Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Apr 1916, p. 4

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,4'~JJ*J-;' -, f ~ C. A- hOGERT. Gouetai Mangt«a. If you hîve ai a disuiuîce (rom a branch of llii Dominion Batik- Dcposlts rnay beic nadie-cash wihdrawn-or *ny other Bankin9 * 3usinei. may be iraiîsacted by mail, Just as etasly as thougli one t. made a spectal trip to town for the purpose. d WHITBY BRANCH : S. D. TERRY, Manager. OSAW . N. HENRYs B3A 1 FO 1,î1, \ st iru finu Ttîî1ira;% ,tiîril C, lin Iînîs Ilîfîjr. ii A dtfi ) lt.f Iý frl i ' i i i 0 i III .1 ii or il- 'h IOiiz ch i of 7< 1) 1 j '- (: pi I . t ! i T,1ý -' !) i fit i lîs. i 'îî i,,-c "i %t î 1.t i,, i \î ' , 'f'.e \in Jtii" <' îîl l ii i î'Il d îîi 1 i 1 tilhî'î. jjt ' v s*lll i i b i i ma't ii I ' l'îd ' i i 1'. i I li, ' r1î1r1!i s if K mi ' 11 t! :tsIl eI Si THE lIRE SALEl M ti 1lesmsuokî'd goods. sncb as cantid atunon, corn, peas aad tomatoea thai ii.. iii 1.-ctiii quallty, are belng -old below cosi, some of Ihelr nelghbore u Oitsielietixutht nave arrIi'ed aluce tihe fine, sympah.hetlcaliy offer to sac- rifit>', ii uuselvi( 5also. NN e, tbo-refore. durng the ensuing week, w ill glvtj bargains ln maay ineit uniiclied by the tire. Scores of br'ountu iuve been suhd at sacrifice prices tiiii4 ti4ie past îîeek because of smoki- -ii i tujuty by tire. NVe tili have scout4tsl dlfroru 10c. Up. An lides of the targaîns we art. offcitig muay be had from the quotatIon tf n ft'w articles: Pckages uanc'hke floixr. inhnjuredîisîial pnîne 13c., neit ineek, 7c. lAc. ammonla pe"fect for 7c. rc. ammuuonta. watered. 3 for 1 Ue. Iî-c. cat,.upi fot injured, 6c. 5c. i-oî brand soda, good, 4c. b ,utes (600 matches) 3 for 10Oe. 16 tins baking powder, aew, 10Oc- Fi- ix lRed Rose tea, uew, futr 40c. 75c. baga paatry, new, for 66e. $l haga ipest Manitoba, 96c. SOAI-'UNTOUCHEI) BY TrEiriFR- Cumtort soap, 6 bars for 2"e Surprise soap, 6 bars for-26c Suniigbt soap, 6 bars for 25e. Taylor's Borax spap, 6 bars for 25c. tIigltftîl boap, 6 bars for 26e. Cosmos soap, 6 bars for 26c. i.nry aoap. 6 bars for 26c. 'YII4.UCOS-Rosebud, Polo, Bobbe, Siag, Currency a.nd Ring Gere, ail at ?c. per plus. NNewlil oell packages of Roiied Qats, slightly Injured by water, 26t. ise 'v or 2 packafes for 26e , eany whill these bargainas I. W. Ba PRINGLE & cos, 5stlu 1473 OppositeI'D Old Stand WH 11MW TH E STANDARD .BANK 0F' CANADA MUEAD orrîCu *-TORONTO SOLDIERS, ATTENTION 1 Our Saviïits Bank provides t suitable and convenient place for your surplus Funds. A joint account is specialy adapted for those going overseas, Apply to WflITBY BRANCH CA.McGkflsu bmsuag. CANADIAN PACIFIO EASTER -EXCURSION FARI3S Boa wean Aitations la Canada VFort Willam sumd E.t, »d te Soult Sw Mu Detroit, MMlck1 lBuffalo sud Magara fralle. N. y, Single Fare umtAM Minulu C harg~e 2b Cents - Faro and eTId *m A t$ m wm mIiiniuîin Charge le Conte gentie laxative and a tonic, IBeecham's Pilis help to Wronp" ofr' dri h ' hIi F iil 'f . il,'ry ~PR v v lFM U 1 T I.I 4 ," l!Su.' 7 Larî---t sale of Ani Meîlcine an the. Woril 1 e' ij j'1lr I eSew rywherp n boites.25 cents. ': . j i 'A i - r'S! ofIII