Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Jun 1916, p. 1

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lji' .11 . i -l ILL Vol. 52-No 8)WHTYONAOCN:.,TtBDTJEJS16 _________________ ___ C.A. GOODFELLO & SON, P916 AUl Leat Ealiog In6ects, Church's BUG F'INISH lleady For Usce Dry. hNo Mixing Required. For ('urratut and (looseberry Buelles, Potato Bugs, etc. Kilts, with one application. A Fertilizer and a Poison. JE. WILLIS Dregglst and Optilan MIEbCAL HALL Btock St. 0 Wbitby. THE MBOUSU 0P QUALITY The Denier witb the Ceai sud the Service. &'Scranton Coal'j Ti. isesadrd 4#AFTER niE STRIKE" N4ew Prices Now ESt.abllshed. Freeh mined 'lScranton Cool "- Egg, Stove, Clxestnut and Pea, comiug daily in box cars-elean, bright and dry. Canne) coal and siq'thiug ceai always in stock. Yount th ie boat. Order now e R, BLOW, Whisby Bell obione Iý. Home phone 14. SUMMER 8988ION NeIw open in Shawm Basiness Sohoola, Toronto, continues until August 28tli. wheti VaIî'Terni bqina. ,No vacations. Eustraa^time. Fme sakge ».HWEILL JAMES Carpentet, Bulider and Contracter. Flans drsiwn and estimatei fUrnlhed. Saab, doors ad frames. agent fer 1Bréatter oti em 801 467 WHITOY Phone 149 A.H. ALLIN. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Corner drusg store, WhltbY. No Witfleeserequired. The Sceator Canada lmpmunfemt à Landmi Ue..LmItU Whltby - Ontario R(eal ICtate Dealer AEta tet Managed, Reuts Ooi.cted. ;! nt Leana Arranged Properties bon kt Bsd sold. For terme appbly 11Ilee Mo, Broek st. Bell Phone 193. lad.Iiozàe70 1O01800a" Woek OlIowSI t eis tSas,, Wbu 'M*ONU MENTS o(all uIgu ai à" lobt Ila B ftii 0pgy rylàto Wai t Ob at SndI Suspecfor yiousl. Do cot b..alh i #Mt& ,Wedo iàemoia thon.Vsu~U A collu ItI LITEhft, SAl480 SOIinimeSTARES BRROOK STWIromiatB Hit or abi oIulot torafor sl lot pets NEWSPAPER MEN ENJOY TrRIP TO HEAD'0F ORIEAT LAKES As ciuests cf the Canadian PacifIc Raliway. 'Thlere arec huîîdreds of thounands of 87,168,769 bushels of grain was routed! liiîiniiraiî il iers lui Canada WbQ have ',ia the Great Lakes te Canadian ports, anid 114,470,463 ta American ports, ructu nmore eftlhis country than hait the of whlch 95,000,000 busheis was carried luolile boru lu Canada. Yet we bave by Canadian vessels, and 106,000,000 ii gretitest transportation systems li by Americauu vessels. When It 1a re- i' wvorld, hoîh by lanîd anîd water, and membered that ln addition ta the grain il vitradte, there lis a large ceai sblpment g roai'-r îariei> of tremendous Bcen- te these ports, the immense Import- c y. t1ýaniu air oiher countîry knoWn te ance et the shlpping lndustry ta the (1% llizatiriu.'Twin Cities begins te appear. Th~is t»ditorial opinion, from a cur- Here at the head of the laktes a large - amourit of ceai loi unioaded for dIstri- 1i Suiadiai, niagazine, was echoed 'bution te Western Canada: fBig travel- oi-er ati oer agatii during thie recent iug cranes do the work formerly doue flue-day trip. to ite Twln Cities at the, by dozens et men, and witb the assist- liead ofth-ii Ureal Laites by the hun-lance efthiis modern macbinery, the. dred and i cxi y mn and ewomen repre- ca ui' lîî wuCle a spiiingdaily, .u%% ekly anîd irade papers 1ca sedîerzlag te Tproportis a eft lie » Doînii loi. 