Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Mar 1916, p. 7

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FOLLOWSL GRIPB ' t o~hwe NTi aui w.U £f«C"Mi. autaino nutdrneat è& fbods B STAT Reta d a lo i stj rprTetpacel post do..onaupriîng thlng, that reppfr thé, bodflywastew"' R e st a n a T o u îc la t e P r o p s. T r e t . t D is . t at as.no t i z e n o d c: .d Into 9b hr c cid d'W h e a t 1 i sc t 3 tu g R a p m fa g Ii i B p bl e Saye s An Englahian wsbed to reacbh a bot a Palate food sond a Condeged toitnl Thr sa form of fleurauthenla from danger of relapse until you? r tm, <"'oof Ohn aurbt ato L nimkeep i ugodealth u an t Idaafrnr r opann O that follows la grippe. Doctors allblond la built up. Bdona, n ft e s br ecssaof toat te pn otch cf hyand ot r rmaldlerlithmdl, H D C ESBLO SN It 'Post.grlppaî" neurauthenia. 1The treatmnent, says the distingulsh. honmi n q adkly nowing nothate tp-oe fphog *'aafrer r opliigo On t h frmotmncicl au- d hicD.iaotdabo'veink Pres adof the district, he called at the. gen- fitacas b cating this déï- of the nlght. ilc thorittiel ef New York city in a lec- oa nic Dr. illiamsr ikPla rlpu ie at St. Martit'a-le- cious, ready-COOked1 Whole Goverajor Whitman fa having bih ~ ~ G v T atiOal linia non-alcohed o uietnic, are hparticularly Grand, to consult a directory. on ex- wheat cereal for breakfat, dratted for miltary course In schools J~C ~~ turoaiii the itaticing vrictid:sitdfoouldnf ~te blod and panr i aeO lrh a,5of New York State. £~I D I d L la grippe will sufer froni post-gripp- tck of grippe. The rich, red blon od t ead esb aclp s y p y steghnn h evsatra ta e t e arsby arcel post byr P8Y eal578,114 automobiles were made hI of the seriouiceto retaebet aI neurnsthenia also. Lowering of expeîrr the ingering germas train te îng a tee of t.hree plence a mile. the United States last year. nome disordet ftesouclvr n nevu oewt ncesdirtbl ystem "ad transformns despondet The gentleman hadt neyer heard of WIs on t ril crgfer ..Sn ciso Ity is the most striking effert of trhe grippe victims into cheerfu, healthy, such a tning, and it is said that v r - ator, h wt rc- elsc nietoaily Willi am on rilr frewt r US enk-fbotuence, o ws t vodth hs disturbe, fittul slopfaid ague pY'ains iryouhenad la rpe do flot persons in England know that it 'i ng the chain of Lorimer-Mund f.thne eaahs osipto.ty d is t e , la n g u o r o f n tli d v a g u e o ypain s I f y o um e a d l a r pend. inn b o n . H a s p a e b n s u t m e c e t h î banka. ~~~~~a hast of othe trsngaintoe In the head and ehswhere. The treat.. wait. for a relapse or for te neuras- cMho oe.H was a nItjr.tîîh ie nient call.4 for rest and a touice. telth aofnflow grippe, charge of a fnessenger wowstm A man's intellect fa best at a tem- dbocsreqult theiatht 5 ate folos 'iliar wit'it ail parts of the city, and " perature cf 30 çlegrees above zero, TRthwokhyhaeo If you have itad la grippe rend thoire but get a box of Dr. Williams' Pink was ennu on his way. The boy car- Baye Dr. Austin O'Maliey, f Phila- do.ol la an30 nclteri DYnptomâ agairi: "Languor of mind Pilla now f romi tihenearest drug store redapite lp nwictahw'tidiyatr tciytPha.nao fre Rnd body, disturbed, fitful aie jp anti and bgnte ratn ne ren a deritdsion f th "as r"in aMde in Canada. dlh~ a oae3 rp tMte cgl vu beginthe rettentat onc.crirospctnoof ttihe f seenchn-"sineras hie balshcdIndiestinib Vague painq in the hend and else- You can get Dr. Williamis' Pink Pis Pchargeofunder theof heading, "Article ha where.