Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Apr 1916, p. 5

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were tVE' I,,s r il, i ;t c., i i TE. i.r DUiiing thb botl"Me~in~g s$Wu"tiold h.wnap5b4lors anémaga*iine ottèn corne te lght and premet a DrObleM aU te their dispo«sai Iyou «Ish thein re- mnoved tolepDhône the Guette and Chronicte offce and we vili send for thému. Kî(-ep April 28th for the Conundrum social at St. Andrev's acheel rom at 1<'ciock. L asàt LISnday heSuperint.endent of Ã"u r Missionary- Departmaent Asked .Foir $406"6. Freely and Liberally the School Answered the Cali, Piesentirtg the Enti e Amount. Tabernacle 5unday .School We are Wbitby representativesi for Members ot the Whltby HortIcultural THE DIA ONo MacLean's Magazine, the beat Cana- Society are asked te cati at the Agri. TUE D AMOND dian magazine on the market. h tla cultural Rooma for their garden seeda entirely Canadian ln character, and af. now. Shrubs and buibs later. THE APRIL BIRTIISTONE tot-da heurs of the beat reading. The*-- -~ -regular price Is $1.60 a ypar, but club- We havo a good electrlo vacunm IAINI) i tte rinerai nul- lied witb the Gazette and Chronteic lea yor bose, $1 er e . ice e D tvets&lly reognized as chief can be obtained more cheaply. We yerhom Go .Rie aisiong lireî-ictsA totipes -,hit the offtor a cilubbed yearly subscrtptton te TEAMS NEEDED FOR THE 1l6th litrlest, te mi Imperishable, the Gazette and ('hronicle and Mac.1 TREK. and aise bthe n;t brilliant et Lean's Magazine, reguilar $2.50, fer $2. Elsewhere ln t1itr paper will be tound miinet-aht. The..e qualities aln Cali and get a sample epy ef Mac-. an advertlsment caliing for farinera have niade il sîiretue sut a jeweî Leans, anud take àdvantage of ibis dnd others who wlii help the ll6th Bat- o<ire earîy tintes, and yet the reni splendid off er. talion dotng lis trek through the brilliaticy of the stone isnflot dis. n<- County. Thlrty teamea and waggons 1)'yet tiiti ithanbee faete by ('orne te the Conuindruin Social lu will be required te convey the battai- the art oftlpi as bee ndtd by St. Andrews achool rom Friday even- Ion equipment frein Wbiiby te Oahawa was oearcely developed before the Ing, Ajiril 29. on Saturday morniug, May 20th, and yer1 ô46. pwsoc ade' crpsa .G arrangements for these muai be made yea cd tîî îin 17461wonlii be WlewstoPcles crts ai..G.before F'riday et next week, May Sth. juat as brlliaànt in 1916, or in V)rc165.te$. befere "C"(Company leaves Whitby. Of- A Diantionit purehased at a riglît lu thte list et Whitby boys whe ar- fers sbould be phoned or addreased to prie seaun nperisbhe invest nient. rh-oit lu England on April î«5th, n-iîh atF.H Moedy, Whitby Armories. Lot us hsîp Yeu 5UV@ ywr flIly. the 591h Bal talion, annotuncement et _______- whlch waa made lasa week, three eth- ers shotild have been Included, namely. Bassett's New Store John ('onnor, A. R. Jennings, and De]- > jeweler snd OptlcianjbotJlno. lu th lliek wllî Lte Ba1 ny Set ral Whllby High School beys Brut- St. entîtare Intendlng te work on the tarins thia Wi rlY, .ONTARIO summoer ta heip MIlthe