Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Mar 1916, p. 1

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F mbox os '.NAI~ Vol. 53-No 9731zrln kM a-~&~i u±'Â&j, AN&DÂ, THURSDA-Y M AR CH 16, 1916 ODEL' &S ,Pb i i l' l82ujdBATTALIO ne Th new battalon te be rised Iin CompundSyru offlal totheXljtsfor(;() isttii"riniht.Ontario County, with headquarters ait C o m p o u d S y r p o fiait to ri, e A î " f i t I t w r Î t r W hltby . I:Era leady m aking Its pre ence - C F - - -.- fl iI IIv %*cuirs,' ttîtdaiiitîtte< anrd irtI,' 'Tht a iiri f*'.Ji-iti a it" mgi iitl'.or yot. i l imbe:' Of People gat.her near thé HYPOPHUSPHITES 1 n jtpn' oe t ac tenn Tit' irtit ofril(' ch ildrt-'it. I'e ,;Jgl of tht, sîtîI cý(ommisslonî.d officers' cla"sadr-1ll. 'This! A ~ îîgtlîeîuîîg an i lit Th-ti' hrit,'k of t(tfoqttragfî'dshati îlot ho inVaint o td îîe'n H9ortlitsac h o. 5* u *N ~ . . A tenrt ing tl jTh t'l'h i iIdsjtîîi'r Ii,,;dooni t'ait hi'hold ief t t ion A. . fokrtil is hatgD E or tnyt riVIî#li,'di-inotins ioat iiier thi' sotilt, i' ath "Id ii't.Cî .A okînra t ed Btqj tile-air.]Nruad great things are Iooked forward SUIE 50 Fi.X10F.EV 1 ' (111 ' tT rt the oitttila;liî arclrrtî'd oit ftle plain, t) Trot-n lis officers and imen. 'roi)t1-(1.hv iiti irshine 'anîd chIlIed h%- the rain Alreadï a concert la pianned for thel l-t itis iUp tile Thti.,-rror r. lti'angrîi ii'rntisery shait bi' i ast da), ofNlarch, loi be beld in the 01111 atiii lirt i';tu"ti' I lrthuîdîda tjrîtrrtîdiLut- ro;î ir Hait A great part of the talent S t r a Ner-vils ivildtell. l'tf, sars ii thir S1be1fromo m tmlbors1) %of the I S2 b fr asiperM ofrth 125d th N t rsrl S h ( i t t~ i i i .' ' , ~ i i i i i i s i j o r ' v s hl a i t i l h si l i ti l i i t 1 fa l i n . A f e wv s p e e l 'a l t s i n l t e 'S l o b , h l o t e p o e t , d r C îîr\ us pro tii ii, TIi coiîiîiass sliallîîrîtidî-r rîry sîxtalit suIait fait. wa,, of Irfsin letranr are tot îîofhaonaleneraier j Sae obehe o te roerindieclyfotlo*C-P R, boc wstofBrc SI'fiisîî v tcr U-li-de t 'tti -t tttt i' ntii'tti.î ~from Toronto andi the ip-T EEW L EN SR E a h r i 'i i n \ ,I ] i li t i ~ i O b li ii t i t a tf- ',o r t o f h ,- o w n r p e o p i e 'O f W7 'h t h y l aI E I L * i :î h t r -t ti a i li ' iii- h d-t tiia tii to td ti i - sit i li i a s t it th ) frît-. 'o i et l y ii î ' e x p e c led . T h e eo n ce rt w ll S e L r e A d e t s m n L i t ( r j j î j î i î N i o i r n g t a i 5 i ' i ' t, Ih t ' )i i il d i ' l i t i y t i r i tc o l t l s i o f p t i r i o t i c s o n g , r e c i t a i o n s ,e a g d e t s m e t o a e f u o f r h r p r i u a s Sipr______1_ rnirsng.iigo i .%hitti t ti't'\titt slit'alianti and srtti i'Uhs n fartu a moa 'varied pro- sale to Comec t2ocok iii' îIlop t iti'11o îi'ak', anrd titi' drî'rd of it 1h' I-futçrajiji liat il; gsre to nâ eet wit th J. E. WILL...ISo" vi d rc. o iitî i0 rvoeth TERMS-$1O cash on day of sale, wih wlequlmnlyamnsfobla D r u g lE . n d I p di a nNSk t o - ' ' i n t t t i s t i t t .J Q E ~ w i t h i n t e r e s t a t 6 p e r c e n t . p i r a n m e e t f o a h 't' 't ndOpican1i Sin i it tt o rti a.tiitloi NF~1SExFor (urthîer mnformation apply toWm MaAconer XiititAI ii\Si. tttW'ttrii't l utiti-t s;ilkii .