Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 Jun 1916, p. 5

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'e For Tho lunelWdding. It would ho difficuit in.- îtoed to ehoose a more ficceptable and mor pleas- iug wedding guit, or oee in better taste than the pieces we offer in silver and cul glaeseand china. Otir detlgn-"1 Thé prettleat we have ever *hown,- are new and charuing iu éariety. Many *Il tiottc pieces for the dining table or boudoir. Let ne #%ggett one of the foliowving Salver Cake Basket SNIlVer Lutter Dish S88vep Feru Pot Stilvor Baker 8lîvea' Casserole 411 eut Clasé Bowl Cut 'Glass Tumblers l Cut Oae .Pitchor Dasst': INw toro Jil*ler and Optician WHIV, - ONTARIO W.C. T ) Te reuln r 11nil lag nf thtieW . tC. T. i. îîill ta' hiîl nn11W'r<tnî sday lafîçr-g ilimii, Jîîîîuie 1 . filI 1wf ile home if Il SiElliotî.ihîîîdas SI r- t nilai1" Irvv,. Thefrte 'il iIlaprorra in g iven l-iling ofnile 'i ork i ilin .î . 'irlimig ihe ald i i t he front. A col Ile<cîionnwillit lu.aie lu in &it i oft1ai Nv or i, %îîlichk' lîidsisim ofi(- Sîîpîly of î'eadinag. wri t ng niateria la. iiîîp for t lie aui f n lthe i i-clctets r<ncot, chocnlate, M r. Perr) ut rua an i od sq1flli.ra gepn- 11ten fin, iu x it (ýIij 1vi's pltitu i e m-ito ilf go li) ofiinilit- t\\' i t' l\timf il0 aiid ioffeiiding fn nu 1ghbur or I rittrd. One daty a pjoiglîtl. ir it lîlition Ilee -.i w III "-Inîlo. *%Ir> I¾rr ' t1 tuiS jus? gtolntig gt a drJink to ILIualld laki- "11liailk sni. NitI ilti t cals for r t ig - uNts o ' i- . î-î 'Unli buîîîî Ili mi ail sîîoilii bu r f<or smi t iilifl i;k- * Nom , 1 i noit If) la' eni tutu lt h i 1 car'i dî1-litk n i t i "A il rigi: i t i iifîtt'. a i, 11) ti- ris.loti fi l,- fi i îîd rit t'1- pst-ni Iy w îI kv Il îi i i.- Ill, (11142 tirus tl' , I-t îIr 114111' r-u to e îî:î j'Oiî \t P 1r Itt l lf cii NI tf- Ii flot .11 i i i g Ifi i l it i i i fin Ii, * b i of i-'.fistiir rttti fi l I il Il il 1 t Itei urîn ias % lsît, fil isd-lt 1 Ili \11 lPl rru Ils if theligule et lftiiii ii i ic rî'ei. liii i sii \i i t i i If) tak .1 ollÀ.i 1 cil t ithiliii )i itiii lit' S4tçiib't, fi- i iît I iîîil. %(lt li-i u ".Ir. i st'-i !f Yîîîîî sî«itti t'lvti ~lsjul ila; dis- t . i i ii l o ti' nk 1 N uvbFis nil la i n- Ii: tli itt ii i I iti t i nus astre i l a f\tii l t d , îih nn ru o 'llit, pair hvirily -slooklitands, Itle \tas ,îi îs-ncîia.ttd Ia ('n\iiîgon. 11, fiir 1-ir- tf, î t -r hiled 1 S LOCAL HAPPENINGS Thé NN ar Relief SocietY have eccciv- el ru donation of $2.00 front Mrs. C. J. Siî-veruson, et Kinsale. Don't mis ite 4gtlh illandfft ln Military Drama et the Royal Theatre, Jonc' 201h sand 2-it. Ch urcbha <ug fin1b is lla al leat est- lag lnsect-better andiricaPer than Paris Green. J, S. Willl, drutggist aud opticlAéé, The Codnty of Ontario 015 Girls' Aiqiociéttlén vii' bold 1.their regular monthy meetlbg. Wednesday, June 14, ni 4 pMIn hieauditorium eoftii, 11ev. 4,H.1 FQbter, pust«r of tiMeth. odiat TW»abe t, hUa lueuappointed- FinanelilSecetary et thfe BâI et 9Quinte Conftèmnee held lu Petérbeie asat week. Wiliha' ÇCempound Syrulp et Hypb- pbosiîhtený,4s thé,-l t M M ÉAsile hiablé tonie and builder. J. B. WIIs. dnîiggIst snd olitIi5ui Th* xee$lsts.