Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Aug 1916, p. 8

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T~t~U8I~AZ A1I~U~r 10, 1918. birs e, gé WlkkiasiÀr*hôIàb e *WIYLtt.n 'VUl' h*b tuIked tu her hone tu Rochester osaVore:~ adfts fr* John Cooper, of- Whitby, wus Mr. and Mrs. Cooper spent the week- BROORLIN. end ln Çiaremont. MissA. ond ofWînîpe, l vîît. Civic Holiday was observed ln the Ulm . Bnd, f Wnnipg, s viit-village on Monday. .lzg *ier ulster, lire. Luther Stainton. Mr. Gordon Sornberger, who was ln Rev. George Yule, of Oshawa, will the Standard Bank here for Borne time, baVe 4iarge of the services ln the Pres- and who hais lately been ln Woodville, byterlin Church for the two Sundays bas been transferred to Toronto. while Rev. lMr. Haig lm having Lis The Junior Auxiliary of the PreBby- vmotlon. terian Cburch beld an enjoyable picnic Mnr. Bert Grills and Miss Ashby, of at llair'e Woods on Thursday lait. Toronto, were holiday visitors with Miss V. Stephens. of Toronto, je vis- Misa L. Grills. îting at Mr. Wm. Stephens'. lire. M. Sutherland, of Whitby, spent 1Mr. Williamn and Miss Caterte fliggs. Bunday with ber mother bere. of Detroit, are visiting their father for Ulms Corps, of Orillia, Miss Deakes a lime. and Miss }Iutchison, of Toronto; Mes- 1 Mr. WiII Orroinston spent the week- asra. P. Hunter and S. Hunter, of Os-,end Ilu Newcastle. borne, were he.re atiending the funeral Ms. s9herlock, of Iroquois Falls, who of the late Mrs. Hall. is mpending the summer at ber home Mesore. Ed. Whilpipcy, E. Long and here, lm anxitusly waing deftlaite news Glimbert bave euiltsted with the 182nd from lier bushand. who is agent there. Ilattallon. iroquis Falls was partlally destroyed Mrs. A. C. Ellini i hhi- i; holldaying t)yithe recent devastating fire wbicb ai Pine l'oint for a w i-ik. % su-cpi throligl Nortberu Ontario. Mr. anîd Lis. hIter. uoflamllton. ýMrs. <Charles Grass is visiting ln are holldaylng w itli INIr. and Nrs. W. Ilramnpionib is week. I.Robson. 1 Mr. Gn-one, light, who bas been lu Mrs. Kenniedy and Ni sitoyuswire l'unI- Elgin. blas retturned home. vLaiting ln Torontota ls is -k. 1 Mr. P'ritchard. of Oshawa, wbo lias Mir. W .ii ris liami n MNiss 11(.1în be ngniagt-d iy M r. MWilson, Ililis 14ayrraft. utor i"a ;ui)ft he i% ,-k- l h.-y as ,novvd imbMNr.Vanstones cud wilIth 1h-lai lers roiiiffir. j uni-se Mfiss E. F. ilaycraft. of 1iii ,- an-1 Frlday. Auigst4tih. the aniversary vlsi le tfisuit i-n s if; iasi i i wth lier of thle s4eeotid yeur of t hi-commence- sitrl nM r.\V..1. liIa %cra fi. ment orflbhe war. and sel asiuie by the Mtr. Josii. Houilîn ft oun N tnisay A îîuzlicatî chtirchi as a day of humilia- for a flshing tip uti ruiokýiiew s. Parr.y ion. was iqservc'd Pli Sliday, Aupust Solind. 1 itti, lu St. Tbomas' ('hurn-h. N r. tand lM rs. 1'rud Nri-trn ian d son . Mr. i bus. 'b lut; lias sold l;is car 1(1 llalîîh. or Toruni, t ar',i tsi; iîcix % tubNir Frod l ulrin-n. Oshawa. Fur. and %M , ni tu lis, Nl'isg A. III igi t ruied borne lagi M r. and Ntrsi-,Rl ut br"o iandut w î'ek afteir bolidaying w iii;friends ini Miss lola, of Toroiit t. spiut; i t.