Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Mar 1916, p. 2

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Nov and tbn ùÉtf*lelafounrd a man Th P 1 n Who gete la tire aMr andl stando ln th*e l a.ui a sa.wau.aw,4 lgirt ef tilgu that need to ho donc; _______________ for ire-le prone te see a sllght where nons Inasant; ho wearsis l@seul on j First Inicatonsurs Spr-hîg hi. rflerive, andi wbea you pas. vou Irtb it the Wrung way; or a Ibrç'ah Qaite Often M P otices 1nr the ne blows off the cbip fr-cm bis shoulater, imPor'tations a tendeacY tote i.slen( or you inci yeu trod on thre Lai et his ru ,' tal>erlng ,aast; anad thii, et cour-s, Cent when that 'aoatiit-eing you menas the velil-corseter! figurec. it mnt arrî t, andt learat of ai! ta do. It net probable that tire iour-g!iass i quite tiries the heart, out eofcane whir ui-e wil be countrsnaneed fur n m( weat te wcrk 'aaith the b)ert wilil, mtent, buat a trifle mer-et.-riiîsra, col the w 'avaiiIcio-dur g-cadIwhen ho fhrîdai clucteci hy a NveE:-ftting mortean icol ainothe' 'ario flics in his tance surpnri- set, i9ra rl;Or"sry te nieet 'the r-ecuir- hiragy foi- avlat 'aias ihought te lire out mente»caf the, SI)rinig suit, with hl of Niirht randt o f amind i ir, îlong hint of ai arve art the waistiace, il aigo. Theire eocf gricvinlui sin hgnaccful flaiing skjî-t anal coat-rakir r% mhana ii'aesr on airi g-!ewa lilce a coin A cnrefu!iv selecteal anal prrîparî'y fil (rai -orr n ntriyennr, %%-heu theacat that Ita.'a!corset is riec'.'ssar-y andl alwaiys hu ira-nhe tiracriae crf it 'aras sirîapnaseq1 to ei'n sanrriar-(, îî'li-g-n-c-omerl appeai liai-' ic la lcricat h il crliai tiir i Inir ica'. Rithe-r i han inîjuriclui, th "*Allnli a a Sain" i git rls-iet. uia tcia'iira bai tiî-10. jSe'erri of 'l'Ie tîrsaiiî'lnîriitt a uinla - 'a ting thea' Peat ia!n alpi'lvaenuisance.. 'fha' ui arî'- 1anar, wolnlneecîs amen cof mettir', aiea>etur e c t. delilr'aitc'perce j-tira, ma-n) îîho icarct aalj reflet t rad du rmotr crcly ihrabaia. 1The r-cal lar'siip cinot 'a'aitb theo spiniturîtl, 11n irin ii ar'Cmi'r5 are ai-j w'avs ina 'cind ual.in asri rn' n itiith e thing- unsiev'I anîul iniciiai'. l'ie rriil c'anîrnîrrîg-c aaig ar ithocat n rs pic- tiur-cs uira! mfiusic, anal itili inr andl its nranaithart i mani- ivava.ru c bie. The objec'tionai is niat tathae -en- siiu amn, tbut ao the main wilmersren-i oqitiitie,î ir'an-lmian wenrisiama rii ah' roeuindl rndror -aaual liinisei f. hYI r'I, 1 ieiar i rn r eai li.' 's (-iq- îlcarsoci"voai ivili bearianniain iiv. j. "liîe afidnoirhifigradlie sjaaiatliîrgJ to Kliau' aî'tm t I l n'aaaiatera arr ihs fai-trit e a rrai lea.oarg lit tailia-rptik -- enrnatl Inalet me'laîn1'.i cîiai ha'\ r cx plineiiall n ia aimianiaita.'if lin'ha!l bee rfarnk 'aritb ue"" IBut thea' a- Rrieved crie Irugar i i'-g-cno-. 