MI1itairy ",Wrist Watd4es At oui n ew store we are showing an unexcelled assortment at VERY SPECIAL PRICES Corne in and make us a social Cali, anyway. Ai Our New Store R. N.9 Bassett Jeweler and Optician In th lit lîîck 'tlttlite llaiotiy lt ock Sr W Il l H, - tNTARMI W. C. T.L' TmT1~nÂY MÂRC'~ P 11115 PAGE 1'i~VN flOûli, Maielv th, tai» A)o'Olock. Ail', thé ladies-oethte town are Invite d te ho preÉent. Please note the change tln place of meetinig. The Young Ladies' Bible Class of the! Tabernacle q. S., assistsd by Miss Mc. Cormtck. are having a sale of homre- mnade candy and a good programme ln l he school rooxu on Monday, March 1 3. ett 8 P.m. Admission 15c., in aid of th4- War Relief Society. The. Women's Institute will meet In the Agricultural rooms on Fridny af- ternooi,. March l71. ,at 3 p.m. Taîks will he gît-en on "Prevention and C'ure of Colds,- "Simple Remedi-es Iii' Emer- gencv Cases,,hy V.O.N. nurses. Ail women WvlcOme. Mrs. G. A. Ross. PIresident. Miss F. Batemuan.Se The Whit by Women'Vs Instittute w ill hold a social on Wednesday eNvening. Nlarch 15, in the Agrleiullural rooms. at 8 oclock. There will be gamee and refreshments. Everybç,dy Nveicoinî.. Admission 5 Proceeds to be detot- A to tti puirchiase of a piano for ilie A1cî tir,-. iliust rat ed %wtth lantî-rn uiews, ou social science m-ork ln otîr large cifltes, w III he gix on on Mon day eýventig. Nlarch i 3t1i. in the Preshyler- tan (httrch 1)y Miss Carson. of Toron- u o. As Gencirat Stîpvrvisor of the. Pres- qiina ocial Scienct, \ork t hroîîgh- touti Canada aîîd as a mni ier of t hr- stîîif of Toronto. Untxer-îty. Miss Car- SOl1 il- uIosîteak from a Nvide pt r sotal -xî~-tene. M-n and -womnin Miki 1< i i i i iPîr el urtonc of îo-ru- Iiar it-r,-s t 1-ar 1hi-r Ont MondaN AIî t \\itCNS NNOUNCEKr) a h - ta t ia fi ; 1 11 a i Ilw] 1 c -S 1tIlt diil iti t t t lo p tormlts\litant 1Litimats r 'IlP t r i i lton jî't]- \iliattili t-i at; id Il, i W tlltain illîtes ih-:ît ii "BE DEPENDABLE" was the inotto unveiled in -our ehool lait Sanday." Yes, it Inay seem quite commonplace, but it cuverio a vast area of human requirements. "C0an you depend on hioe" is almeat invariably the fret question. This motto now bauge in our school, not only as a work of art, but a constant retainder of this virtute-dependableness. TARFDPNACl -IP 9 q the rooni over Standard Bank. l'rou<r,îm. Friends 'nvited. W\V LKINGTON STEWART. Gond M t he home of ILs brides father. Nlr. W .G. Stewart, Brock street south, on Tuesday afternoon. a preity wed- din.g took place. when Mies Florence Stevart. was united un marriage to Mr. Camneron E. Walkitîgton, of King. Ont , The coeremony wvas pE-rformed at four o'clock by the Rev. R. W. Allen. Céctor uf Ail Saints' Church, ln the presw-tîce of a' number of immediate n-,lat-es and frtendý of the t-ride andi - rooni Tho otîng cottple h-fl on the 7 40 6 R rain for poinlts wesl, and -tiroside on 1their retîîrn at King, M FTHCDIST TABERNACLE. IxA. H. Foster, pastor. Sîînday. Marcb 12. lieN. J. F. McLatîghlin, D.., Pro-1 fessor of Victoria College, Toronto, tilt