positions cf maon who enliai. N\VII T OT YOI'R NEW SPRING W . C. T. LU. S*VI T. NI.lirhinrdsan. ofthlie firm cf - Ll î;l: GORGtE MIAKES %W H * A. lZiiteardon ('o .. ot Toroto, .wili 1w t'h-i or store ou Sali rdLîy, AprIl 2'l. On Mîtrli '<tlt a d-îiu i i taxi~ î're I i ;i ard soit 19 iif' dtcigner for ttic.. O K seottieîtheg <li eperantie iailiicl <f til' alhové,firn t-îleN011 itki' our um'rî'irTUK Cîtrîsîath i chrclîistif Gr.'at litialin it i ia: in:"and voîr enter s 11lînhave wnitt"d ition i 11Nliii8t(,r <of 1,1,til hîsotî'.-îitl siîiierrîIsîtîiii lihe ftttory. tiloti m, hulie) 1 1 1od <'o rgo, lao ii rgî fi:r- NI 4ko it ;i jeointi t roit li and su-o us ti i n r tii s i I s t i Il i the erani ced. W. th- a4t1l1t111Ëi îir \Isiî t1t hi-i<t Il tainN.jThe largest work shirt made. 60c. doue lîy lii t' Iiqittr trali cýTite Mn ii Vi; it<H arry T. Thomîteen. Ipte'r ré,.îivld lut ery syutiil i(tic1vternis. i --o antd dîriîg lits iuddrt,".lu' sait i i îîîîîîlr ef sports frem Myie Sta- NIRE FENCE. PiirIrîaid uxeek 1I have ftund tid tion eattuWlîIthy hast Friday nighi We would be pleased te, quot.e yeu ru- ;îaltftul diiiy tIoiectinie lthegr(it it. iiwt sanlî iedwuore eetprice 'on tarin and poult.ry test tqtril distiller ln tut' worid. 1r:îtîî. t for a flsh lut une eofithe fonce. Gee. M. Rice. have tacfttti patr ther %eroek ofhtherPîî7rt0 craro takhnycrpriiii.odthal teie lcnewpst lassie abees for Eaater entt;tll li;tlltiet i th cointv n uealr Wa.'ilac nuîîddy tb soc the fiah. ai M. NV. Colins' cash shoeestore. ni; rnan lot distillieries a8 I cai uilke 1- t' 1 iii 1 tiiilnug thry Irlida- ise4 't sa .out wlih tlnd Ihat tiierv iga ini. c i0i it liaiîck mas netlciarned. I.0O. O. F. milb Iii c '. ye te distillerie-;dturing tieThe ninetv-soventh annivcrsary of pt'hid o<i i:. %%tir at' aliahie for tisi III' thet' 100F. %vili be celehrated by the lrîg qd'rttp bieiren cf Eastern Star Lodge No. .. 1 ui doingiAi loY mIo proil't'fl' 72. hy attendiug divine service ai Al m-flsk foiiî~îr ilif, trinatîs, ant If the Saints 'Chiurch on Sunday, May 7th, wit-yp,-1t14is Ahili iîan ttstilitug n 3 p. 1.-v. R. W. Allen wili ofil- do lait i' ii un tiirînlii hi'Grrnt:sclaie. Members ef the Leodge 'and i as tuwa aotdiîl w \t] iltii: idonc Io iuit'vlsitiîîg hrothrt--i are requested te uleet p'ýclp'v ot <lis 1 ti >.i li btc sadlis- lu the 1,00F.. hall ai 2.30 p.n. M. At- '-r tii ui t gun o rn-kinscun, N.G.; Frank Mathisen, R. S. oul lii stir's (If wliskyIf Ille.-(i11ii Qtialiiy shoes ai 10w pricen at M. W. tî-v dulilaitt-Uir1.\t îîpoi1i ,- o itf '"Co'itlits' cash. shoeestore. fii irnl \sVwe nomi(i5 tikig0 ii litI m)f1 i tit 1ri i LOCAL HAPPENINGS di looiiilit 0. -NLI.tiees. ti-iih-rt hie C('andnt rn.Social on Fi~ ~ ~ a do9e': n ii et-lot-k lu St.An- tr-s selil routa. Il' Nuirsing Sîster Ruth R. Downey. On- ittarte N1iittry Hoslttal, OrPiugton, l',nuan' liseluailkiîdaaiW. ..Kent, arnived lu Euglaud on the 151h WaItî'rs'. tst , ontthe- 'Olyrnpic."' MiRs Donney, sua ii a datîghtor cf Mr. sud Mrs. J. 1 l ieut lart-s i eat tree ofethiis Il.Bos'ney, et Wbltby, gadusted ftm - i.'