Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Apr 1916, p. 2

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$0TES 'AND COMINTS tn-focUP mae ____ ___ ____ - -1~atés n -etppor)oce, ani Whei o~Q diseussmmg thé flDI l uelnt' i'dledlin thi, bën we e 1ier t deth rebt " Blême 4erèiturilly t4-a1s 111115 . b do. i te bI$er~a ~ <Fbblue fai oiniio offi 1_ Id& 801 mt, 'h etce tthbe For th#ose 'l ',of ù 1 wb utbave n îblaek, ,W"y sehases of trey, t-b sobtr1r wae those-of ui vimo have, lobcopei-y toues, orsnge, ter hourd.Ilt-se a volee of reausura.nee wen-e, stacks ,apdti éteks Of passe anti simîlar shades. These da ralsed ln a timne o!ftiiatuu-blng clamer (rocks t-o be remodeleti, t-hlm ahoulti binatloas of course are correct tftd an earnent o! thie pu-valenco of prvo of banner season. Fashion bas street; for t-ho ladoor dress o cooler coUsola wbea t-be angera cf ben very lenlont- it-h our lit-tle noon govit, one May atiow t- to-day sbie economles tuA several seasoma pasti fancy a lit-île frftrr rein. TI but thîs Serlng, 'whet-her It la t-he isome vonderfuiy vlyld t-ou AIlU« anti Tout-on. îhav-e boom var, wi lta Il.cemîsquent deprivatious eolou- brougbt- litnov andtih ssthe en are o t- he rnh direction, or Just bot-sus she tancdes Asi a general rulo, bovever, pi AU lknds o! schemea are bselng dls-cvolviag thbe oclu lit-Uc conceptioni vilI predomimat-. t-hlm easor cussedtito koop what- la now called anti combinations une secs on evoi-Y iaowing t-o t-hapi-osent- cond enemy trati. out-o! homo mai ket. aide, certain lb mnt-bat- economny Just-t-he dye market; naturally pai aud t-o try bu kcop Il eut- of eutrat now la beiag mail. uery easy al riy, oreti fabrica require much1 marel. helemt-meugce fYret nîiilatiliîgt-han deep shades. ItleI.masq lma refusaiT-otratmae wih oriffuter. flîrtiles. lBretelleo% anti Juimuprs. t-bat t-is thoulti bappea lant-] What are t-be probabilities in t-be ight î Let cus suppose foîr instance, t-bat mer soason viien we are al ot experl?mce anti neî-eq-muîy 7 une has o lark bttue serge dreRs of cinedtito-tuai-clwbit-e, pale piali letaîtsnî It iy mot he uvora t-o mauves, anti laveaderis vhicl The uu-rring tnations uili do ai i c riîuy rrcnit cxteiit- iîut revtbeless ît- prrtit-uimrty fastinattng t-bts ltarth teanc another that thcy crin need otsîiniellitug tii make it look mare By Fatil, if t-be var is not nt wuhile the w-îr ats. AftÀt- thIe war1 up tii iltte. %%,e amy mîlt ri deep akitrt- perhmps va shall ail t-mie t- . .- __-1_ -. - --à ..L .41 u e iinet ni.inate anv itis net RING GEORGE'S MES. ki many - la tii-oa (By Mu-s. Jean Blewitt.> î .ay 1 W. bade fareweli te t-ho hillas of hqme t-o black - -Wth x cheer tshut- cciiooi bacit, Audtue e cilot Hurrah for ýCanada, M-.