Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Mar 1916, p. 7

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- I NEVOSDISESS KINGS WRO WILL IN THE- SPRING LOSE THEIR JOBS 'uî'ed hy Toning th'e IH asnd Strengthening thse N erv' s. lt ui l: o <pinion <or tiir.'e ' 11n( îuîîtttlî i l , afte' - long oiisî' VI iliii t ii-'.tiio jtti iitut< llii' mo0liî moitît ilti>nie i' rtus tini the SI ili nîi iy oth' ti- n tini f iii 1l(Y11ii. , 1, i u Itu ll lir 1iIl ,it if :, ( il titi mou ii II.t lrli ht liti- f.ii iluzîr ru ni(11-il 1' :1îIlîî1' \v t 1 - I iif1i'IIt-- Il iii' ut ' v' el ' il iti 1 i le, Y r u iil iii,1 il' t I l lu polliItt ill ;Ille < r.-t I-l- , rît.t1 1 1,1 iii ii titf tc ýI u l -;,1 t Il 1-1il- - A r 1 'h t 1 ni ltil . jItili i lur - i i' il[I and i tt-r ii f i' ' - tiq i ttu a- iq tIi-ilt'l l ' t' irIlii -,ilcd-t rîriti-' n t loI. >îîî >r,î 1t - lv ii 'iI i hîr iti 't ii. îthttri. t i i l hu IIItu rîlt i ih u.olii f ii - i )fi- :u fi'."- ilii trti-ill t 11 bEnl il t-,- I lvîruuîîy 1.(q1i e r \-t' ,f tu i ttt tii lur, ptiijtyl i pt'o ilt i ll iY '-ms r 4 i i î u tut t-. I l i l) I il Iil foi m, (4 r ir ii ii i it «,(t u u peiu t ,ît pei l t i s t 1 s 1t ig ' t Il i t t- 1, ,it Ittt il" - li j -' Sf, i'll'f\I>hilu 1 1- Sunir u il fltit irti-n. if~ r u 111:111 u a l u t iil ut r t lii- ti îlitf u t tn i r. l iiit I rt i-lit t - I lii i liqii t i1, - I1, tti-1 lit% 1r i t i Mt r - i titi t ut I-- lii l'i l fiiilh.ftIl,irt'il'll il rtl tlqi Y t l i I i t' t ir i - j t - 'l it It - n Iii - t '. gi t t , t i :l t, In tliqii jtiiittiiî rn i iq 'Hi - t' - t 'li t I u:i qîrt - 1 lilt, a t-i q k - rtrî t 1 i Yti il s- t-r- jr it-- fu tIi if ~i Y l L tii-tut1t1% t lietI ti ? ii il r-~ i l l T' h-t ii ' 'i .L tql t "i'tri ,- fi înhîtî'l t ttîiî t fIil,- ri r- I 'l'h. î' 1 îî'l'lit ri 'Lî h t lu 11 til h i i i 1 1 - ut- l t 'o fle i lit fi 'htt .' Lt:ltii Lh - g îli , ( ti - i tle ti ilnet 1i l 1rtc- ktli 1iilt ut ue or-rinitTe 'u to i l it> tiimi-- tin, e tboi dîîj iil i uti i, it t - t i ti l and frît'l'ut liiinîlit-t\iti- i it . ah supibe it l cIlv h' NiLii. pThe fo larulithîl tut Qi- i Ilaiiij Liudon - Sinji. lu i t Ilnî'î s, 1 hetttilot il> tii t MtuJi'St n-s4, iti,à ed'nt athilt-fronti allt Nbit î'oîîlul hot-- of t ltil 1't, mlti'.> ir.s i. u 1 i vilîs11rs pioau'h.-'i. Tlh" h ng hliai> z t . %vith a '. r y it(uiîg trtii,'r, undil li ed hx-artilv ait i ht pntienit i' ' plies luto mi(ifc1w, îlîîlws phyung jr ta qui-as ttr. is iii.ne- 1.-i- ' -, t -h a t i t i nu ià i mîi', iut theî Kinîg '.it h îa twifil 'l'h.' sotudier i d iii ol ri 'ci 1i suggestion, but gi-a'.cly irîpiluetilt lie wvas aîîxious to get hack agaim do bis bit usî.linon a. ua rli, . enougi. lilev s stîlTî'î 11qf f hilil seviere rheIl 'ho«'k. Brave and Vigtbrous%. .1uior --Se you litii iiipi îîîr her, after all? Weed-No. And l'm mit gîiing When I 1got to her bous.'