Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Feb 1916, p. 7

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FROM -NEURRALO LM I>rmanctitly Cured Through the "a A IVES LIKE THE CHANGE TO Use of Dr. Willams' Pink BRITISHI SWAY. Pius A elevea- medical asriten hais aaid' that aaN<uragia s a Cry f rom the nerves. for better brood." Ini other wortls, neuralgia ha mot a disea se-ht has oaly a sýymîîtom, but a very painful une. Neuralgia ha the' -urest saga that' your tltau(1ia aw-ak, tvatt-ry and impure-, atnd that your narvaaa are lit- erally staat-îing. Batd blooat ha the one cub - rch, rt-t Waoodl the only cure. li-a gives you tht, ra-al rrason why 1).-. Williamsa' Pink 'illa curt- neurcaigiai. Tht-y are the- onlv meali- tit-thaît <ontainsianiictorret ptopol- t-ions tht-a- lmenta necalaitaa make rich, r-val llool. Thia. new-, rich bWooad rt(-at-ht-s the root of the- trouble, aýoathstaa t it jangl-d nr-ee, drives ais-li the angig talahirng pain, anid Ilarete- illa aat r h(atth i n othler was aistva-Il. fli proof of tha-se sLatvemvnt' Mirs. A.- T. titaton, Lifflit Shemiague, N.., jisaî '« ev yara agaa my miothar asn ianutta-n sesuifa-a a-airoti ra -i gaa-shiah wasislta-a atdinilit-a race, ha-al anald hola-i.Tht- pain, espea-iaai n liar hv:al. ins i-tnse. She alant at--ilfoi.aunaie timne si t'haaat gattang t-1f aundaI ahi a-sa-a mcl itat-, no Caa-ti.aag f ftha pain Inate -a l- steia av-ltad 1tac txt-ttling andl ha-r wtit- il ai.\ att] ýýt a ni bcaa n a - facua. laaiv sîu- ta tITo tt't thernfia-arauai hala-tha- aily ai ha-i ita lt-ta l atss ia a n J ti iaf aaat.î -athi- aras ai g-naairt-laif t li-i - lt aIt -- ciaitnia-aise ofcith-,li. ,-,,fa-lt hersa-if gaa-aiag ia --i, -I staaie a-iîh ah li>tilib(.-.a;ls na i, ?ai a1 stfa-ai îîd Niaat rripit la a an d m lis uit r y i.1n- t"th i u l -u- tai gv-t Dr. - \\ l lu-. lail-. l'itl ta--ni iti.' ma-lia-at. la r . i - !, \ iii:lil jaaast pliid a ,la i t e , i a la \ -it >v 1aae t 1,(X" i, fi ca T h'li- i 1 W il lii tains Ma-aiaita t. - ()a ,s la. itt PI'ISO\ FRS AIl-Rt, N E - iaaai liaaahifsu a- rdaî h i a a litalat l~e tr uaa \ai ,1ial latii.lt, - i- I l e ra l i s ta a v nv a 'a i ii l p i - . iîî a - . - um a . ha -'t ha tt aiè ai te t N -s Proclamation ia Pidigin Bhaglit4h An- nouned New Mater-But. St rong FcIlow. Whatava-r the ultimalte destiny of iha IbIa-k, sagly, barbaroos, and yet paathetiraiiy ehldlike people of wbat wras unti the war Germait New Gui- aiea-that i8 Lu say, îvhether, whcn the granit settiement takes place, they wivl reniain under te Union Jack or Int -t-atd to thiair erstw-hilc- masters ta- certaita Chat thary. are hap- 11îaaaa unater the Australian military aadminisatratit-n than tha-y wc'ulti have lave a-ihd Gtrmany been victoniosha thùe l'aoiicl. Notwaaht'nding the t antmnattvlth insists on keepinir it- selt NI te, litai ubItac said for it that aaa't matît kinaaly sparit bas animated t ini ta-i r-alatitans w ita and its at - titd ua-towaarat-is the rosi iN-ts ta Papiar, wsbitah is oaas'-i ,anv e atpand-nt'y. aiii. fi-a i -ci tor more, the alsor- agitais tif Kaisavi \Wilha-im's Landt and i la lasn Airk Atipelago. Theat- last lia ~ ~ o a.ir-aiat.afthe asar. hu-orne .