< fthe lown, vtith i. exceidtien fOf o 'ê' two, have tWisel te observe 'rhursdy attertre<ndur- Ing Jüne, July, Auguet sud September. tus a 'ekyhaithoiliday. 1ev,- John 0. Totten, a voit isuov pastor la Ibis -district ferratiTy «, lins i*en superauuuated. W. - wW'- gï t:nîd Mn, 'Pollen uviii go t his al boîue, towu& TottUlIllu.tie flie. rhe Vhlt)y 4Gtéysâbcr.hue aige the 1'l2nd Biiatigteatif xgMieut bluebahll. toe b.playeS aI the up-tom -Park bon Satuvday Vaterion heat.-une l01h.. lindotk and Sat'msiuarill thejreet iblond plrinir, $1 îles'bette, J, . 111h,. slruggist and optcIelan. Cotuty of Ontar'io 1)ebenu-ulJ go 1tht. r nnotni of $50,0O were sold ouen bo- day to'McfiaéS.iBrotit., N=C ..? - offl and .$20.000- f« coetty rtdoiAs- oltîens t hyfor 1t1 MieU Of ý hath> ;whleb .they~ ' elved frein thein at the tlzne e h bebeavement, A special Imeeti..ng et the Board et Bd, ucRtien Was held on Menday evenlng. The echiet aublece'oetdiscussion was fin- anelai Ipeeds, NOTICE. As the tewn vas Rut fu1Ily canvatîsedi on Satumday at thé V.O.N. wil con. tinue their work et gathering old news- papers and magaztnég on Saturday, Julle 1Oîh. Roy Seouts and teains wiN be on band te do the work. Word haiq beéîîi recelved this week, ln Brougham, that Walter Lîttie- John, a methber of the 14th Battalion, hail bfen k-iiled ln action. Re la sur- vlved h), lus widow, who residesi% n To- ronto, but hé had no cblidren. Hle lsaa brother ef Mrs. Arthur 1lopper, of tbis town. Thé regular monthîy meeting of thé Whlîby War Rtelief Society wili be held ln thé Couincil Cliamber on Mon- day. June 121h, ai 8.30 p.m. Ail thé ladies of thé îown aPehîvltéd to be présent. Théenuémbers of thé Township Cetin- cil weré making tbéir annual irnp over thé roads, pariicularly thé Kingston Road on Wednesday. They tourndiSa eeeétaI points soeé slghî repaira will have tob iéetted. -P#ckeriping Nca-a. la your ptrnp worn oui? (Consuit E. W. Evans, Whltby. -49. Don't fil to héar Mise Kaîherîxie Borland aI. thé Raptisit Garden Party on Friday iiiJonc 6th. She rmps vêt-y hjglîily rs'comm,-ndéd as an interpréter let!8A~~u loft . i a!RaW 1,..Rui* 'a dy-oouUesWli4 àw, 'o Thé'exétutve of our secool, belleving that nething 1*1tae good toa b irr boyasuad girls, has dlecidecLtoz aguth I-hod Our' annual lelenie istToronto. -~ - ,rime and full parîlcular. late':,- " t.uc Tabernacle 8ib'O ]BADGES FOR TH-E CHILDREN. The ]82nit Battalion ls dlstribùting badges totahIthé sehoçi children et thé Ceunty. ghe badges et réd rîbiion, antibea~'fluth r- 5ôn, "IKuit. Seeks or JIght ln lS2nd." jieut- Pàtton ls maklng a cailvas et the achooIk, and haàs sent thé badges