. 1 fou ber chasing a mouse with a hroi Icr Eat GrpeNuts ? ( Made li Canada> 4 If' A. Thor'. a vast aria> of phymical andi mental work- or» wha do not. Onie reason-ita dciacioua îîutIlike flaver. Aisothas'--lî Leoaaily aud qulckly dlgest.d - gener- ally la about eue heur. But tae bgtreason le--- Grape-Nuta, besidma bav- Ing dullclocs ite, sup- -ple, ail thse rich nutrlaset ef whols whoehte ami1- e8 banley ldng lsathé «fvltal miIuargI utoasa.- cesear for ublIdinsg braisa, nora m i muoel.& AIWaye reaciy te at direc frn tisa pakage Gs'apa->iuta wMtI ram oS S"dei suslea awell bel- anceti ratloa-tisa utiosi ý In .eussd nourbmembtu llood it ioli, yetu r.' r Il t %vii.vr ABOUT THE ROYAL FAiL UIlI OF"TO-1AY. Rla il) tlers Iilis', in t he l'îî.t lto'în lt.nit'.eîl irons 'lheir 'Ihrunc. 1 Nationial Preparedness does flot corne frorn guns and dreadnoughts alone, but from men who are fit for the day's work. The making of meni is a question of food and rational exercise. You can't build stalwart meni out -of an unbalanced "ration." Shredded Wheat Biscuit contains all the material a r io t 4, nerdeds i Ilbi-; ILo r the Zr- r' i vt tu -,tt i l rîtl hki li'itny fcct hurnan body. It is the lit iti-iizuliIt.S iiji t it ii r'exil e . î-ery w~hole 'vheat grain mrade ltit liit 'vliaur. ituni t u, tir 'kunij'.l ut- digestible by stearn-cooking, i til ii Ii'tli itl it'.ili ii"-lii j shredding and baking. One f 1o: i 'ti i I uul vî ia rii- or mot'e Shredded Wheat ih-t .i- i s or ,uîî lîîAuiSsvi's. i t ~ ~i îtItoîr iittiu t ir. lo i- Biscuits for breakfast itth t i it )Itti'. t' l i litti f l ii'J ii t rilk or creaul rakes a mxan' t-lift-ity ttutt' i ti t-u i t for w~.ork or play. It il~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i r , lilttr- ready-cooked and'ready- "il ii np i-u oti tf h' - i t-i4t. ,itu, to-serve. -t', iI . lu f i lh il 'î> ii l Ii > utN t i f rti hi e ,i w01' tut i'iitt' ,nîiiitiil te r IIiI M ade in Canada. l i d u1 ut il îîl î uti iltj--hs. i. tIti' ex-l-'nipeîi-ii 4 -f Eu it, '.'.lii N.i t-ilîs IProisiuects. tii-rît rit tiof îtiinutis Nt- i 'î zJarlir t <tti, 1From the Ocean Shore'l DITS ' FNEWS FROm tARItTIME 1PROVINiC. Tif 13 Iterms oftoJîteret Prom Places Lapped iy M NavesentorIsa Atlantic. A record four the poe't cf St. *lthîi svas estallshed uone day recrent> ,wlitii 19 steamners w'eî'e in the barber, The little Gloucester fishing sclîbriiui <'r, Ffmer E. Gr-ay, 94 tons, luh!;<hi- ter'ed the lun-ber euîuryiîig itzîie.. 1'rivate George Ioone, nf St. Anj- reteii-nî-lforthe wthijîl tirne tiithe frtiît Iat s'eek, A companîy i n W'eiuistick , NB1'r lii sectur-ci a couîtract frtîm the Domiuniton Gov'.