1~y HMlI!SBbM NDSW-ALIC Author of "th'e Silver Biade" «The Paternoster Etuby.0 "The Thme Lpek6" etc. ~I~ow g Sêrgoimt d on?mAINS No- Awm. eI. vUk m ý-h .» h alftgawiead éOa .' vblih hoeaitt1 ISNUm t btuf ou unRuaden ale of abyput Y y hv~&ftli ~ ) leI floureti boati, Jrol tu about oe-haIf A freMemîdouas exploslon '. folloNved holding dowi More ort op gtlYOr Weti'Y$bu -hi &~dl.pt~ ~ IL i .h ghhgt.g h:0 t oIbd 111<h. li'ck, cufit ntu triangles iaîîd bake lîmmodiatauy, but, luckily, Oeg Mine billet an' etitUes ettencimng the UÀ1- afe .tbhai, ottid*à anïà sr xftdo on"&O M h nul as ilv1-ir-esecI giddle. 'fi e orgin- 'vas esuil pratieaîîy bolow 'i-ter. A "oelty. A nawro hsiebpe.4b>'y Oe *xpIaa*In. t skb. wMha k*id nto»d âI tec1!pe cililufoi' rdblk or encan; but t'eiedous colume eoftrater rose ,ýte ed 4about Iis tin., an' Pter .t W-ou1 safeit vuuerarp W huM*aoPemm-ùw ~ ' the' povti hbre aie ia meucb a beigbt of 150 feet, anti great tehuaks e W TOled stm'ay by vWtt we took for 1.ngiugs he o utM ly us two bande "~~ mnure wiîtîrýynmcmliesi Ioumy thé of thu et0el ilu ie 1w ait wayis, but <fameto ani' hy tiIlgtu tà e.là io. ~a ta've et" lvory 'Prt'o abvegive:Athe beit î-esult. Whin o Mweu 'as ats'ek or hurl. A #Ugged Bat of t tht LuWIn i s rnant herug bo < th,.ý,rakes are couoed vel, SPA, but- portion wteluihmtoi01poundu camte fil.- néer bad bed a-tteu eltirýt it r IL K.pt; I1gS th thw tiefh te>j and i eî"'e vomy bot, If theî'- are ipg - roh lbe vir4mw ut, the St. Von eSubot i't waaa't- tVià *w*% cnipty. T4i. tibM dlater'a Un u nuyi<t<ver, th'-y cri dciirî-ium wheelhotiau. andi afîce- oiIs ictgmac iy ay(uit.te%« e-a't Ntbrudtisr. 'van uii*k,4 tQ-ye" t If. t <tiiiiidtl. f1 q lbe te.filen t he fteew 1~,eMtn » eau et thome 'vithIt tb. chle tý.' g&verlraî esra tsioste Lao 4 I (~ée. Sava tgr s migt- ~injurie* mus W0u c4b*Wt* mm- a wio<F s b e t iawsb t "f *cW fautI fiets.ti. tetaew 11gis. r IL*va1111- wuir.Il Wa aerrnorî n a' ;&~rt as -> a*&- fil aith* irneauti*be x- t I sflmne hut$. Tteo greteeteAtcîW» !,mo wau,%StaeUtat ot suIb beteIr" la tbd 0".~ Xlvi v., dcip the, hanta a ncelui ciaern clid bez lte innra.eussn et s.etýU a t-Ntit--Jièi tr 1,4'%le-n* p e s'f cauat ~sl i;~for mîtnkîîg vat.ry. WStv1-I~tlëh *uiyveliBun sOur f1M lut Incy. Keqtiufs aili4 e Midttl~ ~ jar ~' ~ Pluist:l' cf l'en I f migaçi 'vi= ius-, dt>ck. 'vs Iiag <WetfU#vv etew vr. cehW1e 1tel>I_ýOJ 10 cbis~uI ~ ~ -~I~J #ar' Ivan lî i-e oketi110,putty., Pr#".I2to*aeI' hüWttr. My e"W4 fitit Word t a .ite*1'40d' 4isOÉssist*têr *t4. ber b A, gaod çeouel offeo la an oxvbIetlt partntrî boni wb ura lied wb el uï ened wgsIto w»%~Pi~f ~~ ~ thinst for titi 8sekeel childre<sbea- 0fm a W uti4t it* the * *n.t <mcu&WiM atis'~t$î~w'~~ I , .uiti ad zî$castJ j>* Il luet thuit à lt~ itu -thé kit,hm i.n 4UUtp. btte t~tt 4I~ ýûti tze tnatrW4mt 9» - 4W. ê i *1pthi ta e0 o iiv l i l«t eu n ÀOgy l a "AO shot ite nut-be orinlé %lt flub»1 " M * Ê IN CIIAPTF.R XXIX. (COltd. chair-arme as; if my very eitence" tRietgp t re ulaI.Dem.dalwaysthe gêtu eltveditjon, or what remained of it., awRy from me. A tingle and- thrll 'Sa1 td~ a tu s'al" a- man pachet, ~~ rested at Tao-fu, Lao was treated by man through me, as if those saine. _____________________ 