. Wu-iioleytspîlai test Octoer witb 0i litîh honora, hiaviug won the Bruce We have ut ct'rnîete lineof etFaaster Scuoasîpfroeagro po fooiwram for wotunuand hidren. -hlrhpfroèaigroapo Pecitu Slîoe Store. eict-ey. anud on ber graduation made 0o-aplitioln 'for eversea. ervce. DivislinCourt wii h beid ai th e 1- Court flotme înt 10 aM. on Tuesday GRADUATESOF QUEENS. inornilug nexi, May 2nd. Quu-en'e University, KIngaten, an- -0 ,t-... . ..-..,ardini of A*a-iaa tr Mrm. (Clas. Kinnear wîiii nol rreev on Ttitrsday, May 11h. -0- Wataen's Underwear ai W. O. waii- ers* stoe. Get eur price for peultry fonce. Prnglo's hardware. 'Te driver of an automobile whicb arrived lu Wbithy from the. veut oe day Iaat veek reporteti that lit hati ecat bisa 112 beiveen Pickering end Wbltby te have blis car piatLeoeut et bati spots lu the. rosI. Seonthe. nov lsater l t êl Sbee Store Captalu (Dr.) G. C, Bounyeasto, et0 Bowmanvllle, bas beauen usaarred froin the Ath Durbasa Re«iMtent ta b. Captain lu the CnadianArSy DMua Corps. The Womnen'n Inat.tuto vIli hoU a kuitting tea la the. AsrlultUI8i1 1004# on Friday attérneduApril 131=4trom 3 te 6 olock. - Lisht ffhWISt#I soavet. Cozue tadibrinsg youbi ttb&g AdmIssion 1lot DelonsU CNIse,son et Dr, mMW U] MèNeeti, et Erookuli. hmie»m oxoku edju ~ ~ w MrfsaJh PmtW. st the lUne ho rmsveStbie W#" Jui rcevnéW*715 n 5au biard bauts I w. CLWal$WV. 1%h6r5lr utI7~ WhItuV Druub et Ibm**m der -or Num viii le box* 4ë"4 at 8 .u AUi i éb» ý-ý thini year ou Satturday laSt. lu the Ilist of the oobtainlug tho degreo f Bacheor ot Arts are threo Obtarlo Couinty boys, oeeo<f Ibeuig frein Whitby, uaznely, Grant Ulntoli wbo la a uephev et Mr! Tho&. HarlY. TU*. ethera are W. N. Hait and-P. . KGeUld. ot Uxbrlige. séesour extension laddueiI.Pimu right. PrînIW$ atia# wmYrnBolT lm lUMVICU. FligIt.UuL KmliW1s. e D mmsdlia JO"n W»04 et iiillr' ba arisébis panaItute h.Voit bis racenït hW the xtl8fo Ib UFa Naval Air SgosKtim jti WUk Ibo course l tru Stqu," MMIelu m ant ice glng 1. Mltatbu 0 Uisued hl* vosk Im 30 f quallfu bisa for Iboruhet lAI bas <POth. 1* alm e*Mt bs* t* h usRt.0 t h'qM Mb Garbutt, Chaplain of the Il6th Ballai- ion, C.E.F., wiit preach at the evening service. Persoitai Mçntion. MisanLU Harvey was lu Waikervitle over Easter. Miss Jean Johnoton la bolidaying wlih her mother. Mr. Edgar Sexsmitb, et Picton, was Ln town for Enster. hIrs. Clive Hatcb la viaitlng her par. enta lu New York. Mr. J. D. Robertéon, ef Port Perry, wau home for the holiday. Miss NeWman la at ber home lu Dunville for the holtdays. Mr. Jack J. King spent the week-end' wiih bis mether lu Alliston. Mrs. Delong vinlted ber aster, Mn@ Vanvatkonburgh, thia week. Miss Daisy Joues, of Toronto, was wltb ber parents over Euter. Miss Esther Harvey spont Zaster ln Oakyiie wltli Miss tronsley. Min May, ef TorOu'té, le visitiug her cousin, Misa Reva Xietbardaou. My'. snd Mrs. Downey, of Peterboro, are visiting ai Mr. Q Smith'a. Misa Bowos, ot Milton, la vlsiiing ber, sister, Mrs. W. J. I. Richardson. Miss Florence Wharton bas been via iting with ber aunt, Mrs. Bogart. 