- îly WIt-b }ttrraWfor t-be Union Jack, --- oe green- Hurrah for t-ha lad. tan the khaki coats, t. ra-cotta For t-ho soldiers true anti bold, tr o - t-eHurrah for- t-be weethearttm eft bebinîl, r aft-or- H-urrah for bbc heurt-s of golti. be color CHORUS. When Lit-t-le Bear t-re r1-'b, we5re off -t-oie gt-for ou- contry,. lette if aWe march t-o t-hobugio'n t-ail, loin L Wit-h a t-buaderijug eheer for t-le vorîdtito hettr ming It-.We au-e filt-n, aoeant i al ale tomes Oh, we tiare t-o do and We tiare to die, n. This We lads of âie bibi and gleiu. ifium of oSaeheKnintemn iir mtelcol-We ari-al Kiîg Geou-g,'s Men. The bit of (od's cmitii that gav'e us birJh Bred us loyal to the core. And we'ii never ceasse nor cry for pence Tilt the fnemen tight no more. For iwe Laie our stand wvith ai ittrpose grand While the brutal encniy cowcrs8, W'e'hl stand for- Right, and strike roi- ight, rWould Net Work. - One mornlng when Lit-t-le Bear! wante tet play, hi.. mot-ber soent hlm oul t-o pull weeds la t-le blackiie,'ry put-ch. Whea bis mother vent out Ici s00 boy ho vas gettiag on, alto fouati hlm lying on t-b grouati anti loîiking ah the sky. "Little Bear," saiti she, "lhave yvou' t'iuished t-be veeding?" o Mthc ea, vst-oamsve- "it is too bard worit, 1 shaîl pull ino more weeda." Neyer bofore haul' Mot-ber Beaur heard Lilt-le Bear speak lîke that; sou she hook hlm by the banti arlici - bim intcî the bouse, vherc Fmthc-r hiq father said nothiuig. 8o Little Bear etc hread and d*ank water. The afternocon lasted a long, long time. tit ti Bear was asleep when his mother brouigbt hin iore hread and water. Wheii hie awoke, he again smetlled 9.:h frying. He feit hungry, biut isUill bis; mîther did not bring him amy lish and his father said not-hing. 'ilien he uauied his mother and bis father. "What ii;te t rouffie w itb Soin I3enr -?' inîjuired 'fri orrni. çien Mother Bear led the Iitt t' f'IIow dowiiitaiis. "I amf hng waileff i milc l'.ar. h1ave y(>ilil()i> reiid " <iiknil Fa- ther Bepar. 11*ilbi. As a plain iE- - -«A- ------- gwngdthi. t-o meut vu8.. thé.rs - 1b~ ~ qukter tait; 15l1 à4u -itd- -i .,- q-* t resuuption of commerce and financini'YOk< ti ii :a nîgngirdîr witn pernaps a »w il u til ' oy.111 UApni gnî tilt twie dîîo sours. brsti i îgcar Icrntclj~ îco2tl: relations between the prescrit eniemies 'a liie<t(ille on-i- reach shouidler, <of extravagant unless we May take the; "asternBar,"shesi,"iteLti îî,'o hoIaî May he slow and nt Afit roundabout. black satiii or moire. presert vogue of white shoe-s and 11Il. Ither wii lo rk. hnbhn <db'icî Ianlns Yet Ruch is the nature of man and (tiltTs I«tid c<arr, tron. mlii irreaîiv spots as forerunnertm, IH s Kgoi tr i fglt îin'reulom's causer, BLittiH sliaksh alemton oîlte iubec %ah such the i f econnnic life thiit toî the cffe t. \\heii cleverly donc, A %Vord About Shoes. \%eui make thaI cause our- owni.ttlemeant,"Bu la e<uotsakwoegadn dlI h n<o artificiatlari lers (ii k long Qbqtri t th(, fi (<ci lý,ie" iie' nithe inaîIi-over ha mnit ,u Uicnatrnlcorse«f -<mmece îtapparnco u '<ii av' hd me lie speaking of shues, it rihig-".%\41 (Io<bour le-st at the' Kiiig<s ii-hst. him!" n 'l oklk 1uyHu th. atro cure fcomecean apernw i h9v hd ioebc weii to say ilworor tW > t t lînt tTilJý îurfors are lyiiîg prone, finance througrh the c' ias of Inter- seasnnîl",ba k. l'ut sl' a lî-btýrhtfulY the niew pumps for the îlainîy. airy .