Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 May 1916, p. 8

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I ha~bà the maotnet e Imthd b ldy ci whieplaylitg-st the hOm6 of * t i Lettersi from herÈ-nP->ml-xbb:C3hlwobtbe * vislting lber ater, Mns. Broad. osar CormsPoi dumtz pean ield Daa0In 1 liante 111laddrft5 the yanioula congre- HROOKIN. raeb, of Toronto, wil speak lb- the Arbor Day ivas fttingiy ceLebrîtid" MethodIst Cliurch ln the tmornlnig, and by the teaciîrrs anîd IPuIia of'the puh- ln the laltist Cberch il% the afternoon. lic tchol. he Wotnin's ingtituteo f Urooklin, Mr'. Fred i-olltdaty'e uifle datîgliter are goIng to give meais agaitailn the hand drive. vete coxtrol i four-cyhia- der motor Cuit en b hoc duans @pac lubrcatmg syteml; ihermo- av p ho0n goin aytnAoumeticut jgtinsavity lai coul; *arkctiru type tmnmin 3 upeeds Iorward and reverse; Uuhrre- quarter flo.stig mrw &de. intrmel Pr- pend teInd aiexa- tannai coitreeiiir brekeadessouot- able rima. 80Oa 84 lact thra. N o a- &kid tramdain rar 50-inch f uU ceati- leraprings tnar; front Seni*Eiiipt*i etremoUlne wltt les-ioch whtwbeme eandardequipnuieiut toduditia electirt a te r t a r, e±c gmenu. oloet. na ilta -»«bà Tif. Car of Comdort The 1916 Gray Dort la easentially a comfortable car- -'comfurt"able beceuse there la pienty 09 tst and ieg room both bock and front --comiortable too, t;ecause of 15e 50 Inch ful canutilever springe wbich mieit ou*e of the eaiest riding cars on the market et Bey price. The price. SM50le within resci of wsai folks. See this car at our shiowrooms. LMA iii i tîtl 00thbif(a..before p lIAmIlik~ Ann îî.'to date garaîge rutit in Crineetion. ~ JONES A EOODNOW i n iii h1ell iiiiifig, BUt >1K IN - k R-.--. r J lent ou Ma[ýy14th, aitheii. broIum 8prlng flair. The catir, proceedeto t go to, the' Rèd'Cross. AI? the ladlici of Brçoklinad sutrunding country. are msked to contribute pies, cakes anti Dickles. MIss Gertrude Fergubea, of Canninlg- ton, la vltttug her brother. Mr. 1. W. Verguson. The South Ontario DMtnioteriai Asso- cltiton beld its Ma.y meeting at the par- sonage hi BrookItn, Moaday afternoon of thîs week. The President, Rev. J. J. Hare,, D. D.. îwesided. Eighteen were Iiesent. tncluding mInisters and ilicir wtves fi'oifl dfferent points ln the County. Rev. Prof. A. J. Johnaton, of Victoria Coliege, Toronto, gavé the pape oftheday. "A mnost searching lilss fte cliurt'<l n Its relation to - TWURS»AY KM' il, tthe DMothe' thL1~Y drvice was weI attended*i here Sunilay evenlng. Nit lid&Y wil bb e elsionDay wheon Rlev. Më., ifihol will îddre9à the AuîiaV ëboç4lntahle afternoon. We arQ glad .10 see Mn,. Wm. Squeich bath tu, ber o0.hoxie again. Mr. and Mms. Clarence Hcdgson, of Oshawa, wereý vimiting relatives here Sunday last. Misa' Elîna Hezzelwood epent tie week-end ai-home. Mmm. F'ranik Vlilant la vlsiting ln Whltby thlis week. Wiho weme the strangers driving tIn toWn on Sunday è.veing? Coine earlier next limue, genitlemen! AILMON DS. t. i I THIS IS THE STOVE TÈ TSA The New Perfection Oil Cook&tový cheapest fuel to use. Costs less than