-..n-mi-rt for îearly deIis -jvi f l uIt-O toins oif hav, SeveraI reots have Iteen i-ccd'i in St. Johni's, Niflut,, t-bat seals are illerit ifuIltlng t he S, E. i'iziit , tut nio far oly a few have beni tuken. Ti boswr.', irr' unî iiNMr. mt i NI is. Jas, O'Doîî iellr Li tt I~leitititil iee'ntîy. This maltes thte thiril lirth rtf twinit iii th,t iiutrict ruitie Cisut- t tut l- io Iý11101'.ti i i m, (-t-iletî's N.- iiihîuîi i 'rosnlis..mas, j---- tt- ili;ii thei Allîr' s -lîitlith1il e er 'l'hî'î,' M Hur t. iti lit ie- rug ra T h'le pululic Iaîîîiit unepajitnu'nI1ý :ttSt. ttii 1 i11à i uîîî< ii i.ritr'l 'itsi p i'i' \Itt.loit- h vreii'tiI tti thtl r m i Jo ns i4pîaY>u in Marketl iipi-txe-- , il).iliMot or lîtîr s Menth (ri> il1 l.1-t a, 'l1,'1o 'ii-ry- if t Ii' Allies tii' i pu-s Fugîeniirr s'.ho, duting i-t a $1 r901î ini'ti'se lin revenue fctînu Igtitisi'iiit Ntili.l( i - i tilii t abolit bis Ilier c -ih-i i .:l1ugîanth, lias Malîtleae ses. ti. ,f ~tf lit. nlio:*tth.thuis iiiuul- hriseIf lî.lo'.-il livtsiitOl'yliTh" latifa x Gi-a',iuîg Dc (oIr< 1îîYn .tIi;' s ; - hiiult.-zt"1(z.4 u til, O Hle i v Qucîn rouîkinte- îiîothîei' up-to-i-ate alihlitio A n-nult. '( 1111itl e- 1, à g ie itbiàrtetl te if ,, plant b>, Iuildiiug a ndti îquippîigl î i i tVI hi i lt' 11o ulzs vrI(r foi. t h.'RedC> ros-,ri; tut the a flent mg electrir veline rplat cuit t - lit' Killfoulov(: h s1 t, x :rn\E j-îut. t );,: jl:-tt , WhiI o.~~tf tllit-' At Nti".îaqte thi'e aul libody uotMiss i lt iliiqrt ekir. .ito n i e Nli iiiiii o usri a n Iltn nali Mi'Innt-i 's fituitu i n ber ti rnui (rit illite îîîîini tilt,' su Ii..ri(tu lintlt-r (tf î ltî irît in-ti'ofn err home sirere foi'l. ie tm zb a -~ jtit r ti tti Itî. ltu .-pi." zil ul.' t-a-tuii, s' . lii' t i . ttct-cii ir.,> l'm- lisid alone. 5h..'hniîl 4eit ieati se'- lI s ~itiI -' htii t hi t î<tu s e- 'peruir' îf Nr'. ati~ nd then 'ii l- il'. seraI îlayR. iî5 - i ltttt'ri t' ishrthttuti'; a ilet ter-man The'harî- tti> Kinge-"'rdiunandî XVurnan kiit-teru ini the Prouvincial tii h itilit'l , 1h cli ttltinlitt'gi'r, \'ho hîtuia a -otui-l( l i' titotiulule adilîtio01i9 te thie Ilospitalul t St. Johln, Nî.., hav'e \%.;tr I)tu . u-tu y îuî'î huni' im ei't '.galrr fet ilest , b utit ilmu iloubtfult turned- out 1,50(1 pairs uf socks in ii il t'. l ist liîl ut itris. white leAllies uvotutil îî'rm ilt'bem additioîn te ih.ing a gret d iti-f sew- J---' uurlthie'1 o'.y lia-tilrt'attY' haitl Io bit-t'the i- uniti' r.'cim tuf rt-ove- ing for the Rc.ulîed S !il,î i i ti n' O 'uî('uk tif hii utg pliit tiut -menit s,h iI-bh ia neit erir.'s ther lis-inutj John March, s'e-y Wr-c?-,- i- tn iii Ft. Istles. l ii' t ii it-ti '. tO - i r. nîtiti ut'-tern ut <if lti in' ; John Band K iniZs t'ount y as long ron tir.tîuartn'itu. ilttitîtzuttben tnected ".itb educational andI rewtu- i-hi -IlitiiiIt ut S-i ltiaîîî î;-cet',jitiiti' 'PtuPer woy'k in this Province, died lit fr-u- un Iviierli'ini't .tuîg <t«SSI.vS STI(EN(;T11 CRONN ¶4. bis home in Hampton. a 1, :tue-îut.iîni Ihiut. i', fl~.i îiîiti t'.1 An<irew Paul, a native of Whycoco' fý i*1ti tutti t ' rtitrurutt-iuti t a P,-a[rimîe Ninister Says Shi' lu - -the Indian settlement, Tttfts Cove,ý ich li n oflîtîtîr tf itî.ifitriîiî'î-i suuhji'ts. "iiound Io Win.