Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Mar 1916, p. 5

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and Eyglse lias given our custônerls perfect satisfaction. Corne to us andie.lmy BROKEN LE eo l,ot ieed Nitir pi Lu ti.llaee a iroklceili (1l.u lieve.. W e afiaiys.e exataciy du;,lîrate. ()r îîîîkerup your prenant pt it aiîy of Our lblr 11î011i1tlM, wiîteh are neilrip titi loitable. Baseett's New J ewrler andI Opiic hir tle illur'k i'.lII 1hu liroc, 4.st Iitl OS NN'.C.T A NOBiLE NNN\N' lit t t. i'r trd iglit 44bbii aInouie W . WMalters'. MILLER.-î't, PTT, EN A quiet bill îîretîy wmeddîng o as sol- .UIY etunîzed tIle L' rtdpe home ont Queen srfNlagRa-aon-ttîî.akeGont., oin rPcr1t,,î . duesa ,uv-ning, MarchIt. I, teu Clis. Brîîîg Uhc Res'. tr MAitr.pso of the Stue,,, aiîii Met hodisi lii urch,tuntit d In mn rriage ýr we cati Myctie Mati F'aîPceet, third daughter reeenl>îîoi of Mc. and Nirs. James F'îtwceti. of that Ir ptyle of lown, and '%Ir John V-le Miller, of qs, atea alti Whltby.& A guacanîce o 11iih every suit. Oveî 1200 patieruis to choose rrom, Sej te S re your gonds ePrly Harry to1' ,il cian N--%% stock ladies> and nI1sses îulnddles lu sI tk aud ctutolui at ê'rinl , a.i %W ;. rT ARît) VliE ft i Itio il st tIljo 1) 1hit. soci1a 1 'quartf,- 1 ',itN% ir i ,t-a.i tr- o as tirai of - - Ttt-tra-rn iili A ZMNo m itillu'r of, i..,) k lth ii . t i d o erlt i-4 i-r,' ttllvi i lia plh rto- fi-surir' it-. î'ri w rîNt-i1 'tr i dtoisstiîtr i. i I,'t t aIt 1- t' t drink %i- , ' 'so lit, 1h11,fn ii glass. atntioff '1.d It tui 1111111, U'ti fit- bm c-t tîsedil t .vsiîig * t hat qtigîed Iii,'î'Iîdr'î- " 1 sIlîl iî.')-oru îrlf a dollar, îif.tnîî ' 11 d 11Iltk. No,. Fiir. 1I%% 11oiitt hi 1 1 îtit adollar - No. F.i r. Y'. il l yoi d ritkil k I 1 tilt' u i li dollars-* Il,' tuotti ti i. and i-ideccr eidri rubtut inuorchan ge' Inttlie ansmeîr, '*No, si r,' lu caiin celiled. l'l- i -tu entnaît(lieun uil led urut lr l sliNer w air, antd Sald, i-a1iHgONv oil Ol Iis tilt',-sut ir îî-ullu If3-oil %%11- 'drink'" 1Tluat o%%s ilui' a 1Ietullitutii lu olle b30) b uIt Iîi'tttad of yitldiig. lic ce- lit>d.- Sir. If 1 durit dritik. 1 may sont,' dat lau-t 'a old o t th. -Terit pen-ip it it'lo>t t'rt t -, ItYTiV-:U1 .«1 1 \ N t 't-1(t' l<('l1 \Iii t-t r iii "rtre lî S U i- ila ni. Stitirj-t tA re NyUtt 8 S lar-kî ur " n i li ni lIit uot Thy Strenglh"- 's ~ . I~WJW"MAIN lt IIAf - Siioi Ptsêailt, ~e6 joibat -4ifjeu biivi ilie*Ia il Wotêétnîflu Oùgte w i*n, if jy" fi el~ya*men o b4iroVdIl lot &«"ete sayw "Pes.met *ist e,"an iebelee e "to fliuhoeîe d e IieJyorsvc. To- li a standing-Weleom. P.S. -Thaïs, 8 oloeoek. TABERNACLE S. S by, herseif a former reident of Whltby. Mra, Davenport' a niden name wus melissa Luke, and ah. lived ln Whitbr for