ýndiliow in -ii ilut tht-v soon mn lie, 'hhm A-u îgnFte o'lhtm aetîhf< nainlecaiIc t'h-itii (e( 0Bear, glazinig bardrtLteBa. opruhlcerisado.; nationtil exchuiogc. frocits of the girl of Spring mandSum î 4h ish-rusha e us t10 grî i 1understani t hatyuwl o ulmi. nier, 1916t. She w'jll tuekir the ni t I i .,,c stand in in<rthe- iattle'si(lin, weeds, Son Bei ? Vr' .l, ulrr':gc 'h(i.i pence cinies thingq will bouli time Colonial pump «gain ith it s Wcmn of the M aple 1 tif. "Itis tfouhadwok'epun hrUt.. bu lilIs d i îfferc it totelu bell igerent-s and tii the accompanying liociles. And thege Littleie Hir. -1r o li nuh osýc m dwel i lc neutrai-. The meni who will lie hertdeit ibuckies will be ceai huekieq not me urc'nnlîpull wcedsin iiteIl-ter ac. ac îfiedr. wiilic ibc 'ncîsandui îît ilitîu r% r pretenses, anme <if the.-i menr sL ~ i A-u!Ahhm! eetî a ihoBa asu u-pa. ~tatecmi.(ummrclconl grminmrpo- 1ofmuch as two and <ne-half inche! Il er Hear, ,whowisraitosu-Ethrlnrfledtwihru t rdenu comerei îl oni it repro k mross. They range frora the cdm50 Il HEAL 7H Ilsf f jertel Iiin he ientcatnitpassion (if the .- À Iva-tive leather cov-e,.eil huckles toii- IHu N o i î "î<I 1 SnIeî, uh ospnLT Hh~rBa ase iatej contetit. \Vision îaiiiithî'ugbt mre lis- .'SOtNerng R orel.Iu lieiortesci .ai- a" coiored Lsemi-precinus jwe's îIl?î 9. i,; wliît 1 -h'ul<Iioi urmthcbakirisautatî~wiI voit-e li [loydGerg' shouli- The high white shoes with wihile- p-igrncsjweîe'.tifl Hi-"ofni. ready lie ricil iin Great Britain di-istitcbing, bcd mand t>~ue ill bîe înî-Ei'i~d hraîs %çt Theîîîîin h ît'oif. Fasîthuerj rluli dB utear thtLti B-irtewo hie pckelruî rectlng atte-ntioni tu the faits of te r ersI favorite for the simple aftcriuiotîýf sadIiri,-%I h ois%%hc leýatntjrt od odvi future, and ittsimitar îitter1rnnes - - ress ior thceuwhite fianel oi- serge suit. 24 2. Goldenî TexI : < iniliviiluais necilairitbis Perinil of jumpeil it thet-(în.'u itehasfvepee fjhnuse u have heenminade in Germriny andtj \, A pair of 'sport shoes should be founîtTi taLI 2: 7. tue ventrils fresh iir, e\er-cis" uînd al who w-dl tnt pllcîsnteili--haigdse fbaiiri j i ~~~~iin every wardrohc,mand for tbose whiî V'erse.1-. Th e slory rfi -jtiro , s i rplier diet. Owiiig ttî wealber con- tîecry paît-lushai u -u îuc-îrn w uffstfmi-te cenjoy saiga pi o kti shoes ctîum if the oîlder aposties. lititîs many îuf ouiu rîiisaer-lere. .wn îtmi edi h , The fuîct if the future is hat in A1Ray aiso lie incluclei in the Spring The saints Su tiis siiatee i 't i-ted iin the winter. There is aisoi So upi;tairs weNtLtic erfi-pîh cwasied hrih the tausk tuf îepairiiîg wamr's riî..rgist' utfit, for It k promiseil thaît the in-' titie <if (hitau~as such. Ilul i ness a, ttndenicy tri eut ex-e@t-.ively of imell t lowerl l'i% inohr hoci-e obc btngt aî uî anti recorstructing the shattered or- - i tîor rinits wii rernain open welliijo . and. mil fioits. Asa rql, paeo r gns m-tl n of cklihezade t tehegry the warm ueather. . sccipîion Tr fa select ft,%,, si.ch as Ihe -tht- sprinK