Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Aug 1916, p. 4

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TlHURS'AY, AUGUBT 17, 1916. AT wir Gar WA L.TRS a-. VISIT TO. OUJR STORE WILL SAVE AUGUST YOIJ MONEV l 9th to 3l st -s h guarantee of qurtlity and honest pack. EAT MORE CANADIAN FRUIT and keep your* I money in Canada.I HOWTOKEEPwELL.. BrTJOUR W. 9. MeOULLOUGE, M.!>, D.P.H, CHE? OOE QV TUBPRO VIN(<IAA» o? HEaI4U. a LAST WINT'rR inl lecturlng to & Womans Club I told th& membe,. that light uhoee produce Obeilty (tatuosa) and bail breath. Ebvery womite desîres to be attractive, and'someo t them assrt-pdrbaps toc, wtth a certain amount of reaso-ttomes dredslu thé absurd fashion of the day oven to tb h mbe ocus the mon like to sec thein fasbiouably dreuued. The young girl aîlows the aleman. who umually knowm littie or nothlng about the ilttlng of shoes, ta crowd ber foot inte a narrow, hlgh.-heoled ehoe uttorly too am'ail and unsultable. As a Ooflcqueace the foot inay look amall and shapely but eh* Pays the Pries. If the toea are era.mpod together tu a space about largeo enougli for the great toe the bones about the bal ot the foot are epread outad corna and bunienu devolop. The narrew-hlgh-hsoed uhot disarrangas tbe botes ef the foot and tends t. derelop a falling areh or smre lIAI BROUSD AND other paînful affection whlch la sometimu erroueusly rJWIRESUULTS designated as rhoumatlam. The b.gh a»d nurrow hoes add te tue discomfort of thearrew toc by the faet thbit he foot alîdes forward. The effort in balancing upon tbheh beel litub, achlng ln the caif muscles. The corne. humions. &chia# test and musClegs otie the question of exercisebecau»e no womanwalag thofasi- lenablo thoe.will walk any morethan the cat avoid. The muscles etth1e tn»s, loes.ad abdomen become @OftLad iabby. Lacli t exsrcise. pe4 tàly aller 35 or 40 years of ago, Indue« obssity. The. i4by "hin- bui muscles allow thé* abdomen te mag &id bm abdowaai orgnsmu tue momoreor ýles. 41hplated. Wiut ot augg4:aI ui A bad breath maY ob bmAo d efei.to2si10g, tee&li. Its ouu lg,* woeu vitetaejlss Spth# abbieo~i ofa tala âambu gMaeç, rom the ItslatPa dbftb laoftala WMeat t atgt on frt-Clsas hospit e veryý urse Who bgtns ber tratalfg la ilai abroad-tow he.led shoo. 8h. could notstand thes omtlmuusvalhlag &»ôùt on hardwmood Ibers wlth a tashlonable ubos. X"ry ptbaUtjnr atms whom fbot glve but blh« liy b.d tb*m apelled by ber foosbseseOr ltiarugla Ignorantie 0tfih btia taIal-b".ele hos *ult do t~ oVe - ftt. ThogilWho vets a tigit. bJgh..bed eboe glaswhibu Mduiru: 'haa~l oot bu, abs pays tbe prie, a totueras inuapes test, palaN jý% % bad posture,. iabby MUsclesobeutty. MOnatpetoab" brou n". mla lituy ooplepu lute or o Attst ait i," hrttatb bM u t h tt l uQrI t h <aO»ýàta ter u *. tu Po tanc e 4Al"êroor n tb*tetlor m b de10 hein 10listaut tbtue ay)yorte li@t.> ve1 0491dtM#gbthsuu - ~*aottwoeet b1ar. tits toi Po Il as ab.oI.uuha eis,* Mu pt -meut d, oest . rint e. .r slé Abe là-b. resait pt awOm U SEASIDE EXCURSIONS VIA CANA- DIAN PACIFIC. An exceptionai vacation trip la et- fered by the Canadiean Pacitic Seaside Excursions. Tickets on sale To Lower St. Lawrence, Maritime -r-ncsA h mfnlwauunnd iba . way te the front, They had been wounded but were well again and re- turatng te daty. -lwaa tslking te one of tbem, and he aupols banida wben w( left and sald, "004 old Canadians," su 1 guesa tley bave a goo& ,opinion et us. F'rorn your levtng son, (BiIl) Pte. WM. A.