-"'ilied recentl>, at an advancred age. lHe Ilui illitii ' -l ýii 'î t tît fu ie si orlîtrah 1i, r \,ltiiss tel> known te sportsmen of the llit t ( t11heiiUrI hoi' for i rtiiiTitt 'iir.tttl i f ih'ý% in iiishailtuin olîre er tin asn uie of tlt i in te pat oftheTie Beard of Scbool Commtsstonersý rit' l;:ris it y hti'i >ac »u 'a>'-Our îiaen~t'iit- 'v er-u btad befcîre t-hem une evening recently1I îîuîa'tifghein nîi in ha e rmtuny r ,1twenty-five futhers te aruswer t h lu lr< ter r tirk iv ti> AurinaTin eî-itîblcharge that sons and daugbters under j la t- i the age cf sixteen s'.ere delinquent '.- titi,- hî' n ii itîzut jir. (,pt'Itlig cinllustîti is Itaiit su- o tiunul te at-tendants at sehool. 1,1~- I\ lite- I-i--ill tîziîî l t i Sofait tsuuy to "Il-n.h Wi Il A1lî I -î lu, 1 n-irtti';lî(. t r1r.îattui on, Trcfiurîegîijiz s an extraiut ltaken Tere is a much lurger quantit>, of îî \lt nli\ V t- ile-îîîî tt hieetli fr<u nzî inter'.ie'w givi'n îy luremierti lumbler rut on the M<nquart strie.,y S' tlili Mt iiu; ie'- n- tj'inîtîn 'Sturni'r utof usat'o the I>trogcud at- Bath, this winter, than bas beeni litll ifi'Orsinllaiv e- orrspodrrt (f te PrisJou n u> for a number of years. One firm- Thebalnceof he ntrviýl,, fllos.fromtrat-is strcam this coming spring. i 11i1 urîzue' i 1.1 Itri ii> tif th(t' Thie('ztur's pol icy to'."urd î land Plans foi- a campaign to double lii i.i ;It jutr.ut fiuî'-îîîîîî îrr. in itsc4 on horior.Il us intentioin.ic- Newfoundland's complement of sol- j--it-!.'tIttp- .~~" ~~r lii'e gudiiîg Polauud havse t-'îice been man'i- ciera antd saillors in active' '.ar ser- luit, til t q 0v iiî.-l t. ~ 'f..uted, once iîy Grand Duke Nich'olas s-licebas-e bëe-n completed. Se far fit 1 (11iuiutf et 'ni in bis manifestouit t-he opening of 20nvlisîvst rd200sl Nl-i ( i h - i l it r i l14-t- heili'Gin huitilit ies; aizain t'brotiib the declar- 1,0 a a e"tvss a d 200 sl t ~tit ntiltdiers have been enlisted and sent to ui l iitii thiaiid 't i iik, w N t ' uîrrînt.--iî i,3 atioîî of MY P- .ecsur, Premier E ga '-11. t-r1\, taiuit -lt-i'y i-îti '-t ehi at-rust- Goremykîin, on Jul>, 19, 1916. The ewgad. telso o r.A .rî îîîstî', "Ille- hit-t-r iprogramme so, citegorically lait! down SeatCgwlsno r . li i..îein tjtn-car.t' ifti1,-Slt. otf iîy the Grand Duke. and M. Goremnykin W. Coirswell. wbho has been taking a 'Fî1lVitiil"ith,'tiluhrtu--.for will be applied toPoland with abso- cursNewpot thew(sbs AvitionySehool ilitl he wann- h." iw-us îlt'pos q 1lut-e integrtty. We are aware of Po- ut ewpor Ncesfl s fot siontyJais îî, 1 i 'lIo Initaiki' rîttînt for NMelimed V., stili Iaiîuî's sincere îoyaîty te aur cause. e ucsfu etfrhi'ie l jlui' ltrtî-In ltiiig, d rt rumnou.