Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Jun 1916, p. 4

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* -. 'flUea!&Y raa a dey d&y-o a wo-n - mti tIforot, à Mi'g. S re Iame 1* rtkkM~ilible for the wet veather w-e have btgh enjoylag (?) King George matis ýk big mîsitake ln confturing ~- iébthýod upen saiti Stupart. We 9Dm.e that Stupart la benigbted, but aubmit (bat ho sboulti not ho knighted. A Peterboro man le authority for the staternt that a tond lives frein thirty te forty years anti can lay oae theus- anti eggs a year. Here le 'an opportu- aity for soeawisard te erose th*CeO- nadian ben anti the toad te produce a '-brell 10 lay- specieB. The smre authocrlty Mtalles tînt the tooti devours, Bay, 10,000 insects ln three Menthe, anti*'If every tan o! these w-ould bs%e dofle one cent dam. age the tend woulti bave savati $100" We havé a good notion to go Into tond ralsing. If one toad w-buld enve $100. ,100 tonds wouiti sava $10.000. a tieus. Mdntiotnds w-ould save $1.000.000, tan thousand toats weuîd ieau e--Oh, that îlarts eOir beati. But you cani easily isee tbat a large fortune awalis us. * ,Thare bave been no maîiy big iiroJe-eh on h'and lnu Whitby tiuring the past de- cndtihnt sosie miner sintters w-lic mlght etharw-ise have receiveti allen. tien bav-e bec-n passati by. Tha muni- pilirtioen e! tha eleclric lîglit systesi. tbe Installation o! a w-ter anti ight sysem, the Inylng o! miles upen miles of cament sldewaiks, andi lest anti largeet o! al. the adoption o! a eewer- age tytem-tliese large andi expansive undertakings, whbld have placed nour tow I lji ail up-to-data condition, have monopolzed the attention -rid resour- ces o e! t i mtnlcii-îtliî -Thf te ls one thinj-. irow-eu-r, w-lin might rrcn nbIy cecitîpy the ar lenti Inn of (tinnil ln the îîear futunr-candi a tegininin re matie upon l. le; the beautificatiln of tle townprk. ln ibis ;uark %wr lav( a mosi desirable Iccaliotu. anti Naturi te now dolliter tiîmost le make tItir a 1ean!ty spot. lt remaîns, bom-ee r, for mian te ili eut Naltre ln order ibat Whllby migîitiave a naluirat or- nament ln the catntre o! tbe 10w-n. A atari irwar-ts Impre' liig thepark notîtt lie indp witbeîrt Fr.5reat defft of ex- pensa, andtihe tIvu'rk ivere contitieti year by year wetd sce-nhav-e a pzarkthtit would be r atuable asset te thia 10wni. te ~ ~ ~ a the1 wetta i. i1gi fT-Wrem i~' !te12~I~tâih renta, t fAoted Presibetelan ivlne a Theéo !laes Scotè. i Lt àol te Bsieêk inl È Methodiât Tabernacle. ton té h biS thei"5 homed, wbere he was* Dr. Miligan, w-ile pester oft -Old st. eft to the enioymnent o! the tamlly ré- union. Andrewis Chureh,Toronte, wu s oiM- Mites Ethel Bronghton camne down ered one of the "beavy welghts' or troin Toronto wlth hier brother, andi «"big guns'* p the city inlnlstry. He their tather, mother and Chais. Breugb. hanretre fým te astrat fr smeton were on the station fflatlorm to ha. etird f 'em he pstorte fr so e -t thetravelers. years, but la now pastor Emeritus of!1 Ft. Broughton bas been ln hospital St. Andrews. -Hie rhureh used -to be service Ila England, Egypt and Bal- the -renderveus. for the students o! onika, and like Lieut..Perry, bas sean Knox College on -a Sunday mornîng, some-strenueus doIngs. Being a med- and Indeed, for Êtudents o! other Col: i-cal 8tudent before going abroad, Sgt. leges as w-ell. 