Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Feb 1916, p. 4

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y - .1., in ~u, ua «contemporarY, revis: -i4WS» give Libral aid 10 breede.ra," K.éw about- t!îcae who would profer - -- oueryatio ndY -The Lindsay Pat aya: "There have boom *aly three Januaries since thc yeur 1840 with as high a meaxi temper- attIre as that of the lnonth juat claod.", That's mast lt-a "mean" tempcrature -nover saw anything meanor. But bey oit t-be Pa#f odîtor muet ho to re- Membor as far lîack as 1940! xxent or eantOD c d* 401 octing the jlaeàu ednurses or attmd,ý, &nt& in the care of the, alok ohW lnju .' and thila aervlng prauallythe mrneCk purpose as having a traînei nurse el attendance constantWy. 'The fée for c sucb service la -1alU, ang tu Cases ti where the foc la neot obtà1nable. lb. d tb same falthful and palnstaking service.,ni la given. It seerna as If the thougbt pc behind the V. 0. nurse's work la "sBir- vice ta suffcring htimefity." The key a that ualocks the V. 0. N. door la call- e ed "Need." The greater the need Uh i more hearty the service. Mtheis o'!'n -Whitby awe much-ta the wise counisel A and Instruction imparted by the V. O. a Sorne of the appeals of the Personal nurse. bessons lni sa.ntauon,, wean- i Liberty Leagtie are pathetic ln the ex- lineas, dietetîca, careOf -s84k-these t( troume. One appeai says "What shall have been glYen and recelved to the e we thlnk of thlt. atternpt ta rab Cana- lasting benefit aofbhomes and familles t dia&gllant defenders-many of wbom ln the comrnuiiitY. tligflot necessary I have give» up their llives for liberty- ta apprave of ail the methode and t of the vketory t.hey have gained at the dolngs af the WhitbY brandi before'i poila&01117 so short a lime ago." One one cari give unsîinted pralse ta the ean O~mont Imagine one hears the sohe main features.ai this beneficent work. of the League at the.thought that those The public-will soon be asked ta make who have given up iheir lives wili be another contribution ta the work af the grieving becauise ihey wIll ot be here Order. We unhesitatingly say that, al- r to Oppose Provincial Prohibition. The though one differs froin those who are IX,-ie ttks -- tchre are the men thai conirolling the work as ta the best VOted agailust Prohibition in June. methods ta 1w pursuied. there siîouid be 1914?' Tîteni he answer is gîveIn, na holding back oaisuPport rain Sa **They are away and cannaI vote.- The worthy a cause. Inferellek Is thai the gallant fellows* * who have gone ia the defeace af the-Bla empire were al 'boazc tslingert3 Iî Tr an td v\~tarw ont fl- hence %wouid oppoae Prohibition. îhîs lmr.NI ryland, bas .tre 01 i 15a s Moetunfair and uinjuet Insinuation Parnest on ant anti-noise campaign byv -and oute the Persanal Liberty Leaguelappointing a soft-pedal' policeman, shOtsld h.. ashamed ta niake. The issue mwhose sole duly It la ta prevent people InI 1914 was decided on p)arï unes. ram maklag unaecessary noises. . Thousants tîpoit îhiousands of prahibi-1 Tîere is no gaod reason why aur Can- tionisis voted for îîarty and against adianl cilles should not omdertake af the "abollsb the bar" nioveaient. Ir simîlar campiiaigi." This appeared onï given the chance nom, te issue being the front page of rttfI1V~Q~î non-partisan. they would support it dollbtle~ss mrilien by- the sanie ltaadt gladly. The Persolial Ubertv î,ealgtie tîtat penaed the- words. Wa a man5 las Makisig tself the Ilanghingstock oaieftît.ty desires lu this world iS ta bû rensonimg people al aver Ontario by let alonc. The ie verage Anglo-saxon1 Ils iiy arguments used la an <'adea- rt-seuls enartaieflîs agaiflat persoflal4 vor ta defeat Prohibiion. Thte Persan- liberty.