Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Feb 1916, p. 8

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PAG~ mowr - We Fe DISNEY, Bell anti Iîd. moisea. WI-ITBYý L&wrenÀce's Store -News3=qie We want'Three Big. Business, Days 10 End This Month. For Saturday, IWonday ald* Tuesday Next, DRY GOODS Menas shirts and druvers, $1 and $1.25 fes- 79c. Meue fanc> shits, 75e. sud 1, fer 63c. Mausa and boys' 60c. caps, baav>' and llghl weight, 25e. Me's lîneti mitta sud glovos, $1 sud $1.25 fer 89e. Blouse aippes a al aises, 36t. for 20c. Meu'a andi boys' sweater ceata, $1.50 for 98r-; 75c. fer 59r. 89.00 robes, winti, raIn aud meUs ps-o.!, $7.49. Ânetbes- lot ef shaker blankats. largeet aise, $1,49. 4,«OCERIES 5 Iba, o! celunmeal for 15c- 2 packageo e! ammonia for 16c. Pickled beae, par Un, 5c. éxreu beaus, chiesitock. 2 for'I15e. 40r- black and mixed tea, per IL 29c. 2 lbs. 'god fane>' biscuits, 25c. Tômato catsup, regulas- 10e per- lin,, 6c. 15e. large bas- good lauuds-y seap 2 for 17c. Anothas- lot of good 20c. oranger, per dmz,1 Big Remnant Sale Continues. Cash aridOne Price toil. me Lawrence Hlgh ýStandard Store The Brtooklila'Hardware BARGAIN LIST WIu'o Fonos aid Sasibuo Eigi.s T. ~ê1kLoe ~Iztot I n - ~ ter, M .Morlon. hi 1 rOûiýt friends tu the.-'vllaWgad .10: spelt. BaORLIN. a tew days lu Éowîmauvt1. The village ha been visitedl by var. Mr. Douglas Baltour lias beeau visit- tous kindi Ot pDeddlars durlug the.last igfinsl aitn year. but the latent treak la a man sup mm , N. -W. ComWla ut Miss - Hsr. posed te b. deaf aud dumb, but who, VO>, visited lu Btougbu.n at weak when "off gtxard" Iudicated b> hie ac- Thie Snlert &deti5ed for Saturda>' tioe that he was quite normal. He night ln the. Masonie eu Brooklil, aroused suspicions b>' bis actions tiiat nder 1the auspices of ttii. Womeu's ln. b. iuight be a spy. attute) turned oqt a talase. There Miss May' ham been staytng for a tew were only tweuty-five or'thirty parions days wlfli Misa Annie Bligbt. present. The stor>' which was cireu- Mrs. Kennedy and Mien Isabel Walk- lated from Port Ferry. a few days pre- er, of the Oshawa Hospital, visit.ed viotis, en regard to thie mbilty and their homes lait week. character of th. entertainer, Miss Lot- Mrs. James Smith le viaiting lu To- tie Tillotson, -had a good des.l to, do ronto. with tlu turnout. llowever, reporte Miss Nichol, who ha& beau vîsiting were not far ats-a>, for her actions 14~ Mrs. Luke Robinson, has gene te Port Brooklin proved ber to beanythlng but IL Pers-y, lady. Wben tic couaert was oves- the Ouea night laut week at about 1030, ladies in charge had Quit. oe Urne mak- Mr. Balfour went out into hl& yard and ing a settleauent with Miss Tilloteon, was much shocked to flnd three men so mu ch se,. that Policeman Maynard trylng to got into hie fiue ne-w henner>'. was called out of bed to the icone. It Mr. Balfour et once shouted at the wus atter twelve o'clock betore a sat- men, and chased them as tar as t afactory -settlement could be made. woods, where the>' diaappeared. He The Institute are out cousiderably fin- t.hen returned to the village where hoa sncially.. The residents of. thse village secured assistance and went on a atill were