Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 May 1916, p. 2

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EYEM E Y MI NIEAI IS THE_,NATIONALIST DEMADý Lord Derby's Name Mentiosed lni Connection With Impcndlng Changes i the Govern ment of Ireland. A deupatch f rom London saye: The1 rebary for lreland, f ollowing the ex- INationaliste, aceording ta the DailY lampl-e of bis superior, Augustine Bir- nI reli. Sir Rkobert Chaimers, former Mail, will preau the Governinent. at îj Governor of Ceyîan, will sucreed him *ariy date to disarm every man in Ire- teniporariîy. land. The paper adds that the Na- Pariiamentary represent.atives aseu- tionaliste are quite willing that they ciate Lord Derby, the Recruiting Min- Z hould ho djisrmed, providedj that t.he ister, with the ipending changes in QoverTlment does ltkewlse with the the government of lreland.- Ulster volunteers. "The demand," The Daily Express Rays that Sir layes the DvIty Mail, "ie likely ta raise Roger Casernent has expressed a w!ah a difficult Isue in Irish politics." that Sir Edward Carson defend hum. Sir Mathew Nathan bas resigne(l IL is not likely that Sir Edward, the as UnderýS0cretary to the Chief Sec- leader of loyal Ulster, will accept. LAST MESAGE - 0F TOWNSIIEND IY CASEMENT IN A FORTNIGIIT WSerythlng Humanly Possible Was Penalty L.ikeiy to be Deab-lusanity Dan to MoItiOui. A depütcb froin Landau esys.: In j Pemutîî>. the House ai Lards an Tbursday Fieldi A despnbh from Londonianeys: An Mai-ebal Eari Kitchener, t-be Secretaryi article in The Express ai Tbursday for War, warmiy euolgized General declares on goal authority t-bat t-be Tawnehenti andtishe defendsrs ai Kut-- trial of Sic Eogir Casernent, now un- el-Amara, anti neati Gonerul Tawns-i prisaned on the- charge of highi treason hend's ast tiesputeh, which 'e as ful- for ini-t iig rex-olin Icelenil, bas been lows: definitel'-i-i-t wîvthin the' next- fort- -'We arc pleaseti ta kiow that xwe night'. It s iii I- helti in Londion. Thle- have clone our <lut-y andi ricognize article c-otinuest to t-he effeet t-bat Sir t-bat aur situation us oanc of the for-- Roger.s fate wivil l e determineti ly s- t-unes ai war. We thank you, Generni tribunal conqiating of a Jury anti aj Gorringe <couimand-er of the Blrjtish Commission ai cjther Ibret' or eive relief armnyt, anti ail rroks of the'.îdvt pna br sprcial Tigris force, for the great efforts you Junanim Opinihothe eni at w llyts have Matie t-o saVV US." unt'hî. sTha tneapity toy wis nat Lord Kitchener said be xvas giad of hd eiTes. her s o t-ho opportîînity t-o pay triltute ta Gen- edsroly eral Twnhe-niand hua trooc),- "whose da-lggtil iitIeriniiatioll ana-I EXTORTION IN GERNIANY. j eplenia- courage bat î-rned for them n- go honor'alea- erecrrUl.-ilse in l'rices ai Necessaries of Lite- 1001 SCilCEiN ELtîIM.Brings Bitter Attack. 