t teth of ro not fà r wrong een Seal hae'n the EDMONDS WALK downright de vil's tempers, "nePatMte Ruymmon thing fr 0Lade,"» Te ternotr uyand afterward e- Lok, tcNo, sir, It ::==Mm urder.me.tl ast 9 Myft n intrigues ofV Trpt Pay g1g» CHAPTER XXVII. (Cont'd). glow of exaltation rogh me in- on tae o pi ls, ndwhe nrch g tTraeheIpra "If you can't see it, thank God 1 stead of the shuadde g horrorI what it ls nowadays round about Los Caclo IS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ «1 bln e1rm9lc ed h l-r w a.I you were destined to live ln would havé felt had th incident oe- Anee.TerCsweeherie .obscurity the rest of your days, it curred a few days earlier.his familyv. Steve an' I'd just about A Scandinavia corsndn of aC AA teas, famed for ti e fiÃŽne flaVoUry would bot matter much. But you are "My chief regret la," I satagely told rahdryn-size when we both fell the L-ondon Timeswie:"Ircnl qualities. Imxitated yet never equalled. "Eody,°ooung as you are,"you nmem~ L'o i u paricularly more inle ihda'cettycexica il"se l ad om n ol uniers thebbench.metineffr ypac o 8ra m ewoedeverything, you "Goshlt deevenItho ther name. ho has 1 vednGem yasnca OTN f ~ ~~~~~~~"So dear Boy, try to realize hs.wuntfeel so sore against Lao.thwolhacmesoIpanliwth elifrednutraerle, wNPG you can never raise the daughter of Don't forget that after all he's a out, aiming to keep on going the and consequentlyhsaqurdsm p ~Steve Willets up to your level, but she Chinaman." rest o' my days. By an' by I drifted inside knowledgeAcodntohm can hold you down to hers. A wife "I shan't," returned I, glumly. "May to China, but for the past six years the most striklingfcstecag with a stain upon her name is a the good Lord deliver me from any o oIv tc rtycoet aoeo oewihhstkn lc nGr worse afnliction for a successful man similar affliction in the future." Baru and e the Strit lsBe ttlJem tmnhi than a cancer." "Weil," Struber went on, "4they'd ,e ademyie and fId a t "he 'GtStraietEngland'ments.i-y 1 was in despair. lPleadings, a-got you or Harry If you hadn't a-got IvmelfIm onepile rdich, innuen talTment satigoftepatEhepe threats, tenderness, 'sternness, alike them ßrst. Yuh know the kind myeo'Finthe oeterinslar."ral.ng ed ecartinhi te eih left her unmnoved. The lances of my o' cannon a Chink generally packs-- (e 't o berConinsued.) saag abot tearaogafard o most eloquent pointed arguments big enough to hunt elephants with. ( . b ._ red. sallyacout. ayunvriytehOeDE' ECVR Clothes Are Grateful For Care. add to mixture; beat well, stir in pre.. shattered against the armour of her They all had at least one apiecé an' who signed ithevrou a.dcaa Many women are careless in put- serves,ý and beat until Weil mixed, resolve; It remained fixed, solid, stub- enough wire-edged butcher-knives GERMANS FEAR SPRING DRIVE. tions about GemniocceadUR. )ng alway hats, yet there in rarely a Put in six Weil buttered Individual born, a huge impregnable reality, among 'em to ifil a morgue. The guyBrtspedyathbgingof... thape which cannot be altered into a molds and steam one hour. If one lihe a mountain of granite. And all on the floor 0' the auto that Farlin Assure the Belians That Allies Can- Bth war nfee oitvldshmd niew style, or if the hat lis not use large nmr1 i -used, steam one and the. while her splendid eyes were glori- slugged-that Chink was there to fixi not Regain Their Country. they exuse herf ooihesi u-Lre icso hI eo again the trimming may be. Care-. one-hatlf hours. died with a light of love. Sbe made you-must a-comne to an' grabbed the I re odpesteBlin e igternmst hmb aigHsFrha n fully clean and free ht& from dust, Soup With Vegetables.