Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 May 1916, p. 7

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f FRo Lvalwv sPO)Rl ANS REMtATMO Sold Iy n t SUMg1O.e XnàI» LORD KITCHENER foeward dtlt he keieý fhbetA r the lârdar's çouuqiti .'TU-PQS~R,<01 ing to éau UnfortuKllB4g icident, %fei v WMU; t. lcwOrk A»ly Baetu dynamite éxPloded before It@ hti eUr"other" 0., 1D.rInOt ý1ow1ng ten 'of his 8udanesi trooPera L' JoUM.'TIiE CouIeaFLOW- to atoms, but leavlng the fort qute Cul u d agner fi. s, HamiltHn intact. In an agony of mindi the subaltern toi) - PgTATO48. I RcfB tii,' o~s w I,.21b Crs eD ewart. U*d.Wit r tolegraph4d tehumnll&ting ne a t er at oi.te@ uply llilted Wle Lord Kitchener, deqpy regetting the quotatioinq.HW.Dawgcon.-Bramptoni. terrible aecident., andi deploihig the 15BA lo88 of 1f.. Aff.er an hour or two- *. * of bitter mortific#tip, Lord kitchen- j EIWNQ MACHINE SUPPLIMS- 16 p~. u erlor N edies 25c, Shuttios 75c. er'1.9 reply came te hand, and wltb Bo bc.Se, lr 20c, for any Mdachina. bea ting-heart bhe youth scanned the Apro SuppIlisCc.. Hanflîton. Ont. message. It read: "Do you want any umlwurpunm 7rois ALa. more dynamite?" That was ili. PROIT-MM<ING S 1. aA ND JOB gueb tales are prcbably quite tune, r Offoit for- s&le 1t pood Ontario They reî'eal a certain callousnes, Icwns. The atoot unef anti Interiti and an extraordinary sbility to re- fapplcationemmee. s' ubiInm in-o durîe ei'ry motter te its essentialoi pa li8c etO Adelald SireetJrno bu-ini pite of this there can b. no ocj~ u quetion tit Lord Kitchener hait a AN E ,TT3MOJE1.) UMPs. ETC.. greniIc side ta bis character. C Internal and exteri cured with- .1 o tan h or hcmetreatmoint write tsed t Of rish tnp- .ord and bic' iv ed th e be . in- bout oTf 'Ives ISHdv0U ' tttke poins te have aur nc~hool i- buildings well lighted, weli heated, I V - well ventilated and i-a ather ways thor- GdR1EAXT LEADER ALWAYS FOND oughly healthful places. But there OF A J EST. i une imp ortant point which is often' 1,~ e ri1 ooked. Thiq le the supply'aiiz ef pi-oper seats and deske et which the Some \edte Whh Cie A ln ch;Yren cao work in comfort avi withotît doing rzeriaus damage ta their sîght Into His, growing bodies. Charater.Many children are hopele5sIy *crip- Charater.p1cd with round shoulders, curvature pf'rsonage like flues arnunîl a swect- i long hefore they r ed abv tilt Met, aand somfrntimcs il-he real nature school because thyaehenore' - ite and appearniiee of lhe ohject of at- to sit iln ill-fittingcarfn oka of traction isgalltie o4scure<1 hy the desks whiçh are ate o iho u in-v-arqtn. o matît' stories of Lord low for them. Ilu Kit( henersq deot'ion ta ulutv, and his The desks and sasi vr cel eeln inalilitx- to lhe nioveti by human ruoîn should h djeabe L i t Il fralities, are current that hl- lbas very wron g ta aecidrno i Ilocht(-ornie ta lie regarîled as n man cf aizes ait a t desk ftesm ie aire at much more grrmm character than iq For boys and girswaaeblwo du cttally the case. above the averagel ieteesol ilw He ie genernlly thought to be a he desks whichcnbeajstdt t- -c:- T îî;î T~ V i 'i i itX -.. . et~. ., cine stildier pure and simple, an uribend- meet their particlrnea f Lit1%T 'ti '-aaitt0fi'tIliirg ieen niensured as riearly two ilîg lisciplinarian, and a ruthless ad- The mo t comn fateiaca- le u-i ' 'o ' ' TT~T T X 'it~ fr--t el 1)iiît gîhfrein up of nase tu enid vocate cf efficiency. One heer s steries iton furniture aeteusial Il ii'i fi( it 1111114 11 t'l\11T1TtiîiI ( i of ik f Uit1 atil of a girth w-hich is P re'of how hi-, most devoted ADT.