Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Apr 1916, p. 8

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".1 .~ 'i 't .4 'ta as, t, t' i' s - I "'.'~i'r ~ a s't~î~. I.' - + -If '~r -V r au' 1" "4 'c' 5i' tAILORIO SWI4MDYLtde M&km of t48bynre. i~Uod .I~h~i for W"1v on Frtday last. atter spendlng a month with ber brother att Welland. Mr. irank Diclrson, ot Toronto Police Fuo-ce, was horne over Suriday. The concert given bore on ffîday evening last by -C- corpany et thse 116tb Battalior awu ell attended. No recruits woreobotatned. Mise Olive Hetse>r spent tht weeok- end wtth frienda ln Toronto. bisen Grnge. 0of-Toronto, spent a few daIs with hei- frietida, the MIasea Nickle.-i AIl kinda of soft drinkiat the lead- Sau 'store, J. B. Beaotiok & son,&. lot ernwillbe on ou@ àiIela"ib. Watt for l4citsonsteeecream, smeoth am velvet Mi-s.Newton Wilsu sMd daughters, et Burketon, weî*e lu ouvillage la" week. liow You %Iay Reduce Your Weegt. OverstoijineesTi' a ve-y uweleiu OOslI(oa,,tsap.eisla ithe prisent daW wbeuiender Stsaum eut .00 Wlob- &ble, sud el'e.y seer of this paper bias audticG tIteto tq' of Me PO. -pie ta put on msu ttasve sautant ce lat. If yOi bkmt hfnhh o ýb eo t tho mise. tgiilà Dieretb= f 4 skiaiS ha, dom't til to unv 7u, .se vou matit, lutito tirt gnt 041 of .rllme»t = Amy PMo dreugia u 14o Ir t1se bàx wiJ b. saenremveira. Atm a J. LIW. Drug C#4.soi ever Su Cà& tmia esir s m hu uro Goi-don PenlgelY, of Toronto. spent tire week-end at home. H-. W. Mefllen visîed Toronto a lt-w days ago on busIness. Prsnk HUrtison viziteti Toi-ontihast week hoolng flriherses.ý WeSdlàg belle are rlngtng west of tire vIllage., Mu-.anmu-sire John Lawton, who have been lattug thitr son tn FIer- Ida. aro now l ttheir home heu-e. They were greêt1Y pI.asod wlth the south couant-y, And found tireur boy sud his fnIlly enjo$ng gooti heàoansd a larte degre. -eat properlty. Mfr. Patil -40n. Of ilibrid, *ho1 died »me lh5 days atoeaster a long lU1nes.,, WaU brogirl dovu tealeme e @eYOu Sabb asist for Inter- Wlo*1LThr oeeated mas mii sud veay faveu-ab#y knovi- urleit«*rund ber.. avftt beeuaraltdnar xmt Z",ina. .w» Maee t ýti ous et tlbe lit. Mr. Jo.b $Ou% et C KUII t~ Mud uncl <of bu . e ffieuet th~ pim nd atewvo 0fail the Jouas famed et uo.Kovsnlvwauly Ulmapo tx aa ma .W leMMon.frgM n " IMY. of Btoofla. 1¶se wtuter Wmanud steeds are CE~< R.&!LWAy TIiT tex-s> of John <Juthu-le. At -the age--ot- tht-te years iIs ather sottied wlth thre tamiiY On the farm that wlt a oned by tht- deceased, lot 35, ccor. 4; Wbitby, and tlow paBSsOn to thre third meer- slon.ý At thre age of eighteen iIs fatir- or wuastaken.away. and Ite resporl8i. biliLy of the fat-m and the' paymecnt of the several legacles, rested on the only survbtfng Son. In tht >ear 1870, jan.