Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 May 1916, p. 3

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MajoruQeneral Sir John Maxweillsent freom London To Take Charge. A despatch t rom London says -- furtiier anneunced, was convinced that Martial law hais been declared through- the forces now in Irelahd antd thosa eut Ireland, and Major-General Sir' proceedlng biiet' were adequate te John Maxwell, who until recentlyideal wlbh the situation. commanded' the troopa ln Egypt, hant Reutere Order FLuet. gene over te take charge, the Irishi executive off iciais having placed thein-i Replying te, a question whether the. seles nde bi intrutios. e h Governmint hati been wkrned et a selvs uderhisinsrucion. H ha dangerouB grewth of sedition, Premier been given full disciplinary powers Asquith sald- for the extension ot the eperatiens' "Th ii. tadprmun uyo and the i.uppresaien ot the rebellion. 1 h tadpraon uye ,teGovernunent la, te restore order The revoIt which breke eut in Dub- and te tamp eut robellien wlth al lin has; spread te other parts et Ire-, possible vigor and promptitude. That ]and, chiefly to the west and Seuth. we are doingf. Thiq information, togfether wlth thel 'Behind that there la undoubted ly1 tact that the rebele are still in po- an obligation which rests upon thel session et parts et the cîty ot Dublin,, Governunent et maklng a searchingj was given te the nation b> the. Miniat- investigation inte the causes et and, ers le Parliament on Thursday. ýthe responsibility for these eveîîta. Trhere had heen a emaîl rlsicg et That obligation we tuli>. recognizean Ardee and Louth and e rather more'intend te tdiucharge. serious «ne in Swerits and Lusk, cloe 4'<ur allies elready have been made to lDulimn. aware by Sir Edward Carsoe and Mr. Redmend" the Premier edded, "that Pu Tir Aiiithre ho on edns-the movement le sectiocal enly, and PierierAsquth,%vh on edns- as.. c sympathy f rom the repres- îbt\l bail gven reassuring news re- entatives et the Irish leaders." speeting the situation le Ireland, Mn, Asquith eaud that for obvieus eau cd something of a flutter of a.cxi- reasons he did net like te came the et>' by bis statement on Thurada>' in other places te which the tret'ble had the Ilotîse of Gommons when he an- spread, but there had been le tlîe ment nounced e spread ef the movement te and r~outh, but particularly tn the other parts of lrelend, the retentien west, places where there vvas a de- b>' the revalutionalists ef certain velopment et the movement. Ver>', pairts of Dubiln and the. fart that fight- stringent precautions were belng ing was sWI 1going on in the street% taken b>' the mlîtar>' authorities te' The gîîvernnient. the Prime Minister deal with these places.1 BELGIAN COAST AGAIN SHELLED' BRITIISHII FNLIOY 3 BATTLE- si 11l5. 1 )SHYR I 40 lE-N :EES ThIii Rt teicIrirucoiresponîleft of t he Inl or< I)Da il y NMa il, te 1egra 1)h in g Tlinrsdav, sly s: ..A 1h ti i h j(&airon resumed the bonvoî iwmviit f the 1Belsrian coast nt 4 kli (1 n Thursday rnorning. Nlitnu sweellers have cleared the coast wit*tr- of mn nos, and nets have been laidI t o goard niztingtst «aliri nos. TIhe Getmrans anticipate a sevûre at- t o cL "In Thiirsilay'.q hombarîiment th, B3riti.sh force con' isted of three bat- tle'<hipq, 19 destroyers nd Ietween 30 unid 40 mine sweepcrs and mine- layers. Two of the liattleships boni- bardiil