'i J ô 'f j t' 't ~1 s k I q NOTES AN4DCOYLWEYT3 1"e flouncýng le 1lutrated ini the ____________ ________ ____________ Iah dance frock ubown here; up- 3 1NI Wlia u pe r portionl of akirt and boiei~o are of , -Y 3,19,dedicated the Church of the ln IRedeemer la Jerusaiam and mnade one - I efiouneing. An effective bit of INTERNATIONAL LES$SON. of Mis characteritic speecheri dîrectod contrast laintroduced in the dark gir-I MAY21 uit the ncient French protectorate die and the narrow rlbbons bandlng. ovar the Catoi c-;nin n yi one &Summer Aeesqorle,.. the short puf leeves. Another. a Chroulc Dyspeptiez. ad la rthocmuionsthe Turih Hts ei. hepaaos dit impler, aven maire youthful dress, là Simple dyspepsia le that f orm o!femnVI.Te i Empiesherelaid do the olicyof anlttie ot,,% .f ets, aaosdai thelllual.rRted of voile and embroidery indigestliithat la not caused by anY Lso I.TeCrppleet Lystra Empiretius ladern the icy (tif aiulittumeous l r a essorsets adhil heflouncing, it il charmingly suited tg, lesion or malformation of the stomachl -Acta 14. Golden Text.-m*. amioustthecall ic boet-en te b cmetse theracsom res chmig- the yourng girl for -summer wear. or other digestive organe. People 40. 29. tiînstely t h linebtei h ocmlt h otm r hrig The tub-frock is more popitlar than differ widely In the etrength of their de:'potismn of the Turk and the auto- ly r1eitned this SOfiSOn to fit inl for mnany a year; Paris herseif en- digestive apparatus, but most adultslVre& LseiSxhussuh erecY f theliohe -nUcvi. Andi ailt nrtiy with the e silhouette and (torses the cotton dressadits summer. j know somet.hing of the symptoma of i southwest of lconlnum, on a tableland Littje Bobite tonhatpsaoeludrBbierdadhm thiss par f the promotion t, the ïi neral Unes of tha costume. Many atractive noveltces are being simple dyspepsia. TI f act, moet pao- nearîy four thoumand feet above sea He looked lonesoead fi eewudntcreot CUermalfny's designs as a world power, a Slîoi manufacturera are ioud in sent us ftrom the French lmotos:ple expect, and bear with resiguiation, levaI. Hnecm loh At'lnsm hnh okd Uteoh asn rle o o supe-stte.to hos wihesin rac'. hvî prise of t-ha sbort-skirt vogue. amoîig themn arc the artirtic piques an occasional attack of indigestion. 1 16. 1). Sat-In ome public place, er children, neryadzno hm1ma !tepsegr o c-ommerce' and phy'sical expansion aI In former years skirtaq ha%'e varied in voiles- and cther fabic"utf Rodiei'. It is whmcn the attacks comae too oftan, where presumably he hegged bis liv- were playing @ae nteedwi uhdt ~-leak o Europe rmîî.t bow. That witilvc idth and trimming, but until this SCS- with their quaiiît patterns and efftec-' and stiîy toc Iong-when the auff erer ing. near by. Robbit nwta hywr aehryn rm&na- make truc the dreanis o f which the servative length. With the modsh voile foi luean frcsk elief. p eatad-rig, r tnemay be pcto - dria airfoh amawy opy 50*iwi t o g o pilgrimage to Jercîsalem w-as the pic' 'hort skirt of the moment, smart. c'h'eckb lor, sandfith solid elief. pc wee h uulo e otehaingthruht s dîspctori. ams in wh fichholdfo os foT~M«og o e uh tul-esque preluile hn'i lrociglit on tlio shues are absoluteIy necassary ta the fane; hkincolor, wscîva souadamd e- Ii a--for ipied t e sti omeare- gflti)wic grobstWiiin hîislccvi's thet' nltclt»Wlgeneraîl effect ot the costume. The afliFaorcolacufn ihti ndloge ffcalosan UccotiuaIFataig ifaevorifvrteeivd "lilpaya aneofmyon,"la'BIle oidpulllayomt outconieo'f initoutilidalid sinster high iact'd boot of*tan, hrwn lack or the' likce. attacks negin to affect the general verti of Luke'a (Acta 1. 