- If a nman should have personal al Liberty Leagîte le really the Licens- liberty ta drink llqtto.r, which does ed Victualers' Association masnuerad- haritilanrnost cases ta bimself and oth- Ing tunder anotter lnaine.e rs, w bai abouît bis persoual liberty 10 l-nuke a noise, whlch daes blinself no The aproacîtng nnualmeetig of and seldom harms athers? Il the yictorian Order ai Nurses revives appears that the Infringeinent of per- ln ones mmnd interest ln tie work titissoaliet hct ob rend Orde inaccofflshin lnour ids- 1Is that which prohlibits the drinking of Orderli bascomlihng on ta urdLliquar ln publie places or the deseera- ofhamills tbeean boono hureslion of the Sabbath ln a public way. of all nes thre cntbe ono doubt. The wrlter of the.Front Page Lni Bat- Trillaior tr s e lo t too nerl a u , tî,da Vy N ght ev dently can hot be con- evea for te ho redbuwel able ta sistent for two weeks la succesalion- pay lb Wfeecatard, but perbaps for The fact 18, no 'ofe can be consistent thoso ridescannot-aeTordtloriperty"abdo not require the fultdîne af a nurse, te hristhspesnllb't"o- Victortan Order NurelaaGo-en.by-borse. There are scores of cases whlch require a 0111Y Ibat a nuîrse Should gîve ane treat- Ai Austrian wriîing f rom Detroit - --- - - - - - NEW GARAÀGE and Pa int Shop SN CON NECTION with our new garage we have Iinstalled an up-to-date paint shop, wîth an ex- pert body painter in charge, and are now prepared to do ail kinds of body painting on autos, carrnages and sleighs, etc. Get Our Prices The driving season is about over'now und you are thinking about putting your car away for the winter. Run it in and have it washed before doing so, as leaving the dirt on spoils the varnish. We are prepared to overhaul ail makes of cars, and can also store cars for wînter. Our Garage is Iieated and Fire Proof. .SAT15FACTION OUARANTEED. WB Ind. phone 1 2 PIRE Jn -LUKE I SON WHITBV Belli phone 10 SALE! Canned Goods and Package Vois We aîfe offorng goods, more or lest daoeag.d b smoke- and - ater, at greatly roduced prices. Soae gogàdaenb s*-<>awiid Vogot.ables, Sahuaon, etc., are not at &ll iojured, but Ib bels ou lte Mis are discolored. Package Te" àm aIse, lmaIveaot vos b agnuply smoked, are Dot injar.d, Ouly l inti p.vbc fU Flous.' ad fBolsi lts Flourinupaper bags a la lurty pO, Cd boe tmt b loVIýJ .io* s~aoks rnay bave to b. sold focfed. U 4*l sd astoQue or if kepti in acold-.p1mz - woat4 *tducge fl ]ï*M1r P h ie lIroouim rp b<&ly seorcWeIadohw~ ooadlt@n 8Uar in opmn bawrls Iil'bai. ês .I o Os - 0 the Toronto Glqbe 4sel« Great "lu1I order Ite estruetton of- entiona,cofctett iO ty f lermlanchrlé,9iis rau- loua ttuthe aam,.afdiut, a"41I te lanage la enonîu-t wtýiisUunflact the property t Wealthyi< 4Mma fn a,1 ike a ahrewd - diploat, te eke thec poor ones feol that t#ey-11I ha leit aloflo. 1 would go miter them5 ,,tee, lIger on. and thcy coul4. nQt ozgxpoct anything eIse. They 'know .1 t, too. "And 1 would,'landlç the Zeppelin raids over ln 9Sglan4 In the samne nanner. 