î t- amudt-be higli courage of tbe Polirl sol- cenise zranted by the Ameria Aero liitt'utitng l'ti hini vurjiluF maladies. iiersi who have fought in our ranks Club, but made the bighest percentage Vhultriuo ini-'rntnn' .ilt-bu theAý-tsisnne tîhe war began. of aIl rttudets taking the course. Ili izuti thrc.ae is e'Kîiitui.. It- is ulot ta "Webav.e t-be utmlost confidence< in lt ltiuhtv'ltbzut the îr'.ay djirect-ci the future. Thanks te veritable pro-N v c ItM1 froni Itlbat- hîin.. iio longer ex- d (igies in improvîzation and urganiza- Lak o aIa i 1;;"' tcîd over }tungary, which isilI break tien '.îhich would have been considtpr os- i' a zy adnaieisln-hns e il impossible two yenrs augo, we have wis of beig asfpr e kngdm hebeen able tu biuild '.p otir inudustries lasGood News itEnperor of Austu-ia, t)nt-refore wilil , and national resources, until from Itîrbiewuit leatzt par> o? his job, and malybaviiig almost nothiag witb which t ID N >l)Sk1NYIIL bi - ruatuîate hhinisi'lf on ita-aine any cari-y on the struggle we arc aow pro- I"SIN OD',K NE LS tit.> iz.t ,~' t.ducing everything wc need. As for1 A CURE FOR BIS RHEUMATISM. w h»<~i~ut "Tin'.? ombatants, we have more trRined j.at hu bu *i ?Men now than eser before." tgb The pledges ta Poland mentioned1 Stateas Out of Hii Own Experlenoeà Kung- <'ibntiisri.eof (irecc. Wlîat by Premnier Sturmer guaranurce Polinh 1 That Doddts Kl4ney Pilla Are M le. nIav haîtueut o hini it, m uch m ore pro- f e c'rii liberties which they have q u e R le r m P i. t einat-aeal. Tiespite hua uncaast-itu j not enjocd licuet-fare.l,,,et" Po Pane Mlii.tu i t ut t- a(s, le is unt-loubtedîy very - ý-(Ireenfield, Queen'ik Co., N.S., Mareh il ti ry ipipu t-tu- sith bistituljeels; but ifthe CRîî>PLES AG41N CIM E. 27th, Seil.- aynwog.r the.'44 Mleraiut- nt t-be end of the war -DCI'dID.fes from reumiatil T aay Mi"a entius that- lellenie ambitions remain NMen Jrltirh fBad F'eed in Germen od' lnyPil.Te wl , hnulleti dmrto nyes sure tô give yoti a Me*»aefroua pawt "Il anîd ' uy t-urn into resent-ment and worse.Rak.lsinte eof 0 lw»a i'e t n i n lu rm asue, King Constantine lias Among a t-at-ch of Gernuan prison- l*irtle, a weill kn-w,, fermer living o tIi t~I-et-kjinti i t-bt- fut-uie with Ntemesiti tirs who have jutat -rrlved in Englatid îîear here. Mr. Hirt.le suffered rou b Ili the a5hape of M. t I enizelos, L-he'are two eoldiera who usaI> a fce I rheauat-am for foury" anad foaruid t;î-ek îeliverir'. who, wheln he rtturas moîîths ego wéIre sent baek from -R cure inDoDed's aIaneuPIDUL1 to îîooi-r once, more, as w<vuilîseem Englansl tu, Geemmsy as unfit for fur. "I waa in bed shape for four year,» îievitaible, wîililose nu t.itillein putting - ther service, M1r. Hlfrtie