Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Mar 1916, p. 1

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V01. .$VI-No 8Ç) wuIis~ Compound Syrup of HYPOPHOSPHITES At t <î<îiî and li g- otil) thmtin m 1iier ibloirve Noer\oil' promsl lion1(11 A r t t -i oratIi, atur SI per bottie J. E. WILLIS Drtiqqit and ePticlan ' I, 1 11'A I. 11lA\1i1 * Wbitbv. mo1 1uSE 01- QUALIiN "Soranton Coal' 1h. % .ind.rl t 1 . I m 'a i foi &bne&l teve Site fr rîîtlt lt c arir'. liiti.teçA Chestnut tii Pua ,t r ritie' itI' 8181101 t -- u spui Grau tCannel if, gt 't icç1t1*k moofahela euthie f o y tl î 4 ( t eb .rr ,qîlt le ttiir<li tAmm .1-r tir-iie - -iil.îi. e usd Cruel OumbM»dl an i tiii rt.-et t I i tlo q' cURil tilivitt y - ' t tn t tu rt r,ý(i 'L * < <rt ar îîttt. E'. R. BLOW$ Whiîby WIIITBY. ONTARIO, CÂN&»ÂI*t WHITBY'S INDUSTRIAL SCJIOOL -RELAt IOYtZA Thf. rompletion of the W luth> Hlgh itication for admission lis a desire ta W I T Seliool vularg.tmeni lias made possible lmpro'te ln sewlng-for every iîoman the iralitguratloiî of lechuiclal training and girl can sew. Tîtere ta absolutely There dled ;là I# 4 , ob ctlanid. on aloiig irîdivittrial lUnes. For sep'eral nto charge of auîY kind, sa no one i'ed September 15, of. a1g-a t, 1. elen An- tuttiiIits ailass llas beeri meeting mweek. be debarred f rom attendance. derson, siste r o?' Mi-iB. W. Water- IN on \'dnesday < tveninSg for the isttîd> TI.re lm Rame talk of starting a clase iîouae, of Whitby. jf ü Ânergon had (if rît.' rhîtory> of ronsi nuidion. Mn.'r. L. lit eloctrietty, tunder the leadership of P.w t'Isli le vvir of titis class, and NIr. Adamicon. This wili be13 tarted heen for many yar< inetnber of tie r14 thotoligî ktro%%icdg*î if te sdi. siîotild a Rufficiptit nuniber of per- lîouseliold of th e 116Ï.,4rtblr lialfour. jetc tm t<f. bei of gn.'at îîdvantagc to tht, sons dé-sire to Lirke lit Ii)t. Deceased n'as a Uléecýt hi ate Geo. set'. or imore of iiieîîitt's of 1the riaise lin fact the Board of Ediicallon would Nek Kmthe li u rhtc \%e- rir ut'attiiO itc1tiîti progres fît'glad f0 open night classes itu anyMikeXm, aou arleL ~tit 'lier Ileic i(ctioit of tifis iranch of Itidustrial training for whlch who drew the desloXi tfrr 5fr Walter \<t r kt lTe., Itoard o!fl'.ircat ton orRarized ionr Is a demand Scott's monument Ilti' h.Th roitr r t.lîe idtistriai Edîtriafion Art, si) Thre spiendid nem- 1High School. which to iry of Mr. Kemps 4sre, as related ln i- lie i\e titstaiti s totii. w'ork begui i iitle iglid. will le an ideal Place "Self Made. Scot&sni1»PUblinhed In atîi loIl i rîrrîr of 'exi dn lttle toie foîr niglit classes. aind rothing wouid Tlu' Week1li 8cot@nMtt of May 27, 1899, ititti tisrrîtrî,'ss ofti rrca' ivciîitîg Inus- pltaseIt licmernhers of lte Board ef a copy of whlch le të4jU1êpossession of r iii t assI For ttIl s sort of cd Edtileatit more titan Io sep one or Nirt. Waterhouseé Io,, e ef more than ilat lirai workil ti t'<rt0ft asmorteclassets ai n'ork i'very lawful umual interest. ThoUgh an accomp- i ttuîtrai' s, ti s affordit g c'ter)- itglit tli the cweek. ifl it lîghly desîr- lislietidratigbtamaù-,-Mr.Kemp was tilt aeilrt it iiiagtcniahbtli taiyoing ipeople who have per- unknown, havtng fO3ýwedthe Occupa- 1,1ti f tilit, clatis of nivttt ai-ihalls leî'n forcred îo leave sciîool before! tien