Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Aug 1916, p. 6

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SIMlmry TRPFSIIN 1tumg ; et ib ouls dOn blng aao dthê t >-INTERNATIONAL LE88ON cause et b l On e opaned thae AUGU8T 20. ah. eofherd bon th1ndgo 3tii. uWe ed that j~j~~>t~> ~VERY MUCH BOTTER TRAN IT IS, and what might happen to one of her frock. lua aie groen organdyr An- IN ENGLAND. ubr ra-rdcide. Teother, la B .oft gray voile, wltb a Leuson VIII.-The Riot at Ephesu.- habit of meeting trouble half -way; Ruaian blouse of grey Georgette boit, Acte 1p. 23-41. Golden Teit. - Rsin i leFe n-ayOt which this illustrabas le frequently ed and trimmei with silver. The.var- Rsin; 10ie read-ayOt met witb. It may be described 0" jous shades of green and gray a.re 1 Timothy 6.. door Luves ln WarmTeLotMsBle"n Invrsa ii unreasonable pessimlsm. There are f avored ln these cotton dresses, e es 9 h hse- toe thse fr nsane wofeort r- einssteoternce, haes sfbVes 2. hethstrA ai. pteWate Efi hntd n an orMis lu ighe hghinhi joie* ln telling us that the. worpt la wton tes tble, pklastelnd, ndpu amphiiheater capable of holding more1 and teocordeot uneritheoyai txnb sAft rie fbupnlaedr n u-tha.n fifty thousand. It Wa5 a re- 1 suppose It wiii Turorminutes lasser thoe t b a lu o ceaplaorvle fnrock ta lvende and whielgular place for public mecetings. people to learn that Rurpi basanyh Miss er wsth rtxs faltesepre Ji ls ttex core.aAte r agltheofarhey lbB 'pie Ack n spealy rettdywhte, ilRsi u o paer oî,se oealvlybu erd vrte adnenofuepomn. ftrmade with white Georgette, vent and Gains-About as distinctive aRnme summer, botter than the usuai sum-desaabu a ac lesoe f Egsk-lee the war they proptaesy a period of i sîceves, and a white leather belt. Tiny as "John," His coFirade in danger. mer in England, more suna'hine, bluer fie an uetatsehdlftbratd iofthr general commeriesil ËtagnatioTi. pockets anid fine tucki make the . dr Aristarchus, la named ln Acte 20. 4, ekies. It la this which explains the tsin aapprcarlatewifisn lti qix. " interestiIng. * Yoke effectu are good ', but trhe "Gajus of Derbe" named there rush of townsfolk every end of May shn,1n ooe a eno h A writer ln the New York Times alolndaoha rc1n9tie, ~' l, of course, a diff eTent mani.. ýto the counitry writes Hlamilton Fyfe vead adrotawspo in a i onefl re u e h s r p e e o v i e f l o, n ed c a nt e a w o n st r ip e a i A i t rcbro r s i A t 7 . 2 f o et o r d bae bis ownophtimsmon ti.He fa inewidepan yoke, uleie es, ndCoi. 4j 10; Philem. 24. He was a They wiii no stay ln the -towns. gone 1 aflig ntere baesi w ptmsno h a ab ol* Wn, wbth fep ksleeadstaunch follower, a credit to éhe They say it la unhealhy. They speak It wsvr uzîg l ehne e aaobr thti h atncisiyat epn aho plain whie hieboho chturch at Theàsalonîca. as if ail the plaguès raged during the unbii el er eevr ls.Btadhrhtbl slbility have aiways deveioped the ia- these frocika are unusuaiiy simple. 