Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Apr 1916, p. 3

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111 1 1 W .111, Il MIN 1: a NEWS DY MAIL FROM LAVS SHORES. liRE,- J mMBËR AMIf24,0 Of 200n cno Who Hliave Joinled thle Colors 43,7no APe Out of Act ionl Throughi Casualties or Other Causes. TRADESl FOR THE CRIPPLES OF GERMANY-. Many Differet Kinds of rtiicial Happening@ in the Emerald Isle of Interest to Irish- men•. A ditch ri m )lt awva p:-IN un a of en rvy dt ript ion a og thefi -7o, l ý fon il , ,,he out If, ny decision. Nothing had hap' penred Fince that decision, he added, to induce theGver-nmenit to change f;mind ats to the niumber -tobo n TeKigI b1reak a f ow ar tri ',000. nel the beaen- The Kn hs iretdta h ber en artl c ofDnogmoean lson wade par tre casultie ha" Withregard to the question as toPoecurbeaphedKghsfPove. he1 , il l ra e a t i f Ihowbilengit timlkthe Canadian troops the Order of St.Pa.ck l, fim (n, ou0t(of '" . ,o w h \o'a lto heready for the froto f rom the Mr. fledmond w s peet a nncu to o em n s j i l,,th e 4r toib iit o.Nwhlu, Innut d<lat'of nh t en, hvPimels id. recruitinig confrE ne p sd < m r ng t rachu sod rvitns tiný bel nul il i n t Ilei e thtthe periiod varived. Six months by the Lord Llieueat edi h hsrsw s s sgnand flgt a . force. 'ihe ;11, o 1;l Nrn i lh t b- takeni as a minimum for- in-Ma so ou ,lib nrcn ysp ia Be in et-rf m M ry near i't 1:al im lith, p - iælt a try out other arms of t'he servicene E th as cur d elM u y to he ¶ sb rg t 1n then frl albo!1 N n nw . r* parV l a Illonger perioi before c they Ilote], Belfast,. hc okpac n a pth Of -, apa si i a liibr wei v iecitly to go (o the front. nursinig thomi n llefs fe o g i e o ,wt h a il in . II ;n i efr n%.110 h, le 1«Thetotal expenditire v v Canada >4illness.of t e " a - r c .,' v n t in.. n o ,oC n l hreneai o a ilurpo(lfss up ft the end of One of the laretrcu in me ." ad in G m ny" ngh be pr i e : « onoe hs eburSir I betsahl, has agge-Ings yet heold in ony Kllr a ede oteatnin ft tin l ld . 1:eIl. 1!a not. - t-i v n7t 1(o 1 $I ,000.000, nt' t a kin1g into held at Newbriidge r .W tu k ,ts uh rte h n g a pig il, 01,f lr 11th l1.in .-ftme a counrt fthemillions oif dollars which .J.P., chairmnt owio m sio .pe hi ifc ltpilm in~~(ia a e 1 e< n h t . irn ritain has spent on behalf of si ding h or.tipe"ie o as r RA r litih i iin :-piv to i noaa for munitions of various 1 rig t ttsis f s h rs h rts n n G a nb 10. are k d splidtote aadiain forces proximaM.y hvlalfte n meifte w e te pol pa fte L!, b MI M.i i \ ln il at the front throuigh the War Office. previous 3year O l 5prcn.w r vo ae ls r s es r uhil 1,1 th. ten Tho. accouintingr for t'hose will not be "" " " - - - of military agé hy sy " regbsh dge" n1 t 1 ti<h fSn.0 nu i util the war is over. At a Uiteffd ih Iege C ney hsa sfe onad m a a arter i )ly ti r, N Boliulay. the Pre- -(!opy-right thy The Lonidon Daily Mail. tili In Dundalk, r arc t W l.o a n e y w r wh nt.hBli- themiersaidthatthe <;mhrs o theThese are types of Turkish fighting men, The group shown in the picture was among the ty, Dublin, waissectdath rs Evnowwih rear. II i I i , i 0th th (I;( trn- Ililitary'v liospitals COMMission served Turks captured by the British dur-ing recent fighting on the Tigris. atitunc or t t evcn cnNeronr al lmaypa ,,,, 1,%n \t lnl;iruun IIuw thiouit alarv. bult thiat, they were al- .A ben c rrid o t frftese un tp 4i tI 1fln ll au11i i lth1nt l( . *o l$10 per da..v anid railwaioy fare ~ ~ - -b A e r mi e fs o tndurg s h v t e ,a d m h te l t e n wlon hebuines f heMarkets of thie World H0OlR OF BRITISH A T HAND d I"e"d °w t"h s' he"- Creggmore, CosblI n itiu. srso ast aevrcs Braituf .The lK 1n g In recitooftevoroarsadlgthtreut TS~~ ~~~~ BUreadstuOT YET ARs.E of his Irish Itroipha lcdrosalknso okta h S WE SD L Y2 H N C M A ISTorontNo, A pril 4.