arrives wiîb itq WrIM (ay4 fuîtltif wnter friî b pir ihruii-îi.nrii u e ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ Thm ptersclin tic ottainei t ilt ahiet- il-asoirted iI mpîtnly if meinmanrio 5 isare like il furnace thatliBentmrsalid niitiuî hnst eIwr ntegrît ttlh conl luevased i Ie cfompetit ion iv~our locail McCali idealer, iurrintt «lh i7 d -utrn,-ii uhrohave1 ieen "'aen- haslergochtuketl wiib fuel thut Little Be <i upstti 1iu1~ h ; lala eia ecil;f' thee wllbcbuttwde evt-pnii.1ofnie 70Boi ShTrotooi-,qioIîue fandwer àhal.ohetl thatt ve whndnhewhadr i-il b-as-ttedifthecope-tio i \vR fruira .eruisalenu ii)îyîpppri ,It>,oî Yiu -rnnot liuy relief frora these Ihat, because aiifrth liuh thrd v- iec u wt- if the lind whiu-h aeeks firqt tii make M EL'UI N( SOV EUEI(,NS. three iîu -ters ifrlte u'a>-. <<rait ongrit ilui01at1 a bott'e Med- %vam aioke. gobtta teilehî ' tratie artd frust rateil if it ii oifthue -Ar iea ris ii-in ati 1y m i eNN, ibut lt-une witt not make up for- ovemeating At dianer tiîuer hnh ml ihe, h'ewsu a't r )iîd which seùks priniarily tiitacBtaai AaredatDagelc S" il îîa(;îPeck mimte. Ias1,111-kiuni uieexri.e hehghdmt rynhofithmnr lu im i> îîe, rmionr',- ie u trade. Tendmuinles <re alilthait clin I.D lrain on Gold Iteseru . iliiru.'use-s tue f,,-nuîfi t hc eriftuîunî t rme whic-h almuis;t iiîi\irialily prevails iller luId nclti'righmîn lhaîofinceri.'iuuî"Cn )le srifeiy dlscîissedto i-dm>', îut th(, I The practice of mîlting 1Hrit'isb here : t was thbe t-etm a iii-toîr v uii ittii en<f thissao fte e 'aî-frem pneu -_____________________________________________ comi'îrobl t letlc y rfr the w-a j > goît sou'ereigns tii mix w ith «tht-r(Ise. NepI bis tut-tdh-iepl i. tieil mîniu, lubertolosis antI other respîr- w-hi < iiuriblylie may fruin tuî- n-- - 4, )metala anti thus make jeweiry ho -ll terra iidf st"iecid lii i.- iîîîenuîatîîry dtscuuses s lurgciy due tb the lFRENC'H SEICESR >~ osdrii ciul r<~ like foi-mi;îîf cîîmpet titumu and huiuvnrdt te suddenly i'ich munition *tcutkers ed 1o li sugest tteuomîst vulzar wuirdrdi-tl physicnît resistrince oif indil- -th'nmirflîttciiVit thoe thiîe coflrir> ui itiiiliu '--and their wiu-cs is saîi to hav- e tccumi'vicb Lul.c faitl liy tales oser frîîm u-îluals. uvichmaest-imprcu yBefr ubecf ate rweermsenielnth.'n liofure the confilît. se alarming Ihat an effort may liit-ithîse ut-bo told hmm the stoly hu-rly scîsit ive w hleui the sudicen - Yeats itAry.wuîsrevit Soî-ifu-n Nit .41, 1Ili Y()lt lE L%. .made duriag t-he preseat sesstion 'if 34- Miake thcy tueul- A sinigle - rtichanges (if temperritume cc'ur which h'rivmtc soIdier vaiguo h'poiiit -e;tu b îq- ~~1Ut'4'l' SLAX 011 i11 SLAIN. ~.-.. Parliament t-o palis a lriw tbprohilmit literiiitv, "spuead fou-ymursf." Il are c-mmunuu rt tlitlme tif the youir. aleeve iiamrowt'stpeofgtticdo-rchithoWr Tisv-- it. There are not- mmny qoverceigas in r-ecalus the Master's aititri-s, "Tnuaki- )Iît people ire susceptible, as t-bey rire' etibraid similisrbtb cern ffr srpsiism-fîn- Fallier Vaughanu lbfends Iii.