- i k(wsi awri. BINDER TWINE Our stock has arrived. Get yoturs iUo%. 50 cents Fer hundrcd discount for cash. (ZORN 1WJLTIVATORS 'Ne have a few new ones lf ; also somne second.,hand orles in good working order. SILOS \Ne sel1 the Cîeosote Treated Wood Si1o.'ý Write for prices. AUJTOMOBILE TIRES A few lert at last year's ptice, Dunlop and Maltese Cross manufacture. Wu. F. DISNEY Bell n'nd Iiîd. Phones Whitby, Unt. Mfer Taklng onIy0OneBox of EARfr SaiIl Ale3oui, N. S. «'Lt le with great pleastire that I write to tell you of the wonderfid benefiti 1 have received from taklng "Fruit-a- tives". For yeare, I was a dreadful sufferer from Cotsiion and Hkad- aches, and 1 wes miserable la every way. Nothlng in the way of medicines seemied 10 hoelp me. Thenj Ifinally tried i"Fruit-a-tives" and the efl'ect was splendid. Atter taking one box, 1 feel like aàîîew person, to have relief from those sieliening Ileadaches". Mas. MAIITIIA IEWOLFE. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At ail ueaiers orsi-ut po-stpaid by Fruit- a-tives Limiteul, Ottawa. 1h.hptiin ler bolidae$-wth Miss Mit.!L. Nottingba-in»and lMr. W. Hack- iiél; ofEtgo1t-e n iiawith lMr. Johix otngan THOIUNTON'S CORNSERS. Miss Hattie Steyenson will have charge of the Sunday School neit Sun- day, as the Superintendent, Mir. Lick, expects to be away. Mr. F. E. French le recovenlng slow. ly, aft.er having blood-poisoning ln his hand. *Mise Helen Bues le ispending ber bol- Idays withlier grandmnother, Mrs. Walter. Mrs. Walker and ber daughter, Rhea, o! Port Perry, spent a few daye wlth Mre. R. Robertson. Miss Vera Sturgees and Miss Evilyni Plerson. of Toronto. ore sr.endlng their lîolidays at Mr. 'Mm. Sturgese'. Gaston with bis 1cop.' lie exticto tol retuirn to èamp thje end et the weék. The sudden squall on Menday àfter- nemit beaëliédlte 'Viking at Corbett'B Point. The tI.apid City-had a rtartow escape flomn the saine fate. The A8ylum barns ara filled with hay. They wlll have te stack their grain. It looks as tbougb the Govern- ment should build their new barns be- fore another crop. Tbe excessive beat Is ripening the grain too fast. The oat crop le poorly filled. nand barley will be a light yield. Everybody ls ueing an auto tbese days. and the farmer's outfit looks out of date. The base lhue traffie le like a sireî't car Une. Nir. Wm. McLeod, of Toronto, le vis- Iting wlîh NMr. and Mrs. James McLeod, Port Whitby. Mfr. Hugh Jeffney Is building a new i- -anAnu stu u ni I i t. COLUMBUS. __ Mr. E. B3. DolIttle and family, of Toronto, spent the holiday wlth Mr. S. 'S. NO. 2, WHITBY. M. Doolittle hene. î~ Au excellent cnop of tati wheal is Mr. W. Sutherland, of Oshawa,.s Ii.ýetdl hsscin assistlng Mr. John Lambert wlth is bii uretdI hssci barvest. Miss Anderson lias r-tunued f rom Mr. and Mrs. Oran ('oolev aud the Canîîîhdlifond îccompanled hy lier sis- Misses Patteon, of H-amilton, speut1teu- ir. Mrs. F. W. Taylor. holiday here. The lîlp tiinuder slorm eanty Tutes- Mn. Thomas Chambers 8peut Sw;iday dlay morning w-as grratly apîîrfciated. and AMouday ln the city. 1 rs. Pt;pris. of WNtitbv. was a recent Farm LaborerS, te_ _0_L_, t 0 4 tarlîT ILV E M 5T HAV