Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Mar 1916, p. 7

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ittg thia aPoiltu01- toi -ttil').n vi la't- - -' 't titt ah'utthîniities built a higb tvall, ars or by mati1 ut 25 cents à box from 'oeeof our big rrond1,somentà: 9 Vngoga ocl noetltlaee gonue to ua e alt'î vouîd-lte suicid!es. The ten- - m. Dr. Williarnia Madicine Co., cOpmutie. ,90,"0 )llîhat, 1.0,0 agge" sdtybau a bell on a rat.MRY Tus t« tu -ailias muie tuf the iunost b<autiful îck lc ot cheol chîltimua. Ever>-where tue- ea'1-v» douwt M tItli fillali.It cna'î'iei tatf'thet'iber- ,____t bu,,b&Fn for France la the same.* iiogi y ti laiIia it iJtit tl'uc fon iitlc'liake, wbicblb î. ff is ....".....*. i a fine copper wls -v«an aon tirongl r a4u t-I hseisuinninhuria' 'f te' A(U INIA , tSAW -i-AFM I'YFRST" FILM. ihaiid'owr-4%RW.~o 'nitltplohinîîbu;crei iiaalu u-' l't It-il oLe U-Tbi. e rat negleetew t top eand ofsa The le4tlaeria tu se laUn-C.P.R. Officiais 1'lewed Sitent Drapa a reoul for titif'ul ServIi hovAS umx MORE 'III.AN EVti 1. tlii,î baitSrutiî e lStîie oln4pelset. f Perla N muai%%erap roundal wcound? VastIy thentermsta of the.SafItty Ftru li uîcna'asaelt- 'utaail> l'or W a-a'l. flîir tIhaiuîthat. tota. \Iauu.' t'i-ar 'tio.a4iuii tl",î jiIk- 'ibm-nare aeu anny verletlcu cf imOritimvs eoei.,7upÎ.'v 't 'S i t ita', a'tîi'itnl t%%tt'hott t.nîaaf r,îiautldais anti as many ways cf &Unsî 1.Ilyfltdcsa Wseo'St-Mro rlg ~S ~ 8,>2 il.', ater day. have fÇuîîîaîîaliitur thema,3 a.tiere -are wound.sud limbe don.motrwu. lets. 1 bsdmt avé sISIdh MAus'8UI. ut'ttyanmi gnanter a-îetuî'aw l'y ani m ore. Tht'e uual materlal for Duryast uee~ P~<<.MN II i ~~Ls kiîiit lgtiiostu. A î wateiaiwt-at1 Redi (rosrolitur bandages ekableaeh- tIuas -J hadul îutk aofi'i-'a'for aI'aut t.ai ,alimo. asi t lias Theffsiees antieuh- 'y Ur. fr- t, &MteU>WdîD« toui *trosý' c\%vaîty yt'tirt, nu liutally hîai cehnt .ittailt. White cotton or sh.ettag ~' th fit <titor enileai mofe'heait.' 1Iuss eond choice.. Unen ila1seldem YOCVetlLum4t1sLInw b4.. cî:uik ult-i-Iouls tataulextl*a'inely mespocîud- i useai-too expeasîve. 6014y mwm j * - . . .. .hcsial i'la.neiiî,aau --~- t.tr4 WIStt;hît ltte î'unio -::-r:7-r'~- 2LA ~. k.kmam.. IewIosa -t""otigî let; naci kidney trouble and a'oîtipatlon." (Tes tlajetat as injurios biuusm- lù <-antalis caffeino, the. maime drug found ln coe.. -The ns tst notîcable benotit whleb t'nilaaee. the change f rom coffee te Peiiturn vati the improvoutiaction ef the kîdncys and bcwels. Ia twc w«"k my heart action vas gresty improvoti atid mny verves stesdier. «Thon 1 beceme leu dedonedent, nnd tice dexîre to b. active agala mhowed prSef of renevoti physîcal and- mental etreugth. 'I fornîerly diti mental a'cork anti hâd to Ulve It up on acceun.t eof<e-ý fee, but mince unbug Postum 1I.-M dclng harti Méntal labos- vltihs, fatigue." Nate. givea i>y Caniadia post=mC, ledoOt Postuai ceaies ln Wo foai: Postuar ÇCerol-the 0rgiM~I om- - -muet, b. Iwl'vel oiL16e ud 25e Pack ësê ImatLt Patsa am slhl.P"Me*.. 