P4GE IJONTi~toU@fl' ialnr', amie. who la staying- orth . e. othier, Mni There -.011b.servii5aon Widnesday evenlng hi St. Thomair Church at--.3O Rev. Mr. Rowilnd, of Greenbank, ~~ wlll bave charge oft the services ln the BROOKIN. Methodist CIsiurols on Sunday. 11ev. 1H BROOKIN. W. Pole), will go te Qreeôibenk. Mrýiw t.Bligit lbas been III &gain._ A grand concert wUll be beld ùnder Mr Aý C. Ellilott was in Toronto on the' auspices of1 the' Patrlotic Leagué ln W0dîîcsdà la31 1rokîtu oniiTuesiday, March 28th. '*A MiRssDet-ks. of Toronto, visited witiî Seitry Asleep ai bis Post" wlll be part Miss Vera Reeson Insu 'week. nf the' prograti. and wilI be given by Ti. Mthoist Ladies' Aid met al tuhe Baptiut Cburcb choir et Whltby. Mie; ElUios on Tuteadav. Mr. anid Mrs. S. Kiveil entertainedi Mr Cl.oîtrne and faily hxî t the' orgatîzed classes ofthUe Methodist mnot ii lito ilrh n lie u lse. Sunday School on Tuesday evenlng. Mr \\ NI Lait rence was lis Torontol Thte evt'nlng was spenit lui gaines, etc. 011 ai ta'sndhiLglît refroshmerits served. A Mu-. John \Ja.ýiiard vlsied Inî Tor- thoroughly good ime was enjoyed by orètue *i s 'tetk. al present. Selte! your new Sprtng Suit tiow The' citizens of Brooklin ausd viein- and sav- tsouiey. Harry T. Thompoon. îty wiîî be serry to learn that a former Mn - o ie f Atidhey, la vlsitlng residient of Brookhin, Mr. Robt. Spen- »ailI Ms. Vhts, Coakwell. rer. lis suffered the lbas of bis wife. M-iýs\h.irit- ho! hday unas home frousi whîýdled at Calgary. Alberta, on Feb. "or: o P loin Tttesday tuS Fridaý 211. Mis. Spencer leaves besides ber M-- \ mîh-iitas 111 for s I-era hsbaîsd. two smaîl sons. Sse was a day- - %o knate of Englantd. M. - - ut, I-ýht s isit ig hti sis- Last falMIr. A. C. Elliott puirchased t-r, NtU,\lorrisoil, I Torounto. a second hnand auomobile wiih the' ln- M i J :VtDistîe ' as a vtls.Jtor In tention of turnini t Ito a mfotor 11't'- u'ontWeduscsday t rurk t dli' t'ry-. luiuheseUimes. wtseni NI;-, Csi. ol% III. Torotio sen farniers arte so shiort of help, It wi15 Ili,. &... -nd mltl i lou parents prove a gr.-su cotivtieà ce and savlng Mu Gt-itt- Browtî was In Toronto eft tîs-e to bave a dellvt'ry et your door thti Wtý i%-hilh aIlcarry a full hUne ef gro- ,Mr- Waceries and ns much cisc as poss-çible. lng 1% ork.-r- on \'.e<iiresday afterynonl.rEiotepcso i iscaou Ni-> NcNteIl' lias icttiriied fions ai,,as soori as thte ronds are it. Lu ro-d lii lie - 1LEASE TELL t'S Mi Uc',%IthsoiePre s r . ' Nviiu t, utpolicemen Maïnard was Fui- Parîude ha.- rîlited an ai- ~ dat nlght wheîî twct prîvates (wbo bad Pý&rriiider hae tiiiistisl ad ar# o 1* wce t goodis store) accomPati In~~ Wsb.led bv a lady friend. drove madlyý Mr.Fucanor Joturîstoii crterialned j a fo'w of lh r fistd s one ie hglit tlasit hro lu rokii / -t-I * s -s- 1~ -t ""i ¶4 t' Ho" the postmasrt'r gatied tavor otn Mlouday witlu the' vîllagers? (One cf our i-aders suggt'sta by cuearltîg the' pos bot iIce of lonfers" anti peets). Aui enas - w.t for some er oui other mer- cîaisto gain popularity. 