of a mtilwrlgU , tond. carpentor. nut it- tîtsteiilis Ilîto ii de-i coîntflug the Iligti school course, or 1 Hs love fer arcitltlire was an en. ('i et) r'~ ii a clats for W itietttt nîa,'vases wltiioti even ge'ttig grnsxing passion r4ev'4li hmand lie îtueil 2 ri ittlalu iti seig Titiss i t'î Ille igii Scitool. andi atho are studIeti andi mode" girtcles of ail tte t\%Il i tt i ii i~ttstnefi tri i nom, ~(ilit situiationis, slî<uld have thle opt--fine buildings lie ha#-tîte privilege of itIi litwtrt trtidoitTrîsd portfînilnf0 liîprove itetn5lves. speeng. Vhlen he' ,ew(heo advertise. ;rr IIt *li 1) in. irrrrdttr tht, t tif- Tttst, tiglit classes a' tI furnisitthis ment for design% fey a Scoit manu- i 'i iui t. ti r r'l (111i1t1- iou'tpîorf tirti 1.SesI ada-t oittitis page. Mtient, lie emnbifdWed M1ii Joy he opper. ______ ___ tunlty of coMpéIng-.' for hie wal; a - -- - _______ - -~.lover cf the gtest. aXý11or. lils sketch drew third fflae 'iIltthe cempetition UT~~A 5ATI~and iwonî for hlm a ýt1ze of flfty gitîn- O0.L.C. UKAMAI GII CLUB PasR. None of the' sketches be ng t -Ar r',~'r'c1 elosen, îlthe rnMltti' calleti fur new ASSISTLLRED CROSS lUIN 1/des;lis. Keînp s.ggb competed. anfI tiîs lime lits design isa a mosterptece. 4 , -t ti t i ttiri <ti. ri.r ~ tii -was accep)ted, and tl,». fnonument coin- I î '~ nr îtji ir 'itiîi-iri« 'Ilv tcli t ire offilhre.diplaycd (1lits- accidenit, M4r KZ .. 'audrowned lie- i. it <ri -i 'iti~e ti'tttg isu riîîtîir'alrIiiiiof ta Iigli dporm'.'.and fore theo nnuxneiittt ,wa conipleted. -),lilti i t i t tir'iii t< imici fat oralte otiliint. Mss Me. was lest ta the ld "-his birth and I o tqe 1,ii t fil.r a. Il il -i il i ci'.ss of! i itiii rk. .4 ils ti t 1i rttg lot ir, lad a'the Emi r.'. but tIn *e stotety pile of le i i i le.i<t tiui, \%et-Ilt t. % trý prrud %% Idu i' tttit for lîci ai'tIlui tle dual marhie which lli ~ ead towards f tl, 1t. %% ii r -t<î .titi a tkttili artît tt r dstla'df .tîtig %MarIow-, ithe tskies ln memorrt cf cine of*the ii ' il iiiiit . i , ire' <le t n I i t ,l'ii i d t 1sît t' fteriirui<Ilfît piîru. t e rl SJ tîs~t ovoîiate. htýý KemnWs gentus r 'r t a tir o!itt i f iiepari s, ad 4atti5tîegracei '1'îîny I.tiîkiliî., ,andi memory are penwiftated.' Mrs. t t t- ~ a tdeîrrit.asIntii s4-t dttiîiith> îiorf iayi-d b> is e e.WaterhonuBe treaaureê Lthe story andi \\ ti rt i ti' w utile î.rgrnni i itoti lier part cotîti iiît.td very reverpse lie mmory-otlhier fomous Or it t ifteit 1)<> vve rtirrrI rgv1ite) fthef list tiinctttnftrest and relative, wbo liveul ov4ser a century age. r at tat' .k itz plaîceIn Iiflile Ini tr stit.ci;sof tilt- piresetattiotl. 'andi nhose utimely'eiid remeved an t tari irf hi.uiil etitrcenitir>y.tand NI its Mary 'ah ntIe anîd Mitss Win- nrclittert of inpoinag-Piiua. il,. e xti- iri.. a., of courso. chtrac' niîfrtti Synîingtoîi. us 1ast inglit antid---- t.iusiit o!t tat te. Nirs. FHarticostie. respecliveiy. ilso wont OSHAWA -SOLD9ÉRS HOME. 'Pir' cuir k f ail Ilite %vaiti~uits nosî.ri ted jîraie 'ti <tt itif t iitiglit plrais..atnitret u()l e wholut thte;play n'as flic beet AI.ot ttwo hundre« soldiersa rrived ft'-di it-at detîtiof credif nuiion thi-'tibat Iliasb.eî presenteti for somne time lit Qtîebee on Saturdâ.