Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Mar 1916, p. 1

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Tu-E V~l r'> a.~. s- GAZETTE AND ~1 W±I'TBY, NTAWIO -CANA&ýP4,-TUTf1A-Y MAIRCH 2.3, 191(i are invited to attend a great credit sale of five bililding lots, size 50 x'140 each, to be sold without reserve on Saturday next, March 25th*, commencing at tw-o o' dock. If you are desirous of building a home this spring buy one of these lots without fail, as you can commence to build immediatelv after your first pay- nient is made. Should you desire an investment, huy one of these lots, as we believe this property, situated as it is, just north of the C.P.R., cannot fail but increase ini valuation. The property lies between the sites of Whitby's new industries, viz:- the Whitby Brick & Clay Produets Co., Ltd., and the W'hithv Silk Milis Co. The sale will be held on the property directlv north of the C.P.R., one block west of Brock street. Terms of sale will be as follows :-$10 cash on day of sale, with twelve'equal mol payments for balance, with interest at 6 per cent. per annum.6pe cent. oi for cash. LIENS AOAINST WIIBYPor fdwi. SCHOOLS TOTAL $8,90.48 -A suecli a1Ung of thie Board ofBd- the HigAi Scht*l. A coside _bie nuin- WHE-RE DID) THE MONEY GO TO? ber ot accuntà werepassed in conne. ____ ion wiLh thiebilding, and other mat- ters of ln cdr'an d imPortance dis. lier.. i ili have bF(on filld in consolidate thie caims, 8o as to econ- russed. 1 ih. againsî î. he Whiîhy High omi.e titîîîý ln th(> argulng of legal Thie questiot ligbhig for thie HigAi xIIId Pîtîli' Sriîoîls anîd Josephiî Pearsonî, i aints;. The Initiative m'as then hand- Schoei and Cot.,Èeating for the new («nl rfartior for the Pre<iioî. of a publie cd over tii Mr. Christian, as he repre- Public ScAiooi> wer-e thie ubjects of '.WCIl 01and îhe -nodeU-ing of the senteld the larger 'numbPr of dlaims. aniMated dlg"ilons. There ire on HItii Sch.i I Tiiesce liens rei)resenft a Mr. Davis, on behaif of the Board, hand a consl4éftbie number of good nîîiIitdi ~i.'sagaitist Ptarson of entered thie following objeCtionls: . desks. whlch_ýeem to be too good to ;m ,'îr 4%' PIs said ihai tht-r. are a1 1. Ail clalmnanîs are sub-contractors. discard. Someof tAhe members desired leaRi twîo oher claimis, bot tht-y have 2. A Puýblic or l{igh School does hlot that hlese shp.Ild Aie utlized. Others i eïî.e in hîh and of l'tail within the MechanIrs Lîêiîîct. -ante< new degks puirchased for botb nI hé- B-liaril hiave no Situ-rifir kîîow- 3. l'lie Court's Jurisdîction being titn-roomns 1 -4jder ihat Art. and the Act flot applyingl Tri Properq' Cotnnittee wiii loves- cltivmis r,-iiis'i'red and iht. soit- in the case of the Board of Education, t Igate and m»ke report. i 'r f txxxiht- rlalns. rIri s' the Jîîdge had lno itrisdictloxi. ,Tênde-is tr;j'Tû 1w asked for electrlc l'l .4. No Judge or other ofllepr can try, light fixtUreaw. ;i hrisI lai i soicilr this case. The schools couid îuot . be TAie Buitdiý,Comnxlttee was ailthor- 1; - -rit ~ ~ çoldwio er ieîî inm. IirifoiPre alinic lzed in hold aPucto alè of tunuaied t-s 1.