Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Mar 1916, p. 1

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OT ilEý' AZ E Vol.~No 1;WHITBY, ONTARIO, CANADÂ, TMlURSDÂY, MARCH 9, 1916 CItONIC LE- p - WiIIis' Compound Syrup or HYPOPHOSPHITES A ýN'-ti~gtliening and Invig- oçating tonie, Ii'oiBuilder and Nerv-e Tonie. týlîts 8up te systemî, ("'o s thtitiand watery blood, N;ervous headache, \Sen%'ous prostration, 'iiteplssnesetc. A r-li.,lit' restorative aller La Grippe. 1i per bottie J. E. WILLIS I f 's- Druqgist and epticlan MF'D1OI'AL HALL Bsrock st. Whltby. P1II OUSe OF QUAL:1v rîî tts - tt ii i 1: "Scranton Goal" r~ ~ ~ ~ h 5' end c iI -si WHITBy 51-101'LICEN5E.Amuis1~Riig WILL BIE TLRM1NATISD Marcb P&st an'd Review. Have you evei If License Comnissoners Heed Request of C.our>cil. Onue of the rnoet brifliant and nter- w i k~sOt lION0F OuNîL, as y eltlg t solier. Terehadthe ceremîîny. connected witti the rala- «ýiOt TON F CUJNII_ am y sllig t solier. Terehadiîîg f lthe i.ag upon the new saxty-fotit Nioy-ed by J. W.-nateman, seconded nieer been any convictions iegisteredfi-plaitr hbyAii-!3o-J'ixgeneeymnb by R. J. Goidrîîîg. agatusi hlm for violation of License Pfîay poternai lë W Tht-y A rnîou-cse: a rn ue ofyou w rhat Whithy being the County Town Net.Il hwas r'ot fair 10 single out this F'rla te ornoon a t. c P-Tan e thhosaryeow gd of Ontario Uoiiity and in, the centre place where'soidiers are ,n,'-v- seenD to view, following the htiietlîîg of the flag, t ill iuî1IY means ibat yoU andi adjoining Local Option districts: Cetl lior, andi accuse lt of being the tepoleaniryatue that the onlv shiop license for sale of great evil, parîicipated in by "C- and -D- cern- ILother ot ineiariy tat h pantes of te ll6th Daitallon, about I ute naeta i liqUor ln the Cotînîy of Ontario, afler After te discussion had been long twenty memnbers cf the new iSýnd Bat- nioney paid by the former vli .a.% tirsi. .Nll htin hî andi heatted. the question was calieti talion. and the local troop of Boy That Iliterenpilir orthe h0I) I.1. for. Mcus.oderi cose rît.ing . hll 'v -litlie- a nicîsace to His Worshlî wanted the clause re TP f a a been widely matie Fryncn yfr" stroi.Iigdistricts w here L1ocal (Op officers struck ont. The mover and For yen eatheu boy for the82.fit lion la ln fort-:-. seconder refuseti to agree, Thets the adnown, iththe sresulte that hestets fouindation, fuit aize ceilar, go Thttrefît-selif-to tarits liteayr i-sottii>tî witt th -pectators. The Public and Higli and on the next loor Lhraeop thu 1S2îsd t-taliois at presextt belng -,rfls owfilt eouinwt in alo arge size verandah wil foried ad rfcriilpd.and -be fficrs tis catis ln t.- choS s hools sm werea 3 oismissnerontaI 3oomocndockcrwin formeti anti rcrttlted. and htheolticers ttseclause in h oth adiailohaer-iestd Mr. I)owne'.-'*Yott have no option od- 0alw Aeppî ron tebrousan e. ce ut~~~~~~~~~~ ohf saîtLiai tilotheavevreqtested he privlg ot tebue ihat th iqi,-itîor contdiions shoîjiti hi'lu the niatter. untî'ss yott iave the j o! wtny essn theent aundheare Here ia conifort during t rtî'aîrlctf'dIf poissileiî'chair.