Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Apr 1916, p. 7

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Just now you are feeling out cf igortstI-not your usual self. Quit. ex- hausted nt t4mes and canîmot devote real energy te your work. Sieep does net rest you and you wake up feeling "ail tlred out." Perhaps rhopmatiem la flying through your muscles and joints, or may be your akin la disfigur- eti by rashes, bouls or pimples. Headi- auchîes, twinges of neuralgia, fits cf nci-uousnes, irrit-abilit.y of temper and a tisortered stomach oftet ncrae yotîr tîqromfort in the gpringý,. Tht- cause-winter has left iti mark ont tout. lheae troubles art' aigiis thiit VOUrclîWood is poor anti tuater-n, t ha I yeiîr nt-rves are exhauqtet.l.'oti moýt rt-lit- vandl enrich your lilocil ai tnte tit i,tt'Cott' Isune lii voit r r-ictr o-r there may lie a cernplte iitak- doitn. The most peuterftîl rt-meîlî foi- îhi--e pring almentte in Men, tu-imeli atîdl 'hililten iq Dlr. Williams' l'ink l'il ls fot Pale Pt-tpilîeî-bautaet lit-se 1119illetî-tnse l'ait ilo-"ilandi -tc-h- ii i e ttru t-. Netut, rut-h, redl 1lotîci >ouii î-ucl tiilidin st-inL, is pl-ntifutll-eytttt I Y tDr. W illianis, Pick iills, att- utith -it îîî-t u p rt' lloîl ini oiii \itii- 1i1i iîuii'lylvr-igain henlîh nîtul tiic Nviiîr tttikrnuth. Then tîsî skuui Ih( i ont ii c lta r, yo-ur t-yets Iniglît . i ii i--n c- ii nug, and it i l fî-t I I-tiiit i li-er.step i)et-i - aii t-I c i-t 1-t -iay foi- the tlioil uitnI uti Nut \N l Dr. ,'illiamns'înîirk ii-i th, l,01, Chat str-etigîheit. biutI o l otlit- peî-i-uacîi-gIltg, talqkv î tIutîg jit-t the tai-ut- " If i ii i -ui't gzet tht- gi-nruitt'iviî. fi--ii r%(lt îilt-il ers the ut iIIlihe st-ult cii l-, tiitl. Iglc pai, ai t 4 celi-c îî ýlu -i i ,iiN ut for $2.511 h l i-n îg 'Fth-y P, a ii M~edic-ine I C., lc k\ 1!ii -i i 'i. IN A LITTLE FRENCH VILLAGE, Inhabîtanta Made Cave Dweiiecs By Constant SFiellitg. lagil-s -toit I lIlite tiisl Ici 1 iiii t i i, lte litIi' lii t i lec1,I - c- * iiii Imu Nfiiit 1 11 1lin- l fi, i'1111i1t- m- h. l<îutîî, ituitiuigiu ui c- i u -un llîttoats , iS a t iit magazline- A -i-- li. i-- till liet i l il t tliisî-- I lu-le ii t îîiu i utIlichti-tg ( %il c- li i t, îe-- i l II- r 1Ii lit i- I-c I if(ti- I t he.iii ; Ifi ta- 1! -ii; îT iîi-t fiiîlaînt-r st-eif tIl i#- N î a p- h 1 lti tif ltnil] - t- i l'--itc i o iî , v of i-i ltii .q f ît f - f ilitt I ch i i l % 1,'- CiflîIl sc( iîliilI l tvîle- 1 fiiet tJtieti Ii" t,ýIi tii. a ict tu te il W vit- -n- ii rei-il juiil thuuli i tutu l i i l t i-c(i, tii- lueurI. lit ii-pq < Tho- f tî%îl 'f i e- I li- ft- 1-qetiut I II li t.