Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 May 1916, p. 1

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VVNI~c4J iL; Vol. 9-Nôo44 ~ wm~.ONTRIuO 11 IN fil9Il WIIIk'JOHN LANGDON 5UIGIDE5 Compound Syrup of ATI HOUSE 0F REFUGE UVD DUfQDUTC2 At thse age of 74 .ears, John Lang- died about iali an bour s.ter being fuge, bcm dsodetoer lits r- Sîbsequent dlscovei-ies lead t. thse cumstances ia lire, and On Tbîîrsday bellef that Laîgdon dellberately eut AStretigtlcenng and Ilnvig- evelsuag ia.st îOo lits enutir(f by mseans his thront wIth bis peu kuife, closed upà oraingtoneOr cuittrnsg thse veins anad arteries in tise Itaife anîd put Il back Inalbis pock- ormtngtOiiliSetismoat with'bis Pen kaife. Thse et.' and atiowed thse btood to rumn Into a t Bl00(1 Buider andi Nerve ua was dlscovered la a dylng condi- box 'mliilie ivas too weak to stand, Touic. tion in an otthouse by Peter Enslgn, when ho feul on the floor. Thse pen a friend. who at once notifid thie Mati- knife. smeared witls blond, was fouxsdt Butilts up the s}-tetu. ager, Dr. Lavery. Everyîbing was in its pocket. don, for Langdon tisat coulsi 1w donc. iAnitnhquest was heid by Coroner Me.t C l-oqtin angd watery bloodt but lie died about liaif an hoîsr ai-tem jGIiiray and Crown Attorney Fare-- NervoUs hediache, bis dincevery. weil on Friday niorning, witU these ~e i-ous rostatio, 11 doncame to tse home on April jurors: Geo. Robb (foremani), James Sfe1lestesetc caisle with Ree.e .J. T. Dobson. Hie Rogers. -Jas. Moore. Arthur Ellis. I. 1 as a superasinuateuj scbool teacher 1-H. Vickemy.1 A rellalhie restorative atter and had tatigisî S Saiaîfieid, Utîca,: Dr. Lavery and several Samnates and' La Orippe.Prince Albert, and In Port Perry Higis employees of the House. of Refuîge gaveç L.a ripe -Scisool years ago. .tvidence wbicb brougst touIt the story2 1.LISince comntg 10to te House of Re- as relatesi.*t $1p rnotefuge hoe had b-«>î very quiet. but did Lassadon bad la is notebook aci flot sootu ho 1w coll euted. He frequent-j pitîg f rom 1Vie Port Perry Observier. L y said hoetisouglit il was nostihe pro- dated some time lin 1898, whlch told of i pîer llarp for hilm. Oecasioîîally lie lise silide by poisonlng of an old I J. E WILIShad ant idesihiati people weme Irvîsua to schoot teacher of the district. EvIdent- It ado away with lm.it but 1h15 staSe of ly deceasesi hnd been booding over I. Druggist and 0pIIi udwoul shd off quickly. ti îî, as m-ell as over soule trouble ho . I)ruglstandOPtiian Otn Tiursday eveusisg lie was sittissg ls allegpdd b have had aS is boarding t M IDIC:AL HALL oisdooms wiIts silie other men of thie lI;otsse ln Saititîfld.0 SrckSt * Wbtb. lotil. when lie arose î.-uietly anîd ii nt Il iebad a amati batik accoîsat at tjx- V Brecli Whity. toati> octhoîsse. tn abot;tellim inutes 1bridge. lifils a aweit recul niais anda Peter Eislgn. wlio hasi beots g!%enl a vp- îItelligent cou vîesatonal ist.d chiarme-of hlm. fotloNwed 10 sec wbaî îrevîois su oeîîtering tbe Home, lho Is Il-i heCoile 0f liti. He fosi lt ds ii.' en idriakiuia very heavi- t dooraof t- building asl iand s"-t-rinr-- -. Iîtîî-Si iîodotait tîad mucito do Tupl ou5e 0FQU ALI1Y J1.