'fley w-are alw-nys sure Broughton w-as gîven bis disebarge that of getting somethlng worth w-hile at h e mlght rotura to Canada -anti tom-ý St. Andt-ew-s. Dr. Milltgans sermnons' plete hie studios. Hae xpecta te wéite w-ere consideredte l be inidels 0f ex- hie exains and obtaîn his oMtierle rank1 egesis. ,hemiiete and a-1l the other before the close e! the year, when, If charactaristics that go te make up a ithe war la stili ln progrea, he expects gooti" sermon. Possibly tihe sermons it eunoesu would be ratlier beavy for tbe bulk of Sergt. Broughton expressed bis de- 1 modern- congregat Ion la the average, light la belng once more la Ontatio .0w-n. but 1-. a university city lika To- andi at galting honle. lié w-ns greakly- -ente. whsre sebolarly mon and wemen pleaseti at the warm and hoarty greet- ---', i" ~ats ! larnne emadeIing that had heen exteaded te hlm. higb tblnking ln the ptilpit, Dr. Mil. Hn3u'iyhmefenSHUSht à,,,nw'us vasîay popular. He w-as emi. eecupied a.period of eigbt weeks. Ho cently soundtocte, ln bis tbaolegy. Icrossati from Su4a»ùlka te 1eah~a rhêre neyer w-as a"s'f car ln the mlnds Egypt, ini aj.ramp st e e Ie< Wd o! the mort orthodoi that aB the oung hie three compatilons, aIse inedical stu. theolege listenat witb rapture tth dents, bat! te sleep in thehbolti o! the flow-lng parietis w-hich fell fromt the vesseI, w-befe th# shibVsi*atà-iLy-ed lIps o! St. Andirews' pastor, thay w-ould bide and seeak wlth thieni. A delar" Imbiba any faîse or uinsketting notions. ten tinys la Alexandrlain aItiag iýbr Dr. Millgan bas, ne doulit. ripeneti anti transportation te Englanti gave an op- mellow-ed w-tb age. andi as ha is yel portunity te sea the city; but as the strong anti virile, Whttby people w-luI temperature w-as 103 la the shade It wantte har hm. as rather warm. A turther delay la wnnî e bea hlm.ngîanti nabieti the party te tahe a trte F3otland, w-bere they enjoyeti Whitby Boys Return Frrom thae igbts of Edinburgh. Almeet evary- wbere tbey w-ont la Enguanti nnd Scot- Gtreat 'War. land they heard the opinion expressed _______ that w-ben the w-ar w-as over there (Centinnti from page 1) wouhti be a big amîgratien te Canada. where ha saw the action agaînet the The Atlantic .iouraey home occuplati ýefnussI on the north-west boundary tw-o waaks. ,)f the NIe country. Subsaquently the Sergt. Broughton saldi that la the force te whidi lie bpiongedtiek part unit te w-bld lie w-as Rttnched, Dr. Me- in seonie fightlng near Suez and G illivray, brother e! Dr.. C. F. McGiI. acress the canal la Syria. Later be iivray, e! Wbitby, w-as an offleer. Sergt. returnadti teFrance, as; relateti aboya. rougliten formeti a very high opinion Recoveritîg rrom fis injurties ln En- o! Dr. McGillivray, botb as a man and dersieigli Palace Hospital. lie w-as se an officar. forimie a tobetisiteti by Queen Tae.be tiles andi experiences of hiespi- forîknrate 'aS c_;sVitri. tel service bave been full o! Intarest andi ~tex.nda ar Prve-es Vctoia. profit for the young sodent. He bat! charge o! six wartis ln a hospital at one In-TUPRN 0 F ERNEST PROUGHTON. lime. On Thorsday ci-e-ninig a cic wd-(coma Many lnterestlng pictures andi sotiv. 