Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Mar 1916, p. 5

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Or SpeOtaoloS. and Eyeglasses has given our Customers perfect *itisfaction, Coins tous and Save loncy, BROKEN LENS eo Ditot ireed Our Iîrresc iliiti tbIbrairace c ît-ueirlo51A. Birinî ltre tîjeces. NNVe aRtalytie theill ang i'sactly tupliicate. or wr cal, tuake 'Il your present prescri irtion i9i Alîy tif aiOrur oîrîl lar style (of iltii-nt wilîî-h aie set-ire, msieamuin cirtitable. Bassett's New Store Jcweier and Optician lit lt lt t.k - l h tliers lalt-tinv ,flj I", E ONTAR~î.I 'n i t- , l t i - l :i ý i l -------1!*LtX1l&OÂV kÀkcu M1-441L - - i.-, 4 c's tha t I8'oo ,N e de.' wit e4»ùr6prAte to the- occuioi. PNI'èds" or pntéitrltc - po 7 4 mlaon ptUc.e -d The Womnen'e 1rDitute wilii neet in the Agrtulatumi rooms on Friday aI. ternoon, Marcb l7th, at 8 p.m. Taîkis will be given oft Proventn and Cure of Coldas," "'SimpDle Remedies lunFimer. gency Casges," by V.O.N. nurses, AIl womeu weicouie. Mms. G. A. Rosa,L President; MIsa F. Bateman, Sec. 1 -- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. P'astor hi charge, 11ev. s. (;. Mecor-1 muark, M. A. Strnday, March 19. Morilng: Anthom Ta lte Lan d. Evening: At (',O Ive Thankq.» Sýolo- Mr. J, .Iuceo Over 1200 new sprlug sultîngs. Sep theu. lHarry T. Ttxorpson, WVhitbY of this kind wua sent dut, but noO Ifi- ~Ience to vestityr <ho tartiing tOrY could be obtalned ramn the people !(V. Ing &long the. route of march. Whule the man le stîli absent from the ranke, it la belleved he han taken 'Prench' beave, or bai deserted the ranks- foi a few daya to go on a 'spree.' Ptc. 9tiiw- art turned up Tbursday after a week's absence, haylng catused quite a flurry ln the local mîlîtia and the town. Hie re-appearance defini teiV d1sIspled the deiuelon that be had faJlen a prey t Jask lFroat." Ortillia had R recrulting rampalgn re- Ceutly lu which 160 men were sectired. A series of meetings were heid, at xhlch prontlinent public menl were pre- sent. A complets canvas of the iown! IRetruits in the Sunday School from the Gracile Rol to the Organized Classa. Show the children you are initerested in what they are doing Sunday afternoon. Encourage the teachers by yuur help. - We mean you. TABERNACLE S. S 25 lb. Bags 50 lb. Bags 100 lb. Rags glunng wlth March 1, separation ai. a ae iowance wili ho pald to ail entitled ta The Editor of the i3owmanvillîe the ame dirct rom ilita had-Statesinatdeclares hie intention 10 ihe ani, drec frm mlita had-work harder than ever, to make bis quartt-rs. The allowanee wlll be' paid pappr worîhy or nalrighly appreclative to ail wives, whether the husbanda are conislittoercy. But h( shouid flot for- living ni home or are quartered iu bar- get