much relleved when Miss Tillot- huîît for the nmen, but It wau too late, son took a walklng ticket to Whitby for they had vanished. Mr. Balfour has on Sunday atternoon. spent a large amount of money on bis Ms-s. Roste and dalightes- Betty, who buildings and fine hens, a.nd lt would have been visltlng lu New Lowell for be a big loss 10 hlm 10 have them the puot few monthe, have returned te stolen. SLrely there can ho something the home of Mr. and Ms. . Ketchen done to stop Ibis petty thievIug lu sud again. ..round the village. Ms-. A. C. Ellilot stent a few days lu Mr. Hill1. who joiued tbe astilles-y fer Toronto this week. overseas work, la repos-ted te b. lu the Mr. Dave Burns has become a profes.. hospîtal sufferiug fs-om sheumattsm. sional walker. He walked fs-om Brook- Ms-. Reddlt, of Markhaui, ftemri>' o! lUn to Whltby last week lu 80 minutes, the Standard Bank here, spent Sun- and on Monday of Usîs week made thé' day in the village. trip ln 70 minutes.. Mr-. Bus-ns Intends; W. have three good machines, and to clear them out w. offer $10 00 worth of records f ree with each machine. SANITARY eLOSETS Colinects with stove pipe or chiinney. Regular $14.00 each. Our price. to clear, $5.00 each. SILOS j litihve the agency for the De LavnI lune of goo. Il, let us quotf you on your reqluireinents GASEOLENE Our 1hrand is the highest test to be obtained and wîili çive you tise best satiefaction. Give il a trial. M*Rt4E8S, MITIS, GLOVES, BUANKETS, MAOINERY. turfAlthough an Invalid -for a long- Pickdrtng. 20 céofow 006, tier irlhvng-the tarmz, elie now, quality, calves by aide. SaXo. f SI yeardof ager dnjoya a reasonable o'clock gbarp, W. B. Powell,auUn' dý ege of hoalth. *Mr. and Mrs; Clark bave one daugb* r8 Patrick -Teefy, of CherryW& - te r, one granddaughter, und two great- -dîd ry udyo ensa at . fa grandcbidren. Both Mr. and Mrs. She was ln ber 65th Yeur, and ba4 Clark w*ere birthrlgbt members of the been ln Canada about -47 yearg. Society of Friende, and througb their________________ long lves -have ptoved consistent and- pliandy i~niaîceY Train Timàe 1 able. IM9 EPWORTH LEAGUE CONVENTION. mlv The 'rwelfth Blennial Convention of th, lm1. the Epworth League ot the Bay of Quinte Conference met at Napanee on o C&Iledaf ates were present f rom alI over the G. T. R. ppened on" ofern and the three days were wH-IEBY JUNCTION d it in the ful ofhelpfulness and Inspiration for a Ijg W est..4 . n cotnx tu..Sz . Sthe 100 Young people -privileged to be 40 I ~ -tr4y 4 w ith a y vjbascilmeetin hold zmÏeig I= IèriàMý dûtoil'e ny», ad ajre talklg-o! another fiebtit luthe near future, aise a box al». * dealor, but dld hotq$et Arelt oil A friad aýsked me 10to Vi n A . ry pIéaiit time wam spant ou leti hlhosbo mtu 1. Fut-a-tlvss" Is the brou¶ht the relief whic 1iMonday evftlng lait, when MI the pao- u »Wlam fijoyln perfet heJýPy- pWdn l-Lihôhôdmta h W. gmraaoe ourieiiio- home of Mr. and Ms-a. James Mffatt, e IlnTits OtJDt&IfHO Wegur&t«Vina i, oico c show their appreciatlon o!fe e- liver md ftq tonle wltlsout oUl for vices and te make a presentatlon to CILNOn. U.2t d»MnieoSughm, coldsansd brSeàià their daugliter Lulu, wbo la gîvîng up, IANOt Âg 6 A. IL.AIII14 Druggiut Whitby, Ont