'j tii. 1911 1fl DNINNIS Do Your Banklng By Mai v' v,, ivpt a distance i rom a brmnch of The Dotulioits ouk. t'x.sevbe made-cath wthdrawum-or say etheT an.ne E , >er' . transacted by mai.JuSt seaty go though oui 1 . ttrip to lown forthe .purpose. WHITBV BRANCH: S. 0. TERRY Manager. OSHAWA " C. N. I4KNR'Y, t' e A Car Load of Choice POTIATOBS!l SIlWILAR TO DELAWARES. PRICULS LOWER. Farmers' Opportitnity ta get Choice Soed. AppIl't ai> .Also a s;[ildii ianî il e o C\1111fiie FARLY 1tt iî'j.Ile> Ieat Ct Ithie-rs in (j ant it> and Pel - lie groNNtr liait 3()(Y îmalî -Is îacte, and On, specially prel- icmd stîil Nil h artifit lil n ruie daiid iu igatiotn over S oI bui-ishar'î-'cri grttw-i1purt-at-ne.1 W.B. PRINGLE & com, o}tpo-tite Old Stand WHITBYà TrHE BARGAIN STrOR - ix i. i s -i STANDARD BANK OF CANADA mKtAD OrriCez TORONTO SAPETY !DEPOSIT BOXES ame now installed at thlis Branch for the ciis. tody of valiiable papers, etc., affording safety and privacy. Further information supplied asTIelois Dyuthemanasger. WHITBY BRANÇH BIG SALE 0F ALL KIlOS 0F SECONIRUNMIUIMIE PRICES-$1O, $11. $14 sM SiSpu Tbouu fut As everything must be soid at once, big bargains w'iIl be offered. Also drill shed at old fair grundi, oenshMig ut one inch boards, scantting, etc.Ail Id At Iw -Apply Government Elevator, Port Whit.by, or à 14 Fair Grounds. -F. Et LUKE YuMghNuu SThéte l is neoma ciaitiOui li nosq- . lng t-bat there, la al-ways no tuiêf *Orbe k off than ourselves. Cobouorg la a caseP Y I In le point. Thelr tai rate le 82 maillo. The Toronto Rucsday , World publieh. fi"FIUt-U41Vfl" e the Standbv ed on May. 14 a ptcture of the' llSth * ýi. Battallon Band In charge o! Bandinas- infl l I uauo 1Homo ter GraveS, and anoiher part of' the llfithi Battali1on, taken Rt Uxbridge, SCOe-LN.um, Ont., Âng. 25th, 191IL ilned up for parade, with Col. Sharpe "3ic, w-maauu'rté Consi$tios. In command. They look ceai business- We tiesveurvthlne on t-he ualndar like. * a a a wthout satisfaction, and spent lawg stlins of motîey, untiI we bappened on We rcsî'ertfiliy rerunmend to the i-. tatîe W.Ve have used Il ln the t -'1io o) f Col. Fitrmi-" nil z~ak \%'ai- falnilY for about two years, and w-et tli's imoqt dc.Vote-d nmii'Ilu MWimtthv Ii lom t ituse auythlng else au Iung Ua 1 titi-' î'ar:ii-rapti ren Inelii mle ist' muk- e can get "Frult-a-tives"t re Jos. Kioge filhin,- tri,). VP tîink J. W. HAMMOND. e N 'iî s, ' tIi e i-vu-eIlorkle and "FRCIT-A.TIVES" is made froin tif-aýr Jiil i yd'r:îi i- tiy irhttf we fr-att juires and toics-is mild Ln taýichii in t'nîît îiîîx ur.ui'i'tuiitlpleasantin tase. K:i -:, fi for r-250, trial sie 25,. Ai i1 'r or sent on recciî't of price Il e etnmi-d t- u -i it ta a b>î i- s lin:iit-l taa a oîaoe i-tîd:irmunru b t: s 'n l'er ciii. andilits r liîiiii:g. tfi:.