aayuin givlng bis aperi- the issues insoIs'et in bis pretent lm-'- IotI meni an thiîcir arrivai ln Enx- ense. "My bu*k and i hptmoblai»nar oit, c Posrtto the jroof. l and were recognized by the mîitary 90 Mswh that Iwsnet elle ta do t] Iu< Tb tee kirîgr, t-bîn, iîeecm detlnit-ily authorlties as hmvrs gbeen "sIy tiuéh witbmou,- ue"hg,. i e b.dW I 'Mi-tir Ib 1e t-nu-dlng thbt-Patb lcading t-o ebi- wotîaded and brotaght to England aestiUffv*ee la »tIe joints, my mi« elê iltuation; a fuurtb king promises t-o prîsoners lust sunmer. Ont 9of theM crumped *ant e14b.auvy aa $kmp Iot lo'uc sih o? hi>; poster;'.î'blit a iftîl> had actiaaly lest an arm. lu couar»uatter mais. 1 lad a.bitUtewta tu. monaeh i faci> ltb t-cstprat of turne thse two men were, with othere, nMY Moutis,,apdljliih an. struirgle for surs vlt-iagainiib a mati-sera bark t-o Germas>,Au exeha" n c lng. y appetit.W pa tulFanM" I 1 l it u , c r e th r xt- o a il # h mLno w f nAleg f r t f o f r t e r s r i e a d I w o ' # r î i t o o a J . a p pmee inafer lws ese' i-lc ie~nwysr e~~ at Yljdls Klo 1*1. femme i.utghboy, AU Ml*, t# d O ai-Shah d iPmIa. Wh* ". &b udeb' muet-ftater his« o baif e * wtt». tisa tvao itaisO et ee by *0lut ls alogei U bu houa etts.frdmUo - .. - fr 1kt» ýfa« I---'tw ~ - aruan o iw J BORES INTO) THE l5urnical MIInJ».Driven Br 31otor. For' surkrical purposîts diiîu.en Irili ha.. been develi amiag otheî' tbiigt, fnc operlit ion or borininilto il sijcb pî'oî'duro k tîcfces., hj~ee fîattà,'. It< Pir t i ri'lv qti'~'o-uiiluuni eti wlîii hns Somi.'.-htut thi' or a large pigtoL. If n t-te roii s>ruettul t hit vv-itIl st viim p t' a press pou luis', uInd t heroliughl y lii îîîîî li-h iiter i i' t I--cl, ti 'tt ti <ildof, ils Watriss minsil H 6 Btto)Lhta a Lftm 40pl toIl h'4Mro" o uit iii.madenofr'niperaturc of 125 deg. Recitmrnided by physi clans on accourt of the steaily heai and Panitary metal cas. No t roulîle n o filling ---nei dlanger of scalîlirîg the' hanis- rio leiks-no expilîse anti cor puirchiase Inqtq alitm' In sicknessq, such as Neuralgia, La Grippe, Rbeuaatism, Neit- ritis, Inflammation--la fart all aches and pains., the "Thermorr ii; invaluable. As saled-warmer antI a fiîot-î'.arme-r it bas rtin i-quaI. "iTh(- îThero measuri'. 91j" ar<i>. and i.. 11,b" thick, N'et it weighs teuss tham a flltedl two quert ruhber liottle. The price i.. $4.00 sent PoisrpauilJ anywhere and sold under an ah- solute guarantee from the' mak- Iligh-class representatives wiaated In samne territoriesg. GOLDEN GATE MANUFAC- TURING COMPANY, LIMITEI) 9 You'.ille Street, Moistreal. I TURKEY A VERY SICK MAN. Thse Treasury la Empty' eind tise Arsenal& Llkewise. The malady efthUe "Sick Mans of 'Turkoy" seems te have taken assother and very acute tern. In thse peut, de- cade Turkey -bas auffered more thas any other country from dluasters, wars and