that the more lie gîives lils hiongry rack. Te Parioic Fndhoweerfoitowers the more ile %wIllricrnand. recs. irePatiolc uir, hwevrA "biîsted biler" Ilu a Ilowmativille wlilt continue to make a distinction. In nwptc office wotild be a calamity the case of tnen living aud sleeping ait t the Press Asiaoriellon, the Metho- niome no -iesi9l-tnre will be giveni their dial ('onference, and lbh Liberai Party. %Ivq %chtiiiiwil rcele 1.1 pr f West Dîîrhrtm. Such a iragedy la' ile.Snbhm ilrcev 11 irnot ta be týoih r-Oilf akf da), wages, and 10c_ per day aîisten-4 oghof-OîIrIick.J ance allowance, while tireir wives - w ill drew the sparaîlon alîowance orý CONCERT TOUR [IY 116TIl BAT- $20 lper montir. This menus a total lu-TAIN cortef of over $70 per month, anid In no It la proposefi ta hoid a sertes of Mi]- itary ConcertsIn aid of.('Company part of Canada shoîîld furiher assist- foîda, 'the entirp programme to lhe f r- ance be reqirrîd. nished by members of the (Compauy at 0 the foiiowlîîg places and on the dates C.ood qualiiy kneep rubber boots. oniy shown: $2.65 at M. W. P'lie.lickering Town Hall, Marci 27tiî _____ _____Wite-alIP10.0.F. Hall. Marcb 29. - j frotîgiam Trwni Hall, March 29. Persoiîal Mf ntion. ICiaremout. Mardi '10. Myrîle Temperance Hall, March 31.1 Mr. E. P. Abbot( spearit te krnr llrooklin Hall. April 1.1 %% li frîcitsIn lo -. Tislaconcert totur wlill he utique lu i, te lislory of the ('ointy. A team or .Nr. L. W. Wlcaloti, of Otiiaa liasI 19- etctrtai nera. accompanicd by two bacn Nisltiîîg frictîds In awn. offilrratinc neN.(.0., wlitourlthe, Mr. antdi Ma. Ii. lVlggtns. Nilst;Flor- district aittluin lna elar 'ge conveyance * -itcrrytîig-9îreir omtîiîlI)aîîl<ctWTtnd sieep-j t-tic,- \Vigglîsnîrad Master Garre 1t iît in tire hlls in thie dîtT-eat10w-lis. %Wlgvitis, of Osb;taw a, apentiie wek- The Inîsirtutles In the dîfferent end N illh NI rs. George 'Soiîtlweii. jdistricts have kitîdiy airriaîîged ta pro- .ir. Wlîîdati Tad, son of Mr. anud vIde foaod forî lite traveling enicýrtainers. NîrsTho. 'od.of nwneîîlll, dcti The need for tire moîîey wtrlcb It la Mrs.Thos To, ofBom-ian%-Ile, hr loppet l caasla î'ry trfrettandtIil la asi wveîk from heaàri feiltire. lie ivas lopî-d luit t he lîtOlle of Pickering anti a oi-îiwtf NMr. Chas. Tati. Wbitby. \Vhlî by Townships awlll lcnd their Mca 1-F. G. Er.Akint- andi sonr, Sî.id ierlv support tathic local coînpany of "their ow-îî verseas tiiit I uaetatngible tiro, i lit ing bIniottreai for a imont h. way by 1tir rpresenice, Mca. P. NW. French,. of Guelpth, ha-, l'ie nri,-,. %%IllhP. .aduii. g '1!. rild-1 Cal! Meal with better resuits. PR IN OLE'S HARDWARE WHITBV, ONT@ À A mali quantity of seed poataoc: ihe b--st of eamly verieties. free from r ot. Apply ta James SkIuuer. Brook- jlin.