-i ut:,t -)-île 'lil iediîîg aod1e pi ît-uxruc il- r lu: nî-ii-:îii-n t:t1e liv' --tiu<::t-JJi. e ' ii: IlophkiisUe nt'-rl i atse Niotioil i10'dînai;f 0' L 1, , i: i ' - tne: any forni i n t il.% iîî at'::t il i a frn i:- t 1'< e-î tn \udu-d v paitencs c-Iolenk Tt tîîeworf îîateîîs ciamci-of n-c-ve-~ hOH f in Tîrotifiti -w tt- frsi tio!(iftiu-tr oniy inse-ns ite chanre of rerms, ry <vur1 tcJm'îiri«u i Fi-n al st:'îni1t tiwi 1. .. . . - 1 1- -,-l Il C 1onA. i.- Ittif-v arn taJ(In: nÉ - d it i il-, niIr 10 coitrctdîeaie. Nol long ago the A,,raduniv of Medictie of Toronto iman- ltnotîil dertare-d agaitit the use of al- cohol ln atiîv arin mue a medîcine. Prom thte-e fiîufarts. Ilte Is Iiot tuaiPro- titt:itioin t lq utot irntiiaH) itin 500. tî:rgiril eu-i i-ral i trime iii, Il seriuns as If son:- fortiii tf 11iIIIt:: tn stimilid bu- tnil'osn-d foîr 's-r~u ain eiffpiicu- as thiii to' :let-t 'i:o'! on1 thi lî r lrlnite- ,: .11ti'Ia i'n iiik tnct <'i lt-2tit 'f il er:ix - -riiiiý -1Vl;i i tic- tuutî c>itid ht' i iii .ai':tii-r 'hpniici t- roai-mb:ilu' id comnin dabli' . Wotl*ý ini' iu trbtc i tt-ttuwê-o-r nt--ac ti-mn a.1 isu-fîliucsnîn tuipli alîituo! i-r-onil liruilirt v hliv taol iilin g h cii fin ual"Ii eifllIcit ncoiviuIo-V laifor tIlle tzuîuîs Ib kuîî s od ni': rut ii i"-- T'ul l iuiglît bu' a condîtltt:o!ra Iiî'îtîu iiim un go on sts;ienidd ennii-tîce- îuîd -' iId tif, soifiii:' piitni foir tIlie offuncu-. On on#- o! tlihituml-ci-k(si piontseef land on thli, Gui! o! St. Laxwrenuce Is settuated the tanadmun Lz-uut ve those affltctc-d -titi: tie loallîccme dise-ase o! it-'pruiy are lsolatt-d traini the-tr fellov- ni-n. aidledty cant-d fan by phy ci- ctan aunti aiioi rcee. 1nthl I l1-e-t 10 tie-re dtnd ni-cr-itly B e-v John FE.îDavis. a lau t it iiigmer, w\ian lîad contramcieud ii-urosy %xi le anit a rylin epers In Inimîai.If x ciiiii-iii r r~iiecfiy. [-'un c-ex irat i iare NIr iiesiiuff-ne'd lî-nnitîlx ts tf-caxi ful isot-uê'aie- cî ls mi eîtuteli tsials 'tt. intiihle nilds of<il tIorauture-s lnd tsclat toi:lie- i-tdîur- iýd hiw uiii w iii ue-ht li i-t-fi-- I -otiiuibtli luitug VtîI'n uiiiii i' besotius- lmttîiumg îoue-r lii at"i f i'.; ré,ig1o ins faxil itliai 1uit-tuîieiT i iunwtt uaesiîg tiitgli -,iiha lx îuîn d-ait: as iliat -Ttîcnu-an'- iiuiiiv xx to sufer f or xu-aimr-ib liilta ite-aisus-s-tu1l11-es itiir-turith ian l- et'-Thiosi tln litaltii t'antiN4-il:t t- i xti i- code xx hidli a local t tire-la iitiie-fr tatmtl iii s-c in is pubtlitc lra -i- f loxu t taacrktul xe "The- Anomual M)-lster-" le the hute ol an -ditiortal art icl' in a rec~ent numheî of the 1buft is g,uipu ntThis myî tery le iotlng legs chai: the umigraton o! the bîrde. As thet'ears paso tn a mans lite the' myslery loges none ol ts romance-. Oaly