WIUILP1VI _________________________________i tsiîor 1in Ibis section.A:; 7 ALMONDS. Ntrs.A. 1'. Leak' of LIeskdlse Miss Tu:ruen, oet Ilatuiliton,.lias hi-en e.SG.MCriko(il)ç i 0 tegeto Ms ra oes. pu'!pit on Suit;ay, anti wiIl do -o Ourina L Mliss 1'. Jelubson, i-f Puckeritng, tias August, as otîr t)asior us On lits tii-l bepn vlslIting wlth isAce or- days. We wetcome hlm in ounr ni! s;. tt Miss; Ailen Moore la tsiting In Mislea'sc ivîuug î.tr Whî tby Township Council. flhltiexille. . ousitn. sPirl Paucot-.i ir.G rulutAnditerson, of Torntnio, Niiss oir u Fud f Pt it' u 1ttiitn - u;\itdx iruus b ant NIn Arel le Iti1gbt - of staxia. I t t he ci k-i-ad w ittuNMiss i\adu1.;i-, AU i je; trsentl t u R ex t- tutti p snent Ilhli tuîidua- at Ihe botne of M r. PI Iri-. uchuulr. NIiwiItsqtuf -s;metlu g renad I Wmi. flhlttN i Anale Parsotus. of lîlt;'ru Is tiil c.uiirrîuud.1.- , Mrtu. S of'rrruN.i fMinnten poils. ils vst t wiî li-r sistu'r. NI ns. 111o.ru nr taicit;s inerur-setuteci lîrul ir cu isitn, Mrs. Win. K rn, 011 urICI1. r1for1-ynr"t -motîulv. M.andi NI ns WtA.Ke u ii .r. euitiitlicat joi nvwas rvad t; ot Mr. r ae un- surry la reportl Mr. Wmi.1 idMs A. lrob ilrdlmi ejvtoiI 111; clo ar fl1'INET --NtOakviile. Nan., on Fnl-1 dtîy, July 1Itth, 191r), 10 Mr. jand Mns. JohnBti uruiett. a dauglen (MuNiriel G race). I)EATH 0F MRS. HALL. Thebetal occurreu lnl the village o;; NVediîesda>y, Aîigîist "2nu, 19161, after an iitt;ess o-f li'ss thati a îî -Pel-t dutracti, 1- of Anu ltinter., rellet of the tati-M .hi-. -i-l IHall.,tli er 9411; year. 'rue laIe Mrs. Hall. who w-as w-ell kuiow%-i ln tiiis ;iclntll, w-as boru ln D)ent, %Wu-tnîone-. Lotndon, En gland. an;d camtît 0 is cout ry wllh lier fattuer ln; l1.1. andti if-eu lit Darlingîn. ',"le -as marrled thei follouxlng yean to tbe 7 late WitwiiHall,. and remained iln Danlngto;î tinttîl1871. mwheîi lien bus-! band hutoglul a farm jutst onue nil- west of lîrooklil. ixhi-ne she nuslded for mumîy yearsQ. lu Alrîl. 1879,.lier bus-J baud dicd. but %sie remaiuedon le tar; ttîtiti 93.wheu stuc returuedti -Aali toi ue tvo ter cimi yer-- w-ilt ber daîîghten. Mns. John Ormiston, anti has siî;ce hi-en lixvitg la Brooklln. t)eceasi-d w-as wondenfulty emart for ber age andi coulti go about the bouse as îxeil as anyone. She bas knit sev- crat pairs of socks anti other grticles luis yean. Site was a memben of the Preshylenlan ('lumch. andt a gooti kinti ui'ighbon aand fnienul. She leaves to tnt;r lien toss fi-tr sons anti fouîr daughîu'ns. The sous are Messrs. Si- mon. Exeten. Ont.: Thes.. Columbus, Ont.: John. near Enfielti. anti Richard, ah Wbitby. The tiaughtens are MnIr. GrIffun, aI Dalingford. Man.: Mme. lee- son,. of trooklln; anti Mrs. John Ortîs- toin. andi Miss Agnes at home. The ftueral took place te Grovesidelt Cemeteny. and mvas largeîy attendeti. St-a.'WAni. Hala.'nnductud lte funenal servi-ce. ASHBURN. Mn. Henry Johnston. who is worklng In the ciîy, w-as home for oven tbe holi- day. Mn.' Balfour, et Hamilton. vlsitod with NMrs. James Balfour over Sunday anti Monday. Mre. Jonastea bas neturneti home from lier vacation. Mr. Haroldi Allia has returnedti t bis duties