îsnaiascharges. In a huitai fiagin Fngliish ai or-is i --r thea liat lar ta nibratatal i ng of thc S- -iora-at nopu lau-a- (al.- Il oIî-s signal - / 7cal i1 ha. t-v zra-if thaîsa -olotnies of lhia-' Kai-ir soti et h ifgma-ret-ihart a ita a-s a-tiinth aiçatar i raiamaaiioit --aiaaglika- lIas -Ait taîr*s li-langiaa ai lapiet-yaîu -t' iýr fa-il-aieattin. lce airong f-..- --mat-h. Yoti like hlm all -iw a- s-a1ihit li- sitaili ft-iha-i- hap tittungma itai; pi-rity mori- ag- fil a1. i. taol) uppi acu, blngi na h arnnos'. h.lctana-'lia hi- et )taka,- hian ail1 place. Ia 1< a t --aî gicat vcu ftlr. tow. ha' (eutau Iaail-al.ok u tgoouil aiiang W ~îipi-.aica-hi f-lt--master lia iirispaa-.a ii. Yoti1n0 work t -c at fa-lia-r mniasl a i-,' tic aninton. .a yaîaiî itltiar- oodl svth this tlN aitîiaaiatli he laok oitgood ai iitiigalla a- u;a iw looiuaît Nyotîgel tal-at -aiailfalia-i Kaîk-aai footil .ha- ilia ItIa h IaIr Ilîlaci- lalia-a i. oy aliiig il ;tat aî tiiISprotclamtat ion s ' hlat la aiasfaliar- masta r-. i ii.i- , %a - - - i sue fi) i f i Lasy ýr.rs nmConi fromn ftofolies that1 noirwo nrked digestive( Getbècto Nature by Sh*ddte Wheat.1 you on your-feet wher thing else fails. It8 the Inuscular energ mental alertness that 1 in fin~e fettie for the work. Delicious for br with milk or cream, luricheon with fruits. in Canada. than progrreas, but still doi for the- few shillings «i M for the, labor. Around the out oit -he- lay are the of vistingz natlives, mantie pawsq. our-opa;. limes. yarna. sweet potatoes, pigs. l-urther off are trading nl the motor bouts of th( Fnînging the' hai-bor are paimg, bvndihng gracel'oi be ,aa b)reezeý. Antd untîci tha Niars' (ivoren ettingj long kniî es, si.oppirag freý p'oint ut the ship uinloudir shout x.velcomo etx'a cquaintî if n the arri-on to b)aul itou id e1è (l i aukfi ii-gr-o\vn chilaircn ztre of Ne\v Britailn. N corne fraam New GIuinea a islanala. Sat inv ha\eiVe t signa-ai I 'lenturea I. soifl aald Om e are -ibOa, ving scntt ores for ('rimc froni petty tbeft l'oa urdt lintIfrve .ao.4 moslt4y(l p)olîccni -n. foi. police 'iaovs'a çarry rifles, and have mili Wiemctn in the ga kinal b the natives; sornat ;poil tht-m, espccially the vanita A S lesira-a, Uic make attent ive iaiters ai couk-, they are carcful nuri mitint\ women have 'i Keep Little Cuts and Scratches Clean Wlt Vaselni 1T U Carbolatedf Petroleasm Jellay A mild and effective anti;Cpî(.' Kep s the Isoye spots cleasi. Heais quickly. Sold ini handy glas bottdes and în tin tubes at chem idt and generaI stores eve.rywhre. Refuse substitutes. llust-ated booklet f ree on rcquess. CHESEBROUGH rMFG. CO. 16»0 Ciibot-Ave. Mentreai FTiAR PEACE N14RETHA T1N WAR. HL&ALTIIY IN TRENCHES Frenèi Soldiers, OfficiaI Figures Show, Are Ëoeaplng Misee Life in the trenches is healthher for the French soldiers now than In bar- racks hi- peace, as shown by figures issuedl by the army. medical depart- ment - Cases of measies, scarietina, mump», .diphtheria and cerebo-spinai menin-i gitis were more numerovs ia the army In :1911 than la -1915. Thetie diseases, togthcr with typhoid and dysentery, a-eraged 