Vol. 54-No 1 WHITBT, ONTABJO, CAN 15-â tD&Y JULY 6, 1916 C.A. GOO DJ!ELLOW& ScNI ublisbera . Church's BUG FINISH Iicady For Uee Dry. No Mixing Requirt±d. I t sticks ta tlhe vines and finisiles the, Potato Bugs or other leaf eating in-ects witlî onle application. The cheap- eRt and safest way ta uise a 8trong poison. It prevents bliglit andk watery potatoes. 10 lb. for 25c, 4 lb. for 10c. PUIW PARIS GRIEN 1) . aw. ou1ilb. Puks. J. E. WILLIS D)ragglst end Optician MEDICAL HALL Brocis St. a Wliltby. THE IIOLSE OIF QLALITY COUNTY COUNGIL WANTS KINGSTON ROAD IMF Continuation of 1 une Sessic n. The Ccutnty P'atbers nelurned ta thete Ion ta watt upua lte Caunty Tuwni on Wedneeday atternoon e rament lu preseut Il last and resumed thie Jîîne meetinîg. the said -Government routine and the meeting ot committees.q SYMPATHY FOR MR. GEI1OW. At the Thursday morning session of ('ounty Cotîiieil. 1'Jr. Gerow thanked the Coutncil for the sympathy extended by the membPrs to hinîseif and famiiy and fer attending ibe funerai uf his deceas- -d sonl. NIr. P. R1. Mowbray assured Mr. Ger- rom that i11w synîpaihy extended by t'omirii ivas dute hv the members, as \Ir. Geraw itas one of the oidest rmen- ,'ers of Courity ('auncil. and had rend- tered Important service ta the Couinty bath tn and aut of ('ounci. Heie o lieiîrt of replying ta Mr. Gerow !)çcaise thev lad bath entered muni- ripai lite nt the eame limne and ln the saine minntctpaiity,, and had both been tioniored %vith the position ut Warden. SPECIAI, SESSION lRE DY-LAW. A spectai session ut the Cotint,Cotin- cil was held on Friday rnorning, at \% li icli i he hi -Iaw toa anilorîze the Issue o)f detw:ît ares to the amouint of $20,000 ta ralse money for the paynîent ut the cost of uItlldting certain bridges tnanaîd ac gl The D'ealer cit the loal cati lie Service. "Scranton Coal"y, Tih. Stamdaru et .ArTE.R THE STRIKE" ln sç New Prices Now Estabiiahod. Fî-eehntuîed 1'Scranton Cusi"- Egg, Stove, Ciiestnut and- Pea, coîîiîîg daily ia box cars-cdean,' brigltandtî dry. Cannai coal und sm-dthi'îg cuit! always in stock. Velu want the heçt. Ordertow oi Et Re BLOW, Whiiby Bell phone9. Honme phone 14. wleui Frali 'T'ertiî ulfui. No t"x.ct 'à Eiipr auîî ti110litp lee ta iowje. M'rite W. H. SIIAW, Presiderut. J. BOWELL JA~MES Carpenlian. 3liden and Cuutr'ctur. Plans dirnuriand cutI mates furnisaed. Saslit doars anud f raitass. aguent for arantiord Rootfîne Box 467 WlITuiY PhioneS149 Mgarriage Licenses. A. H. ALLIN. lser eofutMarniage Licences. Corner dnug ston", VuIiitby. Nu witînesses requilned. 1he Creator Canada Improvement à f Land Co., Llmlted Whltby - Ontario Bea i-tae Ieaens. (it t elq %siaaged, iteut. tt i ciit el,Furet Ius.A rrauugedi I ti lpertitsboiingit tanid nolîl For t1er i ii-qapy hIeaîlOficieilru..k St. Bell Pluhi l- 1 à lui i ),l Office s-ad Works Opposite Hieurs Brnci, Vsistby MONUMENTS of ail Doasns d literlal kspt la Stoci il urlîlpay y7ou to meast aur iwrks andumpect for yourseit - _ IROVED eProvincial Gev- îe gteat need of assuming the sald road, It eng a iProvincial thor- ough tare, and to try and arrange a time and place ut meetIng" for the purpose of organization. Thîis resol ution carried witLout a dtssenting voice. EQUALIZATION FOR 1917. The eqtialized assessment utf th-e min- ii as foiioms: Pickerinîg. . . .