(1,(' -iiui l ii l' i- h - i l e I»F iîli-ai 11 l titI i h.' tcse ,-iur -uî i lituit t t i i-tu Imut ui c inu t-i ii ito rîiu Net- utS i tut tt - iîcu(.1 u I -nuis i liî-iforqc-ih l it- IaI r I- 4t ) tîtîtu ut ii i( iîtu a tP fl-il t tt' t lu iteu Itici-iIrc iw-c- fil I civ it tir tt' iulIi - c% -f it-%% itii ii iiut f liat-i-ti n Ii-t ii-i em tof liMort ilh tutti atItl m i lci tt-s cf il- t-i t--c t tu.10 1 %ýv t li-i ut e-Itîtas - i ii i l i lîuih Itita ltiN- llIti-t i..m i fil (, l %t - iii tIi - - i l u.f utle, bi% l iii til-- w ib t' q lu it l t ll t -c ti t u-i li h ii- t -il IICI 4(iiiitt Ituiit ot'î't- t i - tii uii i t i-uu upr Illte tc hti- tiIi ciii-i tI 11 il -0t 11t S ilt %îî-uilii -Zil tit i lit S. fc..->, i l st-- a ru Il g -ch - t. a ( ,i , 1 1s-fiii t f tu ý i i f---u i. st-n tti 111it- I i i i I % ilcuIli- I l-ti '-uiil lhîi 'u i 9 % i it i (i'ui-ui i -c - Nt i iifi i li i il . t f er 1. utIS liii- liS -S YWA L a" - à eauo1fiv'etb let ate f y Diu i D*à - Fer eld a tis "cothet 7t IMd~ ~Ii ~ ftport a iet eer~ tb labl. d ldrâ are already fAnd- ÎWt1 oID~lCOYDiR f the inquiry =Wb blra DrWubh de- te kld -w" OCiii8 CENTRE 0F AiD TO THE IËÊR4)ES f' éputtioicfw the gling the k'S " q of puint eter" 're. Pri OF*FRANCE. work dons y1é nA. fOS&a' Give Nature a chance. p1gr nois es ptýo#.nee ili the fa t e eitue~ fh ~.dIee, wfrh Sto> dýggtsgYobur grave Wlth ieMbti'W ne! armeéd Icfe grIie scught tofind ways fin*Wlch lgi#ÏI rurtet. utot o Èsau WU entv, women couid give gireater asistance' o tnt the WgroCtoss. & Mîaut ra Enplym Ca ti e Ge ma i ii ti.in carrin g on the, war, raturned re- rnm t, e ar h foods m busineassIn the Rue de la Paix, wbere Buildig or a Huge tafeJnJ l j fter a fortnlght's tay in soggy pas tr iecs and eat It seetned aSif i ail the dreuiakErs Staium c r ý -M Shredcjed Wheat Biscuit had suddenly decide Io have their Stdu.~rW For moat of their stay the. party i seissors sharpiened. The lire of the soldiers in the Cont&u thu artiv raîpe w-as within sound of the. Can, and supple$ alal the nu' For centurles It hà. heen French trnce, hecviiasinth ows f Captkum (Red ive pp ?,"Y niuch cf the time wias spent on arnl triment for work or PlaY cuatoni for an itinarant grinder te i northern France in th~e hands of the Cc aply holdings on the battlefield cf the. with the least taX Upon the igive sorne souvenir to hie customers. (;ermans or under bombardient of WiII.not blistethe skia. Marne. The members were especia- digestive organs. This modern "rernouleur" gave a opyf big guris have been described by Sold in bandy tin tubes at chem- Iy itbpressed by the unremittinw en- of the "Marseillaise."1 writers in greati detail, but the pie- i:suand ~ndu stores every- ergy of the Frenich women-wtves, --.. tiîre of Fac nw'ar ies not wlîee. euse subsititutsi. daurhters and mothers of soldiers- ose yWr co rane in u adscition ofthe re bookiet on requeut. and their aptitude in taking ttp the Se- orsfred doen't eer chanizes which have been undergone hàirfrso amwr.OeSeYu reddentse iii the towns i)ehind the'lines, In the soldier's wifs ploughed and sowed L . very