10; 13. 9; jsaid to himsoifahetdîdbaeytatedhl. Bbiescu ambitions. t'oniseqtenî ly, th(, reputl gray is poptilar with bbc ùîilored 23. 1). To be malle \hole-"Saved,"'down the stepr2atesîeak that Gernîany ha% now' nmade a itl'fccîitou t; for afternuonq, with the light d k h' inei Bos. helh- ti ecsay t fi th nbd or soul. l'nul hais the gf we ll'cbbia's mothe attî i jtr Sdel ol atdu h copc ih-esl rtenvîycto rc.te The coloreti blouse of orirandy. voile, Fgood uortor and ask cm to lin cî thegh-reading. oftan found still towad hoe. Ina te moN prmieorir-gette antii(l( -iitian odwash satin, has taken underiying cause of the trouble. There Pll o ep acbo hm btPoly fyngbckaai lt -t.me Cloia pmp w&h tshue eo-Iete ndIn men who have the faculty of evan- wgs husy with brgm n i e prunlises9hec îcla hc'r onott'etion auj old-ti Colonialepump.wi'h Its buor thbe-I ' de-1 (h binlds lber" lt bo akt'ri septirato blckle ut(if iveiror gun-metal, i- once sc hl*nth ouorfny thedirestivy easones frth a lcir e ofi geîistîc preacbing in a pr-emnent d-sec hlm leave te ~ Dw e ad pence is bt llett o og-ica1 resiIt of nt 1 -) a oifav'orite. it i.-qu'to cifficult tu flnd a really et- bb dgetie uwrstht iequie "lineo t!mader-ed tr:c'cv pnjt wcb boue,(cxept- onthscpe of amateur diagnos-is, ra tetlemd i a ni acie rl te iltit f tweiv nt.rst'o1 . n 'cils. ilarasols and CoIlai*5. ing tho a for sports wear. Pale pink, with its dangerous accompriniTent-1 10. Loud voice-- Pqychologicaîly,i to the place wheea rntnebr vroewswligeog Iu and t' lm" tw-nt ' t' 1t"hol 1n'en AI the hc'ginniiing of the spason there ail toiles of tan and yellow. -,soft aRmateur cosing; altbough thera are' the affect of thîs auddan and utterly dered the sidowl. Truhta a- e rfr i h tesh .c'c~ cl'\\'llin't hat 1' 'iglt tc arytincmher of novel affectis i bites ami zrays preduminate. The' are, of cour"e, many lothet' reasons unexpacted about would be to pro-1 ticewock of whibthfncwnmd l-" itol c"oscot un pen il 'veilings. lccct ,w-tih tbe advance o! the ciue-lucof pale cream loce or' that any intelligent person. canleic ueatrI fcnitolaign ccbecol e lpn anadaPlyrba oehn rmt t-ii'edn 1tetusal bsa ntriin'otfo imcf re for questions. It producad the1 littîa lake whresm swn waea oe Lilialcait 'cai otsî~ f nittîccuil t! Beason1 tht' alfor vii for sr tGeorgette, ur Bobbintana's neclc atndr (1qef. cccirolt. «ch"fchtlnt"ciecd generail use, ascda tram anotering, aof the palest flesh chitffon; the Muelua' pToo mbanypee tecuml n erne inii &l eapgiru upe"whentUoc pawc' sîmmng o hi hndan asotheth inctIltcccl utian, N- t'. th ' 'il'(, l waist is p'ped with pink, or aciother typpcsbcas let'1 ntlaow' enogedefoc hawet an svak-I thou ts- othopaefrm aejwr hthl l. W r .l 1ci1 Iric' cc I- Ilitht- N, 1ti 1harmninous cantrast. lit if;iuîdeed a to mansticate properly, ta refrain from îng -nttefoc ftetss. huhtBbi "fI ca crl'wd setpedisoban pýeasun ut clor and one may' ititlga hearty