go io cents a day is its fu-el cost for the avi Begides, the New Perfection '19 ready when yeu wa no f ires te build, ne ameke, no ashes. Ini 1, 2, 3 burner sizes at these dealers: ce uses kerosene,-thc ýas, coal or wood-5 to erage family. ant it- and 4 'J. MINTYRE GR.. lNLEý Rn? alite Co ai O1( Igivea beut resu lea. THE I MPER IAL OIt' COMPANY LIMITED IIIANCHES IN ALL CITIES Baodge Brothers' Mtor Ca It is establislhtig a very nîotablIe recordl for Iow co8t of mitenance antd freedom i!ronm rejair. nc. give yorx impressive factsami figures ini tIis conuectiorî. li sud of tln-meelves tbey conaititule a Vénr~y ttrwit inîcetîtive tb ownership. The gazioline coirsumnptiotn is unîutually )()W. The tire muiliEuîe ii tiUSUiRIIy )tigb. Examine ulul a 'aRielnn tin lar-ge stock of Carriagf a Wagolas, FaimIl Nlscbia)ery, Harmnes@, Aut mobiles, The*, etc. WHUTBV i ne' prpst woriia' rime i i. - a5gnon Ken1- eral discussion folfowed the pa per. Mrs. MNothiers' Day" was observed here Foley, the itostess, entetained the As- on Stiiday. Sjîectal musie tias render. sociation to tea. ThIe next meeting.tri Pd îîy the choir. St-Ipt.ember, wili be lîeld aItlhe Manse. Mrs. George Rodd Is visitng witii C'oumbus. The Ministertai Association lier daugliter, MAi. Asliby. declded that May 2Stlî should be ob- Mrs. Thos. Padgeîî î'isiîed wiih Mrs. served as hospitril day. and as feras NT.loreoiiibe. poil)ile an offering should be recetved Om-iug tlo the Met wveather. farmers tri the chîirches of South Ontario on lave mlade slot% lîrogress with their that day for the liosîrital at Oshawa, 5CPdiii, . wri grenu nxany will have to wtîIlch serves this distrtct. w~ork 011 the 24th of May. )Ir. Adani W'allace, of Seagrave, liasl Mis;s Lots Bfltdon SPentt he week- puirchased a Gray Dort car from Jories enid w Iti Miss I. Knight. atilirookltn. & Goodnow. Mr. W'alce formerly Miss Aileen Ashby spent Sunday drrîve an Overland.i withî lier sîster, Mrs, E. Hall. N-Vatchî for particulars of Lawrence .si e are- gtnd to report that Mr. T. bilg iloney shvlng sale. Il wiil be a Morconhe's heaiîlî bas much improved hommrer. silie lasi week. Mcas. Nlglîswander and son, John, of A tzreat iifortune haPpened to Green Titer, vtsited Mrs. Wm. La Mr. W. J. Gaston on Monday about mtd. er. onu, day Ibis week;. lgitî, ihei lits barn witiî atl its con- Mrs. John Ormton reetived s letter lel1is. consiAtlng of 21 head of caille thua %eek from hier nephew. W. H. anid uller valuable articles, was totally Deeks,.%whose inother, Nancy Elîtott desicoyç'd by firp. The wind brtng fav- w-as a Drooklit girl. Pie. Deeka has Orahîte. wtth the &Id of plemîly of water, heeti ti thet' reîîchts ever sînce the the tîntise m-ns saved. The cauise or the fli'st Britisli Expeditionary Force went.! flIR ta înkrîowni. Tise deeîîest sympa. tIo France. He was wotinded onice. hui t ltY Ofie comrmuîîIty le with iMc. and tft now brick on the flring Uine. He salys, Nlrs. Gaston. -"Sn several of thue Whlby boys-h ave erîllated. WeilI, ail honor to tliem,.biîtl Fahiiiig liair sud dandrrîn can be take It. from me, every young mati