- btocked ro. li>îth iIus t Lt a good Is î iîutalvi. dea niof effort, i)e wîas able- to geto;ir %a-rudi hsefc TlitSi- fuor i-iiiî asa%% u itSie door1 il , '% ir i s îId i lati bîle he was gI von sr.ranTn ~ g~ oaI ~liihe liii; tlid Ii-st t1cmv.ot ir li t ctlîit-sidt'mate t rf'atnîiii andi ac- tt onc- ti. iiiaNtintAi lthi i houi- ,or Refuge. 6S r n o ,C a Inthe dlit îstu, S I~stiiflr'i t lit fi hit%%a.; i nttihie pltai-efor him. Ta. Sa datd Si cd tll.a;tîso ],dfi aiited nddrissed tr hi ttlA~ Iiie i.n>e.5 apder 1;iîiît i:haiii \; ia1tid r La\ er\su1iia itr~ctr-tsdT u brt \\;îxi:.- disiti.rid \ îic. - i itt t iivi'.Nli .. niarketi to be dle- e f îit-t Grane i %it i lcui.- do:> ib -siî mi ,4SI.> tSi a id- t1wil h-i>>> i P"îd o l ii r .aste of accidenît . - 'î Sîî.e Supe t-i 11 ft ,7- 1. ý 4ilil iare- fIt ili tt, 1tîr t A i -l\c 1 Ns'in li- t mt a turrfr ic- I t i tl t t o be iiii i. Chesinut aio', Pea fl i iuge auj i.iiui - 1>t ftîî ýti i i' ý' S do .Iii;iii) tSl i i t i -fini. nplated S0> tt ii i- Bue rass Cannel S-i î îa i l r- lii S <S t jiw j ;iai %t' 'i selaieir nrnnstiedl j~iit~ î i i~i. -i oncngaheia Youghio_________________________________________ heny, u a-- tii t-i ti>. ii,. î- Iî"L 1119. -ii 1 -I t Gî.iî~ .~ eorges Creek i ~ ~ c-. Cumurr'atd. uiîîiii 1 tili-WoiH*t X 1115 STOREISet iii ,. , t nI itiiVISITED BY-BUROLARS 0 E. R. BLOW, Bell phono 9 .Whiiby H -me phsone 14 HICH SCBOOL GRADUATES A . q. (isl o î t i 1> 1 I i Iu 4,.i jet t a %." ai 1 . tîtî N 1I , eî ii TW. M. SHA>d.Presidant. J. HO1WELL JAMES Cirpeioutr, li ldir and Conitractor. Pla n -,dra %n%îiid est icates fumrnished.' Sasti. doors and frmmes. ageot for Brantford Rootiniq IBO'467 WHIT- V PhoneI49 Msrrtage Liioenses. A. H. ALLUN. bisuer of Marriage Llcicesss. Cornier drug store, %'htby. No witn-esses reîquired. W i I l it qi t - i laIf-. ,iiig- ih j oil - -ui-a>ri gîxus l.ii.iS Iliic.Snd to gain titisit-j lai r-.. Ii i~erilît-ti ut ore stlis-- lio caib~SSre' and ione ra-.atie -l. (,art- I 1îî it>rk ni-i he-'-i 0o it tifnur wrn 0,-, s hiiii:te- i ni- t-tu titoi ghl whliuthti-y cnttr-d. tvîîi Ilu,, ktrs croc-civ aorvaîssa! so J tieri-tii i mouigli aa sr wiiu ,a pâlit- of glass is.-iîsg tîroken-ti îgain s-nti ante. Toisai-c-n to tip'valu,- of abosut $1 mi asa NsOlt us A sintll cati ot conteised sslik i>ad bl.-n crtir.'d mitSuh a ntilnt md t hi c-on tmitss otsstunit-s. drotcsi of wicL-. -plodo thie cotiililr. alîmat-tet M r. ltîek st Pt-iuIs tin tise tisotnitigs. TisaIs thet' irt iitin.'withlntî iio moulsu ha thua M r M--k- storeliaýs Lw-&-u bucgirzed. Abouti six weëks ugo on a Stindayý aflernoon Mr. Ni.-t>ker's lima y-oîug dasigisteu.-a istioccasionusIo go so thte stors-, andi on etitering hourd a noise Inthe i-car i-oais. Ttiey um-sre 1he Creator Canada Improyenient a A WXOMAN MA-K Land Co.. Llmlted FOR N Whitby - Ontario j{el à tt jiilr, tte IniM Trwo cases werec' Diviutôn Court- On, Davies & Ëùn., ï a suit or olothlng Ch riatan appeare Thé ttefeixanÏk*ýM w 'he repres-M7_1 Mir. Chriatioga W gave thse evideisce thse defendgint, Wbi offie, had admitei he would write lut -*ho owed hlm son MIt. The account liai Dld. ý Judgment fo-r pl Arnott vg4 ra loned by thse Iiinnt erage syBtem lu August, Uitje purcisased from'0 ronto, thse new hot St. Peter S.Ir Arnot a d ow , there were no 1iA other tha- A et*1 the property. 