-Manitoba iIn Kensington Palc ttedsoa o e a iht o wheat -New crop, No. 1 Northern, the Irish Wo ine' sotoo mnwowse ob BRITISH GUNS BlOWN TO PIECES IlNo ,2$Northirn,$.0$r4o;tNo.Sir John Naig's Forces NOW tNold One-fourth of the "Captan J. J a. 'rili' f i ace ut aea liaim. . ntire Western Front. "'P ""J '-aner. onofv o hema wo iiestobea Manitoba oats--No. 2 C.M., 424c; 1Cross of the r enh.eioPrHooos ih I10 col, rce F \lke,. 1aam ls 'Mne lpososal SI. Elo' No. 3 C.W.,14c;,extr a No.* 1 feed, ýA despatch from London says: The ares. At presenprt the British are Only last SofepebrhwaaaddExrmnt :ti r oBilb lwofl"' Terrinre Ffect on For 404c;, No. 1 feed, 391-oc, in store Fortofficiail communications havinig re- probably holding siomething; like one- the Military ('ross li-ls lbico illiam. vealed the fact that the British armies forhoIh nir egho h Sir NuigentT.EradpeddatAlhimanannomsa i omnion renews. Ame~~~trii TrontcornN.lw8½, have taken over a length of the line wester-r front, extending in an un - uthe annLuavl meigo h*rihi-o xeienig o hr AAd atc from British Head- rc ot- previously held by the French, says broken line from the Yser to the Sem- depstaDeeomnAohio.Temnyuded of taeinthe o o u quartosavN-s:German filsonters Canadian o rn Feed, C68 to 70c, Reuter's correspondent at the British me. repoar o te oulfrthpatyranlherpldmn-wse, Iapt t iieatr St. Eloi on Saturday tar ioront.%-o- hhte 3 te mteduaters in rFerance, " ita. pr- "Althougch the hour of the British dorin for Irish dIl hal or ilt olo h a etae i ~ ~ ~ ~ li, Mfit.hl'th g hov il ries (of mine explosions, parad- 44; omeria, 2 t 4cacorin "Te ewdipoiton wee arie Nrrestersay oeaontot elev cpeudd t Chi, outyTiperrycaesitisnotposiletodoth 0:un uIl h th ailmy wantihs lbeen ed t iyefore being taken owntoit rihsotie out with great skill ani secrecy, and that the Germans will succoeed by wheiln DistrIctinsotrPterItl.ifr hs ae teehv e illai J n 1i ýiat ithiti rier their escape from death. The ex-, car lot, $1 to $1.02; No. 1 commercial, liease of large French forces who were the pre-arrangred strategry of the greathangsnaletroLdydaasycridorbynnw ipihmsii of our mines was so terrific 96 to 98c; No. 2 commercial, 94 to 96c; manifestly of great vulu -e to another coming offensive.,, Mssythanng okl hrRrsorlg.Teoenn m ' impant gun that ilhmlo > egrudki mlsNo. 3 commercial, 91 to 92c- feed Rv ao .A clen omryhssholihr hs rds 1,y h tIllf'Ila n t s << ete grund sixe ie s an wheat, 8f5 to 87c, according to freights 1rector of Ratlikeao o ieik o ere ihu hre h a o a on n o r awy nditsefec uonth Grmn utsqide. $8.35; first and second ecars un-i t emporary chalai otefrei o eeyocptosfrte t ta com trenches was volcn c. Tooffet h. Peas- No. 2, $1.6 peas, according changed. Shipments, 61,370 barrels. QUARTELR BILLION iSr"- li-- -oe s ee m-abu ls ort$ arrvin ay rech , tee n ample,utsidto $i 30, according to Bran, $18 to $18.50. 1 tice of the a nc i et cta 1rtr h t andbagilwih operatins(ingthe ardanelle a A .largr regimen which warhold- Brley-Maltingz, 62 to (14c; feed Live Stock Markets. AP RO A TIN in a repratissudteefciemn oto h rpldmn A .tispart of mct h ine wsuffeediarley, 59 to 62c, according to freights Toronto, April 4.