as blacksmith wlth Mn. West again. Mir. Thomas Wilson. ef Teronte. vis- ited with relatives over Sunday anti Meonduy. Rev. Wm, Johuston loa way en hie uimmer vacation. ises Charlotte Jehnston haa secured the position as publie sehofol (cacher for (ho flrst aud second classes ofClate meut fer tho coming yeat. MIss Zella Tarves la weorklng lu Whitby. lira. Gruer Io lu Manchester at the proment(Um.. Mr. William Joues left fer (ho North West onu Tuesday moruint. lit. andlira.Witt Smith vtaitod ut D. Iartots on Suaday lust. lir. and lirm.Arthuv mls, ef To- ronte, v1itfed with lMr. snd lits A. K rI lulat week. flo. l mes Cts~ l lii sWio et hI t' -'t s i.. t' - -i Poo»"c vn pt. e t e ortheg wiNNIPEGI .etusrnTrrip East WINNIPEG, Froin onoU UY LUne and1 Est- bI 00t' inludîng 5mith'e Falls etr RenfrÇW, 41alaO fei Main Une Eau t fsud- bury to. but not iziclud- ing. North 807- Auguet 19 d -s.ptentbel' 2- m mToroito, làai"*, Weet-nclSquthiheteeî Canadian Paciflc Ticktet Agents. ot W a. Howard. UuIitrict t'asseligeI Agen'. Toronto WHITBY MARK.T ffbeat, faîll.... ........ $1.00 tc Nheat, goose .. ....... 0.9040O 3arley ...... ...... .... 0.60 te 3eane........ ....... 3.00 to .y .. . . .. . . . 0.8q0t Pens..........à04..... 1.10 te iuckwhet...... ...... 0.70 to )ats......... .... ......(0.50 te Red clover ...... ...... 12.00 te ulIsîke cloyen, per bue. .. 7.00 te FLOUE AND FEED. 'leur, per cwt ..... .... 8.25 to Chopped feed, cwL.. ....7I& te Cornmeal ...... ........ 2.00 te Bran, per ton .... .... .. 24.00 to Shorts., per ton .. ...... 26.00 te MEATtI liO wiL'tR..*.an7d t 8RDC.6 Cambse, iee...........00 to 12.09 Loge, reesed..... .... .1.00 te 12-», E¶ogs, select...... .....25 to 1S.5.ê Hog el...........00to 8150 Vhenspe ...... ...A.00 to -1.00t Clke, per lb ........ 0.18 to 0.20- ecs, prsled..er... .*.0.18 tW 0.20 rures, dresed, per lb. :.0.25 te 0.29 T3ure ruer....... ....0.28 te 0.30 Butter..... ...........0.308 te o Z ard, p...lb.... .... .. 0.18 t@ 0.31> Loae, pet b...... 2. 0018 t 2b Poappes, pet bare. .50 t. 2,. Chiions, per bag......1.00 te l19. OUay, pr bas.......4.OOta LW gayparton ... t o Cai skis, etl. .02 t . Lamb skis, Der M ...0.26 to. 0.1 Ride si er uht.... .170"', .1 Hids prew ....... .1 0.70 2I.00 somn .... ..02 Ilorse Hides . . . 4.6 0:te 5.01> SOMMER SESSIONl,, Now open lenBliaw'ulo s Xcio1w Toronto, coniu ntinuesst 2th when l'aIl Tenu besgins. Nl<ov&eatIotu Enter auy tinte., Free estalote. 1111 j traits t 0»d OUficrô& WbY MONUMENT', 11ut D»AY 1 onthe w~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~t luu.ii ni ir. it.\tulu uuiorlzf-te t'lxyand ecull-ct iin f l'her- la renew%,-d agitation ton HY- À. I Aru Of of; : t- , Is titatlus ru-uur i nîi uio.Iii pue'ot f tsit d-ttrc-I-ectrlc pow-ir for 10w ns like Ux- visliu lir roticr M. 1i-4it, ltS'-W tiitu> fuir l1#16 foîr tîurtut îîîi'fro- tîridgp,'Sutnderland ant i lckii!iig. The SUe.1 ýi itr-la I Nar tt uta i uiii-5e5Fc.t ,Nllss Netite Ner'or.if Oshtawa. Is1 peof-if -t-slurolîel n uts- tl-lie e egtT-ing tota iiîk ofthie vîsit Ina ni-r c-iu'itî. NisVtoi tIic-kit- t uuvd' -tttae f ulrsnn l oiîtî, d;unk eveniîîg-s, w-blch are tuot o MNiss ;G relutandutiNIr. (Cc-il Uod y, cOf ).' fa trtn sîi ir ai uouiu ut;tf it-Tua Di' r i; litcd Ni th Nlîssa Nlay Iita- t)f W' uti!