-IIERON. Good gelng Ailgust 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st; good returning util September POI SONOUS PILL TAKEN BY MIS- 1 lth. 1916. TAItE. Vemy special tares. Coroner Chas. F,, McGillivray opened Full Information from any Canadiau an inqucal on Friday cvening iat Imb Pacific Ticket agent, or W. B. Howard. the deatitoft Mra. -Bamuel R. Penneck. District Passenger Agent, Toronto. the wtt.et a * promîneat farmer et ___________Whitevale, whe- died on Wednesday niglit freim the effecta etf- taking a peisoneus pila la mistake,. At the ttine l8hrd iattalîoa Nots; Mrs. Pqnnock vas rellring -for tii. - fight and swallowed Poison thlitalqg The energetie work oet Ucut. I&» M- that il fi a i'egular prescription Wyiie and hl* staff et reeruitlng Sergts. whieh uhe had béeauln 1the habit ef was respousibie for fivu recruits bstzll ih u fo-ln o b ms week from the Whty 'wnshlp dis- few weeks. R05l4$tB ler Sstake Mis. trict&. The.names oft1h. men %#ho sue- Pennio t týoaco eled lnu tbl ocal doc- cuasfully paaued the medical eramin- tor, but the poison van se virulent that atin, ad have ho.» duly attestcd, arc the dici within two, bouts. as flleva: Ptes. Pargeteer, Brant, Coroner McQillivi-ay was -notified, r7ownaend, Chaplov and DMalschak. and atler a brièt' Investigation lasucd 'TlicGarde» Party and Battalion a hurlai certîet. Bumcethela, bey- Vlild Day at Heydnsbore Park resuited e ver, several relations and anelglbore ln over $250 belas raiued for Battaliep bave InaistehUy tlêmaded a thorouit funds. 4InveaUttiqu n mb tho traghde ,and Wben tue travelling rocruittng céo. Priday evenlng the coroner empanelled tniteewere ah ÂthttleY Ceemllt £,a,& IL sUryad vlsltod lite onie of the dé- LadIes' Auxtary vas -organised by ceaned. whcre heofUfly viewcd the Mmrs Parsons. On Wednesd&ythel reiUIIS. Asi te IbkIIIg t he poison heid a very isuccesafut garden party. at wa-s establisbed ind admîtted, there vluiclian luspiring ad4reus vas deliv- VU mino esilhtr for' ioldig aut ired by Sergt. Gibbons. Lieut. MeCor- autiipy. aud th* ftai arrangements kell calici a meeting for Yrlday even- Vere net InterterTed willa. -MIer the êng, te, organise a LadIes' AuXlliry st PeliM4# ary scssloO Ii nqiiest wule I1ftrIi. A strong cozunmitttee vas a>- Journed unb.ii WMuéoilu atternoon .ȉe.aui lie vo1tb, lebéiamgebîtlws- flxt, *wbmn tic i.4ft l o the b lsstîcafly carried out hy thu mem.village hbaU.; ,On suurda>l hie -l tue, lb.Dat À sé bttt, if iee uagod$' tg lta talioldé a uts Mîrcli b Oshva, "'s.Peuttoês d4uabhtr woé e 1be -A uaamb-clcsai te B" a rr mired, tli Oan *&Wa n= onthe d# %n*ghts i« lts Orsuge Lo14 I . tha&& isOsriuV. uiartic reaiti. talion poeuesdleoiltle lovai.lu<taty in$o bIÃ"' t 4"sstk it *t etu "ts vie luelt abu"- tees « peeple tasthlt si ts cap oaboqt; Munlt., lAout. W. 0. Tmtn l l its o0cèr la .bâffl of lhe Dm .<V Ma Ifduamq dng l. bseef C ApI.A. E ec-Suu -t--p boni..Whola iaktags.a Mualetty *Oumi. Litu, G.Q. Pty ea> hoas.vutba een NEW IVAP of Ontarlio County, in Clr We have the. Sole Agency for - a Brand New MHap of Ontario Coun ty, In slze A2 x 34 lnc fteasé ~~it'i Most Complete and Accurate Map Ever Publis-hed. Iu each township the concessions and lots- are clearly marked.: There is also'shown on the map ail the Post Offices, Scharols, Steam Railways, Rai Main Traveled Roads, - ilway Stations, Elevations Above Sea Level, Division Court Boundaries, Division Court Nuibers. A<I'~L'fII1111Vduce the most effective and general troupe at the front, do not seem yet to Guvu ROADS SYSTEM IORv ONTARIO CO UIIi benefit. Market roads are used by ail; understand that et those troops, only 30 __ ______local feeders are used only by the few. per cent. were Canadien born, whlle 65 The durable construction la sought of per cent. of the men who have