'llie vast Industrîi suevrylgeportn. antd commliercial cuterprîses and possi- On returninfg ti'om I nspection efthte biii's of the Loninien, and mare par C.N.R. elevator, the Board of Trade of tictiarly t theProvicertfWilliam entertaineil the vîsitors ticula roy et ie Pry ovnce oftention at luncheon In the Prinîce Arthuur ltel, w cs beugt uvldy t ib atentonwhen îiiey were weicomed more heart- Of lhe inenîbers ofthie Canadian Pres ly by the Presideut ef the Board of Associati on, and lt is safe te say liat Trade and the Mayer. nCA! t fhosc mwhluv.were wilh the party xpreiced a greal awakiening te the V1iNS lii N(MOAIN pqoýinla1iiek.s otthe Province and thc Foliowing ltinclîenIthe party re- Wb4olc li>,inion. tîulite totue barber, again embarking i % .u tN lii. tti:rutKS n a îuig. and comînmencing a slght-see- l i iri11)co %cereu a sître tch af appgpxi -Iiig trip arond the harbor and Up tie nîalî 7' mles romTornte ul e- arber consisîs chietiy of river front- luri. 1il tat i e pariy uere oully *425 g.TeamnsltaRirboe fies i. 1roni Winnipeg when they landed ags. The amlinlwatersintul River betor ai Fort l ia. hii umlRfce uns dividrs iuself ihue three distinct branchu- cover.-d to 1Pt. MçNicolI by C.P.R. train, es known as the Kamitisîlquia preper, anîd f rout itliure to the Twln Cilles by the. ckhlr bd Mission hivers. thus ...ste-amner Jieeiitin. vrcatiîîg Iwo ltiands and seme twenty- Lteai ng Toronto on SatttH&dy, Juint six mniies of land-iocked harbor. Prob- 3rd. ai-, p.m. thue speclat train ar- abîv nowhere else eau be feiind suctil rieart Port Neue t embai5ed 5 audlie e lavisii expenditure et nature Inthîs w,ry , vîuîct mas aredîn tesa.'neparticular way as lis befalien Fort if-ort?. lieliwasIn eâines& heWilliamn. The Improvement of the har- h 'wInla one efthle Company's fin- bor facilities lias beentuhie subJect of est steamers un the Great Laites route, mucît attention and labor fer years: and l.averilable floating palace. Huge qunutittis o! eartb bave been Eveytlingt1ît ouldmînnle talb.dredged trom the river bede, and at -conufert et Iravelers lune been provîdel preseur the vork la stili goiug on. The ini the appointments of the steamer. i huge pfogramme et barber Improve- Thert, la stateroem accommodation for 1monte, as inslituted by lie Dominion 225 persoas. These staterooma are Governaient, will lake five years yet te Ieiecîric lighted, previded wlti running camplele, aitie end ef wl)tcbLime waler. coucli, In addition ta two lieds, there will have bpecaspet" Uic enor- electrle bell for sumMonlng bell boys, mous sum er $50,000,000.où improvIng anîd lu evQry way oase mand accomimo- the barbor facilitles at'tii. Canallan dation are catercd te. ha fteira iks The dinlng room le large and weîî i he ie Urat telakdendssn rllghled, the menu leli te beut Obtadn- pauses nlngtthe elns en tedas one gbelan the salons are furlilehel andee tDouinntenGovrnlnt's aewl ter-; gnaîîly. Thnalondsoare fprianoed bee.minai grain elevater; furtiier On on.e ganlyanda andomepino nabedpasses freighl sheds. oil tanks snd thei party te hoid a musical Pr"8 m1 ocsga oks aymreganoe trequently. Outile one y n8 vators, steamer wharvez. taçàpry docks, walks ou lhe hurricane &t. e = ngbigs mr atr~,ads deccks. lu tact, thein la uitg tO e on for miles.' Qu the hàrber fronts ef dsaired thal lbas net'been providel On the twoetties are locatel aitegether 32 Uic Errivalin. dfeet'mneeaos The (iergian Bay and LeIla 1 i lTeetganee os wer. la thie rQUleet m oils wheà ths VÂ4 w owna AND) w AM li uPLi. newapaper 14o4*iei 1.