-4"K il circulation la Englanti, they*hbîîving tup th>' heil nd watk-" htused more closely iluring winter- the normommissioe fleshv ; îttie ewr îiu IlAîem>' Advici. 7023-6733W been recalled short-b- after the out- 5. Sbaron--Nirtb uof Jippui. ()f time Ihuin the young. corne common ouch tet fprsaesredasmfci-tlm Slrong critîi'sm b as been vioiccd break of the war, but tht-y car ibc oh- coursnie d(o not gmther tihit iitu'ralty! Let youi' spriiig tonic proscription of late, an'ousiiagcnhlrbecro rnhs agana l"t-er erarî Vughnt! The S ort Skirt and Jabot Bloume tuaneti readily la cxchaagre fou- prper ail the poîpulaition "turueu to tht- Lor-rt-ai someihing ais follows: famousîn'emcher, for having ativiset i ci tIle costume hn the new deepu notes at the Bank of Eitgland. -t1h is i very easy hyperbole. Eatmenmcibut <oc ay nd tot-- e d ibrisques." hyw'r -nb&Acei 'n:s theu Br1itistsoldiers from t-he pulpit b -mo teffeîct, forihpin ni ea- The goltireserve la t-he Banuktuf 31; .lciPPa--Nt.mscallod Jaffta, nui irgi]y. !fore the î-evolutio ypirt odes n a nliummwî kilt the Germans insteati of b-iag kili rt ay-nc eir. ('oae e.peum,Englwd aI the present tîme is ceuh- ttmwn uonthe eoaimf4lla lestiliv, thlirti, Thn'se not unîer-tha doctor's t-are,- who ba t-o their mxdîegîyaso n -ruhasre ntt u t-lut-thm. SeN'ral lettiers ofpro- aquiliis, bmuncls, ant nets of con-imated nt about $2551,000,000. There -mile fî'om .eruslem. Dorcrs- -Tht- shoulî take mn gImas of wit-er before more of servie h -emm.Teei h ae' lto uuwîi cd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~qilns bu' udisemo cn are other golti reserves, af course, in amle beaut-iful eyes matie ils name retiring foîr t-he right- and one un hour, met were calleti"rsad, n hnclen issliwtbi, d1 don Delly Graphie the followinig re- too wiîh lightly wora frocks, suit-s, One of t-he aimas of the Governuent 39. Witows-lt is; not ualikely t-lut, Cet ail the fresh air possible. «rm aeeetey eeaceeiasfehoeft-osopmudoa Vaughasnt- t anhter iyFahr niblouses. Shoulti a hem b. la t-o prevent aoveregnit going out of-t-hese w'ere the "emuoleti" witows tifSleep with -oui- windows open. the tiistinguishin carteitiofa1t-oberbutisbn 4 sugan fom Mncheter: -d-origbiyrfayedorewthewhetertihethccuuntryt-oekepeue t-bu resthe Tin.ter9,e 1 Tsealiheir5ive9,la Seet-ba you t-lo-bin la eavinanixîreeiy ouch on oint of nti ry. henbker muit 'A clipping from your enîerprising be t-be lower etige of blouse or skirt-, YmneIrml amd ~ ~ ~ - cershtdppe-cont-aina let- oeofthu tfqlu ti uî-golti supply and t-o preveal the golîl chu rcb uuork: Dort-as w-as prt<bahly one ieaîîugh humprot-ect you againsçt suddten'- uoor. aa<tin ai isÎe an la ih ev.F 1 permapfo rahngIeeamof îhem. Slîowing---The w'orc bas a1 changes of wather. - The "brisques"wr ntiue ywr on'<Wl, atIP tors fRm J H te h-Tal g, racotratng a oFir t-hie pant six mont-bs,tir eu-en sugestio. of ot an Fareinit-e Waik in t-be oper air -five or six 1the momarcby oftelbceur;e-m tbeacothmmalb thanin e r .H. ewsham-rtaor set onlte covet-lit most attractiveiy. msine t-he