$2,479.383 E. WVithy .. NVîitby Tp. IUxlridge Tp. Scot t.. ....... 'rhorali ... Brock..... Mara .. ....... Rama..... Ohawa ... Wiîitby Town Uxbridge Tawn Port Perry Cainingiaon Beavert on . 1,715,790 2,12 2,6Q5 1,430,047 1,180,696 2.71G.781 1,679,324 269,414 4,2.99,889 1,337,916 581,516 564.752 383,084 297,576 1COUNTY GOOI) ROADS $4.081.160 1.618,701 1,829,847 2,252,186 226,837 1,205,784 1,488,841 1,133.553 2.764.535 1,680,178 380,214 3,615,0'95 1,230.727 499,'605 497,4831 280,677 327,934 SYSTEM. O>nce more the Town Ceôu;cIl bas been called upon to dous the matter of a cernent eidewalk q't Palate Street. Mr. J. J. 'Foiey rommlmiéated his re- quet on behait fet ltixber of rate- ;)ayers whose eblidrenT aà ttend tbhe Sep- arate Sehool, and hie' letter, was read at the meeting on Monday evening.: This ta' not the firitýÃeQuùeat by any means, and Mr. Foiey 7"'because of!bis importutnity" maiy get what he wants one of these days. Z. Mayor Warren, refe ing to the com-. munication, eaid: "Iliave always con- tended that thie walk ought to bel built. It would comptete the street. If there is a street In town that needs a sidewalk, it le Palace itreet2' He citéd an Instance of a hurri cail he had re- celved to a bouse onj- Palace street, when tIme was lmporlnt. and he had to wade through -s1Upli knee-deep ln order to reach the h4$fse ln question. 1-e coutl have gone ebùond two bleckse by sidewalk, but It 10as necessary to go the other way to aVe tîme. "I arn surprisedl at the request o! Mr. Foiey," was Mr. BatM~an's comment. "We had promised a ýwalk for Palace Street last year, but Mr. Foley backed down on bis agreemenC. It le Intended not to lay any sidewalis thie year. and If we do grant this im4ueat for a walk on Palace street, weli have to put down others whlch are needed just as 0F %STANDI-NG HYlay The undersigned bas received instructions f.-,ir THE GREATER CANADA UMPROVEMENT & LAND CO,, Lilmted to sellb'y Public Aucdion at Lot 27, Cone 2, (LyndeFarm),_N6rth of CAPRI, Whifby ON- SA-TURDAY, JULY Sfh, at 2 o'olook sharp About 30 Acres Standing Ilny ln snali lots of a few Acroe Term Cash@ WIOWO ~,AuctIoneer We have also 400 bushels tested Buckwheat Seed foir Pi ivate Sale. the office of- The Greator Canada Improvement and Land Co. Lioited, 'q Ldainingthie ('otnty ut Ontario was "That the Committee an Roads urgently.' I Home Phone 70. ien its s everal readings and passed. and Bridges take up the quiestion o! a ir. J. C. Hyde alsoasked for a walk 1 Ntiss Ttay and Mliss 'McKay were each good roads sysiem for the County otfor hie two bouses on John street. ii a grant ut $I0 for typewrtting Ontario, and repiort thereon at the