Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Feb 1916, p. 2

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NOTES Ž4L COMNINYTS <- d ou bedc$ or glidle; a plece of an- tiqe. jewelry, aise i serve te keep ; 1 When we -somewhat complaeently Tdi hi n h aei Pat ourseives on t1re back and thibik The flQT rides Boquet. that bars'put awa" all the nonsense tr l itbuiçh,0f'white rosebuds 1 1' Xý of paganisn an ce ages At super- TeSra witlhIits quaint, sùiff littIe paper man- stition out of our lives we cor ne Up The Spdrg chette, or the graceful sbower bou- pgainst'the. extraordinary tact thatet e-yha quet with drooping lily cups and rib- almoat any one can get a bearing ls oeo isdgîyw t Iain, bons. One ef our exclusive florists who taîke horoscopes t)>... days. but it has gained a youthful chatrm always furnished his bride with a..... Millions believe that this or >t hh aelepefrd.ntewe- bouquet in shower effect of lillies ef t seer or seeressa "predicted the war, ding frock of to-day, there is much of the valley, white orchids and puredie n Ldis vand can fore... the tuture. Forin the quaint charm and sweetness Of white rilibons; illies et the valley and stance, Madame de Thebes, of Paris, gradmother's gown; smocking, puif- white rosehude are equally effective hbas iuch a hold on modern eredulity ing, quliJng, shirring and numberless and muth leas expensive. The zeri- ~ ~ 2~ , h ol sfle' ihddis T that many have awaited her 1916 pre- othrhnxaetîmnaaeu us; bride may carry a Neta lac bt bs ts hae; ha dictions In fear and trembling, and in its grarniture, and it is fpshioned of prayer-book, if she prefers, insteadelHran hranofr'wee h have even asked'her net te lie "tee the sheerest, niost airy of fabrics and a bouquet,. n ahltl adesddyfu peissimistic," and ail because she is laces. Clilîdren as Attendants. Tik l etrta h et crcditcd with having foretold, in De. Attractive Use of Lace and Chiffon. Saiatnat~foe il n cember, 1913, the great cenfiict now Lcs cifns et ee ee iny aeantbecoingimresand Lvehiondaradybs! pc devastating Erpedacter, orimorefandy-ie thaenehey morepagfeture bet Ad echaddmsoiete andi Europe. atreoffashienable wed- < he But when one examines ber specific aonhe eaontt h eb.a eae dng.Itisaen tt ngss csome.,s m- ,tu. 2 An ter rcsemnydades nv dais i th wa isue on fide,-~of laces and transpalrent fabrics. eeta fe ae uhtegt ' ~te in he ast tht er tteanc coldLaces as graceful as the web of the and planning. These smaîl attend-Cadstnihwhhi hc; spidr, r te gintngshimmering ants are picturesque adjuncts te h o edrlti ade N be read forward and backward and spideButok thh ddd the3 any event could b. squared wlth it.. wing of the butterfly, vie Vkao eeay n wehrte erpc - tpcîgo sa As t "114"wha shesai wa ths: wtb he oresubstant.al, Spanish ture bats, amaîl bonnets, or no head A r, t o 1 9 1 4e rya ti a d d iei d s t a n dss t heh t e s tr France wil be drawn inte war and and thread-run patterns.; the sheer- Oeliatilsamteronec- emerge victenious. An era of love, est of eilk crepes and the crispest of sequence; ail three are correct and --Foeahddy'ltieadi peace, great hopes and great labors, organdies are modish for frocks.peapth prtis an smpet*. -Lv i ondanadybs. Fn thing of ail, is to have the wee, curly- waves must be tinted with blood and jha ekd~ihawet !frs DIFFICULTIES WHICH FACE GRAND DUKE NICHOLAS.ASurelsQarl fiowers te correspond with those ini Ilutainsoste aueo h ih1n ru( nti water an tire mx in a cmbat o!basket. ,Sometimes the small Illsrt ionsost ntr f1 lhîggonl h ai(9s Oc n ieteewr w n 1. -o-~tieGand Duke Nicholiiii la pressing back the Turk . Hiluraon pkyitege sires hodetak su