- 7 early. MORE D)ONATIONS FOR WHIT13Y BOYS. Fr-ttrer donations have been sent ln to Miss Cormuack for the boxes to be sent for Easter ta Whitby boys al. lihe fronti. As thpse boxes most be sent by the lest week lu March, contribu- tions shoîîld be sent ln as soon as pos-, sIble ta Miss Cormack. This week'a liai la as foliows: Misa N. Harper. cho- The aliction sale tîeld lest Satturda-, becs,- Mrs. Neill, gi ti î- cn n s n a gcatilývlrrg atccesa O idets.T.iG. Whil Sîtira lce iexît(W-O sales w-ii bcliield liytfnokn ar loeai .,3o naclock Ill lii- aft cnîtooti4 h <is, t nicco. 7r0ld te oititr nti o'clock ln lire vc' ciBOY - iig, Tua-r,- -11 he niait v good tiriigs o ate o1 off -ceti Yoti geltirent at liaif tîteIrtre. Gdpoi i-altit. Kpea-)IrhIBae,' in i A F: Must have fair edi Bell intiner: in.Maw atitioi(,,r.Gazette office. MI. Ray. chocolate or;Mrs. Gî'o. Rire, ItfleId, a large quan- Iiis. J. E. W'alcr- YANTED. learn the printing tion, steady work. location. Apply at On Fridav lest the Ontiario Soclet%- od rrligdiye of ,r1Imlas 'mas formali> irpenid,'itir Collints' ane saori- Iiy preople are glad ta kîrow- litiMiss 0-- F. H. MrcGIlivray bas lied accepteti GIRLS'5 AUXILIARY. andtiiti iîgi w-o cti liae t titis i ii- 'llite Il rat an ititrai tmeetilng of thle Giris' bit io Mr H N.fleseit iras atr 4 tîf.vixiitr> of Ail Saluits* Ubtrrcb w-as pl~.sof tirina. vitieti l it-s \Il r i tr-d titiTiresda> - Marcci14tir, wlien a Ghllîrîr . Itib,-soid forrlt elîtlti r un tttitIsfnIitttrýreliont of the Ny-ars w rrrk u%%as . i iii Iitiring ire year a 0- m-trri iiiî t-rît it for tni ti-idiati girl ai t-tim aîii tir ltt tltdi tiitittic tatd,- 1()11.,- tif tbî- ttiiiurli st'liotls r.s fnistriet If oit i(--t i .tul t-r ,t NOit ttti i ilhtiti .td disitNurîti rt t l ii tîid(as Scbool. t' \ trrîtî tii &~ Sonti Isîta ittlti--it igri-att-c til ttit T 1-oI--1ci -t--- )f V PStv ts ilt-mItn t f tti r 1SStttlt-1 1 t N* i i- tfrc i tc rt tvcit- i111.r titi e.rciltS il i titiai1rtai a 1 1 it r, riloi S i 'ts tts i tri rttsW A - i ilei tit, s ti- l ittit îî i i l Vii r-. Fr ris NMis Tîtl ît- r tt . r r î ;-. i -u tI t o i trîi rttT lit- tIti l,-> m i-tiI - i t-ii f sttt t i erîtid L t - -14S L l SEPARATION ALLOWANCE lO WIVES. The Secretary of the Whitby Brancb of the ('anadian Patriotic Fond bas received notice trom Ott.awa that, be- BEST FOR CALVES tni- _-t-i5zt lu lî ti,- rît1iNîît.. l .i l 1 %%waliit ,NI r a iid Mca .W .. J-Lkc arc vîsitiing l'li t' ctici f the (tianti cars firM. iks lh-,M a )enporî, l t li Iii îtiî iltiltti init--fe-r.