Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Mar 1916, p. 4

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You Con stat a 8saviip Aooiet II wlîh$lý.OOliîitseeAYy$tWlt~l eb's large smni f monay. An mésSuotiti Mb psd ibi~e a1 mors on which IitrestllaéompoUndsd 2W100 B&jesi. M) III- W1ITSY BRANOlI:. D.TER" Vman OSHAWA 0 . N. frtt4, ' -I3 TH4E PIRE SALLE!l Whule srnoked gooda. such as canned salmon, corn. peas and tomatoes, that are perfect i uality, are being 4old bilow cost, some of their nelghbors on the shelves that bave arrIved ince the fire. syxnpathetically offer te sac- rifice themeelven also. We, therefore. during the ensuing week, will gîve bargains In many linest untoucbed by thc tire. Scores of brooma have been sctid at sacrifice prices during the past week bocause o!fuinoke-no Injury by tire. -W. still have scores to seli from 10c. Up. An Idea of the targalns we are offerlng may be ha-1 from t.he quotatlofl if a few articles-, P-tokages panci.ke flour. tîninjuredusuial price 18c., lleXt'Weekt, 7c. lIr~ amfmonia perfect for 7c. 5c. ammnioia, ateted, 8 for 10c. -iv n fot injured, 6c. Se. cow brand soda. good, 4e. ~Omatches) 3 for 1Qc. 15 tins baking powder, new, 10c. -tea, new. fur '40c. 76c. baga paatry, new, for 65e. xlaýnitoba, 86c. -STOUCHED BY THE PIRE- soap, 6 bars for 26c. Surprise seap, 6 ibars for 25 . ut Isoap, 6 bars for 26e Taylor'@ Dorai soap, 6 bors for 25c. î>gîttul soap, 6 bars for 26c. Cosmoessoap, 6 bars for'250. ory soap, 6 bars for 26c. IIACS-Rosebud. Polo, Bobbs, Stag, Currency and King George, r . per plug. %Y111 oeil packtages of Roliled Oats, sitghtly Injured b! water. 26t is o tr 2 package for 6eSc -.arly whle ihese bargains lst. 3@ 3PRINGLE MsCG., tand WITBI STANDARD BANK OF CANADA - £BTD 1575 SOLDIERS, ATTENTION 1 Our Saings Bank pro-,ides a suitabloitud convenient place for your surplus Funds. A -joint acceunt is spccially adapted for those going oDVerseas. Apply te WHITBY BRANCH CaPt, (m.,W. P. »Yeryl bas tet'nM m4 hio e rom Toronto. whel'e ho wss lui atteildance at the Sehool of Mus- Iketry. Lieut. W. Ü. Hardng and Corpi. T1 48 Kor. WWfWSsws -n.I = fo~sid, I ÇWSTRIlCT IIOINGS. -while drivlng humés t<mk a shOrt eutu eànd drove bis teatn up the- rallroad traék. Onqe of t#e orses feet islipped between the ties of a bridge, and the hoM'e %wu cauglit faut. Mr. Baird did ail le could do to get It out, but an express train came into view, and lie bad ealy tume tu save himsel! and the ft met stb "um. - tu .1 J~M _iQ WASBNB1* _ ls Ifre making your s't ecti' . )X <Motor Driven) -$17000 (egsîey jI-and Machine) 10.00 w ai I 4*00 di sugeneus i..verm. jeu iu oonooonr AnomeV D EE '8 EW.4UAIIUIU. 1n a pti ~ v un ruesday te take a course in Muslcetr. e wu a utltma Ul bt ig 5and killed, and the uîcigli smasbed to at- Q. M. S. Seager bau been attached t ehb.b é I t"-'ITM ~.IL. oms. The moral ia obvioue. el 1C" Ce. at Whitby te LtaIe charge of AUEim9àA mfl # W Ot LDé oal inli, or 8. ersV l hé Quartermaster's stores. W «*IJV ObtshsPm it"i.