eut wlth varlous offiers ot the battallon, who visit thé classes, makte a short speech, and give the badgep te the chlldreh te be wern. -By this means, thé Battalion la getting widespread publlty. Lieut. Patton re- ports that recrulîs are coming ln Weil thAs week. The Ceunty W. C. T. U. Convention méets ln Whitby t"-ay, with rnornlng and atterneon essins. Thé C. P. R. momnlng train frem thé éast now leaved Whltby at 8.29 a.m., instesil et 9.09 as forerny, -- The sale et household effecta beleng- Ing te ?Mr. Blundeil, héld last Sat-urday- atternoon, was very succesaful, The funture brought excellent prices. 0o- Mrs. Vankoughinet, Pre-sident of thé Women 's Colîservat ive Club, Toronto, wnul bé thé speaker at thé meeting et Patribtie Womén 10 bé héld at -,Thé Majules;," June lth, at 7 p-m. of both lhuniorouts and aérions speé- lions. vîto neyer faite tg pléase her IN 'HT -3ARN large àutidencé' sud Ila lwaYs assured of A quiet but pretty wedding was s;oi. large frrNwds on return vilits. emnized at the borné ef Mr. and AMme. 0~ George Mlarron, Mary Street, hy 11ev. Mcrs. (Dr.) Adams andi Mrs. McCrim- 111W. Allen, of AIl Saints', on Thurs- mon. represeating thé Oid Girls' As"">' day. Jiiné lis, utheu their only daugît- rinin. îsies îporn he t'onty ('oua- ter, Dorothy Don'e BRmon, becamé thé (îl unWeddésda>' noriling sud tender- wife nf James MrNatighion. of G4uelph. cd an Iùvitation ta thé members i irnrIe bows naee, aa tend ilw card par-ty gîvea hy the Asso- glîcan away by lier father, aud looked cirtiion Ili the autrsi ait on Wednesday îerv Iîretly ta a gon of crepe de ci cala ît ne. uelled MitwIh itle Fllk tiet. Afier 0 ~te cerenaony, iîs erforuîied. ait sat doito a n-cil laden table wuhrlciî tas SI'Et N. NFET 017tF ti)tNTY jîreitaresi for the occasion. Amour the COU'NU I L. ruany-rsfî prescrits uth Adi the bride A - t i ai nuit-tliig ioi toutinii (otinci tfrfci- dutas a bernt iftnlpianîo from utii it-id un Ntiutlru ait îriuon b o 01 lier niot lier and fatiner, also a cheque alider il liitit% for i lw ii- irti- ( if issu r fi r irn h er father. Aitér a short t i <htat ti n t u ii t fîi ifUti t ii Io thtte \esi - ihe happny couple %%Ill bridebs-N.ittrr so.ni- dltiserainnuan cd- nîtutîî tiiir home la Guelpht. jtuiirrt-nut ut asz nîtîsir- Oit Jiutue 30. 0- l'NTHE M1AILS ('OINE AND CO. MIr art] .iu- tutu \rd, Whlty. L(Ilt nrnl'- -i ilga t( titi-tii iii Ii-ir Iteoit i reilueiil3-ask---Nhat line daîugliitr. t-lslc Laitita, to *%Ir. Ai-itirîrr dnot iitriuait close for Toronto. or Osît- \N* j tii t e it t i lt. i t- i b- Sratdard atatr Iuunn-ltr ns ? a i eur nf Bank kf(Ftaii nic înudu.t mali , r. it -ananoriltlte eri rt rtllag ofofitw i man ils to Mir iitirI Ni ns Martk t 'mt nnti - WlutbN - "oroiiitn un une lst, the Ntîrtter inte-r- Ont.î Tio' iirrîag#î-\utllît iitieplac xe nid Pl'nruster 1-o-sien hua ut-ck iiir.i tt - I i llleii anîd ottained t he folinîuing Information. 