occupy the. puipilat both serviresq. Mcrît eritee \nttheru -The Lerdl legut(-th. Son irs-. fMrs. MoClary and daughter. Adie,t were the guesta et Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Augustus over Buxîday. Miss Eva Bell weht to Toronto last, week, where she haà an operation per. forined on ber ibroat ln Victoria Mem- ortalHospital. Mr. and Mrs. IF. E. Harrison were In Port Penry hast week attending the fuieral of frsr. C. C. Kellett, Mrs. Har- rison's siater-in-law. John Sherid an, o! the Machine Gun 5 1UEýA 1E1L..VI Lillo Ii .. - '-.- ..-- ---, - , r , has been here spending a few days at, his home befors golng oversens. 1tempting t crtînlnally assault M rt. J. Maloney. E. H. Mc.Lean, of Bow- Advertisernents. manvîlle, was Crown Prosecutorý witlt col. J. E. Farewell, Croýwn Attorney. WANTED. Mlardonald pleaded not guilty, and wsChi lîdren's sewing. Apply to Gazette 1 defended ably by bis counsel, Mr. Nic. office, or box 57:6. -36. Cahey. FOR SALE. The jury chosen on the case were: Chathamn Incubator, ln good condi- >-W. D. Dykes, Whitby, Walter Smit1h, it ion, for sale cheap. B. Baker, JByron Whitby; Russell Hood, Scugog: Ste.w- tetSuh art McFarlane, Reach: Jas. Taylor,!sresoih Oshawa: Wm. Mcl3ain, Scot t; Isaac MAID WANTED. Beir, Reach; Chas. Simmons, Osh- 'Young or middle aged womnan for, 11) Wlttbv Whitby home, aIl conveniences, ligbt, riwa: Russel Da-,dson, East Wiit- work. Apply to Mrs. T. J. Holliday, John Fair, Rrock; E. A. Sherrard,'box "17, Whiiby, Ont. Osliavta: Allan Pick, Uxbrtdge. ATD ORET The trial occupied Tuesday after- ATE O ET noon and Wednesday morning. andI A farîn of 50 to 100 acres for five the uryrecevedthe judge's charge years, with option of purchase. Clay, the ury ect-Vedor sandy loani, good buildings, wel ixpon resumption of their Sitting lnt fenced, situated near High School and: the afternoon. After belng out for a1 Church, land tI good atate o! cultiva-1 short time they brougbt ln a verdict tion, with an orchard. Apply 1. W.. of "flot guiliy" there being some' Hutchison, 23 Patterson Ave, Ottawa, Ontario. -36 'doubt in their minds as to thef real facts. and lhey therefore g-ave the, ben FOR SALE11 efit of the doubt to the prisoner. His An Axminster mug,, suitable for din-i 1 Lordsh1p thereforp accitlted MlacDPor,-; ing rooxu or siting room, size ilfeet ald. 19ln. Ùy 9 ft. 9 ln. Background brown,- ,with pattern in shades o! red. Used, A civil caw -eoccttpied Tilesday venci- only short time. Wilh oeil reasonably. I tîn Apply at Gazette Office. -O- TO RENT. .> p '-r it I>iti (ii '1 t .-nt 0 The agency uf the Overlarsd cars for 7.iun i-, Whitby and Oshaw'a towns and East \1.1 i, tui --;o<i it, rîîiUnto Us and NWes ,t Wltithy and Pickering Tomn- 0 hr have heen sectrred by Messrs. A. O - t\15 V1 OR E- .. ~ .Lttke and L,.'W..Pudley, of Whitby. -- tnt t' of coud ch-att s--d oî The. Overland car ta the. most up-to- lît î-;iî ittîttiir i i-t \ttîr dteyeti uur utt. ndcombines real - comnfort witb a popîtiar price. Messrs. Il oittkhllt t bclt- ii-t>tili1 1i tl r: tiid tri b Ilt i-d i il ti l ut .tirtts Tiîîîtlt-lliai. 