()i Friday afiernoon, March 10th, The Greater Canada Improe et'n an o iie Brock St. a Whltbv. ~~~~ j; in gist i oF t G lra eu î-<re Ifdepe fd Ot Phone 70WH T Y O T.B l Ph n t'ld F ra ttie L i tlejo lm. w o w as THI1~USE OF QUALIIY -_______"~' - ---- _ foîrîîd dead i n beti beside its mortiter---- 'l'ie til- fîî itîtle U-'41I b"tii- et1 onVNE U OW R FO CNRA N F-rtiary 17. at (lie honte of \Ir. whose maidi ti tame was Almira.('orb- - - "Scr nton Goa Trci Sytem Purcasedfor$8 30,00. r..I.. rtr tck$ ofbeing calleti Crwn Attor'niyFarewxell, btno in- P I ~ o 'L~Ji, " S r n o n C a T e t S s t m P r c a e o r $ 5 0 0 0 t t e n l e m o th e r a n di c h ilti, a n d c r m in a tî n g e v id e n c e iv a s s e c r e ti. P K The %S: ad.r finir wîîeîî he hati left t e bouse the Hi-r hushand 1, now ai the front, and child ra.s healthy and Il y. Later he \trs. Lilejolt' hadti asen staying with -- -- ' '_ __ ta aqi î -Ilt i i-i t . .t tîiii rti-ii t -rgard ti t 1 1t iir î' \ i i c l it ta 'Iid o b atlk h - U rs. Albert Hariék. who lis hec tuti) Osaeli ar.i'itrrtî~t ii ii ti - ii'iioi i l 'tri " sir laii lft-t k. -î -î uit' et 'id dea1d. H d not know cousin. lieatt'ri Chetnuît Pa i r tRugt1r ni, ro\t iil H d o(o iiso .dkli-atn in y hl r j ,, -titi- itas H dîtiSeeior bargins i Womens Miseso a es fieriailii'attltr f he ctngfxîu.'M.11m.Hartrlck tuas aiso placeti on relîrdud gratea miel irtIlaîes Monongahola Yeugh.oi-ut t iîti itt-i t f Lanidst. Foris attu-t r ufai lte îexa'm oît ii'. P or n fotnd tpat ther Th Our stockfois r hoiandands eeaO ~heni. lu tl-, al' 's- t ireiits i le tt.- -attt itg- ii uti Ni t ti,'o - tt - "thtli a n ar r tn' ' int iný h î'î ut t fi 'rse i t iîd hi'the t-i e a iain adfpn h t te T ejry stfrlt o rsau hnc m iteIIIR o for thiîti-~Gerps reek fo4 Stub ba,%rioofdi.Rousufoctio. TeeladotanddunFeitst vLined(We Bs Stb CdeJ diiiin 1-î tIlin- > 1 t i1 L-tii-l rie t rut ititt ltttts f i 1 - uo ulalirs i'îitotildii ootihfahh%-e ns retli ar L l leo n h the hbdyer , en frte vdeC a o ae th tiiilt tariit'r-t -0r 'ttaîtîyi I'Nt i.iitt uayahIin tar ù io, fiaîiîtar suit thet- "hole Tacts.xiie n 1ksu "oeeo"_ebd. a) w0 uîhre'lec as eMoccasns O erh s, tc AUytt' -it ii-tiititi1 i-Li't 'i tt--i lt'tnt. t. 't' ' ti its t5 ttii .t-i ____________Li h uî,î iFjîI. asV oi net -il t îrir i"'t trîtîtlta('t trd(ut liiiatItN%1111 tfll o ilallre of (tie Coin- - _______________M cPh ro ' ltS o Weptreige r111,Il&,f' It it ita i t i . i ti tt1 it R II~ YlV i ' ~ ii'tt i i t tiii stit>iidlar) TIti, '1iirînatilof tile H3'dro Coi- o e for MenBLOWe$ and hili'ren titi,,t1,1t . titi wttinii tîiria).r is-ioii staii-d litai INNo vs-ars ago WAK RELIEF SêCtiIty WUR& FOR THJE MONTINI B e l l P h o n e . 