1ej- does not 'arimli tra lacaic'ria-au! rf it- lI ira part caf bis seitîmenîai stUra'kin- tracte. Whca cther-ircethiernîina naiglit lie mia-k anal enpty faar- warilt et occuprationi uc'rai lake it amit nîrrai daadio nariarmire it eniew. Ifcr -4- killed i i, e ui gneltsmorne atlcr, gntnwlaig-resertaenrt iaî lis piace. he I "racine point." the "bcare tar pick" ia c lu.xur-y, a haobby, ira ircna'a-a in liigva Ile'ar-e raf tbh' m'a i lira lau niliii' riwn furrcry little t'anseairrnce incater tha anîy cause you tan put hlm ra. Aiy kirîr! cf teamîî'crkaemanai'- ht}ir the sci-eruai Vays of neyerai jieraIlaa. ahail coaresce.Unity doa!nuc i ga- rami Out of aîuality iri mair-ion! life iiherat i cenriatant self aeniai (thtocgh t h:r itenrl Maymny rt iaî'las canscraruq ara Çrcrr). It is a liart thiag tîrat sacietire- anar cemmitteés wcnkiag for nainîra- able endrianust su-actiries ire wrrcka.'i. tihe Paris bouses arceci> n1ia e' qarterlengtb cor 1 iho iia ai sousil polon TIn'se eoate cacre mad 702,--7013 Danace Frock et Taffeta anal Chiffon an halteci min!cal'ec-, ra an ur fa îc"a îrith wcii-fittec! shrrulders and round- efficient becaurserat'vrain per%-aa ir c d wmctii.It ara quite remankable witthngîy nafeaclerlhan- rta e c' atna-that thie slaaîid be se jurat aow, wh-en Rnal lrnrugbt intr lina reirai. If tua-ir'%%e Bara' mîsing se mUcir fuîness in morbiat habitgai-Os ana tha.',tqatiN'athe rkits hetween the beIt andi the takeî- of offense thinîgs ay ca-aaie tca kaera, but iL oniy gees te show the paras that any kirral cf caimprart i.s inl- îîide va-iety we are toeneja-av thira posublie, ad the nrnay courac e 'main- Spr-lni and Stimmer. lag ira to bandle the tseasitiî-e alirtrur A Word-a on Skirt&, fionist eut of the 'amiy. A man ira khr-s continue short anal fuli. valuen for- the 'avrIa he ducs, net toi- Mrny et the bouses are emphasizing the tharigbtrs he thinkls a rcit the'thre fayer sbown by theni for tire crin- grnaess mat hiiiself. eline siace tire firet whisper et ful 4 ski-ts began te circulate, and many <,îiL. îRUG(S o;ERi{AN TIC0011I'S. are using iater-eeting methedça et ex- tendiag their rakir-tr; ameng tirese ar-e Tva nt3t> ptared ia a Ruanian Fanm- 'r-ccd. fcatirerbone, and even irair-cloth r house. stiffisaintu. Innmarr*y instarnces thre Anîannrg a par-ty of Letts w~ho have >ras a ruie, the offet in extremae!y awk- nucc'eeaed ln eircaping fnom a villagei~ u ie.l epees ht I Ceurlanat, Russia, now oa'cu pied by evrd,'esthnearagi n resluraaa thre Germans, le a gir-i ef 17, Whro has'tiey otten protrude eit urexpect.ed, been awarded for a gi-est dccetofb ru-t ver-y by the Czar- wit'h the St. George'.ragle, gvn uiuu-euiu cr'oiqtr. In tire reguîation Summer f rock A ramaI! (Gerîmon etstchmcnt analtire dan-ce dr-carif net, or-gandy, mancheal on te s fui owned by tis Or otirer rit tire ser, dalraty fabries gI-l'a father. Senriîcuw.