Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Apr 1916, p. 3

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WI CRO FRAW H"M I' A ShIp Fromi Brazîl, Wth izo Tons on Board, Selzed HT Off the Orkney làiahcls.u A despat-ch frpm London says- The This is believed to be a deliberate -wm Brazillian steameri Saldanha de Gama, caIIe of attenipted blockade running, 6, for New York with a cargo ot 1201 steamer fromk Para for New Yor tons of raw rubber, has been selzed could neyer have gotten so fair off J S RN 09 the Orkney Islands by a British ber course. This ie the first seizurel I sPl%%0 %dm patrol boat. The Pihp anid her cargo rnadt by the Admitraltiy of a complete have been placed in the prize court crg0frubr ONTARIO "DRY" ALLUES MASTERS6 t04M IJNTJL JUNE, 1919 IN AIR FIGIIING jeUIlLBIISVC Proîîhbitin tnlieEffective September, 40 German Planes Brougbt Down 04O Dvso 16, 1916. Durlng Month of March. , nFI>eatsonQ A i ithfr îm Torotote nist A i1tSPRtP-h froni London pays prfi t t i %v il 1<,ç put ioto force in French and Blritish aviators brought MLEIIE tAepathroiLnnays Teai Ont.ario on Septcmber 1i next. The'doivn 42 'German planes on the West foiwnofcaieaem twaîsed ou r f r ' ohibt iion wii be front dur*.ng Ma.rch, it uns stated on 9115W *pm"1 taken on the fist oiiday in luinp, Turgday in refflY to the official Ger-on0 urday 199.n i 9 MPî-rne )q the Pr'ovince Wîlmrian im i . ue W edne. day that unly D be "Iru nli tiit Châat.The liquor 14Cirm'ikn aeyr planes uuere 1o4t. licen!n' iattr oui in for ce in the pro--- q.C0m e LPIWUli ~ Let-éarlS'Gog .Gr n Vinec uililibe repealvd mwhcn the on- MAX; THE GOOD SAMARITAN. f VERDUNs.wh ucede eerlAi th tenu h mi 11ocrance net (prohibition) t LDNrne ymr goca ii <Trt If when the referen- Two Good StQrtes of a Most intelli- pros-le FliesWT d u mr 1 , t Fi î n t h e P e o f l e v o t e g a i n s t g n t D o g . T E W E K 1 E E LîM L118 I T E N V & . i n t U m i el-n n n e n e d y . e a prolibitiin, prosent licensehoiders A %%,iotrfuiiy Iteligent, livabie TOur henches lad been puahedIN forward tAck will Pro),atly gît thoir lit enges brick, htrc-d coilioN as Niai, thp lhoro The Germans atili continue to haninir away at the defences of Verdun, but their progress is slow.Idd bymnsosa twihn10ars " b <In for c % ill w m ca l option is o f M is T P. 0i, onnmor's book, 'Iog it w ould see ni fro ni the tactics adopted ly (eneral Joffre that som e of the so-called successes obtaine d b th of t e e mys p ib n, a d he e d- a d n fr c te iuril r n Vi 'dry. t I o h S ai s G er ians are prepared for them by th e~ French in order to ead the ni i a w el-set traps. O n Friday night o a t i g b t a i n f t e i t i i i n K a Illn t rîl, hî snt T hn(, il binmjU t mis 1it e N' i fferCon nofro. lil ts e r g w eek the G erm ans began a violent attack on the village of V aux. There w s a seve-re fight in w ich the e e y t e u h d t e e e ye fr t a d o p (s o tiruion TueGovrnmet lewrlts M-s OU'onor. itseeS- dl'P lost henviiy, and when the French gave up the position there