asat week the writei o! these tînesa obserm-ed a flock of wlu geeme wtuîging iheir way througb un chartered spart-. As they passed ove: Whitby soine confusion waa ol>serve< le the fioik. The usual V or harroim shape was broken up, and the' birds were ftytng about as If confused oî bat. Whenirai s»en they were going sout-b-eaat; then t-bey turned about snd went northwards. t-len circied aboutai If t-bey knew not where they were. "a other aunait Qock et greecame frSm thei souiti and honked ibetr tirclesa wa wilihout pause-untlI tht-y vere, leuteh algut-. The larger floci i-iired a"d fel Iowd for a ahuri dlttanc Thetis promise ofbettis une of the test Ã"*1& cerfs heâf~d bee this seaa<rn. A tütts ber of spléndid artiste baee beeb s curêd, Incluading John A. Kelly, ventrul- oqutet: Bett Lloyd, Harty lUth, ând otbers, and there la every prospect of a program ot the firait water. Seets *are now un sale at Allines drug store. 116TH BATtALION. Lieuts. Eà . h. Major and G. FP.Guy have been detalIed to take the Cap- tatns course in Toronto. They coin- menced the course this week. It is o? two weeki? duration. Boys Liberated on Sus- 1 Deflded Sentence. The two ynihs who mwere apprehend- Pd on a charge of btirglarlztng Mcmn- yre's and Nlf-kerst stores, came before lhe Police NMagi.-trale- on F'rtday ntght ast. NIr. A. F. Chbristian api)eared for lhe elder of lthe t no boy 's, and alipar- nti ly l 1wleairtîr of thlic gaing. for t here- a -' hrsie i'tlii rs înt'u-d up in the ii-tsq, thouL't ot then in Court. Bath ho%.; e luded ;gi:I I'rnî:ts Vi r vvn- î he wfiret xvit- ni sse I( il- nd of:1-tlilsq (ift1:re rifliis -.idf carînridr,--îti î :w îii i ofay 1, -îî:d tîîe i,. ' iini i iit( twn - 'ctie'd b\ i-th, lîiaki i; tif iai tn:tnw.li told f %%a i:l l it'c la6nty unîder lin ~ ~ o jîu:' Ill e h2-rin olich aîîds i c:::: . oeîur Ilin '.'l. ridge, 0irii croiCs LviidFe',e 'tri-ik. anid of Iii:tiie 1 t ::rttt4- tx l- euy had been t idden. Iii' tîulîlais: (if ta:vtng been -:întt'n-d liý 'nst;d' nie of îhnî nu-tghhor- tîooi tlî;i tuo botitis \N '-rF shoo-t Iog r î:ci:scl:olisly n Itietir-Ids anid woods, anîd t1li11: tii'y had a Sax age- rifle. Now buitldinîg ai the Exhibtioni tamnt l'o- " a- ilv:eo i itt aîd ltccn non ( .10. Iiini-ss boîtis. sfac-tr te-eamd s i ant:-hitd ilitegaie a i t-ie Ioi i ec ci]- echools werc due4ricd Nduedavitrits. morntmîg. Old and *'oîuig, t-nio ve-r Te uli- oyautttdîatg and Prmiioyee. se-ined to lie-of a corn- 1rtttu-'c. ltn csiiolay îutiii ire. o! uni- mon opinion that a îtleasnnt udiilav%,cte42 Nieekers Store- <ani-r tht' came beforte hcmln gvtng a lat e i-tiiirlo eît iiaîîd of siîoottmg ln iliefil- hIe soldipr boys. nu-mr Twtn Si natam. Herbert Jackson. w lin xase ae-or-tuud Aiîîkuiwi .y i nd hIeome- vIlh hi e (as COnlmnI I-iV i-r Siiîcfis î le it t iN%iiasllu,. 