evers.] Year betore ber marriagi, betng weil known here and very popu Jar, Her tiret marriage wau 10 a Mr. Jarvis, wbo conductedl a dry gooda store ln PFeonFlla, Ont., until bis A., Lieutenant 124t1m 4àttallon C.Ec.F.,1 son of Rev. Dr. D. R.' and Mrs. Me- Kenzle, of Tokio. Japan. Rèv. Mr. Pbelps, father of the bride, performed the ceremony. Whltby People will re- member Mr. McKenzie us the energetic secretary of the Misaiary Conference heid at tb. Ontario Ladies' College laut1 15 IS M'TS .PIS SWIOt, 1 t- Buiiday, Mareb l90h1J10,& a~ Lttko, beloved *tlie t 'o1~ei port Detroit, <tbter et W.,t Advp.ttisemiesns. Zarl Eurekasanad Delawarps. Phçm o rte Richard Carruthers, GiM - Major, Ont. POTATOES FOR SALE. IrIsh cobbler potatoes. limited quan-1 tity, but firot-clasa qillity. MarghsIl Crozler, R. R. No. 4.--Uxbldge. mnd. phone 2113, Claremont, ôt Wm. Maw, daughter of Mrs. Wm.o liiru àle AvýeTronto, to Mr. WIllia James BtoB.A., LieuttLait S4th ~g. eider son Of Mr. and Mra. -D. U. jea.- ton, WhiteVaile. -The lbaarriage Winl talte Dlace tbe firat Week hi April. PUingraved or prlnted visiting carda. If Yoit neeti any leave your or-der with C. &. Goodféllow & Son, RED CitOSS' FUNOS RAISED. Thp- Daughters of England Red Cross Se@wing Gulld beid a i'ery stuccessfl bOx social In the iodge room on Thur&- day evenitng-lumt. A splendid programn waa r0n1dAr, after which Aiietionper M aw sold the tboxes, tf li m of $3r) belnz real'ized (rom their sale. Npw stock Plîî.aîV*s make of hosiery lu black andi white and ail r'nlors a Lîîike auidl>udlny Ihave a ueîw Model 75 mit exittitiuu uin1he' Coke garage on ltimîdas s>ivect w anaud mlli b.'pleas- t d t donituns ru te (or anyonne Interest- r d. fbn ailtIose bnw ibis new trturî'l I hs .'vv ronelvabie conven- t-ttcv ulitîin etsv reacli. 1t corres- ponds l>e.sartl-t- itîtli thecriîal man's conucepttion of îî hat art Ideal car shovilt bip. SOUTH- ONTARIO MINISTERIAL, ASSOCI ATION.1 Solo- Niastn'r Georgeî' tlacrke. 'lThe'regular moîthly meetinîg of lte 7 ni ll. ',%Ir Yrîlî'.of Oshawa, Souith Ontario Mînisterlal Association o ipriant I1stas helti ou Moîîday lasi ai the Bap %iltitiiîr7T.,'ni,oif' ut Jestia tiat parsonage. Port Percy. A vecy able SoIto '0 ilî Ihs M Arthbur atidress on 'The Rural Probletu" waa - lîrri.-gîven by Rev. F. L. Farewell, o! the -'O-Ontario Ladies* College, Whitby. A T'hE,' Trtaiaic Club efthIe Ontario i'ecy enthualastic andt heipful diacus- lit>Culi-g,-, Wbiby, wIll present alon followed, lu wblch the thîrteen Oliver Guismitha Nious comedy. brethcren present took part. TiIs as- "She Stoopa to Conquler," under patron-s' a e ,aîogt u eetl rai 1izeti, with 11ev. J. J. . are, D, D.. as age ofthie Trafalgar Daugittema, ln aid1 President, Rev. Geo. Yule, of Oshtawa, of the Redi Crosts. Music Hall. Whitby, Vice Pregident. and R1ev. G. A. McLean, Pclday. Marcb 24. Tickets 36c. and 225c 1 of Wbltby, 1Secy.