- If you have any or ail of froni any needicine dealer or by cmai, reu nV delithehead, "Abfrtce dTRE FIRST PERISCOPE.s ig 1>,,ncco titern it Means that you are stili suf- at 50 cents a box or six boxes for deurdt edlvrd"adbfr H IS EICP. grdthoand e -comnfer bornareg.iouess i stpîgnan ilthinds tering fruni the cfeçts of Ili gripîpe $2. 50 from Tite Dr. Willianms Medi- leavlng thte customer's house bot thtie aboutitan everns cnfeencs aerfitîsqccsi ja hssml aboutha taubegin. way. andrree tibyCo., eirkvixpenOnn.ce. Ae customer and the gentleman had ta, Ingenious Contrivance Invented by "Read the ncwspepers thoroughly digestive loni n tîici eey o, rcvicOn.putr their signatures on the paper. The e.Wlir alr if you want ta kecp welland live - uti eight for anything delivered long," advlses Dr. Stephen Smith, of OT E l'1SONL PINTRS ('IIL)RE MAINGSHELS. byparce] post in Enghand is generai- The origin cf the pet*,cope is now New York, aged 93. j y understood ta be eleven pounds,but under discussion, and te toliowing Thte .propcsed excise tax on muni- .1 SPecall Seectd Ntesbot Fm- 0,00 Bos N'or intheArsnalat there is one clause that reada, "A iextract fron tite writint' of te wehl- tions la being seriously considered by ucaiysencad Nî~totla-i.0 b> Work Wolin he renla persn may be conducted by express known irventor of "Ppper's t7oost", the Wys and Means Committee otf E oua Mn an Womn. Wsui wîch.toa ny address on paymcnt gives the credit t-o thte cierical protes- the U. S. Hanse. King Manuel is a first-rate diomino Ten thousand bays toc young W ofe the mleage tee." so.Altesce gniso h player. flght are doing what they consideri ___1 Pepper wrote soan after te Crin- e ie crt a g or ens thVie am- M. Briand, the iýren, h premier, the next best service for titeir coun- en ver: "During the siege o! Se- palgn of trgit.ulnesa" against ship- 'r" lOS \TI1 f 0 A ~C ilever Weors gloves. t ry-turning oot munitions in the ~ sa~ f2a~ bastopol nurnbers et oiW best artillery- i ping in New York. As iUi . rineSzra;tAuti oLK Since the outbreak cf war, tiueen ;overniment arsenal at Woohwich. In Jut a traiAI. men were carîtinualhy plckèd off by ;Tarpedo net makers in te steel__________________ Maybsntrhsdan n.q cumego fficerboys, cierks, or ldaerpi Sor te enemy's rifles as weli as by can- end wlre mihîs oft the John A. Roe- Mar ba fot urca..j n e nng rlnar Vîesman woldhav be iSMdlenon sitet, and in order ta put a stop'bling's Sans Company et Trenton, N Sg eorge,()R Offdre byse .rku trralianph 'iinesa oytthe olmre andry inenauts-on- ,Thae o e oMasrbug omee.. . SrGogRed th utainmessengers, but o-day the majorîty jt EietUhadns n nauiu-~. ae eeo tie Iligit Cornmissionî.r, j a crack shot corne fromn pointa miles from teftac-nsofte enavr gniucn- TodeMrbg frmr US wiharvletory, and beip the older men meke the MISS BLANCHARD TELLS Op 'trivance was invented by the Rev. Minister te Belgians fs in London Princa evolvxer o eki o shelis and guns needed by the men at DODSKDE ilLS. William Taylor, the coadjutor et Mr. awalting tue arrivaI o! bis son, who Price lexnde o Tek i no%*the frontt. Dnsni cntutn telt' Britist Miltary Atache Denion i costrutingVit firt 'ig lest a leg in a flying accident inO L serving wvith the Beigian Arm a The pay is attractive. A smart boy --Bon' bell. France. BriishMiltar Atach. en ern $7.50 a week, or even $10, fThey Cured Her Kidney Troubles and "It was called the reflocting spy- Serpents and wld beasta are hanm- The Duchesa cf Norfolk bas a cal- it he has a good machine and can kee '- .Oriasas, and by its simple construction les& compared te New York's deadly pets 1e Ueh lection of parasols et ail counitries, steadiiy et work fer as long as 12 Ote-ufnn CnLauFo rendered te exposure cf te saihors taxis andi street cars, says E. C. harns. epai fo said te be worth £500. 