mecals when the$' are tired, or!11. They talked the Lycaonian through the fene"ls. Te, avltkna ta te hart-' ctîtnt to du-etheeleatce a odpatois among themseîves, but couldl ît îoîied eas nuh t e ersegnl ekdao -' 'L ' t 1 f t c.c w hcc'b t c, c ati te heart'lcnen tar. bah pu a dt xestie Th as fur n o ysepsa in. u s ran g ners T hn Ge a oe int nI p sb d hs 'ed craul t sl es fe i, (a ro getbe Ta rmo ysesawi- taneq(Tebotls d ro ugihpy pcîngee, the rough Chinese crepes, and us nut icn itecît bard ta cure, but thase' idea whet they wera saying: thdia ghthaeagethaein1;eio la'.io.rt-tl't;tc 'iil the t-aarser v'ies arce lso practical %vho sufer from it are aften very cif-- gift of tangues ,îîd not haîp thcm. latticework haion bth ol"eldn! adtap Iol,111-eilIIranti weII liked. Costume-bloulses and ficult ta bacîdle. Tbcy are likely toi 12. Zeus and Hermne- (mai-Kin) got ne farthar. ietedisbt.a'Whtkn afmge av wriggîebis fatshoerdrandhragh, (ba bore, t c; 1, 'Ille rcctcc c t1-111ît-assar otî l'he ibhave their pet. remaedy,-a soda tablet, a wic.JpiaraneMrcryar i \ cltlcc'igli 's cccicutc»cîîî"~ t, t (4%-tlîu penth reat o dtatulWse colar ihat not,-whicb otten daca gooci Latin equivalents-must b - butgoo 'becud e oIt L j rae. dPolh althouir with the strictly tailarcd suit service for years, but it bound ta fail as the nearest Greek equivalanits o! ndl -'icnthe end. Then nothing cao ha done helocel Lcoindaitias. pscg atrInapl!bshe age f ili 4g n o ne secs tnow anîc then a fctching Igodshn.e lu i~ cr"'crc1c11ic tilt p- 1' co1r for tbemn unlesi thcy learn self-con- Phrygia, not fer awa>', tht'se two eugbtitwulsfo cm out, b'uhati it wsgo o l V.FrThese pattarros may be obtaucîed, troi. : rafhedt av om otît as caught in iatFramm oldb odfrBbi' 'C :1'-Zpr' -ci' crilyurlca cal iciu'o f'm Sometimes-ifldeed çrcfbvu-the trou-1 aartb unrecognizad, and ta have bean etbc- ie ptfAIt.ri-fte M cal Mc. 7 iBodeat.ler onoMhie is vwitb the teeth, which have bean r hospitabîy entertained by an eld' n otidwt i i ih;(un S'tws"miitephcn Phii moTheMandl Coau70sondwh.,Toroto, ha gzrew fricrtndan han tayucajhdwisaebt il 14 ~~~~~~~~~~neglected until they cenflat propelcop, hemnadBuiw r, -lie the f ont.,eople.wW. ara er" lpvecl a blessing when they depa 'lscream as loud sh ol.teges' anwth d Pepena rTepepa !Lywrawredte- Up the streePlyedteoh' WeioI e 3bi c' 1)t' ii oc in lItic lii - u il'îttcîtî '--,,N -.- CRIME. ridad avercirivenan ealmost aura1 Te epe fLý4awredtrchildren heard l ndan unn -Idbrsoy e ohrs. t'il ýIril lit IlBEl)UCTtON ta have wealc digestions. That form mined not te be caught napping (bis ta thIe spot. S i te esn~ddwegnt( ac o l'Il 1( -D'nd pnb-of dyqpepsia yiclds quickly ta a good time! Ramsay wall remarks. "Trua fro aIc.d. SmeothmpldtodyubtIam rud(t t" truc"' t;' h' -l rît i.. ~ ~ ~Esiatesfor 'ear for Bii 'rb i- rest and tanic t.esement.. If thet-(o t-he Oriental charecter, thbe Lycaon, et obbllieçat eaphe ttereds uc .-ot o wîîr c' Iî~c--:,î ' i, -~ c -sons Drop $500,000. canthrid r ri!re.j s ae rgarded the active and energe- 5 1)t1a' t'; Il;'i.(I'ii- btilu' a,- tcA reduction ia t-ha priseon cstiriittes afler eating. That ila aWiise ccon-î tic preachar as the inferior, and the, "g ,u l iil 1g1 ifu'c" t 'uIs, Ij- o! tha British Tlcs for the coming' amy for even the busiest peopla. Ab- 1oealn n tteqef~~e~ CIOL O OSS EAD FMDR c c v i - ;]1îti lcci c' cx.