-. lef t eut- fvra aide ta keep watclr on'& e iîî quit. aordtht. year, tire fulacs ef tire close, while the reiest enteroalthej skirt lu made decldediy graceful andl hanse aira prepaî'er te bave a god yoatirfu! iry tucira, rlbbonra, and- bis tîme. bandls orithUeane, or a crintrastlag The yeung Germn lieutenant anateralu.Otteîn feldu et chiffon or turaieri ta the girI.,wlth tir. order to net are attacired oteii. lide of tir. get winc nt any ccOt, ai;tiroir isupply o&teecwhe She was tacld tirat uniess~. every wmy. Taffeta las uniuauaiiy ai.1 fleleci he raie Uicbou e ul fective combined witir, or as trcmmtng set on fine anal aeh. rrucit ubj.rted te violence. Tirer-e were two barrclu eofireavy i olal liquor made et spirit anal borrica,,1 >a tire cellar, andl a brlgirt idça strucir the girl. Deoe.glvlag tirenitire- eordial îsiredropped latr lb smre pwder, made of bluebelîs, wirich- brînge on haavy drovtsieu Th Tirtist barriel wau soon eniptierî.î antd tire emand amn> for more. Tire second bari-iel contoînedal - $ double portion of tire powder, anal thre'a <larunans soora b.qan te i-cl ente thre fi~ont. mter anothîr. -«lg -t rml« elpie..round thre bb#eI ir led 114a bovIwl wti 11nnmr took lt te thre sentirle., virho >StW IttWal n athé e cd, andl gave tdqtu O.rink, inldnalma- - .« *t Ae w" fifilling threof-- dWs rc'aare Thre bevIwui .sccar - i retrurnd te tbq hotrae antl ~1m the ld4r@. whp eavy IiÃŽLCàbr,, 14 about.iai itttudie, amd béeir- ca- An' the cellmr. kt h«e fatirer waxn tauteur ropie. tir1mbe rof the' ia- RmroPplisir' ,tt it aal I les the getproceeddt th --et-"âa PI*tty, Wtins comtwtlntalfI ai Êet wOMs parti"aoÈ$MWeil'anrd, 1mais itom el iost auîy fàineblôof >draping. Ribbon. and Ruchinitu IW Pleatuags andia ruehîngs of ail wliths d- andl fashionra are stil! tavred trim-- e, mirrgs for- bath rtreet and house ira frocks. Narî-owv black v'elvet ribbon il- i arost effet-ti-oead eatiy nippleal. INITERNATIONAL 1 APIRL2. 'n oreort~oipotcimili cr-Vel51qe IThreateniirg, Iay wihlie 110W the FDwarf.r Change 'ihvir C' thes Cousigi MA ie. '*Thi&"e 'is Ã"nty ulr il- inge> Ppiigs, aid î-uchings apliear in distrove -to mttktb tiiem bicsphehwe' Philip and May andi Don sat on ul way for- them to change thnrraoh~ r- much unexpected plaecs. One cannot <cs24. 11); slaugliter, when be ruLe by the bright fire in CouasiioAi - Firmt, vani must push thern . out or -e- fnl! to sec that hiandwork, anrd individ- 1hica h mef'ttnel htni' itigrrm oeu ieitevlti id; ta alhanl-ad trmmngs sithings, Pilsange suggestý, hoe 2neral!y did. kneu, %wh,ît tu (Iu w-i4Jn hoiniý;vlverr. Philip andi May amiot wetIr ta; etc'., ran work wonders, an-d afford an TC higb piest -Cajaphaq, whose Tiîey lbnc trier! al] their-gaaî- al1wor-k in grcat haste, andal&on lbait t. effect whlch cati scarcely lie brou,ýht oi aubservience Io the Roaniis wcre tir ec I f .'rI. rnal ha-ndfu!s of corna shetleci romn tl ablirt by ri-archine-made tirimings. " keîrt him in office toi AI>. .7: hie wara- "I wih 1 taUlal 3c sonieihiaig worn- the cobs. iIL is uite 'interesting to sec a littie; Ille Jewish 'Vic.ai- itfry. 