'ias \00titt tt-gang advet lntoOstiî%a, pm. spe sd axx ax i urtn jiart oftif lb.- nI'î-ng 14 w-as de- day inormîlng. tfle-ihd tiiii ilmg fo e:r xctue-d mue tietg tîl i anîd seigtgb and came time. He' mas Ii lits 3ith vica r. stiiîthilytl drfsed.t - r ieek--r gavi-ev%iinie- regardttîg - lits ioee. Nl r. Chistttinîile-îîde-d foîr a suîspend- Mi1i~rvNotes. t t'l'h ad t-d lundi a i ut- k 10 jail. Ilite WN*retîii cttid Ili'la hi îirt:ne-y IX2nd hIl N TAIOlLN '-fit u thrImitii jailfoîr itht - xx-u'k 1 ('01 (oe' lt-Iîui, l a itud lv Nrs, lar- îit't il' i111 Il Iht-sou le ie kid îlîî- ilads l enlie, of Torotoit. mil ttrîorail ('l:rk,-. I()tiitim li ttîd lti, tiseniî-re. Tticv Of o! htanîipten. It' 1::: i:-d fromi it, - rvi-lici ual itf- i dd ni iik'ili frotntt), I l itîs - k -utiîitidtmîg i it Mnr l-ii u eaurt i-;fititc ttithe tY-mwide seri-s of rt-riîittg nî-iia. , i-eitit'i lit :ciHHi fiîi Iliai iii Metimngsare b-tIng ltii-lit a ullîniartim aid iii:ii-ti t ut-ti-sitîcIî e Il.- i:tI)tlt Ilîe rr y wood, Whittîaie-. Brotigtîauîu.aiid id ('lare-mont, and grelit ettsan ir l\î-k tiîgî i ii 'hm vadie ailImeetintge. T'lIii i znfJD llai . -îîle ltiî d m-a îfor ilt -e, stIiii -ii oeds. lion lBand ile iii aitenmdauurc(1.toI ck- lite Werslitliti i'-mltiii QuI- lîu rn, w-Ill iebcai aqit. rw lit: ivi-l ito<ld île lad.e;xN ha it il wolild MI ninm Ilile gre-ater part tif mexI -itk ftf. î did mot tueliai i. thl:i-nsrtx i c and Althotugb apl)pccîaîîig lai factt,(, t miîluue-d Ile -îndiîiouu hiit et repeint on accotunt o!fri-ssture a! spring wrk mus ime timntde- le'oluimnmiutîi ili> tthe 9ui the tarmne lais l a slack tiltînt-'o! liure-its ticstIo'lit-,tho ' e' 2uod tielavtoiir itlui ypar for enlistmni. lipSh n-it'lotild thtiet' rt-honts e -msc ttle tutnaît y te fi-lt Ilat lnthie hast xvee-konly 11 wotileibp iliatai eibloye cotuld be mi-n have hî'cuîa:tcested. O! t hese, 3 lirotuglilIilto cotunt and sutite'ncePd. are Whitby mcmi- J.N. Fittotn, Hý W. tii- il Allen îirnrnisd 1l n ake C'omtpton, and W. (.Nhal.-n. Polir ni-- nitýjont noithi as laorie o!fIthe boy's cruulue were si-ciri-d ai leavu-nuon de-mclue-ndauici- mt Suitndia> Sciieol. anîd 1ev. taclinîeut. tn charge of 1.1l-ii. Walts. Pallien lly:ti w-as to lii- msked ta re-port Tht:e outal et e-u gi h of Itll liaaitoIRt -axs tiith(,i-soi: o!f('lt bdt o li arenmite. 1 nomt-' Il w ili bluobscu îd tthi ti<- lTiti-lad- [<con: tid ta lit-goodln t he baut I 91 uncii m i x l con: Iîic -tiv -lle tii>- fui::rni, and b-fi t h.-'eouit n n an îd the lillim e-ui. i-n- trorue tif tie jjtti t aldtv. Sergt. Arbîulbethioi atd Serg t - St-dc i NYe- ia ' ili::ni r,\(Ix îît ttd nme-ntionl etituirnied a on n ntti a i-iine'i <f tîillt i ii itit id .ftille<wtng <u tliii N t'.0. c- IaS. I .