Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 May 1916, p. 5

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1HI \~ai1îIu! DIAMC THE tAPRIL BIRT( DIANIONU) im tte mille Dvernally recugnized ainong jirevilus minnem, i, hardent, tihe monat imoper and aima t he mitat bri I oiner-alt. 'rîeme r1ral tif have rmade ia uprerrue a- mqince early tintres, and yet brilliancy ot the atone imq played inti I it iram eer fa, the art lbt the lapidary;; was mareely developp e14 year 17-d46. A Mi,,nd <eut ii t746i ç jiret as lui liant in I1916,i or A I)iamarrd Iptrrieha a prieeis animperighable iii, [ot us help Yeu gave Yeurr# Bassetis9 8N J eweler and lu tire Blaek Wi ttl WFIII liY, W. C. The annuarl rire tir Iu the Agrlcîulti ttratI1 t are r iusrd b ri yeara work A s t tian ofulloice.rs. a f îurgently rvqttrtd 'Surprtee5etj ra ir The arrtort (J nb-aI cottc, grrîd rat t t(MIi alIy ablitshilrrg ill ti %)raio. andrd ,-cirî condition of a rîî -dewu toa ni <rittiret, Wood. thouuct.41111tIl by bis breatih tig and la thie orpinfiltu- enterlng tutti li 11 we imay diseurîrigcac action. lîherceî l oi, science, Iri.tt sîrulut as ,wtt ire perreptIon arv os j they aelvmt.b giewerî o!furerîtgl jutigruei V %li t tdi all allier i < t then llit- ii r r t appears IovolicO &t fireet 1s ni St d cornes ope(JT1 b N tlon le É t-;r1 BRruntionil t Gel aur prlceis PrIngle's h rîrd w cIre Tie repart ufthre luge!f Ail Surintur C -over until nicxt wi Peuman'e Urîd Walters'. See advl. of AiT es-zaar on page 4 cleaner te reut. $1 your boua. <ce, Mr. R. A. litt thre large brick r( Cormuack, nt thei Coiborne Streets. Neweet lat M. W. Colins'et Thre Domeatie per day, dclivered Basteru Star L viii parade ta dl day, May 7, et 3 Church. 11ev. R.' Seouet c.u rlgbt ri'nugle'B The Counîy of sociation W n1 Inonthty Meeillie in thie auditortan at 4 P.in. Qualit ly sc Colline' cash isic Croruptou'îstu 60C. tW q6 ut W. Mrs. Stanloil clIv. againU tnt i Or" regida.t-Si Whtby War IW inl tbecCounctitc terOcathe S ipresst. Wataos ni n of th ~etht trilune s, ublsgoot o 13Bt.Â*4dnel WTId Professionali Carde JNO. JEm FAREWELL, Km Cm Barrister, County Cro'wn Âtern7 But Oounty Sollitor. office, south wing Court House, Whitbi AE. CHRISFIAN faurlaster. SolictOl. Motets Publie, Etc. office, Brok st., Opp. Standard BiL liguer te Loin. 6m YOUNG SMITH, LLB. imuer. At dulins hou». opposite methodiB ChurebL .No witn.hieàrequiir6. DBNTAL tiI.ry d8onflD*D.SeL.D.S. O)face, D)undas Street, opposite Poli O)ffce. Bell phone 122; ind. 64. WIIPTBY, ONT. F, %W. Sisson, OSg,)8 Dental Parlori over Al"i'& &dn8 store. Whltby, Ont. Office hours--9te 12; 1.30 te 6. phones, Bell, 87; IndepOlldeUft IL BLK .BEATON, LD.S., DD.S. Graduste of the Rayal College of Dental Surgeons and University of Toronrto. Office over W.MN. 1'rngle's hardware store Office bours .