2. By arfîl"iil h."N ow, " selnd Cousin Ainaalie, "we wvill r-laie fruclk tî-înnmed ith inser-tinocf imperinal decree, the bîgîr prie-rt aal "lle'rtl" " sli un -îltto>it Ui aead ck them he rîalainZg net, with aceonîparniingiSanhledri n ha(] julsalet ion rave r Jews onie, Icrcking j ta> ilé jbeanuti Ça: vdr1'd ali rnancdthen we w-ili liold att 1>1itkc Prorlanit uannmeî.ts of wocd or heads this d- in a scft hairmarnizing cnlorinrg. B3ond, oeg ct~ utr' ona x ntyHwfne lhey ha!it ricn i.'Ir .ry 'W cse thilit uc er-yiiigha.," ai I tPoil. Tecilit rhu het'agi> w'lliigI- it rirnîjrg ii ffeti~e n-i uths~i nn -~~j More fuliy "tho, Way rof die Lord " "Il, the wonde -afui r-na -111tail n-- woi iaterials; il i. b-eing tused in; o f Godi,"oft ilato. fe S1ig t~~'(fsi l lounie tLt - y; thc'ir cyc'swere ius bright aira! Jeany wny that elever brains and fingers ris a. fe iligous(e" osnAni n their chcc-k'r ras red ins the flrc' ite-el7 1111v risig. 're mre oigial te &~a "r Atsaishere, it has hecame iltech_- "See liow it bac! lilleal the >rier~uiia - Mryhd riattcitib.atshe hbnci brun thjy ein.le more ortxt-iginahelouse j ca! terra stanriirlg alonie, apprepri- rien Vase ai iq piler! up iro ý,'th ay ttn ha mrnntlfoiar. hf;w noationr, temr tr -ietebosate tb areligicrn wIih c Caisteal in edIge tii! it makesLhe vas, h)aII i 1ke f qutiet, arromenuusiorAe Tba r! u car frîuk Pai pink a'rpe ae t hi > 'Il Piigrim's prcrgress tr' God alarng "a a great ailsh ()f popcra" em toquit, i-s'uLinAnnhey migb l. arr- arepe s mîade ilr-c'delicatel a' i t .eaililinf! WIy ' I cr>TpLreo ahn nAehv er no r aLr rthie rt itrf wu dittn ieyjuripitalrt 1,adi r i... t entofdelft-biare -enso s ta ~ o ra OriRmnt f ~14 . .it alcs'in't s'em waanderful înîry more,', hafhist j ir cle lie j utc> laei rot cpaqjue' lrc'ii4. Park bHua. tffètai- 1, r 3 [>arll . - trilirlaecrr-sinPiip;"u bnti par un? u ht uffi sor t i )ýii sere ra ie rihtnei ir ntric 'GEN. ROQUES,.t1121) Te(u;.ac- dffn - "1d 'What 7" criedCi oumin Annic'. "DialnniDn JO'u ,rf c'riîerald .green, orange, ropper cio er ftth Minier cd NVliir, sliii c-aaeiia.g 2.air q.Th sr acedfêrýoVýaryulee û o or o ad Peety o!Ip tcm a h.trrmanizinsr, crrntrnsting bloc. > 11iIj 4l nai"o ltirtiy easy to 'larmonze. If l..kiy believe il!" fro the cage, m oWowl Vivcr-e arc aiay nuinîer of smart art- t*nallm i Iai cttire vsas takrii Jurit ra han!l been writing fictironrŽ rul - wi ?ags t ie i a iiirac n cii r ti v ,ýlewu The chilalrenil cIl i aricthat they bail,'shaking ,'the cage. flmoz<at riropperi il, istie way i'a5cf trimming f rock'r and