<vy ,~rpt~~m *, *ge. Tii.e our*,fôlleved Vis '00W Ciab* Pils#nvou 't enge 2 thb. Gegrg"an!lay. (nte lake'I fltuite Niagara, Indeel, Itt ias been callal, soiîhofettManitoÃ"ulin Island, sud ub St. tic rivai of Niagara. Ilie.the Kaun- Joseph'is Chiannel and St. Mary s River. Inietiqulta ÉPewer Ce. develepa power The ecenery along lie river ws ex- wllcb il supplies ta the. cities ef Fort quisite. ou eue aide couid lie seen the William and Port Arthur for ail Indus- Canadin shore. and on ticehher bannd trial purposes. A ttalioe 16,000 herse lay Uncle Sams ademain. Thc ti'il uPp pwer cau b. developed bert. thec claunel and river occupled several mai te lite soulhward of Fort WiI- heuris befal'e Sauli Ste. Marie w5 asla, andinlafull vlew of the city, ML. . reacied ai itoon on Sunday. Mere lhe McKay ibrusta its proud hcal 1200 teed Kre-eratin was put tbrough lthe teck t Into the heavens. il offers a spien- and aflter n brief stop nI "the Sbo,' the dd scenic vicw on a brighi day, and tri,,) up tie laketi waà continuel. - Imîany expressions ef admiration were L.ake Stîperior, usually regarddas beard freai lie newispapermcn regard- an angry meuBlter. was quiet alro, anid ing lie beauty efthle mounat-.-Buck thoib na îick amlai coverel lt.eSir' aluonx lie fariher aeefetMottiMe- tacsetf luie mii.for a lime, t-bers iîai Kay and the. adjacent helghl of lal,. mue dela..tive mlles othe iclty, les Loch 1À> "irLî I V '.'*I i NITiI.S. moud, 333 fte abeve uthe ety level. On Nioîday niornlng wlieuu the.pas- Loch Lomoald le a mile ad a hait sengers came ou deck, lie Twtn Cilles, videneesrai miles la leati. andl ne- l>art Arthuur and Fort William, lay lu body kLowW bow deep. Uls waters ane fuit, .1ew, under a cdent and smlliag crystal dcear anud abaoliuteiy Pure, anda sky. Tu lhe 1e4t Thuader Cape and ithe le aupply fer Fort William la cenvey- Sleeping Gîat guarle el lenanceecd (0 lie cily by an 19 lah pipe Une. îe lthe barber,al nditthre riglu thle Thapressure la 85 10 U> pouadi te h 111e adjacent te eCities cemplted a Ithesquare loch. obtalneltrougi grav- piclure er rare beaut.y. iaoniIwtotle ilti Thie visitera vere welcomel a aitl t PumPlirg staton.' Wiliam by a eMoitW* «et be , Cowici2The resldents ot thea Tria Citias and fBoard et TraIe, Mdl ssigbt-meiag bbat tilt they hakve thre- ftmeet ms- teur was ai once micugirate l a et mer cUmaoto, la Amerlos. There la ne -lte Party. ef wblclm tire viSe Ws.s one,t axtremely bot weatber, for the ruàm 1 ver tkealePor Abe- tresm S.-tit ne.rl nlt- a-roà..,-__Aa-re Only one jury éaae was in the Coun- ty Court befoià J9dge, Melntyre, wbich opened on TUesdày afternoan. namoly Johin C. Freçtèh v. Lake Simeoe TNavi-' P R gation Co. Lmited. .Juiy 6, of JaSt ye&r Mr. F'reeian, wNho was a bridgÉ tender .,at Baisover on the Trent Canal, -,re c«ved sëripus in. 10) ACRE FARM, with jurles when ',the s1eamer Olonobie struck the bridge Ohibch be was barns. Large house, standing, He had tlrned the bridge at Irnmediate possession. riglbt angles ta Itî usual posit-ion ln order tu allow thOisteamer te pass. He n stood by the level' holding ît, exî,ectingi NEW nOIJSE, containi the vessel te paës tirough on the soutli balcon),( large cellar,f s1de. Iîîsteadi'the. <Jtonobie struck the bridge, on thé eaut end, damfaging thel bridge and iswingting it nrouiid, with the resuit