Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Apr 1916, p. 5

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-. .- . - r~ lu;,. A,~ O IAMONO tRE APRII. BIRTHSTONE D IA IIND[t îli e minerai uni- veioasJIy ieeOgîiized au ehief a--mng lîreitil;iîs et% es; it le lthe lsigmiet, Llipe hmi immpsriaiai.mie, anmd fil-(,t ie nlouem trllijant of IIiritui , Iice ilalittes alomme lîtîvu iimallie'fil tiliuieiitti se a jesvp i4r -ý Ar ) tillivi.' amii 3ett the mciii blill'Ialiii314Il le R tolmmis [lit dis~- île it t tdil iti l am priai t i-i hu ligr i l i i iI l itn 1 1 i. i îl) 211t6 Il P Imlý-lrntat, a I Ï Let us tuelp yoîm Bave your momey. Bassett's New Store Itte ) .ml ptci n Vlil Hi k, -O<NTARIO) WC.T. U. Iwatcht hi tumlifl-ms irîiitt a.ie .& iter lusukitia luio t mi Yoi verN ss'(iiun iei tm- 'V',televs-m ss-ua isutiutmr 1 eannit bOib llit tli ti, If wlsutl*um"-; uitsig(iiiuforîa soidier, Why ehsîltmtiqits'li lii drink'7 If whlmktv lm not gout fuir tise soitiiem. '1tQroito Chapter e r~1a a~ b«e,~ wilb4 'Iý d Ii"thè Dprîiate diii. ung room or thé 1Queéü'W'Hotel, Toron- To n¶ueada. &y n.Invitatîo»a - J~ ±Li4~rtu~ri~~ ~ - WIL Taber~~ci. &rndpy 3chooI NV1TIIA lWlsslonabsy Program an4 LesteS' Mu~iv <t 2 e'otoek p. w. ua e procurea tnrougb the Secretary, N.B.-S8peeial Coliebtioa in &id of out Mltamlnary ln Alberta, j Rra. Ge. A. Èoss. _______________________ -0- _ __ ____ IA speciai meeting of the Town Coun- cil le te be lielti this '(Thurea ) even- Mesdames White, Fraser and Jackson-, Quality shee at lev prices at M. W. ïng. Ratepayers are watig anxiously Mesare' ohns and Galloway. -Solo: Collins' cashsfhoe store. !.o h trlklng o-h a rate. I wllMr.mR . Downey, Peterboro. nhm probabi, be about go0 huis, R tnitls of "Cal vary," Messrs. Richardson and Mr. Ha.çry Neskel, eft Whitby, has whicb are dime ho the înetallaîîon of J ae, soloists. Solo; **In Native lest three bruthere and four brotheral- the ewerge vste. Worth," (f rom Creation by Hadyn). in-!»w in the fightlxrg in Russian Pol- theswrg ytm 'Air. T. B. Jones. and. Wbcre hie fâther, mother and The uchools et Whitby close to-day. The pastor will eccupy the pulpît sisters are, If they be yet alive, Harry eThtirusday, ror the -Easter vacation, anti ah botis services. does n&t know. The los etfbis breth- will m-oilt.en on Monday. May Ut t. --- - ers, and the a.nxlety regarding bis par- 1 THE QVERLAND IN WHITBY. ente andi sisters le hard to bear. M r. George 11tnnticy, jr., has 1en- T hse ag r uto the Overîand cars for0 rnencs-,d thse excavation for lte fotîxîta- Whîtby andi Oshawa towns and East The newest classie shoes for Easter lion ut a boiue min Green sru.jllust and West Wbitby and Pickering Town- at M~. W. Collins' cash abee store. sotîth of lus [aîlîir's musideîîee. shipa have been seeureti by Messrs. A. E. Luke andi L. W. Dudley, et Whitby. Sec pages Lwo andti Lree for live Ie- lé ~~~The Overlanti car la the moat up-te-' a es A Onp-Minute WVashe'r maltes wasb date yet urneti out, andi combines realcanes day ea.sy. Over 100 In use in Whitby. comfot ______a___________________Messrs. For sale hv CGeo. M. o-Rlticouarpie Msr.