('.'q hav- shape of the bacs a h ea-,to R t1 t v -\ ii*T'T't t T i la Nti t lii"il - - t i il t't t l\Tt, l llt-e îtf ferrets has considerably ris- ute huh;o hwbsmno h et p ek n norc - f ith if ~ hcii ii ii VTîtw tr h ' a T i ' I ll il ft , f i'i'X' i T l(It l l t'e -ilCn w i .while in sarnte places have been w'orked until they îlrîpped , shape and q opè ftb ck '-tt-'i ' i te ttt"lSttt"~.tii ýIlii-ti fg5t,'cii Xi f - hI t- î1îeN, are 110t procurahle ait ail. The and of how ail gentler c'onsiîlrations I t is iinportînihtteedetftb sttî'î' îiii-iitî'i'i t - V. i- i consrtcir I great sport, and a -as, for example. the darnestic con- de5zk hould prjetl.htyorteina i id ruitrîs P 1 Ii du-eti t unt T if 1Il,,i" it TTtt' tiTT i C tht - t -' t - d isin( i t' ,lt - t- t 4fthc t iIr, i f over100t)rat ts h as he a ein cerna of bis officers-have heen treat-- edge of t- e he tefh lit itilttiTit ft ~ t,'tlit '~ t 51 tîriti fa .,h od ntbrd yhmwtha-r.Ths npin eksoudicie anadabu n 1"(II f I lut iti- a1fip iîthi- \tii 1ýItif rî-fî it nil-trichs at to tero.%Ten oat int-b edai fat,,int alcge.Thistuc;indtodegreehowadthlea ndsindgra îT"îît ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rnce trtfT't. ' 'lî't tii ti t ii tt ailafîtitthett'i ctlie ait'fu 1w iI il I Il, 11 y nwintiiiiiil<aitiTat tifthe satitt'ltote sllites, pa-st winteî as that wbich was on- ord Ktichner ltaget eal meard en e iowenoge-.le fraa ote ltii Il. Iili i l- tif iiit, ih;'t e-I n ere iml)îtîrttttg ibis f iiilltl'tlttI -tt f'ctîipet- countered last- yenr, and if it should L r ice e l ra elm r e lw e o t 1ý i 1% i i f1ffI J i-i ioit(i ofetl frein tii' State-s, 1t1'il îtî (lita ion ttuali1 -ii an- t'enie laier t-be troops are p rcbably "human" t-ban ho la usuaily suppesed ta rest an it ihu aan h sc hoiIes u I - i î îîtlVitîl('f Ille sturplus -iveel tif ----- rata1(-ciie in prices. A- I.luettea' paedta meeit; but th t0be. smenar.T ttt'i tii(,%\tof' i l t'1,1 ,\. '\ titI 1ilil ii'o Ï11iaitî \\,liiq \1tN t litthe States; r'srî i nmntkeî for- Ilt. sit' if j n ,et ans niud have been terrible, t-belAn E g rC let . ou h o s p tii -iIIIit \t I-t'*~l t »t't tcî i,f aIl i tlti'i( ltig ieniltiulic tnilîîiy te"ît i n reftz fit t i) ruiti especîaîly being heaîy and t-on- thigh, and shoul .lw eoght I i ii-itiiiiii-tcf t i"' -lIiiitie- t, \Nc must'îîî o tîl\e Inli' 01-il!-inl--- 1,uvamanofdconsiderablehip isooranLtf shasldebebslin-htly con-scon o aie enîv asaill, tefewdiiortfnththf« tlrdohipisndartistic attalntnents. hoznt S<ieter Ig tif flillmanl forl1several years a menibereil qtfes.hohîd lioecurveda forofard atelsupport t prpred aili l-Itesioni' it, fýl 1i f - 'I i A ýrreîntiiTia i s onît if the grit e%%(lot i bat is te trilis'consîdered li iee-d o As t-be resuit of bis being, as a youag Tel rather t-haniacie. T e b n ts fti pîiit-ouing touttrieiS if the N îîriîi.ant i tuitiig the' prit-e af nool fur the pre- i1SIread - .Ibite afffor thee al estinmembEp l- he loins e ta ee awakychler i'îrîtîistiitQtîtt-ît up t-o a couple oif vais agît, shipped seait season. andI unless tht' unexpect- thwtf ftePlstn xlr-1teiîî soAi naîlI4olt ' tf br -iEglad. d aipens ai îing initt'1la Btien Fund, under the auspices of adgais siiailîlui aro'-t\Iizitiiti lîs a (If her 't<>iit-o Ei II.FUUkUOI which bodly ho conducted excavat1ionS **idtt easy cmitaetoitu: tlitttIciurdtt îII eîii î'tlti iitsIi N'y. yet in 19.1olfi otîf a t-ot-aiof 122.