was only a ruined village,.eodlnsl uc ucsin n Con4imiiriiig the cage îof ticenuieholders brown, thnîîghtfut, ktnd, Intellitgent, On Monday the Frerich opened an attakck on Vaux and recaptured it and on Tuesday the Germans sate Tetiduewscpue y6bn Who bavo long lenseR on their handq. Esud, above ail, rosasonable, wvere un- forgetablo, 14e was durnb, but he heavy artillery bombardment of the position. This was kept up for several hours, after which theGera ocoklutem nig ndr hewt spolie contInuaiLv uî.Ith tho>se true, Infantry came up to the assault. The French had their machine guns in position and (heir infaatry wl n upr fatleyadmciegnib 8ltO00SIîLiS%Ç'lIlEI) TO holîest e*es trenched and kept up a constant fire on the advanciag Germans. With great persistence these stuck t hi ie h 2hDvso otne1sc TIIE PATIIIOTJC FU'ND., One ntght, atter ho had bpeen itîh task and were mowed down by thi, heavy fire. Finaily tshey withdnew froni the attack.tiervcoosadne, ad b7wn - - us~~1li a f ow nmoîths, be %went ont at qei-en But it would sem that the Germans jrefer now t'o make sepanate attacks on certain positions atunte ______________________ Stufficeerit (0 lesit Titi Arter 1916 , t j, ou-teck and did flot corne back. It wa.s in place of a general attack on ail the defences of the city. At the tume they were being driven backfin Estimated. deepadfuit xeather In .anuary, rmuninng, their second advance against Vaux on the east side of the Meuse they nia le an attack on the Frenchpoion F m "' ' " ' f slpin Ti er -Çl A l ae t Haucourt betweea MRlancourt alid Bcthilicourt. la tii they were repulsed. Many other small atcste ilw is A diî'patu'h fm o Ottmîîvii Ses: ociocli1 cailed a>d whlstled; thpre have been carnied on through the wk More ttirin $ 10,000,000 hac; been sub- n-as tio sighit or sound eftihl. the General Sir Percy Lake sent an Important despatch to London on Wednesday steting that early thatmoa th uiriii vtî- Fm ()r Tîs mna le es ttgi- lIme sdoturnttRi 1ory ai-i- hoert ing he had attacked and captured a itrongly fortified position of the Turks at Umni-el-Henna below Kte- BTEN OTRO AD B mante> tboii ii-t tilltihtmoend of the irestl Aithiough lits cmiiiar bIt*rt, tmils s ocip- Amara. This news gives hope that th- forces of General Townshend which have been shuhi up la Kut-el-mr few uuonths in 1917. The krreat num- ti n. silice Iast fleceinher' will soon bc relieved, as the captured position is the iast really strong one betwen SrTHCLU IA ber of cnliqtrnentF, <uring. the past MAiX, T P. OU(onnor's fi-tend, Percy Lake's forces and the beleagucrcd troupe. aterbur- 38 Crosvicîor RIoad, P. W. The Germans again made several air-raids over the British Isles duning the week-end, and some cosdr few moumihs hnq s itu aLbu 1 reatr <ba tý,ît wouîd riuruiy tring 'hlm ba-k, If' able damage iras done to human life, but nu miiitary damage was obtained. One of the Zeppelins iras bogt IeaFenPoicsWeeMn dien to the fuînd an(] now eau-hrnionth on y foir the reward, 1 feit dieappoîn. down in the Thames and her crew