0 Nils ifnr Tioronto ild pointa es clos- ai iîlliani.- <Iogorunit onthe 5 ru. 1 i: N'1414 Ni115NAEI.K ri.ta. trt i. a t 6.40 ia, for the 8.30) ar. J'lite doith ty iitrrici ti îi Oti t roil ti t i t: aI eî30 . n1ucti. for ti 7.40i tu1-t .f Mirs. lirh-br.i r'tîas Irri liii- r, î; tail i-tIii i l iild f rIii h' I alla fer O(' i ta ;und c-ast chi.' tut pat -\stars aii. b a :talatrd17,(llt nifor tIhe S30 rrain: an 'R.0 P. andi i- rI - 'tu. uon -sTioir A ndant i . i - l- hr- :ît n-ai n :and ila -bnant mail ý Io Ti Ii i0 - tii1r1 t t ulo k place o lui o r'hîa-ua choses rut 2.00 lira. ttrgo On TI. tt% «,iu,îîîlî 'î ifl l n I t ii p ru nu i i C Il i tri i ii n . ti iilt t emeivt<r' - Twi- iit Il s coîlte froin t)sliawtn dRily tine on the7-.30 a.ni. train-, rhe other ViL IbIN-ri iit'2E F RiFUGE(;F. titiihe iî.t0 p..train. i lt ii- ili-tii ir Irni-d ut t ie i Illtira-t Niiila coti' from Toroîr b a ri -cal tuf jli'fjti lui \ t ,tk iii hc'urh in of n i ilîîîî-4531) n.1. trainta. n tti' 3 p P. ,Nîrq NI t iî-rîîîîit. Icîrtitirl.ý nf tutu iird tt- h hF)1c1 oi tratis,. attU.. at- ii n-ara ni [cqýre u- g,,ant luiai.l t- i iIhi t - -linurt. tilte a short UcB IG HIlUI t. iiitit. lpii-fiiiii rit loik uplatt,î i nrv-- NI r- C( J. Sr(- t o n o rtEn i I-in ale. !lii t iii itrsp t;E t ;G. -N. Nlt-i,c.ri11 iîviî rto c'Ottici' tif tht'le (aZmttp .cotlturrî'-d i t-i i r -. iurndt1ii. r l, l i r ut eh sotîni f thle 11 il.ni n-Anilti. -AN llî rin nfi tIti 7 t0ti11 ni Auleus Jai.Lotît- ni .NIý Soin» andi'li-Fiîîtîina1-hit ti. t0 tiETiHODIiST lTAB-ERNACL. Rev-. -A. Il.Fo.sttr. pait. Sttndîu. Jurne Il. Nîrnirig senîico-Antheifl. Exaît Y,- the Sanie of thee Lord.5 Soue, Ptliatq lllatqcliford. i'Intd lot talion. CE.F. Etening st-tvice-Anthein, '*WboIs thé Kingv of Clony,.' Solo. Pivale Gel-t Iowau>,- IF2rd lBat talion, (XE. The' pîstor ill eccupby the putîpît ai both services. SCREENS AT SI ND OHO. IL RICUI "PiUCESsAT DEATu 0W ROBT. WEBsTER Thèeelied linBhlwmaaîvilie. on We.- neuday, Mar 31, mi iitheo ff Ot43 >'nrs, Robert Wehutuer. atu edîne a résident or -Wlutby. liii iothéV, Mus Weisttr, licol fer several s'eus Inlathe bon»e nev omoeuplol s'MuDort SuItib. Bs'. ais Str- eet ls, -smu tis ~u Ia Chhlis5 1lne f«Oiassl-vas 11 m thé vssletinm hio e lbrothé-1o4v, . Arthuir 1. lHardy., Bterdas'. Jae 3. home lIt ecepla& sudl w»t.b. %vea <ecI impe. 0, ", ~ xe t ub«fteb" aa pit 1'hcre vill be *'*% -b*t* if lte lui -gg ti-Qiail as nirît mtarlu acenin luy ara-. l'h1c ifi s rtartd i Ih ti-u longang d tu i-te aiîîuît tutotichemIt- nt diarneier. ý1tr andi Nrs. T. IL. Everson. Oshawa. :rtu tu tr.erbtsnuagemnnt of theln eld- e-at titi tr, .1i.twella lDouglais, Io Geo. J onratharc t ti., t I t. un of thie .'lt h Bat- tatlionC .ti-F.. aona ofiMr.rad Nîrs. Sani- ti'I llnyu IEat Wbiby. the wedding te takç'ihc plari Jnuiy.