Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Apr 1916, p. 1

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*T!W LOIKH>tENP. !tby, ont 111E WHITBY ONÂ~IQ CÂN Vol. 53-No 4 3 ICompound 8yrup of HYPOPHOSPHITES A Strengthoening andi Invig- orating tonie, Blood Builder utnd Nerve Tonie. Builde up the system, Cure@ thin and watery bloods Nervous beadache, N erv 01.15prostration, Sleeplessfldli, etc A refiable re8torative after La Grippe. $ 1 per bottile J, E. WILLI Drefolst and Opticienl MEDICAL HALL Brock Mt. WIt. fWIITBY'S TAX1 At a ispectal meeting of the Town Couneil held lant Thursday nigbt the tax rate for 1916 wus dectded ipoli. The total rate ameunas ta 80.70, about two and a halt mille hlgher than..last year. If. however, the sewerage and new schoo tax were dedueted. the rate would be only 22 millie, au extremely 10w rate for the town. The rate la made up as foilows: General debentutes, County *.,. adwr a ... .. 7,9 General purposes .... ......7 Education and Public Lib- rary ...... ...... .......58 day mornlng, tUï wùiItbi streets were RA E ORjwu no ChurcbPeýOm.e8unGa4Y. 15. 30.70 MILLS na ftt- whlcb wouid be qulte moderato. Lt. G. A. M. Gheron bas qualifibd It may be asaîtmed, however, that lnas au Ml natructer-1 tr"-eh wafarê. view of the hlgh total the Couneil bas A tacticai nheÉo tg being darled pareil othët expeses to the minimum.. out to-ay (strÎMy). iiarth af the But for the addition of sewers and towa. chools there might have been greater The Coaty trié; IUtw11 e. lbt f reedamn of expenditure on the cou-wekn r4>, ê h atevr tremable Items. 0f the total rate of wekonFrdrw9IV ldt4 a ouha#a 30.70, only 9.76 le controlable eiPeiid-1 oimti W~s t evr I n lnatalllng hesewerage syste tn y Il 'é sanit.ary seweru on the local lmpi'ovê ment plan. Had they done se ther could have kept the ta rate lower. but. wbile this might have looked bet- ter, n reallty the taxes would bavel clading Lynd' Creek whetber by general rate o-r by froatage bridge ...... .... ........ 7.30 tai. -'t may be argued that the generi - rate la unfair to those who have no 30.70 sewer on their street. On the other Ih 11 worthy of note by ratepayeri hand. the general rate plan may lead that ln Oshawa and many other towns to a more univerial uise af the îeweri. the satiitary iewerî; are Iaid for on the iîiasmuch as, hav-ing to pay for theM, frontage tax mnetlîod. In Whitby they property ownerî may ai well have the are î'aid for hy generai rate. Tlhe sew'r use of cheffi. The construction of the erage rate hiere thi le year 7.10. If South Ward School and the Improve- DA-Yi APRitL 27,193 UtiLe the ~'art Ferry upit. The Bat talion will romaIn In Beavertoli Until Monulay marnias; thience will March ta Cânnington, where it wlll remiain nüitil Wedniesday inornng; thence to Sunderland, until Friday mnorning; thoace to Uxbrldge until Monday mora- lzig; ta Port Ferry, untIl Wednesday mornlag, La Whitby, until Saturday mornlng; to Obawa untii-called ta go to Niagara. The longent march of the trek willi be trom Port Perry to Whltby. The tour *fflera tram Whitby. Capta. Moody and Eivery, and Lieuts. Grier- son and Harding. were la Oshawa an Tuesday gettiag fourtemn men iTem *]Y' Company, vho were traasferred ta "C" Company ut Whltby. Timose who came did no voluntarily. FESTIMABLE MYYOUNG WOMAN C .GooDYLow & SoN,. Publishers stylo us Spocial Order Clotho$ We Sel Cloibir>g Of the Highest Grade OnIy Wear a Stnil- Ready suit this spting and bc wcil dr4sied. Sold in over 6So cities and towns in Canada. Thos trade3 mark and price ini the pocket of every coat. $1&.00 te 5.OO top' suites0oM vecoate Buy a.Serni.Ready or a Fit-Reform suit -W. guarantee ail, QRÂfÀUMf.