0 alsest ée eti c o ete hc f eyume b I When a opned cae a new wrid ies. nusa r p om Sh.wn lopatDeu caiaI o.1 .admr r.udrtns o salta!Siigiviagabdeapetetera !fthrple e u ciseiy in iedCor.h15. inDwhicm suitseitMoscow is detestably dusty and the jthe du. Ised b ette negwsds materiis, meraisNewusesnowa5 r ol While a f ew years ago, we eexactisly, in Ceor.ld5be2, hows were etrograd canais ameli worse than igbvraceaacedku is soibe hnE was discovmier. uNewn5es fors oid phave f rowned upea these atm- eatd inewi athe sbuwlsng. I u suai, and for ail reasons it lu pleas- Ig ago, occupations undreamned of lnathe pr.ascoanece dtebeinth cunrytheffgoBlbuslodeinegefo.i. siowd ert past are coming lie the front and ple cotteas and the great vogue of., wouiit be Sust k, tihat indomitabie ail wtbo can tthe ctrytchS"(sufi-o Effue wse htteohrdu. "u eddM offering aew and glowag opportunl- man te insist on faciag the mob. One mer whomes) ote ej"yathes"suta cui eilwa hyke.Te b&nu'" Efewa tien te, the worker. Why worry now May conjecture that he went ia, tried anad the clear sky and the soft, warm al bee iligteewu h ae "r.lti id lest the old Earth bas wvorn eut and vainly te get a hearing, not being re- airs that are biown from the suai- out; sueyte a isBu o aecridbru human enterprise given up the ghosti? coWnzeri by a mob which kniew lit- baked south. but vhtgo i htd ic hycre ae n tie of the uubject of the shouting, and ttksalnUreegtrde wrdub 7.The writer of the article referred was saved by the preoccupatien of the ne. Weîit prlsmtme 84ad1e is îk iire~"a te notes the intermingling of the Jw ihgtigtersoeia itr elltArl oeie races. French, Rassas, Australians, owr. Lk a tPiipaditMyhkesbsgr ntetou Èe fowar Luke v t Pulippi, aad rivera the earthlte weather bas beensse GemnTurksalhave b dven hricm ePu onyrGraduaiiy the anow meits, the ie wisb. "u isBu ilciosi mehn u tue a great cohesion and depeadence heard that Paul had 1"venturod him- breaks up and floats away. The dark back,"seai. IkowtIaw"W tgodcreh upon one another hy thia war. Won't Deliveriag Smashing Bl.wa Againat self" af ter aIL, The apostie referred eartb appearsanad very quickly looksa tt! ady bin I that briag inter -deveiopmentI when Germans. toit ta bis letter lie Cerintb for B as if it had been lightly dusted over Thatwst piadoedy aclbaebrcm saaity is reatorcd in Europe? Whoie The veteran Russian General lCaah- spectai purpose, and hâd ne particular witb a green pewder. It recevers few iek fewrsEfesto h ea.dd n cities iili have to be rebuilti, stores taltacai, who commaaded the Russian re,,ea for teiling Luke. quickly, for the anow bas kept it tiop se iyn ih e oaaan8ruzb eesrn will have to be stocked, rairoads divisions which recentiy captured I 31. Asiarch-There were ten off t- warm. The trees are net se seen A fîtte ntevnsoe h e-lti r.Mîe constructed, agrioaiture reaumed. tet uadGrasby aa d-cais, lce by tsin thbe Pro- tesle gi.Te have been ad There wiiI, of course, be a readjust- iag biows la Galtla. vince Asia, who celebrated at their exposed te the cruel wiads, tbe sav- a bird l lruhtelaeetadBu ol .bc ment of liber conditions. Wemen_________ own cost games and religieus f estivals age, sulent, paraiyzlng frosta. For a aa have entered thbe Industriali fIeld Hta friends-Though officiais of a montb after winter has gene tbeyawy Anet" besi sfty Yut'Copaln speedily and suceessfuiiy ln the war- I "beaten" religion! til gives us a are black and bare. Life comes back ~ ~ - - -__ ring countries. But the. hope and ne- aide iight on Paui's ayxnpathettc tem- te themn only wben they have b2en GERA EOILCRS pol ncràn. cessity, the unqucachable buman en- peramnent: an Asiarch was net likely well warmed by the suri. Last yeartonteas bl tepieaealhr.Teulmtdf X Hto make frienuls *ltb a more Jewish tbey were net ta leaf uritil June. PeopleRfsn eTk h aarsdpruea hi resources ef Mother Eartb are stulil bigot, incapable of seeing anylhiag Much Outdoor Life.OraeWrCd.nne astlae with us and wll b. atter the war.