- uai-y 26, he maried Ssair Jane pMc- Qua',sond daughter ot the ute Jin, MeQUAY, snd te whezn wei-e bot-n a fainili' Of four Isonsandtf t! cedaugh- tiers Cod havtîag endewed lte -,-uung couple witlu unuutuai trengflr, both of body sund mind. they were led te pur- Cliue lot 1, FickOrtUg Townobip, id- Iolnlng the homnutt&jin~ order that thse cl»dren nllght eet-e# timeir liberai eduea4ion..tise taak of lirtlng thse mort, gag *8 IOooehiÏIY s1oW. Atter thre sudde#s deatisoetthe oldeât non, HIerbei-t, RIohbrtIretired frm nfarrng, and aptt ssi ftvê7«" in la ekerîng. 'Bu teievo4Prt'ue olS trme Wii'-too a tr0lý =4 a . tz Pbtlüofr - Imme #@ agaute« up hi s Liosm «aWl &Mg~ mndeff d ue brIe«l ioe b oin. sixtees Ym" qmgo iej 01 twér *00 awes.e-veuiy didds #W bUule, d&bot a9 , ... Eava. In thre oBlate of John DeHart. latei of the To-wnship of Whitby, la theI County of Ontario, buasiness manager, deceased. Notice la hereby givora, pui-suafit te Section 56, Cisap. 121, R.S.O., 1914, tirai aIl peusons havi la da agairiet tho estate efthtie sald John De}Iart. who ditS at the saiS Township 01 Whitby on thé twentY-flftls day et Deceniber. 1915, ai-e reqjuIred to deliver or senS by polît, propaid, te J ames N. Douai-t, Brookln, Ontario, thse Mmtnlstrato-,' e ire sWélat on our beore tht 251h i day utApil, 1916, thetu- mansd-ad-j di'oss.a. nti IL duseIDtiônuOfth tui edms, and -the nature oet-tht secam-: lte, If any, holti by, thesi and P'urtiser tako noticli at ater tho saiS 311h day et Apil '_1910. thse, "WidAdmîitater vi pi-ceS lte dis-i tribut. lthe totatie of- thesaIS deceamed sroOlijthse parties entitiod tirereto, baving regeonIMy -ti> chuta et whicb-1 ho shali thon ha-rt notice; sS tise-samiS Adminutator ;1"1 hot b -Biblefo tise ~ " a m t r a p a rt t biet ootâ 10 e n peu-s o et 'bis.em llut- . baà mt tison bav e ovlio*n - D", Melle 4._ aie, Pho-nesg, Bell. 87: IndePendent Il. BLUKE Bo eE4ToN, LD.SE, D.D.S. Gradnato of the lioyal CoIiege of Dentat Surgeons andl Uni vertity ofToronto. Office Over W. M. Irnagle'u hardwares-tor. Office bouts-9 to is, 1 to 5.30. oi. phuie4 le Bell Phoen0 ' Aiterations s=d ~ fn MOT M-GASu WOEK qu4akwÂML Corner Walut Aný xKunt5a- Teme$ione o140'le. ' ~ 'ii~ 4~Ilflàt I JjýrtS. ingW his yat t h l <>lge r n d a ocenr dtat no other n N Lnau fMm l8talo»wagflt ~e ely ifteiie etj 'b otite Borne iew nmeb jg in411Vlai Canada coild bave aecompllshed *W87 WuIdlhthIUUSs ethE V thII chirIIILLhisUe.*bat lie had done, afid that to-day, ln been n betet tot OR éite ot rumors, every oflicer ln the beentri ettl' endlte .Tbè 1oa48 lu gun practice fole a specfal song service ltabeidtrhmadwsberd mePlcinee - &Iatl m- tunnr n aserSi h. lm. Ma e wa ed ha n bis retur onSatUrdaY last, whicb kept tbe tëoun- Mr. Simnon Ferglson, of Oakwood,ý [Hew suetaonbsruu ______________________try people frum attending. The, pro- recently visited bis cuinS.i.re l DIULS fanyin wIeldg frongdolng. Thnnoene gram glve ytbè boys was well rend.