-riA& ~~. ~- a;alins;t. cotimtrcor for thxe scixools -naterials ii-oe from thxe tiwo l n î',m14d tt111urdr li111Vh isLinseol.- V l s ofl id rn LEU.t 1 I itE l .~ Stîopk Nll ls-ý - .4 - -'ti $i Per bottile JtiI E \vaîsî$1.i73147 rOffld Iavnx isa 01.1>' gisd tent tardTwo YearÏ' in Penftentiaty. _________ îx î. o,,- ~~~:îbo i. wniîld 1w onu t(- 20îPer Cent. reserve gtioai.htAerneynae t , oIiI Ioî 111 uppoac rof litraconrteio Mruof lpopoldd LeýiDeschamps. a prisoner, JE. WILLIS l $ dit ier vis lio7' canimerofaiiilorltkes. :b~rcnU~en be stoleasuto D ruqlst and @IEptlcia n tn nnîrleii'ct mmi I Fat Mc onant ab O lAcai d then atte4lpted to escape froin de- \t F~ AL H -htea tri-, x ~ r '-r.s--îî:îx e f h' Ohaa aBrick tentiori at thé camp. He was caught i lî,otd-aî < î>at. t;asL'o~. who liad Conie ail the way f-mm n a very sho Utime, and on Wednes-I W tb.K I1îcsîon ilie. ttowever, ltad îlot with day aftPrhîoq9xlxîtast was brought before j ~~~~~ ~ 111 11c1".ti iixFiox h n ii'rciinlg-s taro 1'e%"ile('ite-lit hiagiiraie 1 rlOn tWO COUFUS, one t i. ni nI lar.' a in Ileht'ixîentlof cdaimi. l leta te other of escaping froni liai <ttx ii tt.' ~riii 'A 1I.ofin it-iraxses Ibeinîx r -ad v to 1)ro eti.stndy. HAe taaconvicted, and seni- a îaar-Ai I i- on irai tfor Iml di >'i.iii adjuîiri n mclii iras igreedi to tenced to yees penal servitude ou A 1ii(b r 00111t'i ibl i sititti in Ilie ,,fIm/for t hierestimed hearing belins -ach charge, týe sentences ho rincon- TM#-- 10USE OU QUALIl N î'x ard ai a coisi of $7.414;. ai Alirfi 6ti ..la.. urrpiitly. î.iitiî f-r î-iiiflit foi remoiîdin lîisx r - -~iî ti )I -sv..Fi iile-,4.~r %i e Illil (ir o i re ii' ontrant l hn, eing - -_________________________ 99 ý ll I 'i. l'parri o i roceedi-d wi h ithe' %Norik xiiiil nrr l in thie montAi of No-AIr r.' Scranton CoaI velti-I.-i- fCON rIINUUS ADT the 3 80sdaîd disiilit seA hilni. a- lttc as îîable t10 .0eftýt-[l . t l.I e i, oi ii e i he pont ranit. p tuithe time -O N RE U E ." oi itl- iblih r scliol $5.,1001, and tAie EU -brt. s ittelle s e t Isîc rs I'ltiîxSu-hool $8,47 2 -or a total of NEW - SYSTEM 0F BÇOKKEEPING ADOPTED -sr.îSlae ii~1-r iîî,a.î' vi Iîr-- 11.1 2 Il vls istinialed Ihat lie got Il' ite-ra Chetttut I v -Ipetu i..rr f a lu i . .- ii tte for itii- ork do.>. 1%e a àý-e lu- e B 4 le ue cil .i t t li' ac' ihu ltf-a1aiaaîis ouloNN11u ll~eetille of thie Financeiea cop)' of thip oinAesn et icra'-"* cil -p isîa -e.t.oaham Tuthi. iaaofr a-il tîpidaAjConîmitîce iast week.. a recommenda- i Pnblie ULt1lit1e Commission. Carried. *itea$.-y. [l~ ., ie lml n .. h frrretissi ed"andîalion mtas pres;elted 10 tAie Town Coun-l' IMr. Mines "êtrred to thie "oy Cofi- -r xt'tmmîgt.iiu44 Gre %Noîrk dtiîiri'iIiiiri t Ihe glg&lhc cilon Monda>' eveninig wilîch wîîî ef- ferc-nie beingihield An *Toronitonext 1 le 1and -il i'...fi 1 tî1111 t oi-i" .à%le. t ul "t i 5 (ie gî î'isk.fî'cî a nîaWrial and adu'antageousa week, and:askt Permission of thie Flni- III ,u.'%i1ti--*t ittiti-ii i-etut.îa iy ~tVI.-, Adhi ioe g chatnge ti tAiemainler of keeping th ïneCo -1t o osdrtAeavs i4 1 ý f- 'Il IIa si . ît ai IliilreMrese t'lhe books and of auditing- thein, This year ability of Brc-(q-boktellitlý nrilleilg bitby ho thie att-en-' jl-1ei iàet,. iii, 1 . -l. ...s l,..