'hty the guard bas ben off -picket duisfor the past week? 'Wliat reward la offered for Use naine cf th(- edîtor efthUe P. T. U column? Who the rman was Lbat ebjected te Mu- tclias G utsqs h0ititgu li-r lussont enîîstîng and then went te dat L i-r .NIus ;rdoim Hall, litnLrantua- Toronîto for the saine pttrpose and was te:. - iurietidowNn' A fN- tutis this tllagt- ueeisi To- Who ne îhank fou tht' ciever contri- rutà il M Nednsda atendng liebutions arraîîged fer titis week signed Tenur..rnce- vaîrde on b.i t uite village? Muse, l'oreîice Blighst ins rettsrtied NVbo the young mna-nla that parades boni,- suit-r sp)etidînt' n few weeks M'ltlsou Rafirend street so often? h-r Iroîhîc-. Mir.GCAntierson. Mu- and MNrs. George ColilI andi d., eliter, et Toronito, apent the' week- -nu. ' in t (isir îparrîrs un Brooklitî. IIROOKLIN SCROOL REPORT. Followling Is the' achool report for te tisotthi et February. Nirs l'ortismrs lititil5f<'ttntt5o cFerisV.-Edgar lHoggartb 5, Mabel s,.ti-r bond. %%tille heatirig wter ini Bell 5*1. Il i' omeýt Sr. IV.-Johîî Farinar 70,. aleen 1'1,- Stlieulasd. cf Toronto, spent %Ioore 69, Nora mue-s 67, Wiltna Van il.- %a%-- ttii th Mis. Sutherlandi,,,est 41. SPRI'NG- SALE -OF- ~1 PAINTS, OILS and LE-AD HAVING bouyht a large quan-tity of Paiots and Qils early last [ail, 1 arn in a position to offer to the trade lead and ois at Less than present Wholosalo Prices. Notice the following lowprices in Brandram- Henderson an,- Canada brands ready nnxed paints: ý4 pint tins af paint, regular price 2oc, Sale Price 1M 1 pint tins of paiot, te - ular price 35c, Sie Price 301 1 quart tins of paint, regular price 70c, Sale Price 601 1 gallon tins osf pain1, reg. price $2.8o, Sale Puice $2,4 B. 'B. Whitf' Lead, one of the best, (sce Goverament analysis) present price s 5c, Mae Price 134 Anchor Pure White Lead, present price 14c, Sale 12g Baden Pure Li nseed Oil, is at Ieast $ s. îo wbolesale« to-day, Sale Price, per gal., $1.0( Buy early, as our stock will not last. URI AHIJONES Hardware, Bmro k 1 it *GREAT* 'Air DSNEY SNOB,,BftOOKLI i" Mors .hair atid one Rocke.leather, SRee~d Ck mt.W~ar 3-0 ~~1~ hrCair & R kereg. "o * & j t4~i~.tk<>c~~ga flýtm r't oc Ikroceof theaeat beneft 1 have. rlved frornYlisL 1 am rnlyao ld and VIDOl ba sgiven me atiength, a healthy aptiltae d ovcae nemus utructor 1 ever u»&d."Mr.m.LA.. HUTCHISON. Vinol in a deliou cod lvea&M bion tonlc wltbout 0o1, gms te overcme ron devis, weak, deitalled eandlloms sd for cbroe S ugha A. EL AlUn, Drugglst, Whttby. Ont. Jr. IV.-Alice Moore 63. Sr. lii.-Roy P1-l55, Hazf-Il Prom- ell 49.