7.11 pier thousand' mca la 1911, as compared whth 6.02 per thousand men last year. Typhoid cases iast year numbered 4.4 per thousarsd mers, as compared with 1.88 in 1911. Dysentary at- tacked only 18 out of 100,000 mcn, as compared with Il hn 100,000 before the was'. The mortality was 12 for each 100 cases of typhoidi 1911; tI the field the mortaiity was 2.55 per cent. owing to imrproved methoda of trealment. OFFICERS AND MIEN Rîassians of AIl Ranks Are Sociable andi Not Reserved 'SEM, POTATXOEST, =l01 0013e ~bler, Deleware, Carmran. Or- der at once. gup)pl,lmited. Write. fo9. tluotAtions. H. Ni. Dawson. lramVton. r6 ER DAY, SALARY AND C*70 SmiseIgn for lad-, reprseatative ln' ber home district. Work Pitusant, eduý catîve, experlençe unneces4gary. Nich.. oIe Llmited,__Pubîtaberiq, Toronto. SKUNK. -rac-coons. muuklratia, al l kndSi fancy privos. Addrenie Ht4mu Mijn". sa.DpepBrk.nnpleC, S D UÃ"IT.MÀINtJNEW$ AMD ion0 A.O fIe or sale l17gon0sat fvwnU. The mont uneft la nti ,ltreUn et &Il bissinesses. ïuU l n2fortatlesob a applicatfdf t 10Wilson PutllÈhftnW Corn C Aiqnernai an ex«ternau. urs Zgtlw 1oui pain byr ou? hotae tr anet i Wt es betore too late. DL.-B1 at, 4dOeu co'..uited. -coingweod. Oàt efroun1 tam thé- organs. y eatingi a vey Management -bf a Fraim Fiock. supplieS Last year 1 kept aboût 50 Rhode, ,y àdIsland Red hiens and found them very Utousatisfactory. 1 have trled rahsiag dif- Ut0Uferent breeda of hiens, but find I like e day's the R. I. Reds the. best. They are reakfaSt profitable laying hersa, and are aiso or for suitable for table use, writes.Andrew Made Gaddes in Faim and Dahry. In the spriag we set our heris in a 'house separate f rom the> henhouse, whex'e they have pleaty of food and f resh wateî, also lime anmd dust. to roll ini. These hens do not get out.- qide ontil the chicks are out. Whea Che chickens corne out they are re- V moved 10 a long coup which bas siats on the front. This coop is divided up and will hoid several liens. The chicks are able to run about outside, but the mothers cannot get out. Whea tbey are about a week old the heas mw ý are ai-to let out. To mny 'aery youag ===- chickeeîs I feed a mash made of bran îng pîenty ard moulie, but as they get older I îonth paid gîve themn wheat. 1 aiways soak the e hip and wheat in water so it wili not kili the catmarans chîckens by sweUhing ia their crops. -ing paw- The chickens are allowed to run about, cocoanuts, ail sommer. 1 feed them oniy twice and fowls. a day after they get a good size. 1chonr I li and kilI off ail my maie chick- c garrison. ens. In September 1 select the best1 * cocoanlut pllet,-the 'cnes 1 intend keeping,1 -ad.s to t'he and then have these shut up in a box e trees are stali by themselves. I feed these pu]- grrass with lets very heavily, giving them ail they1 quentiy to can eat. Their food consists of boil- ng, and to cd potatoes, mnashed aand mixed whth snccs. moolie. 