'heurs a day. Parents wito have ta Rer Experience How They Can Find and soldiers, who wouhd look cver the Erdis, explorer, whc bas returned dt.>dng u n rcig Sir Pelix Scituster says titat bis ex- chaos. between putting their boys te a Cure. parapet or other parts efthVie works frcmn South Africa. ae perience in business bas rai!sed bis learn a t-rade et $2 or $2,50 a week, t bev h eio hi ht pr ite h'sn e okwi- strong.Cotîs o opinion et human nature. and aîîewîng tierni to go into te ar- Paquetviile, Gloucester Ca., N.B.- ftecthy unneeessary; whlle another ers in the area uoundod by Canal goodgam otdragits, nd he em.naturehly inclinedti t decide on te straigbt Vo te point is te statement et allo'wing the gunner Vo 'lay' or atm Seventit avenues,, are ready te striko ebcm nnî. I is ber favoribe indoor recreatien. work witich not only brings in te et Miss Just-ine Blanchard, o hshsgni aey o a "living ae Geneal ir ougls Hig »~quickest return, but seems te be ia Place. Site bas tried Dodd's Kidney!"Thte instruments were sitown Vo New Jersèy wouid add $200,000,000 DealeaEeýveeb e ierbalSirngs aiit l ns e tie national interèsta as well. :Pilla and found titem good and sitle Lord Painure, who was se convlnc cd Vo the value of its taxable property ofptekaFrenistan hean e, Social workers wito have te beys' wants everybody te know it. Misa 'o! tte Importance cf te invention;b eig1rdomsqteR.W Tefav re ad Git cf lierownly wehf are et iteart are inclinedti o lament Blanchard saya: that hie lznmediatehy comxnlssioned Giles told te State Mosquito Exter- Prinefavorie dna a sofdmhe C etw that se many shouid be entering whet «"I suffered for a long time wiih My i te Rev. William Taylor to have a mination Association. IACEINLLCTI Pinckenof banans ape4ruî,madof ay net perbaps prove a permanent kidneys. 1 useti Dodd's Kidney Pills! number loftitese telescopes cenatruct- The Husands' Welfare Associa- wuhcn, e s gauce.-fri n occupation. Titey say thet their futture and t.hey cured me completely/' la kP tien, an organization fen benedicts lano uliel tsauce.a robe iOn. simple statement like tita 'ioowvshv ievstn ai King George bas now two valeta in tter ite er, nto etite a p ntry i wortit a dozen learneti dissertations oqil_ f-whswvehaeteiiinhbt peece tume be bas Vree. The Kaiser might wcll remember then that te -Kidney disease. It tells the suferer BeWAusTe nECEStos aRY i OO r ie g tas te otry.din Oie m-n itas severi valets, thte King cf Spain igreat army of boy munition orkers ta id, rubeja wah o aus ther afoors tbe ee orer mrP as.enfre aiot fixe. pieyed ne sali part in te difficult hownsVkn -ittace nalngb emotly a rnuscular tulbe. President Wilson roceived'a trbute Fou Enlia mesevens i tie lme be tound in Dodd's Kidney Pilla. This muscle was not lntended for of appreciation from the central coin- German Royai Houseboid were înt'ern- The~ daily lite et theiit boys shows FrDd' inyPu r edgsinproebtV ar f mittee for te relie! et Jews as a ne- ed in Germany a week after the eut-, wiat sacrifices titey are makicng. cure-ahi. Titey are purely and sirnply' waste. We have I nherlted tis mua- suit et is proclamation caliing onA break cf iver. Titousands live an heur's jeurney f rom a kidney remedy. The reason why tey cular tube. Waste-cenning food 'a Amrcn wcnrbtet h Lieut. von