Ma araI-a1tl'i cisiptr i i ; e have had file sacase tai he rhiurynyrse o o-r nter f whr e yîîohor- e a erels caf Orn ther 1b,(lu tacwy hmeicee as n quh iain. efowhc.retrer e br! elsr(f conlte M0 PXti:alIur___(if_________ af one trthe . Thl ureepctîtiw ~iute To whomlite tMary a' w tnufreht ain. were ncaw Vhree beartiful big white' desil'iaagrs enrralugh toi rrair- ie i i th'm crut. sti . ls ol. Soe- Ther ver-h means She clii riait kncaw what pop corn warr, tlie that, ut ir'st gùince, icokeci t lite r-rnily lîrhtenelie That tho etherandcidlaniot wanîlt te see any. "q wish s orne -kinci cal'lravcalVflnwer, but VTi oal tarctt omis ria r i ifraiflTheuliin kncw of îrîth ng but a Iiglitning tfailic's waarail (caniro anrd danac eeanthat, itfvas eaisy ti tra a vceereacIly M aCacîl ifli ~ ~ -O IloAiT S a Ta î aaldpeu!] o rr la'is likely the rug fi ils" - e hisee onthe fltffy white adresses of tîriac ia li a, or a r r q r .ur' aan l o d 1 _ T t i.1 4 l g ll : i L ' a"a, 1 Y i n s a fl s ta s e ' i o h i p r d t t h e y s li: p e l t l î ei m 4 e '1a n t T e y s r n l ' a i nd C au s i n i AA n n i e . l i t t I liv a r f s l a ( ] c - a n g e d t h e i r - - " M 'a it i m i ni u te ii!] I c r m e a c k " <'le0th e . S U{Ali-VI> 'îîîui-:î<.l 9 r, arn aala a'.A light--"Alaur'e Wben bille crime lranc-k indîlineit <an Then the porp!ipop! pupil iegauiiIo NIVDERA (OI)EIN). l rightness crf the sur-a" tAc.ts 20.ti-he 1-ug again. she lield in orne handci crme go fast ycau cuuld flot <ôht thtIe lDr. lBlow lb' ç 1l) art noOuttin îscaaAr-t s 22. nu three littîn.cars caf corn anîl la the aiffererit Prps, anti il te littie dwanrfr .4r i chnrci pak u nt-mntI scîicshow se many of u' iii- 1-lie fa'!!, %ith the atheirs (Acts 'other a fuînry tirrg thait looken like [la tbc cage secmed te lie dallé'n U l ' a r l i m e a t .t e l l i g e ll t t i p e d s d n 't k n r rw h n w t r a i r( ) 1 4 ) , w h , i l i w e v e n - . c u i a k y ' r e r - av e n - - a l i t t l a e m c ecyw r a ! t a a c m i c o n a u r c b a n l f i e r the muat inrstinctive tiings. 1'a r-c,!<c-e7.Saufl-The form caf the a 1 lncgeane ofrrei t-h tha heabd owvnian epusin Ane i bhil vh'i.iie (Ic'thi,t cgivi's the afol - iarime isnaît Çacaieint a!! S1, ia ln ade oeil hl h'bu.EeiatrCui ni l stannacout ifthe a glet -ent many acividais a(,- Xi i ,gave aun ran' of eaî-ayellow orie ta-ataken the cage fr-rm the fir bail ho iwiag ccouI afdied 'a Inatscnefile drt.knawbm t lrate xR-eich-4 h' rrc1ns'ida le-Mayaa cdred netu Philip, anci ue cf'opeacc the door of it with a- chip, s t h i c h c c c a lr r ,v h la e r m a a -1 L e b - c e p t P s i vT e l ll l e m t rr ta n î c e a a i a e w ( t h a t i , A r a m a i c ) p uo n"er w n a iey l l r u D a .a o e c f t e c a k i U l v a f h p e ýde npavely. th vistw l lThe ioubling (rf the niame is cîuite' j "ThiandiaeîylcointPhlipon ac.,UBorofthe ar i bflre dthe choe dre stag ecttv hinlc dr. Kari lthebde nprto, a iitt ici ih lairatenistiù of Jesîrs. Compare bis crsapiTea. XutanltI mllrvryccaaaîeapingtheveUrc top Ikrih, ialCf(Ciftdenon- th i-air', te breratbI' in as dceffiy as ires- is oairthcorn,"rtba" "Ja'rîîsarcin-Je-e'ai rnniiig feca o uq ingei: sibie alo tleffortailI inbakthe gnrt adraliersicm" l * 'el than cther corrn, thmt's ail.