captured. OtroBy n il r ce- o bt'îng t cipen ed asum ar ain cx - ld I h m e e neu 0W îs9e, ai1d t Holland's action in rapid y m obilizing er arm y at the tine she was having a dispute witb Germ e ny ba c e- i i tu t uniipa e e u g . v s p t v ey -tupld to gel l st. caused the K aiser t oe -ibhdra w Bso ne Of his troops fro n other fields and station then- along the D uteh bo d rLi ng de e n 'lu-lmîr, i th e bbc t ota p i o Inen ml epl a b sm sed Yie h o The fronter of H olland and Belgium al," je being m ade ready for a ry attack n that part.W m np g ec ed 1 75 ec it Of $5i25 (,)nt) whii-h je the largest %%"u any news of Max. Bbc said ne, Iti wolld seeni that the Germas are Iearning a hesson froni their heavy losses asouad Verduil,fothy draeitdyseetl.es rnonthe islnsmn since the war and 1 dressed, wrote out a description have somewhat chaaged their style of infantry attack. In the fighting on Tuesday lest they advancedagnt Neny1,0mnhvebnrelu bezniu. For thime Ont lime it exceeded of hlm, aippeul on îmy waterproof, fon the French, net la sernied ranka, buti in exteaded formation, making short bounds forwand in comptivl crte nCgryfr he aioshu the hîif-uilio mar. Thoamou t w t i l 1 ralulng, and started foi amail bodies as occasion offened. 1?he French, however, have o! late been attaiaiag a superiority o!fiead copad erutgisslh ong-ur thIbl-ilinmr.Tll mutte neareet puAtce station. Nvaling the Germans got to a position ia the attack on (Jheuffour Wood near Douamont, within fit ty yardsof he n.hb requiitioned for Maru-h ~ la ,0 down Grosi-enor load towards West. French. An asseuit was out of the question. Retiremnt was equaliy out o! the question, and the jdacd I euhkl ltWnie' e at 4'- - mlnstor I1 pased an uîîtenanted lines of Gei-mans bed tu lie on-the surface ut the gs-ouad, or in u-hateven trenches tbey could dig while ligbt CyHaliibeuitte u erci> HUNG(OI IN AN IIOUR 1 Iotîse, andl thero t-a thedoorsipetat l the tme under an effective fine of musketry and shrapnel. tecepàby$.0.0,bigwf AP-TER THEIR MEALS. 'Max. iret and bedraggied. beslde a a_____________________ toget e tilcli dog mwho, aretcheul at hlm feet,Twlecradetstis'aets t rýo criyi emn r wa w& breathlng -.eai-lîy. Max st)ooped M n& 1) m U f che,,I 'od, 31111; No. 2 feed, 27%tc. Barley! MARCONI INVENTION M oti Sc r ey nS er ns. >- Gr a bis noble ed andl lcked lm . L ft.O w 'Iu -~No. 3, 62 %h c; N o. 4, 57% c; reject- FO R U SE O F AL I , ca e t r u l W n i g s o k y r s î , MoreSerins.ing it lie muw me, and gave a suSeas- ed, 62 %hc; feed. 62i1/2c. Flax-No. 1 n a aetydrn l ek a A uespatch troni Copenaensamysi lien of Joyful. explanatory banks. Ho N.W.C., $1.87%c; No. 2 C.W., $1.84%. Wizard of Wlrele» Hlasn efce ondws.Itu A fancreurnd ro Beît stte kneîv thut belp lied corne. and lie toid Breadâtuifs.IIm oeetsD.M.B SeeelfLthrdeud me whyho lie beenout ai nBehrlhistseeator En1aùd, avumg h- th tisat tthe- weekly bread allowancm for jîtot y e aoliean t alcen-y us- gToronto, April 1l.