4tamle# qýIuk1Iy li a Cup dot lm~., teýaad, with crman id susarmk or ths body mai ,rheau~c »Joww (Cauze lausd te reWaI a drusel a' position. fomette lu us.fu-f« ,k*pt. lng bandaefflos spas -uj*I~ Stockingette May n e o ceu. velus or drapitihiL aI&'"wiU or Crinoline are emploseia m li plitim of etpla«tr-of»Pas, utsr or stlaeibanýdages The. rqMelatl4 ; wldUe sd keg*hs of roaler bandagesl muwrpriia. yov.ý Takluglthe meies,- fluge, arm, leg 'ati body-the wltths, rua froua X- in. te 610., and Otw 10lbtr mm1%. rd.ti t U it.retie* t 1-- Bts *slt.4eude& u - bdeà IN -~ BL 4)D ~OTE or TWTRFWr FRfM T Oè~t~4i& a~et ~ ftmark.ble W ln taWhieh Qold hieI ~~i rts omadrl akneF~ N*TE r T.RsrPte M .ofteft eveyB=Whigla ieTvn Te et bt o teFrnh BANKSAND RAB&çntïtly lèkWg in fod pats d@ lgdl]o wRNubladhe oinio ATonlcMedicie Is a NecSsity BMC AD RAa. in <ocipatg< werdagV dmn bE fG NC rp1 etslir ntowrdî ut Ihia Scason. - 'qaue. ThUy do flot bUild vtldb muplu'eShfvmO. Y0viIllAMdtoe M 1, Mhocmmnigth lital fre n hs eao.Muscle <w suppî-y enrg. ut thatla 11ev the la es u éln the Balkazu4epeee t h Me.Wllam'Plm Pla e Pl "a1"engfit4b Pink Pillat'f . luCIUTII astVIO fura'sSleia odepndn, e p e o p l e tir e u n a l te a r r o u n d t o n i c a n d L o w l a d s o f A uI - a o s t f o o à i k I W m o r w B 8ln g h i e o t hn g 1 1 1 'a o r t ay 'illt i . F r e c h v they re ad nevo-rstorr Bu Ai>AW a ~ orWB'81fl5bis lothi In a cetain"Our Britlnhsoldirt ui peally verluabl l u tj scotia. luflcheoit of Shredded Wheat etruom when tua big luilip et fortunie, 0 1111ltgivon the worldrao frimr spy rng en eselyte'm le laed iith:The subecriptions te the Edlnburgh wt ikan ra aWorth came hie waT. Who vill aay nov that ?eem Joui, ation, but we nYerpeeddt e imlpurities <ea-resuit of t'he indoor Red Cross Fund ncw total $278,266- à dollar-and the cost 18 flot lot brins liteova revs.d? han«elieven lti', chsped niefoa re t r]uywrt h life Of the wlter menthe. There Is Dumbarton le to have a Flag Day over five ns.'robia.t Ithe CifonnEdoldad ihone te wrdlcuhetaik isteu, "amGere tyhesrn of16, no UCh lvi ueed cf punifyigth e rî d i- thtor rmn sofwar ueiongig MA wilU ppA>'al the s' vh as firet apotted by a mSa Who went ttihicfiDkidLoutG rsay a fnshd e or niihinau nverd o pufythoseaPdlla hlps -the Caidn ja aiwy neecleci for a half-day'S WOrk out erly coemornAng te <lig onîce Solin lbhady glai. boqIeus ad mwhinon, leonybgnigann t'o, mandkeryds fteePlahls TeCldna al opn with a esheatb-kalfe, and found gold tin tubes, et chemiste 'andi~n yoiin e epewl etr te tOnaenew, rich, red blood. Iu the' ha. tiunounced a further curtailment Or plaY. adherlag to the blnde.en stores everywhere. Refuse execute criminitesgsalog s sPrinu ne feel weak ad tiredDr. oftheir pssengertrain srféce.Talklftg of seatb-knleei, thoy were sutite.wouc nd Wilinnii' Pink lPills grive strength. In Miss 'k.M. Granit, who han just the favorite meanueof fliekin goid in Ftblt mlld ntwo . Frneucarenre s aEglndn thea sri ig the appettite if often poor (lied id Inverness iu her 8&th year, DI France are ready ta defend the rightof' -Dr-.NW'illlamis' Pink Pilla develop the han bequeattheci $100,000 te the North- thene knlves form any thInge. antd Bryan Mahon sai htwa a r fflietita', toue thoe tomnach and aid cru Iufirruary, Inverness. - were tleem la