Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Aug 1916, p. 5

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[et us Exmine Yu [Yeso Wihthe fmest equapmnent -in Ontario Cotanty, and our past experience, there is no reason why we shouid flot give you Satisfaction§ If we do flot we 'vili refund your money. BASSETT lu The Stock Witti The Bilcony Brück St. South A tD r SlMME I i- W. C. T. Lt. 14li.O iicaI I-Hoitccpioi 7b lI lier ,- h acclich ttî fiull7- - m- ltcns a hoit cda - cit (Ille- cIf itic' ti tu.l Ii 4t nd imf d riufi kluIfev 2mi-1 auuit-r 1- lt uht4, tic 1 cf îq s co i .ui s lii- , c1 lccli- -ciia citniiii i i c cict i su mii h-t u d- diiin and 1cciIi i l Lug cIi imm 1 f tii cuilh,-s 1i 1 )111 Ilt cmi c c i ii i ti1 i i l m oîf ttc.- tii hiiii 1ccii 1c1 i 1Ili ;i cus -i(c111 - c clil-i 1i1i t b . In, ici ~- iu Iii d i i ii l a - 1 i l i m -i i il Aui 1- i-1 il i t-liphi Iil -'iit- Ilii i - i rc 1 ib4i-ii7if11 l-i u u i t] iIlliIl r -r-iiidm lu i i is-ifo i -- -- i hlas- s clS. i - cii iimilil ~N i - - i. - I - imîlî i l S ui~: icc. s [ucoi 4 fu-z r - i- i i i ci 5 -i mf îci ~ ii di l i d -cu nI Id il itii c I ciri,-'b:, lit) i - c- OCAL HAPPENINGS Ni r 1irItr aillsohn i p ic încî-isfr imc- I Sue iii a clu,- orse-a nc- ahou r- o 1 li r to imst 'laonof Iai lli e titoan-- ilh liic kci m i hcth-tous-<m aî 'ciaî- li.t id îcîIlai d rPomu Johni-u 4 cl cci- aii S)l ii- ly %lu- sutrd ) rngîAogmt andA Septeîî mter. îîs The rt lîitnii ot J'î-ee tn f h TIdie hCoot îuîid ic(ifoi- e toria? n -i d'er-l& ofti nq- i M. W. Cllnthe, le-b ostn cil t Hme onîhlyest Saftur- moon uînuîg A tîgitetat3 Setember tor.an Odu-IrsiJ.m. on îsdy aer- Mtary Wlain tat ber' son, jacek Dates. s n s erSr-h eot uis su ~ Jo~ a eaiudltte -.~ U I V about DOmi nl ear'di111.auntrue. fle ý1t4 sufetii fr lesthi fééé tht ànOt koxnit a âtabbing lanTrtoiito. pîta, sffeingfron e le Né'grhel.u~tbI ~cnoIfeés tàt bt-"~bsn Ye"- le wals arrested as- peacemaker and et he-e-t0- Pis d aedb. genral public frtb general ptronage given our for nOtbing else. He bas nevyer given ThenewCo t fOntario map pelaan ecrson e regad te ei o tajvn ih trouble te the Police, and han always The ew ount 61 tht, een ith mlnded hie own business.. 1 wlsh te the best ever publlSbed. It shows ail adverse conditions, smre five btlundred took Ili the trip. deny the report In the papier, and te the main travelled roads, i -ilroada, A pleasing feat-tre was the number of strangera who inform the publie that Domlnic Be. potne valuab e lit qmuet; ounoy nrdi la quite respectable wfth everY- Eaci ot fies, schàao ,'% ' 41w ,T. A. picnicked with us and reported :-<' Yes, e «njyd the dty Ibody. Goodfellow & S(161 1 # b5 the ery mucb " This school d A q its bat to Âluiondis and cou- MRS. BENARDI. sole rights ta sel it Get one now. gratulates tbem on carrying off the csp. -D Only 50 cents each. T bral udySho DEATHS. ALLSÂî~S*ê~Uc~. I _______________________________________ HOWDENIn Brookin onThursday, Friday, Auguet 4t1, b916, the sec- Ann How- F rid y ' A u g u t A h , b i n g th e e c -d en , d a u g h te r o f th e la te J a m e s H o w - ond anniversary ëîf îtbe tlafttlen of UNION SERVICES. Miss Lily Jones, Mies E. Jones, Miss den, of East Whltby. Chn srces 8 arn., el1 n. AId 8 ins'Sunday, August 6th. jJean tampbeli, Miss McNichol'and _________________ Churh ai8 a.., a.m and8 P.u. oth services wlll be