** werepmins Tp ersoresenofthfru eband justly proud. Tliisl Comii tetssotld ri-spî-cîfiilivask lThe Na,or-"Theri l'Il Ileave thebstpns, Thures decoratonofth adja dn Tii- tiniario lt'nl-Ioard t io q i-chair.~ ; hici lie dld, andi also left the xsn. rorle b ant"i rsadacet Remeoùber that ln tutuo \itsihttti onllltoîts andtititi î-ffed roOni. vac îrors upe d gis od ersnti tohe Lz- raiiilng (~~if a ;hoi tcenso' ini\\"h'Il M r. [tii iia rthi retîtion nmoi î-(i t'at Iore s rpe t a d egot. ent gaytuc \, 111 ha\ t o i l- roiîîtditg I o-a t Ou io 1 wnît -'y talk e lhe citai r. Thils 0th c'etatm tei ey gy ii dm(istrict-. amiiîdi,. fo)rnimis anid nr- i~- arrled At the aaluting base isere Lt.-Col. A.Th iea r of ill t î th-satti Mrni taîtoît Ni r 1> iîiy e motion. A. Cockburn, O. C. Ihnti Battalion,Th rae thî t ii s 1 asecat ii,- i M .îiies val ateroîci t spak t-Ct.M. ODonovan, at oe erime in IdpnetPoe7 r-i iio t'- i ida i>hcal]rd aof rhrne aai tttpo t lea commantioo!thie 34th Regiment, and IdpnetPOe7 -i(ý1o of 0w Board-.i it n o itc fac ii Tiu i iî- ui tprit sceral of the efficers of the I i6tlsandi ifrr Naii ii h. ~îii llcîiiî- it5a5ii \ ithave twice sîtokeis AI, lS2nld Baîtalions. Th Bnd f th !Oe - ___ iN 1101 \0i11fr-i"ii-î i iteti i lie dus( tîssion ha.,;taken place that lufth was lmniediatety ln lte rear oe! ng given, brotîgbt the parade lut iii. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ul îabeî t, ~li' i ii-"i i 51 îi-t- be saluting base, whiCî was opposite umo 0 f Plainons, faclng eaet. l'irt t- i: 1111stood ýtiuî.liil th e Armouries. A gàarti Of!'1 011r-.1The tparade was marched een (Innd i-wk ýd afidia Paifi 1witiî fixeti bayoneta, was slationed in clear the Armotîries, anti formed Si, as tii- -..-îî 'l'oroîî't anîd Pr ,tLý 1atîit>1aîs. - -li. -alet front of the Armourles. close colttmu at the hait, andtit il'î tiiir.tt îî-îa tN ii ttj.i snes. Cni.MjrR .Sih eodi o-aot [lii.NyCoi.Mao .BSmtecn luci-'h-î iii ait. - - ..lit ,. - îaî, irer ,- t i i .i i tnk - ' 1tî. t titr in W erlees ý ý H kî'- a -raie., lu ai i" ftiîr ia.-esfo-. i a.io ilo l lga a>u iStcao lctior iinîî t i il arge lîy h- nttiri'ti'wed :- h este r. hestaut suik.]Pea ti-rranîge iîîîî. l'liai actis of 1ti is rosohtit toit he for- a im i j o-îî-t( ve. Blue rass Cnnet floti sil rîi-tdI l)Iieii' )ti arno Icîen se iBoardi. tgrate. &at i ire.1.ta. 01 Monongahela Youghio for ièrlî i-te ib t)%,eâ Georges Crack VIle abus iv i -s<îltiitt îbnltîed te A 11 ta -iiîliî, iu i fiîoes" î4-.)^ lit flp olil ht e tlg01lied are thm ti-t iati-îrij itt ( i trliettlctaii'metnonTtsia 'llti vr.,.- -1i P .niîi - re sl, " i-it lii câîi.t-d qon,- etthe' mesi cxci t WsY i ito-i I~îu ng iîîltci'îîîilit ii maniýyeyars of nii 'E. cR. BLOW$ W "t' î i tir-oi tii lst-- siîso:hî ti L~ . U 'I I, iILy \ tNr -:ilî*h'chalir anti(lite-cot- FBell phone 9. Home phone 14. (Ilcolil îîtandîtIlluiti idtinzg tuiresigo lus, s-'sat a iît' YOtJNG MN IN DEM NO r i lOti iein1-tIri)dttion of lte Y nuUING MEN N DE AND rosotiiiri a(1. lit rfrom teLocal Iîritî *a'i o t iA L yul îîn,. t trt -' Iiluttitli t ou iiitet- liati addiressed tise greai. - -'1Siii- T. i "e u.