1mple I warovets m-ho is flghtorgtforla -- - -......4.. i~~ tunity to perfect a plan of siing was regarding me with a wlde-eyod, i'.hnrswllab1o jboth the ring and the diamon-1. fightened look, her bearing and ex I1 'M AD 'I Rai xpne h o lasquerading as one of fleic nter- pression accurately-and comically, - ewr "u fa. osg, '0apreters was a Young fellow who was when vlewed now in retrospect-mre- " ol 1.brt bm a skilled carvèr in ivory-none cther flýecting my own overwhelming emo- T e ~than the present- old man 1 ha~d E-- tiens. *CIIARACTERISTC PIT Fohr.qarL hsl countered at the bazaar-who was set 1 heard Strang chuckling in high TUB WRJR.wa h a oo to auatrn a number cfreli good uonihhmefa the sur- cas of the reliquary ln which the rigg prise hll was about te spring, ç!hichtintophdndw n was kept. When the plot was perfect- the exigenciles of hie nartive ael-,zo.le u lvro ed one of these replicas was given te lowed hmte keep back no longer. French, German usaBilhqeto bte owl p each of five diffement messengers; Lao "Yes, Mm. Femis," hi was saying, and BElga rîenwt h atde !bo Slte cils eroblsunevenly cen grînd them seized both ring and diamond, and "That's the young'ld herseif-Miaawysoutoses genro Qremndnut Macaroons-In parte o! down on a grindetone. the five messengers weme sent out of Marian Sylvester, of Yalung, Tibet- tteFot eya ol ogdwe the South, from whlch this recipt Haag wet curtaine on the wooden the country over as many diffement sole heires. to a tidy fortune lnEg "Fine uniforma ebtiswn at h al corst eants reknon a grund 1curtein polis as sooni as wahed and routes, their pumpose- being to keep land, tiat's been plling up intà rest ucstrn ïîuta. Grind ln a meat chopper enough they 'viii dry gracefully. . the pursuit on a false trail as long as for more'n twenty yeare, net saytng We are reangé hs nso etBlinslirsad o u nttafla itmau e et the Keepstecks i glass jars o glass- possible. 'v as, i vemy tut,a des- 0 crystal ht worth aon twenty armies of mon fcn ahohrOihsukl sgota u whltumo! two eggs stiff and dry. Add! es This saves opening boxes te find parate undertaking, but nt this stage thousand pounds."th fedo!ateliemgt m- jeodteee thtte1 a pint et pulvîrized sugar and the'the particular kind you want. Lao Wing Fu's authomity was su- How long 'vi thue contemplated, che ie.Yld erlykowofylt adciiizto d e chopped nuts; rub the whole togutherl Mint will grow ln ater, liku many pie and unciuestionèd by the womn- "eh othîr I don't know; but after al hne.ie thoroughiy, thun spruad the mixturà e other plante, if lîft in a sunny 'vin- Out band'ful of men. The unfortun- while the higl*ýtension of the moment, tii about those me.Orkoi n' org nwraî l on tUn sheete, net buttered, and bake dow and given piunty of air. ste individuals thus chosen were per- subsided, and I found 'vords to sayedge, ln meut ce, l eeymte iteBlini i e itt eiaeboni lwoe. To rumove uet cever the stain suaded to accept thuir charges only to ber: matical, and w.sytaonhude b hifubeeehostgh Cut It into squares, and serve them thickly with powdered alum and stpeam because their one chance of eecape "My dear, this is flot se much a ru- ddtbousand renhebeas either bot or cold. te inuteç over boiling water. 