'Misa Beatrice Mipeker, et Toronto Normal Scbool, was home for Easter. Mr. Wm. Johaston, et Chicago, vieil. oui ai the home et Mrs. Rosa Jehuaton. Mrs. Kuechiel. cf Seafortb, viaited liter sister, Mrs. G. A, McLjeau over !\rs. D. Wccdhcusk- aud chilitren, et Nieigara Falls, are visiting relatives ln tow n. Mrs. A. Macpherson nd granddatigh- 'i PAINT IS A GOOD INVESTMENT IF' YOU BUYTHTE BUST. ERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT 18 THE B»»T AND COOS NO MORI TRAN TE OTIIERS. SOLD BY -GUO* . L1110E EVERYTJflNG IN ftABDWAl1E METHODIST TABERNACLE0. Revd. A r Pest, pse' Momng servle.-Aitbe5: '-Àon b-lt.. Rearl." - ev1o-pW bowS ton. Bl sco "Mixes Qmm - ai: ' IlAt ft duml Wotlijamus. 7» IePMsU laeop~ tbe âpulêt a th. - swt,zm me sJoi roeron te. Mr. Donald Fotheringham, et Toron- to, vlted relatives ln town over Easi or. Mr. sud Mra. E. Magnai', et Toronto, spent over Sunday witb their son, T. Ma.gner. Mr. E. E. Abbott, of Toronto, spent Sunday andt Menday ln town with friendÈ. Mr. Nelson Auguistus, et Sauit Ste. Miarie, spent over Studay wiib bis parents bore. Sergt. Att. Cbanning, et Ottawa, was ln towu for the holiday renewiug se- quxantances. Mrs. Levie sud daughter, of Toronto, wre visiiors ibis Week with Mr. sud M4rs. M. W. Collin.' Mrs. James Shaw was catied te Oah- taa-on Snnday, owing te the death et her brother-Iu-law. Mrs. F. G. ErakIne sud famiiy hat'e returned te, towu atter a tengi.hy viait I n Muntreal. Jtîdge Smnith had the pleasure ut a visit frem bis daughter sud grandson, etf Ottawa, for Euter. Mm James Shaw bas returned home frein Toronte, where abe bas been vie- ltlng ber son fer s tew weeka.. Misa Eva Moore, ot Toronto, visited ber parents, Mr. andi Mm Jas. Moore. ever the holiday. Mies Isabel JarvIa, of Tronte, vitted at the boeofetDr. snd Mm, John- Wattgh o-rer Sunday. lu Kiekis. ,who hu been ln Toron. te durlng the vinter, wais lu týqwl for&, 1ev tisys tus week Mr. C. D. Gordon, of BramPten, vau a gue.st of Mr. and Mm s.W, 1. IL RIoh- arimon ovfer the holiday.-, Mmra Norris Lu=on Md ebuidra. et Detroit are vtuU.glr u M ln mother, Umis.Robt. Nlcb*>lat - Mr. sMd Mes IrM i ue.y, of Te ronto. vitte-wutI W . a~MNim w.3 'fýthpoa dBa tCâtl. ML ilKw.A.W. leIw vo b& miaivt.tmn vt lin am", r.MiMsçe .*O 51 'GRÂAM -BAààIMN- At the res1. dente cfor *ô<buideïà brother, J. W. liaternan, Wbitby, un ?uenday, April 26th. 1916, by Rey. G. A. MoLiean, Mr. Wilfred Graham, of Myrtie Sta- tion, to Minsa Fauny Bateman, of Whltby. JEFFREY.GORMLEY-Iu Whitby, on Wednesday, April 19th, 1916, at thbe home ef the brtde'a brother, Wm. Jeffrey, by Rev. A. H. Foster, Miss; Eliza Jeffrey, te Mr. Robert James Gormley, both of Whltby. WEHRLEY-MACKLEM-lu Whitby.on Tbursday, April 20, 1916, Misa Mar- jerie Aileen Macklexu, te Mr. Fred. erick Houston Wehrley, of Guelph. PLANTS FOR SALE. Hardy perenniais, red currants, red and black raspherries. rhubarb. etc. Bernard Baker, Byron St., soutb. EGOS FOR HATCHING. Silver Campines, $1,50 for 13. Indian Runner Dueka, $1.25 for 12. Rhode Island Reda, 50c. for 13. Barred Rocks, 50c. for 13. -46 MRs. GEo. ALLUn, Whitby. Milss Kate Wright TEACIIER 0F PIANO