Tirpitz, son of thte (;er.V'te tactory, and sanie have VW leave cure Rheumatism, Lumbago, Diebetes, as Pssentiel te ItV proper functlon as Aircn ecntiur oVt ew- INotice o S i man admirai, wbo is a prîsoner of war borne as early as 6.30 in t-be morning, Bright's Disease, Heart FlutVerings lgbt la te thte eye. Recause modem , ish cause. In England, i lte best lawln-tnîîî and cannet get back tub 9,30 li the Drepsy, Pain in the Back, and otler ,foed s les hav e ae tIe hurmn Sbus eleeSapu playr.r in te German Navy. 1 evening. AIl work 12 heurs a day, diseases la Vhab ail these are eliter: lack of exet-clse. Constipation end la unheeltby. Since we have ivedi f. ~ o tll5 s. ¶rnann-Hollweg, te German Çhanei- take te night ahift, toc;, also for 12 ordered kidneys. Dodd'a Kidney Pilla onwhe p-actised, ton years as an, above a whisper." Henpecke: Do, Act, wflm maeU eh2w 1cr i tat e asneyr adt-cpa a. ourg, and often a boy mey be Been Cure them by curing the kitineys. 'itet ga peefn1ig*;tag devised Rtn-! you suppose 1 ceuld flnd a hou. 30 1 pIotos8r~ viitl adeiia ane u ~s ou.asleep tram sheer exhaustian on his je man Meal, a food whlch bas pientyte 7l wai oadnitsic ewsfu. y home in tramear or train. FUTURE TRADE WITH RUSSIA. lof waste Vo exercla ite bwmu. there? tomuisa mus-uoa aoom teen. Êeyefr i ael h Mn8r ls andialec hlghly neunlshing. t It' lmuthelm Autcgrîtpied photograpts tif th'. E yefr smti yVt iity Enrmous Business, and it Muet Be prevents indigestlon and constipa- We have been- using MINARD'S **5V517 O]eParia tzran z.i of e od ta r- Munitions te safeguard te ieaitm £oa u- ah.Z vetr aucnd zaiin Pere ogr ad r $2.01) m dificult one Eigitt-hur shitttien. Most groceras oil IL.LINIMENT la our homnoethor a nu*- s. ucs Saps4o~m tfte youngasters, but te probln a Cpue nmGray Made by the Roman Meal foni ber ef yeama and use notrLi- Ogyi Str arb.1m.l"spe portcto n ergrdfr 250 aiefclit e ies t endramhites etta fVtepi pany, Toronto>, Canada. iai fî,tbu T M AÂR'15 T%#93ca enth. The pria-cls %vent 10 n wtThbei imorta ertagRuasiath r ite- -- eono-Vhgl o pria xoa oomr. An. 'be : a w . Carman: Or- W-DwsnErampton,. pOffie. for 6*10 hicuoodOntario owtlo Thé e t tuiefui and'tnterstin« Of &Hl buoisln.s. Vuil Informattli-a c oppllcmgfon to Wilmon Puh>illng 'Com- Wspinners and wenverg We wii >ay InexPerienceci help whi le learnlng weavlng, Good ivages pald ln ai theas Iopartrrents, uand steadty work Jor nrthe, ta corne. For furtber partIcu- ars, apply to the Ol-nget4v Manufuctur- ng Co.. Ltd.. Iirantfnrd, Ont. >EDFC;RFED IN P *FO>UN DI, A N 1) ~upples for sale. Aixo few l'er. tanA. 'liie.ie, APo1- ord, Quebea. foxes. trade for used car. fleid Bron.. Bothwell. Ont. A G 1 VJ1 1,l'A Y A.Sî1P l,().A T. rilir ; rd au gar haga.Nrlte orr ýra El.ars, Ifl. llam Ont. IANCFII. TUM011,S. LUXMPs. pCL .'internal and fiternal. rured wfti. t- ra In by our home treatment. Wrtm tas bel ors loo ]&e.le r. leliman I&oieUa Co._I.Imlted tolliig.-od. UcL. 13TOUM The btàt»itti àtworkp every day and n1ght durlng the yeaer. $5end for eataiog W- ]I J . ~CL.AI Co., rdd., 27 Toron.to Arcade. - Toronto l'io eScfor e-pch oto ing Spa ur cTorogot sepoucadcma m e r 91 offprmd7 i 1 ILnud yo > W& thi boasaine ii~W o. tno*blso Bousmoe. hoa1ir. $20 p- ...~. de 5.65 W arI iil yu re if ,tuon-wi thro and .eic liimnt for Makd Nul. CSpavinqgtcaJy ric. 81 ip Mt vou cmcleat ti OH U.ropdy,.1bf abrlcnd yAbsork ne. Jr.. c me aU Do« not l terw tAoye-m edCs oiroIeP Vei e, flus, Dd gu06Aby adsi mpl. Prim i l2en' l begSacutl r dfed. 191e la taIoggS.JL 1 » OUE, . .,61 ya fig. oýturb , ne Au u>,at . oit cti ClotrtNiean Rub, lW. B~ JVANIILIIEPalis fl'o Vei teltxdlug oai> sud tarIS. mly 811 ,ud v>. An*Ifur tttfr*s adlaiblet IL - D. FATEs. 