-îl' year of $500,000 or about 12 par cent_' dominaI massage la good for, tening (ha leader." That Paul was hera -I Ii' Ili c cIc' -i c \'i-î t-1I ccltihe ,and the abuttnz up, in w'boîe or in up the musclas o!flice stomacli. As, taken for Hu'rmes, and In Acta 21. 38 uNItlch0ls AdopecyIsrcoso odesAaTaadt h d- i Ig(1,1t;r P"-profasoeo prisons are scime 'for- diat and medicmne, (ha dacter in' for e brigand captciin, sufficlently th 'cc c \', ucgc'rI p, ;tf]opatho! a se e o! so h edc hrei h bs ugfrn to hw htt I '" i'uc' ~ c ' -i :ci ci tion tu crime owing ta the war, ai'- cases are exactlyr alike. -Youth's Cem- surd- inference from 2 Cor. 10, 10, The întthod !auaigahes S Wt ene iigsel À "ccli ~ mc'i mssioars f prsons 0f ic"0 pri- h eadedý,and bowlegged." Chie! speak- lwdb h os ntutr !th WI -ogtta i o c s~~~-ons clos-ad or in process o! beraig' The Bath For Children. e-ems w h netro!, Brit-ish armybaanwrdsediy.ma oudxcngbme ('~ic~~ i.c"'~i ' ' Uc c-c i' a len sh-aed in, tow n o! mod- gCîlinss Bu i(aai i one it my 1.TefouCmrdgm A ho-se given ia.Teh l tuht(apsetwrasewelk tht c îî II Tlr.-ci -,I , Stafford, St. Aibarir, etc. d1 mr extensive barm ta young Zeus (ha dafender o! the i(y; and burdlas. Heisawyrerddf'inhafr o!(egnai th;t 11.' ;,l Il. des or tis reading is very poasibly right. con eî t' i li pc ic' cci ,The biggast drap in crime îwas notic- children t-han rule-of- thu mb- notionls o!ftiret emirewithot (ha be -' ~ ~ io100000 populat.'on. The fiscal yaar 1îigen( motien or nurse. Thare is (ha ear bch(aaoslsbppnd( time cornes frhm( emuae yto1h ifnrmnoî t c ' ' t - ' - c Sicaucii' Dnce Irets. noix drawing ta a close la expectecite aIld stery o! a nurse who was asked 14aseeman, \tiasteado lnigaotad'aoehodrdi lto show'-ca '-lu cui c 1- ' '"- decrease incrie, hekewterih tm 'atr 1.Apostles-Note (bis wider uehaving ta bc-rse. nosbi-'e i omn 'lu'c i."ccc- c-itin tii l , he ael, ofai-'t-ho repotr(says. Ifor the baby's bath, and raplied (bat e! the word, wi(hout rest3ction toi(hae, 4 ec tl iii/ i *'t' - l>' "11Icct1 .cnd to1itwelve. Rent-A well-known and.etwht ha hoet heloeiereadirsar lcl-.cîc \ics1in pae. itedmerely toiwhen the infant grew blue (han sha . atingrab ccifý'iiii'"t 1ý*tul-t" of i "IcIIcccncgt-eeuoa bchuîuNapoîeon's BRise. Ikaew the watej waeetee çold. 1i m- ang Li the inta (ha sphritait it. i at.naturc, moe( sportive aiud udr Napoleon, vho e t-a ha Ken-; agina sho muet hava kep( down thel .gsPi Tgth(asicî y iesad ei awyscaac (bssrvceh co r- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e( '1-i"uturt i-"c uepeal el -alne as Teoral of brigade alter only eigb( years' population in ber loalypariîcularly; fice wbich would preduce noeaffect. 'andfgusooc fflhend niso r' 'cc t' I~ii~ l'ct'iYihaay wt ho e ayramer at T-be' cenection with (ha Frentch army, was well. "and............................. isreghanieih r rqi 1" 'c trs-rtsutl c lorcc tî rmitine epding Wermiad te'.The classic Picture Of (hie f"utility"l learna(t tha dmisdonthn i- t - ici l nli Vertca dnei npic.