1;tît ttt i t (ifiLI., Il, i Sock - Fîsî;trx.e Io df-;ît h ii lite îttst of13 I'reviùtî1; i iitir- iiill 1-0\iilt11li i 2lh Io it0- t hé , 0 S2i tx-1 - tî1,ity-mw;is iti- cxi-ri-îice of Mrs. 1iio a ie tsa a n il i ly s tolii t ,a 1 litikliiti. i>aîini pt] ro% Isiti -Atr- S otî. of W tb 10 idsii it;itî-i-îî(-if -oinîn-ni- Mi1iY. stîi. wtede-altit cucîrred on Mun ilt- ir iti t 0wliii- s sItliat (lhber -- Idaiiuf this w-tik. Mrs. Young had htt-tî-ss-s ia ~~ --~~ ~ .r VUNT »-- ii fo a earw tlt ancr o V1 Luke and Dudley bave a n%w Model 75 Titirt -Pctlari.it ltIcrF-:l i l'ii e itti iii utidonalt orts have heen sI omach - and lier sufferings were ,o xiiinl-teLk aaeo -Walt h A ti.iiîîtfact irter uf mutor recî-txcd h> Nliss t'orntack for the hox-xery- acuti. For the ten days preced- Dundas street wesi, and wilî be pleas- t.arm. aittiiidîr îf iiouseis. or aîty othierlet-s hir-li ant. lu h4iis-t for Easter 10 lng hi-r deabli she took no food what- I0 persot itigaget] iti an occuptation tai;j bg)ty siatlit. fronti:Nr.S. Trecs. chu- levetr. hiing urtabît. to reaifood on 'ed toDeon'î fat es now tiste 1iýcreas's naltonal xt~iîh s a reai Icîlîi-tîtîrs. a f ri-nd. chocolb.ie Ibars; lier stontach. Peceased had ýspent the. model bas every conceivable conven- produer; i-, adds ltte bax-payin.g \trs Y- lZiii. $1. Niss Hiaileit, 2kcý lasî weeks of hem Illness ai the home i0nce within easy reach. It corres- property and tax-pitvlng abilitiy of lits \Ir, oI--ltI nîson, aSoc.: Pr. iiea- of lier brother. Warner Lynde, and ais- ponds exactly with ths crIticai man's consiry. If lie reci-ives moîîey front tot. --i r anîd Nirs. John Thom- -tirs, loi 32, con. 4, Whitby Townsbip, conception of what an Ideal car shoulti 'bis feliuw%- cilizits Ittey iave aulne- Stol, ii-sThioniî. $4. NNlere she rect-iXed the tenderest came be. t tblig for btir Invi'stîiil - uhichIt s \t tiltboes i-S 11have tlu b ent 11and the besi medical attendance. worib mure lu them i han th4iti ttrie i îyliti-las Ae n ac. 1lt The late Mrs. Youtng was a daughter A tm r f btbpopeooad- He ,ontribtvs u liter-vnî- ouit(if i-îýi-t.illita- furtiier contributionts of the. late Chas. Lyride. She was bort' the wealth liei lias creati-d - lit- scii li ii otiita; possible to Miss 'onth farm on which as dieti. She vantage of the opportunity affordedti 1 1%~- itqtior-intk(-r or lilii-r 11-I-r is i 'ri ici- i), wa. a mwoman very higbly esteemed ln eantk prIthbiTme- In à totllydifereit ot-iioi IUit(d> he ownsip.Thefunralwil beance Parade ln Toronto on Wednesday notiing utothe e iaithfti ii tlii îîîiî i;, \i -Vit tan Ottrnof Nretwish iîild this (Tbursday i afiernoon t terne - j wowel hepo niy i éel-sf rtîttî aii iv lt underth approval Unitont (eretery, tht. service at th e cesion from ýhttby were Rev. G. A. « pie lartzî- antuiititîs of init- - iiwlit(Ii l i ll(M i-icli mstit.ey have Instal .1ed bolise h-ing held ai une o'clock. A. -odean lowess. . Jaes.BuiC they mllse ti>x tio whirii< ir l o iol . astetefor liteugiti lOrît forget tebix social Io i>e______ poorer