__________________ but the beinouness ef dolatryl There is a passon la the aummer S After ail, iar't the aggressivly opti- Infantile Convulsions. Beao'ught, lke suffered in verse 80, ta bere. One only feels tbis in countricaS ontie tm h rusa uhr mistic man nearer rigbti than the ta the tmperect tonse, anad dos not wbtcb bave a long, bard winter. Pie nibat"ome rticrdfrpe- itisypnshd people who waste their energy antici- Wben a baby bau convulsions, itt mpiy anytbîag as te their succesa atbsens jic i rya t vaed patig caamty addigntigt genexaly meana one et two tingi ; 2. Here snd esewherc ln this There in a luxuriance of growtb which sentato eterltvso odestedp prevent it?7 Hard work always ac- eitber it t suffering from toxSmla, or vivid narrative tbe Gentile Luke ta ucarcely kaown la Engiaad, a sud- kiliedabttePecrdctand honariary cempliabes more than ioud walliag. poisoaing, whirh lu usualiy the result givea play te bts sens. of humer. den rush of 1f., a giory of ligbt and thenaeotedadm ,adwachre0 qD MCC&xa of errera in the diet, or eS there ia 83. [Some] of the multitude in- warxnth and spiendor. Ask ayRu-decertdwt u rsin oa i elwBo A BRITISUI TORPEDO. somne serlous trouble with the aerv- structued (margi)-It lualharo 4 Sian living abroad wbat be moat Amaprri tteKiead "i mnuec eus system. If feedtng in at the bot- choose between this and the tex If misses and b. will tell yeu "The of etcrangeaspepaîcaeda uih ddsa One of the Meut Remarkabie New tom et the trouble, find eut the. errer this ta righ, one imagines the Jewa White Ntgbts." Ail through June, Charîmg.abu.od hr eei ot Weapona et Warfare. ~~~~~and correct it, and tube attacks wiii carefuliy keepi-ng ia the backgrud *jwth a littie overlapping on eitber Ias alu a rpisduac tl cesse. When there ta organic trou- their spokesman telliag aome of the ' ide of it, aunset aad-suarise are.s ,a "noep;ial AnEgihofcro ev rm1near together that there la ne dark- inon, doermltrininail teengter An aglsb ffier n lavef rm 205-7305 hie prescrit, the case ia more serieus. crowd tbat be wauted te denounce nes. au the Carneroons, wbo fully underutanda The attack ma>, eoped bu i i P ul, ndthsepeople urging hbu on e Lstnigbt Iwas itting eut 'vrtemria the. topogrnpliy et the Goid Coat aad Purpie and Whte Strlped Voile likeiy lte récur if the ixnderying cause te put in a word for the tradesmea. o0f fourteen led av o'loe. W F the wboie district known as Thecorsnw aoed t the persiste- Such are the convulsions Alexanier-ie nanme occurs four dîne at half -past eight, and after! "Gedctibaerwee outaf ut i Whimeroons tofGatengstamot erce sports ciothes, at the present momenti caused by mentaigitis, or acute inflani- lues la the New Testament, sud as it streiliag about the garden, or watcb- I tr b erlghueed