stopu)ed, and the grnwtlî Imîîroved by shouid be tri uniforni now. Il IR their Ilexaîl -9V' Hair Tontc, whtch ail Rex- dut y. hIs lenot a case of personal wtsh- ait Drug Stores guarantee. A. H. AI- e'S. but of uirgont necessity fluai everylinjj. man hi. forced to enlist. For miyself,i t ttiink Itla a great shame that so KINSALE. matir of the boys who have heen out. here an long are exjrected to carry on Clarence Pelîgaily speut- Sunday ln the' fhglit, whlie so many cowardiy Toronito. shirkers are waitiug uîîtil pence riego- Mrs. H arry Itiuckeît vislîed ai Mr. tialions hiegin before îîîey joîn. Wellî Fred H-arbron's on Suîîday. before the eînd of the war you cari look iMrs. Totteîî's brother from SiottIT-1 for compulsion tI Canada and every 'ville aiiended divine service on Sale' other pari of tue Empire,." bath tast. âtre. R. Gllroy bias gone b oOshawa Mr. and Mrs. Harlock, of Toronto, hoaluiuîri for treanient. vtsiied at Mrs. Rlclîardsou's test Sun- Mr. Luke. of the Temperaxîce House.'day. te is au ng a ernent foundatin andi Claretire Richardson wbeeied to To- watks put ili. Mr. Luke- le to be con ronto hast Saturday, and retuirned on graluilated tilori thiemany Improve- Suniday. miens lie lins marde ln the tuotel since Mr. Levi Mackey. of Torento, te vis- puretîaslug Il. Iing hie, brother, NNIr. Sylvester Mack- %,r-;. Artnout, of Toronto, visited bier py. aister, Nirs. Grass, ever thue week-end. Some of our %.M.S. menîbers anti- Mr> Eugfene '«tîlsori lias had his store- cipate iitteniding tire Conventilon ai patited, whichi adds greatîy te lie ap- Greeîibauk Ibis Friday afiernooîî. pea raunce. Mr. Ned Lawrence has a new butld- Mcc W'%m. Morrîson had lie miafor- tng te ereet for Mr. Jamnes McCormick. t tnt' l fait and aprain hoth o! lier '«e regret to lîcar that Mr. Frank atîkes. Irewttlcensqrîuîlyhe ad larrisori's rouingeet daughter te affect- up for a tlime. ed wittl scarlet fever. D)r. J. J. Moore Mr. au- INIrs. B3arthu, of Toronto, are latln attendance, vistting wlîli Mr. andi Mre. 0. Scbert. Sorne from bere attended the play tn Mr. agar and chili]. of Osha>va. Brooktin a .Iew nights ago. A goond a. Ltig lhMs amsBod ime Mas reporteti. ar. uAtur it a. Jam h e Broi.Next Suinday a recruiting service Mera. Armth ane tt howritr will be conducted by Mr. Beaton, of ber a ew onta ao h sty wth erWhltevale. The servi-e wili ho at -1.30 dauielter ln Toronto, la very 111. Hem many llrookltn friende hope abe may p.m. Ail willi be welcome. have a speety ecovery. tha- Mr. Fred I3ently fis aBsstIng Mr. Cor- W. J Talorlia tmrovd th ap ne putin lnthe seediag. J. Tayl hebos b coto Mm.Hamry Burgess. cf Greenîwood, parnce o ilsboue bya_ oat f ite Mmr. JÊ8 Mttchell'a ps.iss Uçmo e Me2s. lTaanesanti daughter f romta ichoi. .rli j.4.O. North West, are vislting at the hoMe e Ut 114 idies' 41d of the Church w~IlI tie l'ormer*s father, Mr. Jas. Bôyes. home of Mn.PrIrng feily. aitwhe Mr. and Mme. Luke Robinson are vis-maie wofXr0 e gly A ilb tilin Oshawa.maeWdM.