- of the cage, changed ica Cheïr white eductioal udge, «id:"Educaî ion ai r Ancrus1eYot Varîrs(ica il) a zn 1V, verilv," "yea, yNjî" e Ciarpaire! Ys"Cui ni nwrdgi-sisbfr hyrahdtefor iý)a' erca esonul Iruiget salai: i!.Aa!oayari esnia iaeai nia 0 i;ale8 JchneIY0 -W."But it ir sornething eise, tuo. Aftcr a minute-or tva almçmt every kaPrha serves to trarcn iiaîs w itraasio bifroseoa ;t'6. Whoart thrru?-- This 'r aaEc fteog-ra salittle ai'var.f. da- n.tradlaoafi~ ht riacicaptaiam. 'a at a i ~OU hih ccauns nîrn ~cd mîa c sstent witb the' Probableî at t-t The dwarf s do net like ta be gcrnaii. and! fluffy ind beautiful. 'a' iaih te thraw capen te the people the cof middlee ciinirfectitonî,an-d pr-ulaalrysten acttanad tbey bats te weai- auch tight, sif "ooycudwn t e tyhf% -roani to ediin tion, lbut that i9 oniy faa-îis the carnpiete clevelrîpmerat ra),-Sau i haa scera Jea"aus cia crtb, andciathes; but they awas r t o odcrui thantht," cc-anirMay irecause caîitaiism rc'quires soidiers. fjie nte- lastyt emr odru hnta! a(-aY Thnecii fhstr sss îm any a coryza, or- beau -l' ' Iliic'h jrrîcrlindi ccutioa" which had 1 ceerfl arntian!do,--'bra."he, , Cusing a înie, ock at 1 fli tachrr ofhitor i sy~e- ormalty aabculd have irceartiaa a'i visClimax ian 'a1vary. le m tg~ yacmraylt irl dwa-f, s at. ',heloo, Cuing A nie,! 1 aticaIIy -cistortc'd fan' the purpose 'of natural procesi. - 'vril fal art f.lrsttra se(. thrst the go- I of them iike te cire i- white, "Yes," said Cousin A4nle.rrThiît introclucinig certain politicai conieir l h iaytiîî torrc ru s ace n-rssrealiy the sanme as that ufycohs"Iahtthylk.Tewi atb tian itoUi sbei, in asehannda Irot osier, tharuglilegs 'aerdng ~ ~ ~ ~ 'mr n The children's eyes grew big-. Andi penfectiy happy, naw, ulitil tbYOy'f against Englaad. The militarizirig of ta vte'rongway.The riguît waywrch ire lied louked r.'aith l w-bt bitter Crian' 99h"-aa ltyuuie?"' letaU. sahuisco"art3 hm uie naîin iathe w'the heG k Iaia ar a-iuiph i-o ]atta'iy. ntrd'arreMy.hv lyfuf lte" l ne scoas onerithmArtstanig lsth ayth 1eeI-1ii5irP-,thedMa.Anal la n minute and a halit al thé' stables for' aiar-. You educaite youn'îih aarleues, to m it, une ide urt I c- i. 6-8th or',"They cari, but tbr'y have Lar do a fairies wer-e perfectly haPPY.--'Yolith'S c-ilrentutoic' 'aiar mac-bines. Vrith aLm' c ht ln 'cl aruyrfi ar clnea c xiaîder icIaroi lioIratingý rear t wr tei ielssem obca im ndtht oe ei-ofy i 'ai iwnnaarnrtryrecr.ia-cinliy Pai vry bard thjng te get the>," sain Compannion.