thc coat between Zeehrug'ge andt Knocke, includlng Hleyst and lilankenhmorg. The fire was answered liv the Gerrnian batteries. The third battlcship concentrated iti fire on three Germon torpedo boatm which, TWO PLOTTERS HAVE CONFESSED ;ermane je Custody il ew Y 'ork teý Test-if> Againse Otherg. A ilî.s;patcýh froni New Y'iork ses s: Conîplete ronfi .iions givt n in returný for immunity have been mad e b> t'wo of the eight Cermans recently arrest- 4 ,l in the alcged con.4pirats te place lire bombs ntiearil. munitions shu1ps iid tliey %vere on W ednesdm'v after nioon telling their story to the Federal grandl jun This %vas made knoswn ti>' AFsistant Unit'ed States District Ilistrict Attorney' Wood, un charge et the investigatioffi ef alleged (;erman plots. The two men are Capt. Chas. von Kleist and Ernest Becket, an elec- trician ehoard the. intened Germain sN.mhip Friedrich der Grosse, whene the bombsalaleged te have been plaeed on vanieus shipa were parti>' manu- facturesi. The others arrested le the case include Capt. Ene Bode, Capt. Otto Wolpert and Fredericlz Garbede,' employes et the Hamburg-American Lice. A einth nlleged conspirater, left the Itarbor inîmediatcly after the: Dr. vWaler T e. ,t ytL n p Rttack began. One et these was iiit prehended. several tmes, and returned te the harbor meriously camaged, Bupported DETAILS 0F CHARGES 0F lîy consorts. INHUMAN TREATMÈNT. îTliîiigh preparationq were madeTiec frmOaasys - liv the British before the bonbard- ne Cases of Soldiers et Meose 1ev rnint, Dutxch territorial watêrs belng' Citet. niaier îiy colored buoys.<' talla as te the &UAeged inhumen treat- BRIISH TRAWLER ment et soldiers et Moose Jmw by SINKS FOE SUB. henging têten up b>' the.: arma for - comperativel>' trivial offences were A tleipatch f rom London says : furnised te tiie Commons on W.d- The destruction of a Gerane ub-' neuda>' aternoon by W. E. Knowles, marine b>' a British trewler off ti.' following up hie demand of Tueuclsy corth coast et Scot.land le descrlbed for an investigation b>' the Acting b)y Pou-h cewspapers recieved hero. Miniater et Mlitia, Sir Robert Bor- According te the aceounts, the sub- den. Mr. Knowles cited bue. cases. marine had haîted two Dutch steain- On. soîdier who fainted under the, or- ers, when a trawler appeened --4nd, deal vas "-huug up" for b.iuig off kllled with its iret shot four men who were rtatiding on the deck et the suhniarine. The trawler tiien sank the submersible with a second shot. The entire action lasted les. than ten minutesq. The papera an>'the. euh- marine was eoftth. latest and largest type and carried a crew et eixty, al of whIom were lest. dut>', anotuher -for- Insubordination, and a third for negloet t. carry out endors. J. H. Sinclair, et Guysbor- ough, declared tbisetchargesof i sm- lier brutcl.panitiismt of soldieru bcd appetred in soine.o ett. Nova Scolie papers. Premier Borden promlaed that a strict e.quiry would b. mcde tortiiwitii, and any oetfleer guillty oe cruel or unjut treatmelnt o bis meon would bo broaght tebok.1 SWISIS FRONTIER A <espatch frein Paria laye: Thei. FROM UNITED STATES (Gcrmnn-Swis %frentier han been cbo"ed - 8ince MIonda>' ettennoon even te mails,: Onty roor Cle.et1mea Ca»Be sn>'s a despatch te the Matin, fremi. Secured Nev. Bernie. Foreigners now le Gcrmany , A despcLeh troum Tonon*&Ry*: The. have lîcen informed that none willI hoéi Ontario