- Mr. H. Bennett attended ir H. M.1 SOvemtU frein heme Went over to Pellatt'a sale on M'uy Ilti.ad Dur- Genodt tedteMsinBn chased îhmee cf hlm egistemeti Holsteini concert lasi P'niday nigit tn tie churci. cows. They ar» beautes. A splendid tisse as enjoyeti. Mr. Louis Rogers bas undergone an Sopematiotn lathe, iospitaj, anti at lime $100 REWARU, $100 of wrltiaàg he vas dolag veIl. Th ecrs of tits eerwil u p- aed Miss Mclta.ur sebool teacher, han that %riencne 1a» been uble15 tocre la ah11»ls ai mîdunnse. - at*it.iint-1îb I. <latt. CBtmdi . The fSrgeri .are held ti t»wlth, the féuiesa odt= ltraet iia.sedlàgobeftlci<s by thee ontant1Wcè Curx ur d almau c" u w letaeo-tjb Bee 1>8 un avaiti t ut 0toyn, and té s »itgetthxg U te - te it entsiil 'Me Iattonb.f tbhmembers 0f 1110 di =cflo *d W*sit(uW brnt o, . . Wsaunial sle àatm la deux t "««IL ri"tie I bave to- t ilt lnîteIe ile :ae clo l ous e uay-Msi l28 a4 *ird blin W ey M i.-à itfmute Ktilteoiw ~Tel iii . 4U 23,, me e " , ii tl.bd0* l*ttI - NOTICE 0F CONSIDERATION 0F A BY-LAW 0F THE COLJNTY 0P ONTARIO TO ISSUE DEBE14- STUURS. Notice le iereby givea that ia meet- ing cf the Couacil of the Corporation cf thie County of Ontanlo, hos been call- eti for the 1'ifth day of Jîlfe, 1916,' 10 be hoîdea at te Court Bouse lan Me Town of Whitby, aItihéboum of 2.30 p. mn., fer bie purpose of considerng a by-law te atithorize the issue of deben- tures to bbc amoutineof! $20,000, to raie mxoney for, tic, payment, o! the cosa. ef building certain bridgesii th adloining t4e Couniy ocf Onta 'rt *o- sn for ebier DurpoSea.thereta apeeuthfte6A Trie iaoaoy for vWh IeDi Me debetus are lsaued la te bepMl In tWelty .qus annua p&yîinto et pririwpil and-1 tcreat, azouuttng to 7.9 Dateti et WbiZbtih~ is th Uday of Muy. A.D., 1i16 HOIESEEKERS SPPCIAL TRAIN LAVÊ$ 'OItUNTO -10.40 pn ECÎtUESDAY, COMIUNC- INGo> MAT 8oth. - For the aoéeorhôdatlon of homeseek- ers andi general tourlat trathe o 10west- ern Canada, tbroiigb train carryng tourist sheeperesand colouist cars vii, commenciag Tuestiay, May Seti, leave- Tonouto ».40 pan. "at Duesday unti flhrtier nOtie,-. ruixalaf thtouïh t Dutidas Street Wesk Oood god ais.atme Mi. OI &whka W. Fe DISNEY, '-I ïJ I ~1' j A Complete Car ini Every Particular And It's a Car You WiII Be Prend to Cwn ls tht' finît com-ciýte car at anywluere near Ad low a pricer It stands out a1one-boId1y -unappcoached -a power- ,~tsIi'e.pt'egrrtouring car cornplete fir o.ý'$.32. Note thàt word 'complete." That means Electne Starter, Electric Lights. Electric Hern. Nagnetic Speedometr-in fact, every necessa&r; ite.crr Nothirng îî lackig Thîrre are no extras to l,iy Note t hat ilt i nor a small ci r. The wheclbase, i3 101 Inches. The tires are four-indh site--qnany car st"sî-i4 more have sumailer tire.. And it Ib a perfec t bauty-saappy, etyibeh. speed-r. In every way t's a car you wili be prouti to own ani ride In, No *onder there'. a rush to ponceauthe car the wold has berri waitirig for. Dcn't delay-see us aI one anid taik It over. Lulke & Duudley Bell Phones 10 sumd 6 hdsSrt OI .1< 'A S c ai I. I liell anîd lit. hliuules. itf".-ýrt ri OMM -*, 1

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