(191 lest year' s prict's for weol iveri as Bodatwihbd ecnutdecvtosup-right. G i1Ilai li'4, t it lite )p*I tii î-ctiiit' îl a ol et'140J,521 halos, higb or bigher t-har we t-an expect for and archaeologlcal researches init-he When a schooroetl e ihîba littW~ble ofli Aîieii'uti itiol îf 1i<s<'Holy Land, lantiquarian journals ofh hi de e ochtefor ar lf iircniia-tt(f hs,0.ove'r 4() pet cnt e(f the total thbe lip of t-be present Nvear, wbich WNSEEYOYT NWtit ndfryyasaocnai t un omfralescueh i 1t-tduct"litiglit lie aif't'lettd t-uti lit- amounit of wool exported. was ship- prices were aibout- 100-, r bigher t-han doos DRBD OKNWtit adfry er g cnani Ms no poiîntl (liî liaI Mîisrraliltaîtî1ilially eUitdSat- %,ows e revailed for mn er psad DODD"S KIDNEY PILLS many ppesPO writton iy hlm diseuse- nuit get the prpradro .1gs lias~ I)ntigll froîti h t'ifltlae pde th(-,Unît-ed St.ates, -lied er'P eas astn ing with pgeat earnestnese the char- df ima.nîg Ir iltire Ilii fi iSi ott-Iit (glis o- t'est nool ut-ot-mer during t-hat- yeer. rivt' the wool grener geod returna sCR, and cerofSe aiosor~I .~t o l~ $ei' ioitl liiiattgtlî utUiisr lnit-ed St-at-es' buyers aluîo purchas- fot bi-s produet, si11.an4 e o ttMatit or 1my of H iton8~f. gt orp eetiycu- tif li,,tiiii îirqiircts ett great quanttitis aofîi'ol in Aure -- _- Writ. In recent yeare he has given ng1.pt> dra Niuh!' lia lest- year eft-er t-'e emargo uvas WL AI O AEGQ. Louis Champagne, After a Long ful play te theso interestis, ad s tahe plueS fatari e i lift-ed, paying higlier prit-es fer t-be WL AI O AEGO.adhsTi a WORSHf P SNAKE IN JAPAN. Australien wool than t-heur Eîîiish Bravety Curried Out a Mont Hzros Peritod of Slckaess and Wanu made a collection ef antiquities Sy Ïiby 1~ NaiesBlevtepie-a urdcmpetitoi nia og si emtMission. Say@ fHe Found New Health ln hustorical value. fHe 18 constantly en- hio i4~ *f Naivs cioe etie IIIre tt export- woal front London could lion a ae'r-do-well, a devaies' of the Dodd'sKIdney Pilla. gaged lià adding te this collection. a Hundredu of Toothache- be %ecured, t-bey aise purchaaed large a111191,11 fe of Parts. became the hero eof hHe la a ver-y great autbority on old çue eu1 1,qatte f olo htmrkt ohsrgMillerand, Ont-, May 8h(Special.) cia adbs rindec e I a tw4BI< t"l tu tgit, itille garons ofl t rî'.u l ilaa htstaiti' so -ain auiY nent of e Ptlt or yu tor -strn.adhechaginsferamaaailwrs fat aeli iî Siis treustfîiin.liîauqatite f olontbt ia-y',5çhergmefor ot -eieco-s el-J ~ *a4~af phi s litusuri 25 ftet Iii ingtll 1, 1916, there was on hand in t-be Young man's captata In a fildit hospital long period of weaknese and ill-healtb, onnoiuseur of antitioe eUrpeoa, early atar0s raa__ib ilid "S iiii lfus tiid tîtti Ialtt Net-United St-at-es 102,092,429 peunde of'- sonewhere south oa Verdun reent-ly. Louis Chaipage a well-kaown rs'Cr st ian ~paet inge, incisait brouisî* »- o" tIiti it s1Iiail reptile, exctlId ad- woel, whlch was a larger amount than "Il Ite name la Marco, and ho le enly a dent- of thus place, la spreading broad- and ne forth.