* Jr. Ill. ---Cwendolne Cobourne 75. Lillian N'e-.;bhtt 65, Frank Foley 63, 1. Fisher, 62, Charle Elviss 61. Evelyn Moore 61. Irene Taylor 58, Glenn Dunn 67, Charles Cooper 55. *Att-ndaice very unsatlstactory. Sir.1-- Dotuglas Nesbitt. Carsonj Ltrke, Rowcena Cooper. Gladys Frank- ish, Milîhie Bell, Eveictt Colwill. Ctf- ford Delong. Jr. Il.-Alfred Hill. Granît Innes. -titre Arnold. (,ordor. Bell. Etigar Crox- ail, Warren-tî Lke, Ilaittie Ward, Violet! arker. IsttC(iss hlaltuhiRevsor. John Broin- cil. Nlauy Foiey, Lloyd Taylorirent' Coibourne. Iernîce Ward, Elleen Cooper. Evehyn VanNest, Jean SIater, X1arjorie Fisher. C Class.-Clnrs-ncc Ret-soti Madelce Bllggs. Aima Cairns. .11% lyBight - Hazel Bhighît, Rtoy Dehong.j B Clasa- Hazel Nesbiti. Doris Moore, Hubteit ColwtlI. Mlary Ljike, M. Frank- ish. Tonm Spencer. Bernire Cairns,. W. Maynard. Fred Spencer. A Class.-Percy Coibouirne, Bessie' Waddell. Be-atrîce Welibanks. Catarrh Cannot Dse Çured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS. as tbey cannot reacb the scat of the dîse. Catarrb lnaa blood or constitutional diaeaft,and in eider te, cure il you mnuet take internai rernedies. Hall& CatarrhCure la ta ken Internally, and acte dir- ectly on the blood and mnucous surface«. Halls4 Catai-rh Cuare le neta quack medicine. It waa preucribed by orne of the best physiciana in tibis country for yenate and la aregular pr etc.iption it lt cornposed ef tbe besit-mcics knewu, coin- bined wlth tbe beet blood purifiera. acting dit- ectiyeonthe mucous aurfaces. The perfect coin. binalion etthet we logredieate la what pro- duces sncb wonderful result. a lu cring Catarrb. Send for testimnonala fret. P. î CHKtIHNY CO., 'rops., Toledo, O Sodbyai 1 rugt ,ric* 75c. Take ti f 'ami y Pillafor onailpaf ion. M YRTLE - Nirs. W%. R. Kent was in Use Ciy last w cek. Mir T. W. 1Brookes m-as in Toronto ast week ordt'ring hb spîiîîg geoda. NIu and Murs. O. Dcv ney anti famlly spe-tt the' week-end In Oshawa. Mi. Bert Du'f Is convaiescîtîg frein a "e'ere aîtark cf tonsîhîtîs. Miss e. Glovc-r, ef Oshawa, vlsited Milas Etbiyl Lane recently. Miss Graham,. of Napanete, tras a re- cent guesi cf Miss A. Niekît', ai tht' parsonage. Mrs. Huggins andt Miss A. Douglas spent Use week-end witb Manchester f rit'nds. Mrs. Nen ton Wilson andi ber lîttIe daughter, Ahice, ef Burket.on, visited the formeras parents lit week. Two slelgb loads will leave here 'or Raglan on Frlday evening tri attend te Ejîwoi Lb League rally. Be onp et the' comtny. Wlsh the P. T. U. scribe et Brooklin would coeeout this way, as there are a whoie budet of questions upon whicbs ipe would liue a littie Informa- tion. Much sympathy 18 teît for Mr. W. Quinn, ef Manchester, In tIse death ef hie wlte. They formerly lvfd at the G.T.R. station, where Mis Quinn -won tIse esteem etftthe cemmunfty by hor kindly maisier. Tihe Teacler Trailning Clas, whieh ineeta at thse parsnago overy Tueeday eveningtfor Bible atudy. ln provtng a succSm, afthoush the, weatber