- - 1)tiu .i ltriiic ini et>ri e illati ofhs thie uditors were Messrs. C. A.,Kin- lion of tAie lLunactiîrerg *whowIlI *-t--' .i.i 1 . Ir "iilar.. hli-lîîc lebad aiedimo hsnear and 1). Galbraith, and Mr. Ki-- meet theare. b ct1n t xe nIear presenfed Soule suggestions to theile ilAlOiJo . *࣠atrongi> O1>l>met E. R. RLOW, ~ ~ Sîiiiîh fflf 5At> t- Cotincîl ho regard tii changs nthe by Mgis lnad(odig*x t~l hoo oii't.tx o nAiyrcilmîa îxY sysem of bookktelng nom- ln lise. Tiei14net ftei vrbet xdn .~omemp11 I viî-îotdr-dtial edmssboi i cig T helduit liii a ôje to ha t i Rol pon 9 lom poû I o ohe callalt tevFitnance CoMmitîse. atn pi isan>-hng-onaita t wu&,ily - '-piitrý htattecanA ; h- ar- asuggestions. decided biasti, Nir. K-ICtlts iîefou11oevrM.,êisas- - trd ai Ite.smme shttixg, flyn (o ssair--linee#Uou.trsacrer riil gi-ti-h 'i ill M r. CoonutthIIs uvas i (lm 'h sfA s!tgtiJoî.. Y OUM8 MEN IN DEMANO Xr't'd îtThe hearing mana sel for sysVhtil, *-$' --* es.iit: are ii. i t > fhê îbm tefor Thsommje gtodeerned 1IPý d-'ial $6, -A t. - %t.; tel Pty dti' Iloard of Eduction, rtuepared tle alyIedoirv eatld as» doerofto lN Te ilty ý0!pst%- lff-,itl- flstilt\%ls a extenily ifi tirasta Atsevident. litthat thie work la much I ii' ' xx-e ~" ' s a aut'x n-idy dflitîl cseIlir asier 10 do monthlti>. and laisala S w SAW. 316 Ynt. St.. TORONIIIIIITO ibel ', l t- i il a-u 14 h ar-- ;Istia ,,of a J. HOWELL JAIMES t rp). iii, r. liîdtt îid h ottracitoc PIlt ., , . a n n i l -I Irîmi s ftiriihi-çi Xgeuî for Brantford RoeUing DOX 467 WHIT. y Phones1,9 Msarrtage Liuens.. A. H.LAN. èrner drrag %tonf-, 'Abltbv. N, sti-as reqîtiresi. Tbe Gfatar Cnada lmpt-vmeit à Land Ce. , Llted whltby - Ontario 1., C-i Iatlea-IcA l'mtirOantos Afraîtietl, r operm> e aîî lb ttalilit it-ide tbrutk S P tA>> 5 îb t ti ,ltlcîtîe 1 offiftnRatW«aka Opposi e -la Jries, Wbhby -MONUMENTh oCaiI Oua M-10118 Usgterl pt Ilu UNI It "l p" yu te«Ilati aloeur w.atsj sud lamut for yeurs.e Do net ho misiel by amtla. Vo "'. empior- thla osqhyv eaau d sdo le 1e lo . sth* Am mml alonlo Vetpr out$L 15057fl siurt-iAiiIy ve b>' puraissa W" "4sudbagop t=~. Ho m 3o%.hi mdOI WM. 1AWO Auctloneer The Oreater Canada Improvement and Land Co. Lirnited Indopendent Phone 70 stîred the Coitînil that bAls was thie timne to act If there uvas aoyflîing fo Aie done at ail, and as thie motion Aid tiot deflolrtely commit (the toîvu to aîîy expens,,1h nas carried- on a vote of four to lhree. TAie Strepts ('onumittce passed theme accotunts: Geo, IHarris---------------. 1.00 H. Ba!eu----------------....1.0 John AMacCari------------.20.50 13- Pîakeft---------------..12.60 IL, Hall----------------------0 jas. -McLend--------------. 2.40 T. Vasplesk) .-...-...-...--- Jas, Sioan----------------- 3.0 A. Ntc(achen------------- 2.50 Jas. Marris----------------.9.2f) Wn1. iMýacCar! ....-..------7.94, Fi wAN<E, Mtunicipal Worid---------. $1.0 C. A. Goodfellow & Son ....