bterranean forces. "~~ gîrls dress is a qu ain t replica of the ,i show s the (corg 'in n uil lauy rond a d I (-'ae tlc of T am ara, inn the e h r i r a o e t n h y a a Naturaly such prophcy coul lie ~bride's own gown, and then again it Muntnse twsttu t any suc a r, ahe q uli- i aKate Greenaway frock, dainty and __crdfrec te's ul htwe twse oltaywr n h ul-quaint te a degree.twth iatdip n c o," dat i th an "e19 a4 of loe P atterns can be obtained at your L O T IN W A R T I) I .e n ofo e t ~ a r usual contrast that most prophecies .1 ' S N AY'U A 1 McCal Comany, D.epartment ," The Pathetic Stery of a Litie rnhgn h is qirl vohdbe exhibit, since if one hemn of the dilern- 'k"0 Bond St., Toronto, Ont. wthn h e undt h e-lu nia misses the fart it is caught on the '. -T __________ t od and said I l'T1RNLad. qa other. For 1916 the seeress is, cf One-'------+____ - ATONI ILSOS. t thepiitl course, pessimistic, but sees a '"bril1 il<i> CROSS PUBLICITY. FBUR'2.o Rn-e-ay LSt sprin te ite -n Ltusqael"fe liant future" for America, and thel 1 - unexpectedly shelled by theGenn, end of the Kaiser." Ail tliis par - Gonrdca Cd CroadSocnty haphi a' de! ofie wt childis imposulturJe, butîs 'shîpped supplies te the value of $3,484.1 Lesson IN.-Tite Severi 1llers. 'Ncîs secne as he saw it. Life in on 5F * ~n od as the hilîs; er impote the f j Saskatchewan Provincial Redi C"i',s t .ie e on as usua]. mothers werebsy i fo De lhi ace eil Cfromaus, b the, has a membership of 4,500.6.Gle x: the homes, children playing ntei E L Hi * sixî centuy BU.,th~t i he foght tA Co-eperative Elevator Uco(tai 6 streets. In a few momients i a 01 Perian he ifold esroy ughtS 1thea 1s i n$î-~ ild confusion, everyone seekigsf-~o thereatskin e," wch hetrpreed*a Ithc Saskatoon Red Cross. Vr rca c sAseiltmothers rus;hing wily aou Jbh9tknzdr, wh l e it apre A Red Cross workei- in Weolfville use of the' word Hellenist, te describe qearching for their children wehdT ruo aiSoe.pr despite the ~~~~~NS., bas put up over 400 jars of fruit Jews wvho were brought up iin the heen at play. Some found hm ols h rmr es !gi-Yu fanudtcae hs which t, fasie the for Red Cross hosîpitals. Dsesona]hdbemîn accustomed n'orne did net.stnssinimaio o!heiin faoscssi hthi ald h' Grain Growei-s' Guide, a Western tio spezik Greck. Mlany of them would ! Among the number wvhows otfthhiedcsntelieorheto elhicoaleauthrity ntil i'! agriculturai palier, bas raised $6;59 take th i-toportunity they could'found was a littie lad abou ih iigo h aî a hsifa-yu f î an uhriy uti h.fer its Red Cross fund. j get o f rernoving Palesti'ne. Hebre ws vears old named Julien Decax i aint rbbyawy rdcdG Chitian cra. I J jCligoo e rs1i~ ee(rpry) dwellers in Palestine was play-ing football whenthselsbineto tetpodbaiusndw< j membership o! over 500 an]d-has woclnug a A'mitenhcame among them an] ran thheisfrtcsnheolnbiusle-pt An] now, although astroaemy has: raised $3,68t, in money and supplies, t h - hee l enral nertn thei' o aey n fteBi-fL' route] astrology, the whole world I I anitoba eed Cross has a mernber- Gek.T ceav age betwcen Uth ve ish car drivers a few wees atrngooius corOiUC nim-pc n'h]deud oerthecronvoesmethe cr hipof7,59oaf olometd telds clases]e ndd mst519il natndwencomng romBelogethe ali- bcilt ae nded, ivig yphidfic beldame over the "courses of the' year nearly $120,000. fact that the Bible of the former 'Vas tie fellow, dirty, half..nakedanlneeostte thcnreoe qtars." W le i know better, but thej Barry.Red Cross bas týen auxiloîrlies eeetagn. hie"eres s] y about thî'ee miles froni thetWî !agi-tn 0o 5yasatru riddles e! gruesses like bers still con- i1 <ui h urudn on'y the original. Note thiat Pau] (Phîl. Ht seemed lest, an] he w'a.Iwa tnsfr nti a:AcupjT trol, and people still love te believe Hamilten Steel Ce., is making the 3. 