-nul uiuhiiin tî uhe levy anti - RI mati ox-er the. toitdiy. i-tut taiîn'of t;ratvt'stuilunýt 1<) nîisu- P "Ir. aînd Nt nr t. TV.' trru t; -(tf tit-iiitîtutu l-s reîîuui ru d for ltu 16. ROYAL, TH E ATRE in Ositaîxa.stuc;; ile I oliday ii i ttue NV. Il Gitr ti ie gaie tnt ice tt liai b tornien's parents. 1 tltoî. u a ;tetmi~ Three Nlghts a Week R Ms auel Eausdet; s spot;di.v- i- itgig utaiuîuiuiit a coilucton oftulaxe's fi-n ourîng JuIy and Augugt, A wr-u'k wl itr sîster, In.illeM'r 1-T.xxtsuî of Wtitby fuir 1916. combhef i-t ttuince. oi u;;;cil tdjotirtui-d 10 mec- t; Mon- Monday, Wednesday and Saturday Milss Leota tBrown, of 'forarîn x ad'-S-Iiaib- ut uit ou'ctouk. "GaF"esy odyng bas heen vîllting iîî'r cotusinu, Miss,-rat vy od ng. C Elîna Ilictiarulsoni. for te hast tw t;o--Adillittjjn, 10pu ai], le W~a-r Tax. C w-i-ks. bas retrnueti home. B Misses Elbel andi Ada Normal;, iof ,'lui- East Whitby Cotincii. lBig B-roadway Fi-alune every \Vedie3day. < nonto. vîsiled i wtb Miss Liliaci Roue IlS. PERIN, Manager. ton a few days tasIo week. 1 Coutucil niet on Monîtay Artguist 7tb.- - Miss Helen and N'ltle Anderson. Ofj Meuiibers al!lînesutît. tii-vie Mct{eiizie c Toronîto.,arre holdnying with Iheir tu i le chair.Trf Tma TIlt gratiotier Mm. '.McGregor. CommitnilaiIons woee eaul tram A. hIA AU~ AU~ L. 'rovoers. A. J. Thiiile, John H-arI. Dr. McKay, C. N. Ky. C'o., Toronîto Gî'îîieral M1M'u- To Reduce Tour Weight Houspitîal, îe!glstr.i Gei-i-rat. Col. Easily and Quickly. SlnreNJ eit td ine by - 2'- - - 4 If you are ovestout the cause of Charlotte- Probert anîd otlwrs, askli" rr..$.' - youn o;-er-stoutuess les lack of oxygen- torut siewalk on Base LUne. carrying power la the blooti and faulty INr. Il. L. Pasene, secontiud by InI. (J. T. R.1 assimihlation of foodi. Too little ie hetag, L. Ellins, moveti tenve 10 introduce a WHITI3Y JUNCTIOIN.t made hîtto the harder tissue of muscle!l;y-laxv to empoix i- the Rteeve andi andti 10 mucb into the globules of fat TnvaFturer o bonnow moey tonr te tise GbgW .7..4 0a.M. Glg M..S.O. Theretone you shoulti correct tbe maiio f this munic1iualtty util tlie reci-liit . î.s.t .jc . assimilation and Inlcrease the oxygen-1 of taxes, anti that the samne he now ni-ad .-..~. .4P canryiug poxven of the bL.ood. To do thîs, r a tiret aud second time. .... .7.30 P. . . ..3 go to aay good timuggist andi get oit of Mn. H. L. Pascoe, secondeti by Mn. .... 9.0 P.mt orilene, enly selt Inlaorigiaal packages L. Ellins, -movedt (at the hy-law hi- now Suutday trains leave for Toronto ati týnd la capsule form, anti take one cap- rend a third time and passeti. aad (bat 4.52, a.m. anti 7.30 p.m. From Toronto suie af ter eacb meal anti one at bed-th-?b Reeve anti (lurrk do sign the sane -trains stop at Whitby Junction ait time tili your welgbt ls reduceti to andi cause the Seuai of the Corporation; 8.20 and 9.56 a.. andi 9.30, p. wbat it eoultie be on ail parte ef the to he affixeti thereto. UP-TOWN STATION. body. The effect ef oil of onîlene ln Mn. J. Glover gave notice that at the Oolng Northb... 