Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Mar 1916, p. 5

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TifUlIaflÂir. MÂ1I~1t 84 1914 -. P6 k- -e- I ~alflbu Lb. ItS& - ee~Aii4njùi j Â-y t 0 94991tdol8ot,~ Peturei3wilh b. on tilâ»îsy frMih4 te Sa dmati 91t»1" nU ehi ThUtBdây Md rldaY, sud frm 2 t> el oom. on saturda. Admission, atenon -10e.-, evenIng, 15C., Fr1- day evenIng lecture, 26c. IIAPTIST CItCH Sunday, April 2. evsto wil l reach both mnorning andj Morning subJect-boTbe Testitaony of a 'Great King and a Mieteiî..,, Cim -. Eî'cuing subject '>h Dvn searcb Warrant.'- "h )vn SPectal MUlSIC b>'choir. 1 At the eventag service* Mr. iv.-(7. Ruttan. tenlor so1o18t O! Cntral Metil- odist Church, Toronto, a former Nhit- b>' boy. Mill alng "The Penitent:', -- Mira, Jos. King willh not receli, nexi Ttîesda%- IIANl<S ;WILL lsîltT. Goti,. Th PI aaemeiltl made aithie Tamrn Prize U'ontest ai the Hi1gb Schoot ce- ,'eatlv wben the wlnner was pnid mwlîb a bi ItII lieu o! goîdthiat the banks would not issue goild now, bas bt-»en denipd b>y a local biauk manager. It ta trup that a bank wilI not pa> ott gzold to lie tioarded îîp, but where a small sutm destred for a îîrenontatlou or some stîcil parpoime, the bankia are qi tte wtlltng to Issuie thf- gold. Tht" wInner of the Tamblyn prise tmayvevo liai-e a zold îlece If sliteso de-sîres. THE O'VERLAND IN WI4ITIlY. Tthe ageîc-y of the Oîeiland cars for Whfhhlty &ad Oghawa towns and East and West Whilby an dlckering Trotn- ships hav-e been -.at-ca.red by Mfesars A R E Lttke and L. W'. Dutdley, of WVhttbv. Thte Oî-erlatîd car la; the, most a~ date yfet tutrtîed nout. an drotîîbtrrs rtil conmforî nilli a popular îrice NMessrs- oni (ýtlîitîttitt tin thlrié,1kt- ar-rtc- il ttii, S- r t -aet, anrd îî 111 t. rt. t rit ig r ti- itor- i i rt rrr r - l -d iù1 lat-it- tatrsi. tait 11-.- ilta lttt, I dti r 1lii#.1-i rr itî;1 1 1r r i s-1i 1ir Oott Itit '11wii il thttif rt- rr-aot-ttig ii. iii alcrtd.nî t ,'iiial lot b- i r-t .îr -1 d Nitti <ii a attrtr l e'O1,"Il;'Si r f îî t 1'irrtS iitiii andt i t gl Ar a i iti i ta n i I lt- t d c aîtîr lia prîrit-t' tii t irtir% ier N ti î Liakî t rt r artîl : bcs %itu ruîtît ti dot î<î-.îtîîo %i- l t i t.tic iiat îî ,r r i- Xlir Joon aiaclimuni.iandniitii-w nils-rJ liti TS i pe îtioa ir - t . - tif \ i l i5i proX r ,tq Xh.- r -,i t -i Sm m tt a111 o r i i.- d t i l, ir. mi- 1 ak i. i. N qI 11 r t 1 lSa Surs 1 Ilf tht- Ail -er- ll - 1)11Jii aills- ristsItrîi-ttit ia li. - arts c ,ta. t q 1>, losq, t r î, i i s)iaiItitisîGî itît rot-- aînits- ttalk rîtîtîitt-rilut Xt'i-i( . Xad . NI la trot ithe liatin r-t-s . t- . i i- ir- tr Ili li -i NIcI -t"t\ u. stiaiîiF Mie mreck tiin î-t\% iî tht. -i-ii--- i ahlî tt't'd. It ta ai ir i ip uînit.l tfaiti thait more . tlriar tI'i- r- I.-- ttivils ona tqtoil iiii-of ini any tntck ofti 'Oai.