-Torn o t f- Iai-lt iliî 10 et- t it- C t -n: -AE .] 'Fi-fcunni-r le di-tatle'd ta 'Il" Co.. (tel: aci.foun tuet nuctloui al îiinrliIc. 1he lai- WVHITBY "TO\VNSI P'COURT 0F h-rru'iiauatîait : l i-e aec t'u.,RtREVtISION, 1916. f,'litr Noie--e') tvlta h or SriMi-Raie I iti <munamd ai (an- N: c-l irhygieoibtIi ai uîtixIoti for ni'criiti iig piuriocec. 1o! Rlex tcouî af Wtittby Townehilp wtll Corril ockbunan ud Pi.Swt-11 told ltc tirsi ettitge on Monctay. th( aird rt-mu iie-d fi-rn a i ',%i-oxicuWlte'ia- - ~bduy o! J mni-,1916. lnIllew oilncil tchine gtin eo'une-(liii Nomday The naom. Ilrookltn, au i Ile. hçnouf a fornmer le deta LIed for necruiituig.I aciocit amn.. to hear and dt-tèrninn Itie'ti liai: I FB. E1l ilii . nuiturmud j:111 i-omptatnts doly- made uagali t As fruiu Iisk- courinet u:Taronto. te li s,.ssiliplit IRollo£.1916. charge o! U'xtrifge de-cachme-nu. i iookîtn, _May 811:, 1916. 14e-it. F, V.c04,greîiorted an Nlotida) It)-Huit.i.itauv. Clerk, fi-ontiheml- Mirb fnc , u:n Sctîool tii-t > f)W'hitiy TowuîshiP rnioin and is inw ai (tuxhaxu a ln cargî i __ _ _-- o! -LVB Coi. tiiere. Lieutenants Speue. Lowry. For- VIRpI NIA SUR sythle, rennîmant, Chappell and Procter uM are ln attendaince al the rI. o- 1G ~ 5Pnd yTmklng VIu routo, f coma Mal 15. for tht'^ purrtose o! I If taktng out Caîutans cecIificates. Norolk v& -"sfe d from ner r Battaltomi headquarter-uuts ln cerecipt ij Uegia e peîean uv trainting Iturposes. Wit th îreef Caretul- I <ndaya MO5fd idRMObOteh:I1O i ly' tratned l nei-w Lut.Oag. CorpL Cork- a0W take i 2botties 8Md avi a tuorti.and Pte. Eiwnyard. tn charge, the galned flften pas: havea s op Sartillery hrand1 of Battaiton work i Vte MdCeu Mt a<'à ATI4M r ashould prove xiost luteresttng. Re DmU «o S NkJY t r i r a r f I t r' * i deito u h »» 00 beyStd, t-be vdeat streteh of' umw1 vWson eae t everal ýimpmtsive <si& At eue. thbe dock samw«ed 1>7 swta t-bats dfrect-toa and tba.IYduIZ .#zbee lt-aUssi>' fuflw« lb Uit. sud P.unto. 1>' diaaspssru la th seuthma skh the î,wt$tt . ltn la t11d* mm WH.m O. t" m*.'44 tw 41reêlassutb. pfflr eu i- needed for t-bts deptrtinent. Meut. RIL H. -M.Jollfr -and 8ergt Geddes, of thbe Battallon algnalling corps. are on a)>ecrult4ng trip through the couni y. Sergt. R. 9. Çwminp gsla baek fromn attendante ai t*îe School of Muaketry. Toronto, and la s.ttached to thbe Base Co. CbrpL Bain. uh atten4ance li t-heait- naIu SCIAb1, Toronto, reporied At- Batt4.llon headquartieZI. J190" . Thé "ool tu dlauiuaue for two weeha te reuusmbl eAt Nlsgru-oatb&Lke for ihébm pletlas < tluecorse. Pt.A. L .Taylor, havtng empiettsa six *«sea oues tu lthe lgitu sdwol lai T«ate, basu eoa'144 bu.r Mud Wi utim Scour. vtla the nst NXAdAI Tii e ps, , LCO- cla uChaff of8r#-M~ teeouW sbiy ~ ~ l o u ead'y Pien o peit WOO.4L le VIItbuS be t. r s I. B I a sud ,nulcuPur hsthoo Tr7i m. si gurslI* ,J A M& uita. t ggl tew a M M Thihk of tuemal. yplacf eu .uns visiit on a holiday at ibis th*evf Owx*.1My 2:. 