(ahitse iyshortly alt-r hornno! (bat honeri a rm~t-h irc fltlly fanir ore import-1 "(ageldsrpino h net i-ada -rta ol ug(to~(andwt lota UI :c-an tlt,.'n nâl b lc.wen Robespierre faîl; yet se adroit' t uthe yeung cbild (han cleanli i- ofBalst heir wonship jein Knai eap1zfghe raa0 .....~u. e puy- I 18.26.29. Tht pasage .lso'Idiknock t-hemovnAcuseonieswî rc.,.,5prmioaamoe polit*clan was lha (bat by 1795 ho1 nass, andi muet always ha con i 18.26-299.ibat iampagnhhip match.y tIR - ' 1111) Pro lsntpr-mi ssumm ar s a mrd- as et-ha bond o! (haforces oet(ha con- 1firat. You naturally bethe (ha baby' ï'>"of graua]ily iceetg Voec "a xriefrti ee 111-. c'ntion (hugh nomnelly anaide-de-bafone fine onmoat de A l eyarIillustraet(ha con(rastad tbought o01 chshimtekphibod do 'i 'cle' 7.ke, iWho Corne asit wtek i Tha extromo favor being shows the RBIUI Notes. 17 Nothe i int ivbwhich! ~c tîgc' mc A tîn- Fiats.pical lingerie frocit as brought -MoIItSadSobacs iccccyeiv Aw n caî îw a, nI mrtoylt teueBting la s*wer touet up tho Paul go5 straght te the eue ces- .\ lccccu Itu tbe wuî ~ again (bis sommer. LelAe e htt«g -skinandail gves'it a freh ,whoieaOUi@tral atorlionwlhasb Mlwdta te ol g.alWin tr unatural tbe*logi." -thO4 '4Ue olo4itReU r-EêId>nm .atl "i'ci'ur. 'nho "6t-bat FIe an' met' Celry topa am reo a uteein h ot <5<t tRiat Çkd '5g@dladosUcxx. 1 'A iiifreci ick lenliness. I waterMes În .oxeean t« tes ol e 5g tbt 1'the titr s .lg 6oiaQMtîmratilve ii t icre alacca cven You were igo nqL,1 t*kesby Uerro s pen'oguLhv P600Ser to (.,i fok ôi'- 1 c - hst go, boa, gucat'." "feby or, hi- vise bas a poom fntre zfr. f 1 - IU a "*-«,rd d wbat*,:ivty C bail k .,114 cxcititi 'y Paw an' tbcar u(Ad Maw - -eoododC1UIO oisfx nera vs dvstera* u tbý b Xc, l uti ats bey kmam be j - pa T1 i. ln secmucli, providin' sîchb -30, 1 IItý.PID( A -'plendid (reat fur me? sha@t* uinrss sc c'.y YPl5i&i il l.M c às EMULATE$ NAI'(L.EON. V. 1 ortM4 tola E eç lot wi. art W_ 4Llý "tiomt IÉe Aüà olidto lut w >ý En' er Pasha %spirecs tire ,tK t'it4' - Any anae who rends Turkitlu bîstory for thbe lest eight- ycar- tho Young Tcuc k movemeat (ha daposition tof Alîdui Hnmîd, tht' Turkish recrolutlon ii-iA theBlan wars,.-conatlYc meet3 t-ha name of Enver Pasha, ray% World'sa ork. This tWet hfl as detiny, a man alznost diciri1no p- poieted to regonrt M&tacountry. a In itis workirug room ho gît$ wl(h a ý7 e large pietrure o! Napoléon ORon~u'e Sid nci efo!IN'rderi k (haOft ot t' j e ethel-,Tise-o mmon are h's l*reecc, andi Frcderick' i'ooePrusela Etr&Sh4 (o do for TUrhey. Thuce If,Indbdt ' - somaething li n meS. Onhc - eei'Oei- andl ith"'& tbeIMM power on tRie cest <of *&WaItim L'lco Napopo, b cKW as mlutart uMen- 'Napeleos, las thea*go of., 'tedctro tn4 o à mtga« ~lw~y b. c ý tt sam «rb * led th* g huad ced anad ef and icemau cy cord evni-y- nie Who 'nde on lé ti-Sl um be- e street ente Se bowl ln 'Lot me ýh tu lot d trisd amenta% ;he bowl he back ltico- 1 a few d strug- way bis y until - iandi h. -ful but you - in lding up e ut once (thought ugens it ian, but ter tha ome and i, "4You bic, as 1 yo nO ct- upanien. WAR.- ow rurea- weigbing .here was tlcrn war et g da-m erds. But 'aown, bas' ge fighter ýer o! (ho rekin cap, he scarlot inguisbed ay a gren- (ha eileeve' e made up The meet most au- icteci for «dcednesfl> eci *the;, iuch car6 lu foi' a They are lpmont o! Ai In grenv- K c Y'-M 4 .ity,ý Thèrë: - iýl"4i the av«