-" "MAN. The bride carrtes wit ber fitiln Our suits for one y car in The marriage tpaeef on Tuesday Whttby the enteem and love of a very dejects in3 the makièng. 'N afternoa at 6 o'et4Wç& at the reidece large ch-cie, for a woMall Of more not satisfied. of Ur. 3. MW.-BatÊff.fl, Wbltby, of Mr. sterling qualitici wus nat te b. found Winred Qrihejâ, ê$,'Ürtle Station, ta withln 1h. commnunity. W. French Dry Cleaxi Mi"a WrafnY Balai9,'dughter af the The groom te a retired fariner, of Linon, Ladies' Suite oi late Chas. Batmâxl <)bIy a iew close Myrtle, aMd enicys the respect anmd relatives and t -tIi9 ',blende were pre- godwill ai neighboru and acquaintan- set he Rv i. ý iLen erom-ce tjojgý.ota large sectionMofphhe edtecreluony. ~mnot appetlslng cotitry. That they may "Ilve happy TH ~QAIY only 40 per ent. of this was pald ouI mnenti ta the Htgh School bave aaueu weaig d-Inuer w. als zPre~' y u- eeat-e ,'t-, a te tu -as ic _________ ......_____ ofn general rate. the rate would be 2.84 but seven-tenths of a mnlii to the rate. taken lmumediatély1Xlatr the slgnlng of wlsh of this great famlly journal. ire Dealer witht thi e ,aI anuitbe Service______________________________________ the register. A toà t ute bride was ____________ prepasedi by Rey. (I. A. Mobean and ELCTDAB CHR reiponded te lu a v br earty manner. "Soranston Goal INTISRESTINO NOTES ABOUT The groo ainnde 0b& cknowiedaf ,ColsJ.an ar ewel .. fMh lb. b.et &dard mn. te rdeïi h eeofwaCoof. e. FarelK..ari bt bY.lc Ilrei)aratiofl 1erfett-Rti-h 11 neat. ow THE C.OUiNIY BAT IALIV1NS numerolti usefuI"ýd bandsame pres- ed f rom ail over. the Province oi On- Lni auh--brtgit. rît-an, free Inrtig, elink- arlexsu AI sis.girs te. fur large furnares, enta, oae af whchovas a gift ai table tarie as Benchers at the annual elec-I VUg and tislw$la#s for futrnace and large lînen., accompsnie4'(,br a letter, tram tfluat week. Col. Farewell wus the besters. Giweftnut and hua for range ani I it nd Il TTALl)N. bav.e been detalled for duty at Brechin thie Noens Inst1t.lte, et which Mttis candidate chosen by the Ontario Court- gtitla i rebae wqbl oti. Agiea nen falteoMrsfor a fev dave n 11h the objeût ai stim- Bateman had beau eCretalry for yeari. ty L.aw Association ai their repreicat- .l.i.ltin c<>aifor ,teail. the leadisiÎgeoalat îc î h l'talnnehl nuiating recrtitingat that point. Part The happy coiiple~l let by auto for ative. and the hlgh honoraif re-election r"thresuimîg I)Irtpoes. Gbo4esS Crt o of tîhe bugle bandd may accompafly this Myrtle Station, wht;We M?. Graham hau as a Bencher la' a tribute ta hie worth g5bc.onitL> <nlAI hsecae i irg tt i(9srntta btaio iid. a very handuome-: nd comfortible and papularlty among hie fellowi of areth hghstuttîeri)f q1tailty tunr iei îtrc on Tiiesday, AI rit jth arde ie svaice r a >~omt atmi arefUIli tfqn1. i Oue îîgi .n 9 tn Frlday, Sattirday and Sunday home, Jiltnorth Oitýbu railway a littIe the legal profesuion. His terin la for s1 %o attletan wti i yoti tie-itiiellt. tili n.i itinhemlsro atit al parades %acre called off and the distance. ieyas W.'