No- TswakugttbelifoMr___________-- udilors' report and by-ylatvs, etc. vember Session.' Hyde," said Mr. ConlIn, "and I wouid I SQUIIIILS, O B PIITECED. This was a motion Iniroduced by aiea lîke to eee the Palace street walk 1l6th Battalton passed through here onI A moionhy esss. Mwbry ad Mscis. Mson an Viker, ofOsh pu don."May 25th, he was let beblind. He wast -Q-Pr was cTO EdPIo t ectED. Msas. asonirid.. ut Osh- putmooiontreated by Dr. Warren for two weeks,' looe iscridtuteefe ht The usuai Warden's excursion was Mr tea inoâcdamin and then, fearing he migbt lose bis lie (lerk niemoriallze the Ontario Gev- nthl hsva Hs osi st that ne new cernent walks be laid this rî:nentint enaci legisîntian pruhibit- devote the cost ut snch trip lu other year," bat lie wltharew It wben hesihtedtrsntbnteteG ng te kilin of lac andgre andmur useul urpoes.learned that Mr. Hyde's bouses needed eral Hospital. Ward did not seem I Mii ie 1aitis utybak an.r trm1 a walk tu tbern. o eal ehrhe b&d been dis. The question of rebate tu the Town- e! the é3onty for grants totalling $2400 Awalk on John street May be neces- The Chairman o! th.e Relief Commit- hip e! Whitby lu correct an errer la were n&t entertained. , c ary," he eaid, "because e! Mr. Hyde'e tee was instruc*.ed to ascertifin wbetber qb zto !Cuty asc~i.5-$»10 *wi granted for the parpose o! bouses, bat the Palace street walk te Ward had been discbarged. If su, -the tede by' Judzze Mlntyre, was referred Improving the' Scugog Ruadway. ntasltl ee5r.Pul a town. muet bear the ceaI o! bis main- o, iFînnce commilttpe. Rebuildirg Ille Conilîn Bridge ceet reaci any o!f te bonnes In the north tenance at the Hespital. If not, the ý'YEA8 AND NAYS TAKEN. - East Wbitby Township $3629.06. The ward by sidewalk, even tbeugh they military authonities wiil bave teIo o AdtIonoctrdu oto !Cut ay atu bs may have lu go an ýeXtra blqçk or su. A division ocVictoriaonndoOnon ri Counties wîîîf f tis The sanie applies te' the resîdences on atter hlmn. 4oovraid McKenatle that the report Vcoi n nai oniswl Byron street soîîlh '.i Burnse treet. The Finance Cornrittee passed sev- f the Equalization Coînmlttee be ad- joinlly bulite Seagrave bridge. Thtis waw prounlsedelst year, -but we eral accounts: ited. rThe i'ote rî'sulted ns fallows: ______I advîsable b S el i later" T. A. Muriy...... .... . 77.45 Veas-Downey,.Pester, Francis Flan- udi John MatiCarl....... .... .. 28A7 ýoff, H-oover, Met4abb, Mason, tulva- PARISH GUILO GARDEN PARTY. rs. Confor s dl IL rh rd ie D. Cameon .... ...........36.80 ,1111, Mowllray, niadili, blacKinnun, A str.4Wberry festival and garden asedfr a o ideal. r al ai: J. E. Waterhoue..... .....56.35 ýlunde, otÉKn VckeYWill, Wagg- party. ,Under the auspices o! 