i., ,htaillî J 'tif saff t Ilji., iii; is i~ ~ ~~~m( S iiaTuti'ibri bflîî , ur ' i.' ti aiîî ;i'iii ni ? ýt(Sui- e "i at" aii I oil l(>I'Iî' tîd 1 ri i s T e tW 'k 1 d1 x I i i i e Fi-t aidiuiniiiroîîî snd iici- ,itilii ii i hiil iTrotd lrdi icuîv iitiiii Ile Mai, i 1- tlro r i Il MiIitary Noues. !ARTHUR LYNDEý' Ti-- NQR lilii ijiiliiî\TEACHER 0F SI ýGING. Oli FrlçiFi.' afiî-ruuîîii lasi "..' Coin- 7~ii~i \uh iisî4,~i.illuSeilirMaoriHAMBOURG CON)'RVàTRY, TORONTO K R 1 -O li .i U Majoiî ,A \' MI'-,1l4c i n îh- i i i t \ A W i Nl îîi')"t1l t ' ilUIiFort Ed %diî: i ,-j. j îî'hu-hîu:il îbji-i if f iîhéir Ii l V i t ii(j,.i - ' ' ' v S tiir'fa'. do'vr, net isht Ieiii g) o inbc k onitr fi(, 1-t in> %vi'1h1ii""d <5 itl* B coulti not lit' N Ci()if UI tîî i e-iii fii l fia- -- farnily of .'irjilfroi,'Ilie',i(i-es-ai;i 1\t1i<d -AUi 1h.t ' KRRS oil ernuli .îîî lu' 1 S t uii 't'îriii ii wi n' i ri"dout bonel outin lu iiulîî'ailN di il 'lii 'l~arii futVl-l ix 'cf xx ;Is iiihuki ( kmi ifi- uîificuêrs W M. M A W strengthi iîid ',,i il).s h iî i iruii. N% )îe iî xîi 11iîUî i now do iii,il ii) îi l lii"if ctîand as- &NO V 'LtJATi(h. W.gus iii' 'iiv viiaid i( ifti' c(fiî)Iniý. The Ail kInda of sales premptl1Y attended lver anc ifîl re i-'s"-. ers x' i l itvsxii h (ho to. krrangenenta for saies ean b. wakan <i îrI of it ihe iwii, dnw n it hi' ii- rmade ait the Gazette Office. A &H ' li ". Terme reasonabia. A Board of Olicuý--;. sussiî of1 Bell and Independent phones. <'i. F. Il. NMond "y. Ca F)i. G. W. P-1 W i1YONT. vver\ and Li.lih G F.t;Guy m-111 con- \ i on. on 'lh îu sdav. Apr ti 1.. for Ii-- îîîdrvmInt iis Illègat absence of Pies J AS.BI3SHOP hlobi iiiîuo intuîReardnî N. C'. Me- D)onald anîd Alex. N. nntiNd Oshawa, Licensed Auctioneer. Buceama. 'Flic foliomlnz min liavs Joinod -C-"rt arak C.'inîaîiv diîning Ille.1 a ît.' -.o o arak.For termead W. Galrunu nI, NVtili: A. liitejohn,1 dates apphy to self or G. Robb, Whitby. \Ni rCgiar.W t. l'a nidge, 'ici(er*l- H HLac ing: 'F. .1 Whiie, W'itthy. \iVsWt tiiauî,A IR. lHopinus, i' I J l vI - and RIl haiIov - îho lookthie huai bai'- Glen Major, Ont. Mej onus ti ghtinlig anîd lli ysi cal iraiang 1- cta.ss Ilu>Toronto. vvtucb was conîîleied ILleENSIFD L3TIONRE tas; Sî:iiirda\, tiavuI-.- isî'ii nlirnd 1 nLedetPos the' company .. Scngt, F. S. Bava N000 IdtehojPone.Thi liflirhrgeofa qiad.liq ad o ak 1Sahos handled et reasonabla rate. Mei ,m>oiler" squîad III t1weirespnnt ciiassa Thons ate no meun fnom "C" Compîany E.O NT' tihirg tantirs. F E LUIIL LR OTOCIA pli vslcal iralnnug cass, la change of See 1îgl Ila~yési4 lenvarlng cîhlto.S E T C E anduh Iif-mfnutnuin.'d wIll ho dîstnibut- S E T C E ed ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~O tinugii i oiat.othtF 19 years the eading uhe saune blgh standard of iraling h hat tlîoy have ai tained Io niay ho In- (liiiaui of Toronto. îarlcd (o I(lue nest of tîje uin-.u. V rut) no rîmk lu gettunii Arrangements have been rmade to gi.kefot iu sectîre thie mai block of lanid Io the Thieftuhm Iimediatri weel of the armories for parade purposes. uo that the rondway w1il '1>01 be biocked Io tralllc.whien the 70 YONGE