1q.30 a-M. Gothgsesuth-.7.iSU't capsule forin le remarkable as a welght next me(titng of this Council he will P . . ..1.1 P e neducer, andilit le perfectly safe.-E. J. ask leave to Introduce a hy-law te as- ... . _2p.i ... ~pM T. sess thie Township for County, Town- C. P. R. Any druggist ana supply you, or a ship, Dehenture, Police Village, War Goins Weaît-0 si .I Coing Rtamut;.2e amJ large size box will be sent on recelpt Tax anti Educatlenal purposes, anti for 8 39 a. I 2.f1 p.. of $1 (pestal note or money entier). the support of the poor. &M .ft 17' P. Atitiese D. J. Little Drug Ce., box 1240, Mn. L. Ellins, secontied by Mn. J. - 8I 1.ii4 . Montrei&l, Canada. Glover, mnoveti thet the municlpality of STAGI. Eat Whitby pay the expenses o en-ad.Louves for Breugham aut 10 a.m. Lt ing the chilti of Mn. ant isr. F. Wood Edwards, proprLter. AUDLEY. te the Sick Cbildren'is Hospital, loesn c~s The Ladies' Aid heli a meet enjey- twenty dollars, fer wbfch Mn. F. Weod i% COD able rauipbenry festival on Wednesday les responslblo. Carried. POT Wed- 6 4%t&M. om hitbib- ovealng lusu oit the lawn ef Mn. anti Mr. Ilearbor gives notice that at the 4e3-P.sa.00*- lire. H. W. Holtby. There wae a large noxt meeting ef this Ceuncîl Ihl wili 8.30 P. m. :M4 p attendance aud everybhiug wes carried ask fer leave te Introduce a by-law te o e usw-ep.. eut smouthiy asud efificlently. A good appoint a Collector !Laeifoehoa..P. velrrorth.-.Io 1.w. prognain waa proNided, Inluiing the year 1916. Broekln quartette, Mn. E. W. Evans, lioved by Mr. Dearboru, secondo" by Misa Helen Long, lir. Robin Nicholson, Mr. H. l«. Pacoe, that the Clerk be la- and Pte. G. H. Thomas, of Whiuày, andi stru" otde notify lir. A. F. Miller, of local ts.ièut. The whoe affair wus ina- the Toronto (louerai Hospital itt. mensely appreciated by everyeue pros. George Zlsky wau net a rosident eof ______________ eut, and the efforts ef the ladies will East Whitby. Curlod. ne doubt be repeated ano4het year. A lt .b ucc eeddby lit. gubstantiai suai was/ri ized tut their. Deurbomn. moved ubat (ho compWant of EÂ weri. Mr. John Hart b. teterred toe h. eeve -and lit.Mll"u. Csrried. 4,1 * L4si tOSKAWA.. Moed, by Mrt. Desrbcorn, acceuded by dOêLP W L .. The Tou ~ ~ ~, li. J. CHeviert th i e lloiewng se- 8af*gwt Ç1t7 OnwaAttOeaq sa eariy eilut-IsW4w, and has takea osis sud id es- .. be. step ta mae 5un sSe"ewlde and tIls de ndBoagu W.-WG 8i»u $400.00: G, T. Ry. Ce.,, 40, Alfred Rot OSes osU ti vinSwwu ptOVtsiOOS EiSI&~ ers.,2M74.-C. A. Wtluen,$12,20; Jolli ____________ bA s"l4*a -"et u.umclt:n ' muo» id »uo; 'tic vas -~I~' ~jurê tin lis is~ a ~ 050.; -uiblPîiII.Wei bbc~ o y 4stladi'6 uwt~dn 4 ecsLi.8~W 05 5 S >PSBiSu M'I__W m .0 '0. 'o' 10' 10' ro - 'Q >0- '5 » >0' 'la 0-i O.E 0.1 0.1 0.1 15.( 8.I 2.1 24.1 26.1 -à4 SAVE YOUR MONEY FOR THE DOMINION WAR LOAN TO BE ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER. By purchasing a bond you wil hetp ta WIN THE WAR and Mbain for yourWef an investment of the highest claan yioldinqt a moat attractive rate of intorost. 1 1 i 1 wo

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