nmunit-Ion workers began taeoas"nt grmnt->milesq a day. ce by the t he eer-so nIdgain mefo dvuii or kroun d t-be bottom of a ateeve, wbich work night- andi day and draw grently Themaced revolut-dolotj, ie8en bl th ing ns rodopen as nebeJgsnctae wordsbulonmotgrepresenît nstat-ed by t-bhira osla e to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~-& 111tleeeyntetofengh.mtjt hmotbomn rTO wages, they bat' ba nhav- h original. la the traunslatiîon ianîsh GIoom n lasuashine.t-apyhogil ed f- kiIled-by him. Trut-b ta tell, tilI 1 or fi nish, a double rufflo oOf Picot t-mg gold coins meit-etifor jeweîry. above it is assumeti that here femi- Isvr n oli ayraiete pomdimg t tseati Dr. Meyer's letter 1 had no no- edged ÇGoorg«tti., banuded through tbe Theb practico la sald t-o have become t ime at-tire in int-endel. la general teFrtEprti otrtoth tiei t-bat: we considereti it a 'mitqfor- mîile wlt-h a narrow blacik velvet- espftiÈy otcesible in B-rmag 'mthe words denoto t-he lamer andi out-er tonie effeet- of a litile sunahine they Second RepublueadtoScn m <le ottha htae u t-ue't-okit Grmns.ribonma b.atdet, he lbon .-whee anyo!t-h l rgej îmizan-grmn-repclvl1om fs idwould bo bot-h healt-hièranti happler. pire; t-ho Third Rpbl algao-tom, nee h ~ ridô la lmgade, erbil e hr ayo h ag eer - ofshirt- rcaching t-o t-he nees, t-ho1 Cover somoe en grass wht-h a piece lshu-d ro-enlhtteu fpia-sltth h omrepoe,"waw 'nmy stupitilty I hati alutayafelt- g rawn as tightly as deefr.d and atfacturers are localeti. ,There la -nho; nu ofl~ olt on o apt o amnî nimo- h ry xetlgwtbth ako frdm.Iwntotstig «9t wss misfortthe t-a miss t-hem- I bsti no idea that- soidiers la war were oftsetin o a fperky lit-ti bo. Depcuffa law aganinatt-o pac-icoolmeti the lbodcy ila mway more easily visuel- result. Thle, trassiuili hava cumplete- subordinate officr -oojc ! -o ua o ti beo regarded as police on their beati; af at m or tafetac wlt a bmute 'Humoernmwt mocy.e lidrn0IdiPthanhat-h Wst Co- Wcbangd. ' It- will have Ibatlt-s color stripes disappelrd Te aenw "htsalrgt"r~ In m, ta jamn a o ar faa b.eatinachen tt-o an tho Wes. CumendWlhciame aaomemwhite.f1Par- .,ripY simphicit-y 1 was undor t-he im- wl h.a aeolg o li lmn iouNttnlau h haapare Mat-t. b. 40, Luke 6. 29, wbîsre at1 om lot ht ihie ilabeen aut-horizeibyom geeaof os,"mgdyu'o tfe pression t-bat- aur Iroapa had gorie t-o tashioned aleeve, or an ugly noc.k fin- t-ho'Goverlument shoulti make lit ate'point hn that- t-hoe'coat- istahoexatywa apn epul.I ieau -ofottob ona ilgyudd' utorf t front, mot- t-otake up andi haadcuff 1 1Whn ee e. ufa i- <i--i itnI - t»erînhti t--cbal. îatt-e> mio Lke gr-y&uliehi<lrk lomyrombadgbageo cn-huoofevie ora tci. but-sso , ottuoen-ar'1.Ment, as againet- the "doak" which, esanot-b. rosy or oatirely heaitbhy. -- - ~- t-hi apgreaaorthesleeve, if sufflely fUIt May be :4e jeweh-, *nud. a. obrwuda id u ieati-Ntol osIbslc !sahn t-o Wlpe hlm out anti do.for hlm. la- gat-lired Inmb t-be uff, thoreby lendi- "A.s 1h. law now standis a mon tan à,omreî lt-gat pi-ut s raif 1m- impairy obea it-la ut lofteetie u f I h d ne er regadioft-heesitaton Înmother modlab toucb,.