-S A gi rara nt1t-t- w th it -ct-y stîi. Over i t- ai tirtw rî-a aDiEii Ietroit. Mca. flavenpoci's frîcuis will titl t- tIi lb4ii lit- tutuittiinais lîrî 1200 patterns lo choase frotu. Select - ttîtNWest \\ tiîttr anrdiPickering Tow-n- illeqr)ta kîrowOire bas heen-verý t-rut t- mi 1 ulgigyoîîr ga)ia eanily larry 'T. "ii - iitt itre y esr.A lit,- (il,-tirrnticar la (lire masit il-o- m ai t it i -i i l t it i datr- i-i-ittrrîridiaIi. ani1canbiiîas cea th ir l îî i-t ti I ,- il-. t of-s t IItîtt- ttraij W INS (Ii ýl v ir e tt n o iie e l 1O N , T - ,N I G - n O-a but îiî,-î -titi ut îî tutu- tir- utt ritorat t tîtrfîtrt w itth a popoier lîrice. Mcssrs !ONT'- NIN l thwe uiit-r t-ýiIt litt , t iitilt-gîom- N Witir> boy tilthe front slt-I-oui Wcdnesday, Marcir 8, 1916, by w tiiofIl lr o -r ir Frar-î-.lias w titia tiitnc- lev. . .Garbutt, Miss Emiy Grace miraity t 11011 tîort ri tit is week tii lits par- Manuing, to Mr. Wm. Henry Bon- Àtwt iii ,tlt-, w Iiili i - ri- ;îîî:;< Ju. Uiiiver, of the 48ih _______________________ netta, bath of Wbltby Township. tui-ti Wi'il- 1 , .-as adge ert of~rit i itt-li ntI itt lbrrtcu-itri, ooîing with neteo f ,ýgr1..OvWRSTORK - In Brooklln, on proe . <.r ' ltrt-t I. t îîtitr tt a t lllltý M !- 'a Of ns tit r-fe posbl February 23, it l'h1 R-ev, H. W. it)itij I~ iil-igu ittiiri - trad til tfa oss tible60 at 0Folt"..Miss lM-trtl'a Hel#ri Stork, tô p'.1 iii(l t i iltu tt iIf i la l ii id riontilthr2n-,411 -0. ha i.,trke anti Diiev have a uew Model 75fr M. Etwrrd Glover. bath of Euat ~~~~jitti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o iet-i - --l lt ii iiitvtil u xiiit ion ln tire Luîke garage oni~ ht~ Çuieêii , ~ ,- - Iunfftia;s 51 i-l(I tv-rtt andti illie)p leas- -I-tAM llI*ON-McUH F.tIR- In NWhitby, t-d ta der-mot rate for anyonc lîîtecest- o ensa.Mrh1 96 t i t trta iii-- i lîrtigt-. titti liFrtice. rai. ittîlfI fitil - j au Whs ew1 e tineS.aG . M r arch . 19A 6, by itii ii, tiil ta--u.Nir trîdtliasi-i try caucelvabli- couven itobert iî1id Nir-i-ti las ltlgc, of NWhîîby, sîtta uiowti aw rah tcrr onRbr aitn fEs LOCAL HAPPENINGS liIa-t 1,-rîti itit(itig Illei' -MachiIlle un Jodiy Naly ivieasy t-eccricorr - ans W1 teM cso.Wtya tilt-cq-r111ti'antilà;now lteMachiluis 1)EATHS. --li ulu ii.li Irî rnîlîg ii gts-ict ion tof ltr lCR.. 7th Bcigade. tîcs0 î i o oo-SWINSON-At Ashbumn, on Frtday, ~5i~urru k ,-t iît t- .ttligireit,-txlictî-d 10go aiîartly ta Etîg SpttcialpI cýsIli al i Noieot Mrcir 10, 1916, Henry Swlnaon, landttioui iacanud IntendedtIio 0k 01) wtvar ah 'ollinus' alto(-store. eged 77 yen-ms. Mer rayrbc ot mdcdta aonro ie tif iii, Wlby boys lu camp there SECRA Cla- lt. nMn $271ai'-is y ubeir aos --1HGI CHOOL WEEKLY EXAMS.jSECRA agrAt. nMn A12A.7àFRutAARM. Fort IV.MedievalHistry.