-Tceas-ucec, las ahowing aI hltieli'stiug tor. Muda.1 itA value ahd wivll undoubtedly prove Pla -Of great aasistance lu the carying oui Marcit 20, -ai 10 a.m. of teé wock of the ehutrches. TBAN'SlTIUED T GUELPH. j A dollar saveti by buying Dr. A. 1 fleets' tuish in shoesataiM. W. Colins' i 'ir l-ruti-Il 'te'lrley, vho la li ecu soe toe Arr ut itr r rrf.i1 1 II 1S-11 icioul g>-nt i. rrit u it t t tltiti' Hoapital for t he I n- s oe aor.0. Fridai - oIli iiiutof- ut' îîîr'riais lufrt oNIîr smltire for ouî er two yeara, bas ben MILIEU PNIO1 fmoîîu sciti<tl ttidtt raus!fu-rri-dît fi i.'eOntarioo Refornatory The ise cot ih olti teir n ai (;iit pli w er.' ha yul be Chief Ac- Th MseSctwilodteran Meotî's uea.vruhber ituots reducedto i b a Ti, saporonfr nal sprlng nîilliiery' openiags on Sat- 12.75 zrt Pe'ls hne store. 1couiiri hia la a pfromot, wion To îrday, March 26. Alilare welcome. Tlîr' -i 4 îîAr 'ltbtlurt0 grcttiîg his departure (rom Whitby, Thee -il 4e %i Ar Fxllbi i iiewili be plpeud ho learu of bis ativance. WHITBY BOY WOUNDED. Hrigli Sriuool ont April 6tlî, 7ti anti Sth. nuiîtt Mc. Wehrley'a duties at the Mm .Jos& Kean Ibis week recely-et Fuîlt ;artictlîrs ii ni-i w-esk a ssule. Hospitaltar,- belng assumed by Mc. J. advice fron t Otawa that lier son.1 0 I Shiorît. Arthur Kean, bati been admittedti, Ttir,- W'hlith War Rtelief Society --- the hoapl witb a ahrapnel shel -wiei-.ltor'.tt't-k nuow lîd geii donation 0f BYWNE.wudIhstlg TeDjyoc 15 f roi uNirs 'ua.Kiîig, 80 îlowlaîîd BANED on areis tgan. Tsenour oc- - wv Trno.Byvanted to leamu the prîntlug cirreon aetlI nda efite Avi-inut-.psiton.stray trk.word bas beeîu forthcomlng Itlils pre- -'O-- trad. Goo postionatead wonk etitha. taenjury tis not likely to 8î i sui ;t.' tî t-us suits ai NW. c. MuaI have fair education. Abply at bave fatal cesulta. Arthtur la a weIl- 'al-c sii.rp on Rtucday, March Gazette omfce. -kuowfl Whltby boy. 25. I'riirs $8 90, $12.90, ai *14.90. S \[. SAINTS' CHUIII. Ail Saints' bcanch o! Womnan'ia Aux Furter contributlons hava be ce- ~'î~: ~ ~iln Ili illev sO )ary beld Itsannual meeting on W ed- cr ved by iss 1. Cormack toward the: Il îît-lmî-k iiîurtiivt sivrvI.'o Stxa aool roont. The varfou.s, reports front for Eastec.Dntos aedc n-x li tdntulae ice îîonSîol cit show that titis year has been à suc- tng the past waek are:- Col. J.3. LFce- o! ct tflrîuat Ion.ec satulaone.ooif rite weii, large qîiantity ef tebseiso; CIeM. The fonfiomation. cecaeele ted Stevrens. lohacco: R. HL PesI, lobseco: God îuultykn'eruThebot, îîy or lte presenter: e letdP.M5athl5oi1 lebamc; Mr&s-W. G. Wal- 42.65 a M. W. uIlln bots&. y Hon. Prwudent-Mrs. Jo.Fletcher. tonstoie:FrdW tslbco 0Pcesîmdent-Um & R.W.Allen. 