î1ti 1 I - 1. i - LOAL HAM i - -- ii orfftilT a--d fia- Rait ii i - i- - -i i. i -ai \ii rt t s m l. ii%% lit-<I 1i r et -ttr (tatiladat( 'o. liir. -ais i nat ir iii i r\ t (tit-i . a\ s a (14 la\ r(,l il U 'i î t- loi uitîrt I at PPENINGS I, , -le i l a p u.ii:ric.Ii- . eii - Il i il - i 1 i l .- 11rît -li li - ti . ______ <- i. ---tanldii 1,t IlîIlast- XXii Xi- i--- h-t- ,îîîî-iiîîaîî t-t h i-t lit titiris il t ( I n 1 111b. hi-lt ii i -a i ý- - f t - l i ariit %li ici tht-r tliir dsî.y t ar. tr 1 . n i Ii 1i 111, lt a 1cit ii i i-tii it a i ant 1î,-r ratcil ---- tittitî ilîltrs k li tt- -itîllt--Itu l itits t-rtIFltl FEN( tF $2.)i; nl t NI \%. ii liais-',XX %% tiiil b lease o t i giole No tou t-t trit-e titifart anad ittîlir fetrae. ,oaatr Ala par r tli. r atoff t.- TIltltlt\Ii1tMEN'S SOCIAXL. lri M oititîts- triilri,- trîlli ta as- iim-iai . ttîr i tnt-n nwere ailtt' ocil --<clifor ah.- hitn o! thlie M,thodist (OVRTOS 1X tiiN SAT.51.1 -S .1IýNS. P on-trc M-onXtdaty evî-uIrg of Iti Ori ' i -ri -. tîîtarai g t ast llsliatt 'a-,-N-k IMr. 6.-urge A. W arburion. Rt - i . tl ifurtii t, Nu i a.prt-at-ilit at Att t taai ruîanri rf tlit- ('ouant tee o! Ont saint a i Itinreth, i. lcoptdîiîr-rt-îrliîInlîindrt-d.li ais tr-ewît. tnd gaveo t 11 out a-r1 tst- Pler..tt-N- 1tv-cai cati si-rdld aiddre-s. Iîr. Johan A. T'ory' i <iittilt5sîip.-ritatetîuent of Sherbourne Strftt -4--Ni.t idiait Siatada>' Séhool, Toronto, 1 Ntii i i Phi %qr> s-îit. Ovet and l'reiideat o! the Sun Lîfe AjMur. 2- 21 titi- s ioo it.sý- intirom (' i ranie-Co., was also ai the meeting. iii r nti ils (-it>lita M r: 1 'tnataunMr. Tory was also Prestent ai the se- W liti>Wctai eld a monib ago, wben be de -41--Il î-tred an address. A mont enjoyablu th-iiiiiîtat auto tflic dotal la o! tht- oî-.aang n'as spent b>' ail those priv. hifîmitaauat, cntto-d !ttr last Fri- ilegedîo tttend. du - i v trît ig, %%i.igasninli îostîoed.ln I-o-- n4O-i-r iLtirliem'1 trliathe.desire o!f te,111G11 SCHOOL WEEKLY EXAMS. t - nu i rt iriwy, Coli. Parewell. iti Fori 111 <Anlepî Hlistor>' i-L. Anr mil! ii lie l-ioniral-rlda1y eetlilng this' drî'w 70, C. Lawrecec 70. A. Robinsot ait i 7.30 tîciock. 67,.C. Jackson 66, l?. Heuderson65, 0 L O'Connor 62. G. Robertson 67, 3. lt,-CI.trcace Ilodge wîsbea through îlislop 66. D. McGilllvray 64. KM e1 ptt ipler 10 tlîank tbe WbIlLby people Grotti',11. E. Cronk 61,. D. .lohnaton îi-hî so kindi>'- contributed toward 60. K Richardson -46, M. 0-oldring $9. seaiiiing the psàrcel ie recetved lu Form Il (Agbra)-M. Allaway 99i Fratace lit Xmas, and esiîeclalhy Mi" C. Quinteon 90, 14, Iluckley 96, . ZEl UCrmac.k, convenor o! Uic commlttce. vtdge 96, M. 'pelrv1s 91, M. Smith 89i tt -W. Wilkinson also acknowlcdges M. Waiters 84, A. Nicie 79, U Ravi- z-eceiî.t o! hie parcel. 79. B. Meeker 76. A. Goldring 76, A - Bird 67, D. Thompson 65. 