1moi 1 lattanr t à ýai 24 I * s wnhuEjW, 'FUmm* Big Military Gardon Party in honor of the ll6th Battallon iiiier aîî'î i'ep f lS2nd O. S. Battallon, C.e. F.9F t'là tlie Ieaqitîfu I lawil o DRe Fa WARREN, WHITBY lhursday Eveningg May25th.- (.llTi 1 ii).. at ip.111 l'ki )C F EItS ,IN Nil) OF 1' l ) i> I A I LON. 11lOth and 182nd Brass Bands and Bugiers, Pipers of the Famous 4Sth Highlafldê's, Toronto# Duncan Cowan, Scotch Comeddan4 Miss irene Chivreli, Soloist, Knox Church, Toronto, A Palmist wliii aso b. present, lie Cream Booth, lea Boom, Etc. ADMIISSION-..-AduIts, 25c; ChiIdrenq 10c AFTER GRIPPE A J~ t Secret Vhnol Restored Mr. M111tin'a itreiig*th T 'f' -,.,r-vi-, Wapalconetà , Ohio.-"< I amn a f ariner by occupation, and the grippe ief t me wit.h a bad cou gh and in a nervous,weak, run-'down condition. and 1 could not seem W gket an ything Wo do me any good until 1 tcîok Vtnol which buit me up, and my cough and nervouans ar#' ail gone. and I1i-an truly tuay Vinol in aIl tkîat isclaimed fo t' -JAMES MARTIN. Vinol- is a constitutiorial remedy for ail weak, nervous and run-down condi- tions of men, women snd childrecn, and for chronic coughe, coldasudW bronchitis. A. H. Alun, rDruggot,'Whitby, Ont. nd a andr-< WIN>OWSCRENS We have a large MsttifleDt ofSrmnDa. wek* oTpie wil ituterent J'OU, au tïèy are fmpeetSly priaed fMr qIk~ih CalI"'a ' 'pleaesed to get our PRiCES -sw *m kng ourour goods, Oîw pr ion.17 :-h,ý- are under jkrpie no obligation ito buy unless l',ýtuf*e.&4for-d- 3Ol eaD do liaiiiîg ~ ~b34ter he W. Can Savie Vou Money on NEW PERFECTION OIL STOVES. IPRINGLE'S HARDWARE 1 - CSit C (uit( v i.- -aripenrance, your t hc good Z-your c ept active nsý ,rature-take BL~ RA[vt'S £îiraen~'-S~-- -lai Loze.. 25 .u PROTECTIVE and ARTISTIC For ail shin9>es on roofs -amd waIls ANCHOR* SHIlNGLE -STAI1N-S eUyear à fl.fe A an ufWSUStId<p< Of"be. "M", tr m. Ma n N\T i1î 1 lu - - fuj li i es.: t- iit1i - G . . - Ili at -$9.90, $-4-t ru:: i t tie S- 'n t-i i-il juiitv anaoid. l-t-w. G. 't ýans $99i lit Thae Wtitii: b Rev Prof. les, w-te rer Th WabRu WSee hae a -deýn party to Mr. Firank position as t: and Io now -i - cery store. OnSunday Kîngston Rc itions. Tht' 1 and full o! h New stock sets, the D, S atW. G. Wa 'Rev. P K. Bapttst Suat the Iiuihit Cà - - ufiday morn terests of hi 119q.90Satur 'Walters'. ]Reserve V the auSPies -Girlse ABSOCI The big im week *tl ub Don't Miss8 isue 0on Pa; -- The 182n(- 4t t-be War - le? Society- jn~next, 'Y vinl sine. Po le 1 yesratbe'1m ton mes ae rsh'isttm qlsmsm &toms bisla,,101 1~ Jun 1 L -oliglil to be- 228