1 also give them mixed grain wn of Ra- at times. The reason why 1 do this is Qut these because 1 find wheri pullets are tieat- 1.Not ail ed this way in the falI they ia.y stead- laay have ily ail winter. If the puilets were ai- nid smaiier lowed to run witb the old hens during ade paper this heavy feeding the oid liens would -are free, become too fat. boys Ber-, la the winter 1 feed my beas corn ,s rangang on the cob,-thhs corn ha warmed hnaa -r. 'Paper' pan in the oven, wbich they get la eoire to be the mnoraiag. At noon they get a wear beits, mash of boiied potato skias, crumbs tary drill. and bran, and at nhght they get mixed arrisoti are grain. -imes they The can of water in the bouse house ser- haags from the ceiling by a chain. I ougb somne aiso bang a cabbage or sorne other nd passable vegetabie from the ceiling for the ,ses. Whte benst to peck at. A piece of meat boys' l'o b9iled and bung on a cord la this way - tita1.01uaa iiiii, . 01,1a. . . a. 1, IL- - - - .- . . -- 1- _ _ _ n b li g w ternea t1iult-lme-ricaa-îr. iiliit at i fil.i. 1;1k k falau - i ialaereai tia- Iaascarisy the ahaîttren shei out walkiitg."- is excellent food for th,- hers. MY- body knows. lando-oîan utr. ausiiii vs thaît tas-a('allaia -atit afla-- mit l giî'l ~ e- ~- hens get a phece of ment every other- The people are not thnking about advr> onloaa ra -aacn jS ast~~~ VitU(hi aagî t tt tti i - iaii c ois-stipatton. hoiaeva-r o~d-Aa aarm tba, ee îa-alh lunai-a i < 11 as-l ti alaita1-la.iit aYYla rîi-î-aeGday duriag the wiater. I fiad that a the financiai situation after the War.doo.Atgcr'.l>aalaia-na o ig th oa'inl(1 fB lisiilciný!>1.-h - r-uli trac- phece of cow's liver or liglits boied It lias not yet struck their imagina- .dea a1-s s;erviar-is ta seva-aa, aifa-1a1a i ;i , a i1ý 1 i.i1 ien;- - s i .( V ttawva Girls-ansd hung up makes excellent food. 1 thon. F ()ain iei ohsaf th(, fi-at iisai tli -ara -ways feed my hens and chickersn ocigtrs o ene I W bat 1eDî.< i> tltirty-tiiie lirati sh -f iiisI oriais lolaie.liesgeO uonce a week. 1 fiati that the mot thhrsk the Governmeat bas made; Pat haaI retaîraed nsve a uaitag (aaiaaît-.. ir-sai- rhaý- uiphur ha a preventative of lice. up its mind that it must have an in- leave f rom the firirglnat a e ais1 siine dis.atiaat ia-aiui-i hIlliit tIa îltI-t i'tiIiv5aita-l-it is mot good te have too many demrity. There ha a willimgrsess to iating ha experieroudtelr ftht- aifia-er-sas u)i-ab..n-tai-f .nna-aaaa-au hl. S . \. Pa-heli luge 1'EI.,LS 1-11RD NNVON 0.\ F DODD'S hens ia the one house. 1 have a'-evacuate Beigiumi except LUege. Po- one night. "The eem a cepn tagaît- s-kNîIalliaI it saa tIîsaia-i ;jt fr-a-taN!c-liitut it- ti Raliaul K1 NEY11L.scratch-bouse in cornectiêa with MY land must be scpa.rated from Russia. up la their thousads niO n t-r-a caltldaura-i I-t, ta- f,,, i, ta1 aN-s im-a.a aiua salaîl I)NE ILS ers bouse, in which the liens are al-' The Germans are. now, -hanreality, imply itching te e a he s- -n m(ia ihlia il.la i la ii liiis z,,ia- alaaiti. lium-aos aiai has ilowed to scratch. In' this scratch-' governing -Austria iird Hungary, but what did You d-)?"akebsfahr as iiaiît-a-ýla i-a- a- hua--i ijIii ii-o h-u-.i ad1ct-aa;uhiîia-d une a.~ -". hyReîieved house therosa have dust and gravel are doing so vcry frctafully, and arc "'Oh, QI juat seraicelmalft The at--a 0 i lb ti taliiiaii-(taiif a at-ii-s ui-ailieaii.uýlthettMnss Logan .Taails Hw h te roll ja, aime a seif-feeder grît box', mot disturbing Austranrspride. 