bau been soMewhat luclement. Ail arewecoeme. Non, should negleet the opportunlty. c How You May Redue c Your Wcight. Oversteutnesla a vmun7wooue uhes atedr ipuruameso fasios. abo B&" evwy reder ett " s op.'bsa sotie* ti.tmim« t mmss gut te pst on an exwvê amoupt et "It Iu yu happesla o boue et tos *ouevlgt ume ta h ou kst 04 tg* ri e ts*W Be am , t u t. ,Qfdrltuan là 1pet ortie.la" memt Nov b PM cID eW«<A lb. WtOL 0 Mdr. Weuiey Reule2y and Bir. Wilhie JOnes returned Wo thetr düttes in thie North West: lait week., Mr'. Jobti îltour; of Harilton, vis- Iled wltihbis brotl>er, Mr. James Bal- tour, on Saturday. Mr. Martin, Miss Mary Martin anid Miss Bella Dawson vIsited at th. horne et D. Parroît on Monday lasi. Mr. Jack Nlglîswander and Miss Nellie Glray. ôf Green River, were thé' guests of Mlr. and MrB. Elhis olver Sun- day. .A rr'ost ejoyable cvening w-as spent by the' young people at ube home or Mr. and %Irs. John Tarves on Ttiesday evening of last .%eck. On Smînday riiehit au 12 o'cloek. a ire, took place ln Mi. J. A. V'aucoos ut-si- dence. Before hellp get there the flarnes had gene se fai that Ilu ws Im- possible te sa-te the' bouse and store, but mnnaged by skillful work te save the' barn. rhey saved neaily eveiy- thing that vas lit tht' store, but very little of the hliuse fuixtiture. We deep- hy regret the' losg that Mir. and Nhrs. Varcot' have ui rtd AI1.M NI O1 S. Mus. %W. MIGiegor is oit thé- slck lisu. iMI. S. -Browni lam bto-n spendhig al 'teik wi-lr h is rmotllî r ln Celdwater. à 1i, and Nlre. T, Morombe vlsiled ln Pickering this w-eeký Masuer Edsel !3aisdons im '!sitinî. with hbilasister lui Otnemee. MAIss A. Webstter la ilsitînt' iiiTo-1 ronto at puesehit. Mr. E. MeCt-gou le laid up ith a laine baek. unira? OUWRS-We have two Cutters for sale, on next yeard terms. Ywiti ATACS osF OWui, coniplete, regular $45.00, special re$1.o A few ROPE lACHINES, regular $6 5,o, special price $3.75. ftIIfflFfflhI TWEED SANITARY OLOSETS, regular $ii5.0, splécial pi ice $5.oo, O F uîYSrtrSIA IEWINO MACHINE, guaranteed, reg. $15.00, special price $2 15.ooý Suif ered Tortures Dotil She Tîled "Frult-&-tIves"l ST. J KA s p IcM ATRA, Jans. 27th, 1914. "AfLer sîuflèring for à long time with l2yspepsia, I 14ave been mad-e well by "Fruit a-tives. " I suffered se much that at hast 1 would net dare te eat for I was afraid of dying. Five years ago, 1 rcceived samples of "Fruit-a-tives" and after taking thein I feit relief. Then 1 sent for Lhree boxes and 1 kept impicving until I wss well. I quickly regai ned my lost weigbt-e.nd now I eat, sltep and di.-est wefl-in a word, 1 ain fui/y rcecovere'd, tbanks to 'Fruit-a-tlveh.' IN1m ML.C HARBONNE AU. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25a. Mt deaIers or sent postpaidon rereiptof nuire I)v Fuujit-a-tives Limited, Ott;aw&. Febru-aiy report of il, 111 anîd IN' chasses oet NtilIe echool. u.IV.