Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Apr 1916, p. 5

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1 1 jý, .'-'11 Ili ;1 \.jrril t tIt . S l e rus 'lS t i e t li I l ilt j I o i i: (eii IIOct t P, - ri»l r i iirr tr %0 11s tjjt i i' ,4r'i . 't 'i l' i S is n-, r f 'srsrrrr de t if iii ri s nu liq, t h a lfi r1riwlIi iriirilMi ' t Il 1pý olil Il -i 11rl g o "l'bs- ~ ~ ~ ~ li NNtriiî fu ' l î ssî 'r I il Tbitls ir ii s risiof te tir ili iiit l r %%rrs-i0 laso isei nfs\le s s ring iClisitit' brus Ni i'r -i.trit .a - Ia 1 l e1"i i i Il sle liift trr ii uii' o uit iiriiii l I rtIIliri i '.ý 'tir s frri 1 a fIV' ( NN aris ( 'ailr Iatt I lru s'tJ Il ' liiri qii1i e. s- ir 1qti r 4ir ]lis -o tlirs' NI irt ie r rqu'iliu1 i ti 1 i. s rush 1 IZA , OC tiotria I I r ;t"'I'Ii " tarir lrli 'l il'I iii' lsîtî~ ~~~~~~~~ n, ', ii'i.r . li l;rrs irdi, ' ' . 1 , iril r-' !i rf, I rilr fo r e-s',ils 1 s-' r 1i1ii. et e 11i l i 1 i, tri s rri isr q' 1 ' 1 ;q ii t Nr:r it tjr iaS fosr t gs i s'I ,,Ill i ;q, I(1;t nstI rîi $ rrrr iii \J'tai%-" in min 1 lirî (,itr1tîrý1 1i Srrr rrrrur i 1rret '-i. 1i r l, rr q n 1 f 1 t'fil i i r IlAun1 i isi 1îraridt-ilri il. airrilq s Niir lus mr alrî - 'i ' - r1 ri s' t \ ait 'rsr' ut-- r i i s I iit ri ' i 1 l ruseil 1iii liii IUN ciraî11 i l r11rd(i fit' 1- a i l t 1 i r rirs't M sr J hm Niotir,, wlin Is oînplo) ed ai i4ktrii1d 1le ii'r titit td1 0 wirl ý1 i ,' ti %rs' i a 4jusis , tîrsilo iriiai fosr utl'l e urtre, r(oce-lied f rouit1tho-si ai iilritorI cols ss iirtr et i-- ratitîri lîrijuirissliai îreek wlien a block l tsf s--,itîsîi onu i l-l he wtss standing, ail m lilii bail lien tundertnlnoed' by t iv %w list-ns ,fnsut. gai-e'w'ay and tuom' 'il or or. ltii i g li down mb tire cel- l asr anid fallir g oni top) o! hlmn. Mr.- I UAI HAPPENINGS Moore àa eiedtncscmb- mig r-r lîulîn crrt aiid Irtiîsed. Ftor- irrtîiit' itlwt'ns r. nos hoes mwere irols- r _____________________________________ ls'i -lt' luis Issin laidIll) ttor scierai il il a iiSvs Int' lus 11irg iîr1îlîî l uaita.. IIl.4. T r no suries, lit \V. it; Wî\Iit-rts'. Mrirhardson, o! the flrno! Me- -0--1 AlpIite & Richardson Co., T o o Ttiii' tr'il-r .i tîrrîri tir iiti iii t ir: rtt 'ire irli ls at Was. (,. alter'5'$s'ore Satjrr- W t1111 l' % \ ;il li nil, f ts Nt' 111'r lie ti eld ' d <aN , frotin ir a it. t iI 7 p.., to take on Nirruir ri,.\iii l1lr. Ili Itles' otriiciliordocrts for n(iis-ns tit.s nmade to your Chllu - vn ir r "jr i.rIrI AH i t ti'ladtis o tf ictarnirp. Ile ulilihave modela o! new thes' îrrrr l a i i i rlsd u iaitesdr ri j i-lt-s for buis scason's wear', also smre __ 4) -ti , -lys- itindred satuples Lto choose front s'\lia'1s'i i gsspoil s'sci rt' itiifin AH srders w-ilhi -dlivered for Euster cls aîrr r i tytI. $1 irîr dIay dtliIvero-d to or any stated ime afiter that date. i-orrir i Guo. t-tiM ic'. Fi't gtuaranuteed. Tirs q,' o 'risics ttifrslî's' 4w and lilgh THIE OVERLANU IN WHITBY. lîsit, 11i lirrs iisi rrrir s-i. 25c.. 36c. and lTe agssney o! the Overland cars for 45cr NiMN'V. Colliins'. I wuitiay and Oslnswa tornsa nd Euat Ilititniiiits tose Ini ail colore ai W. G. dWeL bibsdPiergTo- i hips have been sbecîred by Mdesars A Walls'rs.K. Luke snd L. W. Dudley, ot Whitby. lu connection with Victorlan Order TeOei.dcri h etu-o worklu nWbit.by, donationso! old linon date yet turued out, snd combin* rul WiA vo',u7 ~. ~ ,., .,,,.