'vas thus affordud. To refuse muant velation as a confirmation. You sue, drdtosn An Irish Recelpt for Petite Cakes. teTry to iniducu the cbildren to leet certain death et the hands of thu mad- now, how I have been justified." * o! n the oesteelvsgesLn * -Boil thu potatoes thoroughiy, mash'each et Ieast one apple a <1ev. Tt dened lamas and the savage hillmen, Shu did not rispond in words, but!on Aneswdes aînd season them wilhsi, osen'iikeep thuir systums in good con- m-hô, in aunsu, wuru their vassais. the tender, affectionatu iight in ber TUEnCZR'S LTTLE thm lh ilworlcsant, o ste i dten Because my box had thu diamond gray eyes 'vas eloquent enough. Tme enhitcfghe on itrFucatgEiodsnte the flour they wili absorb, and knead Hard boiled eggs chopped fin, and in it," Strang whimsicaiiy observud, Both Struher and Stmang 'vure con-, side. Hie unthsam alay guarot the mixture into a soft dough. Roi] m:xed with mustard with a îîuîu "loo 'lid like pour pay for trying to scious that thé situation 'vas bucome' olnthor if eut on e board, sprinkle it~ with cram and seasoning wili make a de- get eut o' that hornets' nest with a tinctured with a new and potent in- * could fl otmoepoundi rd lur, rut it into biscuit sizes, and licieus sandwich. dot id îè iory bx u y ,1eck, fuence that subordinated the import-* a German fou.Teyur180adine'rfr onto ome hake the cakes slowi,ýy until they are To keep ferne or other house plants1 i it! Three e' the five got through, ance of the disclosures in which, until 1871 are braiddo i eoy bmown <'n both sides. In Iruland, freh and green drop e littie castor ail told. There 'vure mighty good nov, 'vu had been se absorbed. Both formlng a parto i ihig kt uigtels itri whbere the cakes are calied potato oil et the roots, or milk. Both 'viii reasons why 'vu neyer wanted our gruw restîve and 111 et uase, and the SLA'iIlA TOPITCH. Nevetheless, bi atig cre vi rv acntn n fudur, they are usueiiv u aten hot, pro(Iucu good resuits. naines te appear as survivors; but o' recitai proceuded swiftly, if dispirit- abie story. Aithough lit"ivry itte o witb butter. Sometimes t'ney are f ried ,Fly speckud mirrors sheuid be wash- course it got to bu known in time." uediy, te its conclusion by a suries of ~'ete-umî ilwo~s v- itee pt nifrh perdaoti ntope fnf dfrtwt odwtr n hn Muanwhile Lao 'vas having bis shorteuts. served for tuo yenms as e private Ini cheerfuL, aimeeo budy cniet copibdsm mobn FgPlckles.-Tlhree and onu-hait poliihed witb a chamois which bias hands full persuading the lamas that And 'vhat follo'ved up te the time Serbla's or.,inand lias been promut- and his'smilejecntt.ndtuGnriSafbsf pounds pulied fige, fi'.î cups sugar, humn dipped in aicohoýl. lie 'vas blametese for the despoiiing Struber and Strang luft us alone te _________ Coutte one quart vinegar, one unJce stick To dlean e vinegar bottie Put in of th e lamasery of its sacred reies- gether cornus back te me now like the Thuse thinge en, hy eit'e. cinao, n onc hoeclve.Bon pttopelng.fil vthwtethou gl by cempa rison thu e o etofthe flittering, disordered, consuquential MOTIIER'S WISH GRATIFIED. epant f reonm ur ubr.n hogyheln ne Waelîý fiçz, thor-oughiy and let 8tand and shlow te stand