-n t oit ici I reqtie-st <11Kîthe'plissage of it iteiftiéc$5'obéq i itu sta r t wa -oiei"t 1cisu a resolitilots The' delegat ion was At Hemai 1)t tc- d ut "lo is Ili'. t i'ltie da7 t. î pri.ptîreri' It-i- l1uitt d eihyt, CA. Goodfetlow. Secre- 1 SHAW. 396 Yellge St.. TORONTO. tary utto. atfer presstinig the request _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ id ilie delegailois. andti lntimatlng that a. lîke resoîtitîlot hati beeti passed by J1. HODWELL JAMfES the Ci. tincis of Easî Wixhitby and West Cýar>-- -r Bulderati Coitrato lWhth..andsti ltI (i'eral Logip bati n -' triii id Pr inàd o utrater ,îir r'ascI itii-r toilie Coînnilssione-rs Plai~ ~r~tiantiestmati. frtilh od thes a ni osie W a Brotiipon. S L'i sr-,andtifranue- tîlev s tie sie snbW.ct.calletignîon Agentfor Brantiord Rooig 1 Jos 1tlakt-r andtiR"--,t. A Nclt-aii.le Box 44; WIliTeY phone 149 att<- iitîîiMrr ge L . n . t;stncf l Nosà fv rî T'ii c reset tii loti aýs jresetstedint-thiie Igstrongiy. as lie did at a ibresiouv, titi ic- Al-tALIN. metiitg, for tfile reientitîn cf tise slîop Cersa'sr drug store, Whb .ciai tuorpoiies. he took siieciat objee- N i w',no-sses required. lion to the' sentence referrnig 10 th#- req<uest of iii' MîlIIitia officî'rs for re- strictiono iet ii'ilqîoir rahfic. He'de-- The i'tor Cauida Iniproveaient à ciareti the' oficers hatineyerrmatie Land Co., Limlted such requesu He also,accused th i (a- W4%i te Ch Ontarioli of misireportitsg hlm on Whdtby - Ontarlo a preyliosoccasion, wss'he i'wasi; e- Itea litai t>ahirAE, Iî anagodi, porteti as saying thai be diti fot ans- 'sResta (2o!i.cîed, Firei Luan* Arraniged, wer Oie question put by Reeve Dow- Proertelo bogli aid sld. nec a" te where Oie medical men of Pu toou~aj1îy isîlii¶5e.Flli5kSI Oshawa andi Bowmanylie sot tinuor __________________________ tfer unedicinat purpoacs: also lie denieti VIIbII galleo# Oifice and Warka OppoiLe Hevis Bros., Whitby MONUMENTS sfa11 Du*#s and IbtrleKpt la Stock It vIU pay you tiaie t our worke' la ui t f.cor youraIt. De »et b. muaied by ageata. W. do xot enaloy them. Conaequmatj7 ve «a md do ailow the. agnt's ommla itou oi 10 per oent., wbih yo7« Îii cartaluly ave by purcbaaing &rm mu. A Gails oIIclb.d. IJes. ea[83k9 leS UVEIY. SALE Ado SWIDINO STABLES BROcuc ST.Wl§ITBvt AU, kinds of single and double rip for hire. ]hma to aul the trains snd ba.ggage tranfer. Eform ibought and- sold on 0 ramiin. s. good coud drîvems sd hesvy i..... for sa;; ueo behdâ haud traw lu nY quutlby ~- owomphffleS90 lbor7t,. maylng that Mr-. Fiaigasi was -a gooti sort,- as reporteti. He agahu stated that lie knew Mr, Finigan chhefiy by reputation. anti nover iseard, of bis- Vie-c lating Oie lar. His Worsisp ipse xLrgued tsat under % prohlitory law as nov Proipoe. druggizts voulti b. alloweti' to »Il larger quantîtice tWm L ut pi-osent. Ho ev ewo! several cases whergb Oie preacribing of liquor had aave-d Itte. Reeve Downey remindeti Hie Wor- ship that Oie cemetery coîstatned*-tise i gmra of o! untreds wbo bat bec» kiM. ed by liquer. Af ter Oie ezaMple4 ot beot Tor-oto an&S. Ottaa he waa.au.