STREET. parade tn belng tormed and dlsmissedl. Corner Klug St.. Toronto.f as In the past. i_________ jA number of applications havre bèen ----- rocelved from n fothéecompanyP ploughihng and seedIuug furlough grant- ed by thé uîilitary auihorities. Company Quarter-Master Sergeant A. E. Seager, the new Q.M.S. of *" Company, le golng around te the dit- fereat companles of the baitalion. Ia- staIhng a new stores system. He bas had a long experience, belng tweivi years lu the Imperial airvice before- comnhg te -Canada. Prier to hie sp- poinûneni to the 116tb, ho *as Ma- chine G un sergeant et the S3rd Bat- talion. 182NUo BàtYÂUOIÇ -Lieul.s Drew aud Peafoeane noe attached te headiquarter, o! tbe Battali lon herm Lt..Col. Cockburn. witb Lieut. Doles, f3teckey. Teonat, SpencePro«t«. Lowney sand MeKengle, la eonductim la conjunction vitbt the m Batte.. a maisng recrulting~mag n »#MIiitii 1)oft*I*TUpart et thé. OmitY. The Bugle Blmi. limer teb* er shlp o! sergt. F. Gibbn, la nuaiila its pr«nee.knownth a u« mtort-I able doe. this we, la the4*p&1."d behiad the l*aks. -- The B a mnusmumt* are ezpest.4 te o as» le a mIOsi t e eok Fîenruitst. tIL çtiOl ta 0. l Pérer. W. lr lx ýb L SU&*. A. ber reemutd for tb* wftX * an >h<li le s t Im. .tie tl oe. mp Sergt. Majr - Olece«W& ~tsq*lWm six wréIs. wmtuumt *A ,MfrUIU RUN-DOWN WOMAN de Strong By O=i Vinol ,'dward, N. Y. -"' I wau in a run- 'rvous and weak condition. so I ,do the housework for my little 4three. I had taken coul liver Isions and other remedies with- ellit A fniend told me about trieti it andi it soon built up rny and made me a wel woman so oailo! iy housework." - Mm ;LIDDBN. sarantee Vinol our dehicious cod d iron tonie for ail run-down, id debillltaedconditions Ahla, Druggit, Wltby, Ornt SPElIAL Dodge Brothers Motor Car licftur ru u uy a car, vli t our warer oms andtiti (1Ct this car. e have a fulli une of farrn mahinrry i n bau. Carriages, Wagons, Etc. Whitbyq Ont. PRI~BS dics' Fit e Patent, Gtun Metal, Dongola Kid and Tan Button and Lace Boots, si, - 2 t104 Regular prices $3.oo to $4.00. Special Price $1.98 cn s l'iie Patent, Gun Metal, Kid l'an Btrtton and Lace Bc ils, ali sizes. Rc-gtuîar pnices ¶$j.oo to $s oo. Special Price $2.98 ree cases Wturen's Low and High Heel kubbers, just arr ii'd, 25c, 35c and 45c en's Knee Rubber Boots, ail suzes Spccial Price $2.65 Trunks, Bags and Suit Caises at Low Prices. -e Dr. A. Reed's Cushion Sole Boots and Oxfords for men and womnen. Makes Walking a I>Ieaqure. REPAURUING NE&TLY DONE ON SHORT NOTICE, LOW PRICES. lIe Cash, Store Me W. COLLINS Wbitby, Ontario MW-Omm iIdi~ FARMERS Çonide u, n An ykt Wh.n dyou, MYRThE STATION. MLr. and Mrs. Roy. Spencer spent -a few dayS wltb Mr8. Spenceg's parents, Mn' and Mm 3 . B. Beacoci. Mms Newton Wllson and daught .er ôf Burketon, spent Wednesday st ber par- ents,,Mx'. and Mis.,Eh -Harudes. the Stock Association loaded two car*s of Goyerument stock bere laet week. Several trot» here attende* the Pat- rltte concert at Prospect si Wed»Ws da ast. DU anybody get wet cuttflig woo4 oni No men con do egoctlye werk If con- stlpated-Uexal Om~erh1es afe an e!