~comfort with a popular prie. Msan, le! t at the Nurses' Home on Byronl St. A grand tea and entertalnifent for 36c. at the Metbodiut S. S. on Wedne.- day, April 12. 'Read adyt. on this page. Over 160 pattr1m of made-to'@dr Thîe Whltbiy WouieS 1 utitut'e lIl Meet in the AgricultureS Boom'. o Thurflday, April 130h4 Intmd ot the following weok, at 8 oIW ekj.iD Mins ili, or tilt Outaro 1.AI Collee wili givo a talk on smrne dpartMt iOt Inatitute work.. Aulladies weIcU Goo" qusiity kue. rubber boots,.o0i7 $2.05 aI MK W. Collina'. BUILDING LOT - FOR SALE in Cefitre of the T.olwn* on "Centre St. South.b HARXW - . r - - Luko e M d "oY hive a noV rno.Il on eshibition lu the Lu»t DunêuSta B t.os, sud viiib. to dnoWrt or auywle t~atUètSI Do't ti» to seu how thia meOVva«1* bas every coneelvable emoga'limf within osay reach. Il oerrUDOla a> aotly wltb thoe ritIl max'.ooo tien ot uhat an ideel car soi u Waahablo satin vawlaluPink. DpeM- uhito snd- tu#= a ades et W. e. SIIrY Lantera Vie«ud&Ia U -The Work of the lAnd T<ot ibt Orcut War," viiibu abou ett btP* brerbanChrtcab o adMru vemt April»04) Sat at oleo* poa Anytb4ng That lu bougtht in a jewel. ry store, a.nd rnany other tlîings that are bought in other stores. If oth4er cannot repair ycur broken articles bring theni to Us. ahd we wilI repair theuà if it i. possible to do so. The charges will ho moderate. Wu specialize on Optical 1 repaire. We buy Old Gold and Silver and pay the highest mark- et piice for it. If you have any you would like Madle up ilito new jewelry we wîll bo Pleased to give you an estimate, and guar- antee that noue but your old goldl wi[ beugued. Bassott's New Store j eweier and Optician l i tlie Bloek w'i th the Balvolly Broo k Si. Solitl WItiIriiv, (ONTARIO tAGà*D %V. C. T. L'. r1sLI 111rar oi- i L i )sf I lie sW ' i. T ls' i 'i it 1 1 1 i - 5 ' r i t ; 'qi l is l si ii glte 'q 1 1 , jse.'11si é ; r-s11 11i l ri rit M ilu 'i ' -'t li i' i i 1 'j1't r i lql i h Il. - -5'ti S i i 11'r \q, r il ir s 1s th a 1 \,,, l 1 l. '; q, t - D êàd A Msea tW.-Q.WîaIte's.' Prtoep *fil bt b$l. o'Olb, lu the Artutel oi g I To memnberse are requested tu b. j>rement. A One-MinVte Wasber Inakes wash day easy. Over 100 lUunue là Whitby. For sale by Geo. M. Rice. -0- A first-clazs tea and elltertalnment ts being provided by the Methodilst S. 8. on Wednesday, April 12. Admission 36r. A guarantee with every suit. Oveg 1200 patterns to choose from. Select your goods early. Harry T. Thonipson, Wbitby. The Coiinty of Ontarlo Old GIrls' As- sociation will hold their annitai meet- ing on Wednesday, Aprti lâ, at 3.30 P. i n the' auditorium of the Llbrary. Reports on work doue durtng the year will be given, and ail members are re- quesîted to be presenL. WIRE PENCE. We wotld be pleased to olne yon laowest prlc-e on farm and îsoltry fence. ;(Oo. Ni.Rice. Mr. John Hailett, 'Sr., compilains that I he has been greatly annoyed on Srîn- day afiertionns by boys of the tovwn eoming Io his place ani getting %ilion the Tos and ETtIare' iva ~ the lïbernaoIe Sunday school, oïli WEDNE90AVIO APRIL l2th Tom froni 5.30 o'clock tili ail are 8ttYOd. An Excellent Programe AdmislbIn# 35c, The War Relief Society wish te ac- brain41wlsters were very clèverly dé- knowledge receipt of fellowIng dona- vlsed, the answer to each one being the tions and to express thanks for same: namne of some member or adherent @f $73 from Mrs. J. F. Paxton, proceeda of, the congregation. Bides were choseùi, the military euchre Iast week; $1015 