1,0)S'%t- eINtEG A its-pat-eh from Berlin says: Eu- German ttticers V-at Mh ile Bruissels genie Zinrierman1 General Direct-or le Star'bi1. hi the' Lokai Anzîegen, publishes in ihspeper a strong at'aek on "ext-or- A 1leqlt,tpitCfram Pais -,iycin "The tiouist s' in provisions. lie deciemes- Brusseis population is almost stRv-ta hyaecnie- tetiire ,îî Ibd he ermn ff -en my fedbusii..,ss even tione," and criticizes1 ch)un(anlt-ly," says Le Journal des De- Isbarply the incomplet-e measures ai bat-s hrusseis correspondlent. "Ela- t-ho St-e-'a organization. Hemr Zim- bonately uniformeta-ti onocleti officer8 emnsatcat oiw ubra etroîl the' streets anti floodl the ne- sidar att-acks in the lest- fewv tiys, staurants from noon ta late ln thbe ii wbjcb -t-he unjustiflable anti sboek- evening, wbere their gastronomie ing increaseti prices ai t-be necessaries font-s are an ingult- t-at-he mi.serY of 1f e" wero pointeti out-, as w-el as sround.. The est-abisbments t-bey pre- "t-be mat-crial tiamage t-boy da t-o Gem- fer conmandeer for their benefit innns and t-ho taIse ideas of stanvetion thousuntis ut kilos oif four, meat-, fruit andl aofcer,amic weakness t-bey awake anti vegeýt'eles, which causes a yet- abroat.' nmane abtiorrmai risc in pices for thbe publie. The smaii bourgeoisier ena-i BEITEND NI working classes suffer terribly. l'o-jT Eî T E UNTI VR t-stacs cannot- he bougbt- met TE AzS VR butter anti fats are fer t-ordear for A despat-ch tram Landau saye: Your t-hem. The waret suifferens are wo- men anti chiltiren, sdua f111 the hospit-- correspoindent- was givon ta under- slt, exhausteil by privations." st-and by an caut-borit-at-ive source on - +- ____Thumsday t-bat- muet-ai t-be Irish nobol LUA IT YIELD 0F STRA W. prisaners, except t-be ingles-ders, will not be tried by court-mart-ial, but %vill Iý à. - A- w int-rnet for thbe remaintiemai t-ho lng Situation. A ticspateh frani Guelph saye; Prof. I>RISONERS 0F WAR Zilvitz, head of t-he Field Huabandry TO BE EXCHANGED. Dopant-ment et t-he Ontars-io Agricul- tuîrai Coilege, la ual ai t-bs opinion A tiespat-ch frain Landau says: Au that- anythiîsg t-bat coultiho ternmed agreement bs-s besu res-chcd bet-weon e "sgeniaus" situation bas yet been Genmeny sud Great Biit-ain fon t-be createti by t-ho wet weatben mIten r- - transfer t-o Swit-zerls-udai wouctied lng wit- t-be seeding aponations. "Re- pisoueru ou bot-b aides, according te parte show that there bs-s been iit-t'l an officiel ennauncomeutms-deona seeding dane yet. In t-be coilege plot-s Tuesday. we have liaI yet- put in e;pring wheat,.4 barley or mixeti grains, altbugb a DNE TTM R st-art bas boon mie. In t-ho Iast- NlSATMT R t-weuiiy years 1 cen nemnember onîy MADE TO SECURE PEACE. ene season lîke t-hi," et-at-otiMn. Za- vit-z, "aud I suppose wo cen look for A despat-eh froin Berlin says: A similar reiiuit-at-is yes-m. We shaH - ,aemi-uffcial telegrain from, 'Sofia probcbly bave a light ylold ai st->aw, cheract@nizes as uut'rue t-ho reprts alt-oug thre aauli h an ve 'ge1 recentiy circulat-ed t-bat Bulgarms- was ercp ai grain af gooti quality." Pro- sttemptiug t-o arrange a espat-e fesser Zavits atidedth -at- fs-il wboat, 1pOIaeC. bey cuni claver were in splendid candi-.- tian anti growing very rapidiy. HOW THE. CROWN PRINCE -I -* -BIATES FRENCH PEOP>LE. LXIIECTI THAT TUE WAR WILL END I itIS YEAR. d eptoiLo ai ai or A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d Lnaeyslu aiRegnier, one of t-ho fort-y immortals Adespatcb frdmLodnsy:I-f the Fr-ench Acs-demy, un Wetlies- dics-t-ng a strang )elieft t-at, thet war- day t-aId thbe falîowlng incident- as an la boglnnlug t- atisw t-o a close, exemple ai German'a bat-ted for Lloyti's on Tbursa-ay posteti new in- Franco: "The army ai t-ho Crown surs-lce r'at-es, wagering only 1 t-o 