% reetfnilY à,.ieit i ptrona e ttiit i~id< îa iai najority ofth eo yaari.bolda E. R. BLOW.9 Wh;Lby tý w s irii-d Awpeoplof tlis- Bell1 phone 9. Hul hoo14 a..ti %nth rvgard to recrîî.it.ing l itlil6hBT LO. ____________________________________ evs n i tt' otînty. catîsed, "no l'ho nmcmiof ! C** Camîpariy moticad dînt.i 115 5.. h'i r r'cuiingit-1 flicchallenge ofthie 182nd Battalion NOTICE lnga heid. ,r&,slded over by Col. Coek- to a garnt-of football laut week. but as I Thdt- svritig T'ru lit i-Baneliness ur, ad f.' fittitifitl and ttllt lrltire,- thc niajority of the mec were away on 8cîo~.Tiit. ooApril 'ru, nimergelq fortis of the recruiting Lietitenants Icave of absence the challenge rematu- Continuina8, tbbe.pp0es dl recruitins .4 train tre trencheo. Tbe ISSnd Bât- ito t lie Su mniier Terni f o)r July an s A ng D U throughotîtl iÎ4 ç Atitumm. 'No vuiatlolte. 1. aao.a h-meli ee t-o.Cothura, rlwt1.V tiO ilGth were 81arpê to e.-tepu wweiil~tiSbv ensdwl ehadfrtefrtii W. iM. 5115 Preso. ('amt. Gray. Capt. Corkburti. Captý.-Bell. cept, 1Errjî ona of them. Innoctllatiofl. arranged ai foîleus, in the intefflta thesle pointe on a public platfemifl. LIlui. tockburn, Lieut. l)rew. Lieut. hocemd hmftIMue or 1cM tof the 182ad Battalio; - An urgent-invitiuon Io itnded tu JA ES ltmros.or Whitby: Lieut. Vickery, Mo.ondu. The- il6th ta .ke this opportun- Whitby, Monday. May 1,st. ail patrioti e ien d womea to e bDtreî J. IIVW LL JAME Port lperry; Lieti. McKlssoclt, Toron- îty to state their confident bellef lu Oshawa, Tucaday, May 2nd. sent et theso meetings. Planes dravu uand estimiateis furniaid. rp'll. Oshawa; Lieut. Tannant. Bt-aval'- lunaller words. tlîcy hope le Cooke the Breokila, Thurdaiy, iy th. Sau. imo ad fams.ton; Lieut. (timîner. Cannington; Lt. lSnd's gaùdcr. They turther hope Pickering. Friduy. Ma.y Rhl.C COU RA! Jgta forisanBrinOd ooim alcts. Lieut. I)oubt, Lieut. Lewis, Dun. that when tleir estecnied rivais Sp- The objeet ai these Meetings les net A W I L O C T wflThY Phois 49barton; LIeut. Wallis. Beavertoil; Li. petr ai church parade an Smnday next ta ceai, farce or' shame anyenq ILt BOU 467 Spejîce, LietI Steckiey, Washago; Lt. I thty wîîî not be feeling teeGil.Th nltIng at wlheeCoi bli -Foru'the. B reclilu; Lieut. Ellott,'Tor- kick-offlintlua 3 p.m. sharp on Saturdsi hear regarding the. present M~d future .4C" Compaay of tho lStesIW Marriage LicenseS acto; Lieut. Prueter, Atherley; Lieut. aftprnoall in the To»n Prk. need aofpmen- vii b. placal lyatts.n4 t ae'btyon 4yMg t Lowry,.lixbrtdge; Lieut. Patton, Tor- The men ai "C" Comnpaniy recelId bfO«tlY baier9 teï public~s ad ila th# and -wlil be huea&&Mn for 411117 tbfé.t A. . A LLI N. acta; Lieut. Gibbe, Cannlngton: Lieut. thi econd Inoculatino odyA.DtttCW*Ogie1.beftsé»drgtete bos héC" lssuer of Marriage Licenses. Oag, Toroto'. Lieut. Beatan. White- ternoen. îneeulon againat tphold it ltit that a» tur*th e W.11 ty., le ôre to hai: bp 6 «> My Corner drug store, Whitby. vale. Lieut. Lewis. Sunderianid; lieèut. reu rs ijetiono Oe sa ahW lIW-"oSmmml t i h talligait patrie.tui m tbtiila*t .