Departinent et Colonisaa"o sllewed (lte bave the counthm hetorO and ti IgrtiOn b&ZTu realld its spe. twenty <aya have elapsed, thbeîles- ciel effiefsfl reinm ihitei,, wbere patch aiids. they ha"e bom drÛu"In up faim - bauds te relire tIi. moraity et1hslp C-RINOFFICER ,In Optaris. Tbl. vuturrm utass G ER AN MUST STAND TRIAI ., 'cfl oeq elvs I$Urt isea ba$sgn 1 1jboelf,*u*& ~bk* Mtmt fi Upl, Petit'mI for -a Writ o et l e.Co4rpu fl d 0d»« " -*b & utI& 5I'4: Wu De" é.jtiieo «aslkb)onov ame sol omddo,# Boston, APrIl 27,-W ~rne rM4oa et 3W qO ¶151t7. fer. are hile et Who attempbod te hstrey thq Int«t e tuianan s latb St4 et. bt I0 national Bridge ut VencehroMas, &t Wbni hI *V *MÂI* on Februar>'2# 1lI6. sbuS 0 _id-it I ;;;; fol t4 t4tbel*arf WbMo" on a chargeoet llegal, lumsprtatln tume, n t d Up M .h"treet ef dynamittel tii Federal Circut' - tt1sbad esb4o Court ef Appelsordered on 1¶aurs- mI lbe *<, iamais.$me dt*à day. W0tt4serýO* 1 NIE TOIIà sAI ilifj If sol. emombu ha h au.u..,Sàâ& ëld fU*I WIS sulA ar. Iula fr wlu bau n hlat1W a go- pl*na -mm for., WEEK'S NEWS 0F THE WAR. The Eiîglish coasti was again visited by German warships on Tuesday morning. They were sighted off Lowestof t by the British local naval forces and were engaged. They fought for twenty minutes and then fled. 1Before fieeing one of the vessels firedI nto Lowestoft' but little damage was done. Two men, a woTnan and a child were killed. At the sanie time ire was openea on Yarmouth, and one or two buildings were slight- ly damaged.1 About the sanie time a fleet of Zeppelins made a raid over the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk. This la the region in whjch are situated Yarmouth and Lowestoft. Some bombs were dropped, but a fog made it im- possible for 'the enemy to get any aocuracy of alun. The British fleet shelled the sen cost in the neighborhoo)d of Zeebruggze on the 24th. It is reported that threpe German destiroyers, after being hit, were forced to withdraw into the harbor. Little opportunity is being given the enemy forces to concenra'te in Egypt. Acroplane reconnaissance keeps the authorities advised of any hostyle movemnent. During the week an attack was made on Quatia, but the force used was not sufficiently strong, and a wtthdrawal was necessary. But this was only for a day. Strohger forces were brought up and the enerny had to fiee. ('anadian troops have bien ini action almost conbinuously during the week. In the neighborhood of St. Eloi the Germans have been making freqiient attempts. to recapture the crater positions taken from thcm on March 27, lbut the men fron tihe Dominion have repelled every attack and caused much loss to the Gerann. In the neighborhood of Verdun the French are taking the offensive more and more. They are also proving the superiority of their artillery fire over that of the Germans. There has been considerable fighting during the week, especially in the neighborhood of Dead Man's' Bill, but the French net only successfully defended that position, but even retook sarne trenches on the niorthern slope which had been captured from them somé tume l)ef ore. I The campaign in Mesopotamia gives ground for anxiety. The Tigris is still in flood, and the advance of the British force to the relief of Kul-el-Amara is clelayed. There has been some fighting with the relieving force, and the enemy have made great dlaims which have