3PrnefihigaatiVdu- n- t-bat t-be van wiiI ntet-nut beforo De- cent-Iy sent- a eratile t-a tho Crowui ceffiber .31, 1916. Fan several weeks Pnincese beaning the inscription:; 'Theu tie rate cf insurs-uce ta guarant-se j oad wîth uwbicb t-is crs-dl-e a s againot las-a If t-be war le evet by thej~eaudwth rsc lo~~ endt of t-be yoar bas beu ateadily adi- I vanting tnt-il lt-le now almeet- pirD'.TO MOVE CLOCK MKAD- bit ive.IN4tBTOM X P>LACEPROItiIBJ1oN A tiespat-ch r1tram Leon 1aMY**, 11%8 ON ILLINOIS STOCK. flaily Mail léeras ý*t-lstbtle Os-bin jbs-s becs- coaverwtedto t-he propos-Ito Fosot en-d Meut-b Dises--Out-bro3ak tof ,ovls-g t-h-e iela s-#ed Ilat e ~despatch (nom Ottawa sa:ya ( Fol- mensure Ies cflltel'Oprs-ctios-W m.r lo1wIean eut-break oat-befoot anitsliaiwlIbcm af-t-o s moulli diseel ln ls-ole st-hoeepsrt.-h ment of A griculture bas prohibit-ed o theimrpertatlof aiet-tle., eheep, ewu-e OrIde-of t-tue fait-h lF. iat of î s-ngot fp t-at utat-, -oraesman who s-dvertipes for t-be rot=utcd u-b b nuht- in us-der ppec1a1 por- a lost- mtili 90 ani rglaln sn prvr I 'To 1 g-t-ligVe7 M 9Importe eofsanimal -pwo<le u d a-Id là~hre. "o OWet0W an pultry. Hes-ltiy rostlQt1-from it-ored' thi epst-orer, *'are net- fi. lty lbetranspattetithrou glifroni - a Ur*ber"of deU ets 1 ei ooi t- pofesi onditions, mntion il fes1ii -pbiore m t--- t-a hear t-herustling eof1118 5.1111 ws-"jthiveansd breeti et the normal rato, t-heines oit-en enfer t-ho namorous at-tait-sI as t wre, wjxon hi le up addressnjilifmlyoft-he original parent would, and ebannels bttWeen the lulandt, h. HECNRQ FCANE. theSpeke. j th en o theeyoars, numbor, aLE.ariy in t-he war a GermenI lie takw a very prominont part 'lnî rougbly As wlllîon Vst-l e -.population torpeo ,boat ran o ou- li sWad upiEnh* lt eoft rm r.U the lit.e oft-h. e sat-y OfSurrey etof -theUit-ed ICidom; andi would l, 'd& t oe1to t at tg Richmone 4 o h ie nt-y l ta cross- s-t sucb a rat-e t-bat, bofoire1 wit-hin sigbt Is-»40 MUwifrot a bat-' A reces-t. 3u*lber of theM 41ca IM ycorAhati passed. t-he ta- uudon an uiebabi*ed .sIind e-r Eceroi Timarfr -oth r--lya o a-. ouly named "Wb*rObe COIWt-" -UIle b.a seid Ma-& ai eodfLs. t-he Moet Western of!*0tbg « rgS i&sland1 iae-scaures ludertaken 1ID ot8T u>tjý, lbas be«a acôinty coell11W aiti A pair oai bieds ms-y produe. i-a4 Thé Alanters, bellaviag t-hoe trng- 1 Éiiian4, for thé e tueattoti- of --i cost-y aldermsu or WSurrey, >se whlsn ,tu ru~ s eIn-lat-he ottroi of ceuièr. ,kaou&- esIioy~-ouismasiuOUCIL au t«y o W~at~-ers we slpT«e*raain w-t as chairms-n of t-h. Sry Quarter lmp>eare;y. sly of, su-s ahteny n t,« e 1C ll w bt-ln ma mtt-hleeï s s-atýtôa s kill.â d u4 OSEt ' A,~e -t ~t~ rte- ~ cu edited two .d tii *a leyr. b-s rt aes- tnu io IW> iu d the 4t- lt~s~i, lqgaI 8~oct Cosivraeo-t__ muainei b tom that-oi* s a n wh < lt-l iie UtUId ise eROR te ~!'I1I1tOPPý Ir Qoi.cu.cave Manoit, y .Mntoba whi-Xec0. âb-5eat-4 .~yi.\.C.