-9 La 19; r1Lu br).0. W. Phone, l Bell Phonre 20. CafPilTliMam, SIILM ÂIteratiofllandi Repaims Vins? 01.555WO8KGUAAnum. Corner Wslnut ant iKent St. TeleDhene Né. 1381 AUOTIONBERS wM M lAW. 1 LICENSSO AUCTIONUIIR 1I AND VALUATOR. AlU klads oetsmaSprOMnIptodieài ta. ArnaD.g lsfor »«Mali mmbe made etaithe Qaete 00es. Terme ressouble Belntia"iSid afli tPhass- The Beaverton Board of Health has requested vendors of milk to supply mllk to their çustomersln sealed bot- ties. For the firet time in 60 years there will be no Victoria Day Celebration inJ Cannlngton this year. ROYAL THEATRE ENTIRE CHANCE 0F PROGRAMME EaCh Nljht. The Broken Coin overy Monday ntght Saturday night 10o. to aIL Big Broadway Features every Wednes- day and Thursday. MR.. PERRIN, Manager. lUany Have Enllsted M4any nvancies rmuet ho filled. Right now the demnand on the- Toronto, Ont. ~a fully five times our supply. This hardly seerna possible but it in la-ne. Business Men know our graduates are firat -clama t herefore bey 'have tbe habit of applying to us when iù need of reliable office belp. (Jollege open aIl year. Enter now. Catalogue f ree. Cor. Vouge and W. J. ellilott, carec Sts. Principal EAÛTER EXCURSIONS SINGLE FARE iiood going April 21st and retuning Raine day. FARE AN0 ONE-THIRO Good gaing April W0, 21, 22, 23. Returu Linit April 2itîh. Teturo tickets will b. iaatred bctweeu SkIl xtatioùn, s Cnada «osf Port ArtiiU and te Detroit sud Port RuLrou, Mich., Buflsa, Black Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge, N.Y. Tickets ant i uiinfommatiiea op pli"aton te Grand Trunk Ieket MUi a. fitephaem. Agent, Phoril M, Wliitby. F. Es LUKE OT8 oplrlin of Toroarte. NORTH ONTARIO COUNTY WÂKES UP. A revival in recrultt=gtooli place in Mara and *Rama Townsips during the course af a weof o patriotle concerts, iieid in this locality. The 182nd O. S. Bu., C.E.F., lias just ftnislied& à series of patriotic concerts, in Mars aud Rama, aud Uic resuits oU- tainel are a tribute to thle splendid or- ganization of the battallon, and the un- wavering enUhusiasm aud optimism af its comnionding alflcer, Lt.-Col. A. A. Uockburfl; wliile the people of Ulhis lacallty have sliown, by their splendid response, that Ontario County, to the last man, le heart and soul wltli-us in aur efforts, lias realized the critical em- ergency with whlck our country aud oui empire le coufronted, aud i.s pre- pared,'to the last man, ta sacrifice ail for the cause. The pat.rlotc conceerts were ail splen- didly attended, lu spîte 0o! Uic unfav- orablecondition of!tUc roads anti wea- Ulier. The concerte were held as fol- Iows- Mronday, April 1O--Uptergrove. Tuesday, April li-Loagiord Mille. Wednesday, April 12-Waahago. Tliursday, April 13-Ratiburu. Frlday, April 14-Brechin. as a direct resuit af the appeale, made at Uie conçerts, tram Uls comparative- ly smaIl locallty, are 82 recruits, ai- Uiougi Uic wave of enthuslasm wvijic Wws .swe-pt over Malra aud Ramas, dur- ing Uic past week, hua conslierably augmented tLis number. Tic concerte were, unlversally con- eldered, Uie best Uhat thc locallly lias witnessed for some Urne. The splendid selections rendereti by thc liSti Battu. Baud, under Uic abie leadersiip of Bantiraster Graves, were enthusias- tically applauded, wliile tiç physicai exertlse, rifle and bayonet drille andi pyramida performeti by a pîcked equati of men, were Met Wltli expressions o! admiration aud appreclation by ail. Tih. appeaLs made by thc various speakers left ne rcom for tioubt [n thc mids 0; any of thein listeners as te Uhe orîtical neeti for men. Lleut,-CoL A. A. Cocltbura.partlcuiarly emplia- aizedt lis on. point lu ail li a adreases. He tried. le disilunalon those of bis audience who were Incllinet to b&- fleve that the crîtical point ci! Uls war liat been passet-that It vas ouly a matter of tinte until the Alles would Lieut.