her, position as organlît ln the chus-ch illy wf/e as amartyria Con _________________________here, - aise ber clame lu the Sunda>' We tnicd everythlngý on theî - - ---- - - ---- -- School. Aun ddreas was rend b>' Ms-. to try and moite It lu 60 minutes the Os-ose, aid'tIe pr eseutation was made wîthout satisfaction, and op next tine. * b>' Miss F. &uîr>'. sitar wblch thse aven- sums of- mone>', until we apa Grand concert b>' the members o! D. ing waa spent lu gumes. songs, etc. 'Fruit-a-tivqs'. We have us& Co.,- 1101h Bàttallon C.E., te ho hield Miss Moffatt le leavtng bas-e this week famil>' for about twe years, lu the Maionie Hall, Brooklu, (b>' for Tor-onto, where shte intends taklng would not use anything eIse kInd permission o! Lt.-Col. Sa up n cous-se in Business College. We aIl Sba-pe, O .C.), on Tbursday, Februazy- unita lu wishiug ber succese lu her- we can get "Frult--tives." 24th. Proceeda wiil igo te Use Cern - hosen work. J. W. HAMI pan>' fu nds. A fisst-claie programma. Cînyton andi George Squelch 1.11 lait «FRUIT-Â-TIVES" la n Capt. JA. F. inds, o! "D." Co., chair-- weak for Usais- homes ln Regina, Saik.. frut j cesud Ionles-bs man. Tise ladies of St. ThonaWs' os-sy te report that Ms-s. Wm. Bright Cisurcis will antertain Use members e1 Ss-., la lui poos- health Just novi, All hope action-and pleamet ln taste. "D"' Company' and theis- frieuda. Ad- for a speedy recovery-. 50c. a box, 6 fer $2.50, trial mission 26ç-,Tise>' want you there.- At dealers os- sent on receip Malte up a s!eigbloud and cone long. GREENWOOD. b>' Fruit-a-tires Llmlted, Oti Select yous- new Spring Suit now Ou Tueeday rnornlng Use dents oc. _____ and save mone.'. ars-> T. Thompson. curred of Howard Kitchener, infant son1 Dr. A. W. Cumpbell, of Brookliu, for- of Ms-. and Ms-s. Wm. MiddIeton. Tise'A CANADIAN MOTHER-S meni>' of Chicago, hue jilat seturned luttle fellow, wiso wus 6 monthe and 221r f romt a two months' lectus-ing tour lu days old, had been a victim et ai ail- IddiWt rmisa nMy boy te be Illinois. He wiîi no commence tise ment resam blIng la grippe, wich had 1 didn't wunit hlm joinfi active pructice o! bis profession lu Ibis aise gone te bis braîn, and deatbs-e- strife, Count>'. efulted. Thelfuneral was held on Wed- But I'd taught ýilm not to a Mr. Morris Ford, o Port Pers-y, wae needu>' sfternoon te Salem Burying ihmendagr In the Village on Tuasday. Gs-ound. Ms-. and Ms-s. Middletou have ghmondaer PLEASE TELL US the syrnpathy et the communiîy lu That trutb and hon or gr, How did the Young Mark-um boy theis- sud bereavement. la life. flnd bis way te Brooklu? (Readit.) 1 didn't dream I d imaka lisi A recipe for keeping out the coîd. KINSALE. j kisakl; One of ous- readese uggeats whiskes-s. Thse asxnlves-sas-y of tise Kinsale Meth- I neyes- thought that war Why one of tbe soloist fthse W. I. odilet Sen4ay Scisool wlll be held on pln concert* made bas-self conspicueus b>' Sunda>' aid Monda>', Mas-ch 5 und 6. pan ises absence? Ou Monda>' evening suppas- will be luit now he lies lu France Why leal Usut oua fellow lu Brook- served front 6 o'clock onwus-d, followed others, lin bas te be hundened with tbrea girls? b>' a splendid prograni, wblcb will lu- And yet l'm