-< prised Oint there sheuit b. my oije> a Lion t»Oie resolution la tii CouaoU. Thse fat was that soldter s ocur«U. l quor lu botul&essie.bottles caufeS iegaliy corne troas lte averas.UIf ha moldiera do not get Lthe bottin pers- ally at lte store, somes perlns gt t for Oiem, andS tiey drink St, tuam cae. t&klng it (o thuit bourdhag places, Tib titwuvasmakuiSt «. focuit to secure bountlgPlaces, ab remInitedthlieNayor <Ir> h 'MI A titres drugstores la WbStbr, s"iS9Sa patien t aet iquor t vm. sembl* *i'.fols wIgt it St hiette s» oad t"hemlçUca. u - u mPm te a "oe t#- i dd t bofti*.4 *jg. -è tu toam veu v«o te votaa tâimax. t1t1t1f r-5 ilifltitetiNia>'or Warren re tîîrnî'd te the roomn, accompanieti b> ito. t'ok titii. se e Dois ney offî'reti the Mayor bit Setît iniilie citairý rTh' Mayor tieclineti, saying lie had isroigist Col. t'ockhitrn t0 .p.sthfy the position ise took. Reee DossuneN theretîpon readti Col. Cockbtîrx thse rî'solîîtlon. The Coi. isaid -i la-e ne objections to, anvything In the resolîxtion. We îoîild like ail, the lilcvtte etit off, If ipossiitie, buît 'mee wotid not single oui aity one' ilcense te comîstain againet." A gain il te Rei-%e rgeti tht' Mayor to take the chair. "Ne, I îhInk l'It resigun my seat,' stuid his N4-orslîi;,. tBnt Col. Cectsburn, T. (oniin anti A. W. Ja(ksoîî urget i hm te ]et thse mat- ter dirop, ant ihe con.aeiiice le again r-samc the' chair. And i bis closed, the effisode.- Aitother deputation matie a request of Cotincil. His I-ouer Judge MeG-C iivra,sy A. N'. Jackson anti G. A. Rose, re-pri-sent iug -tht'e eruitlng Leagu-e, atidressedth ie Council, asking for a grani of *100 te appiy oit the t'qtip- isxeit of tIse 182nd Battalion. It wa-s ilie pitrhose to ausk the Couuty Council for a g-rant: ant Iif <his were made. stmiiuîr te that gi-i-n tise 116115, the 11101141N les; asked o! the Couincîl, binîg Whiuby's proportion of $2,000, ssowtid be returnei. The equlpmnut of a regimeut. over aad above Goveru- menutal help, cosi about $10.000. The Bandi equipnsent atone amounted to $2.000. Officers and mon al] hadti t coxtribute to a fund for equlpunent. After hearing the deputaUlon, a mo- tion by Domtney-Bateman grantIug the request was unantmoely carnied. Mr. Annes preseuted the Audîlors' report, whlcb la te be prinled lu paumphlet torm. Mr. Aunes ns'poîîeiI that he haiS ha an Interview witlî34r. Philpe, of Oie Silk Glove Industry-, Mr. Phillipu laid îe was obtaixelng a charter for hie cimpany, thut Oie sit.e b.d been pur' chased andi that hoerepected ir. Hl ehortiy to visît Tor-onto anS WistbYý ln connection wlth Oie organizatuon of the ompany, T1%e Mlitta authort-ies haviag ap- dlied ho the Counl for lte b=maor t:, 'age" wbich thse - tmm ««sesln t". aummer Ürae as a oe i sprbSouers lhe requemi wau patiS, asthe. ca ta net nov b.lng Ume&. on Motion or ouita-seaa. h oent e!t ne mu*M ebatl. te mmterfaluý- meutd co an mIci@it, wM aSOiS fr i PS te 8Z£«Mr« Aue roMitbiee ee saobde 1 $50 v Mr. Cark W lte t *aiS tat evu - hai b on hM riSabot *0 "erqU'»0stas Oie xqp»M "me hrsommn -id,* tue '3 s1ý - '* 1. oe«" bI e Mo ~tIIhs * h.v ~<W mand of the 116th Battalion, was in Ycomumand of the parade, and Capts. F. H. Moody and A. F. Hlad were at the 8 head of the "C"' (WhIftby) andi "D" (Osha.