happy.t 9 ncetaan othran .ot-L efifty acres of ground after two days', He-Poor chap! Juat lost a pot of vrn regions of France which have CHMSEROUGH MFG. CO.' lessons, and then instructed hpr 12' m*..y been touched only in spirit hy the war. ( C .iIduti year-old daughter in the sanie %wýork. Se-Tiog h aIspoe l'elhaPq the rnost intereq*tinir and, tue chstavs sa, On very few farais vere nien seen He-Yes; the girl married a sol- typica___of_______________________ other than cripples or the aged. The ir iypic lir te et hern Ven t h1_MaeiCnd. 1f _ ____________French women seemed te iiccept the Made i Canada iitv cf syndicnlis. but ignuw the ctv'î carrying on of fara w-orW as their na- hv a nt, pat ruit lafl. sa t1hossat cti ir tural share in the winning of the war, LESSON FOR MrsEA.You seeSt- Thechnge %Ili.I hà vtaýen1 et-t (for-"von-' is an agricýuitul as and they toiied hard without a mur- AEIAS luck with your cooka. pnenLycîs îie the' outlreak of reeti s'n nluqief (,entr, el mur. The self - dependence of many Superb Spirit of People in Engiand M rs. B.-Yes; the first stnyed only el-ecti-d' jtgh tef cf tteeafarma alsoo the %var are îîsrlplin fan artice v'tevvreping *ed o he ' the toso w-as reynarkable. Pratsed b rvelr three days and the second 1 can't Wi i ii fi c Stt ihet in îthe-l'onglon t! y Thenguei o teL~os women toktheir grain to the '- et rîd of. exhibitio.Tect a lasbe The followlng are extracts from a___________________ llai otil le. The -rwit er otsav: ufrutaion t eibitions benVillage Mill to be ground, Mnade their lette r just received in New York from tvî ~ he- luetc of Fi-cnichPr c'-frtuî in 18exhibsi tions. yThel own breati, produceil their own w-me,. I tigihd mrra o havltng na vI aurA fls n17,wsinerpei i h ider, cheese and v~egetables, huying adsigiht mrta o-in \incial cit-ies.fih(- lotinr Oftif -va-; th -ec ndiiiitleEn la d ii ti -cv iie iiiige î; l Nîwthe Fan--P .dowa;t'e eon,'.ttteoutside except tee and sugar. iEgad i'- pcisiieerl. I-c nI(anosassssntin;t eid 'v-eThe ser pirit Lord --he Not an Oporation, of , iasovec-ou<edlîvPrsidntEvery household kept a number of 'iespr pii et ee 1 von, ti c i sillit0.th(-,eg n (îif rtrat iivt--nmteibyth oiia abbits andi fowls, feeding the former rinavern,7yerol bas nd rnkecar.aabo tmn h.î i. atitidtctNiiiî i- hait-constantî- lion cf' Atigist, l1il 1' Nvvertheless 1almost entirely on wild herbage. Csprnas ceteanti e lbtas andy, wri he chy, w lrybardsa on totene nothng dl_______y _ il __ _ - now hack in service as Provo:st Mar- *ig Ir >1-cr ihe-An manr whoat ar n t ihasrt srnthigsee ha o Indntok efher ar1 " sohaort ttfo ashrtIlm i îî a a- lîl1-1eîlic \ nania xiiin tfi ftm osaf L(,X- k e h ohesaid recontly: "having li a rleaaure 1e1i(Il ri,(rif 0-- nRr i ala n atlxiiin -i aro ay to Victoria Station to see the now. I ued to conalder It aiîg e-s ai i day1tes' of h eizg-,qn Mià»itb W m n1peration.