thelr belte. Tbey used iginaliy a union freofude to dg l ther clu.lme," flicklngou wleak digestion. It le lu the epring Glasgow Town Couneil han adopt- bits of gold with the point,. ut ou interest, now a eoeatu that poaisons lu the blood find an eut- eti a resclution agreeing te enter into Imagine taklng thlrty-two pounde' CHESEBROUGH MMG.CO. mar. -ofin leta in disf'îguritîg pinîples, eruptions, ne ceutreet tvith persans of German weight of goid eut cf a hale ln the <caumd and Iboilp,-!r. Williams' Pink Pille or Austirinnatiouality tluriug the e tpeoe brwa stomm o nouh au lmmanv*." rd'e er ndarke, nlihsrfr 5l)erdily leari the ekin because thoywar. eieiec acmo nuhmnrmrk IZo ta the' "Out of the' trouble fi the Wick Harbor Trust have been un- Madle in Canadla. Andi a gold i mne la New Zeala.nd ring____toi____is__lai_ 111e0(. lu the eprtug ausernia, rheu- der the' nerese4ity of revising the duees _________________ was discovereti by a mas who plcked -- - ----good, kind hlentewma haI matinsm, indigestion, ucurnîgria, erysi- chargeable for t'he usre of the dock, lun l'OR ANaDtANeOLDIER. a te nt a wcod plge'onlAFMOSQ CK ways hit me withte~f n ftt pela innd mtny other troubles are t'le'w of the' increased cost of work- FO- if, ,OLIRS AFAOS U-K Mot 'is t.tenF bernuse of poor, %e'nk itfir. iror. bUood, anal it ln at this ime when afll The Clenning anîd Lighting Com- Rery e foWlch ayBHeoti rei M ea PMiArdfrnngu oUc. axo- nature tukes ou uew life that the' blooid mitt-er of the' Edinburgh Taran Coun- Ver Usel.uahIl the moret famous itinerant "Why is your in hr uha niost ser'inualy needs attention. Q,(Me cil have recommended increases lu ;, Hear are a few recipes that 1 want YOuIII1quc i istmwo idn ohn ovncd ei pe'ople ainest'hemseit.e with purira- Wflas ta aevoal of its employes un- to give ta Canualian Soldiors, writes reiw i imcoved mbeierinsodsgh? tives eut this seaqon, Ilut tha'se only ar the comirnittee. Mr. Geo. C. MacLean, lu the' Scottigh- nesburg, South whn ied at .Johassnt- "Wc l inyeitsb1a( hepo fu'th<'r weaen tha'mselv<'s. A pur- Catiînte.eR"",t has arcept('ui tht' Aneritan- the age of 72, wvent through a fortune llefîliloeafrssit gative nierelv gallops through the sys-iiiVitnt-ion to un il the' statue oaf her 1. liow ta waterproof thrir over- WHy NMANITOBA MAN PRAISES estimated at $5i,000,000 obtaint'd frein' ______________ teru, crtaptying the Iboa'ltu, but i dorsfatlier, the latta'Lotrd Rolx'rtaa. in route- Put 1 lb. af alum, 3 oz. af DODDS KIDNEY PILLS. the credulous. liai> itaenthiîîgr. On t ha' athu'- r Al . I t s l et'trettd in KKci'uin- 11-h glue (or any other firet-class gluie) iSequah was horu lu London, but miT E hatalId 1)1. jl .i lai-t. Pn P ilp1ls it Illla1 -N.- 'Pii-r, t; aeglnv. itin ivquatr tsohili ng teteer When1 posed as a reti Indan. Ht' haa ro ialu'\ Il(,%% l, th1 icLuh'.ta v i'i' Bavattv, \' ýof Etmirai Sir ah-sulit t'u, idfive quarts of cold w<kAltrExeienig W't hrtarkahle gifts sa showman und al lintl\t' titilorg.an intit iu lauv, 1t'rniuuzir I ta'tid liittv, luu' itlv t' i bafr. Mte od u nteovert'nub powerful personality that,,enahlti îm ShE l « c h- Wîc ot!pta h edicines Max Hanjock Found in to work his cures. Ht' intpiretl faith,' ~~~-w(\ et n t, law l i el 'tî' - iltkiti -lfor thte i ui-ot-of fo'r ia fcow t i ttt4. M-lien dry ib w ill tut t""li,, niiy t icil niani, Wii'oa- " p uifiMtut1) qt: uk in-h -Aithte tain. Dodd'.q Kidn<'y Pillg the Cure That clrew peoptle to hlm like il muguet, aliiur 'rrv>' lb-. M\iifi ýn ~is, l',ii¼ u fi' lauid i u1lt' 1irsuet. ?. A cuire cii e for tivseilec' v- He' Sought. 