held In the Miss Maggle Corrail, ail of Toronto, Preshytertan Church. lare spending their vacation In Whitby For Sale Te R!nrt, Etc. The field and aquatic sports of the Rev. S. G. McCormack wîll occupy at Mrs. T. D. Henderson's. lS2nd Fattalion Civic Holiday celebra- the pulpît. -- t ion on Monday, Aukùst 7th, will be the The muse w-i be supplled by the ERYDON AOS W.WNT . bgataction for everyone. People PrPsbyterian Choir. The leader re- NEARLYsDRrWNboyATtOSIIAWAandAlook fro m 'aàil rover the (Iptinty are expecte<j. quesi a full attendance of the mern- What nearly proved a case of drown- atter cow. Good wages. Apply Mm Te Make Il a Point to be aI Heydenshore bers. Ing -oecurred at Oshawa-on-te-Lake S. A. Baker, Dundas St. west. -t!. Th Park on Monday afternoon and even- recently, when Warne Preston was ng reacued f rei the lake after having FOR SALE. -PREPARING FOR APTER THE WAR. been In the water 15 minutes. About Threshing outfit complete, 20 b.p. B -o-- PCNC The following very practical sug- 9 o'clock at nigbt cries for belp were White Traction engine, and 36 x 5 I3..P.. PCNI. estion is made by a local lady, well eard, coming from the water, and lm- Deker Separator, ail thoroughy re- The )yOung peoPle Of the Ilaptist informed on educational and public mediatcly several boaets put out, snd, built, and only used a short time. Corbet*s Point on Saturday- afternaon. Qur educational deparîrnent w-I re- able te locate the man, wbo had over- -tf. A large nulmber lurned out 10 enjoy the quire careful preparation to be able to turned In a ca.noe about ninety yards elool lake breezes. and a mosît enjoyabie meet the cali of the country atter the from shore. Aid was given by.Mr. W. BUNGALOW ?'OR REN'P. lime w-as spent. In,.tact, everyone ex- fw-ar. The women o? Ontario County Howard, bactertologiat, of the Toronto Six rooms, bath and electrie light. plisse srh apprerlationi of the occa- and of Our own 10w-n have risen to Board of Health, w-ho bas a summner Near Junelion station. Apply to W. sion ti l l sprobable anoîher simiisr meet the calIs which have corne ta them cottage opposite wbere the accident ai- Burin, box 166, Whitby. picnli-mil] be heid nbout the end o? durlng the last two years, cails new curred. Preston w-as taken Into Mr. R. Ananet 1 thcm and arising from w-ar candi- Lander's cottage, and w-as finally sent FOR SALE.I -o-lions. Now new cails will corne te thc home. Two- womnen onlookers were 80 New solid brick bouse, hardwood A large fruit cake, liandsomnelyisaine women of Ontario as ta other upset at the man*s cries that they were flokreaneilt5 t mcornem enter dFcoraled. le on exthlbiîl ti A. H. Alunis 1iomen. Homes muet be made and bath taken witb fainting fils. one of o Stree sothcorer t. ete l ndo,-. Il il be êrawyi for at the mainlainied under efficient manage- tht-m being unconscieus -for over anStetjCrptr ('vcHoliday celbràhon at Heydn- ment. The County Town should lead heur, and had to be taken ta the Osh- FARM TO RENT.j Plans prel -hore Park nex.; Monday. Tickets are In' the estabiishing of Domestic or aw-a Hospital. 