AND PIPE OROAN Pupils prepared for Toronto Con- aervatory or University Examînationa. Residence at Mies F. McGillivray's, Byron Street. Telephone No. 221. W. A* VOUNO Civil Engineer, Topographical Survey, laud drainage, subdivision desIgning, plans sud drawings, otimates, etc., on cenirsot work. Contracting. Box 243, WHITBY. Bu y At A New Stra Hat for 25 otsn An ideal traw Bat Color iu every -ay-Ne o gIosy aud atili faut and water.prôof. Makes old bats Ieok juit like New; net like eld bats painted over. Aise works weil on Basket Work. EASY TO USE-Splendid Recuits. llandy B1{USH wit.h eaeh boule. Straw Hat Coler in put upr n the foilowing Standard Colore : BLACK, BLUE, NAVY BLUE. TAN, GARE 8ROWN, CARDINAL RED, GARX E ONPUIPLE. F6r obades of these colore ask us to show yo t he Sbaded Colbr Card. Arty colored straw bat eau be re-eolored Blak. Very light coiered straw bats eau be re-colored a darker shade of any coler. If a Ligbter Shade ofen u color is desired, add a littie Wood Alcohol'to the bott!e and sakoz wel,. NEVER atteuipt to celer aBlack Straw Hat an,)Lher culer. Sirnply révive the color with Black. Enougb in every bottin to coler a good sized bat. 25C A BOTTLE, WItb Brusb. WIIITFI ELD'S ORIJO and STATIONERY STORE WIIITBY. ONTARIO soie Agent for Nyai- Preparations. Miss Sullivan la spending ber vace- FOR SALE. tien lu Oakville. Sinalltrame dweiliug, witiu or wlth- eut land. Mrs. L. Gisublett, Centre St. For Sale, To kent, Etc. South, Wbltby. -3 _____________________RUG FOR SALE. BOARDERS WANTED. An Axmiuister mug, ln firat-clas eon- Mrs. 1. Paqueite, B3yron St., Hyde's1 fermer residence.1 HELP WANTED. Goneral servant wanted. God wages. *Apply ai once. A. Bande], Whithy House. SEED POTATOES FOR SALE. Secd potatees f rein Gverninent sped. Early 0hio and Camerons. Good P. J. Duff, Brooklu, Oui -43, orehard. HOUSE FOR SALE. Front St.1 ileugh cast, 8 roems, ail modern cou- B veniences, large t rame garage, goit Onal gardon, large and anuali fruit. Apr.lythOn I on premises, Byron St. seuth, almeet AT>ply te opposite Preabytertan Church.-tt. Whiîby, 0 Your Useit only a short urne. Apply at the Gazette Office. LOST. On u Ti.day, ln town, a soin et mon- e-y. Finder rewarded by ieaviug at Gazetlee ofie. FOR RENT. lu the village of Breokiu, a trame Apply te Henry Banner, 379 East, Teronte. ANDSMFN WANTED. Instruments, for' the band e1 i Battalien, Ontario County. )E. G. Hazeli, Baudmastorg Ont. --4t floofimig Tiiese Prices -~ f SPU W. tt lut- ltd. .YNDE Ii'-GING. )RY. TORONTO 11, Ont.t If) N E E atb hone. ltobl, let,1111 r i i n k tti: t. bpou. 'ling joistt, t elevator ut . Ail good p- 1'2 tt 1-4 $1l.98 'IS, !$2.98 jid 45c ý '*'2.65 f <is~rci. __FOR 1H18 WEEK ONLV T FIE sarcity of rag stock, wbicb enters largely iînto thé T man>ufacture of Roofing, Feitbas Ibecwxme se êctite.-tâ tht cost bas rise> by leaps and bouods-te abr>oroal ilevels.9 Bu~y Dow. Th'se pres wiffi neyerbciduplicated. 0, is tht, only srootb surtêced ropfi!>g whicb' ba,,s given s f cto tf oe tan'. 22 yês - tply. Sp W istks oe, 1.S 1 NS 1

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