'sud exeî-cised ilbcertain epell ofat ahyp R i thi 'Ji-iig %il nt ,Ii*-týi Kdiieof he iw-flt aliFiir ilruotic nature aven theni. Tturing tLV S ~oî.ut'i'gi u' iiof tte' 2nl A-gsli 1taitiund! I st' -h *it-p iilf in put ' !'l-a'ust linmu', IMon. March 20th, ' cnuntry in minifutîit style, he wti lf Yliatitt I rett tlt'a' h li tii t' " thaIt ilt îa'-' s t a'fnu . 'i npu' ut' u i' tnlet'tau -( Special. ) -M1. Max iltinjook, a well- h t'a thliargt'st hn i t athe' place', ak 'rhe pru-cfrfXI t> r l'il,> tlitîut2iî.a1t\ naullia'uull" t "'f->"i hha" '"'îien i lin îudul l'îl1nI'lut'ku t iv iiituy, if that i- nt-îcadn u bspae -o u nheamtiha rstla',a Svrup ils iniheîktg [ uy niai lpos datuiu l i0) 'tai eta lktt1iiu 1. f ' ueu îuîî's lirîa\ eîrvuflot iîanîls' put in a(""ut7h re'rpepper 'atrunib:u dpno f l-elh hnpocelt or i iace tinîîe foi-i'rlwlos oi' six "usfuo ui fi,(l i '[lia' fl)r itt.rnii . ifui l'-ki' thas rrixui ,ifeeling strotlr. nnd haryagailu cure. fle was un exceptionafly finey , su ""in bu(lns hearty it-tity vas hing ajuîcd b Meliilv o, :'o' lil 1 u-uiwýit bac u- ulcu ic") nautt hall- er w r b Oi rete ;gbîaluuttegoduttel toît, p afluent speaker, an 1ieton .vili îîIe' a 1h ce i 1 'i octig tuu the % . cr fr 'miin.P n a DotteS Kiduey Pis. ' Inter put ta use on the variet.y stage celleaul forslîahlie td heiapinz taliespu'tuuful etif Engitrh *1. -- ~~~i-i ta slo uuf fî,floteens llfui vegae-- i'lack curr-ltîit palin iitonasglass ( Iie I lf' ti y af o her pille, b t er gnai.g up te dmecne bsinressat oe rtbl', 'huk J.1 ' XE8SI C 11W 'uiS hl!t u iii ut the' col'lîerfturls utitiwatt-r, niai-h wt'l, nixd ttteLi t' idnthelp me ver' uh" r nohrujua edweu vs ra other Seic'Svtptly t' tif i> ltt'l~l ~' '-ccsllow evrv fu'w inutes. ianjook nays. "But Dodd's Kidney pliy.-icti strenzti. Ha cu)'iitlPull out aeuwsrogat tl Wl.the' Jîîs Are' Sqà lrona' to a Vaa fiiio~ da iccat ilv thera' a'ru' 4. Best w-ny to rnîte an egg n-ov il hv aem ee ieadffr h otobtnt otb vni'h Ther o<> î' (ir' ý' f litt ou-- of fish moItai at -Put yoik ut a'gg iloto a turnhler %with; eut man. i feel like a Young fellow -taok a piece of jawboue with it, and IS EXCLL TFO Thir()%l is \)id' flit lu'> \ 'tsels. Tht' lanthings a icaspootîful of ,Iamaira rum. Bent unn. I 1want everybody F0 know then make tht' patient sevear îef ore ti"t.((li l oNc. alcit and') fl iti' - cxperia'îîe foai up tell n put in*ateîesRpnnnf:Il of-that Dodd'e Kidney Pilla have douie tho audience that tht' operation wss If you arci- tdh ii Iatltilf, et rwttclut t MI l a i- l"Thela tal for assu ar.Tint mn alfa ito me everythlug thâ a enpît i hnh plelhs are gsino suff ciert liing put gveilbv aW1 " i jclaimed for them.0 'ils againsi. rheumatism ha gave the' stoniach, l an d z fuTcit lît'îîî ailigavat u' ac itr il ta'ul ti:îthft.ilk. Neyer pît iii w-ite of egg. 1Dodd's Kidney Pille make men au'ld patient such a severe rubbing that tht' ote Si lu hcatvll-raaceu 'i '0a l 1 ( rcî'N%' iir. Alax Ii"h su andi 30ttmm- 5.