- regrd e 'var th'i iceal scm t-i iccour"le a baaiclk-erchief is s-oni(,\î-har 'tai emtodied an poisoildgas bombs. - usetul in- thiai cperation. W'her- ienh , onu aaari ithîn tita' av~s of dtrkness - "'TIthe sa-hoils it %houloilire taught dîîb-arldmethoci is u aseecr-c'r'ha. stl a 5-rtPEN )(ýs FiGuREs. parc'alwithbthe ' lrialt-ra dhvc' pntry ne ol tatte oe'Ai t cu lruei liecleelay signrifneant thct .tis groat - bIore during the Napocanric wanro. The Saraevo as a iniden whih shuldtion raf the liîîing art the nose, ardii isra--aa i- cta'tr-ieho al f ruwed riti' nulIcneI o if-ntoa etteN/u a Saa:v a a iaeitwib hair rsides a ver-y incrfeative cleasirwr uf 1e--ilin olas.£07i0,0. r codtc 240 inspirec hon-or, but it shoulc lse lie'-tihenasaal cavity. - îîhîît ho thrc-ht tri Ie dut y (Acts, en ilonDlar.£070000, 'vud i p,0, taught thaï. there wa're wide cic's Lkwaltbrwa ihcar m 26.9 È for i'im truly the "stean daugh-!(ircat 'Britain's annual income has'000,000 by the endi cf this Matrdi, Sir in Gcrmaîry aira Austria in whichtis avspy thisaalpsagss ter cf the vaoir-e of <Xad." The (Greek) j icreased by £600,000,000 siare the J George arîdel, andi if the v.-nr con- mur-der -as regarded as an veriturile -- oncorcîanr'o 'ilI rtrikiîagly show how, inn ftewa- elreiSir ftiruedsaortherfyearit00,000,000. posîng disease mak-es s)rraîying ic- the liorana life of Jestrs wa3r-uîed Goeorge Paish, the well-knowa finan- frsotc 4000000 "Atd hescwods'a -d prarsinalale. Pie atomizer-- not nrebulizer fraam firit t iraike 2. 49) to larat <Luke'i el1 authority in a lecture r-cceatly on Stete "Atthare'a-orai, a'ariduiroa -houlal have il, horizonatral oirîrel or' 72 w î~ h ua ar finance before the Royal St'atis- t' heSoidiers' Sor-as. arase un theIlieuse, the p pasit,' tubeai'ver a ve'rtical ar upw'nnd 1ÃŽ.2,ical Sohus.ittheCnratyiinl ortI vigorousiy ririginic his bell. Drn. Lieb- ! ' 7 . lleaî-ing the scunci<mar'g-ia)--- cl oiey London, anal the total A h eta rmnlG~tl knecht shouteal: 'it is the trullh it pcrntaa:a Jap. The nasal passages rua 'Tlie noua ha the samne as voice ini verse bas aow reached U£,000,000,000. a London, Englanal, before Jucige )len- Is the whoie ' straigbt laack- frotp the nirstr-iis tu the l4. but in a diffiercrt cisre( whic-h in Ti atosdth spke bs1tou1, Herber-t Read, 41, carma> wr ifiewoetrîrta. ane presictelît - h inationenteneccthtespeaheeahantha,'ls- -theeupn caledhimto oderanduppen thrat, not upward. Herîce, in this content lirs rigi-ificant. They nasny succeeded inmitnngs eecdtoihen inote mrs -thcrcupn calica hlm tca orde lo-ir to spray * clearîsiag or medicinal L-hothougbt it hof the naclercd, lik the t productive power, despite the with- onmeat with hard labor agd John thenîjo-iy o te c'beus eft hesolution ahoroughiy la the nasal eav-muzt ite adohnde2. 