-Col. Cockburn spoke eoVlui ly andi autorltalvely wben lie uaid that G.rwany, Lu apite of ber over- whelullfl5lous, lu kIlled andivounti- cd. was as stroug, if flot strouger Lu numbena- nov tha at the beginang of the war. Tiils as a reve1agoii te ma", and, yet the Colons 'a car-cut anti loilargumeflts left ne room for douL * iL-CoL Geekiluru latan Im- pression, lu a loeality lu whlch he vaU silghity known, o!0a an-enthuaisaio anti optimiallola I the si hich ho lia undertaken; soldlcnly tu bIs bear- ing& klndly andi courteoua lu lita treat ment of a-rary ene vtth vient ho came ln contact. Amon& the other speakersvwu Mm. Parsons, vie spokes a ametifer ta mothmrs, ua amother vlio liasmati Uic sanimet. ascrifosor hen Coutr- a'non l in tranche s "omsvh«e in prsnee- Suer&»p«ùlvas direetatpar- Uouly te ti*0 "MO&nla the. ant- lance, mot ge, iOns Md sveetheaits, te maka- ubastsere WhI& Mc hm retr vn tua iaiot tii tisa ehêtavillinâ to saoef is Mi 1 for us oDuUtny Md bsb ing; an" t t Mm. Panows' ppeat vas é« hvId. go insPtU& thaMt MaY ea motiie, 5558 a vite, wasraks.df roa dePtU d cf spondénier te helihia cfself-se*U aMd PMtWUSIsu4 luiscteur-out oguSwaau A" - dup L "naImmtouetbave ru"ft- ".05 55501a Sgpleiet ' h WhtbyGzet m Chroftic-le, M&ay 4,16 awes to lits country attS CriUtimre ln mAe hletory or theie ritish ii;mpireY We belleve 11oL We 011lY ait Uat every mnan, in tue quietnesof Jus own home, Uiglit Lis great problem out wlth bhimeelt, lettixr ies conscience direct hlm ln the way lie le about to go. And we live for Canada, we behieve in Ca- nada, we belleve in Ontario Cou.y as a amal part of our Dominion, andi w. Icaow we have flot misplaced our trust.. Schooi RepoTîs. HONOR ROLL DUNDÂS ST. SCHOOL POU APRIL. r.le, rmene PAu.iddy rowett,.nd.s Rinter. Prer.-llmmett ic, C.wIlara inpper. rm Wlnn. t ke Car Hpr, PrMery-reW Wtt, e.tz 8r.ldPrucer.Corer. ats al Jildruceoroner.Toas Da Piowan, BR. Gonge)uld m, (aold Rla, . wor ober) equal. Hrl Jr.ce Cil-Emil Wer)on Bett Jr.y Il.Ey ly SiWard.l, etY bRy,î-Celi pwlad, om Ultryuli, Norman Rolnda~, Rza Jkr.nwih Nor-an d rabry li Jratts, Fran Haes.rdbr, ii Jr.tts,-Frak Hive,&eeJcsn Jr.IV.Roe F ieeHettiackon LuiONR RLL IENY SREE SCHNOR OLLHEPRY- S1R16. Sr. IV.-F. Augustus, FE. Todd, E. Gurney . Sr. Ill.-M. Kinnear, B. Moore, M. 'rodd and J. Brawley, equaL Jr. iiLLe i. Hudson, 4. Agg, J. Todd. Sr. 11-F. Bruton, I. Hall, D. Wil- son, F. Correil. Jr. 11,.-W. Thompson, M. Hudson, V. jolinsten. Sr. L-H.E Richardson, R. Joues, J. Kinnear. Sr. Primer.--G. Lynde, E. Totid, F. Palmer. Jr. Primer.-P. -Guuyou, M. Braw- ley, C., Coiby. ulasi .