__________________ -Jucîii'.an lw-aiir ia Ii dured he'gv iete ]paeai 'their inler qutarts'rs, anid iumimie the hast week a arev' tîibiiit4r ot lits-se iuniaitt, with ttlr tamnîiles. have iass-d turunugtu N\li 1 t1) v.Sonte uof ilem remfailletI ln IouItt utiuîg ê-munigh to swaup a horst- or Io uliiti toit gît somne business deal. '['liesiîng.-Iinent is eamîmîometii c f N5lajiriî'Alsim Macklern, datughit-r of M rs.Macitiemu Pel letiter. fBrighton, tintarin. ant itise lame Mr. W. H. Nacit- 1smît, to Mur. Frederlck Houston Wehr-i lut. tGuelph, somi of Mr. and Mrs, R. 1).t i Wlitrts-v. Tnrito The %weddtne t' ili taite ilacei' uietiyli b Wlilibth iis. nit Ilt NVIlhlTlY PPES7SBVTET$V Tus' t 'gular tttrcrtnpetitîg ulItse V ut'- restîtî-'ry wa.s hctd Iin St.An- SAVE MO NE ON YOUR CLOTHES. Luke.and Dudley have a new model 76 un e:tbibltlon ln the Luke garage on Dundas SL weat, andi will ho pleased te demonstrate fer anyone Interestei. I)on't tail te aee how this new medel has every cenceivahie convenience wlthin easy reacis. It corresponds ex- actly witb tbe critical man's concep- tion ef what an Ideal car should be. BAPTIST (HI'IltH. Vkister Stttniday. Atîril 23, Il a.ni.-Subjfect: "l-oofs Dernanti- 7 îu ta -Siilijeci'- Thue YQar ot Ju- Spect.li Easiir nuîîsic, il Climtiircl lucre <ion TtiesdaN, lui-- margaintabtiles are now rpatiy aden giîttiimg w ii ilite mîorttîug Fssion aIt %w ti l al kIndut ef bargains for the 10nustk Thrme w-as ta god attend- rwiîhol e family at M. W. Collins' ahoe 1-1V Of,. mI,,,i.i.'.s.A and 1drsfr.,m ihp 1 store. t sartimiîs poiluts i lIAItTO RIIU tiitit ditict.i 1ilitl 7UIIN TO HOtSP'ITAL. TiI tue . i il U 11. 1 Arthuir Ks'an thue Wlitltîy boy who WIf ni got gdfo morther in w Nas wNNoitîdetfi ai ti' fmoiti on Marcli 1, Why R f goo fo antherniai' -rites honete l lits niother. Mrs. Jos. Those braveî andtinoihe soidi-e , Km-ami. titat i', w-as lu lsptal tom only Tlîey utfetm' tii r l tes thlai ' me lign u i tlis- n wt lat- Ito ulte Mway live Ini a landfitiuileut y, irnche i w hr n) h Maylilve Inii eland out tie free. irnie i-w. hr u> he 0, comuimit ttN- tthon art a je-sel <l' eIt ta ir. w-iiiliimwas forcedti t W'e el tis t lis'landftihtt te trie, s-ttiti iioi tlic ius;îitiah. w-hem' h was 'Wmhere su tlske,) 'sdenled ho the etldier -dis i-st uitiItui aIl I)c<-ý ut shrapnel Andi sui t t ut uanti rut. g iil Nas tsi 11I ln lu islutit p. le titi net If whiakm-y'e ni goto- r lte suitier, kiinow ai theti-limie ot -riiing lts letter. W'hy, uot.vlî-, te It thilis" Apil 1, wlien hi-w-ould hi' able te leave If w1fflikey's n ol goot for' a soîtiler the hosîsîta-1 again. Vshy lut it gooti for tie5 New let tu14hi' Patiulamand Ranf(ita. e ax-e Whithy representatives -for Amnd mttquit usmIves l1komenmi Maclmt-an's Mago4ine, the beat Cana- Andi tri'.' utiriuotiilr> [muin drink duait magaztine on the market, Tt la Ere il)#t soldivisectiti io omeagalin. Wben thei uttuiirs s-tite marching entlrely Canadian lu character, andi al- hum.e îgmiiî. torde heurs efthte best readlng. Tbe Be thei-i mut*ttv or fi- w. rsýgular price lut $1.50 a year, but club- 'We wili wmvIliittiti t in w 11h shoots etflied witlt the Gazette andt Chronicle It les.u eotandmoeceal.W