ê..unvalided hole r tit ritus.Nis MIl antd Miss Mc-' b>'île tkainatic Art Club. freinth(le front, among whom were t irinti- kThp'mie -aviiiiparts, n'e're At the' concluiiot, of the evenling's tlree Oshawa mii. 1<IsÎÏey are 1H. N itain-frt il ýtm Nlc'ornitek, as Yoîing jrograni, the oficers of tle ll6th andi Smith, .3. Waller,ian#-'W, H. landry. \IartiN iî tIstt l-1rt i s 1ardcantle: ltt2nd flattalions present.ed a band- They are ftie firit <*tba*mnen a (o q M'il tlit i î'rttîgfoit.as tIoîîy LImp' seile boliqlltlOf flowersnta teio!flte Invalitietihome #incý' 4be Orat contîn. rkii Miss Niîrkviey, s tMis Hard- fotirtecit artiésegent lefI ln Auguat, ,l#l4. 13011 Phan@ 9. Home phono 4.-It--- - YOUG E N EMNOPLOWING antd S!!DING! LETTER FROM ARTHUR KEýAAN lt, i-wî t ttcy.trlig tii etiliiet are Il U L ni Arthtur Kean, a WhItiîy boy, wouuuded couple et plaes fxtnati grna i- i- t~ itituiîTlitrpes tait, atthe front on Marçh lot, tells of bista ouiid a couple ~-i1ol I>flanr' t stu@it atweeiceete-lit ttiAN'rEl) DY T",. MILITARY - prtn1'n 'itbrVi teatebA u -a ohiwi Atf144t 1.1 . s î .isv î(ulitle u iit thtnig. SInce tbell 'itbae found two ty - uatt Il tî rite- 11ti %ri t'mot1hl-$niler on the day after betng Admit- more very sinI olebote, w titat t-he w SMAX. ls yrnit 9f.. TORONTO. ittit î,c ii ciiit ed Io No. 3 Hospital li France. Part stîm total of the resltjl o.f My exper- tgibidit. s)inéeiihe drnad f tecf tltslelter lts rtproduceti lerewil.. ence la: one samali plco of eometbing t.r ii.ii i tn iui.iiiittiici' lie gîii nte e(ta -ott aili notice nîy naine iLthe lan my riglit thigb; one sut-al cut in Ithe 1 siigttly wotiîuted" lisI. That l 1 upper part-of my rigit- leg, and ct-ler HO' '-' XMtti iteinii iiiarry outi (item suîring iyny juiries aneuttit te. se do net feel culs ln my legs.,I'hey &*e ail miner r1'iiiti i rrtndtoutraclor i tir l ît riliigtl istlnr 0tu iaIgr*antl- orried. for 1 shahLi e backt on tie job Injuries. About th-ouoly tesson 1 am t l i fo ia t-t l* IiNt411g s-ust asi stut lar -agulti ibefore you gel t(lta, bere ta for inoculation againat- blood- Piait.rî-~'t. utt .~ lîitltt fintiuh.d <î .it11-t-ut arraîîgrt î-t tîemîtt 1 'i as doiag gîtarti âuîy.anticuir poisonlng. - Of course t-bey are rother Stîi. ti'tr. îrrl rauri-t ~ *tlr~î-Ilt-s1 .Tîiîe îtouîît pro. t-artil-ery starteti te give ithe Germans sore, but when 1 aaw mo t-ber fol- agenItfor Branutford RoofinO iat et1 cit' Io ltr e iterie wiio art- suit-hiag, andi ofcouruetey retal- Iowa wlio were brougit- Into (the dresa- 1 .%oluttid'tigli on Iit t arnillis 'ouiutnit- led M'cl,1. heard two or flire ing station ait thle mania ime 1 was, wMITt-V 'Phonel149 titi> %%tll 1wa att o carry oi thei aot etitlit 18called "whirabaags" coming ever 1i ted ihat 1I uhould net reaily hbe here its tut aditiotot 1lis Pleuiglîling 1a11(ianditi tioti atinte te croucb behlinti Writt-en next day). 'WeIl, Isince 1 Wa rrage Lcense. si--duit i-'inotiîa thene wII nou tbu îonie aîttbagu whî-n one burstat aumy wrot-e the firat eoftiialetter the doc- be it- u arratgtuie-ltl agaili ai harvei filt,uisetling me'anti plastering me (or lias takten a IsniU pweeOf sheli - ~~t tn-. ufor lthe' oldiurt; o nettinlte their avll i aiîd. 1 gel uîp anti put my cap andi some of zny treuàer$ eut- of MY A, H.ALIAlN lt-t îrk oit uit.' furiiî, givtig tîtiiueiet doiagatut and we'nu 10 get cleaiied up rîght t ligIt.,- £no-,- 1sUe» 1&alli tt--t'iiat, c'ati tecrîlicai tintes. Pol- a1 R itie. Tien 1 fella a ting ln @a soon be out of here.4 Iwýq-r nf 'Iartrtg v.