'MISSF.ILMçilivm', eholatu lierai A flltInhe of ns-wbicycles on band.- 15t Vice.Pras,-Mrs. Hlenstock. D. M hIOI.asetebte of hoetIsi Prict troîn $25 up>. lesc ads 2nd Vice.Prea.-Mra. lnnnear. Mcm. e B tchobaeeo; Mis t Mu U t thein blefore butylua. W.J. Luîk & Son. Rec.Sereary-Mns.Jobuaton. 500 But, N.1Jefi'>', 81: ia. -e---Cor.-sereary-7Ml»ssStaltion. biX-obsi W 118 r,;idun1'o5o~P Mr. Jotln Palîner. wlio la employed i TresreMc CoUtrs. NMnl . box Ofu iUl. 0e; is tedua nt O1is pianing nilI,. sustalned a frac- efe ectl-T.24ol. bxe a eiIs tucî'd rb eOne day luit week. wben the Rco' omte-rs ye c. xIm !rm~ lhors. h.' was dmtvin.g becamne frlghtan- Lawlec.on m* er ».t ed by a bugle band anti shled, throwlng sO o4'Ia'* .aE1eIs~ Mc. Palmer down. HIGH SCHIOOL WEECKLY NM & 11400Ij ê PI5 Form, IV. Modem Ristoy-M. 01v'-#Mx r ib" Thce cases of womens low sud ihlgb mns78, M. Croal M I.L ffl<7- __ t i* u ?ucel ruîbbers just acrivad, 26c., 36c. ane nwrm IV. Froudi CopoBtiIO 4&C. M. W. Collins'. M._Nioholsonil._ 11ev, and Mrs. W. M. Rit Coumbus.1 CnL., annoUnce ths engagumlent et thOir1 'Oaly daugbtt, I rec.- maofond. te tir. Haroldi C. ilurwuab. seond a=. of Mn. and Mca. S3%oben Bucwaab, Bati- more, OuI., tee murilage te taie pIs.. 'Quietiy ln April. Tlhe Inquesl fIe lb.hédeatb ofthOe ilttlejobn Infant was te have been re» auined on Wednesday eventni lest, but a Owlug te lte illset eu oe o et .jur-- ers, i waupostponedutil Fniday even- Ing of titis week, Mardi 14th. ut 1.20 Cee qr lUna et blo"yeetire s ao- eemeQs..We bave eveI7thins the latest for the bicycle rider. W. J. LuI. à Son. Our d1splay 01 sprins mliitnm7, 'vlI bo open te lte publie on Woduaes*W. Marcc t1h nd foiiewtng daja It ls not toc eacly 10 o »reur oW S er kbat. ne.Misses Powell, DîudasSt. suise*at $19. 1!HirY'T. ~'optB MenuweacS>tore, Wluitby. Benfno etavlngaywhéeodont tue' te whfrt'Stephonsmo 'stirktnts v, rlagle, round trip or rpcpffl: loat. tbrc.itusor ectn. cholieof otntisatit blOfiltnhns rslac wî,Aibýenta, Set. tle'u. Iorowtekn uymturnd 81,1aI ro-m III. acensaeuwspasxz- D a«n 40. J. Usip S oit. luia m 1 A., RebhMîm IL,43.Ctk '40" KN~ OCottls 9. OI n* 880,. L U 90.r auj b 87,.Iehm%-»ffAGn & Robotn 80, HL W*Ofoi ?IL BJ*V sion 69. W. WIflluia . e OmrIug M. Edmendso UI mm IS %f BacrIckmnU,8IM.Bird 88.A.W 57. 0. Buttan i#4fXROP4&W. Kime 41, C. Neil 41, BILlAt .C. non 40, N. lIces9. GOT TITU MAS U»Q=8 Misa L Connaekhb w4ItSs .