-.'28.00 Jas. Moore-------------113.75 E. Storpy-----------------..3.20 A, H. Alla--------------..21.70 , Jos, Heard & Sons---------.12-6G TAMILYN PRIZEII -w---------------------sur-n and rjîicker cii-evk nsuol possible TebAd d nlcnatfr-hdas. Thie jidges. Aie sald, regretted stibeluttist o;il leng The t'ol. uuas given erTone. " risen lae on frthe ayAeeumntro -ief- lI» .1-1 irtiIlgt- <tt cisiilngOIoltîs asslIstane ror.'amblyn Pietock pa u'ria terUrm' rente ontfe r 0w 4ls ilai li rtil Retie. nd ie The reecnmîna'dation wtulcb nas ad- ei-ening Iast la thie Asserably room oft tAe Tamblyn prtie cf- 5t&ter George, j ht-si bllilsio nîl etirM. ', . and Ails T OliteA by thli. (oumîcl. a-astixat Mn. the lIlgAi Scheel, aitAihe open meeting Mcf'Iiiivra>, wn' Ai1ud ollteoi fre- rtuhî-- fit itun M tîN Dvis ofTo-Kiîtocan ie aîepointed suditor o! thie 0f tAie Literary .Society. TAie econd tAre iervice. Tht,: udge5 thouet, ýt i-ititoi ýtf helteiv ertes i en spertal- ttilu uîninnl. lie tgoterfonni tAp ie Attiecompetli-on nas beld thie sme evenng would ho a better arrsngemnent If thir-e iýi ii th 1-rovsice. f lD; Meemonhly Hi reun x-in lurîvae- thAe two suibjiets beiug were a separat', prise for boys toe ous- ~lrIli i siell artorMooo> it lon a is flxed i $100, whîch sum Mn, slilt-readîng snd speocb-nuaktng, or pet - 1t-h girls. thbe later having snob 1iu Vit l gnit ue it case ahnnifli %IrKnî-î -swiiî coi rvd oratory, Miss Temple Procter deilgh- ,winulingways. In tAie oplnion 0t' the (-in-e iesIu -Il.Ton iqpmrrtrnf r.E.b-i-rotei ilthmwouuudes Xsi Poantiie hewMnn Iltdmoi, alin lias been lin charge ohc i'Aeaiotrd"wiAssor as o! tie siioos. Tpa-iv eii. Tie duîles of tAie offce 0faudi - îCo n E rcen 'stieW» ugeMs iohrwst-ewn nenolffei io teRebol,1ln the, content. 'he-iJ0ges tbodght Wtefn otiri otypfontxa-<i -la Ionr- iately Accone se anducusis h rgane h yua pndbe-OsJÙwset#éyalïal A iluni Ile F'inxaniceConmittbeeconsidered 1 Ti rgane -i ynn pndhi rto 'setenl-oie i Nlorntiu, . (i l(oîuaîît, M'ELN. sI- I iit done a i-en>' gnod stroeeof busl i.thePei d ent-of hierg.,iief PrIcipal JolInuonprmslents4Mt riar ýnd E. (*r4stat wee o had SPSbit-saeu ruing mii atidilor at bthe r-.o- y tuLu nteýhi.TelPICWJb@nPéft bo look afr'er thAt' Atenestoi o! hptAnmi ttiia nwtîotuoesî. jIiterest 0f t-he occasion ccm tettd la t-h. Proter witb -a $10 SoMldieeê-by clipjeu A 'lise honulmitte asîti re>mmndedan te.e oationS t ile lOtst.l 'héiate !'POOl>. T%&t l9 teo- unr Ru t-he bVýft, %fir ctitiiiatln tey uiwýpdtnte b. euléd Ocànwus M"ter- »"j< weuf i otgive oi tgold. itag*t menr- .~frtr c-îistltatotu bc>' tîned Anlnnama-o! $1010 In thAe yeurly sany M(flllitvray. *On.iet ais im or jiudge n'as £tbsttt-ut*.L. of Mn. Ji». White, (ber-k and T'ressurer Meillvm , ta8,;j Menela h Meateliroprtsehe#od of thie Town. TAis. 10e, wu assaed ?4iiwC 'u ~ *te-Gog eQll1vrîîwmth a l- SILI &LOTS IN USTRYT heAcrésignation of Mr.cono. H. wma 6 iseye b ni u r-gesfiiems on te tbg iZ rk ar-gq wu re1. V7wll11e noewars « th S S ArIAL. n'irn, t U b lcsw 0 -e l mJ*rgtlyere&lud odt'lelîm m,s a -vomi u«it et tJig Counei te apîpoit îbit aueessor at t-h. exl dlîeed.