adr-t epoe than in Fthl fgin anderrs. cewe fiad therniperf ectiy s.pproprioite ifation et the btagnthevaftergîoandlame ta the uky ghave nas a sert oorStatethtribute iofficiau wlntthnlit brincoerngindbyiscomo w bveneedece fo ad reflect its glory intahte.Gulf et theme ryotb dpredsdirrmueiuaXti "At timés it in primitive and saad bccomtag, net:at aU a brea.ch et hydrocephalus, or water pressing on identifylng any two o! them.. Finland, wes, I met e ettngbut a u a eghndet dm h oka age, h.sasys, "added te which are . tastue. First of ail, comfort and sim- the bratn. tede4i. ~ Perceived-By physiognomy, tate."q Someorie loeks at a wntch. It grew noua iblag etose ho d.adlycltmtic ondiions pliity o bad hnd, ad aing in unneceusary t esmbete ad perhapu by dress. Fo teta zidnigbtl Who ceuld have guesa- P<P ocaitfmilshewdSxyPorhRg the. tear et liatcka omditoranl ',witb our ether emancipated Ideas, we sympt'emu, fer the meut iaexperienced jcrowd's point et view, Jew and cd it? W. go reiuctantly te bed, our eeposasa meoii Alag poo rpieferocteus animais and alhaecoete the pe 'nt where we dare persen knows wbena ababy in hnving Christa w' h w ra i.*~~~th hesi cradu agetam 1ti. oontknbi the diseuses et the trepica. Service te assort ourselves ta the matter et a convulsion. Ia otiier people a Another readiag, whicli is plaustie, tating hand we draw curtaîns over i a hnsgetdta ii-wr ovydt r ti ,Afrtca requires a varied kaowl- dress instesit eof ollowiag bltndly as teadency' te convulsions indicates an leaves eut "is" and makea it an ln-I the windows. It seema a shamne te -idge and a wlde experience. A* et- wo bave don. f or ages. Pie brtgbt- unutable nervous systoni, and that ta vocation o! "Itie Greet Artemia" shut out these wondertul "White tera !rlgo budb ntutdadiae ai directions end ec bas te make s becoming more popuiar, are ve yb.- convulsions ta coabequence et dietary Hunteas Queen et Greek religion, M4 Itina h appy lit e, that of, the sam uw e tietecoslinsore apoclal e tud ef t edamace and coastai ,cemingz andi Youthful; there t. lite and terrera that wouid leave tronger chil- an Auiatic goddosa et tertility, cailed 1 sian "datchatk" ("datcha" dweller) jstncttathtl t.uu ftban_ y thrbilg *1 th mor effelen, ani 1hlu caime ed by setatîve atirits taeedng. ~M cals are ah otit times, anti LiIeRuaxl sek i' lta wh.ete nceuiinezit landulI>' tment tuat lie oaly wili ku o (et ) alh c ranl' m eh proleapti or cul short ah wtli. GeraeltEseaes helmeavon wlll ceaseste o e ste re- o employ. There la one 0important wsa. The ertful uartiat wae tranallat- For ezample, a Russies hosteau wil i FrecYlowBk jiir.Yugbl Lud for a boft. te onot" te rememer--don'9t tany-. ing luto hlunterIaguage whah Paul uay te tue parler mitd uSee tf tue Ti emn'odr eofrteaat t1 oi %le t*rpedo cen ho directedto ahg into tue- chutd'. meuh-eftbor M nû Éearuet( .cook bas aytbitgoe. ete give us"VA U tk bycusan oatrIscusfood, medIcine o smutiotr-'oerAca 7. e.kpt<-cit ens ntite ueuffle Mabo. u h IT T TT ydietanco automaticaîl>'. Su-you ean waitint for te ocorbrlicen n thesufWebaeatha.noubho1. bat"*warihip or etuer tatrget te o, beYusCompanlen. bg4j», us t«.are phave iid- en, OU FRI t> _ a rpda Th an geBtaEoTtE heassIs e. anti lo» as beeti Mont E glieb people, acustomedt o pite AVPUBTie rangen le ceterakThr tefomliyan t& f wcon 1«$0 ards plus atiditional ou00,wu8 !Us, of wu# * MWpYQCmof t r h>'housse dellghfiul» l. a-ci *b anMor isonl oi-Xe A ml en adte ri.ir theProvine Ai"eas. ~ w")>, would ho revoiheti b>' the.go- Wtt!1h ttsee 1h reves on~ U.R.gular-ThIe'Wuc a r." ite u.et the. 