-Menitoba Wheat Montreal Markets.AdsptlfoiPrsay:Ggi co ison a eaoh jerson le only suf icient for' suh Dg' oead Max fohIowed -No. 1 Northern, $1.16%,; No. 2, do., Montreal, April 1.--Cern-Amern- cime Marconi has invented aseiltaIpra ry th e ast p tcks The re a, hw- nhndsa thssrane1.1f4%; NWioia. fCaa2, Wderoo., 2% tew $1.e1%,dtemkea esaiigoagî stoiream, m ta tIice lay. O th reuaiingdsy tothnd, s lthe. 81gr afl »e .14%;rtWilio. 3 o, 11',l t, an No. 2 yelhow, 85 ti Soe. Oats-_ apparatus based on a ne-w picpe f . ~ A~~~osw they etptt ae. hr s o-tered, thon11ranl back te Greevenor Mntbaot-N.2C.,4e. 3;No. 2,5Westno.e;5e2tra o 1 i chanle t)idopmeino eo peoaàn r wn aet e cirer, an lacreasing shurtage of pote- ' Rad. He as ao uemucis fatlqued te o Mntb as-' .. 4c;fg;N. ,6 a61;etaN.1-icag n h prt toea. The price of sma8, cok, 41ct; extra No.thi ftit, ad1cl;p. aeldNo.03,to., 4c.;;No.tralocal fweite41cplaneseand0%dtrig1b.esNo. 2local white, planmsondater-20,000.mThi alght cents. A dollar uneal et a rou-1 the ne-at of the day. 'No. i feed, 40c, in store, Fort William. 50c; No. 8 local white, 49c; No. 4 ment last Just been made, aeerigt c.GegeFx tRpd Ot aurantlte Bo amal th t people are The policeman un nght duty sad Ameican corn-No. 8 yellow, 83%c, local gwhite, 48c. Barle -M anitoba! 1a Brn e sa tch te thmlk e Ou - r na e ~ L w . b re d h y n e o n OLIOY - i LIfe, lE CO*.? 'ORY 'TIGRIS CAMPAIGN ch Banik of River, and renches Were Taken. lad dr.-ven tIce ?Iem eout of lis rt and fifth lined. Aeroplane reconnaissances tIen re- cd that the cnemny wà% etrongiy Lfrcing his entrenclunent., et Fe- e and âannayyat, position» 6,000 12,000 yards, respectively, troin front trenches et Umns-eI-ýHens. those positions could onhy-be ap- ucled over very open grouisd,Gen- Gorringe ordered a further eat- Ldeferred untIl evenlng. In the meantie, ou the ziglt k, tIe Srd Division, under. Genetai ry, captured the enemy,'s trenches c>eite t-ho Felahie posltiou,; Durv the aftern 'oon the enemy on't"b k made a strong counter-sttaek infrantry and cevalry, supportad guns. This counter-attack wan -essfuiiy repulsed, and tohe position was censoiidated.po PEOPLE MURERED c NEAR SASKATOON, m Annuels Aise Shot Deis and, Buildings Set cen Fine, despatdlu from Saskatoon, Saak., A whoea mlvof six wa wp- out in tho Wakaw district on Wed- lay nigît, Ice Prokep Manckurs, wife, s brother-in-haw aed tbre Irna were murdetred, t-he bouma ed over tlefr dylng bedies, and r animais shot dowvu and left leo ah l te burnixsg buildings. The. se *as dlaeovered-whea a neiibor king eut of bis houa. on Thjirsda5 nlng, s8w t-h. .tiIl-saolng r14 the. Manclure homestead. 'I$.k e was evidently commit-ted by a Iman, la vIoe . ande t-be rifle d ln t-he ruina lad evldently boun 1 withterr1be ffet Notracecof' murdetwer as been dlseovened. )BUS GR 08DIER'8 flýOE.