-t two mmrsW181017bop lu81#0IfvUS" aelmno-wledinag realabt etlt oâ5v4a1 paI5 sefflo- m Qs1 »dae osah$&o ofu t it ion«IIA # -htse pm"I HA* ba bfnIttbo o pitai fie m%*U1mo.tisse, bwovr 04 .aIo t u*ai or~n. _« -i for r GAUBRDU JASPleBIBLES, prIce $fi co, tor ODI AND M VTESTAIENTS, for fi OIFDRIINIION BIBLES, reg f or F, sigmaTRAHRS BIBLES, PRESSYTERIAN BOOKS 0F PR, '1ý Sale PRESSYTERIAN BOOKS 0F PRJ 60c, 4oc, 30c, Sale F OXFORD REFERENCE BIBLES w reg. $1,75- Sale Pi METHODISI flYNN BOOKS, rel Sale1 CRUR09orL0FENOLANO COINSI prices 1.15, 1.00, 75Ci Sale 1 DRIJO and 8 reg P! [Ces 2.50 3-00, $3.5o,! aif Price with central references, reg$ lAif Price. ,teg. 1.5d, '2.00, 2.75, $3 00s qali Price ,ular price $i. 5o, ,reg. prî"e RAISE, with tunes, reg $iL.25p -Price goc. 1AISE, reg. 2 2ýj, 2.00, 9OC, 7 5C, 'rice if Ilth PRE8BYTERIAN BÙ0K 0F PRAISEI rice $1.00.- -g. i.6o, 1.50, i 25, 9)c, 7)Ç, Price à off. 1 50,-l 75, $2---S t, 65c, 35c, 815c, Price !4 off. F'iI by gris' clhss. over (corn rite building of the sebols WIITBY. O NTARIO Cttrrs Iui SoneodyToday~'Wm.Ma, aucionerBell Phone 37. Independerit Phone 3 7 The Irastor will prpca'h ai both ser- vires -TO RENT. -0- I Preiseq over Stephensou's Ti7 t IN NMEMORIAM. Telperaph andi Express office: tirst'a,--- _________ lu lus iit'tretrue'uitraîrct, of Eduna Verna 5 rooms, very cboicc. convenietit andi¶- __________ londgef. <lv yand heloved dtaughtpr of~ suihable toc a smaîl family: watem-. Messrs. Waller MacCarl and Frank Myctie Temperauce Hfall, Marcb 31. .Mc. and Mrs.(Charles Hotige. who de- works. sewecage convenienes andi elec- Gray lefi Irîsi xeek 10 -port at King- t Ilooklu Hall, April 1. parted titis life M.%acch 23. 191. triec ]l1gh ted chandelier, (tungstcîr 'ston.to t he battecy with which t.hey! Thuis concert totir wlll ha uniqu, lak l'li inon nd arsareshIing lampa throuighoit); cernent, waîks. enlisted. nefoce leaving, Walter Mac--,te1 Boyo heCut.A-emO O'c alou atisilntgrve: îvorkyr egotie lare attandCarl was lte recipieut of a liandeome 12 entertainers, accompanied bY twe O'era lne nd slen g-ve: %voo shd. oodcellr atacmen s -riai watch f rom his employer, Mc. G. iofficema anti one N.fC.O., will tour the Bieneaih il aleeps tije one we love, han k vatît themein. Possession AprIl M. Rîce, anti atso creciveti other valu- district mîitlined In'a laige conveyafloo use oswptywe'ti ot sa ce 131h. .Npply nt Stephenaonas, Wbltby. abue gifts f rom frieuds lu town. carrying their own blankets, anîd aleep- B oe swetdORw'l metone ____ing la the hallsllbthedIfferent tovus. Teyond the toil anud atrife, Six roometi brick bouse for cent. CONCERT T(PUR BY 116TH BAT-. rThebbomes I arrngttSiile, oDmfer Anti clasp again eacb otber'a hantis Gooti locality. Llgbt anti water. Mrsi '-A LI ON.ditcsbaeknlarngtt ro lu Heaven that'bappler lite. J. B. Powell. -38 h Isa proposedti 10 olti a serles of Mil- vide footi for the traveling eutettafer- It la lonesome bere wltbout you dear ttary Concerta, lnalad of "C" Comnpany, The need foc the money whieh It la Andi sait the weary way. F OR SALE OR TO REN'. funds, the eut.