Ant inmik wat thti-e oltiere do. cî eotieimr hal.W offe-r a ciobbed yearly subscriptiox ta If whilslîi's n mot gouti for te soldier, tise Gazette andi Chronicle and Mac- Tel] me,: oitelcl me truie, i.ean's Magazine, reguhar $250, for $2. If wbiisky s not goti fer tise seldier, Why I l îguîctuifor youu' Cal) anti get a simple copy etofIMa. IT ISN'T. Lean's, anti take ativantage et this ____ splendid etter. -o- [LOCAL HAPPENINGS 7%@ youing ladies of O.L.C. are lesiv- Ing te4-ay for their Enster holidays. 0o W. bave a cemplete line of Eaater tootwear for women and chiidren. Peel'a f3hoe Store. 0o )dm. W. M. Jemmyn Io now on stal et te Wluitby Pest Offie. te 1 Over 1200 nov mping suitîngs, Se the. Barry T. Tbompaon, Wbitby. Read imiges twe anti three et this Issue. -- R.v. A. C. Cummer, of Caninngtoli, ha. been appotnted Chaplain efthtie lS2ad Battalien. Mdrs. A. E. Chistian will flot nocive agam until October. 0o Over 160 patterasoft Madto.rder suite ai $18. HamryT, Thpmpaau àdensvuar Store, Whltby. -0 T. G. Deverell la this Vek l iylai cernent 'walks at the armouries pTp- erty en Dundas street emat. rutwo aud thr.e-of hie lMW eant..ia intestn.g lomaa » A" tu- Veillaiadnrtlsuu% ad tbou* Mr. AftUU2LMyi,6;,b» #408W posieoa *didéother 0f tir . Autiluir W It As-,. - ,$«m wltk tb Wu*I moie & - PAINT 18 A OOOD INVE8TMZNT IF' YOU BUY TEBESlt. JelRWIN, WILLIAMS PAINT -laTHE DxBT AND COST8 NO MORS TUAN T»E Ot'u"s.RS.OLD BY aGEo. M. m=ii EVERYTHINQ IN -RÂRDWAIIL The Whilby War "d efSochty wMo te thsnk Miss - ddt. Plzli-4 otAI- mmde. for a don&Uilea 0f 22 WWould b. taquot1% on ThUemiSýw ei.BI& VMit.l viril. tii. Ithth bttal$ la taIJ lauth. oosartos <fits, Im m t ad-. v=i tuoî se te tm« wmo-a -0- Select your Suit New for Later t)e1ivery. GOOD VALUE IN BICYCLES AT 0101' 1200 Patters: froiD08Ita 8M GEO. M. RICE'S. Grand Enater openlng of the newe8t T desigus in fine footwear at M. W. Col- a' lins' cash slioe store. Menswear stope, WhItb6- Standing n hocould -9ser to thi twelve houri, Iu4 Ina Wuinto t1.pao OtWod1t-yon h tl almon ooIld m'pm wou t ~ m ~ 7 -~ ~~ge ~ th r~s*g*i.*ver -«e witt, iunthr a nblic ap14 pineuf Que woei0ud4ccept it y and zi4 ?" aeia 119 UCB IIM e Mimaur -7 in te aW. Ila- at Dyec HËigbfMaL" -Solo: "RsurreetomMorii,>îJ Mril. T. L Rowe.Anthem: "alert," An lIdul traw lHat Ooior ln, every Way-NoI; toe glouaY and utîli1 fast (frein, .Twlfth. Maab)m) Mort. adwtrp4 akes el& hat* ilook juastlike New;*ntli.odht üV p&hâî.d dier. îý4.<> works welJ on Jltmket Work. 1 ein.-e-ntheïn.-"Lift Up Tfr, Èleado." Alithem: "I Know That My EAU - tg OSE-splndid Rosuits. Redeor Uvés." buett: 'imry With Me, Mr. . L ltweamIMr.Arbil 1tn~~~tfN with eaeh botifle. Straw Hat Celor tà puteup in the Lynde. foilowing standàrd Colora 3 p.m.-Dr. Waugh will address the mi. u*v BLUE, TAN, DARE -BROIN, LANDIhAL 81. DARE 08111, PUEPLE. Men'a Class ini the church. Ail ien For *b4di -.:Ahene coler,@ sk un te ibn* yon tira Shaded Color Card. Inviteti. Any bo ë tra'w bat caui be re-eolord Blaek. ______________Very ilgh-i.dàlored mitraw hâtà cati bè tee@tIoved a dam'ker shade of any PICTURES PRESENTED TO HIGH Ifs Lighit g liade of any 0010rril demir'ed, Rdd a littie Wood Aléohol te SCHOL.the Iee and sbake weli. NEVEU &ttelept te efflur a Blaek Straw Hat anither culot. Simpiy -DÙing the exhibit of pictures ln the - revive tihe comur witb Biaek. 