'ionue n'as extc-ndprî le Staff-ggt. Ernest anirs were collecteti o! scenes and rotin- ,r p btn _c-ruof %Ir. f"o<i Mr%- Nw. .A tries visiteti, arnongst the curies bcing 1 .-,,ialton f Whlthv. Cgt 'ro'nghton an explodeti Bulgarlan shelî. s'snot w-oU knomn ln Whithy befora 2ving oerqpaf, ardthîe exact heur of -iic rcachlng W'hlîby w-as so unceriain rha tît nny n ho w-ould otbemwise have zg>i' -o tetic Statien te w-elcome iim id rtc-t kn;ov., lusi le was romin-. 110w. Nfr. M'î: arren aud Councillors \int-s t-A iCotliut rapreet ate I lie T(ýNNt1(*c:,;!ic!t' Therc w-era aise Po- lire Magistrale Harper anti !amily, a rf--rtsentalive of the press and otbern. sergi. Brotuglton wns-uctrdlally wel- corned home, anti wben the procession litar racîrd île -busBiness section of tic ten the banà o! the IJS2ntiBs:- talion joined ln anti playedti 111the four ""S IN 14CANADAW The Prico of the New Ford TourIng Car- Fully équipjp d Nviîl eleccrîc starter auid liglhts, -eleccric hlorri, etc., $640 1f'o b. Ford. -Stardut eqîîipmcint, fo.b. Ford, 530 Runabout, fully equipped, f.o.b., Ford 59o R -unabout Standaid, eqippe.], -~f o.b. Ford, 48o See the tnewmodels at our showrooms. W. il LUXE 4 meNDEALERS$ IHIISY W'Bell Phoue tu ladi. Phiono 12 A Whiiby Boy's War Ex- perience. Lieut. Cullen Perry. w-ho arrîveti homie lest w-eek, after baing on activa saervice silice the first Canadian Con- tingent wcnt Iotehle ait e! the mother country, lias an lnleresting story te tell. Ia conversation w-tb the Gazefte and 'h ronirle tis w-eek le tolti soe e! thon. 'How w-as 1 weunted?, Wei, I w-as on Gooti Fridny. at nlght. I w-as bornb- lng oticer, anti was ortiereti te mako a raid on a Gemma trench. I bad eleven men antioe sergeant wilh me. Eacb o! tles carrlati about n dozan bomnbe anti 1 lad a couple ln my poeket. Wc urelt out as far asw-a couidti1w-ard tle Germait tranches untîl w-e w-are stoppeti by tbeir barbet w-Ira. Thon w-a tbrew- over our bombe mb (liaeir tronches. They inunedinteîy retahiateti ly boslb- jng us la retura. Thon (bey sent up star sgheila anud titrned a machine gun on es. I w-as lit by part o! oe et the firet bgmbe they-threw over. i caught me on thie iiose anti the sboulder anti knocket me eut for a lîttie bit. 1 got ite a. sieh lb, anti then the sorgeait anti 1 maaaged te get back lie oour om-n trenchues. Two o! our men uvere serierîsly wotîded. My nase bled a ..ouit deal, anti1 h touglit It w-as broken, but fortuaataly It wasa't. My. wounds wu-re net vecy severa, but 1 w-as gia eneugb te get- a chance te have a short risit at home.- "The 8-axons are gooti fchiom-8, utuch btter tItan the Prussiens. Often they put Up ý sien la front o! their tranch- es, 'we are &axent.* Ona nigit we inade a raid, tour oe! us ofie<raand about Ê«e't'<nî-five ihên. Ohue of otîr oqlcers w-as wouaded anti gel tangledtu lthîe bharbed wiraeut ln *No Man's Landi.' le tas tbere aIl night. la the morni lg the Saxons put up a white fig e« trîîce. anti thon w-ont eut andti tek hlm lan ca'ma fer 'alu. The Pruàsins, Ila-s o1nd;àrer ae, would hav-e taken the chane le ritdaliahi with bullets. Iw-as lIn Cept Witzh the EEst Sur- raye aloag tha Suez Cablal. We lad a Oine rime thora. Thle Turkîsh Camp w-es about thlnty miles