and a prize of a peanut awarded to from Young Ladies' CiaBseof Methodist each member of the winning teain. A Tabernacle, proceeds of -an entertain-! programn of vocal and Instrumental ment i Mardi: $1250 fi-om the Ladies' music followed, and then came the! Aduit Bible Class of the Tabernacle. "eats" and "drinks." Mr. R. N. Bas- lîroceede of the sale of the Red Cross sett kindly loaned a Victrola for t~e, qiîilt.entertatumnent of the patrons, and ils music was mnich appreciated. FUJN IN CONUNDRUMS.a A conundrum social at the Baptist ICHILDREN'S AIt) COMMITTEE school-room on Monday eventng. under A meeting of the Executive Commit-; the auspices of the' Ladies' Aid Society, tee o! the Cbildren's Aid Society. catised a large amotint of fun and no Whitby brandi, was.calied to meet on litile brain fag to those attemptlng to Tuesday evening. The »purpose of the solve the 1ptîzzllng conundrums. The meeting was to prepare for the enter- the roof of tis ibarn and making them- _______-~- sdI-es a nuisance. Lasi Sîînday some-- --._ ________ boys; brough, a jîony and rode Il 'around the pasture fielidtîadiv cimig up the soft rrottnd. NMr.Hallet; ibrealens to prosecute for trrcspaissIng, If the ani noyance if, contlnueld -o- A dollar ssved by bil"ing Dr. A. Reede' cushion shoes ai M. W. Collins' obolestore. Don't forget the ica aid puiortaini- mcnt rivru Liv the Methodisi Sý S on Wdr-dA'.pril 12. Admission tNc l'irs Voril tiotor Coo har s' mal'tirs'f request ihiati t hir dealers do al lu their p)orr "rr i malte dri ling as chot&p asR tuelî foi Ford ou nîrs. anil have ask.si 0,l~shuls;lsî irii l ascitne Fý1 '- ceuis pu'ribî ir "tr s-r 's troIs- -aIs-îr e ' -i hoirosst lighiso pr- \a i i r I -friiti r ni e ho Ford r b#ii . z,ipriod "as rs'4,sîrro I -~' £iii)lot,' sr mre.' il olir :asras2s' I' \Ni IiT'- HE;rriD i\Fi'1 iTt) GOM1 l'is 4 1 *-il ':i1i .I i s 5 Itlc i lai, ;01(jrl W~" -,:r - r al 'lss r; t VVii ('1 The Big Drive When, when, we have anxiously 'asked, will the Big Drive corne ? \Ve have waited, "almost impatiently. to see our great empire and her splendid allies launcli that victorious day. But, calmly they have been laying the foutiudation for a "certain vîctory," and soon, we beljeve, the nie'vg will beit the earth-" It's accom pli shed."1 Our Big Tea Drive CalmIy, but energetically, we h ive been laying the found-ition fir a bigger "Tea Business" We have gotten ciosely 'n touch wlLh tea irnporters and points of bu)-ing. We are. with years of experience, closely in touch with qualdfy, flavor, draw, etc. We are prepared to buy en very best terms-" Cash Now we feel we aie prepared to make a Big Drive almost compelling tea-lovers, because of quality and price, to buy their tea here. . You kriow, tea has advanced agatn-4>tnd again, but Listent1 35c will be the plice of this tea, specialized. We ask no favors, but simnply ask you for a comphimentary trial. See if it isn't worth îoc to 15C more We are determined to get your mind, good tea and this store intimately acquainted, and we are sacrificing profits to do so. Your Business Friend, Wni. Meeker P.S.