been discounted by the despatches of Sir Perey Lake.i The Russians, since they captured Trebizond, have kept up tyheir àdvance westward along the shore of the Black Sea. No sooner had the firmt Russians who landed nt* Marscîies got half-way toward the battle front than an- other force equally big was reported as having landed there, boo. There la now no doubt of any intention of Russie, te make. any peace before the Allies do. CHINESE REBELS PLAN LONGEST SIEGE 0F WAR. ADVANCE ON PEKIN. FROM SuNSETjCOAST Mora, in the Camerooria, Defended An Army Several Hundred Thousand For Eighteen Months. Has Been Organized. What ha8 been the longest siege of WHAT THE WESTERN PEOPLE A despatch froni San Francisco the war? ARE DOING. sayst A rebel advance on Pekin, the It je doubtful whether 1,000 Brit- capital ef China, has been ordered by one, outside et __Wicia1l Ile, could- the Chinese revolutionists, according answer the qudWon. This la flot rreuo th Gea WstTl te a Shanghai despatch to the-Chines. Otralige, becpe the etory le told eu ett.Gra W. Ti Republie Assoelatiofshehre on Wed- here for tbtfrat' tiine. I t .eomes ta a Vew Polnted nesdy. n ary o seeralhunredfroni a young British officer who had nesay Anary o sverlund.dthe. sanction oftthe War Office to ParagVapl& thousand under Luy Ung-Ting, for- bell thie story of, the most stubborn Blc9"d .rwigt o ou melycomade o YanSh-Kai's scrap of the. war. 1er flaii in V aneuver Cty. forces in Kwang Si Province, and When the history of the. war la writ- Trail wul bld aew265cfo G..n. Lung Ciii Kwang, formerly with' ton It may b. known as the Siege Of brick fire htlu àcnn fU00 the. GovernMint troopa in Kwang Mora-a alege wiich lasted for elght- M YOhéll afita c>s of British Tung, will bJgln tiie march upon P. en mnh.Wt oaI h ad Columbia are to be cbang.d li color. kin soon, ut was satd.of teBiihan rnh heale Canirook lais oolnifor à new =m,9eqtoueme ifara, cuy f hff0f police at a salary of $100 per nUSS TROOlPS REVIEWED as large as the Germa. Empire ml Work on the MeW shipyard gît. Lt IN MAR8EILLES STREET. Belgkm and the. part of Fram n *e i>port_ Moody is .pec t.d commence [der Germa. occupat4o. àt the' prea"exit oë - -1 Ulmue.fTi# laei.Cameroonsor$ , Trail iseoole ane closd tortwt A despabeii froni Mgrseilless a: .the. ermaxta apen it, Kamêrun. weaIeoù 'rafluiit et, the pTeYaleo Tii. Russi" tro>pa wich arrlved ber. on Tuesday iieId a drm. parade on 0fhéRIOLIILin* UýpIta i Wed.esda moni In the presence LISSON ARSEAL trala --botwmn ,Cranbroo auxd Kim. ot a vast crowd vhlch cheered theia FIEVYGRAS.OtS wild)y. The. troops wone revtewed by - okliWe4ontiwGtNm tberkd4bu bon onaü»e reI *1 Col V.rtakosky, their cmader; A de,,tcb fieravo Ëli amp: A rM. Gesieral Maeisser, Governor of Mur- 1wport tb&tT.IUW' UM M , seillIes, and M. Schram.ck, Preofjet 91 edon the.. ckMi, tuticiet<nn~aéi qi*à Mareaiiee While the revw waain' progresa bauds-on Francli wariil playe. the. Iuin aud FrembNeiN-' blonal Authenis.- Tb*. nu""iantop thea pmrded, thiei bme 4y, pie- c.ded b>' lîttle girls vho atrewed ow ors in their pathu.. Ptople Whio au alaIVu.yslookhag fwr troxtbleart nover utlded wiieuthey enIfd t, t. . avl re-st Lib-. - csi&sà flrmed by ne»âpmen ftbt-ieti tgoeeapitulon Wsbdady. Ti th*. 4etut«loa ut w*- bgUdlgwitt coaideabie, .çl.ntlfqepmient, jI.. h wlu' W"sl a inà q l'Yib ~ MORITE SEA 2- yeiiow, 87 te 88e. Oats. CanAdIan Western, Ne. 2, 64&c; Canadian Western, No. 3, 58e; extra No. 1 reed, 63c; No. 2 local white. 