- liitmîiî iltrn iont l(, lit t-ld cvery- March, anti the i start back for the trenehes. Their lit in cnly nece-esary In rub a fèv iropq Ille hoiii ifoi- tt.itlii-e1-cnt haht-, .r , iiessageof Uu.itInto the beard before iatherntg niii c: 1w - i-ei iilult cil ls-Ivl_ - Sede- faîe omn kwere t-htre, and no weep- to enjoy an, easy, qiuck shave. I uinîphiti t-uiiy ctheî il~~~~. -. - ng, no embracing andi falling in a nt pntae no te prs oln -lau Ilii Q11ci-euandIu l l-ltinces. tif fit but just kiss, a bright qmile, the beard. atnd gcirea a ciesx', close suave. __ -- -- ___ TFI 1 MONENTOa"tgo< luci-," awv fth ad heard peels rlght off, wlthout pull- I 'And. i ailîallv kifig Nu-hoi- GERMANS HOME GARDENS. TF SS'F.RN OENT .I" fteh nd- a haIr.11 Scg 14)%. h'eMonenerin1 "%F DDDSKIDEY 111LS. kerchief as the train pulled oct, and Voi sklnd to teinder alUn. There le no; lii ii 1tWf Su iiiu t t îl, -r in - S trict(>I)I)'S lofJl) N EYSa lesLAreth e b a b ies in th e ir a rm s k issin g th eir m a rt îg e or oeîreneigig a ter hav In ff. i i- a tlueI:iîitaç Gl, ttI SritAtovIo eedSaesAr*anda te "daddy," whom perhaps tnivs ane faoche aliefelng0 so dt --iii 11w njilîn i uu, (iKetnd probabîy) they wîilî never e si avn t rsii esai hf ki ri t iipjîîîî f-lint i l(' an' rs. V. J. (GarIis, Who 'Suffered MWith again. 1 isheh pl i mSt. T,ouiq, cusd preensr o ess 'fiewilis i I'îtIiumlo.i tiii. htu'gaîtît dlitg taiuiîaigîî i !01-Iis liackache. Says-That the Resuits KanFas City, Atlantea, anti Ornahai Accept no substitute. 1 lii ii i -i a-i iiiîi-lîiiizi lilir<ati l ;<rîîu ill S he (of 1Froini odds hidnev î 'iscoul cerne ot-er heu-e anti gel t into ý Send Soc to-day for a trial boutle-suf- -"t li- î iogil-.; at. îîîi ts -ae Siittt eotihlpnue Wr odru.for pence is net the finest thing in' MUIT PLAa ume GCO"AT,! ~-'i-- i i(ihai' .ai i l -'til q ligi i I - hada tha an ai ent loigng fiaantforove si weks'use lit aîî ii uit iirtt-i seetu t 111 .Vauty. Ssk. Aprl,,d. the worid, andi that they h- vealth: *,ausvie vas ii l.- h-tît il itl il - in t iilluarv a tîd he t1mIîi ng bisiiotati crnot nipro-tue iecue OiN @ habîlatýt h-eitii ls liv- ptilse tif a c-tlî iart i- tteîi ~P ptit.-- r.F. .1. (;arliq c, wlfnt' cfiw eaù9e ciî'înli i 011 * vi-i i-i gu iml>- belliîT- -jfri't-afi lilrç ni l-:riurt , lucr, tie, 'anl estimable t-tsidîtnt cf this place. their ferefathers knex %ushat w-as_______________________ the uti andî n h1 u~î ttI a lîlît' -t. st-t-t-1(il îîîîîîsîî-v lu- s cetott re 1«( 'I-isetthusiasti in her praises ofI)odd's right andi fought for il. And the EMPIRIE BUSINESS C0LLECE ha .î\N «i- li. ait' ii t-cii 1 tle\-ucstiii uutrIg iitîît.