-4"heais te&* unoally d raw quickly. (Aive tht. tm full 8 tcî lu inintiq drw anîd get the arom&, ilaver and et reîigth, -and b. deligited. Select jour SpringSitrl ON U Pfl Weurn1 ( -a AIOSENATE: LEAD For T ssock Moth. Tent Caterpillar, Steely Beetle on Grapes, Root Worm on Grapeý Saw Fly on I3erries. Plumn Curculio, Leaf Roller on Strawberries, Codling Moth, Canker Worm, Bud Moth, Cherry Sing, FaIl Web Worm, Cabbage Worm, Potato Beetie, Flea Reetie on Potatues. .Put Up in conveuîjent packages, with full directions for using. DRUGSTOirRE WIIITBY9 9DNTAR19D Bell Phone 37 talnment to be given ln the mtusic hall You will be Interested to learn that on the evening of Friday, April 14. it bas been ln Lemnos (Dardanelles), C I N S L Owig o heremva fomWht.b Aexndia Egpt, ndla now rend- AU T O M o! Mr. Walkingsbawi Secretary of the ering us most efficient service lu Sal- Commlttee, Mr. C. A.ý Goodfellow wa8 onika. Mr. Hall, the agent o! the Society, re- dria February 27, 1916: wuxn CHP O E T ported that the 'Wihlowdale" play to be Again with many thanks, believe me, e O L P O E t 1 given bere had won unstinted praise Very stncerely yours. iln Oshawa, where lt is to be repeated. E.J. WILLîA>IR. LT.-Cirat jThe vartous details ln connection 0. C. No. I .Canadian The Dufferin Street Public Sehool with the preparation. for the entertain- Stationary *Hospital. building and site, together with certain ment wr rrs a nged foar._________________ furnIttîre from the oid achools and left- NN*HTBY MBULNCE T FRNT.over building material, and the shed WHTTY ABULACE T FRNT iss Kate Wright on the Higb School grounds will b. Lembet Camp, SalonUta. TEACNER 0F PIANO AItO PIP1ýOROAN solci by muction at'the Higb Sehool To His Worship, the Mayor. ________, o W'hitby, Ont. nnaimn Plupils proparepd for Toronto Çon- 1Sir,-On behlaf o! the Officers and evtrorUirsyExnnaos Nursing Sisters Staff o! this Hosîilal sratyorLneriyEanton 1wish to extend 10 the good people oi Resîdonce at miss F. Mctiillir ray> , Mondav, April 10,19I Whiby orîr hearifelt ihanka for the Byronl Street. Telephofle No. 221.g, splendid motor ambulance which you- at 1.30 o'ciock p.m. i have so generously donated to the Ca- nad ian Red Cross Association, and W ~ . A, VOSJNG Tr'-untieadiiidn a whic thoug th kidnes o Lt Civi En gineer, Topographicai Survs'y. terial, cash: real estate, termne made Hodgetts has been iîîrned over to No. landj drainage, subdivision designing. knowaî on day o! sale. 1 Canadian Sirtionary Hospital. It certainly ha.s heen a God-serad plans and drawings, etimAtes, etc., oni usan hs ssstdti vrymaeralycontract work. Contrnctîng. A. T. LAWLER, ln our work. Box 243, WHITflY. Chairman Property Coin. L AN PIN UP will be painting this spring. .L Let us give you a few facts ýn Brapdra.-Henderson. English ,iquid iPaints, of wvhich we are sole 'gents. Do you know that'Brandram B. B.- 'enmnewhite lead is 'the earest vite Iqad in the-world*, and is usedl 1 V Ile T% 7 ordylwinb. ti. rais. Do you know that Brandram-Ht ..î ilart lrmri inithp- wîrld. oîuaes enderson are 'the Do vou- kn'ow that Brandram-Henderson are the On1.y paint manufacturers who corrod,çi and grind their own w~ie' lead, which accounts for thi&'a"t otcstngmoe 1an any other. ¶ Every can of BrandranWIdie.nderson paint has a garé antee., sho-wing the percentages ,wht edand&ic4e C an you tell us of any other_,!ýanufacturer of pa ints h' does this ? Why buy ifro pitwhich .owst j-uit as mutch, and. you -know.not w1iaýtb-ey contain? ' Coainad get a cÃ"o i 'à tnd leet u&t orej -fthbs .WORLIYS GRW STPWT 1'- j - Whitby Ind. Photie 37 I lFor DestroyiKng SMUT ln Whoat, Gats, Barloy or brain, and Potato Saab. . .Fu ]Directions For Using. Botties, 25c each *1 U!UP il -4 'i ie irn

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