1 would show Ge many thatt aII Zep damages will have ta be made goad by Germans lIving in Great Brit- ail, and If theîr properties were In- sufficient ta caver the'loss, extend the application ai thoso lndcnhty laws tai Canada, South Af rica, Australia, etc. This should ho ln effeet Immedia- tely. ln ordixr ta check sucb sAavagery. Don't "~t tI after the war, and 1 bet ten ta one that GerMany would- be very slow ta do anythiag that would Impov- erish her awn people. I know." Trhe above suiggestion ta one well worth consideratian by the authori- t les. Whether It could be worked out witbot t lnjry ta British subjeets naw residiîîg ln Germany or the lots of al British property ln Germany. is one te autîtaril les would have ta cn-ider. i Btut an the sNrface. It appears as if the suggestion wauld have the effect ai p>reventiag raids on defenceless tawns. l3ritaln speeme ta be treating Germnany as if site vwre a fair antagonist. ln- stead af wltich she is a barbarlan, ta m-boi fair and bumane measrrres do nol apply. The Personal Liberty League, whlch is streaîîotisly oppaslng the moveinent for Provincial Prohibition,, la naturalty stroag an the -personal liberty" argu- ment. It La apparent f rom a pertisal ai thieir adverlisemnents Ibat the only per- sans enîtled ta persanal liberty are thoat- who w ant ta drink llquor-which nianxs, ln hundreýds of thausands oi caseq, ta Sipel n maey on drink w'hich Fsitoît td be spent ou Toad and clot bing and comiforts for n% Ife and fanxily. with- oui %vbicb îhey intîsl sufer-and do suifer. Personal liberty means inher- ent rigbt. Has the wife no laberent ,.lght. or dlaimi. upon the earnings a! ber busband? Ha-,lte cbild no right ta support at the hands a! ils father? Have wife and child na persanal lib- erty ? la personal liberty llmlted ta the husband? ls persona liiberty a preciaus thing to hlm and of no value or w9rth ta the wite and children? If the personal1 liberty ta drink liquor were usod in su.eh-rndera.tioil that lit- tie or na lnjury "îuId be donc ta the drînker or his dependent.s. there would probabty be no tnterferenoe with that liberty. If the exercîse of this liberty neyer mnea.nt blows and abuse and star- vation for the wife a.nd cbildren, there might be saine weigbt In thc proi.est against restricting a mans personal liberty. The personal liberty o! per- sons afflcted with an Infectious dia- ease la restrlcted by a quarantine regu- lation whlch isolates them from their tellows for the latter'S good. Wliy la there no united autcry agaînat thisq Interference with persona lilberty? The persan rnaking sucb a protesita-day would be considered inanne. Trhese 'persone.l liberty" enthusiasts are rid- ing tbis aId nag ta deatb. What they really mean to say tas-Weie liquor, '*~4, 1910. w. ~G. --.a7Mm 1 Z su Saturdaiy, Tusesdaiy 3DAYS ONLY Your choice of any of our Scotch or CanadiaUn Tweed -Su.its, this season' s styles. One hundred to select fromq sizes,34 to 40, and made by some of the best makers of clothlng., JaR Canada. Among the lot YOD will find I-OBBERLIN'S MAKE MCALPINE RICHARDSON & CO0. & cou &RAN-DALL COPLEY, NOYLES $12. Three days' sale only, Feb,. 26, 28 and 29. hIve was known sU a man WhO WaS BOId ARE YOU GOINO WEST TRIS PROHIBITION, THE PEOPLE AND enough ta be Honeat and Honest on- SPRING? THRE OOVERNMENT. ough ta ho Bold. We bave falth lni the If so, bear lu mmnd that te Canadian Editria trtitffi Kiottn Dity wiedin nd agaityandln he our Pacifie Railway offers te fnet Dos- Idîoril forntueKtrgst» Dt î wîdoî an saaciy and e 1. cur-sîble equlpmont anid exceptlonally gcod Standard (Coeiacrvatîve) Fe!