Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Apr 1916, p. 2

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-TWO - t Preparedness in the home. The humble lit tic cottage or the mansion on the liii i areï equally dependent upyon the * Telephone. I t guar s vhen - emergencies arise, and is ever 4.-. serving irr a thousand wvays, great and smail. - ~J~LII-<-~-Get a TelePhone and save TVie fitil T'1r-p taî-teCo. of ( <aidci. G.entlemeign r P'h-'oe per-o'rî- nbrti tRe-itdenre Tele-pitot-.c-rt- 1% a mie 4'f fid r ,-'m WHITItY TOWNSIP iC OVNCIL. to grant his cheque ln favor of T. J. Coutncii nmet (on April 1. M îh.cilnfligan. 8Sec., for ahove amnount. Gîthre.flrown - moveti that the ail present. ll.'< n tt-' cair. MitF < oqlllcIi make theetîcuai )rant Qf $30 lites of met meetinîg rend and confIrm townrd lirookiin Public Library. ed. A fem- accounîis a. r.' îresented It %vasînoved that a bonus of 16c. for payaient. t-titih. granitlt to W. M. Lawrence for A d.'pttation f rom Irookiin Public about PO> roda on .'ast aide lot 29, con. Llbrary. conieting or MIr. NýVlteford,,,fi and Mr. Kéeheii. ak.-d for uisui grant i Gutiîrie-11ll- iioved that the' Count- In aid of theii.'LbrRr>y. a-a8 hearti. j c iipk a grant of $50 towards the A depîîiation from flrooklin Fair 1 Brookiin Spring Fair, profita to be B3oard waiieti on ('outncil re donation i given iln aid of the Rted Cross funti. te Spring Fair. F. flatty addresed the tiail-rroiwn--Tla>tihe Treasurer be Couneti. andi le hereby authorized Io grnt bis; lit was mov.'d that the 'Cotîncil make chequte ln favor of Miss A. Olver, for the usuiai grant of $10, b.'ing th.' an- sro, to pîîrchase yarn for patriotie pUr- nual ni.'îîîtî.re;liip f.'.' of the. Hydro i 1) os Ps. Blectrir Railway Asso., and that lbhe Cotiiti adjourned 10 meet on Mon-~ Treasurer b.' and i hbereby atithorired1 day, May lat. msÎster$an , -4in i.rr - ... jr k T.X1RL>IA', AFitIL 18, 1918. - I T .e frWhltby Grammar sieboola an« the Uni- then have notfice, -and the sald admin- theNe o. Matie versity of Toronto. Re narried ln istratrix wiil not be liable for tesi Auguest, 1876, Catherine Amelai, daugh- assets or any part thereof, to .ftfy per-, The olloing ette, wrttenby ler of the =late Qeorge McGiilivray, of son or pet-sons of wbose dlaimi notice Thefolowng ettrwriîenbyone' Whitby. In 1.871 he entered the lum-ý shal l ot have been re.'ved by him or of the officers or the 182nd Battalion, ber business witb bis father, taking bis said Solicitor aI the time ot sncb is wortby of the petsai or eve-.'the î. management o! the Gatineau anti distribution. reader: Ottawa Rivers brancb. He wns a Dated March 30, 11916. Th I2id latatoi ai ieîedaJiietice of the' Peace, a County Coun- m.