itornaI roies. The Younsg Turks, headed hy Enver, Passa, gain- ed a totteriag ascoadency and went mbt tise vas on thse aide of Germany. Ne-w, they arýe -empliçafly betwemn tise Devil andth ie îJeep sea. Tise sweeplng advaue ef tise- G »Dulie ln the EAMtainîthedeta and de-' mosalisatlon. eft'hie Turstes AMY tsppoelngha-Cauls for .yl"y effort to b. ati, .arat hleadvu.an, d mave ait the* in 'ieft wortb wU*l dt Turkey, tbU eta, the ftuittul ratof'o Oobuequoty, 411 tii. TtarhalIn Iu. mopelorTIpýq aiet be bur*dsmrm- thé Dardasseliesandi oven s , tisas , ffl pfb le baab)to top ta. DUONE. IN OA~ ]y EIectreçaI S I5ID' POTATOZI, a4uMG derdt Dolevare, Mina~£. quotations. B. i~~u lsuN a niotor- "1 Lopcd which, rom NzexA*on litatt's the jIR RZVInf BLAIC tRq8SBI ibonie when firoa., rtrade for useca pm. X614 nry to re -_____________________ont'__ rtr4 tire en- mNuEIEt ITOO aji housing I-N-CL 1 appearance ilibu>' a~nd m Rs mIRy 8 tofi<to write for catalogue. DominIôa ?!wmq«i*O after living (Smith, Reed & Co.) et. Catharinen, oUD n autoclav.eAGESWN13- sueofl~ ADY OR YOTINO MJAN TO Vou 4te6 I ]À ect iln theiic locaUtY.- Io' ïno îvi.iing it is Wnrks, Toronto, 'art,. Thc rom iéi. o u rlsor oniv îitd about three mantiiu tu-."k wii seli rtght, on acCoUnt Of 111- Ri's1 IlhtîHpse, CheslgeOnt. : . Woked Both Ways. Book Agent-flere's a vol ume erammied with useful' information. rChaptr one, for instance, tells you how to manage servante. Huosewie-Don't want it. One can't -get any hélp la this town to manage.0 Agent--Thon there's another chap- ter in the book on sei-beIp. Toge for thse Family. 111 êuppôse tires are à bi g expense lu automobillng.," "Yen, a.nd attire»." lrgn. u Or a ara Mmr J1p80a12 (to ilkui wbo bai P1flr-ut ld btcmec ~n Yna'mti ,so .b re oan' dthe' 1fqmqbbo taa n 1-»foesInWkdyl'---. aLefore Plac. IlT - ing tour ordi'r f r seeda. ses otan 1916 0014-N il ov't. 0ta ri. Jug.s No. 1 Almyke .......... 1.00 Z4oN 1 Tinîothy-----------5.t No. I fled Choter iV'auicy?8 16.15 Allow SOc for -senti colt-en bau raliway fwaight la -On- aa4 Qugles eeew ~8s.OO I ----t-ut--tvtvijr hies irtt-t-atiîtn. itinkainra fil-]I de hiifi1e ti t th. pcostv'rl or Ritn1h-,,,-k.uarniieim iiiiges -rtq? r" .~î'.ù< îtn <j.~.JN -petî -niture i, .t îî,,Br- treli ng the. nie> or, whiech hai tth r.'e ~ s;ilîiv , varvfing frem 1,200 t trîo ___________0LWAloTri).______ 1-. olutiorîria Mrinute'. 'li '-Wîiîs A N'rEi) IN)R plii' tint 4if l (Prl i h er %v.îîk. Ellate A s 'vond ti nii', Wlili i t'flV lie al- P\<' ' n i-r' . i" j niiiii sn -hour i jiýtt'il tii 'arlous pliitofls to suit ii11,11. i î ,riit 'uit i) thc delrrnnil<if the' user, iii titt'ed, hy < erlSqt'îî o rneans uf t abrouit>band,, îîver the for- W YA N'>'E ) Viotl~ lt 1KNITTING wi 'ird part of thpe hîll. The instrui- and lîîlishlng Depaî'tmHnts; mnit w.i ; llghtly loisq than six Rood "\ tiges. APPlY Killgeton l{o"Iîuey I peu il) It;, s approx um iltely a foot long Co .