&P'- Doald Sincfar Cor fity ear hs Capt. P. L. Moedy and Lieut. Major .s,,'iiisku,.ebb.bodTauerfYokCntdédnhsWa ire M~aking a round of thé 'varlous 4.e.t.'EI 72nd btrthday. towns and villages ln Whitby and A. IL Allia, Druu <>yoon Fred Forsythe. son of Mr. Frank For- Snoi Pickeéring Townships this weék for sythe, of Claremont, has beén ap- te purposé of récriîiting. I--- pointed Agricitural Lrepresentative of J b Sergt.-Major Jennings and Corpl. NINE M.P.S ARE UIEUT..COLS. I4Ititrk Coumty. Murkér are ln charge of the concert Théefloarcl of Bowmanviiie HospitalSa program béing givén by nuémbers of An Interesting bit of in formation havé plans partially ready for an ad- ai 'C. Co. at Pickering, Broughiamn, was gîven oui ln the Dominion House dition to the hospital. B l Whitevalé. Myrtié, Claremont and on Monday, whIch may be of Interest Th 3tDuamBtlinIno Brooklin this wéek. to Ontario Ootinty réaders. as thé mem- Th 6hflra I3tainsno L.-Corpls. Cassélis, Ricé and Oriffén, ber for North Ontario was meniioned 600 strong. and Ptes. Barton. Rose, Kllpatrick. among other namnes: J.' P. Morrison. formerly partor Of HOI Holman and Shore have réturnéd to Mr. Kemp told Mr. Mari that nine thé Oshawa Baptist Chtîreh, lias < n i Whitby aftér complting the course for members of thé House of Commens - tisted ini the Canadian Slgnattlîg ub N.C.0.'s. had been appointed Lieut.-Colonels, Corps iln Torcinto.,1Tus To comrpléte the establishment of "C', not couniing appointinents as honorary, M. M. St-vriisrn of Tcorentn. ias Co. thirty-four me-n are required. Lieut.-Colonels, sincé the ouihreak of be nae ySmo i ehds The battalion té feeling thé handi- thé war. Thé nline are: Lieut.-Cols. CirOh awa, en a n Smonst and hoir- cap of Jack of accommodationl for drîll. G. W. Powler, H. B. Tremain, John master. ing during thèse wét days. The old Stanfield,. J. J. Carrick, W. F. ('ock- drill shed cannot hé utilized owlng to shutt James Arthurs. S. .1. Donald- -- 1 the water having rin lu front ontside, -on, Geo. H. Bra4taury andi S.S. Sharpe. Notice to Creditors and P tée town park ln a large pond, andi thé (North Ontario). Ail are in commandi roadn are deep in muti. The station of hattalions beîng raîseti for expédi- Others. plalfornis have been used. but are not tionary purposex. Lieut.-Col. Fowlér finti soldiers on their lawns they tituét anti $221 for expenses. Lt.-Coi. Tre- FORD FISHER, LATE 0F THEI - bear il wlth patience, main h-as drawn $635 pay and $178 ex- TOWNSHIP OF' WHITBY, IN THE penses. LU.-Coi. Arthurs hias drawn COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, FARMUER. 182ND BATTALION. $465 pay and $655 expenses. Lt-.Coi. IDE CEASED. Port Perry Chors Thé Battalion Ilé already over 100 Sharpé bas drawit $768 pay and $1.84 strong. andi mea are comiiig on evél'y expénsés. Colonels Stanfielti, CocIt- Notice Ilé hereby givén, pursuant te brîllilant succésln day.shut, ad Dnaldon ave drawn section 66, Chap. 121, R.S.O., 114 A vigorous récruitlig campalgu le nothlng yét for pay or éxpenliés. Wit té t ate 0f h's aid cAirts Béford béing prosécuteti throughout thé count- regard to LL-Col. J. J. Carrick, 11r.tesa oth'adAfdBdor ty, andti iis weék 7 officérs are busy Kemp saiti that thé quéstlpn of pay and 'planer, h dI t htsi oysi in Beavérton andi district. Récruiting expensés wae "«awaling Information of Whitb3 on thé thîrd day of January, offces are hein g openeti ln Oshawa, froni Englanti." 