100 acres, lot 5. con. 5, Pickcering i~ i ZkSte., on -,ale al I10 cents each. Household Science or Homemiakîng0 Good buildings, silona e, plen- u 0Cou rses. W'e have organizat ions which newae:farocarly ew Spl ebo t., F'EA lý- AS '170 ýAFETY OF WIIITIEY shoîîld be preparing for Ibis need, the Ti'ý1'I';ANDStOF ?MEN REQUIRE.) y frew a-r fur orchrdO.,App.yRt1 MAN. Couinty of Ontario Old Girls' Associa- F'OR HARVESTING IN WEST- W-7e adeBooln n . .R MANotin and the Womnen's Institutes. Why ERN CAINADA. N.1 7 Nirs f'iiartîs Scnti, o? f lîby. is not Inierpst ourseives In equlpping a Thousands o? men arc requtred fo HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, TOWN W, anxiloîsafs tn îhî safety of her son, enilable place for the- training of the- heip lIn the great work o? harvesting OF WHITBY. Nrtiit i t n lit s e en in 1 o un homernakers '%We cannot j the Wesern crop.'lTe task of trans- Atabra. cYrolpretyCilEgn N o r t o i t a r o l a l a p e i t h r e g e u t v e r C a n a d a if e t ew e f iar e c y o f n e f al deo rth e a to nW s t.-h p o re t i n g t aoa rWe s, t heth i sl d g r e a ty i viar r n ye ~ln~î c, ais in ave hecî 0T inî In Clinaa Ifer he are Iwfa h e confkit- f workers will faita tohe lot <fi1the on Dundas Street. One acre o? lland, land drainai I,0110 ttiffor llions fier he warwith ny kitd of i tiav hrui-t Tltrees., Houset trsolidoubrickd brik, plansla sudnddi tii-h ti-ol% e aSistjs;grazvd bi he'1Wcofiene. anadian Pacifie Rallway. soy urae oosesbead centrc o it;Nî-i 'lrs s<-,ît catoq ihli t ra nidene. Excrsions from points In Ontario to sle ory Alwn oo esale asd ra B ox il i 2uiil di cii-aiandi iliat w ien lie- le In 0Manitoba. Saskatchcewan and Alberta sdrioenhouse AIlleAgodrp a s. s o ils i vitrt(oio n iat rIi %vill he run. and siiecial trains operated, Tsesion tov emes ApryG. a. zti;iilriko n ciptre ftheriii Personal .Moition imaking the trip In about 36 heurs, Tbardi24e on t.rWes, or G.E. Ib knd w ti\i ri;ilîly ilegraphe Iliat he wilhoiîî change or transfer. badA24QcnS.WsTrnoU . Al l',sahou i q lile ulias NMisHam I pnigI- v u1IGoing tripa we-t," $12 ta Winnipeg. MNWNE.Udrae r li %ud no Ni r fr m I . nd sh k llet .inting.lu o w i-c-ks Oit Reîurnîng rip t-ast," $18 froin W in- IM EN W A N T E D .I i un.îî-îî i a Iti >io'Ie S NlsA-n- a eI nn a- I"gngIneer and separator man wanted lJnd. iîî~îîl la! ir Mstr, lic 'S NvxlIîcs frhîms Klni5z Ilie cIîy a week 1Consult C. P. R. agents regarding for threshing season. Apply te Port fi;- -nîtiîi-i nT liI1ci ifi indi In sîîîîîîlIc - Iranspos-latinwest of WinniPEg. Whitby Syndicate, Malcolm McTaggart Or nigbt. Sr.- Iq i-Mis Ta luin W 'lk-vllî-teisdil- Atîgilst l7th and 31. -Froîn'rroT o or John Alman, Wbitby. --6. BROOKLIN, iîîghier sistî-r. Mliss Liî Harv-eY. Sudbury Line and East, but nlot Inctud -___________________________ sl-î i\ iN NN [ l- 'v01-,N.--Is lir. E. .Sisson is on a te-o w-eeks* va- Ing -smithi's Falls or Renfrew, aiso i'T-rtc I?î-:NK Ic-aihon ilHighland lîîîî. Algonquin f.om main lîne east of Sudbury to but Erili' \ 101 m Iiiwiilii- theu- c Frnol lncinding North Bay. i îî.c n iiiii-în a. ich lt -ractinwli (ifi-ns I lsenie - Prom Toronto, aiso w-est and soutti i.5-l ~îîî~--î i-n 5 Iiititi i a isI--I TiagrofFurtther panticîcîars from Canadian - iiij-iii! iiii liMiss Frrril, h îîof Torontto, sClient PaciieTickc-t Agents, or W.B.o- -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 qn1( %ii ii i li i ii-rii. wît iss LliMac-- ard. [cisl net I'assîengvr Agent, Toronto. - - i ------ni-tli4iiIi Afi il u ~ ii ri ii tli-.i- cîiîsiîchllIl - ý i iHoiicý liai b-o nitior unllvniu .T Merrick, ofIjxbrIdge, had aîî -ii- --i î-îc-îft N .