- orna, G. CCoIIins, L. Willung. Whitby Separate Schcol report for winter terma entiing Apnil 2Uth, 1916; gn. IV.-Basll O'Connor 70, Josepli Giroux 68, Mary Devin 63. Jr. iV,-Lllan Giroux 62, Mary Va& FortIn -MryJoley 76, Margaret Gatea 61, Jas, Caidenone 59, ÉRe-For- rester 68, Niorino O'Connor 64, John -Giby 46, Kathleen O'CoInn 40, Mauti Fallon 20. % Ieorm IL- Launetta Devaiâ1 John Girotix 41, Jean Stewart 64, Net-I ie Conn.rs 61, JOs& V»asty 56, Cynil <lités, Anile Vaeleky 4#, frene An.- densn 44, Geo. Fore«Steb3. - Part IL-Peter Foley 67, cciStew-. art 4 2, MaiRoaali 36, len O'"&Co=no 17. Pt. 1. Sr.-Âgnes Foliy antiDorouhy Gouequal; Wm. Lng, Etivti' D van HeryVaselosky, Chas. Brick, tinet Vaseesky, DorOai>' Ferr'esten, Fý red LenM ei og.SaVml WEAKI MER VU 01HI0 WOUA lads WOU yw1»"oy" rmreuliwai*bwft ad..du &uggltt M-â isoL1 ,t7 fiedf Mbut&Mwee Vinel, ow 1 - m - d lymmd lm tomewithotdeB .p.t A. EL Alltn, flruggiwhitby, Ont «Belind Uic Bolted_ Doar," starte in tie May issue of MacLJeans. Get a sample copy at the. Gazette anti Chronicle of- dce. If you Ilke IL and thle other stor- les and articles, seize the opportunity te become a subacriber at a spoolal rate. MacLean's sei regularly for 1ý60 a year, but we offer iL along wltli Uic Gazette anti Chronicle for only ý2. If you4r subseription te tie paper la ai- ready pald up, you cen stili receive Uic bargalu rate by paylng us only e' for a yeara ubscniption te MacLem's. To persouis not subsenibers 10 this Da- per Uic prie la $1.60 a year. Cali for a sample copy of lb. May issue at this office. LETTER FROM NURSE RUTH DOWNY. While Whltby lias mauy sens repre- aentlng lebaI ithefront, Miss Ruth DowD.ey, daugliter ot Mr. anti Mn. J. I. Dovney, of Whltby, lias thc bonor o! belng Uic fkia l Whtby young lady te go overacas on service. blle arriveci Luniriagland on the olympic on April 15, and* lia vrltten te lier_ parents soet- thing about lier trip, vhicli Mr. Dow- aey lias kndly aloweto le b.usei for publication., Part of ber Letter folo-vs: The Olympic, Suntiay, April 9. "IWe are nov-about thet mititle of t1h. Atlanrte, anti are living a veryILiAPPY trip.. W. lait Toronto la a gréat, fusil 10'lc.Welhîtau daeal tralin tri» tÃ" 49a1tai, antihati every claient DOM-' «Mél. The meals er. spienâli. Thra wer. 600 or 700 people on oun specWa train, al goig te van. At anY &Wa. um en wie ev.bati more ta twentir "ulates 'te w vore alioveti40 gai oL W. bai -vondulerfam*cptiion àt obi "a ett b U i m . a w A ffi veti l a-& iüa1ifazon esturds>' mrning, pul ai moe mtiouder&U agtbe ot' W.~ ~ ~ ~J caebort.s li p.=, hat Jut gtmybat on via I 1 ortieretion tint>' té tWo V.rY MIdI mn fly »ùld4Lght vo ai jloahei ~ » at tonpstlii*& 'Thoraara-, e»8 p ou *onti-s1b ades the- -I "ltôaI us-s» d u 4ay to »athe( bm&t.. 0114.aenalet v. atia ocr ant 0e" tuer. tyoawm o w auM be--aita bi m00 al adred i *.. On 'odyIVent en hSs»Ita- tnt> agala Manaby*elasthé ~tWf a lied - èery rish- heca- weIl s r, I r I t-classcon- it. 9 ln. ly st the IL" frame liat andi ete,393 baud of county. idinaste;, j I a'*4 I v il 't I r .1 1 "ding

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