1 eau. Aa.t 44 vent* SL. i Tosent. S or ally tuck@%agn. 1 whî bahet btyobaete aWh e.dtr Vte-buet, he egh yas 'i8 ua e flpet-OtheUi YIIlcI1ru,' are #tekndgra of gra\ itation there are petrified, HBrItAiN WV-TS FISHERMEN. TiiZYsViepicpe dpe yedi n7rteb srledtn11.my saMsfaçio the - ~Germans' who ddnet repon Application abould bu magoe t once, - - -- - -- - -Ù asti jt Iýerdd t.OMan the Trawers and De- merely cirularsanad lettera, but . te tie Seeretary edthéis Ontario Sifta--Mds ew o (joo1 ~ site men are orts ai oat keta i a ail parts ofthOe reuntry, note , Pa liam e rt Buildings. Toronto. ~ : ~ Acquired thse Habit V. lien a Bloy. thiîr weighin gold at Grlumsby ELr-ne- - th ndrdo ailepssibcondt on f uai- o 4ert If panants neul.ized t et-t tthut tee i and, so scarme have hey lteceme since as addoal osil e oqurI e.»À~wmt and coffee cantain a drua-camffeine-- the war'a otttbreak- Notitatndn em tlt o It iuath#e bon . lait"h m.aî! A stngma1 have f 1I~it It-etet y? whlcitfis oapeclalîy hsrm!ui V Chil. the DiiIIg <of se many ~<~~imtitrtnw uigtr a' .Wt U'UUfilWy 8@U ut1Uaas saune. theu thtirUre te capture tlhi. mrket; net s»eaesnk îdren, they u'oud doubtleux hesitate; North Ses ansd other w*tersa 'd?aSt rOe bandylte b o1 fia 11> Ibt i.obt .. b" 1@% 114*t before giving ticn tee or coffee b o tothe re itias lait',thre id3tryJam i n1sicasa. bas iris baud !ba itY0uîù Wo cU iim otsrsufi-ereti no deeline. There are Iust a.es. -28 dit. w.ma"-aI a~. a i iut began t e nib ile at ls greater t tan ever. The i lficultY T * M otitrq a o l ov l# r W :big t tise table, Mother usedt!i n catchil1g tiiejui l.duc ote tact _X4y aonuoglibou," nd tbidusoo, "1e ____ F.bt theBible vas writen befoe i-mr ai>', "041tWOU ,IaIwld i ýtaiffl u give Me alps et coffee. Anti se1 titat 50 maty i>'faiermen and thrnneighrser îîred seo erplied -va' mdénmI>' *atwud u IÎotract.d te celfe habit earîy. bas have beau press.d Inwthe reu "I cotnued te use coffee until 1 Royal Naval R usere Setion-to m am ' lue" . ~ -A A0t~.~ - <was 27, end when I geV laVe office the mine uweepersand otir e uaels tIIM"If okIbgatebIre bel-vous »elela. on wa.r servie. f j0,ubd.:.sneafysII epcaiattrrbnisirtoit 1wu u90 1f e os'a'atmawn4bmn fet 51 )Pu o a esar.y oattend to M), Grimsaby, W" cin pouce tue"am- Po N b et brod t mare tiras O N U »u 1,b» -be & S ck s t'Mtne bybotco000inthe.drug, caffeice.) emau b las qnd4I$'oli # INEPP b*s Atnght, ater havtng Itati cote1pinlug largul>' tie clam oif181Who,4 OrOnP PU 1 culd brdi>' sleep, and work5 oaiy vire nsJC0SitduD1*50e w~ b 9 tb*iitornlng wouht teed Travier murS esq«i-e ntgbigwage.-r 5j y, uk andbei-voua, te o 90a eherumu w le rig In f e lu '"A tnlund peruti me telr4icas eu OMiAOglu~ o.4t < t dmeffl lainthre nundi>çm of rWluna un cainov Rat goti Slap, ain avilbl fot *b1« ï.b4 1 d. ""=moumua sud beaa ot ct <t rIug * 8Nbew é tremi d PbqmiNi3gfernt oe im.imoa a, e osmtu-m u-la two àffl& W -."Ii»! 0 P-h. o 0.11. qrul-trg Iglsifoi--. f Diibave mibe .w$4 >,tb ahb&.rn-e 2o U-W ý*MWU w« Aad IneIea1d a acapofh w - et crSaaiugilesiu jei#iD ua iwd ftaau- â0osillous buvoage M 1 émwua i.t@tr. ,end O s, Botir !OE'nýai-e equali'dion" W. baveu»t rt oilée Vo be1- a n dt c o n c e I a b o t t i i mk e = pU a ,, * p u , t p I L S 1 5 ula T M . 4 - o -Thre# a -eaon" for belwP*ïi U0.mth C -'t -k -.5 J * TT, ID A c

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