\(odîli scî-îin o--- ; -i~~ e t-iiI oril -îla nîî~~fTooîto~ four-Ipggi-d chick lcAtcliod otit last gc-i, b tllce ot r Stc ped on It - - i ;i W ct(if ti2id îî-i da îîg witi htîîpareilleNrand Nirs. and ikilled Iil. Tlie legs are ail wecll Wifl teicesresT rw c -nili ii -ri ta ie d- in, a UFre--d Jin c-e # fornced, and-4i~e freak le tiiouglît to be 1- I,I-i tii-m!tlsni M~ ISNi lr(,riindand i."ues oNian.of teresuIt of a 41auble yolk. ii ~~î, acun r îî-î tuîciglue -' ris Tu-,ncm ilsitd Airs. J. Il. l'erry frc uniuicc iuiir'-h i i til Bnitih u and ila- MIr. s..1. Ilia-r-s. of ('hiclago. -as a lifli '1\1 (olu i %Nil b, Wlor ýNih Nr. id irs Th masH ere is a ch ance for i a i -i ; c1114, c ir - Ii i a id (if 11 W \V a r ja it r .a iAp r h e i e r o t e s w Ié oi-f Si ls - r\ ii izi-ri ofii- t % 1 T E . ti ie and i mil ic IF teiri c ied and tîrgi i Nss Mota Stew-art. and PI e. .James p rh s ih ro h s Iii-lins-c îîiî - ig oi Stewart. o1 ToroLta, have La-en visiting EU- A.. Mrs. %V. Tcouipson and datighter,9 INNIAEý,s Ã" livs lutown 1ils eek. Ilin Soap and -n ,L tnini1lY tAi i-irirsYMaffey.û?rù -iiospent tî,ê Proervlng lime 18iS r LTlhs s hint iliv e Umillurp r~jiel nîsac-s week-end w-tîh ber parents, Mr. and - ----------aira.Herb Hooley ad vs Madeline aur>tiIcFkd Sindav laî idtt i n-torerd for higb Brem i tft for a viaht whth frietids ln f automatiallv wltli i-îni-rî lre N bthy People Pxpe'r. Buffalo. where Misa adeline w-lUi mas Bu $1 i-uî-d'lilla4hess e wtuer, juit apend ber vaeatioa, te'id 1 te tel- 1a tay aâ oi- rericon îremarked. 'tbere didn't MtSdGeoge Wlîertheddauhter T V II U BU4P -Y'01 sie-i nle a~yea Th~Een h chMyrtie, e1 Toronto. and lMr*, & tr. f ~ Igg U !EJ . £ 1W #5ic $ .W, twliglt wrc-e r crys ciftiy atedchua'ch gmt andi fumilY, et Oshaw. have been vllfnwitb lMma.George soutkwen. -6--Th-0w.*yo0-gt iator,:bruesi n the cvening ah oet them acre dît- m-ismwd Mi-r aboutî hait an heur or hng tItis w-c-ck for hndsay, wtu-rp they acilgltly more duration. There W4& w-iI reside lic futiure. Mr. Hîrnsby jlittie relief la mooring bbeaua o!the w-lIt be emîgmag<d on te iew arsenal doeCiloud& or dum that Rao e bn being et-ccu-d bY tc lDonminion t;ovrrn- a vehlicie Pasaci over the- reses.()ne simî'ly had Io 0 'Min and bt-ar h.,, Many People s.octglit their etIiar as t-b ewo- Ilifty cunts ia the priresof' the ne-woest plate available. buît even t-eeil wuhtenetcgli.Siek poopio ltid Ontario Couitb- a-bhc hei-m'ai ef bbe day esm14-,ralIy u-ying. At the 1lit* t-be Coîi-ty ever isutued. C. A. (ioodffl' pliai for Imle Insane. twb feinalo pal-- low, & Son soeil.LSent posîliaition lit a ucumnbed tate h-t-t. Itir N- rec*lpt o? prIce. nj at-ra eint hcid ao Mendiy. Aib- --o--initier dente u iWbitby -was hâateti, Vio Pand of the- 182nd Rlialloui Ithoug t ioe auseyt' he blgfitemper- Wae ait opent air eoncxmrt on sai mrdas - naur.MondaY wuasbo libototh 1pot ev<ttinl ast on1 the banîd stand ai liceý to the .dte4,rese4 erea on Sunduy. Armories, [t ta hoimed that tIbis aiti Motday nihbt colterei- wasbei lie mnîtiîtued onuI Sucurda>-s duiring titi-- cante alonit. sud Per-sns W-ho sje.,t ot- .scsmmer.aide -en had te return Ile bom ic, - <c - ~~for more ceverlnit. hefrtn r Next M-qaday. Aitctsf 7îîail roîcdea atbeen t plentdly invtgeraming. -wIll lt-ad te Hei-ydc-neiîore Park for Ille0 biýg celebralion. Train heýace< Wtitby WIIy SV!FFE»R pRft«lrTINMl up-tew-a station amcl1 ýI