- fective laxative. Sold by RaxsH Drdg Mtin.s 11 5.a~ 5.bts .H Wnldy, Ânll14.ý- Auction at of m esand mm tOutatlthéli pio- MU64&cetroStreet Dlxýe, C., b en1s eghe mim 1! WIU ga i Ve ofo'dp, nlae Pt their- nn1toor >s4join their- unit ïxwbi¶te o te lt eta Vos te h(=~ lee to, t'hýby - béore leaving be tadvts. lathha le, ODsk-Of xvaro untàwr. MIT- l Sit li&Kteslra f rein K. Il. itlow. Whitjty '.#.su, et ~.* W, i.U.,iêe~~j>,p?.d*. 1' FOR SAILE» Win4 di lnd flisixof secone hlmsim4 lntbë à ri WI olilail lutabor At afs ual' ber. it * rI ou, 01 II~Il ,W-0 F. DISNEY, j J-l rn BIRTHS. Pet soital Mc' ilon. .day, AprIl 4. 191i6, to Mi, and Mis D n tMNrs. W. J. Mlntyreand bâby sPent, 'W. H. Bell, a daughter. a Iew days iii Toronto Iast s eek HAROW- Wltb,,n Tureay1vo Mrs. Mitchell Suth rland ws1 ~Mareti,30th, 1916, to Mr. aid '1rs. digefostivedyslat eé. Betrt 1Rarlow, a son. 'bout y u ietv Miss Stewart, formerly of WhtbYý MARIlIAGES. has been the g 1uest of Mrs. W. .1. ]Î. BUTRASHHAIG- O Wedesdy, roubl1es, sîi.k headache, fPIliardson. eh BRAprlSth, 116,Gracne d)nady. Delngo ontptin r. and Mrs. H. flaucom rettîrned th~ Weh Alîli th.191, Gac Mat)oald . redfelin orcontiptio. oWn last week after a mnvth's trip tp datighter of Rev. and M rs. W. M. rhe deprezsi<-in thatinduces (ubZ Il-alg. ('olurnbiîs. to Mir. Harold P. e Birmash, Ednioutou. .Ailîu. î'ernmcny p: -olDbly due to a Pt. H, M. Fit-ida.>of Oshawa,fi perfrnid byIbefaîhr o th 1.-j-~-.~ ny'ay. arong the draft of fifty-two soldiers bride. . sc.yw... liinvalidpd hume, who arrtved Ili To-i ANNI,- ,PINI)AII - A&itheh Nl(uihodlt iCorrýect st.imach ailments ruoo udy pansonage, ,Whitby, oit Wednesdav ce N Mn Fnînk (alvPrlev wqs lu town on April 51h. 1916, hlu lb'. A. Il. Fos- kJV -ýce *.JAî&-j.JLüJ taking siindiiy H le iniow eleetriciai' at ter, MIiss Atli(-(-Hei ihn8i'R a orna.Sir enry Prllatt'stl d;ar. of WiibtLtIo r.irfrloîîie ni \'alimer lioad 11111, Toronto. fr'k ".î s.<ifî)sae N r ,ncf :trs.A U, t;eeuiihi4-tds. of M ~ ~ 1 -T )C"S 'T i!n T.'iîîou'. on Toronto, iiene with Jiidg(- and Nis.i WNPIsdesdyAY.i~rll fii 1! 1<; b- ' Eî"% Mnltye oNver Sundaý-. Mrs. (8r(en- Dr .1-hu Ahi': brn.P lcf'f ML r' hlelds sanîg lu the MethodirCiun jdriîglitor of NIr. ;md \l r"omf, alt he Suinday rnorniluig service, and Srotti, (o SmulF. M rdnck, htntb1They aid di~gestion, regul-ate a i 3ii at li. ( litirch luin li, î-î'eui lg. I ~~7l Mi PIFlsi i>Wtîtv.the bile, ntlirstin'ulate îîri.d 'i1hONI on ' "'0Aufi:1. 1(;.liv, the fiver, ~ rfy the blood " hnn.' !! Fiiii* S* i.iiiiýi,» lrfiei. adtrî boeso i îîl~î i 'x~l ie irs I ~ 's~'Y'~V ;îù~îî.waste mnatr. Safe, sure, -- Air Uy1 Cr LJ'JLIl n Q q . i i 11 hi - il jT.\ i iý%, ive the agen cy for CANADIAN GAIE CG', 0F GUELPH CARBON STEEL FRAMWS Two- DIFFERIENT STyLES 12 fL, style F., at $6,00 each 13 ft., style F,, at 6,25 eaClu 14*ft., style F,,, at 6.50 each 12 ft., style M.q at 4.25 eacm 13 ft., style M., at 4.50 eachI 13 ft., style M., at 4.5 each g INOLE'8 HARDWARE WHiTov, ONT.4 v I rz Til' i youh(j i taî rni.g Oier ones ai.- The 1 celen Iourfof Doet a "" reserve1 Jerome The casê1ho Ing for Eth d eOnme Bto Mr 1

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