1plhed Pat. Ticers. ýiata si iaihi aiai-%(11:1;ai- ltigrarg af tuaas sii alaition, Her eofIPahns and Aches Se Many -on th alWi. - ; Nobody .amnong the higber Germnan'____ ffier, i.ioi, ' O o p1ntt1n R tan-douan Women Kmow. I' always kecp my hem house white-! off iciais expects a quick end to the oMildrtfirlytillt> ad lleiý.; 'ae:anwaslied inside and out, and I think war. a.DGf5lltdE.l asamijaa aTatisra-iiI- ilanU\ r -. aî- îî - .. ttining., ,'b. - .(Specini). ti aas peettv flice. ..."--------tEyesIfae bye oue ith --aw air ta\%,,fi a Jr-. f -hi1-a1it asvrr-at 'iit Ausirtalians baisa-in this --1 arn glad to sa> aefudYu~7r~lrieebMra unilitia-t a- utreri te Mtttanadela- i m itke, la-caiuse unless alur Lodd's Kitiiey Plis have dune me a W TOR _VI nIions for tellîa ( aaiiaai iaa-iau-. laurta uhai,;acsa -rlu '.hap aa>" wdef lt f-o. Ssa iTO AV c E t ot Abotata ri itarthiaa, a U)5a Ilglbe dti'îtar iscipline- saffa-ra; 1lut.,buho%-«, issGlaatys E. M. 'Logan, of 264 1L h bet fTiIrePT- a oh nca-siltialai-iu.atari 1' (01 rthr- niai> îia-th-re as dIbt QaîeiteaiIh cl.A Fuit Ù11escription. I he0jct o T hyIs If rr« Pre- th amal in ai hua. sali.-lt ih a-ttn uî-thati tnalai (;el fmaaî îsla flogging %van -I tuffereai from drois-sinessanad; At a fonction of neted and iearned Eyes Give You Trouble. i ,y an -affia-er prisoiiiar, ýi-t tait pr-ia i lî-li i t nino-a t-rl h ar-p pains acrosa my back. My sleepmca icnth umbrellas of the gucats gotAnltrsi lar t-mtroubles aecasisehltey duveot. knuwuwbat - - 1 r s re u . l nu h s - hpatn atn headach s and was ubject to neuirl- ,-h coflsiderable trouble lin finding t o o.u ls y kno s oe do ot khome rm- T h r go a P fe s r I~ a h li e ()ef stititana le'r 1uit 11i- Ot-lt-ast itt a ase a itatave- aprluanitatiaonerc -ngthe o hYkO ,regodhm e- IT egn estr-aataa receîpt cf iettea-sun-I pair- baal (jcta)rnntteal suticide rather than gia an huaim a ers-umlbreiia bclongirsg to the professer enoo vr te tio lmn.bth aoseho ha be '14eiie it .ie<I ad lwsi zdand troubled - t i mathematics i a leading u muti-nonefor tloir ave troubles. They noetlect "An itsUnt -. I eg unsrün yhi rta,1tIeir eyea. becalea ite trouble ln notcrtng hrctr ai-.tut ulI hailna-sa eetî restaara-î. GUcrnai' employer- Nor avare lashes palpitation of the heant.r sity. Selecting one umbrelia out of sufficionîte d rive thoma te an eYe, doubite' - .I wasalways Iired and nervous Uic armful that thc porter bad suba spectaiat. who , woauld, &s.ray. charge aYez, indecti. W1 .h koamr aime lima-19gi thîs- 0lîr-Nît ira uairtlno the uiiffly hjag unden the former te ev e.A a flrte iiea-il uf perniiing affîcetta isaanerq (Xf rm nfru t is on record that - and 5ery sensitive amd there was hol- mitted to hlm, thie professer said- go toa n opta ian or te the tivanmd ton- about the races tha iw firm n te ieghlaiitg oni i'rnu plnt-ri ul ffUi -lows under my-uyes. * New, that la likç my umbreila. cent store, ami of toaatimn es reirn tiis coaztry."' alutr i n campatîr as ith Gliaaun off 1- taie-iof relfr-atora "<vs"anal