-. Jday. February 21, 1916. Harriet A. tue Lii Iaitr-trstifnitit1tA-ort- OuSîtd PIR-EuALng.et .30alak iNcolsni 61,V. Mickie 49. iTotrK Biîrkenahaw, beloved wife of Robert aeril Vît jwtvliarr f T 'i oujrt on tna ieig a .0ook irosn6,1 kl 9 .Potr Spencer. of Victoria Park, aged 37 FuW ai$IN liri-N T 011 - an alarni w-as turmued iu, and the flrt- 46, R. Mowbray 40. yus Me swrrîior<-.Whltiî y lbel aIMt j~ the b1rigade toa na mi-h FacIt , otany--M. Give 5 4, yn-a 0 irewlcW a isrloei. t haesart 1Il.ong 52, . lIr-ratur4.-M cG Funeral took place from Harrison Biutrrpalt-r pinntertiwt * - î-nt-d in the.Wîî inrtel lid t a irai-es! H > Ill. LM Crau -M MGrtFoster' uudertaklng parloirs, 320 12th Y)e.hy Butter- cali be otîtaittetif coin O it-cr iwvr ia ai aellIt 1 .Htdro 0 .Wuh7,Ave., West, on Wednesday. February at Ibc per IttO. AiîiaF4iri stock, l oeeiorvr ta ;ty jra )Si .ledro8,D ag 8 23, ait 2 o'clock. Rev. Samuel Pallia A *ed4f,-ttttw & soli loihiurg ovt-r front fi v-ss,- ou tire etave D> Joîruston 75, E. Crouk 74, L. O'Con. conducted the. service. lutemment ln lui tire kltcbr-u bcd catîsetid a volume of nor 7 2. C. L.awrence 72, J. Hiclop 69. Union cemnetery. MII..INI:1lVt tmoke to ho weft.ed througli the batel. C. Ja-cksoni 67, 1). McGillivray 67, L. M ix NîLilin w11li irrit -,Ilriirg anti the alarm bcad tbecuturned ln by j Xudrew- 64, .-N. Richardison 59, G. Rob- Mi~a-v itti-tr- l riitr Nîîçh -noe who fasarîd ae conflagration, -rt6or.55MARKIÂM YPAIR I.OSES bTS 17t*rr- opri itiir ttiti nuit , -ch 0 amage wrro doue. - Farîn Il. Arlîhnwle.-M. BliCkley BUILDINGS. 1-lk 6b, D. Thoimson 67, M. Ailaway 66,. B. ire was a Ilvely blaze lu Mark- NMlET}l'ODIST TABERNACLEC. I i-éike 63, ~EiEvidge 62, C. Quinton hem at Yriday morntng, when fire ut'*isAt-I 14 iitrttittri ei-ilug %. fA. H oltter, pastor. -61, E. 1Kemp 60, A Goldrn!t526, H. deetryed the agrbcultùng Ibuilding ai n-tmeSitruît irk iit--Stunday. Mardi 19. Kims fî1, M. Mintyro 45, M. Smith the P'air grouinda and the skating rinîl Nf!ilnl%ti NEVVIC. j44, J. Long 43, 1-. bRavin 35, A. Nlckle adjolanini.The.total 1088 la et1mated Wonen'a atonniandi plain rubbera.; n i "'trt aMt iiî tA.Br 6 tbten$000a 8,0.Wo rogular 6&c. ta 88c., sale price 45&, nt' tiie "rtaeti'ea le 1IA.Br96.itbwen$0M nd85 .Wo Peli hestore. -H-ai'Fort i..hllstory,--C. King S0, M. valued ai $20f00 was stored- ln <hilàag PecU 0 e jgu-NÇO 53IeICLOConnor 70, b. Waugh 70, W. Kime 66, rieultw'ai bullng. ad. alons piti Thie choir of tht flaplîit('hurt-l ies AthCnV"-*I shah b. Satisfed." A. Iliulop 62,.1R. Rlcbardsn 61, D M.mre mobtlamryvus eorlmely 4e. la Manchester ou Wc-dr.