5) insists that he wvas 'a HebreA Julien Decaux. H1e told the hpanciem riae h uoslnn h there is "somnething in it." Rled Cross a donation for 191 1;, cf and the descendant cf Htarl-" that he ha] never seeîî is il oî $5,000 pyabie qartenîythough Gh'eek was for- him as much a sneh a lyn ntesur n asstesceino xesv $5,000 paymucusarwhich adheres teastheaciumpoof N.EN AT FRONT ARE SPENI)ERS. Commodore of Royal Victoria native language as Aramaie, and be Uiat day; he was Uic only el]ohigrmorig !regbdynte Yacht Club, Victoria, bas given te Red %vas t'ntirely familiai' with the Greck parents. Can you imagine theboe-gilco h ut.Coetnn Reporter Assumes Roie of Hluckster 6u-'c Cross a steam yacht valued at $10.- Old Testament. Neglected-"Were be1rte] mother 'hunting for telti rsaln usac !tebli For a Day. ~~00. bcbng overlooked"; thc sequel Ns la d wliile be wandered abouaon destdupnhonusi cne- A So m c a e n s i b u h , The. Short Bridai Gown Employees of Impériali Ou C ., Sar- inen ogh te howTheat i as t e run- the troops for threje month ? * he t c la r. Se he to e g ws s me m r Se muchbas bee sai] aout thenia, have given $1,000 te Red Cross 'IqIC1SSwr chaplain teck hlm te h he f e ust the scho an ris br-so way the soidieu-s are robbed by huck- Paper-like taffetas are often used in Soriety. , largely newcomers, and it \vas verylieadtyaîerigteutUPhoonpseeinsas igaTa sters wbo manage te circulate just the gowns o! the bride's attendants In Alberta 1,'200 Red Cross "Mite" natural that the widows (If men who .uins etr. heplice wand te cetotsasmeems oe are toe .ato behind the front anti effer a miscel- and thon, again, they are of organdy,' Bxeshav been ditiii]t pi a en the city aIl t'hçir live s kphlm meantime, but hegoafrm-p lnny o! goeds for sale that the French in thc palest ef tints, tnimme] with Boxes hme. itrbtdtopi shoul] lie noticed first. IIIn hegi-a, ebp a ag >Chamber bas sent commissaires te lbands o! taffeta. This combination Newmarket Red Cross realized $2.50, 2. It must be rrniemîIn-me] thatUi'rpo the phtcldcblain's lt ega] m-sapiense.- fo the front tlo invesigate the question, of taffeta and organdy will lie a ne- by auctioFîing two turnips contribute' twelve ha] à n>*,;ge t'o give %vhich(-Io stay wvith 'mon capitane." ei * ~~Theso bucksters are generally rosi- 'ticeable feature o! ail impor-te] by a fariner.-t coul] net lie delegate]. OthtI': men st-aNiîîg; if bis parents cao efu]eta nyeoubt ananann e dents in the miit.ary zone an] obtain >frocks this summer; it is an unusually Woifville citizens gave $355 te No. coul] pneach as 'veli-hardly onie et he wili be resto,-ed te them-fnt ia eih o n' eihaeadug pemsinte carry o trade in ob- !attractive notion. 77Stationary Hospital being eqcîîpped the'î coul] match Stephen, far- iess the chaplain will see that heb1a' ' t lt pe jcsranging from apiece o! soa TeFormai Weddiag Gown. b oaSoi. alQeyohrnefol raui~gn 'm.vîtm r vnwegt sape - - j tJs siket. rosa supplies, feil an easy prey Stis amd uue, nadtiîae. i wîtn thc moon Shsîning thseg nwligaetietse etko under w Îh often simple lngth of ulpottisoies he ei'c andsoththee. But nw.bp, aneatatforealcn- Porehoagainretndgalir- kne itd gooda s oe, ner wot-h c o!te aiper n a !tuldae'tT ni naio. < feminder that tis was no "acculai-" foun] only two dca] Gemmaeatisaon. wor liddn fw bUls-et ob er heban an]caugbt witis a f -!the seldier rernal ays aftework whici tise t'welve rejeeted as net -e h sar yn-hdld"a]cou tics containing alecol, thse nisk o! wreath or cluâter o! orange blossoms'hjq wound wlthout medicl attenti*ni good eneugb fer t.hcm. ,- Note they eau, tesailin u prison would have beon tee great- c or white clematis; thon again it m is hacs !aeoer reailt.ao nee'cle]"ecn"; e]with tise contente] facesthtw- a]Âdce but o! coca wine, quinquina anti such cap or rouchi, but always there la the . i-thoughtIr'dca'] mcii oniy WO5r. nee apertîf s of logai degree of spirit.