- -oont p vr a" von Ieanb>- M neit Meetig.The s.ctu4 Eat"op-wusdgUveted by CbS 4 a~ u t1 Ilt w au the opliin of a doxetW'Ifor more The asnasi inberuAup tee-et $101 p in ?1§0IePle PrOeter. the- oabjexet bel 1tinVOa llit Ia ettiteis Who were called tbether but t-be HydreRiI& Unie s 'srdered te wullAlAI II a glase~ »PSI 64 tr U ~Mu I Tnitirtda>' nigAt t-bat t(A ie lk <3eve, bforwarde-d. 1i.dltnér of a dUSeiut uub>.*t. Mdt me. j "4 - udtar.e AeAachd An applieMlen for a granto eqt 10tled andi e«elv e rcmoWtmi adbeý tbà Ufl f ' àgt bthe OnuieCoeu y4>il mt AE ,from th<11,4*1%lim"iI lbe p#ilb*4 tee the à*si wM xV mucii. sas 1111.1't-e pirovo a bmuittfut lety w aeslaidom tiAt tntble. The ppiweyl b. tosd l*cwere n fle -,on $ d *Io-tb40St&-u dis-s. oi, e an an WhitbY la eee4 d.jTA. Normeth er lne Ca. Asked ftree t.Issue- r-fidi 1j*II06 Oib ao=~ted- 13i4 TAis cotuvictiom Ivasthb.e ut-coe of a an <l1iiOtuit7 t-O 411 1MM11 tThbi t V11. Pi iIrd dsus4 - M eot t- W1r b*Yve p' 14n * i~db reqtt-a men b' M. J IlLaM.. s clt-he mutaeoft Ucr variÃ"hs stem Mr. 114*1I boW'4ir- @I-tI4fJ,aG»M repnese'nting t-licProMoier. tin-a-ci<a- t ar-ia IWISu e Fai.ft - l L m WM iyClw m*'l et thbe eempay te t-hoe etet $26.- T1%. Pubie LIbra>p Ecané pre.emfl dOhtir-to .ibeut v "MM& 000 about e ml berItiijbdla Wlitbya or' lt- eI Uiiil fthelb.>06, TIlm IneflWd* SOI* UISI 0* at ait l cunt. la Cahada.Il-wu a-asaithetuù bi anuldil.lu e ia$ad O 6 t* #»M 'hSIf V 1101*.Au .511î 4 ~ ~ bt intlimaat ait-tbceo miig -et t-leh e o i. sel vUS" *111 lit éIowa la.- ItlVu4 i0 tlm'o*b induaîry *n'as etingent qui th*Ibm iet $ in tata*a .for1w thë o(l0» tbid4Otâté stoek beiug *Jr, ,tbI&ed. La. '.izn.eUh" 1064% uînl wuL«4e a4eIê, t4 «10 haldian' itodiklleti s t-o (leit etltêt (I.tk WbRe s ked b Ot 1h. w wfaui lmA fifud às&yinrthat lha.wn'a t giostive &bout. - maie* ton <the y~w 4.haxu44la'tu Ibe at 5. eest - -,I lèbxm bAil. - eellei .s* tOM e MMis*- W0ltb> 4w.fiew% p* The meeflug n'as bunviedîr- c&Us bitComselite euh. ftetan rate for tii ir vutdI« Mn t-LMlnn'. as bho tt-ebt- Ut- ye7nr- 114 i-*tet1* t105U 19 i.t4 OMx1Wà- U & to1'Ihp*-te", 31r ia M, PI'Iiqm. tt* TOrmel.io Uelmy ta bI w-dw or «A br-fraýb f ft yý glov.e uaemuta Who Ws u se"t M sor tie.1 Mý tihe, lan4uary. nwon1laualicribe ter #%v- eitl >>)Wor'th o f aSUI, hou. LlI"luvIW at 74flI 1tu WO 60 10Ét* 7 M okw would t-aen a ltilar aeart, m0" t & mW&211~e*#**W 91.,_ wa deniret t Mm- fl " ». 0u0 Me»M'labu , sib-0Kv U* athouid bho abhota WWtbr. usk. ithe Anaw anmàâ ablai et-1 At-a 3&r. manLf ot- suppir- t-be Soi ou~I frM the osbi dp»tt ho bUavIngb t h <ut PISP ltl.m »wb t-bmm an 4aaî & Ume - te1 ii. 9M t1 * v ift WY elbvmeu U vruoL ifU WHITBV, ONT. men Phone 193 PEELS 11E STORE,. *Cldldren's SI-oe at greatly reduced prices. Our stock is complète iin Men's and Boys' heavy Stub Proof Rubber , FeIt and Feit .,Lined I3cots, Moccasins, Oitcrshoes, etc. McPherson's,ý,14ht>iîîg Hitchi for Mené Women andtèldiren. iHot key Shoes xl - JOUN -F oteryais- Our stock,ýo F i*~b cp4e.Hx a*re a few of tho~es lmiwe handle.' CMRON ICLI compound 8yrup of HYPOPHOSPHITES Bu 1 b ler ail 1Norn \ervoîî. les Y.~rtu'. 'iO tc j v F -I i ~1> / IN iwý [Fi OnODPELLOW & scN, Publis-hers 1 S 1 ee our bargains in Wemen's Misses' and

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