-s ti h lrîtît<,t1post-Kidney Pilla, gentlemen in Wall tret-t rcieht '-teli 4 ra-v. ve,1ootO i-f tIL- i îg Il, i ii-ei-c ut trt' alinong î b i- tggilig f' llcstil Ill' pajîti l î Dodd's Kidney f>ills have gelpeti cerne over te learn here (anti86 rodvenAe. ToonoOn 't lîum îtIîti <lt-tos. m -onderfully,' Mlrs. ;artîs s s iimore in France) that mtmney is not an.OINP8OU~ a ic t c th i -lýItt'i-iiýlit i i t' rI T l'- ýt r-i rsIcare s livig i'ii ,t a n neriw '.ea ie t t h de chief endi f lie antithat there ]Tii. CO URS§j Ng liI-,zI lit- fil-ilnîinterview. "Aayearligo'1Caaada îîîîliîiîi--lc. lt- u -ý \îulîtbî.hé, bo- lnîghIn îîly fourlioita hle îlotr- bt nihm akI ot adytnvare more creditable things te lie tione Teol ol 1 c î l a l e; I st ' a n d l l i i ' l i t ru t h e \ a n - o fti t i - i a i l g l r i i î ih e m f 1 t to k f o u r- b o x e s f D o t i t s K i d n e y t h a n s c r e w t h e l e s t c e n t o u t f y o u r 1s h n I I ~ e w i e e b a d Lzlaif oI f I-i tii-lt îtatniîîl-c.iîtae--. tutu t-ttiiti. ati tus srPis anti they helped mne more t-han friends on w-ar contracts in Ithe hour D tsrhIhsp.aîa..u - li ii- 'itoîdsilf the - N or Of tf 1, > ;ist-il a < tkbi le ,retl ofoîia ta tl v u f frheir ceeti. tii tl. -I îni i ui-ht'cISt-niutit -of 1th- llhîcut i -c aî t lit, nu ti c lt-otî-ll i l- -lit..- lt-ii t- t-i n iii,- St- l itiiî. 'lu% u fl 1tlt 1, (i11uni iti-c1 llitîîo us u ti- ii e i+t.i\% tih ai l il -c lut-ail.cuit-t g>. atîl Ili forfui ilive'lolîcuu' a> cf tiuoor y .. \iicl '-f tt tu tiht'lieN HorI Iliiii -lfr 4qit l> tiipi r Sandltt ttr Th t -1 iu\N uthall, litit-tht-ie - orie- u k iui l luY t-apn-dtî- t. tutîu-a Iîosy hi ut tf u îk' Ta ii th- lot hing tuf utt-ovr-fugtv t- ne îleuoIt-,l ihost- grind tut prt m-it s tuhich utt-r- tht' alcuttt' if Na titltuti 111. andtithe-Fin - jr i- E1Fi iv %mit'uthec lhe- \ iîsîlti L\ - tic-i I tLit-tt %uît l iohtse luent bt-t-t of euu r Il itigh itlt î-ott ncils tube tent fI)t tîtînq cîme tumt- îîgtîottu ri-coglnuzu- nhte 'sallet-uits fet'e,' tubent-tht-y utetc etiliu auteil, with s4) mut-h luî'iliatut-e 1,(t tIli-l -cet-i tulihaIll us tioti- a vi-a- tvi- i-cttt < v ' v~ ladiest of the-'ciI y, diieîctet laIy the- Mayoress. Mme. lien- 1i itt pack thle 5004 pli rcels utbuhic L.- Miîols pethc ti d t t) Vit-h ris-oni -rt tuf t%%ortantI rvlitititataI'Chi.- front. Chage-iItt-cornet a Larder. - - rv t k îriott tutn in tClh- iorill.nol eNvr t-Partti -i. th't-ot ritît 1cm emore t-f i ivhvî~îiti thar ut Lyons.Anîd te it'e 1 iîu"' tht-t-fuire. ilt catiseern no Sale t Ili-Ieuli-at the. i haptI atijoinit-g tht 'salle- Iîa tet .-sq' :ho-ulihave tbet t-netîutrteel i c nalar-t-r. rtolirdi tuith leloQf teid. tutus of meut. jars of tn.frit-itf isiuaau-e. alil elt-sqtined fu rvtht-.,feit-ocf ln patr-ie. i- g-ittn thé-t i ult hall rî%Iistt- i etghtiiiy oit al rtiailter eF ac- e î~t. ti.MiVI - -tIt -' i- 'etece le- (te " u~l'u1 tt - 1 e i 1utc y e. a: - r 'm. \ t-. , f iii I i It-el . 1 i s' i i l i l etl 1 h i t.-a il c, i ' >et . c "e - itè w 'c c ui-t- - . ccii ci j Y-'.. i r - tiluit mtadetie l, î'- if l- c 1 - u1 u M0tîu'tlieu:11' tur rrf.ia l 0 1 iriltc-t" ý ti t 1 lj n '- i ' t' i i iit b. .e.'