'fra plalned to Arz-tot lateral or prlV4te, for and viould havi Iy jayn ents ý As ' was on thse fen#hs oui very courteo,'* the defendast. wib, and saiji le 1554 pi der Jtsdgnsent foi, MIr. Christian st ed ln thse Whitby; à, Uf Engtllh tail- L for the- prIce of Oed; mir. AxE. ùt thse plaintIffs. lt eisent, neither counseL. fIto the box and ,t e had written .corne Into hie Le debt, and sald Mnar .Oreenwood, MnISOY te pay the. ýti lowever, been eli I tê ut Occas-, dfon Of the sew- W--Chas. Arnott, raers, of Té. irger Brock andI tYers had glven veneüunmrcè aadhe hait ex- thtie seweraj rà n~afot pald ;be pald by year- cQiliray, Who kaneëd thse case ;nd treely with u* o solicitor, .tlon but to ren- ired for Mr. Ar. WHITBY ,SOLDIER FOUND DEAD IN MIS BLD l'te. Chias. Casqd,,- aged .28. a mem- of methyiated spitrits. but told hlm t ber or "C". CoxnpatiX, of the II6th Bat-I was for rubbing on Iiis face aller shav- tailon, Was fouad 4énd lu bis bed at Itig. and aiso for externat apiplication its boardhng housr,ijthe home of Mrs.1 on his body. for a physical aliment, ats Hl-.-scln, flrock stree' nortli, on Tues- h.' lad an opberation to fit hlmnselr for Iny morning. He 41d eomplained of rnilicary service. Shaw had seen Cas- being 111 for two d 1.prevtously, buit sliy rmb the spirits on lits face. sniffing lsd it stienîiIn a dmiitIon to cùuse St fron iis hand. Sliaw lîlmspif, flot aLarni. He vas a Vachelor. He was 'helng a drinkpr. liàd neyer beeti in corn- ransferred to Whltby on March 23rd pany v wlii (assid '% on hiF drinking fromi the Uxhridgp ctlmpaniy, ýbut came bouts. tltliotig!i hiehad been Invited. originally front Ottawa. 1 The miati uho founid Cassidy dead Croan A(tomney wa ite- vLy'>lalni NIiil3s, W ose roosa Cron ttrnyFareW-vll declded tisai adjointht-t o f tise dead niais. On fi ~l ii f a trs . ui at-ra i- mn- n iuiîeî hols b- hld c-n Tuipsday Motîdaypuîli when atestd>- came ln ii>h.liariiiiz tîn ioii-iLtiri lusr. lhey In- afternoon. Thse Jur$?'snmmoned we-e lie said to Nichioita, "Colnit niy rnoney vvstlzalt-di andif.îîîthe -rt-ar door Ueo. A. Ross (foretaun). W. D>. Dykes,! for me, wili yoîî. my eyea are- dazed"?. 01(1 j. " .N.Ros .F Richardson, Wm,',He lsad beî'îs pald thaï emenjng and TS'it-v iii. îîed iatsely Inîforniç-d t nI r N1aw, John TBOtnsont, G. 'M. Goodrehlow, NichoUls cosînteti $17, whicis arount iat>o î li iumiedtoUi atme H' otu. TliomI>SUIL. - irwas found oti tisebody neAt moraixsg. foaitier a0t-lhuti-e sele theotoroeriHe Tie jusry vîeseid t4se body of Cassîdy. Nichlots iselpe&d CassIdy to bed, and ap- caîlied Sogst>l(rioiaiof rocady for ewas a robtistrnÉo., mtlth a sllenldid parently thse ian Went 1 lep. l ,2T ryix ff r uine oÇýthse lot was -bonthe tuas. diei. W-as tise fi-at witness. Cassidy laf an hotur hater andi went ho tise li e i-e boarding witis Iser, se said, room. The mais was lyin.g on is sIde, Si; eek ttifs store umns again ,in- for tabousi bye weeks, Sînce ho came la Nicholîs caut 6î um by-tise n-msayiag, tirs-l. îa wîlndom Iietne ismokiea. Nothlng %litby. He was a quiet, good-natui-ed 'Yau mtttt stop your noise. Weve got <Vii silsaî-d onîîtisai occasion, mîai except w-heu ln liquor, when he to gel some sleep." Cassidy tui-ned Tis'- wSndow- had bei n rs-paimed, and ias noisy anid qtsar'lsome. He 'had ovei-an ies back, and tise groaning