-Choice heavy ner in whichteIihCmitefrrtr owr u eted heav loes.A captured officer pays outside- lsteers,, $8.35 to $8.75; butchers' cat- A desptach from ttawa says : Sir the supply of VetaesothFltpacflabr.Oeoder, \\ 1 1 l e, 11 1 LEC(1GOF4ha1toNomani-f'isbatain Buckwheat-68 toe 9c, according to tie, choice, $8 to $8.25; do., good, Rbryore abgvnntieo as grappled wt h iutoni aevytadfudta e S.lilRt\i Th.11 i h freights outside. $7.75 to $7 .85; do.,medium, $7.15 t rltip oiingfrsharap own. gOvaer20tn o rsarutmknjsdsgodsosw \mi mn l 1 otf ou ra ge vn iril-itih enition ti enches were choked up an<d rejected, accordinig to sample, 83 to butchers' bulls, choice, $7.25 to $7.50; ing fiscal year. The resolution con- past ten months.g ta faslirîh a o -nt 43 . s %o ered threwa no possibility of escape for 85c, according to freights outside. do., good bulls, $(;.85 to $7; do., rough tains the same provisicons as liast year1 A further outrgi a enprehslesa ig.H a n n d f th \ t m Coss irst and second lines of this eco1uebg,$.0 second patents, ini choice, $6.7î5 to $7.25; do., good, priations may be expended. This in- the windows of th1 hrhhrn ennn h atta ewe sono al n Th ayThe c raysuprs ob eupto' Jute bags, $t1; strong bakers', in jute, $6.25 to $6. 50; do., medium, $5.85 to cludes the defence and security of all broken. A sere fotrgshaeadBusl.Atio a n namny art f courage w 111,1-p len itihe occpion f th e crates bags, $5.-80, Toronto. 1$6. 10;-,do., common, $5.25 to $5. 75; Canada, and T'romoting the continu- been committedinthnegbrodlgctof.Teewetta K anem When in, 911t 1 9 hold thns grounid. The Germans sur- $sampl e 3.5t$. 05 rc ooto; $7.25; choice feedlpra, dehorned, 950 commqnications, whether by means-- -. --nwhcatrdehiawn h h ld I, l of F it ithe nee, adavr;er agh nth'&aad 41 t 420, bulk seaboard, promnpt!to 1,000 lb., $7.dsde $.7.50; canners of insurance or idemnty aast w rST EE LS HEA TFRNTO. hnea ela eoe liq Il l wunhtin both in a dazed eondition were taken pris-ý shipment. land cutters, $3.75 toc $4.50; milkers, risk or otherwise. . It is further pro- rnhC. --.ohmmsaorn r i.puh ý h i- u rit lhý way undhl foir nreaveouhTeexcnu Millfeed-Car lots, delivered Mont- ochoice, each, $75 to $100; do., common vided that the money may be raised Fec omne eue otr o eiu hhtels f l I, t a nne taterandier if Ithum is still uneertain, as menrelfegt-an per ton, $25 and medium, each, $40 to $60; spring- by way of loan, temporary or other- HsO.gSn l ot fhosad es a cmiih. m, nhewer hldig t-are in eing biflzlroughf down but the shorts, per ton, $26; middhings, per ers, $f0 to $100; light ewes, $8.50 to Wise. A pathetic inideto h ateo epoie ota h n Il,« <iontrithl vur fire.iue orde" numrber is abot t200 with several of- ton, $27; good feed flour, per bag,1$9.50,1 sheep, heavy, $6 to $7.50;-.- Verdun has justbe eotdi oeta n hn. t a Mt p tions of ho men $1-60 to $1.70- yearlings, $10.50 to $12; bucks and REC BYZ EERN Parle. It beginswt h olwn aeso oham en o tf'. t r4muene by\thi ---- culls, $3.60 to' $4.50; lambs, choice, • telephone converaontmdngt;pmnthvebninnt [n-mI.r 1ýIi lhoura ie heldbithe . .Country Produce. $11 to $12.50;, spring lambs $7 to'Hello i Who is speaking†"holding spoons, knf es W$, p-nnamin c el Ili - NN toPFlANE Butter -Fresh dairy, 28 to 81c; in- $10. 50; calves, good to choice, $8.50 Dsiguse1Åefi aNgt"This is the ostcmadr" cps1nide hit rolfi h 111 d onl nfo thw af- (i'-Mn,. ~~ .t adFqîmetferior, 23 to 25c; creamery prints, to $10.25; do., medium, $7 to $8.50; Rconasane.Hoenan e ae o hr " h a il 0.ehl 14t4l li:. tiq'tel n o ato' '.4 to 36c; solids, 32 to 34c. hogs, fed and watered, $10.85; do.,, The youngesb veteran .of the arm- "1.eave your sno egati oe o rp frNtotiCause. Eggsi-New-laid, 25 te 26c; do., In weighed off ears, $11.25; do., f.o.b., ies of France han just z:eceived atm-, charge of thereob.Tkegh E 4) Ni Il I 1.1 TO - 1 llmlThe French Lifer Savers' Associa. cartonso, 27 to 28c- $10.50. ultaneously the Order of the Croix men iiind out o togGra eypoic n i ol litiTsti<.i \\ li on, ailthouigh not affiliated with ontey-Prices in 10 to 60-1b. tins, Montreal, April 4.