9. Kime $4 Over 150 Patteras o! made-to-rder IE. Fier 63, . J. ong il, M. Molutyz suRs at -$18. Harry T. Thompuos, , 6.K.aetGO Mcnswear Store, Wbitby. Pormi i(Rea ugï)-AlM WtisOnil Rt-v. Dr. T. S. Boyle, o! Trinit>' Col- lege, Toropto, preacheti hie lut ser- mon lu Tu 'ronto on Bunay eveufang, beforo leaving for No-I& SCOUh10 b* sume the beadsbip of KinÈs CoUffca the oldest collego in the-overmea15 initiions. Dr. Boyle le wQ1-kOWii lu Wlitby, and madie mauy fmouds dur- Ing bie atay bore two y«8 &P, 1>'While prtrcuiug at AUl Sats' Chu'ehà. 0 Mfr. Emery Soutbwell. who h«eet the~ operating w1h bMr. X. PL. 13i9w bore some few yeare ago, sUd Who bas beeui tn tho C.P.. office, *OM&ha, ha acct-pted a lucrative position luWïk- ervîlle as agent in the. C.P.R. elle. thero. lMr. $outhweli I5Mait rieum4% bothl boansd ln OshaWa wlll b. gliti to hear o! bissucoce, Mr.- SOUthwOl) la a-son or Mrs. George Soutiuwehl, Of til1s towu.- A doltir anved by ,buylag Pr. A. tecds' cusihln shoeg at M. W. Coihini slîou store. H-ORTICULTURAI..SOCIET. TFhe option liBs for the Whltby noi'. tlcitiral Society are ,ow ra"y or dlit-IitatîtOic, itud înay 1 h piby p~li7 ing to R. M. Tipper, te Sdu*ta. Thé >clioic.e ot options mugt tie laUWL~ niedlattel>' und mcnxbers or tbosee Oins tomplatlflg ()lllfg rçurgrd ~tî tend to the znatter àtai oice.- Thâ S<>e1*1 te» b M»tttit l I 11- WAT~II 1H18 SPACE for notice of Sundi.y Sehool Tea and, Entelitt*unment V.S.-The Ladies' Bible Clas. willig 182ND BATTALION CONCERT. To-nlgbt (Tbursday) the members of the 182ud ai-e holding a concert la the Music Hall here in aId of the regi- mental funde. The concert promises to be a splendid one. The boys them- uselves are giviag much time te the preparation o! the program, aud will bave several good numbers to present. The Whitby Orchestra wilh gîve lt.s services for the evening. lu addition, iNitss McCorznilck, o! the Ontario Ladies' College, wlll give several readings, and Airs. G. S. Johnson wlll sing. It willl thuis be accu that the concert wlll be weil wvortb atîeadlng. The boys are de- servlng o! thle beant>' support o! the Îglxf "yr I h rl 2fS.id, M 8p.m.-Siabbath SholsdBible c=ase for -inen andi women il Advertisements. give uns peelatiMulo thlisondây. B1EDROOM FLTRNITURE FOR SALE. TABERNACLaS.s, to match : tbree trou beds, wtth mnattresses and eprîiga completo. AU- - --- - - --- - nearhy new Apply at Gazette oftice. hall, music belng pfflded b>' Bod- FOR SALE. leyas Orchestra, Toronto. About one An Incubator and outdoor brooder. hundrcd and twcnty-fve gueste were Botb lu gooti condition. Apply to Ed. on -baud, and a atost enjoyable ime Atkînson, (town Ue), Wbitby. spent by th -,m. An lntereutlng feature of the eveniag waa the presence o! Lt.- BANDSMEN WANTED. R. N. Cockburn. of tbf) lifiLl Battalion. On all Instruments, for the baund of son of LL--Coh. &A-A Cockburn. of the, . 1he 182nd Battalion. Ontario Couaty. 