-ilirei O'Bovle.(; adys Harrison. Viva flriggq. Jr. IV.--Eldean 'Smllt Victor Ihud- Sur. lI-Rosse Bitton, Jr. III. -Theodore Iliglît.Antie,- Lanwrence, Xlabel Tordiff. Su. II.-Margaret Ohl3orle. Jamnes Ottif. Loine Jolbnscrs, '%arjeris. Rt-udrr, lut-ttc Biitton, Aylmci Ltîke. Jr. I.-Thelma I3ilggc;. Rets Butr- r! j Our prices on the following goods will interest yoce:- Automobile Tires, Farming Maohineryo WIre Fonce and Bites, I*HarneisC Hardware and Belting, Stovus and Ranges, 011 Cake." One general purpose borse, .3 years old, and onse driving horse for sale. ' W. F.DISNEY9 1Bell and nd. Phsones. 1. tVillle O'Connor 20, Viva Barrlck- msan 30, Mary Mitcbell 30, Grace Rut- ltmi 28, Allie Wilson 28. Carnle Net]] 24, Richard Smith 24, Mgdpline Bird 20. C. Bell 20, E. Mayes 20, M. Sullivan 18, -t. Hi4hep 16. H. Werfehk 16. J. Robert- son 16. Nina Ros; 14. Train Time 1 able@ CT T. R. Mis. Atkioso-; is sone-" hat impro- kîrt. Gecgina Grant. I XVHITIY JUNCTION. ed in healhl. A. [lot t-t.%t. Tf-ctîti (t îIVWet.... 4 52a.n. Going RF:at..I.îa iss NMclnto-ili. Ms Hi>lop -jr-l--..-10--. 38 .a..105 epJI. Mrs. Cooper vtsited at Mu. Okt-s crielNOTICE 0F REGISTRATIOIN OF ....-7.0 P. M . i. -53 P M day last week. 11IY-LAW NO. 8:. 9 I ...q,30P 1 Mu.Hrl lianl n . Sunday trains leave for Toronto ai Bo1 ' Haold wîlan IFdoirayMu. Notice is heueby giv,-n that. a by-taw 4.52 arn. and 7.40 ps-n. Froni Toronto Tenstrch oiesîîhheheIFawa.on w-as passeti b>-tht' Cotincof thbe (o r- -trains stop at Wbltby Junctlon at ofthet'ostm onias Monda> pst ità nOtit-porathon cf the' COtînty cf Ontario on 820and 9.55 a.rn., and 9.30 p.in. on tht' wo(-rs ha isbt- xeine tht' 29th day cf Januauy. 1916, for the UP-TOWN STATION. issan GertudeKmpad. s 11-pîtpose cf grantlng aid te the Cana. Gii ot .83 tmlongAt 7ia- Mis Getitde em an Mis LI.dian Patriotir Fund establlahc-d by the Gi~Nrh.. 4.15 P.rn. G1 1eit .1ap lian Roite have rettrned home after Art cf tht' Dominion Pariament i Ffthî ..6.401.rm.Im. %0 p.i spending a week In Rldgeto,,.n.. George V., Chapter 8. mc tht' extent cf C. P. R. Miss Mabel Rcwe and Miss Llbbit' ('olng West -6.3à arn. Gobng 9at-1o.20 a nm Coeao oot.setSna t$30.000 payable In ten ycarly stîms et 9»9 .. CebmaicfToerto.spntSuti>'at$3,000 enrh with interegt aiS 1ý%.Thse 4.55 P.m. bat' p.n hmi.CeîWos aesggt tl amotint te be ralseti lb eacb year for8.1 .a124&- Mr eclWod a eggd ihten years te pay principal ant i îteîest j STAGE- MIN. Jaîck Whilis for the sumnier. belng $3,980.04. Leaves for Brougham ni 10 arn. Mr'. Mfrs. J. Hall has returneti frein Osh- Andi that stîch by-laa- aas regîstered Edwards, proprieter. awa after lsavIng stxnm se-eral ,vepks In the Registi>- Office cif the' oultimyof MAILS CLOSE thr.Ontario en Use eleventb day cf Febru- Fer Wet-& 3o &-m. 