'P anish RerriCngtosthîs ,1 aett akt: Richard Hall .... ..........7.00 6,Nysteerbora, Gerow, Heavcner, Guild 6,tA.il Saints' ChUitih, was beid ber bouse. The bo8Xd walk was talcen- Jas. Mler os..... ......2.00 u cK X eluýîRea oo ie ag wmo adMe . up a few years age It beinhg the Inten Jas. SaNvdoa .... :.... .49.38 The- Vtckéiing 'bidge on thie Kîngs- H. Derey. un Ttupsday evening. Cern- 1tIen tu lay a walk Iïter. This was de- L.Moe.........230 qn. tqa~ i th~ VlIa o!Pîceiig uencingO.t 7 o'cteck, tlhe guests were layed. because e! tih- Tarante Eastern L or.........30 .as ae&îied asa142tmt1 bridge. servei l th lusceous strawberries and iaytng their' track'oiu MRy treet, and ~onGmlt.......40 utcf$00wa4.aeteîrp _v Cr n~~ke, etc., ua Ineali tables on the i t bas ibever beenil down since., We John 'F1111..... ..... .. .... .&20- grnrn.-of 1 t10Qwan luAe tu raprçte %- n.Public ttut omsin-. 0, :~;il ~' 1#~. ~~rflln' ~V ~1lp1t Ilivus Xit relc t e LNad btterput off <5.. ii turnied hiw'ater sprinkler. on the earth laying sidewaiks Ibis yeâr, but there Sreslgtn~. . U'AT ,-orzNýýtNTW. #mýi fo aoutfiten minutes frigpol are a tew, titis une In particular, titat Mr, Michael Grilin'. preperty w as ROAD. i a lakp clicher lI the bouse, on the ver- are nececsary.- loe yrao fabokddan Nir. Iloo% er. mcnded ly Mn. NMow. nndalis or unidor trees. Later te sk>- Mn. Conîta, howcver, Iliougbt that, and the Chaîrman on Streets wua given r %' nxl l:înIo% la ligt'o e great cliared and Ille program tvas commene- ithe waik should be piaced un Palace power lu bave lte trouble rem:edied. Il ikzl!llî'î the lix ur, sut Haie as totHie 'ed, Pcev. R. W, Allen. the nectar, actinig streel rather titan on Mary. ia>' be that the Toronto Eastern :<drois imouiuent. atnd oui accautt as chainuilîii. The prograni, thuugh "We ougbt to douJi11 satisty the peo- Raiiway wlll be !ound lhable tu pay the ofIt- of ii luî.siîl th e mini- unef. %%as first cînes, consisttag of a' pIe vwhuhave been asking fer il fer cOst, owing Iu Ibeir track bed causing~ or ux.xiuiIoi, laks'p th(, lea:d1îîi cornet' solo Iiy Mn. E. W. Evans. vocal years." lie said. the blockage. ".dsl ai suatý i f repir ta mcct llte solos by Mms. T. L. Rowe, Miss Wilînal No deflalte action was taken In lte Notiting furîher was dune In regard. 1,ii.na (ift ex , ir increa"itiuauaiolaJoistonanatd Mr. T:ý h owe, aîîd malte. tuthe proposed new Industry, as the' rxir TIi- 'uki heî-hy nulîrlzed nîîslic hy t1we 182nd ftegImental Band. 1 Mr Downe>y stggesîed ltaI naw le o Slciter did net bave tbe agree- eiîuuiiitatixtu tt'nira m toeIe crea'ni and c:îindy m-ere on sale aItetm tehvrpatmdeuc- ment ready te submtt te the Cetycll. Ill titiililalit ifiadjatning iii<'Kiagision bolux hc nti îid with the sale ,ment sidewalks. Severai members ne- itî>ad iî1e' cci Taronto anid Kingstoni ot tickets. nietted a stîbstantiai siun .for ferred tu walks titat nequired attention. SPREADING FALSE REPORTS. 