aather-'-..For tire years i wms in thia or-thougli the cross section of Uthe han-ta telnusdoa fw mthe, d~wo h. afOet aaancy that! As .dentlo ()il thir parle ,rieaçh nitilate t outcondition, otten havhng to lay off die of my umbrella ia more of an ei-"more îaîJury than 90&esifod.klber Oif cureIt wil be off ered in e-! for a day o wo a ttended by lipse thana parabela; ita extreme e Hos aa imle une 5 vttatiBo-aife taaaîataaî f ths tht tae aar-rgend wasted money on useless end ppints towards Uic perpendicular, opto. : ounices water. un itree or four tfcriptlonn ofrsistisettse averge >e OPtoSU taotvleJ Saa'ta Wlias Hae.i-aptuu or News'. om era aan is laz >, medicines, but 1 orly found relief and form e a se tion of the mjor ttme-" a duy 10 batl be lt-e o- Tii&pe tr-tacheoius, gu M, rts, na iss Logaa's statement ina ames- c. Ah'IlIsec cf Ah cas> find it fib' y k on nd kIY. oa'eNOiO ile" iar' acilaXVti hma s.- Wîlam-eiaaa, acur, thr-op'agous; 'and that the ja au-grwlatargamihhmie' k-phmh -i aaa he r ufr n ju t, t won and rs ta a wa te k aroth N.ruan 8btiso ,rots, sam Brut-e has t.fti alil: o s picputIlelllwdh ca. fhope to thousands of oen- sali." aloçmdn- tlewte amouh.N. 8 onai prnipe t 1-flbdi de l e overworked# tiréeffl M"eO a t1« Ie'umrA ~~~i5Vi-~~~~;i Canada.lama-',ranal nuis-. tht-troubles are - t»' boneatteat md, otten- 0tmdi-Itsrods egra Or ta i sita-r-y! atate of fau-r; a'at théeAustralia5s-a h ufeeSewas thohem ta - >' gli"M'nvaed o nwta-at Nbaaa tedvan a%, h oir; haa- alanae much for- andl wîîh thse na- t kaow the> crin fimd relief ha Dodd's -addto ife î wlkr* ygur Uaimeu i Kînyci s eKaew ILcrd itte o fS -ther aif- andvoeu.' use Se the fruant' 'iattle ola-ait; ais-tin Papun.an md thca>are manag- Kino Pll. ngredimlttiihwolI Ijure-- t» h 1k iié ti*"W M' ~* ;,it- ai;tp-iiuih - Eiîsuir-'.u mg - irarta h forisar ----~-----4.1)"Deyou lielive that there is reauy iot senastve oye. of an Infnt or .t4e w u .4bleta .cetoie t ep~asI~ o Cliisatatlaer poaeac- îhneih h igr-NIURSES CIVE THEIR LIVES. a1smethlflg whJeh ean hnvariably t-lla ecoTrY iVt; ud cwf«a tien. H0910otersu9eer 01yb ici N01b i ritr'iw-"n r - -liitat4on. on orboth of, s amans ' i - lot cannolat ut tts-,venacrisstion. IuotsG bemeftted by théue-fycr2nm1t - -"o1 41 kow-if" i t theTorente. for Ia&M. -ll «hacaa 11 u tiairald irn- ashc l.taaa aispl.aytsditoward Mortality Amnont Fréneh RdCrs1Iikowi 4 l Tramet1 '01s Whîa a ittabsaias heila siie suljoct r-acet. Indeeat, te apuan is Work r 'Atarbap yo hae sen one cf .~-.-sbeando'sILU~eiJ Le-t hitn turn an-I flee! not thae hoptîs s avage that ho in' ion~i4 liU the instruments?" -iI- Whba faîr- Setthaatn's Kin-g ana l mv, cri-dits-a with belmg, as Chiristian mis- - Fec . ri euts r o t alearnt-. sasoral wfl ltronglvyaraaw, aiuuarieana id equable anal proniotive -aqipig150hqptl hha g UI'R OW VSÙ N la -iinstantd,a-r Freurnuru fa', go' c-rament have proa'ara. Sa there in eo 18O es ý. e itd"h u U i* lt lim faalîaw me' ri lik-a-gonilpranapuct for the'New geileo!1800 ies ath -"ht*fl Youw favO te tocusi? l Tt* B> appreaion'a waaes anad pits, Paanerniaas andal al tie rest of tc Cr0sa flag files- over 288 