on Mondai- aigis lise npw liante of glass come home drunk tai nigist. after suip- ceased. About 7, a.mf. NIciolîs had w n reuism-dand lsotue amati rerson per, faos- or five limes since he hasi occason lu go lbo tise next rooin fori plt-îîîed tise store and carried off tise conue to ton-n. He had tohd bhe homie ciothigs and found Cassldy dead. ;oln,>ri. Oui-v a siali persan cotîtdlisati been aceîssomed ta dri.aklng whig- NI-holle eald tisai on Saiurday even- ensuiT tikhilitiesematI opetIing. k.ey alt bis life. i ing Csessdy offered hlm a drink frosu Thieme have beet qîsite a f ew burgiar- "I tîsougisî a solier couldh't get a bottle of whis'key Iabelled "Mitcisellis St-ut iii %%lltb) ai mailotus ies, ahi evi- nhîskey la toun" said Mi-s. Haskîa. Heatiser Dew--- d(-tit> 1é-> iiwork of amateurs, yeî Il "Oh. 1 cau get w.hIsaey when a t tIM UarýY Policeman Baleinis said hlins se-tîied t10 h.' ier good iuck to t. nlgist or day. Sunday or Monday,"' as far- as he knew Caastdy bad! been '-i. onîiin. Cassiây told lier. , irunk onty once. He saidt! te soldiers IlI(t sihiope i tat he perpetra. 'Once Mrs. Haskin-tound a Wlsiskey t1coutd fot gel anytbitk strong ln town tors of tboe h atesi tho-fts may be lansd- fltsk is hib roorn, aund lsd aise fossnd J now, and tisat beer wobsld net mahe a eti andti asde apî exanîphe of. several amli bottes habeled "metlsy-, man drutal., He also said tisere had laied spirlta," on a local drssg label,, Is bees noe cassoftdruniennesa In town h1M- roin. Tweof t tiese -wers Drodtsced among tise soldiers -for a montis. Tisà at the Inquet. Casst4Y was on waltixig 1I pinion wââaa srgty eontra4led-by ES APPEAL 1J y on tSundày, and had coin- ,tie Coroner, Crown, Attoru.y sud some E S A P L A p l t n e t o b e r of te l le g tu ww tIl. O n o fe t hti e ju ro r . o t e, P a re w e n l a i t-a s 40RE RECRUITS ui5yatilwlok.id.IWa bMee t ltber, xfn aktua drmmkL -- -~ ' - ~ ~1 enUstitm.t, is nozt etkaç).ul tut iat5>0 whist homm as muez. & yuofOttawa. Mair-Ijoody sai'1 ivatod, Ik td tis. g ahie howuI tisai aaaiy hast lvm no *truble.U ve> te-Oadwssing b b.d. usai j"-uaither t uattise ht-epr ise isoîgbt ie w ~ 01.» 5~ise4 t > a tsehisi ',,W( botsnd About e's 'Ma tsii hesa4 Cu Cas gI ý in.to lte soWoesi the. men sidy groaulng sand uking fih#us. wëre getiti *I*hky ïouae t ~af ssally 4d iaen eioeping eg8^, 0 - tie would be #la& tbve uston"usUo hic s t mp. Bê *mprffluy 414 not pe.1 . - btw ear, « at Imm po 1iso usaitttion. MOM191 be euDt>' vas tbr a from a so4tl Rente (hittie id lit 1>'iAt55ATlïîOis " 5155 h-norsse as .1Lt-Coi. Cockbur n made a usssasp- Foi telttbus si) 1iy Itea*1< liiie, ruck Sit -not an spotogy," t Piaf or-more tmen. Ortarie Cous£y Sel!Phote 9l aid Phiie70* In thsee ords %mra.Parsons, 'ise ad.' had a popoulation ut 40,000. ÂcordJng Bel litue îus lii hîsoîs 70 irssard thse rt-ci-ultiag meeting ln tise 10 Mliitary IaW this taeuld yield . music liaIt oa- Monda>t aighît tlsaid of 000 ftightlng mès. Se tar I- Y about tisounew, 182d Battaulion, susswered thse 6".' M> had lieetsretted fremth ie ire«. exctîses of soe tnuhers - 'Who Say, t>-. There rare yet G.OM »soevrbeg-. -Let tise- riff-rouf!. Lht, devieandud tts Thse l2ud had nov a littl , 6- r20 WhItbii D[8Dhte en alhi tiet Mues.