îî>TWilýSoN, Thc8tdBiaio aelsida Ilior, Mayor of Wakefield 1878-8.H Adminisirai.rix. rircnlar letter g,,Ing In detail certain 11,8c1ec1diî cvra bsn els le tiivA tN.le oiio informnationî regnrdiîîg tiim Hattaîlon nti nîher enterhîrises, ltîcitiding lbhe 631 ('rnfr-'dîratlon lI.Ie Tldg., wtîich ie heing ralceti ln Ontarjo Pr-otestatnt Homne for the Ageti. anti St. -42 Toronto. ('0111ntv anti cornmaied by L.to.A., Anidrew's Society, Otmawa. For many years he 'was Commodore of tit, Otta-- - A Uorkhurn N'oit hotlti t-catilitrare'- ua Canne CiW* In 1405 lie gav otc'>'reior n fiil ant i gv,'il 'cuir conseciettntits'$5.000 tb Qtie.'n's lIiiivereity. He'- v N tce oCrdids n rolsideral i. l a Lilieral. Others - 'lO 4911m1 siîh. Iitheet.of tîies-aàr'Mr. MacLaren s'as s-cll known liit__ te tîi ttiertuii lterea cisi lasW'bithy. Hie famlly have setn tilt' lititilt,- estate of .Johntî >iHart, late Is ill tiiretalitherea crqislis tmlme*r lipe.'for severai years Itai (fteTwsiofW tblth flt it 3.arriî t't. WXnt 1he.' onm aitht ur cîlminvr home *'înve-riyn.' the tif he o ntarîîif buiessmanatiir, %VIii 1>. witti.'crisis rioes arrive oId t ýt-.îciliivray liomesteac, it iithe.'W et (,ottnyo, narod.encemngr detiende on VOt'0U ht ,i end of the tovni. andi Mr. MacLiar-t dtcaii Of ha av- il 'IlfouttîI me frotilis dulties to lit' ler.' Notice te iîeretîv given, pt-suant to yon r lîrotict lii' t0WI't- f ite nt th l iaS rt-iteiiSection 56, ('hait. 121, R.O., 1914, thai 'r.'m.'moment w-ien yottr comrades Mrs. Macarî'n Is a sicter (or Miss estait, aviîe taiJonîs laant the ii cl rhums i lit. -tr-is are-'look- h.I )r. C. F.-anti. i itia ' I'. MA iii d' inglîck rititîîîdtioiîg aaielliv t-ii,.of Ibis tInut ed lit ilit' st d Town cii tp of MIt î Ing er or h i f 'r-nind t c li al i. stiir tîh o> Ot it ?file tweiHittftti day of Dece-rnber, tri tt > O t et 'Ir" Moc iiift% v, is r " v. and-tirî. hyiv cît, ireiaid, It-o.James N. tucHart,i otîilr eIoiieliiiu .oiî, u>t-d llu' ' e î td it- n tt lt' o li d 'Ie'dA. NI ;1. 1 i -rottklitii, Otari. Illie Atimiii ist ralor, vou rf l)oii;l)iii. , M't lip(j % r y, ie-if, f lt(,uf-it I o t ie saldîtii .ettîtîe. îot or ta-fort-the 2Slb tht-' foodi, tri,, -..%- t- , " ' "t-d the mi rîdt.% îof Atili, 196it-i eir ntîm esatndi'ad- ie t lrut'. luit l<tiîî--tî--c îîîî îîî\NcF*- drecc.-'c andr a fîtil dt-u.-iit itîn of tlieir iiotfor foo . ý li ilt fr ione%. ri alints, andti hei natuire-' tf Ile sertir-, Ilîîîa ro iti- I. iittC 1>4>1 our ntuttt- ilie.? N otice to Czredita S. I1114ts. Ir aity. ititliv Ytiît-'îi. and t nne rri ' î-N uti ~ ricie tiFiîrlt-'r tîi' tîttIe»t. huit afler; j Ni art ' t tadizut ctatI i,i a cii ek ctf--t f it.ttî (if olrît r tîi - ilt-lt ltat-tei tttit-s. t it.-Ir fanîit-its anîd frien-rde. it molntet-c.cîtrificiîig aji le) itihîtditiîttr lîî'îttor Cati 'oit get- litîls atî ti Iiltal, it--m Pittlite mini- excusce Ilat 'otirarc tît'intg 1Ioîîroduîce a itilltatîce tiffoodi for ait icityoiart, lînId Ilt.I tliv - oîtti t r.% vou tîrrfeme 1 sct-nt-'If îhislIr, ottr ecie.. hnt le i i, aîriir - ' ati Ilfornaîmomnîtn cotnar>- m' h liitîlof 'îîttr ct'lt til a got-qiit'France-.