11916, are recjuiréd to dllivér or to and sénd by post prépaiti, to Gordon B. Port Perry, Uxbrldge. Cannington, andé, shur, ntrl, néofth StIndprlalîd, and thé Battaliot iwllln f0rAhun Otro oeo h doubt grow ramidIy. S'rOUFFVILLE TOWN HAîL executors of the sald estate. on or bé- Anumber of Unilversity undérgrad- THREATENED D3Y FLAMES - tore thé fiflit day of Aprîl, 1916, théir tiates andi gradimales have already join- nre n drse n uldsrl éd t hé Bat ,talton. . IF;l expécteti that l'he Auditorium ai Slouffvillé, own- lion of their cdaims, andi thé nature of sevéral more Victoria College mien wîîî éd by a prîvate compan' - but used as thé secîrtics, If any, hélti by therr, and be Rectîreti. and thé omeieré lt'iîid te R Town Hall, was ahlazé al 3 o'ciock on Furthér take notice that after thé niaé pomî utèèurlg s mn ,Un-; Sunday mornlng, a fln-t- lreaking out said fiftb day of April, 1916. the sald 1 î-'rsiaypnint o n cia osIle.as a gaage bnèaS thé main hall. éxecutors will proceédti tadîstribute l.t.-CoI. Çu-kburu ln a very bhusy The flamés iwere r-fýtctîv-lvstoppeti hy theestaté of tl-é saiti ticéaseti îmnng nianthèe d~s, lé iéilng thé firémén. 1-tonuiT. 111>-s water sys- thé parties entitleti théréto. having ré- part of he Cuntyon blial of theitm lins rt-centi ' Njrtîv-d a réal service gard onlY ta thé dlaims of which tbéy Il.ats fite ('ut n bealf ko thé In what ai OirsI %>htlq-'d like a destruct- shall then havé notice, and thé saiti Itaeta . lé genrally acknw I- itre. executors shallnot be lhable for thée ti g éim sth a t C ol. C c b urn is s urro u i - lsa d a sse ts o r a n y p a rt t e r o f to a na y c l n s o fi e si h a n d e x e ina y f n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - p e r s n o f %v h o a é dla i m t h e y s h a l l fn t -A mofeieréating nfieso he12idad then have receveti notice. A etingandof ospecrs vef the 182nd Notice to Creditors adNORMAN STUART, was lielti at Itattahtomi lîatiquarters on Ohus ORDON B. FlSHER, anti Saturday. March 25ttt. Many mattérs JOHByMARTHUR E. CHRISTIAN. in coxinection with the Battalion wére IN THE ESTATE 0F JOS. FRANK. BihATHURS.uCHRSTIAN discussei, anti a big recruitiiig cam- LI RhlusLAE F TE atti arh 3th 116 paign %%aslaid out. Sevén officers weré LNTOSIP 0F WHITIIYOFITHE aeMrc13h196 detilti pocetitoBevéron ta COUNTY 0F ONTARIIO, RAI 1.WAY ____ _____ work uti thé northern endi of thé Cotln-j MAIL CLERK, DECEASED.--- - ly. L.t. Vickéry andi Buglér Gibson Noielitrbgvn.psiatt are .vorkinig at Port Perry.1Noiel rbygvnpusatt Tiiere are 15 Collège stutiemts ln thé section 56, Chtap. 121, R.S.0., 1914, that rariks. 25 bankeré and etenographérs -aIl pérsons having claims againét thé anti ail others- are o! a remarkably estate of thé -Rali Josepht Franklin lîlgh standard of character. Ilo-er!