that thu turning lever, rield by Mr. Freelan, *Us rotated violently. six ROGIFO NEW BRICK 11008E, Mr. F'reeian was kneclced uincousclous, and balcony. Cash p and received a tractured hlp, ln addl- CEAOOEHAFSOE tien te 9ther Iurü ies. N ADOEHLF-TR i $Mr. J. W. MeVtîl4pgh,et Mcuhlougli fruit trees. &Button, for Uieý>Plalntiff, centended that the vessel Vas r4lnning faster NEW 11008E, containing sixi than the speced liuit o four miles, and strc et, riorth of the C. that Il was owtn, ô the. negligence et thie defendan ts the Ii accident re-J FOUR EXCELLENT BUILDING LOTS Mr. MeCulougherlled Dr. Byer, of situate on the south Waodvtlie, Who tq0l of the Injuries re-' and sewver passes pro] ceived by Mr. Fre-wan. Previous to tze' accident lie bil aïWaXs considered Mr. Freelan n smârt Hu le diet net thinkL hewudevr4an be capable of T roe ruaa The defendant ýa:ne Into court on cru tehes, and seeni>d ta be lu very poor. Hbaie Phonle 'ë0. physical coadition. Mr. Pl. C. L. J14esp for the defend- ff ailt,, disputed the contention thiat tbe vselwas goîng tbo fast. Ho e I oé asdbsdfec nt clihed that the plaintiff was negilgent i r oé ae i eec nti ln standing at thý1qoV'er; that lie euuouul part of a log having caugbt ln the bave steiped swa* util the boat hs.d scre.w, and aise on the contention thnt' passedi -Thus, hoW eer, wbs denied, by1 the inspecter had given imaproper ln- r.M irthe biZid siseta' h tructions to Mr. Freelan, ln orderiw-1 sald bis Instruotte4' tethe bridge tend- hlm te stand at -the lever whlle a boat ers were te st9y ~the lever ln erdef wus pasng the bridge, teasteady the bi!ICIM gaInst a possible During the. deliberations of the Jury' tendency te tùMl'xI ovng te a breeze. John Fair, ef Oshawa, one of the jur- The case fer theO#reseUtion was oon- ers, who was under the Influenèe *ô?, cluded on Tlaesday-' atternoon. and the tiquer, became very botetroue a"t Couert was adjotir ntil Wednesday used stcii abusive langliage tat lho morin . was cemmitted ta gaol and funed $10. The. enginber .-eUh, Otonubie, Mr. The. jury retprncd a véréfeet 2,000 Conty, was -thiehi tness fer the dé- damages ferrilialuttif aguinst Ithe de- fente. Ris evid - ~ewus tht a log fendant CompAny.1 floating ln the caW haà vaugbt-in te Peeiaus ta adjburnment ef the Court atarboard screw aa^ causol the.beat te Mr. MeCtullough, Mr.'Joneà, and Col. J,> b. partiallily tilibled, this belng the Z., areweiî, 1<tC., Crown . Attorney, reason It bail *trL#k thie bridge. De. fellitatedl Judge Metfttyre Upen hie spit.e the order tt> reverse,,i. Cooly long public service both on 'the bench [sud It migltbt é ixnpaesble te avol adlnla ailer caimitIee. Judge McIioc .triking thre ' rilige because o? tyre la retiring f romn active work ë# thle Impouhuiity «, batilng quicklY Junior ,fudge eoftthe Caunty. go thank.I enâugh with only-o*.eofthte screws tn ed themn, and gave utterance ta a fewl- use., euitable remarks. WRIIY R'T1JIN P OM GRIAT1 A ceritia lc vsexteni-fdë; élbàëýP ed ta Lieut. 