#tttlfity gtM4. No wituesSOS îequired..Jolliffe, Tarante. . bilous=,ypod em it ah imotme poopl e ftýila moisty. fiareu - oerot X111 - b0,bei5Ia-t l - - -----' ~~The utill echfas of Wednsday morn.i- p. This legivea n &lu u nIeCtous* 'CI 4eke lW ii ho *UiBRii t Ittie lui oS'InhU S I81 IbmOmt C iiiIlmYU ilng ucre aWaltced by the, te Whitby the lirat tU1ISWb o I111OI, and t» olf asaalga u sipO'iStYMi2md b~ W Ib W M liii O., L. ~ cititena. unusual aoitnd of rouslng mt- mom a fl ublles, la ascii ça thu1 IMb.ltof e ta g wbat b# bW, iffl»1 BluSe iiomt Mua *10 t0bý tial maule. Investigation by the htmn- injecuen l ii. n e e mtllogteI'but t. u ay on m"Y question tau cc te~pr, as~ d*~aa* I*fb Wlaitby se OutOLI40 dredu uha rusthod bite the streete put thesolution laethe hatter', Mu la tvlu with e» vaêt.-; s ~ 4 it,$S>1 U lal s tate DDera Ketatos Manago4, aIl mmndi at rust au tathe tto Oet ile .uuta fti.or i ' lJthe I Ifrs. ftfu, a«M.la0@Q9Wa»W Md I#uvnap rx .IS4eS*000 lians Colected, AeIAU OSQAmOe<-P GermaiInvasion or Zeppelin raid. hls h. l sub-utaaoeusIY- a front upeakilr t. the Wemuuaa'B tUutal4 . inilt, êi dlê Preperties boaght andd ood. iS2nd Battallon Braie Band, previflof tta. ahboeldar bia4e, INeb»"o - & tas'g he i. P«Nt'4is.bu # I -seMW en___ For tea apply Rad OMM. Brk .témrhruà Belhoe_93 for their eescert tour la the aountr* aurtac àlump *b«ut ii ttath*S or *rs'Ui bIpU M fl* ad ùUS bad foraod uit hi front ocie ta, k t.îai. $»lUtg «LO M ss epV»v, le. n*1 hlthu *ftonesHediquattt5, mmd l ht.ehW min. su tas.spasii opt im ber as4$5u thw, pd l~wiIl I ID im~ Iililti fl* ut«s At their dispomal soval us'. ciae h rIiug0 s pt h i &bW&# 0" -«4 s. . aAsude saimBU ent, b" -a ovkam M&tùê*ii t. *I - _M a. ufl QpoSteHai 8o& Wlty o Iar tour tterviiigive emoosut1 . IlU1 t.1 1.'t. r.- 's M ON M the tOOibISpoa' la ffSA uo* et , t * 'V eW 4 M N M -£T Boaverton, caauiitn ýts ryeet ii aaaý. Saturdat moralng to VWltbv. us ai5 u u~4O1 o! ail DIW1I amilttUWIn tbe abslece o01tii.branWO l airn~t fo r ea v < e it vol psy y te0 U uiat M ol a~~thlup Will lit bouetaS flonotoe u t T lmu to aMit.I; ,s "d euhwp lt WI u&. uas thé butte band 15 evetr w itau.*L afe~ mnlW DOt.AIys amb eÎ " tsW 40~ Gre t ait ledue Bugle Ogerg i «Mm . unit$ us mal do Iiev se au' ess is' on fer the. replil vi l itu btas t «uat"d do u~bi ' are lookisa tA»s-aitte itituts tudu l b loimuah-mii t t hablés.. 'É .à football gU a as 1 u g tôt.t~.banllI hi o b« h t.t.at mieMh **minimaWUf»Ylaast u .104êhe éw n ..................... or Dy. Clothing of Wool, 811k or )r Dresses, ifousebold Goode, etc. t DroSum . WLIbI Oet R oa l Neu i t- . The seas f, !Lient 'ls bore ai,,s, other yetsl, stock of Iish 10 s Cm pI.tc. ¶H, 1 are &few of thehUes we heaud!e,; I d 200. PAIRS 0F MEN'S MlIARY BOOTS- The Pest Boots in the World for Farmers' and. M-echanica' Use. These shoes are the same as Canadian soldiers wep'r. Every, pair f uly guaranteed. Ail sizes 5 to ILI Sale Price $4.OO'i JORN PEEL &-SQI m à ---.j - an the atortea SaY. la the Èý

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