-F t'i t l "-' t. 1 iti - - - I I- -- NLf it-î Iî-.li i I - - lc ti t-h114 1 'it 1fT 'ie lui, ai v p Iîil 1t,%i i i .et, in .ijtet l oi- Ih icî l ttti .i. t a' -t-cia-r. utld lit-t1) l ittti'.i 1 q O t 'A Iltili- ni tuuI -ti 'I hiti i l' fe c ii- ti h -- - -t- w~ u - w ck bas î - ' fre'edoni, and haie earn dté 4e grai- ile a~ given by Candtn illlPugtunt Ccý, Weud- et * Waled e &or. Ont. 1j r.tss h 1I.d gr, IlePstum cornes in 1w-o formats:eé'a Postuni Cereal--the- orliaal fori- *O$ I'g r lq iiut bc lel1 buled. l-cS&Pd425e phgs twbh tgv -ond 1dssolvîes (ulekly ip a cup of bot iW % 1t-.uaas.5 1 1 -famne,*W"lit1t'tSnianti sugar, ms -»fu, « Wl~C tiis, Ù oth formis ar.eqiually dlktum& jbod ceat about. t1ze saute per- cup,, i tTei5-z a-'sÀ»<pô -u - -~n 'uclut-nulot'! t-(relui- thia pur pir' the- i-- tl testte-hiiae-iît ti ltet tutu-y ut i-t-ti th#t htdght -h t tout i tst Iy - i 1-t~n-- In tit-uc euh- 41<< treppli-t g inrt'rutuîiliti -î'--uî.muthera .iitutitraî instnu- tii u t t it'.- the'- of tu i~-nlit liut.,-e-u pis- ce t'i Itfa w-. th - 1u r--utts<t tha htntta tîlaiei- fIcrni tic m hiclui tht liultu utretoliiei-ifu-vito e fau' tihat Ilui,îu ncî-td a. gîtui - ta rt u%%.t a -hersnrr peiulll.l ilinsetil piilalce's I wtse Ihwilîtigi tinte #-got -ccCIi polar or-s 1 fit-tiii1ci(tucît1t i r i4r(I]l11. a11) (Il i uii r'i 13 atkacleie the banc of the average n ao tterle y Th- lilyrîî ~ivîrîlietî.uuîl'i-îomnat's life. It is accmpanieti ya An N.C.O. in the - Gordon liait takeoît rut ue oti lasI yé-et fotr lte weakness and lassitude t'hat makes Highlandlers, in a letter home, re- olicoltieuînehrforvvgplInble-; grouu'îtîg. life a burdeti. But thousands of wo- cently receiveti in Scotland describes lia, lieu,t-rlahlistît'd a zps-rlai hu-au' men -ali over ('anisdfif sl4iýtelling their I owt on one occasion thé Canadiana fil lIlTu n-Ior thaI plirpoat-. Il lias uip- suflering sisters that relief and cure came tu t-he tupport of the Gordons.- poilcîcîl a tlrtlttlral t-xPe-iî-t le take, is to lie found in Dodd*s Kidney pills. The lines of a British regiment had ciatg-c tf It ati 0Iolîtatiuorate land t-on- The), cure the' kidneys anîd aine-tcnthls 'been brolten, and the Gordons were (]ier a coutr--ut Ide raunpaign for the;- of wornen's dis corne fromn diseased or sent up to relieve théesituation. The itîteta!e cf tegeinhle produiCoc, lita i N.C.0. writes: "Me reschied the ' , isortiered kitine-ys.Ioteaie ofahtoftesan piini tif tperailotîs etubracea practîcal1ote ie o âto res u cîî-aseres or- hîeip. besidis more pro-,- - found the Huns coming on. W. goti pagatîda. AIl av-a1lable lanuds about lato ranet h re ocag hnte ee cue.factorv sites. and elsewhtere %-1l1r abretiet Ucodte cargeff.We te wýere lie purilotto ge-lablef;anadt proper1ly Patient (tu pretty nurse)-Will aibu 0 yrsof