-. %N ho dicti aI thé saiti Township Home Battailon, andti the are now'January, 1911, are requirédte tadélivér 20 ili the ranks trai ltée Couînty îown. or senti by post1, prepaiti, ta Mahel E.Ptnr I ~ Oshîawa paradé tale numberé 20 , Rogera, Kinsale, Ontario, Administra. Ladies' Fine Paen, un Avetal, iDon gol. Port Perry totais 7. trix0f the saiti ésté, on or beforé the ie o4 eua rcs$. E.G. HazelI hant heen apîtointéti fflt day of April, 1916, tîteir names Band Sergeant. ant isl nov lookln g mp anti atdresses anti a full description of Men's Fine Patent, Gun Metal, Kid Ta prospective bandsmen. Hé expecté to Ilîeir cîtins. anti thé nature ut thé se- Regular prices $4-00 to $5 00. have thé bandi under way dt.rlng first-ý curities. If any, helti by thém. anti week ln Aprîl. Further taIte notice that after the Three cases Women's Low and High He fifth day of April, 1916, thé said Ad- - ninistratrix willî proceédti 1 distributé Men's Knee Rubber Boots, ail sizes Canada iFlanders. ftihe etatrof tt t aid d£ccased amnfg - - ~~gard onîy ta lte caims of which sheTr ka Bga ndS Storles of thé Canadiart boys W110! shah thn bav-e notice, anti the saule r .Re' uhinSl ot went to France anti Belgitim wit thlie, Adninlstrat-ix &shall not hé 'ilable for See D.A edsC sinSl ot lirst contingent have- rouseti thé prIie' thé saiti assets or amy rpart thereof ta of thé people of tlié Dorfiloi ever ary pérson of whosè dlaim site ghal __________________________ sîncë thé great tlght ai Ypres, but Àiot tîten have receiveti notice. thèse storles havé beén largeiy uti. MAI3EL E. ROGERS, REPAIRINO NE4TLV DONE ON offIciaI ant iheursay. Thé officiai Amnsiarx Btory of thte Canadian ExpéditionaryAd nittrx Force, fronu thé moment of le mobil- 13Y- ARTHUR E. CHRISTIAN, ' ,ô I i iyatiot inl Canada down to théetiays; Uer Solicitor. T he C a b tire of Neuve Chapelle anti Ypres anti SUi Dtted Mardi 13th, 1916. -89 Julien andi Festubert, has just been ________ iemued, anrd will hôid êvery trimé Cana- dian spéhl-boti dwlt'> wender and awc at thé glorlous - iests of thé m nnlr soldiers of Canada, whio were amateurs -_O Clothes V% rinigeir 4.00 1Bearling 4.50 USE CLEANIPNG SUPPLIES l'ails. Moj.s, -club Brushes, etc. at Loi,ýtst Pluces, GLE'S HARDWARE'. WHITBY, ONTl lI Union scored al of '&The Mikado" on Marck 9tk and i heïr presentation 1lth. A NEW ISSUE of thse Â~'Telephone Directory is,e wt rr r a nd a l i tii e yx f!angtes forýt hosld be repolied 1pt <ie Local Manager nf,,j<ý vou a !elephrine? rj. oewwho have 'Ni ,t F 1 it he t r ý, o u ofinoleprn Bci1 Telephone Co. of Canada hon 01 u Li t Cr(4 WH! . wv14 -lm PRIe2ES ýKid and Tan Button and Lace Boots, )o to $4.00. Special Price $1.98 an Button and Lace Boots, all sizes.. Special Price $2.98 ~ee Rubbers, just arrived, 25c, 35c and45 Ac Special Price,$2.65 it Cases at Low Prices. and Oxfords for men and women. Makes Walking a Pleasure. dSHORT NOTICE. LOW PRICES. Me W. COLLINS ~7,Oi -i M! CC - v I J 44 il ý- ji llee

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