-atndilit.%c doîî tilHs ~ilfi- lit iîrdt'r ilit,>; '0t ilt>, rt--ain î-nr 1,i it-. t ottr fainili' - 'otîr '-ît r ît tfIlinri tlii, ii> attritdjai. fat-t- tii cet mi tt t-isIefieci ill, ît,îtIlrinliî' 'Fi,. at- l, it il iti c ;l îIl#-% toi t' T it î'lttnt'te trfîpromoîîî ttni.t'rfiî- art, 1 t c t in tci i rt i - ni 'minh o it% O1it ilit-f g it<d V îîîî Nafiilt-. ii tn t-m -rv ohihor- t1111 î Iov i dio 'Fie r tîttlrestire ttil maittrk t>li iIir tîriift-ee(lt T I titert- at> 1oi o ' citui lîs t>tîîî t hei i-iii. tnditi iti ho titi-m mjit tir it tttilniiotitigo otmer- '-c aitî t ll [i.it 0111n li , c-grfýt-a tutu 1ltio'f Itle- g-fittit-etti eiitlt' service ii mitr idvtaIs oii rotlîtt n tnriivt'ArI aaillery-liit.<irîdon lter.' haIlgs naîiiîîlre. totî(.-of the grealest otf itle ,rect-t iyear.(iii.' tf our rom- rîtîe le sknet'ilîg ht'lnld lits ehaitereti t'tr-al,'e ýle-t.'rnr. îm i- h mm tndeci t-ttniraTit-. Ihil evcolve.r lealinostet ml- I iFh etlieni le graditaIli- drami iîg djoser lit-' looks att xiotîsiy it.-ind him. 'Fliett i t- of rîil-,tir-itre ic. '-W 11iii Tii.' Nt-m-t'r Uotttt- TTtI!; tîtt-liîîc 'tIiil 'an yoii resis l " ' ItmluititIlit tt miaslt>' Toîwneht of XVtt i iutîadtîhIle Xlowvn tif Wlîil lîy dtiritg li ii' ttei îontilior ttîg.'r. Thier ll lcr.trlrs jle at hlli. o anti t-e t fitem Tht.% -- 111iiitreat yoiias man ti nman.tA-t thiem'kîîos Your diffleill- ti'c oîîr obligations. buît for G;od*s sake. lme ay Il rpe-rently), face the malter siîîarely. David MacLuref DeUd. Davild MacIAren, banker aîîd Capi- taliet. dieti in Ottaîwa on FridaLY night, April 7tli, after a ls-ngtliy Ilness. H.' s-asln bis 68th Y-car. Lacut ypar h.' retlred f rom the prealdency cet t he B3ank of Ottawa, buit remnained on the directorate.. Mr. MaeLaren wu thei son of an em- mnent lumber met-battanis-as bora la Ottawa colînty, qutebec, October 5, 1948. H.' wu educateti at Ottawa andi 'fi._CtiOiIKlf «' MD Nwor Ist made by resourtea. Ir, moecy.y foodiut.m w-i nby omasd by mostonLr Brem l «ff W u neim. It lu tbe lmpeeative duty of cv--y mmsainaGe étu> poeduo &U thai lie cms. to work doubly bard wbUeout mollsae « f.tweý in or tet the 4othmtymymSyecmvdt Inc»rgd, for the gpt t>*at lubfoew Work*W*e laa good motto fo«Wrde-41,-IOÂ Lsua THE -GALLI OF EMPIRE- GOIES 4AAIIlU191 WHAT 1$ NEEDE&? tr 1 rn cuLmý- Jtatme-s lloî aie of t' l'ontitîitS niIi ; li lît iiti- t'oî i i of Ontatrio, f Nutitct- e sht-re-t.mvgivit-n - îu reuant t 1 Sect Ion 59 of'iaittir 121, lS ).1914,1 j that ait hiersons lîaviîîg aims or de-1 mande against the estate of th.' saiti 1 Thomas James W'ilson, deceased, Nxiho t dieti on or about flb.' lt day of Set>- lemtit-r. 1913. are reqîtiredti 10seîîd ly fpo1.t,îreitaii. or delver 1n Aîîbrey Bond, at 631 ('onfpetration Life tiiid- ln-, Toironto, Solicitor for lte AdmIti- ictratrix. otn or liifore lte iItdîy of .Nay. 1916, Ibetr Christian anîd sur- nnièe