atto er ii ratli litailtii tsîti tiur:lgta. neuritia, etc. Treat- hi-Id in the A. O. F. roorna oit(r Stand- P Ntt l M ntion. .was blifore. Thie litîthtir tr;ttitc lîais lutoiitit Nwîll liegiven by tht. Victorian lard Btank, on Frlday o! ibis week Msug. Godod the Governinint a tari titl i- one- tid-r niurses at the. home ai very muod- I 'sarcli 10. Ms Pgof! leoM- visitlng whicb It takes fromtin pi-uIt- wlto erali plrices. \ny furtîter inforiatior 0 hav nohin fr tti- tti, stiint It îîa h- otaied ron tt. ures.Bet jMr. Irvin NMcClellan, o! Winnipeg, lier sist.er, Mrs. W. A. Henderson. la those people wlîo pay tiie reilenu.- hone 157. Titis treatmeîst bas been so8f0 s a.MCeln !Wihy r n m.Hwr ihee the liquor bttsiness steveir gîtes to1 lise proved to heofo very greai valuel bas enlist-ed. and ia expectetihetieeIis Harxnuny, were In towri for Sunday. Govermîent a cent titat il lias îlot te came of tht. above mentioned ail- week. on bis may to Montreal. Irvln Mr. George Sawdon, of Aliteton, le bas been a teller ln the Standard Bank visitiiig his brother, Mr. Jas. Sawden. talionf rom soinehudv cite. nîents. and tht. people of tbe town . sbold ot esiate10 akeatiantgein Wti)nip)eg. andi, with seven others of Mm. Avery Brown. of Teronto, was a of IL. tht. staff, joined the colore. Ht. expecte visiter with Mr. andi Mm Wesley G. III o--- 10leave for Englanti abortly, there toi Atgutieue lam e S HONOR R1OLL PUNDAS ST. SCHOOL titke hie course of training. Dr. and Mme. R. Bascum leave to-day LOCAL HAPENINGS -.&- i (Thursday) fom a month's trip te Cubi.. IlFî-bmuary, 1916. Mm. anti Mme. J. B. Laidlaw enter- Mm. Thos. Hardy ta lni Oehawa Roes- Jr. Primer-Irene AllUn and Mamie tained te Whitby otilcers o! the 116th pilai, whore elie underwent an <pezr Rowe. ,Sophie Neakel. Louses Ridgley.* andi 182nd Battaloits anti a few ef atlon. "1-u'is heavy ubber boots mcd ured 10 Inter-. Primer-May Win%, Clara ihelr frientis at "The Grange" on Wed- Miss Ethel Robertson tai Toronto $2.n-ai lel's abu store. Hopper, Raymrond Sîenan.- needay evening lait week. ha-ring au eperation pertormeti on her i S.Pier-rd WtsIlytra *veur 120(i îew aprin'g suitinga. Se Chi!d. (Brice Corner, Emnie Clark) BOY WÂNTED. Mm e~,MLean. utf l'ornt.o. vflaed thesa Harry T. Thompson, Wbiiby. BO wnedto ea he Printingwit.h heu sater, Mm-s.Frauit Ha.rison, À gtinraiite wltb cvery SUIL O-er J2é0 paterns lu choose f rom. Select your go-ids early. Harry T. Tiîomp,- isocR, Wbiiby. iii.. Emma Golaming has accepteti a »esition witb the Standard Bank. andis enow onthie staff O! the local bruch. I1'e Bandi Of the liGiL Battalun gave a concert nt Bumn' Arena On Tharsday night lait. A vory large crovi vas on hanti t eolY the muulo emd ithe askating. mu jean Johnston bas boua t bý ld sip wltb la gripe, but ohé la nov much btter Mud hope. te retunu te 1er ucheel l-a Bobcaygem nt au PsAr- ly liate. Hes.r the iluatrated lecture ithe. Proshyterlan Cbureb on Mondu wYUf In&, Maroh lSth, by Miss Carsas. ot Toronto, an expert in &MWlIidMts' woTIk First Book-Ronald Thoma. Gerald Wigaton, Clifford Webster. Jr. Il.