>- -- ý îîîtriiîîîî anîd lt adicî nit-h SYvnt wats on hand on t-ho iret-of Jsnuary palvate Ila a casseur batt-a.ion," salt! centthe good ne** that b. fourni a aa Crpt piiN u%%as Pxpressed, and a deîuutat-lli iaaoersîc n2 the caPtain. "Beictre the ws.r hie fft- health and etrength ln Dodd'a Kldney aadCet (1si 111"thmnagement to bury tht' thfir gave hlm PleatY 01 moneY and ho 1II ,~5~ ~n agytla i Utie -s ioae. uerpltebetîg sot--w ser n art c t-be inteillatdlotbra'laofdiaortInnghenaolf lho tt;ti-a aedII ita(% îne r ut '.eIîackuo! tc t-a- es ad h lp . rad o ai-- -be a i night IdanciM n g et-arte nego a e n n IîC ViW I iu f id w eh r bs ex uut a p t o it-'ituraat. ' et, ut-ethernlaret on o lo dithpatUnited " a fo af'ed Fioraklogtedie.. dhaeat.e.my ot b, c mof r omcernHas ti î.lW lllvTt hiat -bt' ilacîetr ç -a mdttIf ea adi h tae a led t-ie keenintell oring. aqd wh nwepdttWa ndbisdIglupeaut.tiltryprtoscf iê OuTIUhK1 tilu'tit'tki lad ied an le 1acf thefeaes-, andth cipark ea th er - l a thck e a i#ih 'ed otmOiOiO i<iiar treaieiitla t inman ingw iter111 stelaw oerld i#bae liited nugi Qs l-U a'iateta ii"Jaansei'ieudr eat i.lrtdambuyr at ethea lear-gWed b enl mymokideith Temw .ansche olMyh-intetag » h9oof ti emak, I d i sathtt- Thi n athlaeau risi'oîerv'iwastadee t su n ithe woi tatshans ben s fou lire'bu M is euIt- lImtee.at imen. e atite, as m ersti.în, nd y limbe1 Ie tt h . ditM7net viii lat to h Fahvl lît îa i' rarf'<l b rsîîipiaig ad of spireieus sesio n oa, buyerss Partnof'lie a dreeotWodteeuaoloial Wei- buavThe" id I iibes iIU d ing ftt«%th t dovi a llty ttakakp It'gruilEt'hbegan ta IttI,1tld satnarke<l ndfferefce as t-o whether j»nhiding t-e endeavor to #pot tué fGer. avnu1111it-hht'aiî'lit s deirl.îd b> î, cîh- t-hey secure the weei or net, and onl Mnsabatls'rjy s'ich, we knew, wtou-d be m 1deced t le 117odds 'W it- film- stîti' stff v'rîr .. liateprhse it at a lower range brought forwarsi when lue fell btktXine PMll, and 1Ilài <lad 10 o ut. I oùes oielu bia ib s.td Y ta -ay hat wo oxfe mae m "L(mites Ar*bur L p. W.Win t im r" I liattîreis t sît iie grve evry W s-k a pi-foc iand te signal i t-e were*bouts by vri- 10ayla .obx.mdm ei' 101alit- siil iîg gluillroitt ~te igar- A nother item t-bat i. of int-ereet- t-o ecored reekets ac'ordtng t-o a PT. ireemm enSitd Dodd' Kldney ?Ill# t@ I.ndon Star) ut Lord Kftehoner le tii;aisn l tt- riauatlproprîtr. t-be 'anadian *"weolg-wer andi demi-lalTtttd edesil liose Who ulttr frcèa t.bleiae% d.vel-Ot a eMM cf Ttàt5luit %%o i tifuit aiiriuîtiius to e-s aintuer li hifc ht hr satn "'Doe net let- yourtelf bue ptureti ai-' oi- ld kidiIata fart hm *thetrulla. - l.. ofî aauîIl ir rof t ieIa'll-e. -efetta oe îsa ' kllieti- above, ail not butore youhave 1 . ae *uypom gili l el.#iuItv .* M1*<I saik' uai <lîîî rt'îlpcil àierabl<' quantit>' of Canadian w0oi1I <Ires thle signal,' was t-ebe lanêle ltaestIfby Mrbateupnu VOu b.