182nd, and bis bride, The young couple Apply to E. G. Ilazell, l3andmaster, twere married lu Toronto on titat day,i WhlLby, Ont. and were startiag off on thel r honey -_________________ The waltzea were daned b>' thei MI&s Kate Wright lighL of a big moon situateti over thej stage. Refreabatentz were aerved. t TEAGNER 0F PIANO AND PIPE ORCAN 'Mei affair wus one of much brIl- liance, as the men wcrc ail In kbakl.j Puitils prepared for Toronto Cou- ý1 SA 46 OXFORD REFERENCE BIBLES, reg. pi ices 2.50, 3.00, $3.50, for "aif Price OamiociDO JASPER BIBLES, with central references, reg. price $ 16 o,' for Haif Price. OLO AID SRU TESTAMENTS, reg. 1. so, for Hali. Price. 2.00, 2-75P $3 00, OXFORD 81ION- BIBLES, reg~ular purce $1i.5 foir Hali Price. BA8STER TEACHER'5hIBLES, reg. prike for Hiait Price. 1.50, 1 75, $2.25, town and commimîiy, ana a record al- -o--- vmwry or univeraity mEzumsno.i- tendance la predicted to greet their BICYCISS.1 Renidence at Ui lm . Mc0iflivray»s,4 PRESSYTERIAN OM SI0F PRAIRE, with tunes, reg $1.25, efforts. Be sure and sec our wheels a.nd tires. IJMSyoBtrent Telephone No. 221. Sale Price goc. Tickets are on sale tn most of the Our prices are the lowest- Geo. M. _________________ business places of the town, and re- Rice. Everything in hardware, PISITTERIAN SORS 0F PRAIS[, reg. 2.25, 2.00, 90C, 75C, Ber»édts eat s are at Allin's drug store. 0...a..W.. A . O N 0,4r 0c aePi/of AdInisston 25c and 36r- Progrs.m com- E. G. HAZELL TO BE BANDMASTER A iLi 1 o,4C 0, Sl ueAuf mences a,, 11o'ciock. 0F lg2nd flATTÂLION. 1 Civil Eingine.ToDographlcal Burvey. OXFORD RERRÉRBE mia i wth PRIBBVTERIAN 900O F PRAIRE, 0 V~~~~~b.-Col, A. A. Cockburî, of the 182nd lanld drainage, subdivision desiguniegg1.5.Sle Ic i. ANOTIIET PIRE IN BOWLING Ontario County flattallon, han appoint-, plàii Md druvIDga. tIMAtà. et.. on 0e* 1f5 al rce$,o ALLEY. ed Mr. E. G. Hazeil, ofVaWitby, tu the contract work. Contracting.ITIOI .HR. reg* . o .ôo, -0 25, 90)C,797C, On Tuesday morning. about one o'- position of Bandmnastér of the flattai- Box 243, WlaITBY.SaePce of elock, tire waà discovered ln the Bowi- ion band. Mr. Hasch l 1 already at 1__Sale______________off._ tng Ailey on Brock street south, con- work geting bis men together and ta durted by John M. Williams. Thle tire advertieing for players un ail Instru- NCHUIRCO F ENGUAND O 01101FRAYER AND HYMN B009, reg. la unda hole ln the nortb alley ments. The headquarters of the bandS WESTEIRN CANADA prices 1.15, I.00, 75c, , 35c, 115c, abot twydnthlegbote wiil be ln Whttby, a.nd tI4e peuple may Roc bidnbut a streant of w ater sCon expect a good deal o! music during the N EEDS Sale Price >j off. qtt.-nched the fiantes. The stnoke wvas comtng spring and summer. __ nfilho store north, Mr. J. E. Water- t'ockburn bias speured' a splendIdly 109000fMnI ti s. sttred some damage f rom tbits qualified musician. Mr. Hazell ta a FOR a ris.Ti is the second lire that has clever trombone player. He served forWII ED. e{îr.din tlié bowling alley wtthin- tw.-lve years as soloit tin the King's. SPRIRO BEEDINO ilir.