-Hilda Barsky, Emily SIeigb- tholmn. M. Sturgesa. Sr. 11-ei g owland, Norman ('ormarct. Lena B..rsky. Jr. I!l.-Winnfed Bradbury, Qertie Tuecer, Rosslyn Shepherd. Jr. iv.-Roy Nil.. Selen Jackso. Eunioe Beatte. Rernember the A. 0. P.. box apola on Friday, Maweh lOth, t 7.45pDiu..,ta- flIflahiIb tu- .Goot pSition. ate"mY WOrk. MuaI have taieducautu. ÂPPly t Gazette omnes. Robt. [rvbi, et the HeSPital Staff- bas enllsted wtb the Enginem ila To: rente, and lett this week te olotbis compmiuy. Corpi. George L. Brown spet a tew days wlth bis oUmran d bpthss= hore botore goins o0"8el&.oeuug wus madetum ruwmiot eOfs.asgue ring. alteepiitCe&. fouitISSPam d k »awbet et omm twa rUlsb$ latent busboe tovi JUSTIO ,EUy PamWD AT Since th. var began thec.e'nms pnice of high elia .FgDocurea uuoojm>. bus been .teadily advauoing 15tie *tS! 0au vu8VK ~osam» ll'mal& 1 O et, Deepit-. this fu<t. vo an 40"1 plss.d teo ller the followung als of bargina: @ouhrt lip, Sfu'I NeW fle- "t*M uic - this week- mrik W Joh t fLlndway tg Mis Wr me. MMhutonT. Roznaby. en route te Calitorula- Mus (Dr.> JohnL Waugh suffered a tusetureot beram lut atuirdar bi a i onau t«lostop. Tiie Draut lob. h lt ôl*4d. f ï'1 ooel suOlvr S .iTe &uom guiy Apleasant atterneon vau spentBt the homo of Mm Rolden Centre S3t., on Baturd-Ay, Mareb 4th, Ite belng the cociilon ot the Srd blrtdar o! ber litolong frienti, Mrm. Azt o W »v' the recipient et maziy prettY giftta Mme. Luigton la ell lat splendfid bMltI. Women'aSstormmand i p&Lenrubbteus regular 65c. tu 85c, sale prices 45eAt Peel'asahoe.store The ladies et St ZoJie hubnrchbigéd a Euchre on Tuuday oveit n h11w Mualoale WL hlcb vauveilattutded, cen#lderixig that the proies oveOnït wuva the titne erilinally set, bist tbat t)e bigsStorm 1usd caused a postpose' the Wat BouiSol*ty vwS 1be ll lt U nt drished rooms 10 rent. Woîîld suîit >ung couiple. Appty at Gazette office. FOR SALE. A sintai nna'tity of qeed pulatos: the lt-st of earlb varieltes. free from rot. Ap'ply tu Jame-s Skinnt, .Brook- lin. -37 TWO DOGS FOUND. Tw-o dogs fotind: one is white and spotted black: the other is white. Own- ers may have same by proving prop- ?rty and paying cost of advt. Apply at Gazette Office. Executor's Notice to Creditors. [n the matter eft tbe estate of George Jolinston, late of the Village of Clare- mont, ln the Township of Pickering, retlred farmer, deceased. Notice Ie hereby given pursuant to the statute ln that behaif that ail per- sons ha-ring dlaims against the éstate o>f the above named George Jolinston, who died on or about the 7th day of December, 1915, at the said Village ut Claremont, in the said Tewnship of Pickering, are required to send by post prepaid or deliver to the underaigned, on or before the 25th day of March,! 1916, their naines and full particulars of their clainhs duly verlfisd, and the nature ot the securlty if any held by themn, and atter the 25th day of March, 1916, the executor wlll proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the estate among the persona entltled thereto, having re- gard only to the laims or Interests of wbîClI hoe abal thon have had notice, and the said executor wIll net ho hiable for such asseta or any part thereot te any person or persona of whose dlaim or Interst ho shaill ot thon have had notice. Datoci at Toronto this lSth dayoet February, 1916. R. A. PÂTTULLO. 