%a) comî anSes, respectjvety. à The detail of the cere,,nontai was as efollous. as issued by the Colonel. -No. 9 Piatoon formE4 a Guard of 1Honor undêr Lieut Major, to the lm- mediate west of the entrance to the sArmouries. Là C and 1) Companies, U16th Battal. ' ion. and the neucieus of the 182nd Bat- Stalion, also the BOY lbcouts, formed ln i ne on, tbe north side d threroad, op- pnsite the Armourles, 4Iaclng south, with C Conaépany's right ftank resting! on the "Four Corners." When the parade was formed in IUne, it was stooti at ease, and the hanti ptayed "The Red, Wblte-and Biue." The parade was then brought to at-I1 ten lion, and the flag v r&tIsed by thbe Juior Lieutenant <Ià&n' Hard-ng;,. and tloa.ted by the pat.roness, Mrs. Lald- The guard thien presented arma, andi the band piayed "Goti Save the King." The guard sioped arma,. and then fireti a Ifeu de' ftne ofthree rounds, The guard then ordered arma.ý Col. Cockburn then ordereti hats off, andti hree cheers for the flag were1 zi yen. The parade was then st.ood at ease, andti he 'band played *"We'Il Neyer Let the OId Fiag Pail.p The p arade was then brought to at- tention., The guard took Post on the right of 'the une. The ixarade was then advanced to the oppositle tide cf .Oe roadl and turneit about Command- Platoonsrx.glit !erm,» ne- missione<j olier and men tranmfered f rom the 59th Battalton t.o te 1lUth had been considewed. but could nelt b. glanttd. Mr. Doane, representing the Bell Telephone Co-. wa a t the meeting ln referenee to tic establlslMent of a Dte aiarm syster'»rilu <w». He ha" mde MIS proposais to Couniltu » "secret *"shon7 and!notbitgcoSdb. glean- e d as Iii bis proposaisfrein vit Wa» ThTown Pro etyComuIttee.,p;p- ïetdthe hof.lovlng report: 11 T. Mrd Morra ,..,. 54 N. Y-et>Whea.,, -zoo C A. GOODFELLO'~' & SoN, Publishers to col- ast 10 >d into turned Thle parade marcheti past ln coiun of platoons, bt> tise rig1sî; thon fbrnied close cotumin at tht' west end o! the line. and lîrnti about. The' parade then marcheti past lu close coltîmn, ansd at tht' endi of the march turueti abouît. The parade tien marcheti past in colu.mn of foturs. advaucing f rom theý right, ant ivsas then ferruet iio col'-ý umnio!fîîlatoexis. by the commanti, "On thie lefi. fcrm .piatoons,' andi turu. et about. The conmanti, "Form feturs teft, piatoons right i-veei," brouglit the par- ade back into coiumu of fours, and whettin luite original position was hait- Il Ed, and turnedti 1 the rightit hto the or- iginal position ln lino. j The parade thon ativanced acrose thie roati, wbeu the command, "Ou the left, forin m.Lss,'* assexnbled the parade into mass formation,. F'douw1ng <bis, Revr. G.AYclm gave a shorý atidres ou "The