-W., bSic; extra No. i feed. 6201Mo .American corn-No. 3 -elhow, 87o. onl traok Toronto. Canadian corn-Feed, 75 to 77c. flOfl& ~ nal on track Toronto. jntarto oate-No- 8 white, 464to 4610. commercial 441 ta 451c. acoordirul. to freights autaide. Ontario wheat-No. 1. oçrnmerolalîî 11.03 ta 81.06; $0, 9 do., 81.01 ta1.03y, o. N. 9c. ta $1.00. fwêd wheait. au to 88c. accordi ta freighto outaide.i pie, 11.20 ta $1.11, eccordlng ta frelghtff Barlby-Maitiig barley, 64 to 66(y; Duckwbeat-69 te 70c. accordInfg te iye-No. 1cmeca,90tilir* Jeceted, accordllng ta sainil>,86 te 88, arecordlng ta frelgh q utal 6. Manitoba flour-Ilrst peýyoflts, In > te baga. 18.50; second patente. Ini -Pte bagO, $ .00; utrong bakerr, ith J.Ute bige *5.80, Toronto. Ontario flour-Wint or, aoo r4Jng te sample $4.80 ta $4.40 an traokTOl'oftO- te. $4.16 ta 14.48, bulk seaboarci, prompt M fecar late. delivýered Montreal fretghtu-Bran,. per îoh. $24; shorts. Vei ~I tan. 12; mlddlng, peor tçn,. $26 ta $7 good feed flour. per ba, 31 60 te 1.70. Country 1Produce. Buter-Fresh dary, cholce, 26 ta lUes Infortor. 24c; arearnery prints, 32 ta 84a; Inferlar, 30 to alc. Eggs-New laid. 23 ta 24c; do., ln, car- tans. 24 ta 26c. - -Beans-14 -ta $4.60, the lutter for handpicked. Cheese-Large. 19à ta 1lb; twinff, 191 ta Sûo. for new rheese, aId. 206 ta Maple syrup-S1.40 ta 1.0 per lm- periligallo. Haney-1'rleces lr, 10 to 60-1b. tins. 18à ta 14c. Combe-No. 1. $2.75 te $3; - Na. 2. 82.26 ta *2.40. Dressed poultry-Chleken.e. 24 fol i, - ~ -fawls. 19 ta 20e: ducks, 24 to 25c tur- keys, 26C. Ra ~Potatoes-C'ar lots of Ontario. $1i80 ta $1.90 per hag, on track. (1) 8.8. Niagara. (2) Queen Street, AUcklautN.Z. (3) Maori carved house at Whakarewarewa. (4) Maori war canme, UNEING 1,200 amties tram Austraia- vegetatlofl that le of commercial value1 ln the tourteenth century. lD 1642 tlbeinmediately aftei' the Initro>ductioof l4tI case long amseur 1 în, 23 .per2b.cl ber nearest relative--New Zen- nover tail ta grow plants that are de- Islande were discovereti by Abel Jan- gune andi swords emongst them fUlIT do.. heavy. 20to 21c; ralsm. 18 ta 19c; B Iand la probably the muet iso- ligbt.tul te the sight utfiman; nu leass son, a Duteb &aller, andi Captain Canke one-tourth af themn became no More. breakfast bacon. 24 ta 26e; ba7k., plin. lateti cvIlhIzed regian ln the warld. andi than 140 specles af wild fer't are ta be vislteti the place in 1769. Il appeaus As tlme progresedt th<)seo f the Moe2Lard-Pure lard, tiercesq 16 ta 16ic, for the reasafi t.at inost of those wba foundlnt New Zeeland, and miniy ai that when the famaus captain return- wha were left progreeod aie, and b& and pulls. 16à ta 17c; comnpound-. 139 ta Ilie there are af the samo race as aur- these are 40 feet ln height.. There are ed ta Englauti ho gave the English tween 1830 anti 1840 Many Of thein 1* 14àrc selves. we shoulti be especWaly Inter- volca.naes on saine ai thie mountaine, people a wrong impression ai the came Christian. Now t.he Mari hil- wee Gan este4 ln thie beautîful country and ber andi atown thesd aidça others naisy place; ho reparteti that the Islande <11< dron go ta echool aide by aide 'wtt.b Wtnlpêeg. May 9-Cash :-- Wheat- people. New Zealandta l made up of a rtvere tako their r*ptd courses Par- not seeru ta be of much value, aiea - htIdren of aur Southerf luri.No. i Northern. $1.18k, No. 2. do0.. group af Islande, camprising ln ail rots chatter merrily an the tree top$, that thes Ms-oripeple would be a for- Mauni repveselltatlV05 taletetr part $1.161; No. 8. do., $1.118; No. 4. $1.08à; abaout 104,751 uîaro miles. The caast and i pgeonse oualu the recèsBes oatbte midablo race ta attempt ta conquer.