-Butche'rs' steer, de Guerre and his first leave of ab- patrol which haIuIIntrd h either armi of the national defence, has 13 to 14c. Comba-No. 1, $2.75 to best, $7 to $8;, good, $7.40 to $7A65; sence from the front In over a year. wOOd. Report 't1 eimdaeyo itl apltt ep ac A dewe hfro laden ay.A rendered eff icient service in the war $3; NO. 2, $2.-25 to $2.40. ifair, $7.06 to $7.25; medium, $6.60 With several beared comrades in your return"mn-Te1pmplt ilttnnlii comnuiittee has beent pinigtt both collectively and inidividually. Beans-$4.10 to $4.40, the latter'to $7, roungh, $6 to $6.7&6, .Butcher 'arms the youngest Wturned,up In:Pri An hour la11terteGra arltae hycnpruo c d 1,.\. th e Gaeromentf oir m alipe r-. T\w e nty -thrreeof its members have frhadpckd uls 6.5 o 67; eiu,$ t ose h sgt adt cl uon -., de aniiatdød h pce, a ak athypefrt ntom (ýt prit, n .for t he 4cli e of been killed in action and fifteen PutyCikns 1t 2;fol,$.0 ommon, $8.26; eanners, $4 "arie"o wrim omtef taworeryn ,an hr hy s (msofr ar anid men Iin France woundied, and in addition many have 18 to 19c; ducks, 20 to 22c;, geese, 18 to _$5. Hogs-SÈelet, 11 to $11.60; He ls one of the few "poillu" Whose put .coM1thanerpantohee ThKisrnd andiý lgueilf Thoe Pince of i Wales been cited for gallant.ry in the or. to 20c; turkeys, 25c. roýe and mixed loti, $10.25 to marraine la really older than he, for phone. r per oanet meoramH b ereted Some of the nfsociatiores working Potatoes-Car lots of Ontario, $1.80 $8. ltheep, $U to $8; lambs, $to $12. *age of sweethearts than of god.. Leutenant X-- sdn.Cayo sterly. of the 1in a Eth- "Des- nly ' a lhough scom!- e Bri- zwith d that rmany emon eyes, which s huirt nly a s have *ortun- ne are Skinds ýed f or ippled arpen- differ- black- mount are so world, if pos- he had tuany s, and 1map- ich are ithout t also can be se art labor. an ol jy art do noi wný te shéoe. 3could th ont e was it b othi 1engi- s run- 'ologne oth his t were re, and g1ma 1more gand 9must can do la sad le, fin-- 4 for eigrs, o that ipp-. ieci lu d t bediueg lIit si# iiab »46 e67e.I t o bî aedw lwt IkW4t o of he îve Ohen Dere supta nedalitnna a4 during bMonday night a series-of des.1the Huns, willbe celebrated oficiaDy Manitoba Springbt-wheat ,r Perte enem»y cutratc AI l, Mincanada by the, hoisting8 lit~ n aet, rt,906yenns 61 of them were repulsed, and the Turksm, alpulic buildings. $stro tmPato retreat, Iv rigbn ton eanatRUSSI A RAB O»RDtao$ - 0; do, bagsA& to o W.e0., 4ý aemn We an14okp o neMUNITONS ENQUIRY JO6-,td., han a oï direction of Ui7,ndjanbs% g ' The Council of the Émpimreoal», 0 tSw-N.2,e ase u WOMIEN WOKINNocS ina the ncessity of ivsiaigt4e"n erlot*,. t .0. CheÏa AT BRITISH PORTlrecent insuficiencyof mannitions at ?mweotstaa, #t te 1t; omaeluist dmptéP dbov 1 1,1M Adespatch from Liverpood says teRsia rn, a h sae-, a t:38,Bta 00eth n Women are now being emnployed at opeunng of a prelina ury toCoes emt3a3e eed o o eg the Liverpool docks, handling cotton accusations aains»t G«n ookendp. 0 t 4M. po1t*-ffdbe «&A0 importa and other bagged goods. At0 frirl inse o ar n the Leylanid Line docks nearly 100 against Gen. Kuas-Korewaef women are now workIng. Fearswe Chief of the ArtilleyDprtst entertaned that the Dockers'Union---î- would rale diticulties, but thseebave FRNR qiEA been emoothed over and the *womn1#1LLED AT VE art receivIng the same rate of pay as the men. A despatchferseparis -seaga TIGH TEN ANOTER IJNK ne a ra;W A dospa. tcfrm •lonom" si, . 9reat Brtain hau puin eacta r.m LDEm$.% Yeesel nor her .caro is aue ri -Nk Il aoM tSI, Tm S IV tom. umen ison hYa to a nUmm bleamt ttu port.»à

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