aw-ay, and every momalng two o! car areplanes wouid go and ti do a dozea bomis e n thé Tuarks. Fiiualiy, w-han theTu'Prks atteek- ed. out' eavalry w-ont eut andi eazturad (hotu ail, witbaout fiting wny shah.. "We ilet Âlexaàdrle las Mai"» anti saibot direct te Umershie&" Uclut. Perry " if du ite w-are abie toe dentribe a battie an a"en by tUso ltiero be w-suit sot b. boelle"&, - **A» Irishum uetta au 1tometIat a nu u sot t ella l1eéi "t4a bmuei at the front, bëiauac * osldt e able te ýft or« suctnt 1to enaul et the ta-th," -a-gi, $TOUAIIIITROUBLE MG4 Cu.&xr.Aw xMomrasn "For twO Yean, i ÃŽit a mlerible suIerer from Ràu.natiim and Som«Ac TroabIe. I hAdù(rquent Di=aySeis, and when 1 took food, feit wretched îand sleepy. I1muffered frein tleu- matisin dreadfully, with pains in my back and joints, and My banda swolien. A friend advised "'Ftuit-a-tites" and frein the outset, they dld me good. Afler the firsi box, Ifet I wselting nefi and I oaa truthfüfly say that 'Fruit'a-tives" la the oniy medicine thathelpedme". LOUIS LABRIE. M0e. a box, 6 for $2.60, trial sise, 253e. ,At ail dealers or sent postpaïd by Fruit- a-tives 1LLtited, Oftawa. Some discussion took place regarding the da!niagecondition of the approacb- e tethe SOtt township Une bridge, W?,ýSt of Udora, and With respect to Ptierrill's bridge in Whitby Township. Following this, the meeting adjourned. WEDNFISDAY. Mr. Fred Rowe, Reeve of Whitby Township, asked why certaih Ceunty officers bail received t&is for attending before the County Judge on assessment appeais w-hile others had flot been paid. He was informed tbat some township oflicers badl fnrnisbed a state- ment of their mileagé and attendance and others had nàot. Capt. Malcolm Cockburn, of tbe 182nd Battaiion, addressed-,_he Council, ask- Ing for a grant to Olé Battalion for equipinent purposes. This request was referred to the Finance Committee. At 'tbe atternoon session the Clerk read the certificate of D. M. Morgan's election as Dýeputy-Reeve of Uxbridge Township to MI1 the vaeancy caused by the deatb ot George S. Stokes. Mr. Morgan w-as piaced on various com- mittees In place of Mr. Stokes. The following reselution w-as Intro- duced.by Mr. Wagg and Mr. Stone, and unanimousiy passed: "Whereas It bas pleased the AII-Wise Creator to remove by death an esteèm- ed member of our Council, Ini the per- son of Mr. Geürge S. Stokes, Deputy- Reeve of Uxbrldge Township; "Be It resolved that there be entered upon the minutes ut this Council the following memorandum relating te bis services: "The deceased George S. Stokes w-as of English descent and lived for maçy vears In the township of Scott, before he became a resident o! Uxbridge Township. He w-as a well.read and en- t.erprlsing citizen. He took great in- terest In improvIng the practices o! agrlciftture, and was a leading member of the Uxbridge Agricultural Society, o! which be w-as for some time Presi- dent and Treasurer. He w-as also much Interested In Educatton. For some years he w-as a membep o! the Council o! the Township o! Uxbridge, and a cap- able administrator of municipal af- faIrs herere lie hecame Deputy-Reeve cf the~ Township. By bis sudden death the County has lest ont of Its best men, andth tis Cciuncil- ena eÃ"t Is most cap- able miemiiers. "That a copy of this resolut ion be forwarded to tbe witlow of deveased, expreising sympatby of this 'otuncil for ber In ber bereavexnt.