-This soup no attempt to conceal it, nor Id she ring. Mebbe it lipped off your iIin odrth eireon n the e Gi er. tha hy inotko theexet hee using for felt, velvet or beaver a islacalled "minestone" ln Italy, and in manifest an Inclination to resort to inger.e' main ns ar e rdin triastoGeth wording. d soft camel's-hair brush, which will very nourishing. The Italians make thoss instinctive coquetries and har- I got up and went over to where pa robable dingoteswasandthe SeiwheLgh.Duin hepesngwr not scratch the üibers of the materil a fneal of it alone. Chop one slice ass, but so feebly repulse, the Mating my light overeoat hung. .possbl uit of-the wA an' tteps.,me aerprtdmn'e Roll --ehbon or silk carefully after raw ham, three or four strips, of ba- male. But the light was toned and "The box too, I1 informed himn, feel- tmossegai Belgthum by forc efams "The 'Liberas'asþeninp-cssofterovyofwu cleaning and sew or pin flowers to con and a few stalks of celery. Cut softened by an expression of sadness ing the pockets. 'It's gone. saysreaiRotterdaum lett e aeooamifht h eraaerrcsemhreaetae tapes and string them across the lid small cabbage in fûnger-length strips and renunciation that wrenched my "Do yuh get what that means?" hhe e eysaRotrmteof any ffiers s so fahediplmtcpeuetth emdieial-u ti of a box. A hat supporter should be and one carrot, one onion and one heart until I could have cried aloud asked. "Every one ô' the signe, we Ta he war il a tfo anothiers tw onrtaeywl o sadcoe x ayoteLno tr f th ln every bandbox, and this ls easily turnip- into dice. Add one-half cup with the pain of it. It was a positive, know about la gone-411 the boxes, the h y ewdrngwich ltime, atheart amination and te vnrcgz enaya soihn s made from a stick with a knob at the large red beans. If dried beans are harrowing torture to have this peer- ring, Mise Fox's tattoo-mark--an'te Alldis wi be e hted whil't Germany's resposblt oadBl fPrvt .A asn ft end, whic) should be padded so the used, soak over night before mixing less love revealed, and at the moment Lao along with 'em. He's got whatteG leany, now tha a edwadis giu... YokhrRemntwois hat can be pinned to it and thus kept with the other vegetables. pour in'of revelation stand helplessly by and he wants, an' until we nail him we'Ill oemnd tow th at, is ewrectla- "h ntiuso teVnTrptuh Kn ere iiay from being jam m ed o t o h p . o e c pstew ed tom atoes w ith one-half ee it torn aw ay f rom m e. hear no m ore from him . su ed o alt he E ds es p ite E ng pa T h e b eia d sil re a d n- S am o d St e t, S E Wads of soft paper should be used cup uncooked ribbon macaroni. Add In the end we arrived at a sort of It might as Weil be set down heredsocadse nedt siter hnd ger cloud threatnnh hnelr rvt asnhse freely to keep the hat steady, ln case two quarts water and a soup bone. compromise a poor sorblin compar- that Lao Wing Fu never was "'nailed," many of the Germans are far from' Admiral Von Trpthabenncedmhitrstmog ebr the box is moved. Cook slowly one hour or more, season' on with er unalterable acisian. and only once again did any of -uscofrae ovrte hetnd to retire, but lhsstfhasoarp-mdclpofpOnhthea The life of shoes can be much pro- with salt and pepper end pase grated! she agreed to wait and hear Strang's ever hear from him, and then only spmfringofensivero the Allieabout suaded him to rmi.Hsisie enb crso edn u longed, of they are properly put away. Parmesan cheese. 