%ki n-, art- t fît- regtitlat iostproui nlga etd Corneàr drttg store, W11111».- In \11ti a Ondin No 72ý Ntowzrrttsre-juir'-d. Tfîts trotigtîli e <'ont> butaîeîîroaed ( r I y iit~ i. i > lic. % A (l-.2îîd 1iu isioa. aîndai. C N E N E OF T Y N M 'a tit . cis oIld rt-arfi ttisoffice- ai IbmIntar Canada IMPPrOvment luat ot ee ufre the conîmeule Land Go. Llmttmnît o! thc furiotiglt. The Gefmanie ceuintrten exported to coaterence ever hem in aCanada.lit- Lad o. Lmied1. sllî>eçt te the follewing c ie relt of (lie werld turing t(lut Ifiljedl two ftono! t sie bit Royal Usal Itit;. fîtrîcugli for oaiterloti net exceed- year before t-ho war over $26.O skyscraàper ln 1'orito M -1?nssdsi0m. WlultbY - Onltarlo Iing u ne monîl ma-y lbe ranted te N.C. »worth ort oys. Cana"a 5ougbt abouti The exhibition ettoLym le, VoSIJI <0t5< lteeui I.etato Ihîtder. Etft at ei. s.eand nmen oeth(leC.EtF.. for .lie Dur- hait of ils $1,»0,.000 wort-h ef Import- a long w*&Y te utê lit iU. b. otu Rteniat..Iîect@d, lFir'î (.uanîtArrauigei. Iplieeorfenaliing (hem tà taite part ln cd toyu from Gcrmany. The et-ler blt d fafe r tage4tand duntàg ýffl i 18 t'rîpnti. .tetîlitani ,l<. Ipbuglîlnir. ueoding, e. came from Britain an-dt(le Unitedi week opmned l te b ublwc.-Ateoipi For terme. nai 1ly lisait ttttiîe. lirocIt St. :L This privilege lu Ilmitedte 1 N. C. States. The s'ai-open» up tg Cana- t'e lgs.as attemong fthe eoe*entoe Bell Phtîse 12 plti[<oue o.0.'Os andi men of good charset-er. diais tht-s splenid worid-niorket for and sdgress1ng tbeJreelugof tve or -. 3. ilu tegranteti se u le enabtu tbem îoys. lcierytbtng liit theway et a toy six handrsd busi,*s5 -wn%, gatbèed - - lte aîrk on (lie landi. andi for ne other eu b. mode I-n Canada excepî (lie froîn the "United 8 St and m d ss4. * kpt rl)es.: anti it- wilI only lie graifed china heads for doits, and- more clieap- w ere tbeIdi ayors «. t.hu4ée tow'nm bear- UUABIJftoit jmro' t-lai promiseof work blt5Ilye tae, t-lin mny empetiag country.I Ing the mare, auberbau reaibuIs to ili il VtIIW J. actually been obtlned. These figures Indicatutht-ecmagnitude iMuuaIsWbt' doe to Trn Offic anS orkatransportatien tà ont froua any loeltty ada. Tliey were gtven ln a mou -t - f l e re wr, P b IMlbam k, of' Oit ad Wrk vnt- excefdhng a distance ef 100 Mil«s teresting addrcss by Sir George Poê teéM tod of big-tà,*nb"ktg aliteS>' opposite Hiffa Bros., Whitby f ront thc stationt or camp where Uuey jt-er.liiitfr et Trade anad Cotuic-te Ipasse sby* a aatitolt atM bca,,lt are under traning. for Canada- sth(e fAret-t o>'fairtait mnd 'Samonuntngt t$S.* tôW&N5 W M O NU M E NTS rli. When. tbey procoet on rurioulgh.j sîtiD£ISand lIWrlal Upt Il RW iIlesîingtteir clothing anti equipaut _ it wttlI pay you to ca-ilait outr works 6. Paya andi allow'uunces wthheld dur-I and Iftflect for yourlf. hiC thée rerletof thbe furlougli, w-lUl e -À_ Do no e lic lled by agelat. W. do patilte N.C.O. or ma-a on his retunu î Iki Dot eMploy them. ,CouMqisitlY VS Iieheatqarterti 0f lite unit. andi 1à1 I* of 10 Der sout. vhith Y«n VMIdeunte t-bot wM4ieon furlougle eu ieerataaly save b>' pureliasiai frcIMU& bona-fide engaged onfaim wout. f - A Colt Soilcted. 