i... nturnlng CllT' wHEN OU CAS (,SL OTI' leaves Pàrk st 6 jI un. 1Rttura lare 11kc. ON TRuE(IRtAT LAKE$., -o-- Traes th e DAlan I%'ett euwfip Two changes 'tili Ii* nothed lnathce Exp&%ren freinTomatOte ay Tuoday. train urne tables ln Ibis Issue. The 0G, 'bursaciaor taua t21" >pM, fer - T.R. train whici formerhy arriveti troam Port MeNicell. w-ere iilee rt setion Toronto at 9,655a., n,,aw "«,b" tt t' 1 sd. ew1ilb mtîbwcr t e *AatulbIii .Jtiaction kt 1010 sm.. The C'. P. ji »"Cewan f, ls w $ts, train,, wbicb ltfiUnion stallea, Toroh- IPort ArtllU' Msud n ti ViMb, A» Io. at 620 p.au.., arriving et Wbttby jII VbAers.ti tn was»1 & -6,30 p.m., now lçavvesNorth Toronto jtitl5i'8 I"MO *" UIJ< 1 iSSJ %J Asation ah&tO pW .M. aniring hur et tieket ùrnt. u«'*ALf. Renrd, hlteret, - 7.35 -p.tn. Tbese- sterattot l a the pasfe1, r A4guf, '1Qt -achedute are implortant ta e obebr. -O-' i IAITIST Cie'ROI. Every 0w-ne cto-au utoesbh btu li 3w4 -Au ea ibayeonof h ew 04t1# o ffty ilRov.01IL Thon» .%, XA.. - apao 'Plie cetu. e6 à.st the i emaber et lb*""d 4 ~1% .1%efuneu -l WQuI«5l7 Bllan..IltfbvmorIy psuw t < te im ' m <ian bé aurehaaad moasiv îiiwas Q AL. AtW fî e'h. ili9W.,&ýq Wýga, *"É. - t-oodflIà Son. WWlWtr - x -Rtryôcur. wilttboat ieydnabomrc i - -on CIVIe Holiday. Auut7h f« - uton autit svcIng tbere ilbum thifig doiag aIu ibe tUni.. Se te.l - billes aud jirogrment Mrfaul atte or flapiewara FOR 3W CENTS h lunch set contains: 6 Dining Plates, 2 Long Platters. 2 Deep Vegetable Dishes. 6 Handy Side Dishes, 6 Sait and Pepper Dishes, r2 Sanhtary Maple Spoons, 6 Wood Fibre Napkins. won't Ieak, they won't wilt,- they VH-ITFIELD'S 91100 and STATIONIERV STORE WHITBY. eONTARIE) Sgle Agent for Batterîck Patterns Sols Adent for N>ah Preparatîons C. JOHNS sud Contracting Builder. ýpared sud estimates fur- South of Post Office, Wbit- Phone .131 A. VOIJNG 3er, Topographical Survey, ,e, subdivision dcsîgning, 'awings, etimates, etc., on -k. Contractlng - x243, WHITBY. IR013INSON su ad furniture dealer. odependent phone. Day Razors, in IRIEE for This- Week Ojîlym. e 'very man wVho needs a razor to lel known- makes at a big saving. iye FREI,.,QIe stick of Williamns' ither Brush of goodquality. With z12 bladqs and 2 cutting edgé*.i -We haic this ragot in cightdfeen - tyle cases. Thé- regular price Of tbe - rzQritaU l $5oo.For tht, Weck yon gét razor, brush a I soap0 VOTERS' LIST, 1916' Mtnicipality o? Township ef Whitby, County of Ontario. - Notice Is hereby giVen that 1 bave tnansmitted or delivered te the persexi* mentioned ln Section 9 of "Thle Ontari. Votera' Lists Act' the copies requirei by sait! sections to be go transmitite& or delivened o? the list made pursanmt to saiti Act o? ait persona appearint by the last nevised Assessment Roîl et the saiti mîtnlcîpaîîty to be entitiedto vote la the said ncunIipalîîy at elee. lions for members o? the Legislativ,- Assembly, andi ut municipal electi'onsi andi that the sali st w-as first 114fteà up at my office ut flrooklin on t-be Stk day of Jttly, 1916, andi reumains filer. ton icnspection. Andi I hereby cl upon ail voters 10 iuke immedlate proceed- ing îo lînVe any enrors or omissions correclei according c-o Law. Dated at Councîl Ruein of sald Towin- slp tits 31st day o? Juiy, 1C16. D. HOLLIDAy, 500 shiveg#ti u ecelve with the ad oAP c--i i-ut- are strong. 2 ora

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