21 Emerson Ave., Toronto, Executor et the at wIiloftthe MUad George Johnaten. deceasod. Miss Kate Wright TIACUIROF PIANO MOPIPI OUM Pupils prepared for Toronto Cou- serutioy or uwveMw Mswmavu 'Residenos Bt Miu P. IM GUYTrY byo 8st. elephonb No. 231. W. As VOIJN& sUm d dralfns umMt4e4 os.Mo '""'tsi luI*1* For Suis A Cloan Tosth lever Oecaysi Thore ia notbing1 about yen that people notice quicker than -yeih teath. There las'ne other thing that yen can do that will so mnch .dTd to your attractaveneme as ini keping your teeth ini god condition, and tbere'u no other thing you can do ihat t.akles e»tiue, for one minut.e's bruzshing in the morming, Bf ter eaoh meal and before rotiring, five minutes ail told each day, will keep your teeth in. perfect condition if you go about it in the rigbt w&y and use tb. rigbt materlali. A good Tootb Brnah in absolmtely necessary, and .bould be the firet tb1n selectad aud the lait thing to try to econoînize on. Your Tooth BruIsL honld be selected according to the formation of your teeth. Your dentist wlll tell you whetber to qse a serrate.flat, broad, hard or soft brush, and always select that stîle. Tooth Brunhes are a very important part of our utock, and our experionce in selling Tooth Brushes in at youx service whenever y ou want anytbixi n that line. Our pnicos reprogeut the very best value obtainable and ranige f rom Se to 50e each. I lu noessary to use a Tooth Powder or Pauie at leait once&a day to keep the teeth in good condition, and aJI the ieading Powders and Pastes ou the market may ho had froîn our stock. To take care of your teetb si mply keep thoîn dean. WH ITF'I ELD'S Drug and Stationery Store 'TBY. ONTARIO Soie Agent for Nyal Preparations. Independent Phone 37 Bell Phene 37. CARINC SALE 0F :R HARDWARIE SLEIGII SBELLS HANO SLEIGHS Body trap, reg. 3.50 for $2.66 juat a few left, selling at Body Strap, reg. 3.25 for 2.30 cost to clear. Bodd Strap, reg. 2.25 for 1.60 SNOW SHOIRLS Body Strap, reg. 1.15 for 1.25 Regular 75c for 60o BRA8S TEAM BELLS Regular 50o for 35o Ro~ ~ ~~ ~Rgular 35efr2eRgl 6c for 25o Regular M5 for 20e LEATHER MIUTS Regular 25o for 18c We have a few linos of heavy Reguar 2. fo 1k Winter mitte loft, 10 chear olut Regutar 150 for lOc at os, ie. Hockey Stickt duced prices. You cau betti kg~, Hockey Skates, Straps, at greatly me-ý oer judgp the Va lues by 8seeing, the goode. LE'S HARDWARE WHITBV, ONT. AL ALIýý.- - - Spri-ng Suits Over 1200 patterns of N ew Spring Suitinigs. Select your spring suit- early._ Goods are scarce. Corne in and look this -,- - mense range over. WHI, - i Satisfaction Guaranteed. "'i -Barry T s-. i t. -1'. -1 - i st,, CLE WINTIE 'y , 1vÈ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------- 1 THURSDAYý M.ARCR 9. 1,916. TEE ON ERLAND EN WHITBY. 1 1