9 H o m e P h o n e 1 4 . . . t r ' - t I t ie t ia s h i tItu t i- tu t i l i 't o t a Ii o n s t bt î i h g t n f o r I s - p u r -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tt itl t'sit.4Ti e i itii'i-a-u .i îiany iXofth e hldior shean hy coi'- Tilt-' negular monthly Meeting Of the presents to 15 Whltby boys at the front. pan% eIrrUse a %Ivllîlngnes-s (o sel]i War Relief Society was, beld ln the The Sorlety has bei-n presentedi~î YUUNG MNIN'MAO iTî' 'rOt d"Iti forthrk o! EU N wit lgrili iM-i-at-à tt - Ii r:IFlt rt t .. liîi tKii - f l sta eii îlînNi. te had înî'ested. en or tw'elve and was very well att4nded by the Mr. Newman of the town. This paintingi îîferu~ $t -ii t @tarIrit ritet1' . tit'Sqdi a otî-' îîn uîoss- t uhnctisand dollars %iras set aside by the ladies o! tù e town. . T4 TrMaUrer's has been frameti and la on exhibition'hoo118 <h t.WIT s-tliuant '(j~ ittSla'q ' S'itt li' ti lt a t ii- ,to .- L'i s-cen-tral antfi Prou iticiai Goî'ennmenî in order that mniy rpr aea , cto. u Ncosn&Sduswno -' dàty tlii tý-îtt p leps-ru. Write ta ttttii'driit ilario uîîd.-i'ftic -Hydro s-~~ iti- e ydroC'oimit>on totiM Malte a the way fine Society haa,%lie-n working contest will be het for the s-ale ot the- 1 n %MAU.I. 35 Vngo 5., TOROUTO iutO ii'\ Iii'aîti pui-r. bilt tite Oui- 'tlionotaut hinvestigation uoflte whole,-aiuî lte splendid resuits ob tainet. picture. Tickets will be soid through " "' -' _____________________________- iii i hd aitI'iasrtbthe- mtalerîîuuienti vateni andrti repeartî*an ita ei-ary. The ' R«'yîPT.tonaiasotNchsn&Se '- J.~ie 5~ewE ME t-'ri uit tuttri'lt rdtl'taIltle t'ouîîmissioui triade an offer. lowîer ihan IBalance on baud ...... .....$740.74 for the price of 10 -cents each, each t ii atti tto ir îrrîîtioerhaHyrotii-t.the iîîIinatit- nceint ly,andti iislncîientals ...... .... . ticket heing numbereti, andth ie person Carpi.-ut -'t l tlr titi( i titîtrt x -i iuit ii'ttfi tid doçi t heii'coîtaunS n.% eftsed. That was ni-ar- Donaion fron Dr. anti Mns. bilgtetce erigten m Plana dr-tii r tatihi\&>î niait-s fi rniiihi'd i tilîi'jii' aoîi Nuhing lhatibeen doneI . PoN%-r . ,Roger ... ...... 25.00 of the picture wi'll become lis posses-sor. S"h dýTf)r, ivf iiiiiît hé- Hydre maeiantaciii rots "iaiii-fontiTrafalta ( or Bran\tiiltord Rotros oflevarwns Itîîîo rt(-- lomlnlo.fCotn ov'nmeit Dauglitters ....... .30.00 The War Relief Society- has lnlils b Algenit ftiBantortR iie r \tritii iaudistri 'itunror ltti t&-.i-r..of ceritain danîs on the Tri-ni uaifot.Apres essonann nme wrdof 8 Bipamh- Le BOX 467 WHITt Y Phone 14Ç irut, - tf il~ii-it r i' rvrighîs. 'S0, 1"i onu.îatoDoau- cne nato 91.Anrwslt onann h orso rts tiiý. (i rutti'nig of theni. The- Dom- Canadian War Baîlads set to old fam- Maerrkage Liuenses. Ijtîîî -ti ilt,# .out iti- troit 'rtiiii ut-tiitit î"înî t l n s-u»t-i-d Totlr lt .. ....$889-52 ar tunes. These pamphlets are on î aýi1t1-I Tltreceillliia otatos.adth s sale for 5 cents eacli. 3 cents of which Tesao fLn shr gi na A.I- A LI. -ti- atd tii ttt îîînt(n ili-sai qtiist'It i 'tî'.iof îfuthee Anoner.kimonas .the3503etyand2 cents toi the t e Iti- 'fMArr.Ag I- .iui-rti' it iitafId0t-1 t111i, t-i Ill'al leîî,ot.,t l-'-d r oio ed nofe or nàatertal for gesSoiey.oter ye rs .r..o ko F$h is cc5n lee03e tu îu'î- tlrr&g,- i-,ý-,-> ut tltri N inal'oserw -%;s 1it("ditif $ttiîtOxhîch t'le com- Fiannel anti flannelette for'" author. Titise books may heo otalned are a lei fteuesw ad Conut-ir dnug stort-. NW hi;h' nu i-ri;i'~ti tc',tt---------------------------------by applying to Mrs. R. A. Hutchiîst>u Nio s-ini-iî requîi.,titi '. \ , - -ýs irs . . . . . . .. 