-91190n, of the mnll. ____r'akswr eevdwIth great ap-Inturir yarB ttrsmi BROOKLIN. ered and thoh>uglhly enjoyed by ail pro- The Womnen's instituite recently met Ddr gent. The prqeeeds amounited tn over at the home of Mrs. McNeely on Thurs- il plause. l' -Toi Uoîrlay, o ljf TorontoOW KDO$W0.00.The campaigri was ,a great stuccess. c n akîdavlm fcrwil Surd'. ir hî paent hee. essrs. lBlake nnd Roy Bon aesn.In the button hole conteet Mrs 'EmanU Forte dasevryanvailaed fyone hmaogtefts orpoueei h I , ipdt Latertucu't. of Toronto, 'vas zone to Oshawa, whea-e they have se- Thos. Coakwell took first prize, Mrs. UOs et aieiAIe to Innny turnes. Thege band par- a honteof)ile hie eitk-eid. cuired gond positions. Frank Luke, 2nid prize, and Mrsý «FtII-ATVSt h os aded the streets afternoon and even- -cr NI Ur-lah Jones lias picas a llmrs. Chas. Blight and Mr. Thomas Adams. Srd prize. The meeting was ! u T4-IE teaosIngs. Tite tovin ivas decorated Wt - Thwaointohmpo sunsaI nu"% i ra * lori car %hIlrh wit! be 0Or' Lamiburi were ln Canninglon attending most Interestiug. fruitn uîliî îteiîparttcuIarIywelIsuited Istreamers on. which were the words, extabl)litiint i îlirooklitulai'duare jibe funeral of their auint. The following lis -hie report for the Joj, - efr< /- en, bcause orf1ta mild Knit socks or fight. for rifles apî ~Te'ieMlaet nsally igh stur. andMre. 0.reb.runwte nionoodfnowrbat- therJuiai door f.'O. deenerl weire andTls rlnaonthtaofeMait-cheofdethe Juniororrwoo tofth fille i2encx forIhie car for Brookiln anîd oto for a few days lasi veek. th e frookltn Publie Sehool. Igit~ato n spasaont taste.adtes'orer l eaoom . rwo 0te________ 'lcrit\Mr Goodunvii)% iirun an t"Pite-1 r. i;eorg-e Brown lefi on Tiiesdayl 211d (lass-,Grant Innes, Alfred Mili l si, ve cases of Constfi Binowmladl aîioîéIc theagîîe." FARM MACHINERV todt'urre t'tel'i wili bu' alI is! for a trip West with a car ]nad of stock.' Alice Arnold, Gordoni Bell. Edgar Crox g-stlon, D otili'ng, S"ckHeadaches , %in wmanvtl is t ful rs on lu adur- huri.., urîllk.situet intil rqîritle lrt-W\nî. Sih lhas reilîel the bouise'ail. Hattie Ward, Warren Luke, (1f- In r/se R, A eu-ailgsa, or a Gener onehof the mis abugtcnle adIn t, udibs-"k hî î- raau li b flu fie village. r\fir fiiro toccnîîipd hy Mir. HerI Mc- fo-rd Delong, Violet Parker. 