'Cullen Perry upon lis re- The streets ire thiongel vith, pteo' iurn te Whitby haest Weduicsday nigit. pie, ald as tce proesson pandI aib"g He came on the '.'G.T.R. froua Mon- cheeae taonsthe erowl evieefl ii trenh, ad vieshe stepped fronatihe gInes. of heur .velcome, -home te tcé coach he miv tic phattorum ad seler lad. fi1le1 With people. automofles muidrea. tihie eS«ioa PAscionxtte cPer.t nlages. Hardiy ha'1 h.e ligiied betore, a' home oi Centre Btreet, Wlsere ft.r lic wus gathered Inte hie meîuie.r's ler oheerinsg ald mune. expresel tjie armas. The next te grnsp bitiait wu' feelinig» tIlci muet beyte cPrcuulen. Mayor Warren, a# tien cer bande Tic crowl neemeëlo1a11th oleave the stretehel forth la - f& me .hm IWneghborhcwd o? tih omt" irerathe everY step où tie vay te the waiting iomUst mu il be ti rer o thti carniage. As lhe v#Jked-aloUg tie plat- PrVivay o? h ytifa ircle. - ý fora hearty cheere resoundel tra% tic Lieut. Perty le irhome, on a six veks' happy long, Mdale i.enteredi - uflOugir btvfug been wôond.d ta the- carniage tice1Manl Battalien 1maId up face. ltnppiiy l nis ûdâ,»are no ln thc Station yrî, Joiblatathecier. s'AgI, but h. As catItiel te a-noetion, lng. Tic Whitby Bey Scouts vert et. a le wntaIvermea-vhwti tic firsi Ca. sent te adI d oi r etcoe.te ticheit. IaLMa EwIùtl"oy-t««, and 'bu by bey *vie vas nov n seasonel souiler Mn SteMrvi. veliituo siBl of many expcrlèmc. gura, la E g#ud a alo-ýA»Ukt ]Ucut, Nearly ailttse mmbers o o? e PtrY le nov Quit. strelled pereon lis crrhages, and eos saor more auto. Met- and WUs laI meenrve.taeklng mobiles md i arlgso nntang 4eN. caPItlteS uste lobisi t theprecesuion up tow, Whltby peOplt are prou4 et ui t l A- strea ect c t thelad, precv»IP ooytiitY .velcome .h lm -b5ek te ils andl vaikel bueo tc regeotasia atlve towIL rla e >'et mm re, 'br lgLut cywilIoe -tema M rathe retuiru of ber. sicoalson. ture cit. ô? th# attalion UnMdlthe aquts follov. tItEbeailty M uiad o riI th«aigo ed th*s 1w-o I«di« «g ea#x«ges. ulbrokefatllIUmayeh6lebrite thecon.s Upon srmni4Uisebusse atc isli@ i asthm &K t Otrs «wrm' the tovu, ti" U", Bni" blasaI th, Cilleu e*ile t he riret cett. proçess Ig al ened l leeal«, thM«U. JO~IDIDtic QIisMWOvi Elles PIUI04 wvo ming aies. IX Toroto the - Aret -veroel- ttble a". At t»e tour 0cottio itt t.sair ~ MaiJkt V49NIWUsé 81 inut& ml lKaperWarren isilveri S a a4a nd1i17 ott M&M r eo enM a hihUàa.os esubhLEOlirl A t GltNew Spring.-Footwear Nov!I Select a Pa-il of Nt Spring -Mocels,àn Yc ww-I h've stye4 ult Thra'a shce for 71,17 WHITBY ONT. ell ornoh19 preli worl FieldfatGre e4 Fruits ji 'Seuoa ~ Plié Gwoceries OoWevc.QdkOi ALler sa<rvis reveption MItic PiOMM '4 lSr"*Igm u4i a Arthur. the ftne C..L bots),t Ire aqenéet«ot et ira uis s*f ué m miensand the ladies vers ame igesa bmuIip o tie tWtt& , »t WIM tuat f »-s.. - tic mm a"4W. etoxiwSgM te W:I#. tc iacs4 t l ho *bvigw WtSm.ut ,ai TwIa Clit4o bacc a ugmora" w hii ai ticsenDIn .estrotloi uPM 0 , WfltcreioS. 1%fe ffîl peatae a# t6owm grain steorM psdir «etw 1*belaostit 4WAte ~hers PERTI ES FOR RENT ntmber of good fruit trees, cowv and horse StalIeF, 7 roOms. Suitable for market gardener or teamnster. inga six roorns, three piece bath, verandah arnd furnace, and sewer connections. FO R SALE three piece bath, full size cellar, furnace, verandah payment $500, balance arranged. 00011 CAST DWELLING, large welI cultivated garden, wih rooms, three piece bath, fu.11 size cellar, on the main P. R. 'B, suitable for either building or învestmnent purposes, side of St. Peter St., cernent sidewalk, electric Iight ýerty. Ternis easy. la Improvornont -and Land Co. Llmitsi s I [J: J 1; sera L e ( Bell Thone 193 Il e - WHITBV9 ý-ONT,

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