ver>' glad bc What are tisesest of thse boys dolng? clude n pin>' given b>' tbe oldes- pupils. iMans. Wblcb Police Mayuas-d fears met- Aipission &0 cente; cbildnen 16 cents. chicken tblavas os- traveling adtresses? Ms-. Meon, o! Muskoka, son-iu-law of' The diifereuce..betweeh picket dalles thse late Ms-. Rogers, wus down for thse1 dida't ralse ni> boy 10 he ut thse unmous-les lu Whltby aid MiII sale on Tueda>' luet. But I'd laughI hlm to boI street lu. Brooklin? Oves- 1200 ne-w sps-tng suitînge. Se. respect. If >'ou thluk we's-e slow tu Breokluib emu. Hans-> T. Thompeon, Wbitby. idow could 1 stop hlm rusI wlsy tbe iaugh's on you. Frankie Rogers, sou of Mns. Maisal Why the. Ladies' Socleties do net get Roges; bas beau suifas-ing froni pneu- colos a business guide befone signlug cou- monta for somte few dnys. We hope for When Bnitain trled the tracts? n spaady recovar>'. Dr. Moore la lu protect? FOR SALE. attendilice. hnlbryadcivr, Mr-. E. W. Radman bus bean suifer-Wenlbt>,udciur, One-a'Mxwell Binder, with about cas-- lng for sea* ee ihlmbg.He Were csushad 10 serve s-es-. complete, 6 ft. cut, lu fisst-claie futher, Ms-. Wrn. Redman, of Scîîgog, ssation's plan, workiug e-des-; geod fer a namber o! hue beau vlsitiug hlm Ibis week. I dldn't saise niy boy to bb years. wlll go througb an il foot gae- Maes-s. Widdifield, Pengaîl>', Mackey 'u h mga epo and. others, who securad wood ut thse Bto n dh r way or doos- without trucks. A bas-- sale sottho! the village, hava beaui gain ut quick sale. Wm. Jeifre>', busil>' eugaged latel>' gatting theis- lots I did't s-aise niy boy te be Breokl. -..35 cleareti. 1Idmrl agt mI Mr-. R. R. Mowbray and Mrmes-l>'ueuglithlm - -Disney' 100k a business trip te he' YTh tgofod pesio Trere ils more Cîlarris tn this secton 01 thse a tew dnys ago.Thbasdofprein country th 'n &Uloth4r diseaseput tgether. and Ms-. Louis Rogers und a friand ut-, cherisbed for yeemn It was supooeed ta bce lurabie. tendad tise concert ut Wbltb3' at Fr1-4 I'd given hlm us I hud giv Dactare prescrtbed local remedies, and byconu vu-,gvn ,b rflgrT epIisngs !mn stantl> failing ta cure wlth local Irestmnpro. day eei g ivenb h rfla eke hsrgto ah nounscedit incurable. Catarrh ta a bei-idiseam, Duughtes-s. Ha reports tise boy singer sn- 5s-tatl nleneyconittutionaiconditions soe s-oto teoriay. 1 or and terefrMlei con'itutiznal tremt- M. et!Ue riaseuned He fêlt was ato'si men, lal'a aturhcur. mnuactredby Mr.andMmWm. Sadler eu.spatoBri s-. J. Cbeney & tCa., Toledo, Ohio lo a cou- t nom Westou a tew duys ugo, whes-e plan. stitutlonal remed>v. lastairen lnern&an sd acta hyatne h uea Ibm i thebloý.d on lhe M,.cenq Surfaces of tht e>'atueitietnrlOf Ouaof 1didn'ts-aise ni>'boy 1e be 8 stem. One llundred Dollars reward 1ix cier- their relatives. Bt o!- Irud1a efor any cae at Nîalls Cptarrh Cure faieto Rev. G. A. MeLean, o! Wbitb>', Bup Bt h owpodIa cure. Send for cireniara and testimoulals. tsîmnteviedttbhm.o a man! F. t.