W eue clllaeiThe Ftîrpliiipîtietit cf gar- vou b. rny wif. when I recover 7 their number 1»' one-haif with thi fiftiulîg Is tonnuticaltîg wutChue i-art - rtyN seCtal. bayonet, and thon w-e la-y dowai and <uc -ct'orittiit'tuar orgatîîzatouxs 10 In' t~ us-t~l- potted the rest as they trled te stiit- tuce îlîernte look afier suples cf Patient-Then you love me? itle away. 1 don't thiaik more than n tiatcutiire for Ihe nnules of- voluuteer Pretty Nurse-~Oh, ne; that's mere- t dznecp garde-ceN tIltim te he called l ie othel]Y a part cf the. treatnîant. 1 must' "Tii.» we had to îetake the. trench. feu tht tneee -roi lauhtr husa kepmy patients cheerful; I pro- A don't know If w-e uhould have Ma- atit cel-sîcrage platis,., and the sweep- mised this morning tu rua away with à tbtti aain an pat lîugs frotînîthe airp-e-cIaare le 1w turc- a married mai w-ho had lest bol ie age t bu . h e Cad ar cam p a t-ciIyp Ot'ntei cat a tvle u- t-est lg.sppre- m-e resml Nol ofly uttIi1u'egetablu-s le gnou-n lgs splendid; and w-lt-h their cries CI higraln'iiaîiiethan et-et-before,' 'G-ced od i(lê6rdoata,'"-id ihaisa lbuit thle preuuenu luîg tif t hemt 1Ili e on place 11k. ScotlaI nt*giaug abe the. àa langer scalle Iluati -t-en knou-,. The awful diai, w-e retcok -the trench. 1 52? cailaulîîg and ipsuîrviiig factorier, atBochts.,aesen-lt btt.C-ai Birunîswuiltk1thte centre of the Indîatry) 1 w-as cureti of Acut-e Éo 1 yhve altbu h and pot uap abott20911,000,flu)o cails cf 'egt'-! INARDtS LlNiIENT.5 w S& at»p-.nouch.Those Causi- ltilt ut fronu lari yt-an'u crop, as compar- Bay cf Islands. J. X.t CAMPBELL tanus, wth- s&-soa like the craahlng ed %%îti t(l ,000,000cCoes for 12114. l Iw-as cured cf Facial Neuralgtaby cf waves on a rocky shei-,--dashed MINARD'S LINIMEÈNT. - forwa-rd. Glenn over Oets hu-de thy WOU l) OT E WTHO T ISpringhll, M.&' WM.DANIEL8. iaped Atuid thlur id41St iUvely wlth WOU I Y' O WNB MTAOI I as Cured of _Chroel e « f ba-yohttt, ýuhbW rUieb aM eye i uim by MINAUDtS LINIMENT. 1t ~ i el tBtiOI5~aal-t5 Ilîthy's Owut Tabittte are guaranteed A1 t bo NB' (IO.TNGEi. Oafl& hls i ahutu an4> UtUg lut a (10vurnment arualyst to lie absolu.- teiy mafe anifret' ft"om injut-lous -T~ ca~ a ~otaisap 11 tirug«. COncos-ilumoîher bas used itheam 1 Caaiad w" b.atlng a k th* Muni -hi' woul cot use anything -cIse for RtjtI ht- lCH on-s CuîcrnagUîe lr1 John-The l"insh have gaied four .' CGe'-ciagt'Taillon, Silt-e, Ont.. isrites: - -huneb-ed nicters fr-onthl. e ey. -Z p Pes endi me t'w'9more IlOUB oi f Aut-Hw pindITa-abld Baby'm (>ui'iiTablets for 1 have foiziJ-ep u to iet9s raf1 c gm o odfor my baby, 1 wbuld i aUck,. not lhe utithctst thiem.4 Thse Tabiets a soul hy litu ieine ditlers or by MAUl ~ A e ~*s- aêt 25 t-enta ruil'ebx froz Thse Dr. MWU- iUWj~ liam% lNtî-ticine C»,. llrock-illc', Ot0M-' m ates pto.