buildings ii o reatest ' b" Sthe 1 By youn sons ha servile chains! petales ha inte Bitimarmrk Archtpelage. P5aria'.ne-G e4MtcSt We Witt (rainOa ers en, :-Mostality anmpng thi.e Rd Cross Yon Mn oAet Bo h>sahl>fe!A Scecs. etRabauL norme as becs> rumarhahy hosVyý c1 te > La> the proud usurpera Iowl A pleasant pers pitire ms affotded.TvoiltY4t> nieMbm aO! thie smcety Tats(hhevrfo!b> Lieut. W. iH. Phippa, or the Aus- for Aid ta the. Wouuded BoldlerniddsuraÂe Wt Liberty's ha every blow- stirulian ga.riaoaa. Rabaul, iha are- have civera their liv.., more- o! t t oafrm SIp. %4 M yumt itt f.5 s'e4W-,t.m Let us du or die! cent- issue of the - Sydney Sun. Wi-lt- klll.d u"s<bel ireother. tarrledi lSI fu"m«Qé u -4' - .iuîg under the dat-e of OcýtoWmir31 tméOf ycostgoç lulieAema. Pi KEE LIlL ONS icut'tnantsamys: a fMbi .eltyba ewotdmi-j foo l -r*t *ý WELLIN INTE - Tumttituous trieif fraujuthee sativeatytfi* pd<aIeuiidBSl mxty- - igtaal ta the whsle population of j er9gm Is QUOd ue roso! tbh0 Leg0tcjo ;lo W11 - -- - - - - - - Whmte ~ tangeous forRab.sul the lssconihsg of eàater id gS loa. Wintr ina dageros scson forrom -Austmrie. A merry lot tWy ! a liz VOOMi i44the ROiS cml" 1fl htftaot* etf om n uot the littie unses. l'ho days are noar.tes agh 'os h#yMgt~ t"tOOa.ms e t roat Wboaé changeable-anc bright; tise next coltid c aft slt a ilsui e.bave MDOm0l,5te WiWIhAI' b ipi and terni>, that Uic mother la afraid I,1adw00hgi îng Aetuh. oL O*sUbi'ay_1R . b M0 te laite the chlren out for thc fre* ulsftî -C air anmd excrchal-they nced 5noinuch.l1 ytetie gronandpvatth W bfoTLGîd~i~e---- i consequence tise> arc ottenors ed HraUcyc*ue r gyyaocre gatl bMua !usu a up in ovcrheated, badiy ventilated tlavuu4ave-s froi Wawît te kMe, fz lc.wome okhi i tAis rooma mmnd are oon scized i wth eolds t a hi woyhi $t od. ft-l ea tb mot.~ or grippe. What in neededtotakeWe ombletine upae ina@fi?08 PS5~S t 1o the littie one well in Bsby's Owii sariet busav&rîeataed 5Pump* 4. Mt 'Ebiti. hy will regulateUc u.fuhd ii . Nas~u itome-cl and bowcls and drive eut Mr namt cuIda and by their une thse babY wil'îci tdisor- 4yIuW ts, sbui yearle be able ta get ovet tise vmtter 8sonei 1Ma W" dodui-as li perfect mmiety. TAie Tablets sto »m ____ a mld by medicine dealersor ý M e- "t wu< jb eI*M et 26 cent@ a bex froVs DrIL, Wlliama Medicine Co., Brocklledolotslq~a O~ Ont w*-a u .qp Ca,~ThefShdEft.lit -ha t - ikind, rc&uces CYsts, WeDs, NinfuI, )lien Veis and tlcers.$l iad 129 bôtie ai ers or delivered. Book "Evîde1 f ree. . OUNG, P. 0 F., 616 Lymaîs Bcdg., moêtnaI,ti. biortui suEAbs.rbin.-. Ji.. arc IWin laCa0d" BýERýM-UDA The Ideal Winter Resort iýulf, Ta-unis. Yttlig, Flsabtng a iiii Bea-tatttlhi ng. i'rescnt (jar- rison, pftthe Ottaw-a a 151h) Regi- Pîinçcess fHotel lu êerufrom»E IXE2teES Sltuated' o n the 1l(a-bor of R$rLmlton. Acc-ioinmaidatcs 400. Rates : $16 per we1L ianad apward. HOWE E.TWOiiOGER, HtAMILTON, . :,P& UD Bermiui& 1wreasubed bpr th&- temmn- ers of tho Que'bec A.4. , Co., S 3 rodw-We. NeW Yack. t o, 't--- a--- r g y ur t rlfoP 7-. *s e~'ut19t I- a~T~I1I505biaO t la frti mv.~~~~ "*VerNo ~.