-sdïy evtînlng, Dut-luI Heavenly 'L.ove Abîdîti.," Bird &s. M. Bravoder 58. P. Datera= stryed. Tho fine bioke orOUm ix takiag part lu a concert hi-id under Mrs. Albert W. Jackson snd Mr. W. J. 6s. m. james 56,. a. Wortolk 62, W. u»kngwun s. Mla CM dMikattilp tire aspices of the- 1atriotic Leagirs. H. Richardion. - Wtlliî 61. EL Adanmuon50,. .RobertsS n& hà "@It VUteth M ,* 0 ~~~~Pator miii oceupy pulPit ait bath air- 48 XWilon4. M. SuIItUi m40,M Ila tte*« utumrsi tUng bhef Mac. O. M. Salisburmy hareeumed vices. Mitehell 40, V. Bariciman S", Q C. U lil vas Uo&T hee 1bsfte 4*91 t v ber dutles aet the igir Scitool. ________________$3. N. Rose23. i wm MW ov,'the viiole»M« :01 1%ie Whitby 1.ar Relief Society A dollar sie y uesDr b ouut WU BtbuIPoW$a 9,r t tdO vîducu ta cou vey Its thanks to thre St. R ie«edcuhioui site..at M. W. ColUna' tou at . "$ ~"et wMa* Âjaâews Society for the verY grner- A *-hoe smore. ---1,o0.i o)uà donation of ulnety ne ($91> dol-! OM"a. W.B. "<EB "I eiiti,ry. . iTaj un i >*met fsw lare reoelved aris(tue uros ids cof the S L O n Nts..,.bU m .çmmj uÛIlOW M u B 1. Ponbeswîfo of <ho Prtncipalet tte ng-a.rtdimeMmaass Couîintiattonsuebool pi Beair.tosit4 led sisce th.ftre ocouesr.4 un *aa. a-e Ailf t r n a10 wIth pnetuoula.MM s.mtit f Xwmariiaa km- '*a- Forbtsbvstre tlebst ou b4 l. tlg4u'nî inuinm l rîr os& WlItby rudects Vyu l iibc rtaMi a.e U *Wik W$ retueniber Mrr. antiMM rtmrb.düiflu4- 5Utttt tbc-Ir endence t hl*htln 190-et, w in Mr, it#îbu eu &W= yaie AVÂwWZT et thet co11eiate 1Uttut tt.uf p-o bodl u.utt<rd tattritm - t**;bt ti ns- iA tt-d*4 l# beitt k#,iyW*Mdiu& -Cn«. Seteil goncert ihîld r ,receny jinîîomnv riUM Ibo> lirâtatte tClub- "f titi t.1lr.ro - adies, Colit-go-. ttt 1 iii.. i- trla uilt aga ti ti heti-i i-i r t.î îri3.in aitd eftlt- tir-il tr -t- \t- u. liait. Vihitby. Fi-Idu- n N tt , ki . A -tInn tiind 25w; llfn aM M1til itr 1ý ii i-tt, ~~~~~~ mardi '20, a1 ai ~ui. A pituirocair rîtm11t cii .h-hi foritire salli of il-. t- k î-1t ili011 lut il dû.-it ruted i ce ntyIoy hi>te \V tlri- ltiuf S>ocl,: y ty M r. N -w in i, cf the I -i h tien i kitoi& idnw InlIw and tickiets for IL w II li eoid îhrougir tow:î or itutIhatrt sIo<lfOr the JirICO of; tiki'tt linrhwit urîlrof the patnt-i - ing will beconie Ils uîu-rué"r. - tlrave -our ccds r fîrcprîited buti 1 tem palicrB -- uni tr. We supiî-y t' -f gra4 -p,ît -,end ùxccte eur t - prumuptby. C. X.Goixeiiow à$son. va o »t torget the. "Sb àmrftk. Tm" tb. sinentiis Fnid"y 'viin& a Au ittue hipluuurt o-f that 1iuk S--aburîutn, ltkc we hli lad yeam, 1us1 aI'ive'd. sIi Etl 1AL1,VALUS 5c per tin, Sed-s WVe mil! tf l you al>out thes n j [1t'l )5c.lu :) - ýlu Advertisements. FOR TIENT. Six ronmeti brick houas for rent. Gooti lorality. Liglît and water. Mrs. J. Bl. Powell -38 FOR SALE OR TO RENI-. On Dudas St. Faml, two-slory brick ho-usae, nine rooma. quarter acre of tend; good garden and baem. Apply to J. W. Bateman. -f FOR RENT. Five acres of "îd with barnr. and f1ve-roomed bouse. $10 a mentit. Ap- sîtv (1'ater Canada Co., Whitby. "'un 8ALI Au Axmlnster rmg. aultstain 4, 3 ig room or sittlng room, aMu Ilti 9 ln. by 9 ft 9 ln. Backgroînd