Brltlqh Flag,- telling how It originuteit and what it represents. The atidress was brie!, but was to the point, anti wu very interestixtg ant Iinstructive. After dismnissai Oie soldier boys were treatedti 1 coffee ots1de Oie Ar. motîries, while the iadies of thse War Relief Soele-ty oeniertined tise orlicrs anti their frientis at Oie Agriculttîral Rooms. Tii. ufternoon'a prograin was wldely pralseti as being mont unique anti of very, great benefit from thse stantiPoint of arousixîg a pattiotic spirit, especiai- ly among thse younger geferation. Thse ofileersa ndSmen are te b. higis ly eengratuiated upon thse brilitt success of Oie ceremny. 8colsmen of Whitby vers lu thols eleaient Ifainght viien thé. Togoto Police Pipe Band gave a conort ider the. auspiea 01 Bt AnItna BooetY, The muslc'bail W«seraviedthti«apai» ity, and fIlelaprobabl taS SQ90pVr OMMMt. of theSfhe t acs !lte txVu es la Oie andienice. The. Polic. Pi pe Band -ut TrMte were terk trO&g."en pIfferAUatS eful iman, auitheW tiiy tkirled eut ý sli nutt ae thrUWte'bej Sciitils art thno A"h ueatbOi&b PEBEL'S 5110IE STORE See our bargains in Women's, -Misses' and Children's Shoes at greatly reduced prices. Our stock is complete in Men's and Boys' heavy - Stub Proof Rubbere, Feit and Feit Lined Boots, Moccasins, Overshoes, etc. McPherson's Lightniug Hitch Hockey Shoes for Men, Wonien and Children. JOH'N PEEL & SON f ho'4 Phone-5 -1BrkStW TD g 'LL.! *~m~IMI~~ Loito.e The-season of Lent is here'again. and,- as. in other years, aur stock af Fish is c-mplete. Hete are a few of the lines we handie: HAIJIUTt WIITE FISH,9 SUMEILTS, »4DIE, -'FILLET% CISometSALIIONSNACKS.* Prices .ýRlght A. Phonu: fli rot fiai you would like fo owo a house of your mstead of everlastiogly paying ront? b, in order to occupy a bouse ovueti by sovae other peraon, when it is possible te pnurhase n lty payîng the saine amount you uow psy as rent in red nation of the purchase price of- ?d sounti jutigment, does it ? )u and Your farnlly are depriving yours.ives of a conxfort and luxury wlicb a great mnxay Led te younii.iven efljiy. rOCSe latter people are addiug te their invesîmuent andl saving caeh ruenth the aneunt of ase. as relit, and for which nothing is roceiveti but a receipî. M~ BriCk House for $2500, Easy Terms 500 (andi et this ansount you eniy require 8(00 cash)i a new brick bonse witb cernent eod large dining reons, nice bright living roons, Iighî cosy kitchen, also sommer kitchen, ptenditi b.dmrones, aise large bath rooni containing three piecea nicely arranged. There Ïtb balcony, accese te which is gaiued by nîcans cf a Fmi nüh 'iiiticuw Ieadirg frons the the whote a moderni equippeti furnace radiales enninier beat iunuzero westher into overy ýh long coiti wiuiter evenings. Truly his à. a home ef wbj-h any honsewlte would be n ail probabîîîty you are paying huast as much in rent as would buy this house. Canada' Improvement and Land Co. Limited gell Phone 193 -'1 -.Ji .1 ~g1 s-- (*OODFBLLG'W & SON, PUbliSherS LFU u L. a ý, .

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