1sory. t tr' indirectly, as described in ap st~ wich appaently o the Alesmoreta press campaign gis h hne- edFl fSel Bot shes nd liper shuldbe Cranberry Raisin Pie,--One and y idhe time youd und y lett, srp o h oloigca p. het-he i pe ythe e oes.thor antol are nb Cut Eog hl a en treed. Trees are really not a lux- one-half cups cranberries, one-half she tol me, I a oped to e on ease with which he evaded the- police,!Int many laes m editlbhn Reventlow, butt aiu orinfo rvteDwo' ed ury but an economy and cost as low cup seeded raisins, one cup sugar, one the train, miles away from Los An- it is also worth recording, afforded a'te Ightng plinesthe ae atly as-n newspapers havi enfrihdi nn e.A iln ad as ten cents a pair. If, however, tablespon cornstarch. Wash and pick geles. But since youahave balkeditn significant commentary on the scope sh ihting some o thye nabitulans-toidious articles.Iç srprehw-lt odRbrs these are out of the question, stuff over cranberries, drop in saucepan o Jc ewa p nn ,1 of his power and influence. leave the country. Some women who ever, that theKasrhretevew "Iyosod'ion'se the shoes well with paper before containing hot water and cook until suppose a fewdiours or less wil make Each added development threw a have comne fromn Rulers for assistance of the diplomaitandsproe Yuculsilaqato' wrappipg enci one separately;'if kid alrnost soft, but not mashed. Take up'no rt r eenea fresh side-light upon this extraordin- declare they were advised to leave by of the -Zeppeli ad nEgad u ihi l hs"om ing f orinar vaelin befresut-lameeate. Assoonastell lumpd o mo r, oryearhe any art nigaantgenus or tickey. t wa mak upthei mins toleae bybein ofno mlitay iportnce andthe righestand heerest ting them away, they will be soft out, drain and add to caniberries. Stir cular dference eithr? . stormed, simply by a process.of deduction from threatening that if the German armny only calculatestomkfredye-tewd and pliable when they comne forth in sugar through and fill pie tin that beside myself. "You argue without what was certainly known, by filling was forced to retreat they would de- lations with Brianmr ifcl f rvt asn h ste the fall and wvill not crack with the has been lined with paste. Roll an- rtyr or reason. You are simply in the facts at hand with what was stroy every house in the place. ter the war. esaetoihpAcl Slrst walk. other piece of paste, cut into narrow subrn---ontumac ous- pig- eaded obviously required to make a perfectj While this form of "frightfulness" mincieosPa.hmwntoFncwih Presevatio of urs. ripsand ly taross ruit attie anda an ear oman en w Bwhoeofthatcwusioer. ableoarieat is ong teonch We Flnd es, d "This eventual ssilhpdfrmntls er n fe e more expensive, so it behooves those crust is nicely browned. When serv- that was rnaddening. It was so ten- ma o re t, fili en principal)n taetingra herelves theïrhestFlecling -to the belifta ecwa. on ee r .g e Who have them to give themn special ing sift confectioners' sugar over. der and intimate and affectionate; jack Of det'ail- ish section, and granting many facili-evrisotadperncanb lnewhhwsbigsel attention. The Russian method of , yet, as far as results went, my woo- Freape,. .thve e is oti atyt nras t odso arrangedast crtefue cleaning furs is excellent. Put, aome ing was as certainly rejected as if I tor exame, itmutave beeapltn tetontspry t inrea itehldtrouble betwee ra rti n eor ecudgtt i4 rye flour into a saucepan and heat as! Usef ul Hints. were the most objectionable creature htrug hed yLa inum etat fa t othe countvry. t atwderp, al-Russia. aselkokdhmot hot as the hand can bear it, stirring Insects dilike both sait and alum. alive. . Willets's escape from ßSan Quentin Germans is almost mild compared "Te German pontcsriei ae optl n hr rm constantly; spread the flour over the Meat should not be salted before &Come, Mrs. Ferris," she said with and his stibequent avoidance of the with that of the governiment of Brus- still the foviteojc s oei h eteo hs fu gand th a el aino u bushohr-arcooAl sbolnenro ar fer ga b whèptat light ess"ets be police were so successfully and easily sels, the extraordinary keenness of the a e oo thatteCe aGer drcl bv hsnstee gent; 'v until the flour is remnoved. This using it. fess to having a very slight curiosity acomplsed though fateecharge could Tetntulo dvide te popleitheshoentary, Dr. Solf,readhislastemvdaagepceosel niethod is for dark