ýln the gavernment5 af theircounry.CN.6, 14.00; No. 6, d. Oaetra Na. 2 Uneîs are very flai genorally, andi the woods. These are practlcally the only Any-way, for 70 years atter Captain Some af the Mari- peaple are skill feed, 4bec: No. 1 feeti, 481e; No. 2, do., total clrcumference af the three main native birds. Native animale are &ace Coakes visit thbe British Government at waod-carvlng andi dysîng; they are 43e. Parley-No. 8. 664c;, No. 4 611c- Islands le 4,330 mlles. The Interlor oi iew, but Europes-n birde and animale, tIi not thiluhiIl warth the trouble ta an tmagntNerae atNavVelgt-rjC ted, 7e f;o. 2,67e., $1-J.761 New Zealanite lntersporsed wit- bille, anti even flsb, have been lntratiuced annex the present proudi- possessionl. fui poetry anti tales ta metlte andi tell.i - - .$.71 o.2-CW,$173 valieys anti plains, ail af remarkable with success. G(ld, coal, capper ant i t was ln 1840 that the Union Their bornes are pretty anti thelr home Mantresl XWarketu. beauty, It bas been saiti that bath the sulphur are the chiof af the New Zea- Jerk, was flrst hoîsteti an the shores. lite simple. Montreal, May D.--Corn, American No. scenery anti climats af those is-Ir lande lanti minerais. Golti was first dis- At that time the Maoritaoke uumbered New Zealand bas many thingeic n 2 yeilow. 89 ta 89o. Oatiu, Canadian etembie thase ai italy ant i Sllly. covereti lu 1853 ant i snce that turne 65,000. The declino lu t-be race eluce comman with Canada; she le a uew Western. No. 2. 64ie; Canadian Western, There le always ample main but nover sornethlng lîke 60,000.000 warth wa8 thon le due ta tilsease andti tawsr, for country rapldly developlflg;abs 1la Ilocal white, 614e; No. 8 local whlte., superabundtance ai1t azure le the faunti. Aucklandi te the principal gold bobhbave playeti a big part lu the bis- ricb; she le patrlatîe; she has senlt 60ie; Na. 4 local white, 494e. Barley, favorite -cler wamn by t-ho sky, ant i mning area The Canadlan Austral- tary of the Msarin. Before t-be British t-hous-nde ai brave soltilere ta fight m'oan. Sprin68to 7c;ealt pn74tfat6. the Islands are Ilke emeraiti anti gai- asian Lino has a reguler service ai came the". people warreti arongst for te Empire ln t.hle groat war. In1 $660;seooands. $6.10; strong baker-s'.1 don gerne set ln Lb-e silver tarin aithbe fine passenger steamers between Auck- theme-elves, andi lat-er t-bey warred New Zealanti there are mare mon theri $5.90; Wluter patents choie, $6.00; Pacifie, lanti Oit-y anti Vancouver. agalnet the Britishi. Up ta 1770 t , waenant iit la quit-o likehY t-bat ait-er straight rahlers, $6.80 ta $5.40; do.. bags,- New Zealanti le a productive coun- At present thbe population ai New knew nothing about pattery or mets-I Lbe war elle will be a POSOrt for BODO$5.10 ta *6.20; do., baga, 90 Ibs. $A try; the lineet sbeep andtioLtle are Zealauti la eometbing like ,000.000 anti untîl that perioti thoîr battle Inof t-he superfluaus ladies oi the Old to $2,46. Bran, e24. Shorte, $26., reareti on t-be rich pastures. anti oats, people, anti nearly ail are ai Britishi struments were their flos, clubs anti Countr'y, wba, unable ta have the . MIddlinge, $28 ta $30, Mouillie, $30 ta balyanLu eaegrw nabun- extraction. Sthll there are 45,000 cal- stones-they were even unawareofaithepatu ityofblessIug some mian s-t $3o60-aï,N Ch2 eeeo.ar ts.