- W11-11 BANQUET. l:'nîr sainre urontha MNr. T. L Bon-e lias hetin tirîctîiug a cîasiu An the science et bulihdltg conîstructionîInluthé Wbitby 111gbi Scirool. This tuas theé tint of thée elasss's in be orgunired ln Whltby'ts new lrdtuetrîal or Nighi School. Thé chais iiad an taîrollment et aven a score and umet ïveekly. Gréai p-réas n-was made and i-èry valuablé kiuowledge vas IM-' paîrted and received by tefteber and pu- pilis. On Wednemday alght isatthe clos- irig seimion tor thé seanon vas held, anîd te properîy fnish off theerias bell a banquet ai %Iartin'a Café at 9.10 o-' glC.TCe Iras a very. ful ait"*- ])op %44 inemSbers. and P,1negRa gohnson repmenled the Faétilty or thé 1gb School. At tem dlape.Iiag t thé menu, a .stuott pv-ogBinet upeeh and ssunq brougit a - ery lemmL t'CUI and a mcw;nea<t 4,V m '49t 10 faiuçicIon te opjacf 4.M~fiIthOLR0AGAIN rOUST OU suturay nmht bl avDeid Mmlii son*s «mfeetlmmévy tore va mtml uhreugb a rer-ar w111141 aS1 ésD ére*quaMtl« e(ebeWsIat*s stu sevent'ltune 4ui-Iag wtt sé sierm bus bom:metmée ,ne aii4 Tniiek tr tt*l Vrff Wbt lote i.t»é sau. *ht Md,*>a quantîret goode asfim- od d INe Moel Sebel vW» al» vIsIteS. ad.pens, pmeu&ialen Mie. luises Aboue ttheii.nl rard tu bote luad b1 tlà,u uipwd hbleo4un s-a damé t. the bout,U% At tUoe < suit.e p ne » -m-Uts flics icSYUY itG ix UAI>' W& ?LowI*T MC*& cauri u~ It*v~it i AXE ley" ht i ,tW l>,*ile Play- Ang*ll an yw tis rliht han -r~j*ly. ~~ tWsdn to wt iS~sioIrbeard pi an I~timng wlth biodg lh*tl'wus Mleled who dremed the *oId. &ê Iolnlng te llet A u. * a tus? The Pengelly QraitLB1ower la a new business concerti with head offce at Whltby and factory ai Knsale. Mr. W. D. Dykes la rfianagèr or 'the new coni- pany, and Mr. Wm. MIiw, saleuman. As the naine Implies, thée eMpany manu- factures a grain. blower, This wili be of Interest te aMeý. HEAVY ELÉcIPRfIAL STORM. The beaeiéet el' MI" storithis seaspn was that of F âW $~last baiween 7 and 8 P. im. Thé IIcttOcai dlsplay was very brilliani, andthe crashbes et thunder loud and trouent. Thé min fe' 1 111torrents, atili tfirtler addlng 10 the troubles et thé agrteuiturlat. The electrlc iight systenm.,oaiWhltby was crlppléd te a conalderable extent, oce WANTED- by the F.krm,,re iary. Tar-oo a few god li tii tîke charge of tailk tottegS, sahry ami touhnisilon. A splendid opeurtna for ,iterady man. No Gity experienire noce.aary. i4rî.îanent position. Commxunicite at once "Ith IL. IL. lugheq, (ieaoeàManager, FARUER9 DAIRT CO, TORONTO POT ATOES Extra quility, large even size and sound as a dollar. 1 Buckwheat The smati hard kind for seeditig. l'à IIR e V£v 'Ur te thé eai oll-larp for llghttng lur the- eiýtire evenlng. ..11 DI3ATR& WEBS9TER-In »owrnanville, on Wed- nesday, M&Z 81, 1916, Rtobt. L, Web- ster, aged 48 years. MARkIAQES. HANNAR-ROBS0N-4ýn Whitby, "Or1 Thuraday, J-wie lot, 1916, by Rev. A. M. Foater. Mary B. M -Robson, tiird daughter of the Wae William îqi4 milziabeth Robsoni, of Wbltbr, te john J. Hannalii of Cobôurg. ARIH UR LYN DE TENOR TEACHER 0F