61ite 511c: No, 3 local white. 60 te 60 fc; No. 4 local wtyjte, 49 te 49je-. Harle y, an .feed, 8 8te 72e: îuatiegr, 76 te 77c. Fleur. Man. tHprin g wheat pat- ente, firste, 86.60; seconds. 86.10; stronif b$Èkersj*,,j$.90; Wintpr patents. choice. $8straight rollers, $6.30 te $6.40; do., bage. 82.46 te 82.60. Reiied eats. ber- rels. $6.10 te $6.20; ba a, 90 ibn., $2.40 to 82.46. Bran. $24. S ert», $26. Mtd- dIlIngs. $29 te 820. lMouillie. $30 te 886. H-ay. Ne. 2. per ton. cear lets, $20.60 to S21. ('heese, fineet western. 18 te 158e; neet masterna. 176 te 179e. Butter cholce raney 1te 318e; seconds. 30tà!O&Cc.' ggo. fre illi 26e. Potates.1 Ver ba. car lots, $1.70- to $1.72à. United EtatogUMrkes. Mtnneapolis. May 2.-Wheat, May. I$1P: u>,119 te $1.19j; No. i bard, 1261;UNo. i Nonthere. 81. 201tet 1238; No. 2 Nonthere, 1.1 te 1.,1218. Cern-No. 3 yellow, 76& te 77&C. Oats-No. 8 whitte 428 te 43C. Fleur, fancy patents, 6e higliar, quoted'nt-85.40; 11rut deans unebsnged; second clearé. 20o lover; quoted et 83- rhipiyents. 62,400 barrels. Bran. $8.9.6 e19 Dulutth Ma y .-Wheat-No. 1 bard. $1.208; 2%e. 1 No rt hure11.191 te 81.20; No. 2 Northern, *i.iîd te 81.171 . Làn- seud cash and MAY, 88.091; Jul>.. 82.10-1 id". Stock iNsrk..ts. Torota t ay 2I-Choies hesvy steers. 8 .90 t,<o 9.20; butchera cattie. cheice. 89.60 te 98890; do., ood, t8.5ti t$83.60: do., mediumn 8 t 8.36; do.. comnenn, I ~ ~ d ST. o ;b: bu,lle. Id% 95 but4herÉi ewo, tholos'87 to7 il'o, ood. -88.36s toe8. 76; ao. medtlum, t » .2; do. coinunn, $6».35 toe 15.1; soekera Ï00 te 960 lbo., $6.19 tO 87.75* a.ol#A deralis 4, e.85 t1 100'- 0. motüo imdum.in u 840 t 0 sprinvers, 6t.iO;lg se t , 81 1 e 811 ho& bo l"e e î43-. 0. il t. 8$1.5901esirus. *'oo eehoi, $6 te~~~~ ~~ $1;d; i.l 71 >toe $$8&O o fil: ed o'.su d > at.r& ,» >; .o2 f oo rm 42- 4 le <x.t UiêMt i Norhorn811"No. 2. db., $1.2à; Noô. ~ 8 do.,ii~ track, Bay tports. 8, d o.,tba oat*-No. 2 C W,63C No. SdoSic, extra No. 1 feed, bic; Nîo. Il feed, 6Oc, on truck neay erta. S O M truck eronte. Canadien corn-Feed. 74 te 75e, nomiff- i e u S WY ai, trucks Toronto. 1 u. id zIC IAr Octarie oats-No, 3 white, 46, to 46c; R E T rornmerelal, 44 to 45c. aecording to freighte outaide. W 11>b ç,meb&, Ontario wheat-No. 1 commercial, of the uamily $1_01 te $1.03: No. 2, do.. 09c to $1.01. NPe. 8-, do., 96 te 98ce; feed wheat, 86 to I 8%eaecording te freighte outiside. L' Iau-No. 2, $1.66. according te sam- pie. 81.20 te $1.60, eeeerdIng te freighte outal de. Barley-MaîtîngK. 63 te 64c: feed. 69 te 82c eecording te frelghts outaide. âuekwheat-6ç te 70c. according te Ilye-e4o. i commtercial. 90 te Pic; ro- co'lnrte froights outsid:, t jt SL 8 1.~l baga, 18.60.1 Mcond patente. ln jute bagad $6; etrông bakers'. In jute bewrs. I $6.8 , 't0rontô. -Ontario fléou-%Wtnter, aecording te NM LSWM ES saMbtle, 114.20 te $4. 80. track Toronto.,n tMAeS IMES bals,, $4.25 te $4.86, bulk seahoard. MIltîet-Car lots, deltvered bMontree. Yugiqirl rvdtoB n freIbhtz-Bran per ton, $24; shorts, per A YiigStiilPee .B n ton. $26; middilnge. pe r ton. $26 te' 427; Of tiie Swiftest good feed fleur,, ba , $1.60 te 117.-O OB»tzy Irodme. Nearly ahI animais are better swimn- Butter-Fresth dairy. ehoîce. 28 te 'mers than man, and take te the water $Oc; Inferlor. 