brown. with pattemu ln shades cof red. Ufed only short tinte. Wlll seil reasonably. Apply et Gazette Office. TWO DOOS FOUND. Two doge found; one là white and apotted black 'the other ln wbite. Own- ere may bave same by proving prop- erty and paytng con. of advt. Apply at Gauette Omfce. HOSPITAL FORÂANSÂNE, WHITBY, EGG CONTR NICT. Tenders wlll b. received for the aup-, ply of four cases ( 120 dozen ln ail) new laid eggs per week from the lut of April to the 31st cf October, 1916.1 Quntitles te b. ifiereaseil or decreaud 26 pet cent. at the option of the Hol(i pital. Price te Inetide delivery at thel }TospltaL Tenders sbould be addressl de te, Box 673, Wbitby. Ontario. se as te reach tbe Hospital net lat.er tbin 'wenesday, Mnrch 22nd. The loeat or iiny. tender net neoeartiy açcopted, and papeu publiaing this advertise- Iment wtthout authorlg vili net be paM for sme. mis* Kat* Wright UMM v PmUSA"Pin muSA smmpa« ter U Ssv b Oum I I I r 41. .1 pi -- 4 ited CREAM.CALF MEAL W'e have secured the agency for the- above Cal! Mcal, puît up in bagz. i - $1.10 each - 2.00 each f $ -1 t 1- Spring Suits OVER 1200 PATTERIS of New 'Spring 5uitirngs. Select your- sprin-g suit v -1 G oods are scarce. Ovor 150 fthono patterns at $18 Corne in, and logk this .1-.~ Ssfacow~gtsêrê»te~cL -x I 0 Ther. in nothing &bout yon -tbat peopie notice qnioker th4nk>y'nt tuth. Theroe tno other IhtngibMat you ean do that wlsa inuch id tu your attraotiveneîc as Ini keeplng your teeth in good condition, and, tbere'u no other thing you can do that. tak ailoe time, for one mi nute'. brushing ln the morning, aifter eaoh rusai and belote retiring, ive minutes *11 told eaeh day, wilI keep your t..th in perfeot condition If you go &bout it in thé right way and uns the rlght material.. A gond Tooth Bruili ln absolutely necessary, and *hou Id b. lt4 e iret hIg meed and the lait tblng to try te econoinize on. Your Tooth Brts chou 1d be elect.ed according to the formation of your teethi Your dentlst wtll tell you wlietber to use a uerrated, flat, broad, bard or soit brusb, and alwaycselect that eterIe. Tooth Brunes are a very imiportant part of our stock, and our expenhence in seItin&*Toutil Brush.es lu aM yonr service wh4never you want anything in tbai lme. Our pricen reprement the very bpst. value ubtainable and range from 5c tu 50e .ach. It te neoescary to une a Tootb Powder or Paste at least once a day to keep the teeU lu good condition, and all.the Ioading Powderg a-nd Past.. on the market may be bcd from our stock. To take care of jour eesîh slmply keep tbem dcean, Wl-IITEI ELD'S Drug and Stationery Store WIIITBY. ONTARIO 89We Agent lfor 7Nyal Proparatlons. Bell Phone 37. Independent Phone 37 TRY RYDE'S ýj

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