furs;. For white Never apply hot water to frostbit- this morning in Mr. Strang and what nutot ertainly fasteCned poneits o ntallyobtafiend ing otsestern-only possileFoegScrtyafrofwdanprtfhsc furs suich as white fox or ormine, dip tnie flesh. he may reveal, or any of the rest of autheo. Fo rom isodrhinesprioner frlatonier a oreredlydisosed pop-the war and iscndetodfaigtwnyayDwonhvrd si perfectÃŽy clean whimIcbroom iînto During the winter it las roer to it. Its importance has shrunk to -th-e one who romised ito rs espo nd oanbeinogascetof co serblethe ambitionso on o en ie n et.'i aebc pure- alcohol and mop the fur well air blankets and bedding wel .nothing in my mind. It is solely for eth rd-egeetreaotent,-tvw a le rn-sanoanhc ouBlns in-te wmetenstorff, Germani masdra ah enadbakadntig with it, rewettipg it often until the Fo)od cooked in vessels that are not ýyour sake that I am consenting to, his cunning lagainst Lao's--tried to bring upon themn harsh punishment. ington. welig fnee iBfoaked.deH-averready as tbunda aorughly washed cannot have a good set r asasml eoghcncs "double-cross" himn, to quote Struber.1 The Germansa have rnade the Uni- PR SEFRW RO IC.nDembr3Dasn anc o pwde sarh ad it a laor 1Iles asa sal eoug cncs-Steve's checkered career in China had'versity of Ghent a Flemish institution movd o RhsptaSa Bul fi<-ur diredger fil] the wet hairs full of Save time wvhen knife cleaning by Sion; but I was grasping at straws' given him a facility in the use of the and in many other parts of the coun- h 'B id r di hr ewsptudrte starch, working it down into the skin previously warming the knife board and a spark of hope sprang in my bos- lnug n naqanac ihtyhv pndshosweeFe-Kite ener a ra ' medaeyonhsaria. with the fingers. Then dry, powder before the ldre. om that something might happen to habits eand austoms ta nbedihm ish ad Gemn e soken. ext toPharmc ora., etcekwsfu agin thickly and shut up in a box Trisad ethraipoebisfe e uyedn attd.tmsleand crcumvaen thedwhite thei knd essmo a pnn t exounr, Tennhaue rts a ic fsel hc ut fort-to i)days. Beat out the powder adding one or two tablespoonfuls bf We went out to breakfast together. 'po le ifnt thercmenhewutardtheir ees othi no thc ntheyee, wihhspplry enhl ee houhtehl nte In the open air with a whisk, shake sugar when cooking. She was uniformly gentle and kind aplcte, assum ted aac disg use. now re denteinedbothan cthe stflngrespons wiblhf h eamuiinsot n pse ntesd f and tosa until free of starch. If moth The clothes wringer will last twice and sweet-tempered, as ishe were re- E t hadats ine fal rnh 1nunei Blim ge, the lackofhgexosvsadA terRm a. larvau are discovered in furs, a solu- as long if the pressure at the top is solved that nothing 1 might say orl ven withte avatge poimahindgusOhe allipolenfailure On ew Year's Day Pri tion of acetate of potash and mpirit of loosened after using do wo.uld be allowed to offend or dia.. Out, however, he could not have fared mciegn roscmary, 15 grains to one pint, will When boiling vegetables never jet turb her. But we had little enough far, of course, without mate iaas- BIRDS LIKE WAR SOUNDS. an&I of th t a a oei ieoea uo g destroy them. Neck furs should be them stop boiling until they are done, tosaY to eh 0or.- hesiuain isane asupprad a--for a round of riefol cetfeadtregatronew careullf wrpped neerpackediht-oreteypillbeesggyandheav.