24e; ereamery prInts, 33 te naturally, whereRis mant must Iearn te 36e; Inrer. il 31te32c.ika fatan roeh'e.Hl- Eggs-New-lald, 23 te 24e; do., i n car- r,'ke yep fatan poph el iaso hf Ha> tonx. 24 te 26c. prsWekhyndtee b t efeas rio- Hetiey-Prlees, Ini 10 te 8e-lb, tins,ceslkad er;bttalewm 13à te 14o. Comb-No. 1. 82.75 ti> 83 mers et aIl cimes, the best, althoughI No. 2, 82.26 te $2.40. Beans-14 te 84.40, the latter for net the swittest, le the polar bear, XiO hand-pieked. passes haIt hie tume ln the water,ý Cheene--Large, 191c; twinm. 191ce. %iiigan ilg Meple ayrup-8i .60 per Imperial gal- He wm lg'oe ewnefl lon. 1Hssimn oe swnefl Poultry,-Chiekens4. 21 te 22c-, towle, andilt is te b. remnembered that the 18 te 20c; ducks, 24 te 26c: turkeys 26e. wat»r ln bhe regiona lie frequents ià Potatoes--Jer loti et Ontarios. 1-6dt t i te 1.70, and Néw Brunewicks at $1.80 inivariably cold, and tat ce water te il. 86 per bug. on track. le ordinarily very discouraging to a Provisions. ewimnier. Trhere are beare that can tlaeorî-Tong clear, 10& to 17c per ýswim thlrty miles or more witheut lb., ln case lots. Benes- Medjuin 21 toe8epclal effort. 22c; do.. heavy, 17 te 20v'; relis, 17à te On. of the swiftest et, swimming 18e. breakfast bacon. 21 to 24c, backs, animale te the squirrel. A sportsman 26 to 26e. boneies bark.s. 28 te 29e. t Lard-Pure lard, tierces. 161 ta 1151<.. on one occasion, nitviflg a Younîg equir-, and plle, 1651 te 16c; compound, 131 toi rel that hnd neyer seen water, wanitea 148e. ___te ses if it could ewim, and *,ok lb Wtnnivoea Grain. with bu nlen arewbeat te the centre Winilpeg. May. 2.-Cash price:- of the lake. When the equirrel wes Whet-No. i Northerru. 81.151; Ne. 2. put into the water it turtied toward do.,81 31 e i o.,$1.91;No. ',the bank, head and paws, above tii. $1.07t; Ne. 6, 99ir; No. 6. 1 r3eeii,warbc an taludneh 861ce. Oats--Ne. 2C., 4615e; No. . de.. lbebc n ai nenah i, 44 v, extra No. i feed. 441c; Ne. 1 feed, and began te mvin se rapidly that the 43c; No. 2, de.. 42e. I1arley-No. 8, 64c;ma had hard work orcvrf we No. 4, 69c; reiected 66e f eed, 66c, Fias a ercoe twe -Ni. i N-W.C., J1.861; Noi. 2 C.W., It reached the shallow water near the. $1.811. land. It le said that even noaquatie, Neuntreel arkffl. birds will swlm like ducke if anyen0c! Motaf. M..., 9..J'ar,,Amorn No. attempte te drown theni. NO NEGOTIATIONOS -Q WITII BULGARIA. A despatch trom London says- Lord Robert Cecil, Minleter ef War Trade, denied ln the House etf Çom- menq on Thursda>' afternoon tint Great Britain was carrylng o. semi-' officia.l negotiatiens with Bulgaria; Re remtndud hie questioner that Great Britain won prscluded b>' the.spfiet ý the agreement with her allies froin- entertaining eny peace negotietions witii an>' cf thoîr common enem'ies' without the knowlcdge and consent' of the other parties te tth. agreemeut.ý BRITAIN WILL TIGETEN COMMERCIAL BLOCKADE. A despetch trom London sayat--Thei report tiiet Great Britain intenda to btighbe, thé, commercial bleekade la' reiturated ln a despateh from. tii. Copenhagen corregoûsdment i.fZthe change Teleiýapbcompm'ayt Who anys, there are persistent uiximoxa to thai affect ln i crctlttet)iere Il la g ed, kg as Chtruat BritaàIÏ eire al Dauish imarchants to -W ln - adm,< vaxime tbrough London for, go* Puxq.O 'rwq M «WNJ teD i -.=I A RARMA t- 'i a 't 4 :,. ~ r jrl-W,ý

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