('mure for pneum'aia.-Saturate'M heSie'Syurtl.ry us~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~. thofra 1ci11a%,e u«fiui ilat'cs itbla 2îi Ctttjsh Wo il's hallof cotton (ctlla'inch luncliameter) wmnfe ongaanbcutheoy originalps nwa frot.e. Ma for et few dy;ln îa iu itapai, tht' iitcrt'aee oft cth ini ra- llai7liitl uitl, lit îng been reimised.t -haspirits of grain nîcohal. Add epreati gooti heaith al over tebd. ainswho hobbled an tht' stage 10 give IL afirhnctanîl cuit years liý as tiseti niau(luif a" ý, jj,.ilio ltît0t:u1t11itcvuînioaîhs' im'- three draps of duilaurnfo.rm te each bail Dtde Kidney Pile acethkdlrety o amhaecitout.ut left, wa , i ts beneliciln parts 'uuisiditrlablea' uauxutx'. 'lIn' jrroinciit ni: tnultary prisent-ns of 4f caittaîm. Place bçtween tht' pa-tekd e hymk h iuy aihadectmn.Btrle a, Tlien notercefet - ite thopnone ait,,1unin- trn adharh adotspt hrcoicusney epoay iyit p wrîeî-exraistuiltha oçiitonlitI ii"ucr ii liN.,gai', ae amiNcod home. tjceîu's teetb (atter tlrst using vase-, itronditin ethsdtahueal puties, nunîber of siiir ,; e largetthtiii At an neit it4-g iin Ediburgh itM-as fine ton the guins taprevent burieing j cniio eeranalimuii S, o curse, wosemreary.ei ri o yorg hy thos in thet pressa andul t sb iuuI -asu'ctîlu 'uto ýtilii, aRus;so-Scot- anti let the' patient inhale tefm l tt' ces f disease, eut of tSeuav , ev horey e s ainee ei h uituaetyurb -îgh Clth actithat ththu iuuiaa'r "ýfC«isO-t,ýti-ait t iu' at ofwbit'h is ito lu long, deep breaths for fifteen min-. biood. The cleanseti biood circulatlag of bis fame lu the' early namaties. Hoeor u oru. cf selfC-testructuiovn es t i attae i-iraat-itt'and ni;tîullaît a permanient Itts. Then î'epe tfr fiteen inutes aIl t.hrough the body gives new waseerywhere denounced as an im- DHUIOACHI@ ct-caseal cith tiheuevuIVlîuýfiutt "t'îîanu syni;-athtitiuntrrtanding be- or more. Inhale agnin, sud repenti strength and energy everywhere.- poster, but that aniy increased hie Westernî civiliziat iaaiibwc'îtIvnt it'oia' t-f Scot'lndanulad tht' aboya twenty timas. The result ne 'swh ods ny -llsae foiliowiug am on gthe eredulous maBsses'9. t Ile tsa"".: "bate ,' 1ag arul t'a'> Ris. wiII be that the' lungs will relax and poputar nIl over Canada. '~-'-- I E T I N sumv teriI'fîitîli li o-c ~ti1tbi ' Iiy tie ,ii otf Mr. Alexander expand ta their noral condition: lu REAL VALUE O'F*ATS. IN&smmasro numhej' atifvcit'tî, -l'nutat nibs'Nluiariiioii, ti, i' triIcning world in twenty-tour boum-e the sufferer le o ut p.t.zt evitlentIN,' n innitiitilw cfct'tb tthIm' Suaiîaîid lias I-t ine of its most of danger, and lu fnîiv..eight boum Ituxs'o as laet> kraoe-îtvii ru minai, prou'mlti ag lit' ia'î la uîîîtol ythIat 'li-t iîtguislht-uîma-ni 'es. Foi' many ctîred, althuugh weak. - CarriCdauide43Wlra Trog.h o od ad isricie <o peis. he 'auntlaru ha'.OblJcv Siza o1a leadia lu suicideIa In pti, of flicfiat-t y'tarb hc actal ;a5 heati gîrdeucr sud, catton e