îce programme to e ur'boped to raisê la very urgent and itlai For me who knew tby tender care On Dundaa St. Eaigt, two-story brick niaheti by members of tee Company ai hoped that the people of Pickering snd Anti love f rom day to day. bouse, fine rtooms, quarter acre of the following places and on tbe dates %wbîtby Townshi ps will leiid their Thér home bas neyer seemeti the same landi; goigre nibr.Apyso hearty support to the local conupany cf Since tby volce bas sulent been. to J. W. Bateman. -te. Pickering Town Hall, March 27th. teronoesa nt uatnil Nor la the worMld te 'saine t1 me Wbitevale OF Hall, ýMarch 28. way by their presence. Since deathbhas corne between. FOR SALE. Brougham Town Hall, March 29. The pricea will b. adults 2ic., chlld- MOTItER. A smail quaptlty of seeti poýatoes; Claremont, March 30. ren 15r- a 'y"' BLD'SI RV STORE Personial Mention. Mcag. W. J, H. Rîchardeon la vislting in Milton. Ont- Mc. Roddy F. Mowat apent tbe week- end lu Torouto. Miss Wbitmore, of to to, bas been visitIng at Mr. F. Joues'. Mca. F. 9t. Harrison was Iu Port Par-t ry foc a few days tbis weelc. Mc. E. O. Shannon, of Cobourg, spent Suinday with frienda In town. Mr. F'rancis Mclntyre returned asat week froin a five weeks' trip 10 Vir- ginila. Miss J. MeLay, of Toronto, wau wlth 11ev. asnd Mme. G. AX McLean over Sun- day. Mr. anti Mm. E.B. Sleep wene in town for the week-endwith their par- enta. Mr.- Thot. Seymouir, of tie Gauette- Chrontele staff, bam Joined the. S2iid Baitallon hem. Mma George Walters and' Gaughter, of Myctie, vIalted ai Mna. Ge. South- weli'a tels week. Mcm.Hudson. e of maûte. wau In town withb-r cdaughtec, Mrs.T. LU Rlowe. over 9undgy. Mislemmie XMbmo las beemi absent from hec dutes at,. ttio sto» re ocè paut two weks tbrpugh Iflu. UmsaDuntdat, et oomto>, vasaàSun- day Visier iirtb,,bOr <aele, rsG. A. MerrLxt. £1 thi e 1OUt Parnoase., Mosan.WllI1 sad Obeldon Watson liai. mt utiwnbte,*a imontth'* V it wlttatr.ast.r tu Mexico, N.T. Md - etMgiss Pgla the bost or early varlettes, free from rot. Apply to James Skinner, Brook- TWO IEOGS FOUND. Two doge found; one is white and spotted black; the other -la white, Own.' ers may have saie by provIng prop- erty and paying coat of advt. Appiy at 'Gidette Office. Miss Kate Wright MAIS<WAor IPM BISOM Ptu>tlaprepwred toe Toronto- CO>. nrvatory or Uaivert xmnU & Jsyro tst e ennp.hone o.*2 W. A& VOUNO Chu1 unainuer, Topogapht.M Suwv.ý laa4 dmbàNM -o ubdIvIsIon 4Igsu plana and dmiag, b tim , et... oaý coa1,at ILkO sou ~ WSTRN CÂNADÂj ISolsotyour Sping Suit oarly I Ove? 1200 Patterns We G uarantet Our Clothes. $$lue g hair e o. mitan It tà wbsm pran«ts POX 'wWtBM~ LA DY. ý 4 Aât 4 i ueatn. Abolit six years ago ahe wasasummer. WUilU3. married to Mr. Davenport, and bas %- LOT been living ln Detroit ever aince. &m.I-Y t la underatood th Lthe men of No. Dav-enport bas been 111 for somne weeks. 