titi the potato Peel diamond 'vas uf such miner import- pictures et an oid dream, and I amrnd fth e 'vr nili howatr e cve. D no frmetsThen wash.I ance thqt ne attempt 'vas made te ne- able te set clown the details only as The King Gets Leave of! Absence for, that the oppnusiemîtm ytm psiltuIusaebv dvrgioTti 'ater.te d vi onet r, It.8 o de o ae i -coi-or it, all efforts being aimud to- I subsequuntly got them sortud out.ba rsea driesnndff sugwer nd lut imerent- sa zo deneai or turn iure n- 'vard rg buig h ring. Thus it 'vas Accordingili theretore, befonu start- a Corporal,:a rse odde !bsmd-ti unleatvt iht ly utilfig ar througiy oncpInemets.This appis eseecially that every inumber ut the party, ux- ing frein Tee-tu, Lao Wing Fu tat- The King's great kindness to'vards vidutdy te i.w igdw h emn sud suis fgartte tik -ort h tghy onep thekepr !a ;wbus. cupt Lao and thrue of the five bu con- touud the symbol upon littie Maian's' bis seldiere and synpathy forthf Unebdlheelysgs o!id niig theirmoae an yrpisalttethc.On-out t h keero nwbos. trived te envu hy sunding away 'vith throat, hie purpoe being te place ber, relatives bas long beun known, and the russ i Th asAkn, itcndcuturmla'rer Cra tmnrrp ervuddingPler n baaFog iedh r hey'viietstl he boxes, 'vere sînin by the frunzied under the protection of a suai that nmorethen once has bu intérvened toe Pusa l.trm of ypddingdhdicog. ofPlae i han Ib ohruinrhy ragilchsecotger rists and thuir envagu foiio'vurs and would runder ber ente ageinet ail me- 1securu, in an urgent case, liai-e fer thooye of the meiiEgeeu ie rmteam,'hl hottrrnof puddng dishElices f stalethan te ouponryhrm, fmarchesloinstepomthnoughn sto viitengagudedinretheplong anm mponge cake. (Onritoi)c,« thpse lmvetc. Flour bags elsu make excellent their bodies brutaiiy mutilated. The iestation during the long journuy sre"om" evsthe oe nsshen necesslty ahrta he vthn'a eoeteGr 'hurtrred canineil pears. Fil! dish dusters.'1cTno is tetrrie te d'MaeorSule.e stnces t t e surorgntevasn cincun- Aetihome nti soomfht slhnheeue b sen Eeryamntyongof a Ilttie more than hall' fui!. Coi-en When making muffins di-op sconies,' Ii 'as tue sance asr %with layer of rranberries sprinkle<l etc., dip the ep oon in water on mnilk. entî-usted hie daughtur to Lao Wing timatu destination. Thun with a para-ý jusi cerne te liglit. Tt concerne a sBol- ebove hum. Fert~i esn eh in t'unn ov h wlth~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fuu.Pu-nov-adbn<jhiuatr si ottik t~ p~nas onu in an oxtreme emer- doxical premedîtatien that 'vas the dier Who 'vas mfusud leave te visit iti l airrje P rtnoeneand jinanýeTh iterckewil be ot-if. tI.- n.ize ency 'viii ieap at the oniy chance, sneioe cunning, the ring in ifs ivemy bis dying mother, a Mme. Thuey, who ak inttv ha.ti prc a rteo nredjie ne.' tepn ca uïl e -oý n t hl-hwvrhopelees, o! a wey ouft rlquery 'vas kept constantîy con lives in Forest Gate, London. juet, the saine wyte ahnu-pedb on aar has p(,rm-,âted rest r ialdedibys.bumenpintelligence, (invthe buldschemevincutumalud officureu Coi-en with meringue of -t;ffly buaten Yen',sceheol lunches*; if tl,':- haveLa provud tro be flic party's savion cuaied upon the innocent bnby's persen, She