611 e lishers St. nce, 193 'y ýes i i Vit-i<i~t'ei t i t , t o urt-ach i(-8'.0it%% i I Viti I 1 M .t.t..t.i.t.t. h. . .x.nret.-.t.. ..5 The Ofhtef Canda mnpov mon ~ tiitt-id iittiiut utuitlt.ut -r 'iînîr Il, of 'ut it-itrchiart- bythe (ov- itir -rnd Kill tif litemieyînoiur i"ower Co..1j Total exîtendtltures--------.$ 72.74 Lana Co., timlted T ti'iîîîî#.oinui',nî utlit îîrobatîly no ulnhs-uîqlii-s- Ntl %l'l. eleci teilty,, Balance onbaud------------- $ 1679 Whdtby - Ontariol-o icii ai-to se-ru'e-'arithr ealat thtC the (iîution his as-n aakëdIttf tiiere Tîte- Sk Conveners, Miss Smith and ýR aiK tae r ieA F.qttot ansgii t" i ii no but the- toerninent bas un. i-I11 i1» any change ini tht- local rates -Mm-. George hMowat Sr., reprted 263 Reuto ('.llevted, Fir.t LosnsAnratigdei%.tiiii a îînoiî-î- by wbich the a-adn, or in lte mode of-opieration of te pairs of aocks kuitteti durnsthe f'r>petiti oi1tlî ud ttît. tuti-- f Iitali' i-vlotin-n ani îsti.business 4itinow conducoti b îîuî tpnîî i moîtUn. There bas been & 11(11e deiay P prior i ~> "otigl d oolq . (itresiof tunilder Ie Hydr ysentadtriwl t. tlliu CniIiiofli wningetilng more wool. but a cul BellphqJ1p 13 1,101l 7f u(ittu nt-iner utuyro sgive i lITe tolicY ToitowedIleti l iii- y ment tu now on thse way ant ill doubt- îmxtre,-ît<- t-sst o! the Province" That ara. oîiuiiti heIliHydro coin.l-sarie-eymo. %%IIItliclude perlions wlulci art- not uns Io - îo -eh pI-r to lte muni- A lttiir o! thanks was reati romt f able- ua he reacheti econornically f rom cipalWe t es siand tîiut -tticorporation **Qytj-n NMarY's Neediework Guild.t -ac- U. tht- Tre-nt sys-îemn The Hydro Coin- then reMails Il, fixina iz own raies-. ex- ktuOwlOdg1u lte reeeljrt o! 54 Hespîai Offce and Wo amission, H n. Mfr. F rguson sttd actly " a bi b n doue ini 1h- case « shirts. made andi douated by te vomen OffceandWokshati exajuinet i mnîtely Into every ebitAiY. h ta alînfoui certain-, ihere of Wtuthy. Opposite Hevis Bues., Whutbr rnhaao- of thé companys businos andti om.t.(ai(lietwill be Do 4nante inIn as, Chttrle Tati, as onvenor or MI NeIE S i -u'r% fature of the pos-iblqtties o! de- ay diretionasrds the mode of supplies.-'gv ber report es folows: efali ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ smr D.-sm ira eths.&îiriaeb îî oeuethdlcrnfannel shirts, 13 dreslus g oys. 40 etal D U&andgl&&lj&t l SOCIpurhomînndthébv 8frnmA t a b. he Public ttilas (Commission il article. Inn procetés e!frmpleUon.» [t wiii pay you Io eallat our work.s i ntarto Gtrnmtn wudbaecnhaire thne-rtgatto1oirer thse rau. tlte g-ia.Ir.rikrmgi..s and iIpect for yourself. further, If suchi a ulep la posible. when' PItIIVof 5vks.. Do lot lie mlsleti by agents. We do utr- fwatërpou enrslit Central OntariooiUthélprie-a au u-hlchpow*-r ull. be sup. <S t- 