- and 100, Wiscn ilits bhaj lmw Office sud Works Mn. Pamrstisreplied, »We are net cmskcdtie, eldpiosii> e n Opposite Hevis Bros., W t sendtug targeIi, W-e amre seaing cm- otisergrquired. 'Mon vguld bave ta queror,. We do seot usint Canada to b.1 enlit »Moer or laie. Thse Oersass M ONU M ENTS fcepreselsted by auj but'oui- béat-" sereby xDO m*"ýqn"f4-up te rifteoi aivixsg heir sous. Ssseis ioth.is.tla up te Cg»And(0lsent lber I00,<fo 01a11 DWS Ud Uhtrlit lu SoàoM« ers ane uaking tUlr beys sebsisel., mM ora&Mui" 11011fr the uséoimuta Tt Vinî payyen uteo MIt aiOurvenu wtO-ueetuse Ses11,csqsr4 Peml'oèboy* vill haveISI 5tpt54 og.Kti-pe .and lampect for yourml. 10o udo"n tous 1w thse lisek 1treeta AnVOldtfhome froc iii.tjsout, sma& Do net b. miaed bY &Mt& Wb : ashaased betr*their teilows-Tise ide a appe«g $or li.$Meiusu. sssmust~. Dotsu e dpo 01ev l v... of keeplng yoitn b»y *l bfsse. Suret>' The aud1eutoo o taewm. ag sun ut d ro al .. thé ciMr§'ve 'ives and methfiew = ea*v-est es-- Seat pregï.te < mme dualg tt Monof 0 Dr OL. hie FmWinouýcts and grisai cnoasghassit ," e cS eot 1«rm'flreel-aoft .vIing p sental aeUYSb>' plrchaa"iD m M&riflcing #e-noîltso e t our meus go.Som e -tie, . 0m e-bhm ver- aues. W* à% rai Soliid. mothfe-e-«y their boy*s be hosub>etr stso". ls»W ien' s4e b.adIu 4,- luead. Net so. Veut boy v i w bo ver.uua<i>yptm bOda.iml& 'a hi-t tsiboy and a Biser mmsu trIto hej itireîgt.tj s-ais-a bock. Tbe Um11 *'Vho~su»ou11MUse tr. , >W. JettbsIsUon ft lii. Vb0 Kltg*s uatiform us ad4tipit>' as4 a 1lttaX 4 W=Iue .oeU.Jtho. ntshul Iî-ycof ssrsboodii tt s" MM5 Mda , mu»a a de umilit sp.,ê 1ta bove tilt felloeu's. ngthbe Prgta "I1S ons eyen pleaefgh e uw ni-u ab oult i e am~i i tu u~ t iBd.m aisa'.hnins ttrIf wvst'vitTOeil. ~ suny ants Caîats. (luit -val. Wiby ., jîkt- ý tcp' Tht. oetîao we re tvwx oot %l M a gi-est caume. & tiae eau5. Wèi amobad bum sb t lai -4 a 1»àý&à out £0501Caaulasêtut« t* »ý ivietn "he ta b t * ~ k i41*M a to m ceofarimv.ai tbabac" i lise. adis " bê $Mt 1t4 C i . s The -scason of Lent is he're again. nd, as in, other- years, our stock of Fish is $plec., Hie are a lew of the lines %we handie: m M"-N MUN 884, t PISENTlisFOR REITf NEW NOLISE, containn six rootni three piece bath room, verandah. and balcony, large cellar, fumnace, and seWrer connection. Rent, $19.00 Monthlyo SEIUDETACHIED NOIE, north of C. P. R , six rooms, îhree piece bath roi in, large cellar, lurnace, verandih, etc. Rent $12@00 montblYo B1UNGALOW, six rooms, three piece bath roomn, open graite in living room. Rent, $12.00 monthly. NOLISE, having seven roornq, ten acres of ]and. ntmmber of good fruit. trees, cow and horse stable with birns, etc. Suitable for teamsterb market gardener or milk dealer. Revit, $1 5.00 monthly. For further particulars consuit Wl. -I*W, Auetlogeop, or any of the offi Jals of The Creator Canada Improvemeot and Land Co. LIoeIted Iloixie Phone 70. WHUTBY9 ONT@ Bell Phone 193 200 PAIRS 0f MEN' MIUITARY BOOTS ThePet'Boots i-n th-e \XorId for liai-mers' and The etit Mechanics' U'e. These shoes are the same a% Canaduan soldliers wear.* Sale- Price $4.OO JOH.N PEEL& SON St.MW TaY Lse . %P4ý&4 m Every pair fully guarante2d. Ail sizes 5 to i i. --MIAY 41 1916 GOODULLOV & Sý)19, PUbl!SýérS 4

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