bas four sons, ail et thein in heiplese if an imotnwhebrasteouterfrtsdng< wbhite4 o! twu egg-eý. sweeerid with gWoud, nourishing lut ice ,,th'v xiiibe more than once. At a 'vend or sign until the littie party 'vas well 'vithiti the army, and Cecil, wbe is n corporel e nut slips, o n ia atge ieb yasnn .une tv talesoos pwdeed ugr. ettr bleto tan te sraii f freimhirn the muet thrcnfîning oppo- n zone et safety. in the 2nd East Anglican Brigade, R. wrong Itroirn deiicakeiy in ovien. 'scbool work. -ition Nvouid meit away; lebor a as- How fer buo'vas justzfled in adupting F.A., bas been ln France fur thmee gDienbonrplninoey n'v sisGemmaon Armyrt.oul aIf ras hiastfinem cwatch-denedselythaths Runiyy te he biassef- min etiirn suga, (ke.-Tw butterfouirue att' ithes, 'vipe tsheore ouith if lcy magic when sorest needed, and by the tacts: the 'vondurful 'hite'id with a dangemous iliness, and crav-buithod otprewth edacnee!gtiîfie etyVu- -i egoi4bkn o-cohri ut in soit wtutr, it %vili Lice ys the vay 'vas smootbud ut!bbehfbiimiauosyue t d for a sight o! her boy Cecil. a judicious eon tintaiewhnbac o îvcr n tt lier, o( u l si lkt as s baki o e n p reve t t e "ciofli w'tIngg t th fatal moment 'hen bu himqeuf th oat the dreedfoFn, comillg ut et Hem daughter wrote, uring hlt o accidents ccu .ti n 'v s O t no hn h t q<ikcrl uneapopn la six g, onuat te pnette ohefin rt?,g brotugbt down destruction upon their n land of myà tery whînce a white gît lhavi and cdeihome et once if t upbihde h x xLutrgrnr uhuitte, te cream, add egg To prevent ruge f rom turning un on eae chiid bcd nover corne bof ore, was re- bu wanted te s00 hie mother alive. Rus8a rwa.touchsn n lcel tbe idestik apiec ofheav cofh Jamers Strang shah hi nallowed to garded with a superstitieus s'vî 'hich The corporal pnesented the communi- In RuBLia Muhtusru ytmwhnhsmlea bnbr icsircd Sft- etogcthcr nv lca ing the s- abou trichua 'ie on bv oth d telln is w aguagu the moqt rn- provod te ho hem salvation. The mo-1 cation te bis captain, who told *humapitouh'ihto motn be h uhr tteele (icr nil liaur aind l (il hlaf of it te and onriboUc code of carpet. Stitchi on portant disciosuire of al. lic's muai biding-piacî neyer occurred there 'vas ne chanci of luavu, ns be differences. Th avrg Rusntudtw Ge angnass to*Ii-t.. ltl,!tiitely with mihk, and ne- 'vr(ng sidu. "You gît a glirnpsueo' thli nouer te the soarchers and fer frein laying' ceuld net hi spared.1 ode ba 1 niiqiiatracywt -giiie workings o' the Oriental mind. Whceru profane hande upon Lao Wing Fu's1 The poor seidier wmotu kmck te his wsoler b einslrgtyo hl tf n soth . I>cà t- n ýt fi. linholarge tulie paniccie hnteGra;b ti s Tuwn a engii * eipiess as the baby that hai l ben attention that primitive resources hem that he could net get herne te se i may, ho certil osse oeetitrise lrubu in ilit cîL'îate ni-un for fortyý-fivQ o te 1 10WiNEltS SWEEI> TH1E SEAS. fhrust on hizn, what dees this damn couid previdi. hie mether, as; ail heavi had bien 'niiua ie utelu' lu!,ycoeetc 'A klperTela o Trube n h bak (te u elîernteiy t.ry to gue hntetocm etofcei!sLeppeu.Th itrhe telegraphid Kriutehkoff, led e i Grnas hencybseernon v*ccivilizetion ivithebistburdenSkippr officefiTriubltenhthwonduk te et tihatite hieh captainnbutnhiofficeripliedo be wlngieehandedt rochieingptixtebut nightly rywhcre swithe-r nden <)înngt' Frllte-ri.