'Is utheuîi g-rcýitllecenî-ly t%.oaorraaziuig tthe G(iid. A moisi enjoyahie ecniag partîculari>' tie walk lidld at yean on ald aîluliîî2i a rr'iîr'tula titie dep)li- u%%s îassî'd by ilose ta attetidance. Walntît sîreet. Thse cottractor, il was Wtthin recent weeks vartous faise pointeti ont. must, aecording lu bis reports have been prornuigated, agreement, repair titese walks free e! lhotîghtlessly or nîalictouuly, as te the I C A XIDFcharge, for a perld oet hree ypars. appeariance etfrnames o! soldiers n h rvl1 SIONAR O FL E CE that le, aucli e! theni Ibat bave becorne casualt>' liste. Only lent week a rurnor u-~,--aw rin ba-l a condition due lu fault in con- was very diltgently spread-tisat a Whlt- The Citainman on Streets urss there- as there was absolutely ne toundILtien _______fane asked t e i omte o for euch a bellef. StMllarly, on Stan- TIi' Sî- niaîntSimmer Cuoi- tIens. Atternoon, ri-creation. Evenlng, gether. and te prepare a report as ta- day, June 26th, ln Toronto a rumor was fet i'ý ait-e nui r ilii directtinofthie Ms- lt senuce tîtîks on the latin aînd a tlhe w'aIks whieb require repaire. Ibis givea great prominence that several -itunuiru Edixi-aUoin Nlove'ment opened li! plattanru meetingin lahie concert hall, report lu be presented at next Meeting. îisousand Canadiensi had been anni. ttie0tiari oi ModayThe National Trust Ca.,.o! Toronto,; bllaled. Itlaiter proved to b. quite ticli îaiî i:îdî'x (lltu' oi ouiay (.onttnry to announcement unade In aotItled tire Cotuuil thaI btewWs tiî'aise. The originatoru et aneb teM. .u it ,tia. .u riglît sProiP(-(ti;of a at lcact ont> chuncit on Sunday lasI, toise ofthlie Queen B botl wouild net. ox- ports ought te be deait with very vi$. 1qtucc' the t s sîit11 esslouis ut the Conterence are not pr ni uut1,a ulmnh orously- by tise law. A report o! a Thl 'h, ouît'ren'- luis ypan tu-ll Miss1 open ta the putblic. lTite delegnîe paynotice et leave te roquired. Tise 182ud death, eprttad In suci a manneri, ta apt t lî' b.q liti '<1 jet-sdinc oflfctn et ncarly an etirolimeiit tee eto $3,00. If any Wbit- Battalion may, therefere, une tise build- te have sertous effectu visen eommnI- nit t.un.î ctifen-ccs -Iteu. Dr. Il. Il. by pouple wasxid deatiro te attend tbe Ing until that date. cated to thse family ôt thse, olu.a on- Marai ehose Io% able jiîrsonaily ansd evenlng nîeettnis ui>' a fse et $1,00 A notice v(as reeeived fnam tise Gen- cerned. Ail tisese viso have Ioyed ut-cistîri i as ietts ni u îrh ln past es-cluIlll entitle tbeun Io attend ailtoral Hespital, Toronto, tisaI (eorgeues aItishe front are living ltaaa stc )touirs tir %IICKny les bisy eisx-uuberP, IliPlite uneettlis. Werd, o! WhIlby, rw uI tiatIinsti- e! a.nxiety every day, iand St ouglut Io 1(q i lin J.4,C.lirowaitu. uther leader The Sanda>' evetulig meeting alont, lion, and that hie maintenance, $1 per b. kept lu nîind tisaI ne report sisonld luii uble tîork. lm absent tile vear.lue lo opentIolutie )'enral public. dienu. weuild ise harged te tise town. b. ciretilalrd or given credene uttUil i hiii t-ugagi-d la the Martit-ellrou'-1Thîcre uit ns. snie 125 jwrsons lu aet- -yen Warren exptai.ned tisai Ward, la kueurata b. authetIiePerspU vis tuiîstendance oui Muuda>' eveîîîng wtiet Mr, wbe bad ben living Ius WbîtbY for spread taise news, knowtng it* may oui! LuN IL C l>ni'-î'î. the