- The speciai coîflilttee appoitited to conhIder the dlaim against Ramna own- ship reported, and after certain amend- ments were made the report m-as re- ceived. THURS*JY. Mm. Gerow, of Port. ý rry, w-an absent eW4ing te the deatli o! bts son'. Tic War- tien. anti Mosme. Mow-bry, Dobson, Blorgan anti MeKinnon w-ara appointeti le renresent the Cotincil aitihe funercal on Fiday. Mr. Hoover brotîght up tle report o! the sperlal Cotamittea appointoti tei ré- conasiter thg adtaiity e! making gmants te the Couaîy Agricuitural So- chables. 'Phe conimittee reporte t (at It hast viewed the îaattkr froin every- a-agie, but la conaidertfon e! tho pre- sent national criais anti thee nprece- doute-t deMande for the tlnanciniassIgt- aiwe la waglng the w-ar, lt'w-eul! ce- comment that decialid zof the Council at (ho January sesalea, te tut off al grantete Agrieulturel Secieties reaelè Me-d lji etdu» p r.VeS cry, sced iciby Mga - oI, ithtle i'eprt of'the 1pee$4 M tUée -Oiàa- rieultura ho e t -ov doited, but ho ho rdf.c'dbacS ( the *s*untteeêw-th luam«ona (o hr$o huaois*tàtdo Usaù te gtivtht e ý fwte sa ma4 la 1914$tt b* e, û «ei ne ont ud ea" radeande&o4 UM% 1i~ 10TB 'YU &ANAN..5,f bu 84M Itotie Cliôi tfet ti è- i<>Gdben âtio; aibe A discussion, araéa é- à W.a êtloe cf makln gnt tethé '# ,ar "ld-ý fl irs 'o te latrietleIPite, n a- ly Mr. Maas u ftoveti, sdeoùÏièdil b3rMt. Reavenorý,,that the CÃ"usty dilerk*",itt the 'atriotic etssolatton ât Qttali asklngk. tyr saIlit or thei aùos M. il seldletat ït#e-rscovin aid fro&Ã" t sali Ïlui in"-lé tiConnty, andi tho a- mount.t- t-such aidi and that the Cherk turnlsh4he mezftber# of (bis Ceuncil witb the saine. Carrldd. . ÈÂÉ. -5M bray br<,ugbt u h..eot ofe o sùÎ.tteeoapeintédti tecongider the preposed, separatien ef the Tow-n o! Oshawa tfrot-tie Ceunty. ASter soine 41aoubsion, Mr. Mew-bray, sendeti by Mi. Downey, moved (bat theèport ha ,dopted witheut PreJude la êuse the parties do bot agree as te the terîns,-of soparatIon, after .tisa passaÊg oe% the QshoLwa by.law for such separétioùn ". rietl. Tht usuel rant o! *100 w-ès matie to tha Wal'de.--. FRIDAY. The tReeve et Canningtoa Village asked for a grant o! $100 for rend ipu- prevdment, anti Mr. Madilu, o! Scott Townshlp, requesteti $200 for the saine 'purpese. Several reports and by-law-s were I pure',,-w --- - B Ivre 9, Pure Englisi Gree Paris In sealed packages, bearinig t.he signature oi Lewis Berger & Sons, London, Englawl. OOc per lbo. Owing to the higb price of Paris Green a dFal of Arsenate of Lead is béing used for spre pbatato vines. We have a large stock. on hand in Ilb... 2 lb. and 5 lb Ing a by-ipw te nid In recrulting and E l*f equipping tho 182nti Battalon. There w-are soveral reports, w-hich occupid W IU censiderable Urne. Soeao! the mn-'WHT bers found Iit neessary te leave on tho 4.15 p.m. train, andi this nocessarîly-cut the atterneen session short. The Ceuacl adjournati until Weti- nesday atteinoon, June 28, at 2 o'cloek. Pe-rsonàl Mention NOTES FROM REPORTS. Mrs. O. Boyer, of Gt-eenweed, W-as vis- *T1he Ceunty grants fer rural acheols îting la