111gb School recentiy, friends et the Enougb in every bottle hi color a good i sied hat. sehool teok advantage et the occasion 25 tO TE Wt ruh te make gifts of appropre.te works of2eAO TLE IhBuh art. The followirug are somte of the' ,pictures and donera:I J N Y "Faitbfui Unto Death,- Mayor P. 1 1 Warren. W T IEL ' " Portrait et W of," Dr. Chas. F. Mc- R G a d S A M V ST E IBeyhood et Raleigh," Mrs. T. A.' WIITBY. ONTARIO McGilllIvray. Forum"I and " Parthkenon," Mr. S. Sole Agent for Pdyal PreparatihAs. 'L. Trees. _______________________________________ "Hope," Mr. J. King, ___________________ "Laughing Cavalier," Mr. T. King. -___ Portrait of Nelson," Mr. W. J. H. FRSL Richardison. For Sale, To Rent, Etc.FO SAE IlPortrait et Wilberforce.' Mr. A. T. -___ Sma.ll frarne dweiling, witài or with- Lawler. FOR SALE. Mitlnt.>rs.Ilu. Gimbleti, (enftre St, "House et Florence Nightingale" and'S43 "Honure of Ann Hathaway," Miss Mary 2 sets sinigle harnest and n-c cart. t, Witb.43 J. Smith. Appiy at M. W. (ollis' shoe store. STRAWRERRY PLANTS. It Is underitood that several others are cormiderlng the matter, and the RoosrERt FOR SALE. Glen Mary Stramberry pliants foir walls of the HIgb School will sen bel Fine Rhode Island Redi rooster. oine sale. First-ciauts plants. W. A. BrougJîî. hung with the works et many ef the erodfo sae pyWC.Atn&SnWhb. olti masters. ya hfrsl. Apy~ : .Lt os hty Goodfellow. ______ UG FOR SALE. Miss Kate WPight FOR SALE.[ An Axrninister mug, in first-class coil- 200 gond edar posts for sale. Eight: dition, size 10 ft. 4 ln. by 9 ft. e ila. TEACHER 0F PIANO AND PIPE ORGAN feet ln Iengtb, somne gooti anchor î.ist.s. tUset only a short timne. Apply at the -iviy t jaem iiuuýevviituy-4z GazetteOfie SEED POTATOES FOR SALE. Ofl1 Seed potatoes trom Government 1I h FvlaofR RENT. ,a raw seed. Eariy Ohio and Camnerons. Good luleviagofroknarm. iuaIity. Order earIy*' Linlteti amtint. jhetise, with statble, an acre et land and F. J. Dut!, Brookltn, Ont -431I orchard. Apîîly te Henry Banner, 379 HOUSE FOR SALE. P romit St. East, Toronto. RougIt cast, #?Oroos, ail modemn con- BANDSMEN WANTED. veniences, large trame garage, god garen lageand amaîl fruit. Apply On all Instrumenta, for the band et onarenareBrnS.Botamttthe 182nd Battallon, Olîtarie County. on pomiesByrn S. suth alostAPPly te E. G. }Hazell> Bandmu.ter.- opposite Presbyterian Cbumc.-tf. Whltby, Ont. - Pupils PrePared for Toronto Con- serva.tory or Unlversity Examinations. Residence at Miss P. McGillivray's, Byron Street. Telephone No. 221, W- A, VOIJNG Civil Engineer, Topographical Survey, land drainage, subdivision designing, plans and drawings, etimates, etc., on contract work. Contracting. Box 243, WHITBY. iN T"e stock of your RkeHoes o.b4els, Spaesetc., aîd- i'epI e r-" 66 r prices wbil- we 1. WrMaryd'fl *î~w o 1HI pu? F PS, r -'i IDE ORONTO imi1â FI' cuti cd iUbe na snd Wbitby. PTICI*N 'L Es- t imatinmg 1gct.tmng

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