*y -- ~~~ We fuîsmy ho a aw iii.. euh V~~- » IIftE TOY opoor Usai hi# *t4eh»stat ryj ai)j4 gg$ weth 'oubo 'tbé bby"*Iq uheMgo ou L-cinl Bfauser, ticapite hi*s gr.a-îage4t* îabk fftae"* Mu" sarOit 'a;eNip; is tory keenly interestetl ia' tht a-cim. lî gnluoowith .147- pouauda stfse ' AnIX ha-s prexenteti bis Mfaîsieaayactl bey ,<j etJjna4 Sîabbeam. fi->the, G*ieumnnt tof tIa"!s" ft- hstspital pisrpo.eses. Mw-ay teu 84iiTbb L, fier hi* lovte or an outudor fBté, lam c ,thuu.iuuatic amatqear ceter. antigd tian>?m ameis.Wâ% p1a~4d «Ji* " ,1 t«' ini short o f %m up$rt. 0---ti 1lits àig swift t'ati t *u* b twk bail iff fweâtlyï - 1lowsj4-t1miio tse~ d te*"t0swen P't" MIrq. Gatti is now able to attend te A ht-r ho-osehold dtutics as t%îell as nurse BEAT BACH{ THE GERMtANS. ht-r fine big baby boy and ahe feels - thât tht' tcunet recommeci Dodd's Description of s Canadini, Charge gItt MOQT-50MTE its la de et a muneq plated, cf a convenlent aise ~t mftm mat* . 6mtg, cf aeltv the hed*.. at n-e- - 2 f1f;twdt. n.e.sauhs iI iw wuiêsnsa de a um @*dé;j . iwun.lratp-n t ~ 14H-CABBNUIisFIgyIt STOCK- ttc Ir-cav. m. n n oZî$srles (Smilth, Reed & Co.) St. thraf. n. wNANTED GIRLS l'OR kNlIiflt and Finishlng Departwlents; gond wages. Apply Kingston Ilals.ery Co.. 4td., Kingston, ont. I V OOLEON MILL tIELr. 4Ç,AlttNRS* TT iipnnersmanti wettver. We will ipay Inexpérienced heip whlle ,iarint Weaying. (;00d waffés P*ld ln ail the»e dletiartmentta and uteady tvori l'or mnontha ta corne. For further liAritu- ! airs. 'apply Co the- SljngAby Mntitr nFte Ltd ,B ranttôrti, Ont. -.MWSPAPEU ires 5AUU. P !OFITAMAKiNG NEWS ÀNI$ ditO Offices for male ln rood Ontanli, townia. The ment uneful and Intor.stitîu <'t aJI bustneases. Fult information on ap-plication to vWiscc Publishtng Ltom- îîany. 78 West Adetalde Sitreet, Teoe i. C A-;CER. TVMORS, t.17mrs, E. Internai sndPalternai, cu-ec witlt- out týalc by our home trearneni Write un hisfore ton laie, ir. t-elinian lteuil. Co.. Lioited. Colingwood. Ont. ~ I BOOK ON f SjDOG DISEASIES '~ And How to Feed hi Mlled flt-tep esny sUres. ia Amulea: j the Auther Hli, -. CLAY GLOIVER V s on al&$ s iWaà u8egiI~y~ Hokor Buroitîs will- reduce them sud leave ne blemishesL, Stu" lamenesu p p far,~ De a ie ter or recmnve îhà haîr,'uîmd khotte cati b. worked. $2aboffledelivered. m*4lji Iree. ABSORB040. JR. feu siuklad. dé .stepI Ilnime.,t fer ie Seue, otem Sweilagg. v. _ iiioeies Allys Pain S 4a" Wtmennim i. ue sud&e "~ dmsg.etidsi lfeueed. Wtt <tell Yeu mmsIf i4:u ue. Wý F. YOUN8. P. If F..- 519 Lymas 51Bd6., Moîrl mai, Con. iluiorbine sud Abiauilute, Jr.. arc <ide ta Cu4c HAWK BiCÇI An up-t1o-date0l Gl~trat Bicycle iltted with Rnl2tChois* Nniu Dlatu ttie o,-Irca CocaJip- oa. eand Jiu'~. Cku1 ier. i tj~a eeqnlp. dat rô ei - le 1 ,qI ei wholealeP ces. ratsa -T. W. soTD& OI à ', t - 77 t td Chaot-cl'(li'uuîyi Ku#p Y*e ur qus+ 40 o t le -I -72 f

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