enlisted To be Discussed at Uxbi-idge on August 25. roads used by the greatest number. were married men, having stronger It should be made clear that the Pro- home tCes and heavier responsibilîties - vincial subsidy is a percentage of the. than any unmarrled man has exper- Mayor Lapp: of Uxbrtdge, after con- Highways te the Ontario Government. fotal expendture; flot a percentage of ienced. And still the recruiting offilcers sultat ion wiliii several promninent men As Mayor of Uxbridge, 1 bég to ex- the county contribution. Thus the et-iget such answers as thfs from these o! -)Ontario ('ounty, who have given' ed i a cordial Invitation te be pres- rect of the grant 16 that when the able bodied young Canadians: "F'il go much time and thouglit to the ques- 1 en. t'orne and bring yeux friends. County mises 60 cents the Province when 1 have to, "'«1'1l watt for con- lion of good ronds, bas Issued the foi-i Yeurs truly, contributes 40 cents, a.nd the Couni.y acription," "I don't have te go." Is it lowing Invitation, whlch ta being sent i WALTER LAPP, has one dollar to spend. In- larger. any wonder that young Canadians who 10 the representatîves of the varlousi Mayor. figures, whefl the County maises $1,000 have enlisted, teed tempted to use phy- TnunicllitlitiOs, and others Interested: The purpose of the meeting caled the province grants $666, and the aical force when they recelve sucb un- Uxbridge, August 15, 1916.' hy Mayor Lapp la to allew full and Courity ja able te spend $1666& This patriotic and insolent answers te their Dear Sir: 1f ree discussion of the whole matter. Increaaed subsidy should ho ample to query, Wlll you joîn us?" It speema expedient te consider If 'the There le no intention et forcing a dis- encourage the undertaking of a systeM Mrs. Parsons returned t rom the lime lias net arrived for Ontario (oun-, cussion for or against a CountY Goe)d ef good roada, and a very sound baste North ln erder te attend meetings held ty te adopt the County Gocd RoadB Sy13- 1Roads avstem. If any better plan le if municipal finance la affomded. in Canningtofl and Sunderland dis- tem, under which the main through forthcoming lb will be welcomed, and The Ontario Highwa.ys Act et 1916 tricts. She bas been doing work for oade, ao market roads te the îownswil'l V j1b. t akly considered. The entire authomizes a Provincial subsldy of 20 tbe lS2nd Battalion, and has been well Including bridgea thereon, are taken atm of lthe conference will be te obts.in per cent. te encourage the more salis- reecived in every district. We are glad over by the Ceunty, te be built andi a census of opinion of the vartous mui- tactory maintenance ef county roada, te note that Mrs. Parsons' home, white mainta.lned by it, with assistance f roinepaliltes eftIhe County regardimg payable ln the same manner as for con- unfortunately damaged, escaped total the Ontario Goverament. bjt e* the Question of good roade, and te bîring struction. Wi.tb the Province centrib- destruction ln the sertes ef devastating ceaI and mainhtenance. betere the publie tactset which many tîting 20 per cent-, a much more thor- fires whIch visited Cochrane and North- The Tew;iahips would continue to~ may be Ignorant along the Une of~ ough repair and maintenance systeni ern Ontario. came for, 1the t'çgiot assumed 3 h as Poincial assistance, etc. la likely te prevail, and thus the vemy Lieut. Jolliffe, who Is on the staff as Cent~.The Provincial subsidy te the Coun- teet wili be obtained trom the roads. Signa.Iling Offilcer, la taking a turther A public meeting te consider the ty rond construction (the Improvemelit Il la net necessary that the