'tate" » W'; If Itomins houtravelo n ssoeeetee egsIr t x it, oa plec* with everythhlng ygdthon swngs hock, Tlut the abat hesIncreace b1 ummoxemeetiMng «! Uta hitv . .Wtheti. wl gungi@w- Wmrit tusbonadsig-e die oretalue.! property, a" a" iismuch t a.céesia. i>'bý.ii, Gred tut 1g, ittWU < tm bu" ci htbt nod utatisdeaet &alee m"' ~~~~~te beaut>' et sunrouadtgsla baing I-Word or a po»ie eat*>, ti%1040at srg~n5et hwhme!tlnl.-roeb uî> lhs ~ tudtiet eau ho seoset as hco 0e?--r .- mWge ,w' (sjtjfis .b fdj etrigengr frAflau a rawlhwhmyu a rebri .t hi btn o rs a etiuu"h ie btIN' ni' - -<épbut ddwi ttofe-4as'bab fsa>,mdaisdhinkslwW.Ma ~li~natuli t tu tOiied bes sevoltas retetln tbes l.>' 40.A~uiud if 1o~ u.rrnltS uii*~j~aM ti. ~<ithuilI,' ete' frsi> as en r*hh. -'hoi a"eje.. <pteh ws asu bt. m ctar>'eaduai tw e mieastn . h s oner t the î>' assied bossuer-i IMC2. ZU MsttblsIU #Àm. t.nidas se lmee$tueir si4mm4 #4 I* S$tgaout aV tago vu Men* «bs wid-lsts tiseuwttess posaible to bê usiv A, s hi . - a*846wh1 t eudp ut uem.b. ukoetIegl u«nx. Wdid*M xtw.rm Z' bti. ti ahwsét h tétmai aJty 'in JO ab$st pt i ' ole ùmtçmd- an inaillerbablie esittsc§4" 0es vaoa.la b ± iund r ea~~ " I .' .s ux i1unU5,tMliiuml 5 bO~Us~ ~ tihamie ai tie faota ~t o!tisalie' Iet~t~ê >' ~ W41 hial h a" 00 sud si-a t4alIas taPit &M wé »h ù *ê t Ïse Me% hM etkal d*tes * teo yI*M __d«Mât aeaV- ,cn leelawnw b"tf MIiac h * r% iýOmVWWà tu Wa W o1 touk ÙM leëI- i aideutuila as - betoe" tather was hod- 3treîig armal whule leav'i5solatly an&L [gofe tue nai. s!" ite wbiupered lien she gave El daddy, anti Miss livel", but it wau . truc. ue, hait sltting, jt; one egg wau 111 as near ber hand, ast showed above st. Very gent1>' se gocaretuli>' that %urbed. id net seemi at ail rie, iaughing with themn. & Blue get into the ed te know. when it bilît, mnuat l) inif*beak, as 1h tring," father ex- or siTue theu .tue se dry and the, site wa. net hurt. even tadeti" .Effie the, long-lest doll. ýe bird teek o! ber! ive ber a part>' te [g boee" afb.rwards cake kîcti ail round feor Bird toeont wbeii t. III knew Misa k!" sait Et! e.- listriets o! these in readineas for front deers, -and the house befoe a atated that "aIl eleus and an>' one eportatien will b. ail cases were b>' the officer lu Sting part>'. kcontinues: auued the grentoat ir among the. pepu- fed districts, wie6 id te madneas. y guffered torture ivea daughters and sexes ever the mgo fmayoru and otiier îeted. te Prussian Guard pate in thte raids te be done by the. iment £roma Verdun. tien eoftthe Young >nged te the, uer. ýn tuoe.deported the rallway station tue cattie, trucks P'Vive la Frane, ,'M ar seillais.' pa affirma in sub- new up te the non- de.-I don't care what 'a tender. and'Thought sud it tdpg-h which-ix-. 4>,for we ueo! o hiâItnsl purpie, W- li îseap to ut r ga lu san lê oltat bih -I g-I t i f -i

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