anti addree-q. a%itti fuillitar- t icîtta rs In %% I Ii.'of ihletir cdeimiesanti stltt',nu-'nt rtf itîtir aîuitsandtihiel ntutre of Ili( te ctirlies tir aniî i Iett ity v ut-m. dîîty 't rilieti li.v cialry îvde- I ciarabitîn 1 Atîd take ntnile thaI îift'r rte saiti Firet day of' May, 19W u ilt. ,afflAdmin- Istraîrix uiviiItroceeti t» dîtrltute the neset't of te eîid devP-eaetd nnong the pties iîcntitieti tht-rei-; ut. itt tg regard tiy t-i lte ciainte tif n hici h.' ehati 'aid Atitititraitir \- Il]i ircc-ed liidi- riiititt, tIi. pselai' ti.' eiti tectaseti aiotîg Ithe partiltes ut-I ltet lte Pret o, havinig regzard ,oIv b ociaims of which 1w-. shaih theil have notic-e, and the said Xdrniittrator chah ruîlt h.' Hable for he- assetit or anly part thereof, t0 any prron of Nvhose Malin hie chai i fot ht-oi have 1 celveti n<tic.. .1 ',mîî'.N.iH.îr .Admlnistrator, hy hicSolicttor. i)te#d \prIl 1<916 ROYAL THEATRE, wadafîI15t nces o rainpîl. fortee officepositins§.Te nea -il oni Milîîîî mr. Ontto. (iariffl R5tllemOu I P re Stiiinoss? NDivisconion at COUNTY 0F' ONTARIO. 1. WHITBY-Mine E. L. Macdonnell, 1 Wbttby, Clerk-Jan. 4, Feb. 1, Mar. 1: Apr. 4, May 2, June 1. JuIy 4, Sept. 6., Oct. 8. Nov. 1. Dee, 4.,Jan.2. 1917'1 OSHAWA-Mtsu E. L .MaMdonell., Whitby. Clerk-Jan. 5. Feb. 2, Mar. 2.1 A pr. 6, May 8, June 2, JuIy 6, Sept. 6. Oct. 4. No*. 2, Dec. 6. Jan. 9. 1917.1 2. BROUGHAM-M. Gleebon, Grees. wood. Clerk-Jan. 4, Mar. 8, May 4. Juiy 6, Sept 7, Nov. S. Jas. 4, 1917. 2. PORT PERRY- J. W. Buruham, Port Perry, Clerk-Jas. 7, Mar. 6. May 5, July 7. Sept 9, Nov. 4. Jan. 6. 1917. 4. L»TXBRIDGF-R. J7. Moore, Uibridge.» Clerk.-Jan. 14, Mar. 10, May 9, Juiy Il. Sept. 19, Nov. 24. Jas. 12, 1917.I 6. CÂNNINOTON-Tho& . E T4t.r, Cannington, Clerk-JaiL 1à, MarS, May 10, July 12, sept. 20, Nov. SI,' Jan. 11, 1917. 6. BEAV3RTON--Cbaa. A. Patersos Beaverton, Clerk- Jan. 12. M",. 8: May 11. July 13, Sept 31, Nov.,Il,, Jan. 10. 1917.1 Cet Vour COal Whlere you are sut-e it wili be Clean and Bright Our cool ijq weli acreeneti. %\Ve guarantee prompt de- livery anti good service. ()rierR mnay be Ieft at the tîffice of J.H.Down ey&Co. Jas. Sawdon Whitby, Ontarilo EASTER EXCURSIONS SINGLE FARE satile ay. FAR[ ArlO ONE-HIRO <,o(l go1 îîe N jri I '20, tel,'2,. 23. itetimr,,lAmit A;'rii 2tjth. ttetîri rt>g-kers wt tute itAAdltt'tt JLwt'ttU in in g lhiuUr ur t-UutSmMMK 1att etattitîts tnt attaîta taRt cif Porrt r tr 7. UPTEROROVE - Daniel Leoard ! Eacb Nlght. Atherley, Cierk-Jas. 11, Mtai.- l',fouitd I)etroiît l iltîîrt -litîroit. Mit-ht., The Broken Coin every Monday nlght May 12. Juiy 14, Sept 23, Nov, 21: JtitilaiutBlack Rot.-cNiagaras Falis and Saudyngt 1c oal aI. 9, 1917. Ststeiitilrifige,N.V Salu-da niht, Oc.to it.