veryConduitminutFo.et Long.foad it uEdiîa taîei- t h't lir-tlCL ine0, ui:a that tht' haitit-'regaui'ule-'lîs c\ il,'-nuîaliagem Itua \'t"u'uuît Melville' nt Mel. Tht' uses cf rats andi mire in thiin condition andtialhl. The a'%Iliizei l t)-________________ many lo it)ttl f a s thet' tiiiy r i 'a lllem'ilothian. --'-warîd have ben problematical tîntil tue his ienerallîr neba-let! at lits Iliseet!t__ froina-ititi su' 't' "11,)glî -I u (iuita'j- -1-'i b(na)utri((i -ossoup kitchens iALSACE REGAINED now. A ture for theIw oet ohn'aonm i ie i has riemait>eti r , derniie hy bioh Cliritiaiiit aili been Sdisiioveredthandin ththordent'%Npar-een dsrorele,'aad.i toidlok, par irgaoniethaou ofathtint'-ee 011sb hamne'ianîsm, niîîrî v .ipata-' regîttl of 'tIau-rtIan, (uah has jusi.tcIe- Nincty Communes Are Now ln the' ticclar fine ha is invaluable. ugoymuote h'iuielo > uawgt - ~ ~ SSL le II.ý sotaitt ilîa' t ti'îits iuio'trililta ir:atu'u ai at ttenrart'. 1l1its enriy Hande cof the French Only ta few tiys ago 'wo rural .uetrietci hitgitig the cl i îto eîi I Ie nipeet îîîiat-tî sti j t'it'-'umtst tii 'ut 'laa t c ts sppoîa-d adorless ,iid taatteless aïs starc.'!.yet ~1 hîhe e d g'It în i ii 'nr fe i tuf ti of d a e ny Pauhn euia-bw. t't y u lc uiiis u.aîa gd Tie li îî ieu l ls.1e~* ~ &y i Ma -il 1 a h ,1 1t l p o e c m p n e n C n o .Il..bilght 3CAe- - ef rait, r o fi f -c c,1 K 'tr 1916 for ;~fCjz.jult,!ro Catalogue it 44 irre ç 1 N A 1V k . . . . . 1 t \aýo 'trth'i t \,Aiw 1"c for "emac oUvaniai .We paiy raUwsy frelgi tu On a irlo anld Qxaebeo over $Ut.00 Reduce.stgremad. Pidb pAnicles. Lyiupbuncitls Poil Pvil, Fistule. BoUs. SwelJinge Stops Limenes. and alIay "n lsas toes.Iu Brulses. fotChaf4,.)iis à SAPE AITISEPIIO ilb >OtRMMOE Doos Itot bUster or remove the hairand horse caobcworked. Pleauttobise. 92.00àa boule, deiivered. Desàt'be your <taau for special intructions and Book 5 M fre. ABSORDINE, IR.. eaolitue ai me« (ti wueakmnd. t. duce#t aina.. itul. Kmoofd. wol" eia Con= ùae. 81 pet boule at dettett or daUvred. W F YQIJNG, P. il. F., 616Lymsa SId#. Momimal, tCii1 4berlais cd Atirblat, Ji.. aut mid I aM Ladie 'Waterpiroof 84.25- ail çchargeos Pro ptd. (Coirs 1' kwn. (Ait U3k K and l ii. s4tyles fRaglan.<il set In aleeve wit! b4dt. We sindireec f roîît matinutactirsir to eoOfl sumer. No zealtft. gin der ait ào-e Supply Jlimite&. Wlîtftw iuataa'onq. Il. W. Diiwaon. I3ramnptah. I foxes, trade for used car. i-d Iros., liutlîwplj. ont J(Jll-(,1AS NITIIMItEltY i3'I'OCI< buy an2d rpave rilddlcrîniavimprits;Ia vrte for clLtlogue florniiilori Nusraerien t4imith, iteedj & ('o0.) Nt. ('îîthartibe. Oirt. AGENVTU WÂNTED 'V O t O R M A N 7 0 0 0'ç f , M'rEwSPaPuriitoo 5L 'fiçzsaa Iil1iiCi unironAIE. i HEPWNESAD11 aid Fîîlsitn leatrnant food al] e FupllKInforto, if, Ii l oii ,tî(ýl l l to gs tî t 1l b i i g (!()I - 1 Wesn t At*'îr home trt, 'il't. n. and. Pfileit.l".lgo f»al a r nvil4 god A.gc:.And How gýtoliFeitvd ou am ri b ir itp ,trpalin t. d r ite b UNlan#ter pr l. CLAai Y P. eiiOVFtt, V. S. III ~th,; A1ibor DogReiceas ml8 Wst31stSxet, New York ut i ' - 't Il 1' .~/ 1' V a -s (a CI 4 a 4' 4 'f

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