tow-n on Tuestiny. amnount te :-public echools, $1379.82; Mrs. C. A. Goodtellow w-as ln Teronto Soparate Schoels, $11.31. on Wednesday aîîendîng the funeral of A dlaim f rep Leamlngton High n relative. School for an Ontario County pupil at- Sergeant R. T. Moore, o! Lontion, vis- tentIing the echool w-ns tIsallow-ed. iteti on TuèMtay w-ltb bis aunt, Mms Lindsay Cellegiate claim for main-- S.J. Vanstone. tanance e! County o! Ontario pupils Mr. and Mre. A. C. Macpherson and for 1915 w-as $283.37. daîîghler Dorothy bave baen visitlng- $100 each w-as grantati te the Sclioel the tormeres parants ee. Boartis o! Cannington, Beavarten anti Mrs. Mlntyre anti baby, ef Toronto,' Claramont for their Continuation are vlsiting w-Itl ber parents, Dr. anti classes. Mrs.,Atiama. The Wbltby Pire Brigade was grant. Mr. anti Mrs. George Garrett and et the sume of $25. chiltiran, o! Toronto. vielteti Mr. andi The sum of $2,000 w-as tînanlmously Mrs. C. A. GoedfeIlow over Suntiay. 1 grantedti t the 18S.nd Battalion fer pur- Miss Mabel Palmer and Miss Rita poses o! recruiting anti equipment, as Palmer ara spentilng a 1w-o w-aeks' bell- w-ell ns the balance of the $3.000 re- day at In verlyn, a smaîî summer me- mainlng unuseti orIgInalîy granted te sort near Whitavale. the 116t1 Battalion for recruiting. Mrs. E. Magner andti wo daughtars, Dorethy and Bessia, o! Torento, wera RAISE MONEY FOR MESS TENT. ln towîi last wee-k atlanding the funeral On Wednastiay evening last, Jîmne 7, Mrsf ral yde good aer. wa i o the Cotinty o! Ontario Olti Girls gave M reneonWdnestiayeven sinTe-l an entertalament ln the Music Hal îrnew-eîî te er brote ieuLS. R. for the purposa o! maising funtis te pur- aeelt br ihr Let .R Chase a mess tent fer tle tise o! tie Wilkins, w-ho Is heaving shertly for 182nd Battalion. Tiare w-as a vary ivressrie large attentiance, anti an enjoyable Capt. G. W. P. Every, e! the ll6tb aventng w-as spent ln pîayîng progrees- Battalion, Niagara, w-as at home ovar I-ve card games, sudh as eucbre, bridge Suatiay. Ho will attend a three weeksl' anti five hundrati. For thosa ladies course ln Toronto te sacura is Fild w-be titinet cure te partlcîpaze* Ia the Officers' certificate. games, a corner w-ns previtiatiw-lera Mr. G. D. Perry, Manager efthîe uîey coulti knit andi chat, and ln tbe North Western Telegraph Ce., Toronte, gnlîery the mon enjoyeti a emoka. w-as in 10w-a on Thurstiay tast vistftlng Later on efreshments were ser-veti, fol- bis brother, Lieut. Cullen Perry, w-ho Iowing w-bld an anjoyable tance w-ns hiati met returneti te Whltby fresi the held. front. Cnpt. Cockburn enlivenedth le proceeti- Ings by the auctioning o!f1"surprise"--- -___- boxes. 'rie proreetis. Il le undarsloot. were oiver $200, w-bld amotînt was augment- eji by tue- eceipt o! a chaque for $50 freinAMr. Ambroso McKay, e! Salt Lake M City. son o! Mrs. D. McKay, o! Whttby. The total ametînt nettet isl net yel fuuly known, but. announicement will le matie haler. energtie reit I ito!e Olt Girls'th euch rtiui laideMm te AdmG.rle' Association, fôr thie success w-hicli at- tended tlii efforts. Mrs. Adams gave e! lier tIme unstzlntingly anti spared ne pains ln maklng the prelininary ar- rangements. Miss Donaltison, as con- venor e! the Decorpt ion Ceninsute, aIse titi splendid work. ONTARIO LADIES' COLLEGE CLOSING WEEIC. The Ontario Ladies' Collage closes a meat succesaful and Interestiag year by n woek's tielightlîtl exereises begin- îîlîg Wedaastiay, June 1itianti cnt- Iag with Commencement Day on Tues- day, June 201h. A generai outline e! thea progrm, w-hteb w-il begîven la tho concert hall o! tht Cohlege, le as fol- Wednesday, 8 p..