-. tnontha.i and would spiem to ln- -Royal Rifles baud lit Egypt antd India, DRIJO and STATIONERV STORE db i~liait greater precauitions should and lint4outh Africa during the Boer .Steady enployment-Good wsges. W-IB N A I b i ken before clostng ni) at nlght. %Var, h)uftng his servlte la Egypt, he ý1wi rEy N A I oiiî,td '.% ood becontes a rettdy prey plaved for three seasons ln the Grand Low Settlers and Ilunieqeeker's tares Bell Phone 37. lndepertdent -Phone 37 j( til,-, aud as tule alley la ait uated ln Opera Holise ai Cairo. He bas also now in effet-t. l li Iililsit.s sectiou of the ton oi, a tire 1plaved ln many other bands. He. lea aiF o * ckea to al i'i&tMAR cra ic re. If It galued great gradutale or t tie Kneller Hall School Fo hrough tice&taillonsi ; id %ta a',tuîld lx, a serilîs Menace oi M usir, and b.'stdes being a rnusician Mantitoba. Saskatchewan,& Alberta,. ________ - -- __________ t1i \tîiate property. of! murh ,blllty la a splendid solotat. 1 and lnforltastio, ,apIfl3y Lu DE ATH S. Ftre dld several hundred dollai ----h-i was chioir le-ader of Chalmer's Pres- N11ITARY ItAil.. b.irian t'hrrrch lu Guelph for a tinte. i Rlchardson à Rlchardson EI)WAR1DS--At ber laie, residence, damage to the double bouse occupied an Ic oigt htyhas been AgnsWityCaremont. -on Sunday. March 2Sth. bY Dr. C. J. Devine and Mr. S. Harrls oi *Tirrsda.N -% ening tastIlle eaderstfcAUomtnt'o Wir. getWbt1916, Jane Pugh, beloted wtleo f lu Beaverton. t.. ~ ~ ~ ~ I <Wher ituIllt ndI2d iI t t itiîs be aeathat Mr. Hazeli m dadlabr7t er Mr. Levi Pugh, of Clarernont, le mov- iiçii% iv- , rs iitryn acelo ihlais had a very lar-ge experience lnI * GUTHHIE-At bis late resldence, lot ing to Alberta. s O the tto llaI tali on were lire-i band atnd choir work,adisthror,3,cn4.Wty owhpo PrtHeConlepettoads it f ron i vrions tpoints in the ('oua- - miiiently quiauiflea to assume thebe*- Sunday, March 26, 1916, Richard new industry. i . nid aitan a number front Toronto. spoîîslbilitles placed upon hlm ln tl Guthrie, gr., ln is 76th' year. towti excepting the butcher, and ho ,ad '% giiests were in atteadance also leadership of the bando 8nd of______________the__________________________________________ froni 1 xtridge. tJsbawa, Port Perry, Btiallîon. ~Tooi and N\bIittby. HiF, manly WbIltby fIends are look- Ttw daince was beld l11 the nmusic îag îorward to some very entertaining - -musical programa wblle the band Ila i, E n TlMa *S AIPACÉRIE Persouial Mcntion. , iM O U v RMr. and Mrs. Fred Hatch are ln At- lc leCity*. T wili be to your interest to read every word of this ad Sttîdy the prices ciOsely, JE E D S 1)4Mr ex. Prîne lamer. ii rdi as many of the aiticles are pticed fat below their "Market value. We have just Mis$ Mary' Ruttan, o~f Port Perry, completed stock taking and find ourselves over stocke in some lines. MisMona Stewart, of Toronto, apent WVatch this ipace fiom week to wt ek, We' want your business, and it will be Speakîng of Seeda. Are you th week-end