- CHEN5IY & CO. Toledo, oblo. -itmnsevstda h oeo Sold by Di nagela 75c. Ms-. and Mn. Wagg a fcw du33 ago, Hsllil Fasul>'PisIa for constipationi.Je Pas-km le ut. bis brother AI's, ___ ufter speudiug seaconsideable time MYRTE. t Bsoughamý. MISS TIU.OTSON INV MYRTLE. ~Rev. j. O. ÏTotéu preuched heb asmti lsLottie Tillotson. w Mr-. John Priagle, o! Peterboro, vis- Subbath. His discourse vu vos-y Inte-, lady vIse bai sean a great ltad Ms-. Arthsur Muw last week- iaatiug and instrucetiva. Next Sunda',! world lu the course of ber1 Ms-s. Todd epent the week-end with - Rev. W. E. issard, ef Tes-ente, vill lecture lu Whtbf on the va ber daugistes- lu Tor-onto; jps-each baeeli connaction wltb tise IUp-trias ehe lias viaiteti. Mer Ms-s. Bateman vlsited wlth Oshawa bear Canada Bible Social>', ut 2.30 p.m. under tbe auspices o! thea friands s-eceutIy. The auction sale O! !arm stock and ef AIl Suinte' Church. Wiîis Use mas-us-y Tagietertng 20 implements o! tisa estute o! tise lut. W.1 Miss Tillotson's fasse hb below zes-o ou Monda>' norning oua was J. Rogers took place on Tuesdai', andbar, as iutes-asting s-umrs aPt te yaarn for the "good old summaer wai tha las-geet sala held lu this di- fronm Brookli andi Port P tima.- trict for mass>' -yaars. Thare vas a'her beiug a German Sp>', The secsuittng ageunt .rom Whitby splendid cs-owd eXasent andi everything These, hoever, proved te vas tbrotigli bas- recentl>' trynteu 10 sel al. ThIse omesteud vus net dis- au>' justification, but Uic ii induce some et thse Young men te en- posed of,as the<»Iddlng did net reach'-an Ies-oit te the. occasko l-st. Tise majorit>' of tbern, Iseevea-, the amounto! tue reserveti bld. -TIsasus-ad a good attendauco s-o!used ou tIse iÛ1hthat1h.>'v as-edut>'or 25-e -cabâi let udweas sodmteMs-.1 TIse lecturnne as va->' mI present. Trhe followlng otllcers were elected for the ensulng year: Presldent-Rev. A. H. Foster, Wbit- by, Ont. Secretary-Rev. H. W. Feley, Brook- lin. Treaurer--Claie Ives, Bo'wman- ville. Ist Vice-Pres.--Rev. J. F. Chapman, Cannington. 2nd Vice-Pres.-Mr. C. W. Burr, B3loomfield. 3rd Vice-Prffs-Miss Florence Hall, Wicklow. 4th Vice-Pres. - Llmbert Graham, Napanee. 5th Vice-Pres.--.Mrs. C. E. Cragg, Napanee. SALE REGISTER. Saturday, February 26.-Auction sale of farm stock and implements, the property 0of Ceor 1 Clark, lot 27, con. 1, Whithy iTp., 1V miles north of Whit- by. Sale at tw 19 'dock sharp. Wm. Maw, auctioner. Saturday, March 4.-Auction sale of tarm stock and IMPlements, the prop- erty of W. J. McDonald, lot 10, con. 4, WH!TBY MARKETS Wheat, tal--------- Wlseut, goose-----------..1.00 Bas-le>'...... ...... .... 0.60 Beuns ..... ............ 3.00 Rye.................0.80 Peus............... 1.10 Buckwbauî...... ...... 0.70 Outs------------------..0.40 Red Clovas- .... . . oo90 Alsike cleve-, pDs- bus.... 8.00 FLOLJR AND FEED. Flous-, pas- cwt . ..... 3.25 Choppati feed, c-st.....1.75 Cor-nieul ...... ........ 2.00 Bran, par ton..... .... 26.00o Shorts, par ton--------..28.00) $1.10 1.00 0.60 3.00 0.80 1.10 0.70 0.45 9.50 9.00 3.50 1.751 2.50 26.00. 28.001 MEAT, POULTRLY and PRODUCE. Fleur, par c-wl. ........ 3.00 te 3.25 Cattle, live welght ...6.25 10 7.25 Laniba, acb..... ...... 6.00 te 11.00 Hoga, ds-essed ...... ... 12.50 te 13.50 Hog%, select....... .... 8.25 te 8.50 Veul..... ............ 12.00 te 13.001t Chickena, par lb......... 0.18 te 0.20 Ducks, par lb ....... ...0.183toi 0.20 Geesa, ds-essed, pas- lb. . 