--Cndergu-atu ates' Retital. Thumaday, 8 pa.-Senler Reclial. Priday, 8 p.m.-"Pbe TanuIngo!f(the. Shraw." by tho Dramtiù Club. Saturday (a) foretuoc andi aftti- nanmletle at"d wnmln aer- ole,(b) 0 p.t'.-Rocitalby is mms et t st wedtst Chureh<. Rr, . e Xl Is1D.D.0 pasijir Uuertos Ot ,âtzndW' .Churéh. Toisai. -(a) <irt4uatse'OCUM Ds. Ci»t noing et 3.16 DlarJunorst M d 1I$. nAnuwhiq yON - M vire ~ - - Thomias Lavery, son of Mr. a.nd Mft. P. . Lavery, ef- Wh Itby, who bau beenl a studeat of the O.'V.C. for twe years, enlisted In- the Buifs, was later one o! the'seven transferred te the 95t.h Bat- talion. and bas arrived overseas saffey. Notice to Creditors. In the estate of George Cormack, late eftbte Town of Wbltby, ln the Coun- ty e! Ontario, Luniber Merchant, de- ceased. Notice la bereby given, -pirsuant te Section 56, Chap. 121, R. S. O., 1914, that all prsons baving cdaims against the, estate of the said George Cormnack. w-ho died at tbe said Town o! Whitby on the 1Sth day o! ,March, 1913, 'are requlred tô deliv.er or send by post, prepaid, to Mrs. Esther Cor- mack, W"hitby, Ontario, the Admints- tratrIx o! the said estate, on or befere tbe 24tb day et June, 1916, their names and addresses, and a f ull de- scription o! tbeir daims, and the na- ture e! the securities, -if any, heid by tbem, and Futer take notice that atter the I ai tentybourî'a day o! June, 1916. the said Administratrix wiil proceed to distrIbute the estate of the said de- ceased ameng the parties entitled there- to, baving regard only to the edaims o! w-hicb she shahi tlien have notice, and the said AdministratrIx shah ll ot be lhable for the ssid assets or aliypart thereot té any person of whome-dllM she shall net then bave received notice. Dated this Siet day o! May, 1916. ESTHER CORMACK., Admiaistratrx, by A. E. CHRISTIAN. -50 ber Solicitor. Ro.dtter fts d.-- b. les1 s> AComplete Car in Every Partcidai And les'a aCar You W!!Be Pro dté -Ow iî', the fint complete car et anywhere nemîr se low a it stands eut alome-boldly-unapprete1ud..4a pcweïý Mu five-passenger touring car kiomnpiete for cnfly $850., Note tbat Word "cemple'tteY 'Phat ms Electrue Starter, Flrn i)is iad nim, Magntic Spcdonscer-iîn fact, evey« casyrn .J!otbing ii lacng. Thtre art ne entras t*ý bü3y Note that I i twla e'ail car. Tli he bclhase lý104 indns.'The tir e refowr4ach uie-maycaeoatng- mmoe bave amaier tires lstvey wq t'ie wllbpad*them le bus botm wswse -à 4- Li., w' Ey drinl (il ici- - \tPr f ront Fr - d rin k arai Tii .Llqu( 1 h c-m! b(-e fi nas h a v p of in 44 La, ats ir net -Pro v tiria- I 'ir Ailia stock O tir busin ginJ hld 7C. ov 4 4 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 mu 4 4 f 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ~reat iying 4 4 4 q .4 4 jars~ ~ - 4 ~EI F t- I ibbimni ego

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