borne with ber parents. ourpolicy to serve yQU withthe best.jaiJirtelatpsiie Mr.Joli. Stene, et $alntfeld, was & ço b.es osbe wise W~iII you pic'k up the gueat of Miss Robs'on thli week. NIMrs. Isaac War-ner, of Leaskdale, t camih easy O f courbe YOU vlsiting bier daugbhter, Mrs. A. E. Luke. Mra. C. A. Goodfellow vîuitëd ber E E T I O w~ill. sIsters ln Toronto over the week-end.; MIrs. J, W. liaiteman. and Master You need an Electric Steele-Brlggs best Ralph Bateman were ln Toronto oe Sunday. Iron at this price. r 7 packages for 25c Mer. A. C. Macpherson anad daugliter, R U Fnet Dorothy, o! Toronto, viaited ln town A enuine RenneFnes t this week. Mr. aad Mra. Max Wakely, of!0511- i 7 packages for 25c -awa, spent Uhc week-end with Mr. and _____Mrs. Jas. H. Nicholson. o heab ut Shallow b 8frseig homo on Wednesay. later spendlflg .oe o edn dM-.W .Lk rle o FREE. three wceks ln Detroft. gur tedfraliea -Pte. Jr-vine MeCelan was in WhItby uxnte o lltma 1 SeceOur window diaplay. at week vrsitin$ bis mother, Mms. - very Se.ec:al eirîce o~f ;tJames McCIellan~, on hit waY fr01tbfth West to Monticai wlth hie unit. Mr. and lMme.W. A..Eroughton ter$&1 Yonr isinsa Yrend, tuiined last week froni Barula. whero a Yor BisiewlFrind, they had hemn sttendin th* tUSI flo the hattees imetWer, MM it. Lutch- W III. IflLLR~&fl Brougbton was wlth ber motiter diur-BLLT YSPUKEIS MmgthBltcWw a W Z ftiendilifs tufor houseclean"Ing. No. g rce t$01 sl lWiby av nt ai u ma be--'Reg. itoc for 7c, e tn #1188 mu Aak frone ofour handy A gtca: >dlîàifectaut ,toi, I Sooot our Spring Si al 1, 1- i. t> t. I. te i. H. Ulcbardsou -.M. linesiS.., N. Rom se ,IL Job*asten as. M. OoonoT, 34" M. Eravmneý SI. , ~Admm onSi, J. Robertson 2. W., Wtthi, 32. EL Ood- ring Il. C. Kln.gIl. A. IÎWsop 80# IL iMtQheil 39. V. Iiarrickn'an 2». M. - Wb"=so 28, W. Kim@ si, R. l3teiDi 26, C. Neîll 25, M. BuMivan 23. C.Bell 22, E lily..20. W. (YConnor IM WC ougrani~ OtfýCltheaé . MEsTuoOD1ST TABERNACL. Rev. A. H. Poster. i*SIu. Sunday. Atarli2D&, Mormmiin W'IO- Azthon -"W C3ea te 1r the $010 là SerrIoe-alu Ii--dL'l . neortu AntWn BwIl.-0li nt both srvhOe SAD MATH Mr. sud Mr IL, .stépkhftn I8La W"*k receWlveau ws-of th* usýb - o da4hbter , oe. 1sO5e metnzi ito. Its lib tt** $tance bd ec Our Prao-,~ It or Spsiolos -~ t - t and Eyêgass las Oiven ou"r customprs perfect satisfac-tion. Corne to us- and laVa Uomeyl BROKEN LENS it" u lot ie tteed otir lrme 1 tt tu t 1"'ltr ti-rokeat l 'ti. lis . ILte ptîevel. e calialyzte tti AJ exa.-tty duplit.ate. (Or w eCali iltiae tiîi yotir prseliL preseriCîtoîi in atty «,f otir moltiar mty ee t mtnts , lt i l-lt t t-ti tll e .i andi t'unlifut a ble. Sassott's New Store J etelet and Opticzait t tt"11e-,k n-tilt i lvl l-îty lIt..- k st. Southi W 1I liY, - O)N r A Rît> WV. C. T. L'. \V 1 îT I1 Il1NIls t;. a s -i s 4 J. - t-t - i ~1 - -i t 4 't.. Si a N t,. a-i 1 -0-001%

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