7. Enceh C0.and risu lll tber* tHow par t OD, t0~ ____________________fore ho mwarrncd ihatut-len ho retura te -- ra .' -- lietb hliquarters of bii Unibtlhe VOI ib. t orpn b~ d ~ i reqittrd to iroduee a eriucà.oU - t- (lth.e it o«- per-soirsfor wbce hemia i *- been worklng oi oi ndr t JQ~ KOSU i Sm tntur te et .ceratan. o«et t-vo 'i & .Su s chut->' etfthe lanaltuquestim. or>atr tilletle lias liytmes cta w lan& md ut- .msaadbt .ioeIf S S tt Wiizg YC>* hm- t. Pt LIVERY, 1SALE DAUoqIired t.t us ~a rf*@flhin "k - - NARDINO STABLES fileuce eo.or uma vIe tW D I I' I forsMOlI "M tsisurabdmtwwwc 't t AUl kmde of single and double1 riçu forhire. Bue to &U the t M' bught sad sW&do go.susiouSSo»egood, 1« tala es; ato MWh b ayia w luaa.1ý sahi MAV<CH M0.1916 C .GooD»LLov & SoN, Publigh érs i So S-uccess fu i Was our Credit Sale of five lots, held on Saturday, March 25th, that we have decidcd to hold another large credit sale cn Saturday, April 8th, at 2 o'clock. There is absolutely no easier way of purchasin* a building lot. The size of each lot is 50 Lt. rontage by 140 ft. deep. The sale'will be h-eld on the propeity iifnmediately north of the west of Brock St. Each lot will be staktid and numbered. There will be no reserve. C P. R. and TERMS OF SALE: $10 cash on day of sale, with twelve equal monthly payments for balance, with interest at 6 per cent. per annum. 6 per cent. off for cash. Foi- further information apply to W MIAW, AuctIoneer,, or Tie Greater Canada Improvenient and Land Co. Limited Independent Phono 70 i -I P tablislîtng toy lidtit4siies, askirtg oniY frotlthie mantifaci titer LitaI ho putlii t dollar for dollar w-ti th le twn. One cf th.e best spepeches Was by a prom- Iiient Montreil Ian-yen. Mr. Dobell, President cf the Hauîdicraft.s Associa- .tiin of Canada, wito appealeti for beatu- (y Ini the preducts of loy industries te be establisiîed ln Canada. Our neigli- ber town cf Oshawa was weil repre- sented by severai prominent busIness mea. It would lie weillIf some-et our own people were te take ativaniage of thie conttiiuiance cf the toy fair t-o go- and ope for themselves wbat ta belng dlone alreatiy In (liii mint promlsing tnduîutry. -- classs in Plain Sswlng voflMEN£10YtN OIl". CIgte at 7.80 o'clock P.= 1 Any woman or girl of Whitley1 Town and eurrouading country desirous of improving in plain sewtng imay attend. There le no charge wbatever. Tuition je free. -MISS L UTTAII, TU8shr MUSICA L ZYIIT P THE - tIWO THUg rAmous à AlAc QuAXITET' TO SINO UN Talc COLLEQEGI. An-IMusie levers will roelvo with dellobt te noeatbAt t-be w-clkov Ad»«acquart-et, or ?oronto. to te b. licrd t tUitecCollege on APotIllt. à uut ln"pM e t ourof PEELS SHOE STORE OUR immense stock of Booits and Sboes for Spring was neyer so complete as at the oresent. W. have Shoes We carry al Men's, Women's and See our lune ol Every Day Bcots. O JHN 'sut. to Fit and Shoes to Please. the latest up.to.date styles ih- ci Children's Footwear. )f Men's, -Boys' and ChiIdrenýs We carry the best grades only. PEEmL&SO Spocisis The seasoti of Lent iis hoereagai<.7 and., -asàî' .other years<our- stock- 4oflh, a cmpIete. H.ire* are a fcw of the Unes we handie; CISCO~S 'SALMOLN 8C I ~iiI bau THIT mas' 3 J h j -e J- t s' <i ris' 1~ e z- 1' I 111- a ,'w wolvavo ONT. Iels Phone lp3 11

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