BINGINO. Teschea st Whltby eter>? Saturday. Phô»ned1 IS, or Udreu b: ot M& WÉifTa F. E. LUKRE AILE OPTIGIAN SPECTACLES For 19 yearm the leadlhg Optician off Totonio. glaffle tram hîM, *70 TONQE AMT. Covnr Int B16, Toronto. ROYAL THEATRE ENTIRE MAIAE 0F PROhRAMf Èach Nîjiet.,i Ibo Iroba 018uvery Uomiay nighi Batumdayaigut, 10..to &IL Sig Broadway Featum eevery Wednhs& dey mnd Tbursday. W. A. YOUJNG Civil Engineer, Topogmaphical Survey, land drainage, subdivision designlng, plana and drawlngs, etîmates, etc., on contract work. Contractlng. Box 243, WIIITBY. N'J'arsSrla a@Rur 014 bats made to look niew, only a few mninutesà, time, no trouble, flot poisonous or injurjous,' Wilf not ioj#re the fineat hat or make it brittie, FolIew the instructions un the package carefully aýnd, ,4ýw4tther,ýtraw or panama, .:11 look Ilke new, and will flot shrink. fî Eauoùügbi la Each Package for Thrqa lHats Price I1O cents WIiJTFJ FLD'S- .DRIJG and STATIONERV STORE WHITOYO ONTA4RIO sole Agent for Butterlick Patterns ý»l igen.t foer NYaiPrepaa'atlons ., For eSle To Rçnrt, Etc. HOtÊBË FOR SALE. Good general purpose herme, elght years aid. Apply to A. E. Bdwards, W4NTLPD. Goed farin hand wanited fimmediate- ly. M4ust be able te miii, steady em- ploymegt year arôund. Apply Dr. Lav. ery, Ménager Bouse of Refuge. On all Instrumente, for the band of the 102nd Battallon, Ontarlo County. Appiy'. to E. G. Hazeli, Bandmaster, Whltby, OIft. -tL COURT 0F' REVISION TOWN 0F Thé Court et Révision will méet la the Ceuncîl Chiamber, Whiihy, on Tues- day evenling, Il3î et June, at 8 o'clock. te hear appeals for remission of taxes. t JOSEPH WHITE. Tow'n C erk. Var TH 1ES F01R SALE. six roomed trame bouse, 3-plece bath, ele.étrIo litlt, furnace, ho-t and cola watef. AppJyJî, a. Jazues. Kingaton ftead west, >Whltby, -49 IffR SALE'l. e-flINT, - Suminer cottad'dwtth fulniture coin. plet, ficlùd<ng dl»bO, utoves, bes, etc., at J4eYdefishorê Park,Wiltby4 PYér terme apply te Mme. M.4. OI,60kV#r- mont.Ave., Toront4, ortofdA. LW. iè ariteont , Ten-mooîned bouse, 3/ acre of laU,'g gardén, aJI kinda fruit trees.go' uM bas new Pease furuace, new bathreoQe, electrlc lighLtz AIl i geed repair. Ab- ply D. abraitl, Port *iuitby.-tf. FOR SALE, Lot 206.on Pérry Strept,wlll reasonably for cash If taken Aply E. Carr, 112 Celîna St., sell ver at once. Oshawa. w w w w w Buy b*U. - 4 EPORTS from the large suply centres inýdicate thât R the upward movement of prices is reaching ' e "peak load ", and interest in the hardware trade is flQW being diverted in a large degree to the problems of main.; taining stocks. I i- - Paris Green Already there is a scrlous sbortage,,' IrisÇt e~idw~ ll> ~i~n who pute in a supply now- WerIha W !Ït e4~t »OOê'an4 -, - Ow,4o h lk Prlcê Of '*,ls_ luesI* InextrminaingthbtNI a yi i~J 3 -i WhiIe Our Su ply i s Goo 1~~ 4.' . 1 . ý 0-«*9 1 l ! 1 Need 1 À iff lui

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