10 Pîlat0011, 116th Batnio, av o- Iet.ween College a.nd Brock Street, and Mr. and Mra. Luke ha*l gone ovei- nateti a handsome f rame for the 'iant-1 a pair of lady's spectacles. Reward. to Detroit to "lait bier. She was taker lng madie by Pte. Newnian anti present-; Please leave at Gazette office. Buddeniy worse sand passed awray on ed to the Whltby War' Relief Society., FOR SALEM. Stinday. The ueraI was helti on 9î.ad ' jprbrdcws n W'ednp.sday to Hadley, MIch., Mrs M.ad r.Caceeron E. Walking-1 Two prbe Ayrshlre os4an Daveîîport mwas very highly respected ton. who were nmarried lu Whttby on 5 years old: one purebred Aycahire bull by aIl who knew ber, andi ber mnany March 7. have been lu,'ýtown (for some1 caif, 10 mos. old. One set heavy team harnsnea l nw O.A.C. 21 arley, friends ln Whitby will regret to hear iiays, preparatory totbnaprai erynw the sad news of her death. dence lu King, Ont. Th. horne of Mr. o1 0bshl eta 7c ..WI jW, G. anti the Misses Stewart on Brock n on, Myrtle. Ont. New siîock Dominion and Cromp- steet south, Ir, being brokien up, V78. 13EDROOM FURNITULIE FOR SALE.' tonsc corsût' ai WV. G. Watra'. Walklngton (nee Mies Stewart) being Three dressera andti tree waah' lisee(tor that purpose. Ililn undecatooti stands, to match: three Iron beda, with THAE ON ERLAND IN WHITBY. ithat Mr. Stewart wi o West and re-matessniapngac pee Al side lu Young, Sask.4 witb a tiaugbter. noatresss ned AplriGazcmet ofice l'he agéncy of the Overlanti cars for nearcae huabanti basazetneofftee.. Whithy and Oahawa towna anti East 0e FOR RENT.1 andiWs Whitby and Pickering Town. MFTl-ODlST TA13MRNACLE. Large brick bouse, stable and barn.1 i.hips have heen accureti by Mesars. A. Rev. A. H. Poster, pastor, Very large lot with nuniber of friuitl E. Luke anti L. W. Dudiley, of Whitby. Suinday, March 26. fl'ees. Ail modern convenlences, lu-1 'lTe -Overlanti car la the mont up-to- Moruing Servie-Anthem: *'Lift up, cluding 3 piece bath. Rent $17 month- 1 Your Heada." ýly. Apply . ceater Canada Co. Lim-. date yet turneti out, anti combines real Eveniug service-Song service by itpeti. Wbitby, Bell phone 193, Home' roinfort with a popular price. Messrs. girls of Tabernacle Sîînday School. 'phone 70. ('hortua-"The- new Giory Song." Song-"Li.ttie Stoubeams," hy eighî AUCTION SALE. littie girls.< of irainta. oils, plutmbera' liftings, barri- Chorus -".qeud ont the Story.' :vare, doors, fioocrIng, pipes, stoves, lad- fluet-Milsses Evelyn Rlvitige andi ers. etc.,at the 141gh Scbool gytnuaaiumn, Ethel Smti. Fritiay, Macch .24th, ai 10 o'clock a.m. Choruis--- Kl')pg Waich aIl Day," These otits anti euds have been lefi

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