81t ItoU#S urs tiota-24 boy# flot emplo7 (hem. Constinueotly vo i'Kccet lt lit aîi-of Unose that ar-e e i yr a itnl edlý osa anti do allow the agentsa commis- untici-elopeti on Lime Trent, ooncernugIPîlt by tis ltr ozusîa~8Ik 4<rS S'55t * il Micn of 10 par cent. vhlch you viii s tlitthert en-rt' negotiaUons betweeu ai iotn ress oe' ress 8woli ortaialy ave by purcha-ia; from u&. tite- onipan isa andti he Dominion Gov- ýIf as» anates-lal reducUin in Une cosi aoa(dttr> A Cali SOlct.d.e--i1ntu Thi-tse iwers thse Provjn- tUie tOwun 18ta de ovee (la. icre D0W The. Soelriy viWU"..toekwe - i cil o;-ernmetit exipert to obtalu (rom i lal th ie Seyniur Co, It sitouiti le Wtt t8 ks a. d*baU.a o!20 ss-ak lii'I'ss~j Inposilible to lover tho rate«aowtewbaý t, m0 a (1'>IU Bos -bp1VW kMr 'Tt'position l m"declan-ed the a dost stisa . $ taîstal *r fleali Sons h.- îuî'ru-etthroughout centrai On- lyffst t1 uaoK M, ixea1fsptSS Ul A.at&. n ______________iSous ul-ift ý-ti i fa" <l< oen*ulrujtgaw mn wned planî, and ditt-ibuteti ai!kv es Ifui !>Ih.Wjit 'w 1 tS'BM teMIm L i- ttube.n sia4luj (lIe wiitiila iro4 I a - wusad tn à«_Kje UIVERV, SALE AND 't1t.~'~5?< lnvaaSatvsteut BOURDINOSTABLES t--*nt' remeta. nul ouly entra ntario <~" L' usM bIv~$5IW l BROCI ST.W ITBV, but NorUt 13Y UanthUe NlPLeszig 4Ji f BROC STWHIB -9 trItc'w t h ableto wCet the ad#IM- tacgi-a of Ilydro Publie developrmt.-'- - Ail kinds- Of siîîgie and double -nTe (Wenty-tw'o omptapursf riga for hire. Bu,,%to ail the Auburn Povaîr Co., Cend alOstgglIo trmine and baggago transfer. f b>ourg".; ityOa e. sbw4 Horsos bought and Rold on oug tlto, C»oretanm, Ooboitu, "slon Soe ~ Water and Eet èC&; Oobtmur (og so' drivers and issavy <.î.~~~-i .,L~ taams fçir sali ;-siso bai.d , <. jt; a-anstraw in anyqc&Inti&ty Wat.r & 'thetris Llt C., 'tlgînb lor -prices, ete., appyty I l'ailP Os.. LU,,,(hhawa Usoxw u ol or phono 899 14 or 74. > ?Uý<s.101 Stables mýd Offiee: ~ IW~Lalst1 U~ lINSmie M 014 IiiIRIM gel, TsSml la" -r" " .7- - The ladies expect tw be busy sewiug most of - ne mcmth. The work toJ be madie up consista o! dresslng gowns, grey flannel shirts and hosDital shirts. All the ladies of (lie town are urged It help lu this good work. For partlc' ulars as WUrnme' and Diace Of sewig, apply (o Mms C. Tod. I~A - _À_teàË__ At thse revtuas- methig K e U oard, heiti Y'riday igbt e! Ilut weê, hW steati e! Wednesauy. wlien the But*: concert preveti too slro. ate>atxo- tien, tise, restgeatteo rXmIs. KNrsb. tem*ler latam(e Ilery ,Sutrosi eboo wa» preseted, andi aceed, htakU ieffeî meiaey Thse reaigmatlon e! George IIt Kewtk4 as a ulember o!t lb.e udl, w-asrsoeV- led anti aeoeted. .iktaol. -applife or au nc tasjn I- ay. fflts t'O aýt-uam d &týe. ei-' redta it>naemgtst opmn*etm- j lie'h, report or thse alie sgao o lu 'sprter vws reaý ttheIls-Bosut vd-l for muogwkal ,fle de«Muyry - red Otatu HALIBIJI, WHITE FUSI, BRIISNcOUmIIASAEOt SiSES, AOWENAI Prices Rlght t - 4' Ïl au. 14 . 11 N 1 1 9 1 1 1 . 1 1 . \ ý 1 11 b, 1 'l ( . 1 14 1 OMM-MR" ýONIý'L -qý- ýý mm--ilv FOLLETS,

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