-Two 1tlaîge or-1 North Se&. Yes, airue! Believi it or net, ho un- $omne dormant senseof etrcognition "Semry, hi cannot hi' sparedY j weunds hirlsif ispukhgiybsrotrecsad0 udf<ccwtu, ne cu suafloune<,ItAI trom deistructo n a cul e viunhv -- o ' 'vs-e- b.i- uiu'vse lu h u wt.oe cunsat, hrl-urt oes ca pe r etucinby . euh- cul 'Jynde w nto sbanîdon hvestir,-ud and rit, fîebly tuspan'ther wscailing Lor -eboy, anu ie fumthîr proved yLa itre nd ,LIL up îii 1ratwoo tait, tocuca -uitarteumrnemn e sl'b nEetCatthîir own babies, an' wit.h only hlai- the years? .dseeinMe ioddcdd t hc aibe ulvd b u ie notutrioyoc skipper who for menthe past dhnas tî splia i n ~cn hidaon' ppeai to te King. K.ing George, iEastern allies.ThelasmtigheGmas Sorouow tabemucoo metedbutter, beeîî engaged ln the <angerons work the two wernen and the baby started pearance, Lao believed my f ather and who hall eiwnys ben lntereeted inei'mysterlous aboc h usa lhu~ zmnto risepoe ..ufîiatcastion vanulla. Divide -,t-.mine s;w6c1-Lng.,Sfigssifen-a ntiihp o-aigChn-o-Smn --ietyegt erudhmsc. eixn s. ad'ihng t .theej as but-eaiua an-dmie, rde dnrie A 1okMedir iiThi Po tha* aialago gion an- priclSIY as tradi- Sed ne# olId tbîm L He Io la in vie-' bis back ealet iItgs me. The 3bic., and ewn. 15 diala, ef b educs e plucky -e fearied ting titi penceful ÃAR. rjertherii ian guer- wn front Trittili it le heus , it han t rsults, 'equently bterms- our little menthe, îare un- kept et ie ides of and un- for 'veru xe it w*u A stea4y ýan inva- icer han- the bes enemy. one pro- icer. Hua and men Dus sen- f promo- rds, carie conditfions iny rank the nuw he condi- 'icm 'vas boits of occasion )ken 'vas ni cap-. nd thelr e Pinsk - on with- the 'vin- i front. e aquiet ailes o! orn sec- med se-ý hundreît Ipied by re fire<1, f. reins c i "'*1 i c tIi~ c dOs ,î ~ . I c i ~ ~ ~ ~ lc u. v c ' ~ r, c d t, td 1', I. cdc s ~, c xIt*, i. c, ~ ,~ ~ lic I >'ii5~1~* I lic t i ' d c. t c, t ;.i. ,i4c -tidcfl t i-lit J. ' dIti'c iii t Ici ~c1~ciccfc5.d t ni iti,'i i. ii*. Tur t t,, c "h I1ddi t~ il'. '*' h cci, i iduc,*c i i tut 1'~ Lt 'I ccc' I I. i :,' ' . ' c mi J'~'c~1cc 1 "cc t' *. ii~i1 c , ~ c* i h c . I ,~ ~ l,~. h i i i ci 1 Ni ES1-:5I NN l% it., lu'JpS .1 bei r. lirec c cJcf aenu of ci hu e l knov tlv th rüe c h in apitthe ut t vc't yars bas nuniber ocf sui ;peaiu, in the c I the fart tha of self-destruet wtri~ ith ucc.terf criii Ie fay.s: "i mýmccrsee iumber of i-ici cidhuntly an fi mnprcu(tucinî neds te euicidE ac that lice habit nylook te fl<Itted by bt]f h.imnnedanism, amj uiscmetilfl higlccr end. TI sîterit spirit the wit'.Cof mn ft'the wars 1ack of irnagii g wibic'ufail ýf- end lforces onrce of rmie The wrifer i future, for bc years bas Jei sch a state 01 number oetset yogand thâ of seeking- du th emselves in and by casting fals. Se mE -.- death ô er r' precipice a ' thaf the authc ~d u* to dter WOUk ~:'- ter-fall 4$ une in -Japa-Iit I duow frein th 1I c n ofte lli a s fj i Sî MORF iùcreasied Manyforb ivrs who have day after .di Capecfty eut msihg. PSture thçect»e a~ u c. b. Sa *mS oit tht' 4-