-for much ttrake a five-pouati note tuo t-he Bankait bode it a malr seas.o f m mpn-aiud e. oucnnthoano- 1 btlim euigu -estain-ut it C ofice 1ion f L hIgt o! a brgar etheone'swg'Inly, fulaesa snot-Iced inlathb e Wfv eeof En iglaM danud demand sotrerelgits for iblee yaatle ucs.6 IuErat-her as an assassin undor or- Sieeves Offerlng Iateresiting k H autk th oicoins t-o bis t O.1t -hmai -ot-s?-cîtit nilv.l om lcead L t9muroi-,nd osallfllee.fa4rymelt thnu tovr, mutis got er%. Maater uiti on t-hoeocasion ho Who wattto be a jesalist? de gmremassacre andma - mblte.Ity et hmdwiî h dréemmbeotino w.lil and desciibedti -e Many of t-he most dred geraJ j asT a l~l lr Iin1l. ~ widows anti chiltren, icaurlngthm <hr, nitre-ur-r-iegstb lbcetiIode$mtas nimae pupil 'John Mar-k (Mai-6. 40). i'ffl eoinpletely aninllated by a con- nch1« ut hseyD.ier'. wep wi- sîceves will be worn this Spring ani Jweii7. Tho mer. sçquaniering 'of t-ho :Simdiarly Elijab (T Kiîgs 17. 19) and 1:tin1wti-Application o! sunahine, Thlsan r kadR tiet i#Of" ouse f Dr Myera ontn.Summer. There i. still a .u-,,j ton-unition workeruî' money ln t-i way,.£lt,bo(2 Kinga 4t 33) anti muet be.îla tihe réason ail mYodo#n'hositalsae tlqoî la- right 1 muet- confes, t-o betag detcy t-o t-be tu-ummpareat effect- of the l in t af natIi1 t"14.WIOII theal ewith GOti andti 1h. dead. Oniy btllt on t-be pavillon plan, whicb adi- qulte wrong. In other words.,if oui- sWupl a neret for sUver boit-et. JeUts ctantolorate any spectastors :.at pIlle ýUglit on ai ld..~ î~~mr Îa~mu nicnr-pdsuêtn n' atillrilanot- out- primaiy t-o finti and for a support for t-he worker andnt aiBtbnyhohaimay mDs>segemTarhett-e nl th.e lini 'dýrange for killling-our b., but- only Id* famuiy In pousibe tdsys of at-criH4assurance Gof th. Ditrne *wil tô vat-ho bodi rat itd the. *, oiHhtsa, - t-bat.It ter shoot- or frighmem black buetles te eoccew ls a bed t-ing.. t 1f." vwsnaturallr absohaoeasbla Thrme -butthet 1h. I igh t entu 114dhi 4 . - ~ibbt5 ntimosuitoca myatiîcet-~"There la another serieu id - teîi o i. ot >at'eies, jt* .î ut a andl1!Wdoehmap. Gâbt rmsiatoet-hMyer outof IL-t-- )O *St-t. apendsmenti' la ton- pstr uim irpÎ)sumuud o' e tbrt pasuaetIirt u ains. iqo~o ttg I vrtngl jo4 pt rvreannani la aInt-11. Itabe4u a] 1>4 otî outr îbi*ofk % j4tesamaet In4alb d<llIuateu>*#tii Ié "Asfo or fietit-b uecorof-St " - anboy cn o iog a~~t-the ~ 111 t t-tie etbchmbrani ie *4st --Abn w l'UAet:tiew* mohnol *r tMm*13at < dÉ& a . 1 -, -- . ý - 1 1 ý - > , 1 - -1 1. ý.. - , tA i b, 1 will i(l the ",(r, if Y-, ilurd -il Fa- uvn t-o L-bcrry it, andi jt-liy. -brin y - sh of K full bal ho t. anti three aund tire ho iciîerry o ther id <Lne tviplrked 1i st oti t trk- .h thle .S have on bas 'e uni- viii be es wiiu in 'he y, Saw s, 'EX. le suent ýi it bo- plalmeti ig bard ore YOU t-, "4t-hie left t-h. ippomoîl man t-o tea you )t a r.-. t-ho oid ,d. Fir- la pare 'e -oi, ïk talit -fm

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