'best bugle bainstdutilu tire dia- r Y rict (~>tî~h a s i'l'u t b filîe Fal rbau ikg-. Le:î11 IsI ('lass-Marv Foley, Lloyd Tav-i h n% ndcn eddt orc Morý-- ( I fuor 1t* N"ars. anir lriau i t- Io\ r Tiuk. of IBaltimonre, sperîl a loir, Irene Coîbourne. Elleen Coope-ri u nimdcn eddt N A'PRST A toin , lelerci -ari, fé-tdai~s itlitsie larenis. John Iremell. Raipb Reeson, vlnsii etoetesfèe SPECIAL OEWY -E T A N1¶ ( I Eiloti %%filj rat e lil ts e - touls udr1or tCIFIC COAST POINTS PAIY e'.'~~~~~~ ~~ ,r;t1 Ucr ra- o iM-r.rd1Zi1d M~Nacphersonspeutlite 'taunerrl, Bernire Ward, Jean Slater, to cumilI'îlieiiith. l na NI PI 4h ' . D I N E as -ocu as liq, sid- ruads art- drie-d Up.il \H V Folf y %vas tri fBon înhnvllle1 C tIssas-M. Biggs. AIma Cairns, Clar- inaliltle lu pir fi and enrich theblo Those contemplating a trip fo Paciflie IlTB , ipt ii le e11%s Knthîl t- "tek ou iîg îo theIe lînes of hislence Reeson, nazel Blight, '.nl> Bîigbt, à Coast points, lnclîîding Victoria. B.' -- sal- 1;, ru onu d atiil le u.'arh \1 Ro. mU g.andI bull iistrrgth and vîgor. Vancuviter, B.C., Seattle. Wasli. Port- tai - - itNnur,(fNIrIý Ntr li- on as sold ine of tbis 1I3Class ---Haî.el Nrstî, IDoris Moore. 50rIi. a box, 6 for $_50, trial size 25e.' land. Ore., etc .. shouild coustiîr (ana- ForLc Gt i"'- '"rldl'tit.a eirrtiuitiri, illhossfr ndo igue.Huberîlt flM~ary Luike, Berntce At tclî'îrs, or sent postpaid by Frut- dtan PcfiYiceoget- o pri 'tir, Maiiers. of Toronto, bas re- C'airns, May Frankisîr. '«Illie Maynard, j ulrsfo lwfar-es in effect daik'tîl ilrus av ge "t . -t i XX ii' inidXli-~- iiirPnîd toi ire village, aud bîfs ialien tii, TonmSpencer. Freëd Spencer. 1 IS Lttf__liI-i__April 141h.suOi lndeiXin ad O' ii-u tt t ii N%.tdl t 110111tittie rr ru-sîderice lin part uif iNrs. Ailenî's A 'lass Iessie Waddell. Percy Col- I __hAlth. She f nd r atb stda net ri o Or' 'ru-sUai bouse boume. BeRîrîce %ýellbatmks. 1maki'i bis regiaiir irl; th ~~II ANOTHER A JOINM TFOI' 1I'1Aing nattîeoketeic utc oiin.'u eua M r X ' i t '1 r '~ r.t' - n'- 'l t l'a ke. ut lrtir rufris leetmvIs i e'tJamies H. Harris, wlîo did miicb Ott accollit uort It'aij i nlasrb r, la le, fTooi o is pn -s-1altos Ilpasbl,1 QES.ure, the lvratv udt; L OT t' ' l*;-t arN.tili inatr- itér, Nr-.Ju'rr'. al-t i ilneer iw urk for file Cbiirch o! Eng- Iroads. On Fiowels re lar with fie aind tes re B- - ti-- (iierti r1 lan'at ' sd lu Canada ltfle district norfh Fta e nu Ts ie1uyu 1)' ' ' - , "i-"trt "n. t 'tIr Il 't a i t afi 't laI a n d 'tas for xveni v- 3ears tn- jfl teoi lq e t o c ir e r id l> i r i(if I fratuk. 't' led uof enOrlîla. ii. id In'oo t ' Whn'luu lifile uies are îee isb a e senbled 10 resîrme t beîr siiti s un tIre; rr-,. id.rrt f r J a. tovce aiIetier iImokt.,dl TrnoRexall Orderl les, i-orsiepaltiloirk opten ii%. n 1 wi es 'w'a s cat11d '1 'rii it-rrrt( b-t adii s f!Intrni.- Toaithrontoofprdaig Onae.O. 