- danme.Along t-he hihîsîdos there àne ored folks. The early inhabitantts lot existence ai bows anti arraws. For home, will sesi t-ho chance af bieseilo r 181 Buter.c19c;iet eaery 8 irichi foroste, anti tracts ai elevatadtithe cauntry were the Msari tribe; tjhernseives tht-s was ail thebe btter , ferjone abroati.ta 2e; suende 384 t 29e Eggs, #reeh croundthâ-bt are too rocky ta produce thsy came thoera ln their war can - 26e; selected, 27e- No. 2-stock. 23 ta 94c. -~______- - -11.72à. ID P iI P 'AU equeutly, hie speeches in criticisrn ephere of clasely-packed animalcule,' which wes tied around my body was Uited Bt« Makets Sm GEORGEIW UCAWU of the famous Lloyd George budget millions of times larger than aur sixty-five feet long, so I had t-o jump tlnaaî, My 9-ha jmade a deep impression on the earth. -t-bat distance into tho void befare the $1.214 ta V1211; July, $1.201 ta s-Ïl: TR N N A E Hause. Ta-day Sir George Cave is' ga- tk the gnecn-fly, the pest, box coutaining the parachute coulti No. 1 har , .28 ; No. northern. $1.28 ST O G A D S E . itntpwe nPrim<lao h os-rwr n a yoe open adsti rp Oats--Na. à white. 484e. ta 431e. Fleur, d *t-poet ha islu iia as Unchaugeti; ahi monts, 5717 barrole. greater poe -a i fiiIps- greeu-fiy os-n produce 25 at-bers; t-be' "For a few -ýeconds 1 beld on t-O i3ra-;18-ta 9. tienof oliito 1:626 onDulu th, May 9.-Wheat-N. 1arde# GREuAfTal Btr-eIraTAaldeem cx NEW--sfailyWoldnulibr tetarby iYbadsiThn lt .'221. Na. 1 nanîbern,$121 $.2f GiSAT RIMNSNEWSOICI tainicas. -.è2;on the third day, 15,P26; and su, I muet have droppeti mare t-han a .. 2 uarthsrn, 81.f1-g ta $1.192. OR.GENERAL. A Great Lawyer. fon, until, s-t- tho end af t-én daye, t-he: hundred feet- befure t-be parachute un- -4etOokMres hast generation alune would have' furted, andi it was not an agreeable ,Toronta May 9 -Heavy choice stesern,, As Solicitor-Generel, Sir George zrowin ta thousands of qus-drillbons (a! sensation. But afte t-bat I did not 8.00 ta *ê.16; baildy obolce eteerls, t"8,6 Cave raw s a sal ry o $30 000 a num b r ex reýse in 9 fig res) and ind. w aB able te lta ab ut.7e5tob8.76 cherce '.l good$8.8.2 o .ta Cavedawlasas-yai 3000 anube epr;sd uD9eigre),anrmd I andalet-Raokabutim,1do.,mediumn, $7.90 t-a *8.26; do., camian. He l a plenid ebaer, ud 185year, wit- t-be addiiional emolument- wauld outweigh 2,000 times the en_ and feit- the sensation af complet. 7.0t $7 90.u hr' os bls Towr e Stengb Iai methlm lie £600 l tie "."us-tan i -bees-t-btoi-liecrity. Wben I was about 2.600!16-7 $,75;d. o , .0ta 10.75;- Been s- 10 so0 ~~,, a year ~ ..- t I do.. eln 8.0_o$05;d. ànlin fi 4,i t- ,1' - - i j t-- i a-' iserai e0eî 2 chief( 1fhey a Mal in -"full bedly mereI part i Frrnm ne fief, erept, ('11 full c;i 1 tru1 TIl., that ,f Ctil tý piM n credI vit*- snce it bf a fine ti 'liitim. t(- r in nrî h im tn he dot My a, findiLte fitopr upo ; prctheî the m. YsuTrt l buT, ta pa n lt t-bs ta b is ov. Iiveî tE able - ed t-rn Wbein deserv feast-t Som Pmang ehard brougi lcr. M wbo h chards s-round usA in* ýthe t-n planur feet lx there i -as cli t-ieeu conly. Ho t-i ne POE chs-rd1 aboutsý tute it J une. s-bon ,in adi s-s lairk are oi ýrowâ Ire aus pes lippue Wall hi perl3r.1 l'heory Not Taken There lm Notltirtg serinus in the heen- war.

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