>. 10. age and bonesty a! the brillant maxi train service; operatiug Ibrougli stand- who bas succeeded hlm, Hon. W. H. i &rd and teurlpt u1efpers, aise dlulng Tt seems ta us titat. those peaple who H-earat. anid in thie able men wito . cars ta Wlxmalpeg and Vancouver, via are oppoislng thc referendum te thc hie Cabinet Counsellol'5, ta belle-vo that une oflte most picturesque routes lu electars o! Ontario upon lte Prohibi- they too are Boadenough te ho Man- thJ oI& ui tpl me oadrtoi tion question, basing thei opposition, est, anid Honest enough to e %Icd. and applY te aiiY C. P. IL. agent- for fuil as one o! thelr circulars puIs il., upoxi tîh îfib tis criais they wtil put their partlculare. or write W. B.- Howard. lte ground ltaI this la 'a fightI for tumst lunlte people and glve ta them an ititPsege gnTrie Lihorty agais Tryaxiuy.- are shoot- opportunîty la pans uz>on Ibis Most cn a w f lte mark. Thero la ne omenteus question, A T U Y D sucb Issue Involved; neltbver la l a- Whether they will de se0cOr nal re- question whetie-r we are wiliixg, as o-ne ulas ta ho seen. but whatever la ff MtACHER OF SINGING. of lte cîrculara pute il, "to e horbed ally determlned upon by lte G-aVen- : - TUDI- o! aur freodomi as BiItish subloct-. or ment. lot us once axid for s11have exine NAUSOURI OON&ERVATORY. TORONTO ta have "Our mrvateIlite cOnttclhtd" with Ibis illly taik cf lnfligMeItet i Ruig ssje«of nt ll) The real issue as we sco il la siînply perseuai liberty and privaI. lite, b. Tes-ches at Whîly every' SAturday. tblâ: whether ar not thse peopleetftise'cause oocmtis niay ffp>lie f that ti'ruhe» 11IM o r a44zem boxsa05% WlUT B Province. as a wh*elê-not the Prohl-. Probibitloflla to-ay one.ofth um-t bitiontata oniy, net lte omniProhlbi-lal;it ies of tt» iimo iit.aMd tut,4.T IO3W tienats oely, but al the peopleo-ebail voroai aM it nov t e n pqUtlC1 have lthei-lut 10 PauS Ipen ai rt wbicit u*»0ppIr" vas et M o e ht I1 RAu W questI nonif@vtat *4at almow ~ g~tsi5l. ~ucENB>AClNt lb. moral voitbetmg et 1h" roulinstom oux. be Sg o ppoeluity o NI- LUTO. The quesiom n ushot 1h, bia» l60,pée-. Pm4bamustbiupos Il. I y» -M Pl* oft dit reot provin10 h. ooti4 t& i - j fo m1-, M or 9"ai titer le ignor a t iii rupPORnP, "Ë - hni"a t l*0 ces"t*OMM~ W8 ji M v«'WumImme ? Mremmms.itin.> ft tw "MTite BisoO t io asl i»e que>. MM.wom "d ber daueter. taS r r tien, 1» *mM ü vn atu1y F% h. iWNVO4-- --_~14=8 1111U41 1mS 9tie litI lte ~ ~jJ y. ÇwI m . s tMAl 'Im-m.UIP CANADIAN PACIFIC. For WINNIPEG and VANCOUVER- LEAVE TORONTO 6.40 PoMe 'DAILY VIA THE rtRANSOANADA CONKNECTINO TRAIN LEAVES WFIITBY at 4.È5 p.m. Tlîrough upnnt- ineluding Elclie Lighted, Compartmt, Obs'vatioýn Carl, Standard a.nd Tourist SIe-epers, Dîning Car, Firet-deatis Comches. --The f requent C.Pi.6 Serice pasixtg titreough the Business CIentieof eaeh- pat(-qajt mz t.a4w.wib fl t o rttW .B w l, T -t Yofr- King and eouatry Nge4I You- -I ýondasy, Se LAVINSON SON W. R. JOHNSTON & CO. RANDALL &JOLINSTON Y A 4 Sr Cam] Cotai a ret m hic S-Ir the thei recol 'Was prob b ow appti faclîj putIj thmi to 11 bas It Is surc tioli, doub cou thes Chu~ tioa the seau City. pai -for tht ail Be in 18: foi pti ly Tg 'l 04 Ad - - - - --- - - - ýl

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