-W owbj W dh"b wtîe -i e het tir"d hiet'docit'd t<> ln the fids oethtle deaiers ofthe ed0 aU.aupaitioUnra wa t,.aauty,*1' r er'ti lrii i tti au'nîîyî'1tli ni-clStates tuatI was exporteti 1e 'Mveou. *to l ii's i4itoitisr pu laesme! t ii hlm bi jvillad o'ww aj1 ualit-bat ceunt-ry lest year, as t-bey biV If me afiervirds whit b . - ý ieN.gteeledkW»edtwyAre . f ue.a < iilre bist 1sw0m mi 441.4V44 bo=4 ,wwl: bee utmbi Sedisos e ewoolltSRbed 'ab lmti-.and pr=pptly we*t moreldmi b«atlb. teIItit 6LAS K 4'('EnWunle Otu oditose is, f u >-d< î.cty do iî. goter Pii - - 'surpulus Canadien woola are t .i toppeti lm-01. Oneit of tbtii '(ie ie.t-u t-heUnit-ed States' dealtri and eh~il aîu t i.wo olm People wbo don'b know about fM,<nl anufactur"t, they iill bave t msb .t e. btor. h- - tedth y.'ý * should neyer 1o aliowetl te ft eeii per- pricied on a boumle se tCaab*y i oiranqui; -*»ib »Wst oe. sane itb O*IIbe able te comnpete wltla tisi. torl'1 meuslaiaoNlwlaat t Poti"s 81yj.WeWdelli,4 AMI.y stmttn ud doas-tie clip, a&d tia large qua»- iW*iId et'hS* 0çbis r~a* n kle. 904 u ý 4~metinie ago tà young wemsn ied Itilarof *0, an stt-ack f tt-it-fve. nps' ~ et wtool t-baitare »uw om bad ha tb *W01 Mi 1 id convaleaclng Wasl permnit-od t-oesteux 8t Mds bs mt-ndmcybsiuii lae.rcb ofet tuo «tmy' - any-hlg so waîed. lndigrriauinate 1doubtedly willipie uw anelit vout ieediag sonriput ber bat-k in bWdwit-t on lower Irange of prise Ibi s maPt"'-0 tMI.maad li al>' a ter' yard* remsU sevro tomcb ad îday toube ittietiin Canada during qthe iaiRt, bts tre.., asti preeat-iy aU .r"- îumd'oeavy.laux1l1iSS4 ~ t-- that Grqie-Nut* bis boeasý*i4w "~m id tkfhaty euri1 -I duebar tolt rm fieue'os or *tormsel GrapeNuto i. <1foi5 mie AM "lThes'a * -B*#omi- -i.-'q-j -~ i t' -- -- - - i "Overseas" Liniment 'ihy siurfer wth Rhullmfttirm, o- bjg. I anas tit«-k cor pain ofar Lylit id. when U.esa Liniment wiil cure yod. The -ighest trade Lniment Made. ijuaranteed. Rend at ontce. F'amttv gizc l50c. Large alze $1.0A.i OVMB813AS OKZXIOAL CO., SIC Bathurst t, Toronto, a. DOG DISEASES IAnd How to Feed Anlas Mailcit frec o n~ fy fdjttSS ,y Pioemr H. CLAY GLOVER, V. S. 110 111--. i- i "DHAWK BICYCLES kby Bicycieu itie ith r//,-lau X~î'~ta'ueor Ifercukj P ke adIIh,.Ii- c/za/'/e 7y? nhigligrade eqtl.- nieri IncluditigMud. i. t!If1,rd i Piitip.&TooIS ,d.Ou for1( FREE 1916 Catalogue, boly yoar g mpleafroînUus at Whocaale'PrfC, T. W. BOYD & SON, Vl Noire Dàme St. West.N.ftrt$L EDUCTION OF" INSANITY. as Prnving an Antidote for M adne ss. lical iqUiry inicates fhiot there ýeev a conriderable reduction 1)f ity since the war began. ý,William Grahamn of the Belfat tic Asylumn says: "It is not lhe ttragedies of lire that sap 'he cs f the brain and wreck the hie organisrn. On the contrary, ;the sînail worrieq, the deadly tony of a narrow and Pira-un- )ed existence, the duil drab af a without joy and barren of an evement, the self-centred. anaemic eiousness-it is these experiences weaken and dimlnish personality so leave it a prey to inherited fspositions or to the siings omd )ws of outrageons fortune." Ad the editor of the Lancet points "The traveler in Central America f ace savage men and sa.vage Bta unmoved but is driven to the ge of madness by the attacks of iute and insistent lnsects." r. Grahamn quotes wlth approval il Bryýce'a recent Mateseent- that effeet of -tb. fi ghtieig on thousands ren haabomn*ê -r4em, to tir ifd.putGG h1 .IM4 ,oinspire 0 tànu¶n Il tr'for .some âilti-bai -Ã"Jfe, and ho 'tbe-ý h o !dite l 0,entual tteulte leh bat eei w jInI aboù~f~ Ma~ Hmow n Child LN Crippled by School -I L

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