0.18 to 0.20 Turkeys, dressad, pas- lb. 0.25 te 0.30 Buttes-...... ...... .... 0.33 te 0.37 Eggs ........... ...... P.t,08 Lard, pas- l......». ....te'10.20 Potutees. pes- bag .2.00 le 2.40 Appla, per bas-sel ...1.50 te - 3.00 Onions, par bug ........ 1.00 te 1.25 Hay, pas- ton......... 14.00 to 15.00 HIDES. Woel, uuvaebed------- 0.141 Cal! ekins, Dar lb ...0.15 Lamb skîna, eacb -....0.7Q Rides, pas- vt .... ....13.00o SIseepakine ...... .....0.751 Deacons ...... .......0.28 Horn. Rides ...... .... 2.5Q 0.17 0.18 0.75 13.00 1.15 0.70 3.00 Olilng s!ItllionGCois COUNTY 0F ONTARIO. . . . .1.04 1fli'I... i9 - .-M - .... 7.40 P.mIn ... 6b&3 p.M Sundu>' trains leava s-bs-Tornot u 4.52 a.m. and 7.40 p.m. Fs-om Toronto -t-ains stop at Wbitby Junction at 8.20 and 9.55 a.m.. and 9.30 p.m. UP-TOWN STATION. Geing NOrIru ..?%-3oa.rnlGOIn S.Uth ..7lm *.là - .1:i P-nhIru. p ..6-40 PM. a. w p.: C. P. R. Going West -6.3a aa. iGains iAtss-1.2O a mu 9 09&.M.I 2.52 ps.. 4. j . 6. .39 P.o 5lDp.]£. i13-44 &-M STAGE. Leaves tes- Brougham at 10 a.m. Ms-. Edwunds, proprieto-. MAILS CLOSE Foi West- 6.30 &.m. 12.30P.in. IL40 p. m For Eansl-4.JOi.W. 5..Ie P-iM Fs ar nWaitby- 6.30 p. su Var Oshawa-3.sa pin FOI, North-.30 .,.f and One Hundred Young Meni àa fully ô fîmes our supply. Write at once for particulars. - Wî will convince you Ibat tins ln VOIJR opportunity. Business eali, you. Wilyucome? No vacation at Midsnm mer. Enter now. 00v. Voile and W. J. Iflett. Charles Bts. TUIB DENTAL HaRry J. Hudgon. D D.S., L.D.S. Sueces8or to W. Adams. Office, Dundas Street, opposite Post office. Phone- 122, WIIITBY, ONT. IE. W. SISSon, D. D.899,LD.S, Dental Parlors oyer Aliu'a drag- store. Whltby, ont. Office houirs-9 to 12; 1.30 te 6. Phones, Bell, 87; Independent 11. IbLMK B. IýEATO0Nt L.D.S., D.D.S. Graduate o! teRoyal Colle ge of Dental Suirgeons and1 University of Toron to. Office over W. M,1'ringle's hardw are stoie office- hou r-9 tO 12l tLo .. o mId PhOne, le Bell Phon5 20 THREADGOLD BROS. MiPtUTUS sid BUILDERS -Alterations and Repaira. 11181 OLASS WORK CGUAAITE>. Corner *falnut and Keut St. TelePhone No. 132. WHITBY-UM U LMacdoimefl, II WbA y ls--a.4 *.iMs.1 4, Ma>' 2, J=ue 1, JuRy 4" Sept, W iJRR sO RIS Oct 3, Nov. 1, Dec. ,a.2117- OBMAWA-Xt«a. E1 L -.M1aco=el, pocial Boua it :p Pr*me~ i Whitby. Cles-k-.Jn.8 l.2.5i MIW X; iidiven.AhUesdfe i .A~s-.SMa> 8 JSM'2. JRy. ePt. Z 1N' o p ,lei:e. 8., Oct, 4.,- Nov2,ir» .',. g , 1917. , - à i*o i , k.; French Li.ck 'saoul " MGro~6 e-.u> te aotle s«d &Il horda peseta; vood~~6 Cie-kJa. , ', j > Main, a Àad New -Os-A leà . a p.4. PMRs-, m as-i,'o 0-W. Fort- JUry. 1 Sert-S.L4o7' #A. .BZRNUD A-ND, W , T INDIRS 1'4 mer, LTU ZRlibLT'" ~~, ms-. CJiéd n 1, ia. 0 U C.J Col Cil 7-1 -g Li r- .-reqaI ar i Saml 19Z con~ ýNo I The 1 W' Bol]s Ibio mkagl motoIf hrdy *5V1.ule usIf s. ee alkles Ms- ILRae pat1evoke4 . #RlIite T.OSUS 111F-8*M!*o., one 0iipOC4- vbi* lai ms. 11w. me» ot dememu. Se le abmt .U» oeaa lmi report.O Ms-. A. UQe Ilé'lstu lu Ts-ktp me Spedi t" ~dc w. 1- Cocksbutt Iw o 1o~ old ,1 Four borse powurcý Doo't w - -, r ~~~1 $15~OO -&oo ~1 - I .1 $4 - --1 - .4 vlt gtif b»nyco! lui »,ôuthe'-ety.;' Âutêr.-thé-1

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