'or Port Wiiby- Nexa, Tuesday nighit a convention ar, ...96. -30 -630 &.m will be belti In Almonsts cburcb. hItIn- 6. Iop.rn. 6.10 pua0 cuiesKinal. Adhy, iceiig nd Any motion te quash ou set aside 1ic ?or 0ahawa -2.t%0p.z tht' Tabernacle1 saine or any part thereof mit be matie FPoat-63a teTberLaie ii sblihs e-jwithin thiet' montbs afuer tht' first ~ ~ : >~"ot l 0.. neayaies m. Okes A go ly )%'e-publication of this notice and cannotj ber were preselit. aTie afternooii itas be matie thereatter.cfFhuiU)R Y L H EA E spet I kttt'îg 5tWitg.1916. J. E. F.-uREN-Vt... ENIR CHANBOE;OF PROGeRAum GREEN RIVER. .4---7. mt l. Each Nlght Judging tien tht' attendance. tuev Stock and Seed Judglng course belti bere hast week was flot as succesaful as nîlgbi be expecieti. Ne less than fotur large auctleii sales were hielti la the. neighborhood 'turing thet' Oet' tinys efthLie course. and naturaIly, these prevented inany farinera frein atnding. It eau safely be sald that tose who missedthLb meetings rniesed a valuable tiea.t. The speakers, Dr. Reid, Mr. Stevenson, Mr. Harding, andi Mr. Sir- a-t, are men recognred ail over the' country as bîgit authorities on their different Unes of werk. Their talks were net onîy practieal but were niade toesuit thse needs of the farinera et the' district. Berne eicellent stock mwa brougbt la for detnonstration purposes and the farinera ef tis lecabity are to e b.ceugratulated for thse high dus of stock they are keepixtg and on thelr wlUntaneus'te loan their best animalis for purpeweofet ts klnd. Berne et thse moat progressive farin- ers et Ontarie County are toe b tound arolmd Green River. and dairying la faut, b.comin eue o! tihe leadissg In- dustries et tise Io~i*ty. On. Mau bas a boet fte& oove tisatae producn# an average ef nin. thossaaad peends of mflk per year per Sw. 'fle avorag cow lu thse Proibese t Ontario pro- duees probsbly nôt more than thlrtl- tlve buadrod pouiqds per yeer. Investir gat1oam sows lou&, Weibiatthse MIk Vas ahoun te be tii.o 0017Mtet.f detembMg Yg» olu t tuy dslry la sml4to e h tt Us. soogy t* ,w" ~ htise wnl. md tiAs tse -umUy brinb toplu ua s Mn Mte *0t0. o er cd ths e W-'bqpohtt e ot the Pro- tuaim-ta t e put W. 4V*« 4 oe 04 0" MM le t"sh U t 11W=4 HIGH SCHOOL WEEKLY EXANIS. F0KM IV. Trigenometry. -T. Preeter 67, H. Long 62. R. Mowbray 60, 1. Nickle 55, M.I Kennedy 5,1. Latin Composition.- M. %IacGrotty 79.t. Jackson 77, E. Cronk 69, F. Hen- dersen 67, L. O'Connor 64, D. MýGilliiv- ray 61, A. Goldring 61, J. Hlslop 56, D. Waugh 27. F051! il. Physical Geography.-M. Allaway 76, M. C. Buckley 70, M. SmIlth 66, C. Quin- ton 61, H. Kirne 54, A. Nickle 54, J. Long .50, D. Thomnson 49, M. Mlntyre 48, E. Kemp 47, B. Meeker 46. E. Fiais- er 46, L. Ravin 42, A. Bird 38, K. Lav- ery 34.-E. Elvidge 31, A. Goldring 25. Mau 1I. 5pelling.