able andilt-nn- M'.C. Senitnor oted thte servIce ut smeHune. enlsted witb tise llgtb Bat- b. luea"ea.y or net knewtng deMiuteiy getic S"cretary tonrtanida (iftheii.mue- so lUianddi-vatian î,reiarutery te i)r. talion. le developed seme oye trouble thist lta etrue. are net oetly ObDDItUg tii. ilt ireul>' the tîxetitie lit-ad o et %Ir~ Tcla%-tthdéiluenng an Inaugural ad- whi<'iîn"esitatx-d bié retuovaltW tise a-«rave effence. but ame hà MetiiIIIYdis- cttuxereuîce. qtend ta litai moro, Iliatu ladreesExhibition Camp u Ilospital. lie urne loyal te ib»ir fniendsal tho=e -s veli aiii. iturnenmona liai; talicn Ithe ne. The regîtrar experteil Ihat anotiier IatIçrns-t urned lu Wlîitby, but urben tbé as te the boys la tise treutes. N;oxiîtanltllu>' ut arg sazugaîdcîr atfItty delegatsiuw ould rerlutier. tus-bing oui Ihus"- Csittnce andTîuîs y n e 175 In ail, urtidlu laabout 2 es e tan nîglît ottlthe job. ~>er iielie% 1I'r. Mut<avsli, pasier oe t yl3etoltcsble tbait eur yeRnt men tte Centrail>nebyterieii Chacis, TOie- ,a ti tendatice bsyr. ay - -.~. ..~,.... - oung Mn A"arattenâlns a conférence, Do net btmsedr bo y ageuta, W* es au tl, t85teut r. .iacen-3 u m bitel MP1oY tieM . ,CoasetlJY VO I î'nsldlns otcer. lin. M£lTar ls »lant i BegumnindFrance or In trianing «Duad de a&11oW ths e 8t's sOUmDiu- kiiat i by. wbere lie ba» ta eta tiscîtr comneadaver the",. sien er 10 pert uL VWci 7lVUIta kien anlactivet, usrt, n luat ouan A Cati SoI <St "s't singer e! laee." sain icAu Nmje. J.r. Kits , WaQU ldb.t'em Ilil . adI.- Iuiii IJ.IG IIon. VndrL. ffl.)INOOn. FOr a c fbnteoupe n i con r cren er ene p. Senio, TorouiteM AAt ise> M Pr. andi)dira. VC. t p~bmfl f tiO1. aocoum 11w up sortswM.wst. renta. Who bhe bem active Vola Wi-M à # WmiWd bsuMtldrtIs inteeuos»aC mtprumt Win&lb'ien th~e rs e, ugeoepa. LIVERY, SALE ANSMr.sTe>er he1eI8hIgo"&Ibew !>utý "ae*t ".#* tï SOARIIISSTABES >eam taleabses i* Wsplaue 4 agta«lu t*WsI Md - osIbo t.om* by 34r. Rblomt. P hdL feto Po"% Mir 1511 ISau te girReto. mstohe, vU niwflem aller iit hm4 un* ApuM 'BROCK ST.WHUTSVo. w is Io eo ttis . Fr toi mlia$ (» IM Au= -ssttis eera sali i6"le&" iTz de W bt laa* tum4ps. AU kinds cf singi14smd double n«, tâ*pr a »C 4J riou for hia'.' lu to ÃŽIlthe W.,r uun.w*am» do-i* à . il bm »u traims sd baggage transfe,:r, 8001Wbo it tIIMdut '& la goy> à 9«4« ISIOtig 8cM $OOUdr Qu .u * b emmo 10.. ug sud Cm uguw4 gà 1 dâ"1>' rW& -*m %"0. sound drvers sd hs"y mim. îmý 4 # oo P os dvroilit, "elýt d tw l aiy1q uy -R .. -i4 r« me k Cet, NewSpring Footweii NOW Select a pair of Sample at I SatSorvicoabis Boots. Shoos or Pumps - I rom Our ample assottiftt of New Spring Modelsý"anci Iyc u wili have style, qualitj and valu-e. There's a sheL for tvCVr occasion for metn, 'Wîom*a and children. Each:l prente iii style, supesîiof *ï^ Ãw&kaanship arid'-4 * BokStreot, Whltby FieId' &nld Garden Seeda l- FrisiiS&o Fine Groceries Good Servlc. Quick Deilvery Prices RIlht. A.T~ Phones good < t' ,&-db Bell Phone - 193 WHITBV9 ONT.