(By Order) Big Broadiway Fettres every Weetnes- 3 PR* Wn. Ticklets a.nd fuil information on ap. day anti Tlurstiay. C <>ofthe P*Àb&plictiont1 Grand Trunk Ticket Agta& M'RS. PERRIN, Manager. DateG at Wbltby, Nov. 14, 1916. E~t teptî.nîtîin. Aitet,Pi-iî.1'6, Whitty. ?TI ~ Records WillîiCOst You i Less T1I1I price-redtctiîîaki-the dire-ct outc-ome of mîîkitîg recotrdlsla Canada. The acilti f thc Canadien fact ory hâve b-een increcc-d--bigger prodiuction A standlard prit-e 9c-ent; is m e nw pplied to lu ai iiincb Columbia records excepting otihy the Grand Opera, or "Sytn;îlony" series, 14hich hlave alreatiy- I been redrt-cetl itiprice. I For 12-inch records, a standard lîrice tif $1.25 ba%- been tinade Possileî few of te lateat Coluubls se- icctioui'-5 ortasisof lte lite. f un. sentimtflansd dasait brut ceesen icc ln (the Aprilt oluîuîa ltst. sow on sale» A. 1940 Iole., 85c. TWItN'rY LAtSttONa GW îCi s>-.tiY AS A jD5 155, COfKY !UDl'L(GVUP CfutouIt t bu~ »the iol'èi pris*of t A. 1940 10 i-5e. £2 utiTit ASTWi Polo eut tendtl'u wie0 wth oreeotrac2i tut- A. iflia. 01 H . ', 1?fi - tiM5A rd~ No deviation froin the high Columbia standard. It is the price oîly that is lowered-not a jot, the quality. - That will always be mnaintained. The same brilliant tone, the sarne clear soufnd -production that. bas won for Col- ubia'Double-Dise records the distinct preferenceso widely accorded them. This announceinent nicans a bîg saving to you-to ail owners of dise ma- chines. For Columbia records fit any suc-h machhtTe. It means, for instance, that those deiigbtfui -Hawaiin and Marimba selections for which"you have'- ,.~,,.herctofore glactiy paid a dollar apiece, cati now be Coium bial obtaied for Me5ecd. Ê-si _ *1_ _1 Coiumbts records are dubl-a selecdton on echl sicle. uratonoias oEupywstq oaet Andic sur* seeotm. Itht vcy hutest song bits anti a vast viweîy of standard musié. as plAýfec or isting by the worJd's g,4stest martseandi entetan. Thne New CO/ mbia -Catalogue, 10 Now ea9èdy A easy iWlb. fr h anded ^You bile any Coluf*sW dal- .. --r, -.- - ..- tt an up.tor =,t nte" ~RhK r. OATS, lIAT, CAN.NwfID fVVSPRU~T- 5J* PO1tX.* BACON, j l - @ftCltOjçd oTheaWifficultiet «#.ergterI ýw -w Ihqnftcrtwaduceto hc lm5t $RIQULTWRAL WAFR BOOK t'OR 'ma9j6-- I NIOflOLSO SDON [OISDRTAIBRS C'AN ADA from- lier abundancr cmn hbnp supply -the Empire*% nceds, ~and tbiq niust be a comforting tlicuht for those upon whom the heuvy burden ol' directing the Empires% nffairs bhsthten laid. Gain or n0 goin the cour." befort the Carners of Cnada is as cicar ais it wat last year -tht-y must produce ab-undantly ia ortr to meet-the demmade thât may be made and 1I rer I'- hs le be.especiay true 1h regard to ive stock, the worid's quppi (if wlich must b., paîticulrt-y affected in this vout struggle. Stress andi %train mov yet be in ointe for us &Il before this tragic cotîflict ls over, L'ut flot ope of uns doubts the fIssit Rpd Cmnadiasu will do their duty in the hîgheut ensé of thst grat woid."-IION. MAR4fiTIN BR RWL.,Mntsgr >'.rru*.. ..daim,

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