-oas ecometo mostroslyserous iveneu by ne hfete nueros Hve AcusomeeTheseles o th sorce ed y te wy ithadentred ly, or he fur ifatten. Muffs To polish oilcloth add a tablespoon- for speach, or even for lucid thought, secret societies, or tongs, that infest Noise of Explosives•TeWrOfc a entesb-teesol.o easa f s4hould be hung on a rod, stuffed withi ful of parafdin to the water used -for wal our ztne of tie e he Hop Bird life along the battle faront ap- ject of well-mite bou nteeo h rvt' hek caprful eaed in fota d e p olshed wtaith esax tanwniSrbr eewatnit l'satort. Thywreprktecntnaahudrngo hegn.fedd ocptosoftevauif e f1nichtikwt1 seal t up ith oft sap hevily ate ayed .fo ing some naturalists attibue dtheir mhi "uandi i u uy swl eormral etr bu te MAZ ?9 d Froms medica' arkable ,ded Men mination oubtful, ere has the case he Tenth now in Hospital, used so s- of the as been -geons. removed 1to kill of the ad lead." ", is able sa one of souls in son of a nd, Dur- his regi- ving five s wound- tind the led, and dug out" ito the a à great forehead were re- 1, a piece ap. For Sbetween me swol- the sur- duce the was re- gne, and X-rays In thé ýd a large ave en. forehead the nose, ate- Daw- an, and sa remov- 1so that any sort. a qular. nedest d httî hudb nlid, over a year ago by Germanrin, but he seemed atisied wit aamongethe iop'sings herbbr ound thir n*9t 11intbhlols f'deadshortsm¢ters .n ah nfcetsogt#lk e h don inth opn irawy fom nycruses ld o smeinteresting state-husky reminder to me: "I told yu of =,misae, and Stee'sgrem ed dhim okslwtha povsin f Mtdrà dibewhhar'eth'b a-rts:aSh-goureosp building. Roll them un poles, sat.ment$ as t h es fhag o-tokepyor yeonyortneeet,-blndy nt te ra, tord away euwy1 hu*"tb.elag gd en n$9a r thrughthem a preserva tivo and se*sd by p o&*ta. aInd there can ale.Did' i ntedaWelI hsc eait hadbà e m.s- M4yb M de o a al in newspapers. be little doubt that the sensesuo birds Isol or! e' f @Rp&MtMe aign tetè4ts @ai sianmaalrei imenntace l-Stan'sbrgt ete ye tof ßev bris '4 ineum fp it adsranean a apor mostuncnny.Loi laantl, 'ut is erioityWâdas e e Sièg My. fMderes hs to be afraid of- etheesrolne, b Mhie e dper. In Oneof the latest -EeppelDinid ntrue adh wscaeeattyutthtwrtes srvtdaM dii Current Croaquettes-Pour o ie cup' nights, a man who possesse m e-hsg 'hà re h lne fi a eosa enbios asadarere9eaog# hot milk over two cuapt stale cake ned, of retriems aidWtht about the direction.H& n h esty eeØeta iW#0MdH ie rna&te o crumbs, stir and cook over boiling time *thops. wureOver his locality *Wwhipedg togetherb%|iOb*k- was the rnsseing;at *a »mthe thf water for five minutes, then add n-hi as eepnitKnus.8br.estnï brefadIl iende ta fthe ivoey fronhm a amiosetiWaén half cup currants, one-half cup chop- ly.,after eight o'lok, hò tates.,the; theee-urous exprssion wit -bwi«foirs,. ped nut meats and one-eighthtea- dogs commened to ro at tenßeeees "reganwer e.of bher box.à t nest ntsots her spooq sai. Removefrota ýre add to': r-.1' trûb" r bty »wrang re iad bd eedeestwa inimeditely beaten yolks of two eggs, i could hear n*othinuesfl," >ßred a question at sne. moui w a" 0a al dlaror wIth one teaspoonvaillaand be statte,""BaWb=en uWereIna-the. a4to mate& the ga spread on 4ttered plte ocol SaeQi hedgsïià t- gh d"tebà erp dh n into trqets rl nanu craigbÃ4, ing oodbc. sen l Isto Cbhania iht and dìrnts he dip in imten egg, roll again In crumbs quiet thera in any dere B n Whys" eled øot sprgns r and -fry In deep hot fat. SerVeofit by theydid ec" e ibu't wask ulo asIt bSgm. 0h asi or foamy-sauce. only for a few dnà htWte 4É-tw^ ïr «00Ãee t" etis. Balih ronPuddlag-Two eggs -OWs esfeAb ag-ndey'tohe buet tml htie, os. Ps i on-al ufu uar n-tidcwup umed ap sis4 $ersie. o ua"ta ful butter, on-hlf upul haadlwrouegti*0hs. eeader .'Ah fila, netaleponfl wawrraidhe Ub#kIUMM.N'rthn fobr, tablespoonfuls tar pesrg h èn'4ar saOe 4 I (derry r plumwill do)#, a 0 ssr2•AksAbd ttesg tbeoonul oda, ad a ew le me t salt. __st y ibtitniséals 4o9mhed -@r,# seda : s , 1*10-ne- *, me nd-thrifty The Gr Author of "Thé Silver BI "The Tim r. laMt Co*the matter in, -otrfo;•wldes and viltry. We both had de- - too, anW It wua aom- BGM OTO OSE1 rus to vrhale each other GERMAN'BEIN G sp make up. THE LIGT, was not Steve trying to t maemelightou.I - * QAT; G