-M. Bravener 46, H. Ricit- aexion 49, M. Edmondson 48, Marjorie The Broken COIR ovory Monday night Saturday night, 10e. te ail. Blg B3roadway Features every W ednes- day and Tbursday. WHITBY MARKETS Wbeat, fal... ........;1.00 Wheat, geose .. ......... 1.001 Barley ...... ...... .... 0.60 Beans ...... ..........3.00 Rye ;..... .... ........ 0.801 Pesa........ .......... 1.101 Buokubeat ...... ...... 0.701 Oats .... ......... .....0.401 Red Clover..... ....... 9.001 Alsike doiren, per bs.... 8.00 . FLOUR AND FEED. Flour, per cvi ..... .... 3.251 Cbiepped fSd, , t.. . 1.751 Corameal ..... ........ 2.0 Bran, per ton . 0.. .... 6.001 Shorts, Der' ton.... .... 28.001 3.60 2.60 26.00 28400 James 43. Effe Adainson 40, Isebel MMAT, poULTRy asud pROD)UCE. Waugh 38. Wlllle Willis 388. PLBate,. Fleur Per «e-t ........3.00 ta 8&W man 34, Chrîs, KIug 84, Bontha (obd- Cattie, livO Vlt...6.25 te 7.251 ring 34. HRiry Jehuaton se, W. Kimae Iambe. eauh.... ...... 6.00 te 1100 9o,04drueuo..... .1 2.50 te 1 Hom , slect...... .... us te 8.80 Vul ................ 12.00 te 18.00 EXTBNSIVEAUCTION SALE Chl» upa l....0.5te 0M et-tcimpiemeutiE4 nowR, Iteetaetc. Dck.Pe b.....0.8te 0.20 The. proprty ef Oes4gt *u& pr lb.,.0.18Sto 00 -Turima.dre7&edper- lb. 0.25 too.» à - AILC.MOQUE, Bte...... .........0o» to 9.1 lot 9. Couequleu6, l4. pi . IU& mile Eams.... ...... .....0.80 te 0.85 euti et Greoavoôod, on tard, P«r lb ..........18 te 01 WEDESLYMICEItn 116 PetateS m- rbat . 100-te2&401 .i50 teLO 1~t oUwis prery, nf1.00' te 800.' 4 7r. ra;1Uwv -aAfmg bZ.,4 YM0wS.; oo3t nvshe.. .... 0.14 te 0U1 M - t. 0cf a.??,u ....916lool - B woewt. iUNAto, ILS b 0fS.t.à U WI-ITBY One uncs fredartungrs. enwh endpOrta nh.Bndes caung Men wiIl y aon e? o vatinrco a Mfidaumîiner. TEnter nta. o Cor 1Veueand I . J . %.o-i Professio nt.Cad is fuO.Ly FAesorEWEpLLWrt ato c u ty Siciors. ewl Oince outhwig ot Houa.,nWhlt Solltu e'tr. B sness arPlic. i. Cr. ogk Snd W.O.adaBallnk Office, Mne teLo n ia DENTAL Harry J. H Cudson AtDorneLyDa" SucsSo ettaor. E. W. E.sn D.D.IS.,LD. 15Drrena liarr t" a brA ic'a ru store.oT m 6. hltby, OT.B Offvic hos- te12: .2te 6.o Phorb.Ne o Bll;itnep oqenn&1 BLUtE J. Hudson, D D.S., LD.S. Offie ee W M lr ngeW. Adas.o Officehoui-g t reetpposte 3. a.phont1 Phoel12o2 . -- TYOT THREADGOLD 51108. OSEmITNua 1SLOI Aiterations and Ihepairs, numAM nasWORLK SgIAERà ". Corner WaInut and Kent et -Telephane NO. '1321 ARE vol -ikýtà W et reu~onhk. k Bir i Egg -t,#- -. gheny, 1s Ri' se the - Bell S greal - dayi Carp. Plans Box 46- liuFr Corne No w' The CrN Real kat Renta Ce For ion Vfil end Inapi Do net Dot empl «n and t o ertalnly ~-.6. .Ios. I B BIIO NesLen.n fîom- irf~IfAIktaéte W e- l )ArstJats Sniiihîbas bec-, n lT lor- ent iti iaiug lieirtiatgîtrc. NI s. Mta- sou whtt s b,-.-ru er> ilL Mur, Rssell titrtige. cf tOshawta. vls- ied-c lils crstsdtar-tits.Mu, and Mirs Ja.- Kuigbt. Mr.-I. Stewarut snd datigîsters, cf Bat ldsiii . sa.sk. t irited ai il k l onel of Mîr A Ks-chîeniiIs îtek.