't '. I , it-h lit loilt ;,,r' jt-' n ieMr lier pru t sî Mr a.nlstd aM fe urTru a ii r or. t brfaih- tmecarus. Sold onu ih% flexall cirrg 1e.A otr is-e due o ui rrtaers r u rs. A.! fr.n, rs. If. W C(onnor. Atter bts min-'Il, .A.11 oser ttlpetiene c ti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~K 1014i il lt i .ra1 -t' daN ls tsi wt-k liemr' tarr% atl rookii itirtrertitred lu 1q04, .stores, 1~'anrd .e buixos A Il AlIliii i crîîied brrr a feu emiii ites. Ttre t ro-w rriuu Vt ut u fr "!"r 'r'. i~ io'i" ]j i iDr i;tior.- t Clirriri, KNIN I'.P.-: ljoin tu aptear agaîn letore t it,~î u 'ur' u 'ia t i 't- i - tthit 't' -t -v' i " ' îîf'r 'iar' i ti' r -ttiurrai di'ng' i ;î;rud W i tt '-it.T ip INî;f. Xli-. a% n itiri Prion u n oîrd asi Jr, b tsetrd lf 'iii l Tr ontr Xir l'l' " f ri ..»r tIl' 1' .r' ît ' as t I n t'tw'i tl t ru fr ist(r, urf onttrrrai] l icii. sf riz's at! thils seasori. .Arthrfmau s a gond ci d Ttire Crowt'tr ierefunu-, ask-ed tîîriCure t.P vi- r' i îmiutj'uir 'r ttr'r' r 'irs h 'iliruati. ruurd ri,, îserxhru ib iltin Aitly NMrs . A.J. zerm sud w'e %'itîlit fîtrîr abîrîrdant sair-- atiradjurirume-tru riitiil F'nida. t Xîr il.: ,,,r 4 ' ~~lIai iraitiProitkilui. On t ca.w' bc'iair effort w-fll fie triadu'ltr iar ' NokticeLUti . j Mr. NWium. It ir t l d i e îlo' culin Nrs.Lirtlejufrrr hîreserri . Alifrtr art Teronrt o, btr i %ilme'trnî l tr i r tc( i n (lset-ci- rit-k - il I aiso bu' callid iiiiIn theri unirtrerrt u.- i ri t'runa HOW's;*This ? ' ùOuperatloînîs 'XX'Wiias hartl ait-ad v Jirinis XVI i -liii-u ir ut P Ofcif i t otffen ltîe fHtîîred tDollars Rewand for ' e iio10iN euît l antii ias air ii e -ii-'frniihC i By cas-eetft'aiqrrh that catruot l'e ctred h i 1T1iY'Aî'V I IR 1 .7F, o huai tabutiCue iastiet i'tuî y uitrn i m.E. M". lu-dinanir-lntibale ftoi A niriner uf irvaifdt'd suldit-ma frnî 11tîii--eT6» lie pa.;ttir i t r v tc ar ,Bo a , 'gu-t a'r trer liris trotracrFd fo-mectde- îe iai "t-k N ii li' e eub ittn.Jr iar u keeo_;e n sthe monqttre ltfýIe reiechy for r ni-ely- tiref i-W*it aaun it nir a CatartI, Cire acta lhrîîlire ýIllntess. His niant- frienda '«iiird'foîStJoaNB.tlimefe-w'n ein56fCattr11 iSO.114rLEA tîtL5ABond oui thtlc ioli.q turfÇeres. et p*lirug tiere eiel't-ibis,iltrortnatloir Ia.nded frota fire Enîtresa o!flîrialir. j tirai all-marouiairg riîsod- "ORIG RP'h"nrnt rthe Blcoutianrd hetiuug rth e diseased iThromas Sadien bas becn - onklnig for' Amonaibhe ninnhen '-wa s tuoîi.1cnaurds againsttretaeu ît'ad1 .O*EFA WLLH - r-amcf jf.Attert o. h tnt-e itken IHatlistatanrh Cture for Mr. James Youig outlc. l Reevea. 