ronds course ln advanced signalling at Camp malter bas been arranged to be held ln et ieading market ronds radlating fmom should be ail macadamized. This la a Borden. the Town Hal ai Uxbridge. on F'iday, îowns and shipping points) bas been misapprehensieli very often prevaililgi Arrangements have mast been cern- Auguat 251h, at 10.30 ami., atter arrivai Increased tfrom one-third 10o 40 per tcent. ln the minda eft mre, and ls an errer pleted fer a County excursion te be ef G. T. R. trains. under an act of 1915. TMis ta a very which, ýunleas cormected, would,. lead held on Auguat 241h. This will constat The meeting will be addressed by substantlal mensure et Provincial eid. to the de[eat of mannY a good rmads pro- c! Iwo special trains, whicb will leave Mr. W. A. MeLean, Deputy-Minister of appropriatedlu snch a Wa.y ste pro- Ject- Many county ronds aré mnade of Wasbago and Woodville, anti corne atone axnd gravel, and gooti roads tbey mtght down thmough the County, stop- - - -- re Indeed. If sucli were declded upofi ping at every town on the line, arrlvlng for Ontario County, the large ameunt at Heydnsbere Camp at 11.55 a.ui. This et gravel now on the mentis weuld be will gîve the people of the County an used, thus effecting a very large saving excellent oppotunbty o! seeing the n the coet et conistruction.' camsp and visiting their trlelpds lIntite RII U L E INAt leat twenty counties in the Po-Btain FRU I BUL ETINnce hvae le date jUaugurated good1 roads systenis, ad ethers are prépar- ng te follow. Ontario County, boasîed t Letters from Trwo Boys on Housewives are advised to put doîvn ple'îty of )y ils residenîs as the Ounest et themn1 Il, bide faim se tam te be knena the Active Service. PIum~ this >earworat as regards good road0,ad h '!xbridge meeting bas been armanged (CextInued from page 1) The health qualities -. y men wvho see the sertousneas ot the team et herses h1tcbed aide by aide; 1IA~,I_; ituation, and whe wish an Improvo. i they alwnys have one ln front et the oIutrwl nnment. other and use only two-wbeeled cars. Insist on the Niagara inent efficais et the vamieus tOWTi5 - ootny than Niagar'a, the 10w-n near it have been consulted, and have aigmil- being about the size of Wbitby. Peninsula Brand- M bed their Intention ef being present iln There are about 6,000 Canadlant - I ',1~"'.---~---~E, lxbridge at the meeting. here. The 841h la already aI the front. this mlap it 15 yotir ~Itlai expected that Whilby wil l e When we weme on the train we stop. ~CK OEwell represelited. ped beside a load o! soldiers on their order ama for copy ObyOur ne* Onïtalo c utyag i i iPt le a 4i -ik19 k A S TA TIS Tics Some useful and inteetëgting- statistios are also given, such as when the townships w ere first- settled, present popu.M lation, total assessment,. taies impos3ed-municipal and' schools, municipal andi'sclhool debenture debt, and thé county debenture debt in 1915. Evey hic ildag Ev e ry tb ý'Sho ldIrg' should have a oopy of this.i'#*ap. Not pne office--or h.omo-. in fifty ini the county has a 'ooùnty map. Àlmost ever-y dA one wants some information given on this map. The mý answers -a thousand questions, aànd nover gets tired. PI, ICE For Schos or' Pubic leïuhIdfmn (uuuth t u vb i wvlm) 1 FoP Offce or Môme-(WIlh Un ,mougttlng),54 Sent oat aid ta~iyaçldest on reccipt of pie Every owner of an autotüobiIe waziâtd this map, Neyer Put off til to.'m tOro the order you cau-send to-day. t t- i Mi Çj YIJLIL VAUE 1 OR WERS NO et4 TE lof cohi Des race eica f or- a Pl the ageý ihir ihoi aga mne( Fro tha den prE fea Le if e Ht nI -wi ge NI

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