î Key of V75,00 Laft te, Fiasse.bt- t - he ecuulebonof tockel aianerepasl- hn-Jupe îîîsiy oJ<c'eo rdaeg te ampie, 84 te 1May, $II*%19 t-o 8 ;Joly fL.Oi.;; a. - s'ray e t rWorm, Sme se1 aaq. hiaThtTI.Ww~ L-s theorlagcumutlatiaoeutaida so.1 bad, 8.24%;no. thonruad beesr.lawd 1r saon.. Individluel ment card.e probably w-ilj theseest beside tise geitleman» te bad -o$ 1 Omoo* ert Me $~ so net- ha Isuet ln FBerlin. Raguletion leaaed agMant hlm ioulder. T1%e iaan MTiie lrmenclou patnte.bal.2% wbkbui limmtiag the supply for each retatier. 1 trusttngly teward hlm, but thseMinui Jute basé, $6; stroeg baisers' ln Jute low, 75 to e oOte-No. uts, 42 compleîeY lgnered hlm. T%0 mleutesjîbapp $5.8p Tooto. te 42%r.-Plouc unanlg*& .Bmn. - -~~ r- vere ellpping by-we were to get ofat IOnstario flour-Winter, aeeordlng te 818.25t. $19.M0 8HTCRSGRIAYý»pe 4.16 te $4.2U, t-tek, Toronto;,- Duluti, AprÙýIl .Waê..e -a e.n#aaealabsoy?5tii WHAT (ARES GFI1MANYDAi Soue Square-wheu, quît t. jy~,42 e$,6 uksaorpop ad 12% o othr,8.8 HOW SIIIPS WERE SUNK ? anid softly, Mai dropped Ils llkyy u44Met 4, bl e ».pm te 1.2%;N. 1 Nordwm ,$Liq,%4 A despt£hfroni Arnsterdam sayst'on lise insu' andpe e d apae. l'h. ilKd--Carlots, doJvvemi Mont--. R..Llrseod--Caah,,$.12 -te -Commentiag on (he Amerlean e- aemiably tla li "tryface. sliogral tne-Brsn, par toe, $25; 82.1%; 14y, 82.1; u07# $M4. dre adnttetoriedofing eof *You've conquered, olid teleow.,"h@ n eto yosteamerssex andi Englishman,' a .aais sni Ihhm~ ton, $27, toml feufior w , R 1%eo Iîamnburg Nadludicbten qY*t-ient like dog», but Ifthby w q~~80te $1.70.n-, pil»-Çwo "Who un Oermainy carma whet-Isr t.hIesé 1k, -o auhie isetri;l ahipa mare torpedoed by lGe runan legi hui>-e. Matrines Or net? They belongod t- ountry ois,., 2ote *115 te $1S9da. Mdti ere used by the enexny and vers SPAIN DEMANISEXLNTIN82;ltelrMt So- ns.r 1*d.Uoo deafroyed. TInt- f ilH e rare ahoi PROM GERMANT. p!.ta 6t l;i S~8. htê..b1aéI,~ ~itt-le moment," A 8p70; fwkad4t myah ff&olad.23t.24; o. te. -- cmiartn,24 te 26t IN $28,149 P<TF&î 'ni1e0 SPantalsCabinetb hdadti a Io&y4 ls t10 .te 0 *% IN GREAT RRffiTMN. l1155t1ULth ie Ambassador et-nearilà e Lte U Cliw.N. O*214 to 1A - requet- froua tise Gosmnsa Gewu.st-w.,eet t p A despatch !rom Londongasys lBeir. plasation of t-ho sink ft t0t-ha e a44t-e 4,tIa li-tut* esMt,' 11% berb Samuel, t-be Homne Seretiry, ia Ope"l ssteamer Vgg aMs& a *iU mdlkj rePly (o a question la thc Houa. of ta olt-* p ik7th regard to h e Utse nigitta vs 1 Ootmouîs on Wednsday, sMiditisee of iteqtral« sthese»a& it-o4&,tfc gee1 u-os 10 ~number of cIvilises ia Brithiltmurg. Ment camps ait préent wuas 849. GERANT TOt SKIER AU The. nunibenrerloasoti ram th" OX1,TAMG FB aesup-10pt#6a campa hîeten Octoor andi April 1, tti ho saoid, rss 884. A'eptu rm psa. aa Welh- fsals- INTERNAL TROUBLES ha he roëm »W ha. mya se s it«_teU.pare Ba-~,tt RIP ININLGAIApeet. tbe OUUM 8'vwm te a _A iepatcl frein At-bina sfs:.. ,ag 1. o.. tt"ude SI, Glienadîif ourPI Veas' uu of -etBulgaris sas baieau el1 LU WRSIC Sela wltlxseréas te. ~t éir À <rsu Bri Ibos « t tbe lo, ~rm5~ p'd 1>">oi à" lbsn a ......... l'rmiimiberO the s Iti to me Wh" - bi Md=> md be ilie- kined ai tbt% *I"Irj KY d the - db= «* lu wvwIý Ï14W îé, z ýýýI

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