't't-bo Ieft XVritbiv ia Aîgii, i'ioma ae «îtn.d'cae.ui todd1r ettA sttorîtfiire yotu wiîî t-es agjreat iiprot'erenî Mrs. Mayne and famnliv mo't'td bai-k 1914. N'it Irie 6is in îrofnmite Ilii'died onîror abo, btlidyu e. aritr onyConAt 'tto, orýin notir geruerAl henni lýstt t'hflg HaIs frontu Whitb>', and are ro'- inye-feimna.tusperei, o1eet riryA ot iC~ der motar c2At en C~~~~tarintCure eittonce andiiget ruict'I e rt t h. "ncl e-R gm n.pspea IllS imltn eud fer tstiuutriits free. lied ln the tioiuse 'tacated b A n rhur;. 'Bond, at 6,31 CofearnLiewg ur us spaa lbrcaneT itCa o C mjrt 1 P j C Fi & C(.1 bh., Toirdît, lh.o Parrîndter. Xvee uclue Mrs .Mavruernto *ystr'un h e rmnoa- So.î,I'Nt.t. ,r ruggists -rt- bai-k f0 Kiasale - 1 Osirr't't rmav have to billet file cur-in. oot.Soiiu o uc dui îi1eý neut The 1916 Gray Dort is essentialiy ~M.FakHriusa- rmsl !merc~i-iltravelrrs aftr e itember, i tfxn rbeor ir ltda" isito.srayitafew days -iigtrvesborî for o fie blh cassusues uad addsewtrfuîpr turltr olîoNir u redgnutnerue a comnfortabe Cr- ASHBRi~fN. vemy sticessft'i reîote s eimgbitlhv bu oro fv ihcasn lucý.nlce-,comfurtable because there ils pleni-y ofCad tMwbiv otls ail bidding for Pitchu Imade. Ut'- tictîlars ln wriitgo hi am n 'fiePokS.Op typeds frastr m3 seiitatnd eg room both back and front. NI rs. IlJ. tirtîir relumnctd home on Fmi- MISS Gay*Nl% Rwlm a ttasaeeto h- cout a h- oe oLa. &wtora ad- day afier alending s ueek witb cela- quite 111 at lien sister*s. taOsba'wa, is 'trtr~sctits(fav ti reverse; tht-.-cOmnfor-table toc. becatase of its 50 lnch lmc t anbstr ow much bte.t _n______lature of t- sae Intniti nttitcver springsnwManchmster.t ont' - ht'tht-ai. dtily eiî-l'stitoyd &de.intmairit fUi Citilversprngîwichmak tone Mm. A. M. EllIsa usa iit ube clty on Louis Rogersliras ht-taspteadIag a pedIn nte-o the emalest eiding cars on the maarket et Tbursday, fe%'t days ln tiere ity ltely. i AlJfEl ufI And take notieta te h-si teisalcommtItit RoBy prie. Milss Blertha Rruîd le of Port Perry, Mr. Gormmîev -tvo puni-ase tireiiIa MARRIOE TELLSE table iÏms ao a 3 4The prive,- $M50le within react of Illot vlsited wittlitem sister, Mms. West, over Rogers' farm, bas.movt-d ouf. '«e ex-starxwlP inîch tiresNon - folks. Se this mcait aur showrooms. SFirst.dayno toMay.a1916,s.the satdtAdmin. j Ga YOIJNG SMIXTH, LLn n0-îch fui!cautiver V1200at-w spiag suitings. end sesfther.ad rs o mty tht- bt-st aloileOM.-..I er 8tog roee t dstlbtt te lewavu natr, tht-m. War .Thmsn 'bltoy. tht-y may met-t witb excellent qtllcess Vola, weak, run-downMwonen could have paroies 10 tie daiso hc osa ICa-h owteasr Ito m-mtc 8 0Mr. b.Hrnwa r h ione la tîteir fatring operatlonr. Vinol. 