~ , Kt trgsîngmt n, (o it. andl detvt'ops I - Ifih1 sepower -Purpul- XLW N~ liii Nlechanicm. AT i i -Iý; îir:Sîi îANîi$ WI"IT - ~~~ ~ ~~ iA'ti.ii 'iilin tî't r jer-t're «Y (iiian W ~oods (>nly. tr!\I"gii iihtiflM'tiliI , fn Noer .o' v u tiz.gtoi-oil Shtuii h-PP. -E ini'.., sy iîînourli-i"I ltlji So far ai o"lii'iv jj;j l \4. N-"<< I.lilu Ca('alianj wotîds only wouildlli ji lit.i - 'eiî'v i"iu üo;i in i'onnh'ction with the' con- r irtr rrtitirdr strui lion ant initîrior fiinish tif al I ('ajiiitjjjPacufit' buildingg, i'ailway NV jjlij<N 'i'i- Cu. , et (., Ilîri innounci'rncnt "hich NIi r"n ut r. r i' tr' liv, .. 99M wn u iii w tiigre.at satisfact ion h1 'l" r'Il 'j, 'huli'ti ' i j îloi' tihi: the hîîmuier iier'tof t'hc IDom in - uzweparas rom 5ALv.- ioii. fiat ý,uî'h a prograîmme was N"\.;Al fL iPort4iIItl<' w',ursknor.vn te the forestry i n li r iI nEW.t NOiîi experts who ha v c, suppliî'd to the 1lii l ' 1 i. firîs4 (il irM"tih -agl i fi l uî I i.'i sc v'ariotiîs (aiiaiiau Gove'inmeiît ex- 'f "11 i ir' " «%'.1.. ,ii I l . iî... il -i r h it i i i ,I ropf, and the t? iut.'il ; 71 Adt' ., , S ir ' V. 'i.. stati'rîmagnificent «amples of liaurd!-*îtL woo<lti with beautifuil grains and l it - AFI tractijit'firismh, lit wîould si'î'na thitt ( N'l i t li i r thesv 'w'oods rire flot heing cxploitvd "lt".iii ~ hi I e l(iW1 ' q uffîcirtly, ibut, no doubit, now that tir. i-tvti r')jlitîr1' t., iliti.1 - l N ' it is ltnovn there will be a good île- "ltri,-ji'ltu¶t' ir mand for it, inanufacturers will irivu EMPIRF BUSINESS CO 1,1,EG E the i matter greater -osdrt.'. 3461 Rrosîview Avv'., Toroiite, Ont. cause or Collapse. 1 Y CfNll OURRE 'îr.1 The foreman employtrd liy a liig The onily 'ollege in 'tanada contracter rusheil into the effi'crîof kachinq A Typewrlter Keyboardp the boRs, wilid-eyeii and palpitating. 4),4-irît'iere til ti ittelle ppeviiiig <laiet t,î *Istaid he in a greatly agi -_______________ tated '.oice, "one oif them i nuw houses, iO N of ours fel down in the nigzht!" "What'f; that'?" exclaimcîi the boss, DOG DliSiEASES jumping right up andi teginning te A nd- How to FeedS take notiçe. "What was the routter? Maîd rs ôaiy drutt H ow did it iappe i?" i A snsca's the A uî(te "It was the fauit of the wîrrkmen, Poneer Il. CLAY GLOVER, V, S. boss," nnswered the foreman. -They v __înlSWa3lieg!, New York mnade the mistaXe of taking down the scaffoldinZ hefore they put on the OANADA'$ Màuskrat *êandlor fa- tise oeti rm et Slstp ail .yôur Ours tbler. ailS obta Full~, Il r I î1? lîr Fl ixi I i-u'.-s - a il - i nc r l n- Th~ ho u r rtv--ie s thu ti. îtu-ri- iiti a wh en t h li ~ y lit r'înî t t It ion. w enk tnha J i - n i<-tt t il,. lîosi~y 9 1 --d.by Gk dom 1 . i 1

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