eb. 2# Mar. 9. Admisio, hi b illc Wc Tit. Apr. 5, May 8j June â, July ô# Sept. Op Big Broadway Featture every Wadaesday. Oct 4. Nov. 2. De&c . 5,Jülea. mi91. MIUS. PURRIN, Manager. 2. BROUOHAM-M. gIOM]ronG~re= Wood, Clerk--.Ti. S a. 8. -lIMp 4. July 6# sept 7, Nov. Il, jan. 4, 1917. Train Time T&ble. S. PORT PERRY- 1. W. BUrnaPo, Port Perry, lrkJfl .MW* Op May 5, JUly il, sept 88.?<o'r. 4, J&84 4UXBRIDGU-II. ,-'M M.lUIbt4Ut clerk.-jan. 14, Mar'. le,-M li. 8,Je»i Il, sept 19, Nul. 34# zain. 12î- Mi1 O.T.R.Csnaiatoa, lerk .-.a 18, lue, 0. . M 0,li'19. SOpt. 20 I. 21 WH1TBY JUNCTION. Jan. 11, 1917., 0 I g W gt, *.4 ,B ea yerto à, (;jerk _ tan . 1 &, X a t4 . ~opm MayIl1. li'18, 0 St 89 6*p i2 1.04 '19. Ps' Jan. 10,.1917. - 7.3 P .iii I .. .6 .s~ 1 P m 7 .U P __ >I D a - L o n ri .. .9 - th o eq , 1 r - a l 1 M e . 1 Sunday trains lave for Toronto at y1,Jl'4le.88 (o.11 n 4.52 .m. and 7.30 p.m. Froni Toronto a . ,11. trains stop at Whitby Junetton at car-<ôfl1S» -8.20 and 9.65 a.m., and 9.80 p.rn M e IP-TOWN STATION. o t .. SGolng North ... 8.3o a., Goig an ola..1 at Wblbv, i lot16,U18 .P.. 1 pm MW I ýe -e if t. re c- )n re -e o- n a r. be Ooins Wet-4.-31 Ra.. ing Eaat-1o.s* B.m I29 .M . 2 ML O p.m . 4 -M P .1fl.7 . 23 P U &.19 i114M4i- 1233 LIE L'vs tr fo~*mat 1&M. Mr. Edwardo, progrito&r,. MÂIIM CLOSE ipoT Wes- I4¶-à.u.~1 4-liPort Whitbr- 840 P. M. 440 P.M POr Xà8t-7.0a*-M. PoiOBsw-Ikoop. 140 P. For North --&30 a.M. dO.LFAMW!tL, Kt.O AUTUJNSEIO - Opens on Moaday, Au~aI! 2tl al cfShaw'*SBeven Buernesi 5ehoole,in Toronto. Free curriculumW sent on tc'-. quest.- -Write W. H. Shaw, PreRideout,.- Ucîe Geratd Bts.. Toronto., Offiew Bua.-Woht ¶ a Mtil psU o =IleaUst eUir*ouý 1»~ -Mb m b. nu àulti'tamlf. sjT- Co%. s0wàt* C.î4KseX Wlý brV A. xOiUSIA xi' g i r f 3- 3-4. Wu F. DISNEY SAVE YOWR' MONEY FOR THE DOMINION WAR LOAN TO BE ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER. By purchasing a bond you wiII heI-p to WIN THE -WAR and obtain for your8elf an Investment of the hlghest clas yielding a most attractive rate of lnterost. DEPARTMVENT 0F Fi 2ANCE OTTAWA. 8< a' * WE MUST HAVE L 1 j W I V il"coing Ou. SAugut 17 â '3.1. From Torontto-Sidhury. Lime aend Ems, btab noS inéJudîne Smaith'Faia or Renfrçw. a&lm- frlnt Main Line Emi oL5ud'. buytbtnot iuîchud- ing, N@Sth'Bey. I Septemfbr A2utlI ftôom Totontb. ula West and Souithere .t. adian acific rTicket dom

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