2@. t rawal of approxîmately 4,000,000 Crack, carmran, te six monts m Chamber. mlttheeinJon12 2.eaml m 0 ,.iTha-ce duyt direc the appointi- e mn from its industries. It had MIi- prisonment in the second -divfrlon, for "Dr th ke cht 'wa en t n:ortalybasa'ada yust erect. 19.Time for as-ectea cnt d e aInhaif a billion pougds of its stealing and receiving one -umusand en th Va-artas a de raiziag aad pres- If yetr direct thie spray upward it1 lhiIA iea ane iofcapital froni abroad since the open- pairs of sockm whlch were in t<ournsé euI effect on eucain an a na strikes the sensitive roof cf the Pas-1 th e hbrw 1- Jiom tuer Lke rn tIn of hoatilities, aear-iy aH ofethis of conveyarrce from a railway. station, our erlucatîonal ideal centres i n a sage ala irritates, and does not go bis foncinesas fur Olat Testament' howtiver, havin.g been used te make te an arrriy clothiag deoat. fair enougb bock te do any good. Ai phrase. fresh lbans to foreign countriet and death atruggle, the l1brararorîof Utheaocallexi DeViibiss atomizer, No. 18, 1 tr~gtree ~ ~ cîzis ~wg04 working classes cannot comne.' ITeine Ideat, dace it tan b.completely î - a1cet cigty h ic saa trigt Ico aloes-er m . orUc n- .heomwe ngagOd.teb m presidento th tfor. tte a'ld seconde bytime caAnlleceint i tteriiint zedwhiby oeIstoiii Ifg. And diffemadrfo thain Threaseben mmad tice 'î the speaker t-o ordtr-, but Ile con- enesofafrly hudn through fr-om the, castera gate, eorgi te ceuntrysa gold stocke, riod fitteen years and stIj ho had tinueer: of aworkersytsinoull es er use 17.' Layin '-A favraite Jewi 3reoge declareal, thre nation net mustered courage nuiai>ul muet tarkle thre job tof education. The 1a tmer neMay g1ità is aot ailiL- symbolie action, adopted early inwOldbefounal te baa'e uccueded ln er -to naMe the, happy day. On. tr o-e n c m s t h e yo u g h t te oe r n' t hie ir - n a t w te n o i o s . m r- : tia n ity . It ra g g es te d 'to th e m in d m e e tin g v ir t ia l y th e w h o le o f t . . e n in g h . c a le d In a p e c u t r frnhà hvûrtt no h i s --as It does anIong ailsaorts of peopnle war ependftures eut of ita icne, of -mmdlà1,a- sdAfk ier te S#A o Mà. a M olk"l aoeetm<a rolieei i- r> - - - -- -- -po--a-- 1<1iria1.1W-.a-r, :..4n -- Uon. ybot nd, &W, cat4înY A#fYw l i«oth# ira-tIi.& Cutt"n ir * s 0u1n and Oeh GiIfr(oo ~tê aueioWI z-tworoe b*ýt M A o a aklr i<I{ to* kesphere Owsit. I 1. W*tm ool --r eset% * d q u", . p st o ê' - az 1 1 -- .e -- c- Y prtb o . falb* uf .~ae <a~ll. ~I#i 5Wre ( -198«M Ftaur m tu on l~ '4Wbat 41w y-i MI?" "WU", ~ bée"~-ça u m v oft, bu»e à U*t-- im u J r tie -tira- 'r r rJ -' mn iii' - - - i r-r' I - - - -I aîn~. -'-t- 'r i-lji arr t a c> i wl- t. i t--r a-i tir -r' ai '1 t 1: v f -s 1; Lu

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