1 W" »50Trundown eak nad o'tht-nbv ote. a tehst amn =ie eu ooun in ree e w day last Nwetk j About ttirty or forty of ont- people nevm S'v'aew.lleL b mIprn .Pte. Sandy Wilsonr was borne for a atteaded the pork anid bt-an supper and late hurt me, and the. meiie (bad ft>.1st ratrix wlIt nubealeort-sldDNA 105-lc wadegbsopetcopef as entertaitament at Mount Ziori a few ken-did met no g"od.1 declded to try ubuismueLieut I')oUbt anîd Recrrtirg Se-r- tiglîts ago. Ali report a gond time, Vn, dbeoelgIcoetay. son or pet-sons o hs amntc a teR rtes t-m- e tr.itag M, adMm.C.J.Stveso plda bnolwansad oreuid culetanîh. shah flot have bte1 eevdh l rj ar rdoDD. Urmbqtflýlookingtîp rt-ct-ilts for tht- 18?rd Bat- b utstiness t rip 10 Torontto tast week, Nov i amn wtl and 5ttong-,sad lnbu i adSotctra tt ieo sc tceso oW dm talionm. Thre taim belurmging to tht- ostate of 1er beau th lan 1 bave betir for yem e distribution.-j -n ltire late Walter J.,, Rogers bas btM- ifn MIA ILSIeislî,h Dated Njarch 3,116 fie udsSreops t- ~MYRTLE STATION. sold tû Mr. GJormnley. uf Duribarton. The- W& guriat.. VinaI for ii ruau4owus M.«% {TWu.cx ic.Bl hat 2:ld Please t-ll us wtmat Ihthe- correct price paid %u ltrithre netgbborhood of IIWkIIiDd &Wlfta oito= pAderstrtAx.WIITB, NT time for the Methodist Chut-ch st Myr- $7.000. ThWis prie uf the- good ti-ms IL ÂII84Lta um QL t-rArarin , Tkuo. t- SOctt ('biii u d %ste istar b., For@ puurebatsig îtle Io commence servtce Suriday ev nd odu-wI mr hnpese ___________42_______1_____ 1) Uto lu tn ga-eoilit in enitiectionî tIng. la it 7 p.m. or 7.30 p.m.? thre purchtàèr. We exteurd fo Mr. and-4 3Coedrto LieBg. - DOPE8a OO nO Privates F. Harrison, C. Boddy and Nr8-s. (ormley a hearty welcome t0 our TME LATE RICHARD GUTMRIE j JO Ei 0 D O . Pike. of the ll6tb Battalton, Wbit-1 uighboi-boed, accompanted l th The laite Richard Qat-brie was ti'u oiet reiosad soe ilu ut1011tI tltoneR,, BROOK)It LI N by, anrd Prjvai.e Lf-criard Rose, 0< the abundant success. on Yongo Street, Toronto, on M'It-ch Noiet R >alp.1 Mowbray and Miss Çarrie Law- X8,1840-, beig tt ones fttheisWhty Ot 9- tw Trono,-er hod.oer jherence spent over Suriday'at (ler homes ch.ldi-en <two sos ai et o Opj K *faWh saS mu l~oit ~ mut uaj t' -iF WÂ~É UtG*? -t " i 1ranked wiorl. iie titis neing. rhoc m)1on yon. ini on e wll. ri i a ards mney and Wbltby ic. etc. AdfBanat. 54. sn drue REOUCTION SALE 0F FORNIJURE AT DISNEV BROS., BROONILIN Owlng to bad road@, our sale ýhas been extended to Saturday, Ilarçh 2Othe 1 Morils. hair and one Rocker, leathet, regu la' Price $23 00, Saturday 18.00 2 Rced Chairs, regulair 32.00, au -' <2800 1 Morris Chair, reglar 900, ~ .7£50 1 Parlor Chair & Rocker,reg ig 50, ~ 15.00 1 Leather Rocker, regulaî 8.50, 6.50 3 Mattresses, regular 5.00, 4.00 3 Felt Mattre&seàs reguJar 8.50, 7.00 10 Mattresses, regular 4.50, 3.50 3 Mattresses, regular 60oo, "5 Get reductions on overythng la the ste. Termns cash. Disney Brothers [.- fhlenture Doal.ers IJndeptkps in t4hnul itie' art,(im d-di'>er Iu Bell P ---'t-.--- Il v 7

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