îy~, <ulweti. f r - -0ff Yo.ung Mothr-Wbmi buioineos - W talby' take to, do you suppose? ' Younug P'thur-'-Tbe f..d Urie q. Two bee-ds are liciter thmis4oe" guesulng tau1 tISIa oow oaffl sae* a Or Z'iéll I MMr 1KAI-TAt Russian officers of- ail ranks are Germns Epectb h 'Vltorius"Totr more sociable and less reserved But a n o xet to "Cne ir." s than those of other nations. The oii ta tien .h 1hen The soldierq have even nicknames Do You Consider Th olwn ttmn a enfor their favorite offilcers whomn they - communicnted to the London Daiiy regard as friends, advisers and in WTear and Tbai'ý Express by a neutral. It.- importance loco parenti3. Officers frequently on~ your hariesà wheii you lies in the fact thant the writer has'iauLh and joke with their men and figur vour ptof isii- fthe' been in the position during the ep-icali them molodzie (bucks> and to Car? 'Ordinarily that'saa tire duration of the war to visit al' voratza i(comrades). fgitmbtyucn ak parts of Germany, and has been- in, The simple Russian private would il rdeg igible by. usiflg constant personal contact with the' never dream of taking -a liberty or heads of the military, political. and being uiduly familiar in rcturn for EU R K commercial parties of the country- this friendliness;, for an oficer is9al-i- The grent crisis for Germar.y will waysi an officer in the eyes of the HARNESS RLé corne after the war. The working' soidier; algo a harin tgentleman). V, ib- te leather soit ani men wiIl return home f rom the whether famiiiar, intoxicitced or setber. prevenpq cracking. Adds trenches, and,-wiil flnd the country de- The' officer is obrazovanne (edu- yea rs to h arite~siâ i . nuded of rawv materials. The Gov- ru-tv41l. a man of culture, while the Dealfers EveVwherC -, ernment will have to send out into rrivate himscif la negrarnotie (not The Imperil 011COniPaY the world to get ncw supplies, and no- 1-uael ignorant of the as-t of reiad- Limited body knows how the stuif hs to be' îng unil writing). . anAzcirEsU N M. I- paid for, or what wiil happen. The'- test will be far sevcrer than anything that has occurred during the war. Tgoî o av eopevbclirîous peae ' Thm e Best B e k THICKe SWGLLEN GLANDS gigTh avGeria vc u peopl bliee heyur not a conqueror's peace-the differ- : os.ha ae ahlck Wlndbeze ence being left to the imaginationt. fa t P s i lorC kedwcnb iGermany is feeling the econorie Dr . ackson's Roman Mç.al porridga rcdticcd ,itli 'crisis very much, but the people are properi) made Iii a double bolivra rndÀ( fatalistic, and are saying it is God's not s-ttrred after ir4t nîaklng IL R*'ad .0 .wmill. There certainly la no preseit- directions on pac kage. Bolier niaske2 evidence of an impending collapse, and'nilht hefore for early breakfa-st, ln 'also other Bunche% or Swellings. Noblister. the war can be eoatinued b-y the Kais- double bolier. and ivarininiithe nmorn- no haitrgonc, and horstekeptat*otk. Lco- er~~~ ~~ fô erlne. ter 1916, no-, lIg wbîle dressl ng, by a.Io;-i ng to mit nomical-only a fcwv drops reqiMdc atIn ap- er ùr yer lnge. A&ý -41- ihii iiziUrIINi J. t1icrteeivpyC lil'rnt for lt lis -- o a-- -l b il i ti C.- (i-I . I l

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