- 'cluster of dalnty, waxy blossoms, go W m<n' d rô ý i. et tdiscuss the later tradition that 1 So we en land ~ WsnYUraitloszîo ik'ge "llow muchi temîrror akdabsolutely nccessary te the truc wed- o -tiàtwiscbwctoa]. - asa icaean yo'l maci 'is sveaue. ps bis lrs cutomr. dng pint. lae~'ci eferst&l b@tan ossble bu te o tis t rqua-s Tstasiet' newsnotsin ethee tns boievr "Whvthent New,1"OE@ FUi'Cft'O mi yu wlI lid 00 din sirt.Th vil ffrstb bsianelaborate and expensis'. orfa- pliîct.ion. Appoint *ver tjii sinessPIICC "Oefac(0cns. a fItodcn h i frr =indea] mon with a knfe?"Tssw ~pyiiet> lite.1t It waa a littie mir a old 't2lace without wlsich the wedding gown 'nitefrntaePsi-Tetevwl rme e hmwr cry fcusfroeq cents in Par'is, but it was taken at The'eal proof thefefore that thse they b.d bitherto donc tsemase'es. -cry !cusfrleqatrs tts g tsmt ttelta,*8 RedCrosis doing in to e b.found, 4. The pcoul] %>nly pad guilty te x rai o ruttr'rs ais o ra 8, * --ton imesthepric witoutan atemp t~~~ * n..,j -4. ienpterribler conditionuts ofdiereion. '(lo e i 13 Put of ) dcange tisa tise laceliithe edy. abo te bargain. ,.> <> tntn mrecnlins~sie-'irât as bthe -ùtandng featUre Of 4"both fet u.»so bîaA&we ctwaTeelaaIsetegt;).bos 1l iIn i utli prfcil butt inchsta metn .Tieiuidty-hma Ts to tnssmswe jifunbcmefrglean ro)>boo-e i$4 Ten cnts or sglas et oca inc <r ystem of relief work which redi 9'- I.about as big as a thinible, yot tise Or serice; for tise word lasipiiat we Wîeftthea; ne aswlthhiahdovrSteuautse sa.-wao se bottle was emptie] in five minutes! suflrng te a minimum. It is tise ly ientâc4d Wîth 8V" Oeotibou ' ihi » armtije, face hidden;- atis ta wy fe u eara ees u Fiecents' a siseet o! paper with Jo!. cmo t tte agony of the wounsd F iv e n s -~oss1 ort, n et ise L - ~ _ v er e L ise . - T h g o sp e l " O U h is b ck is, th a n.] te e a d a portrai. autombiliat ,Cm.svalue. S& T)>.tramlation aboet ste ois-t r lie 41~y. 8 fraumeS ($1,60 )for a bottieetfepu 1ý .- de Cologne an] off ered twe 5 franc DrN abrbBuete *uk" - Dr. erbeni Brucetise wII knwbkitiat Uc 4 sTe80ot tunew uiar thuiy'"."ousAnd . 'î t >na Io 4 Nil..He refuse] te taise change and Toronto uresmwo bas boWmLit b 0Pi on 40ep1.Sr»,li>eimgls t e" s tttwe t ..as ]ellghted wlth a cild'u trumpet - - tise rvice âlu France; ibasotated Îs s> st.liit fea ? ie44 hrsèie*t o r ti sai. p icreaIzdsmg 40 cents. our CaBNdIen Rn] (mila s, b bs,-6 '.13. at- qonce lbogan toi :içw It amd is od'u * WCb reube t 'bih.o »Wq. ' bo *h a a ï soli 1siýA< t 'ni <r hurblé wbus as-u ineaubeluier, "oeu ' tet armso8. oas*Is M&b4sa S8owtyBut 8Un Tr i~Fort, Îus'a ub] ât corne back> -o $sdxt, Tise mDeWp nttéétaPeg 4d te ,:u o lear= J te buy om.tng eant civilsaton obkg. ac" . WHO&~. pi!ealeisgÏMdL 'Wbad est l m f.i jA b mi _-'410.4 ha]ea d$810,pofitof 01~ morse than50 per -\ JW4 **.U 'w te tise Captai iettise seç.tloM t asi e.]sisdleect e - te tise haliter suslled mimd hle4 W.0 doute t lno h,'edu a e' ord bc.' wb»dtcb soe lbaffamar s ,r mo aeqt..i m n fonse: e ;ir e y oie mlg; >f o-nI4* e x '. 1 nu do'-' to gle w.m bylt."f rd -*b wbt& h.tedmatna0es t 16Mla a - wst bu lissa "tr, lof w »iru -t A 1espat~ following o Very well," said the other, wo* alw ys anxius te pîase. "How 'i [Il w e b e g in ? " - ~ ~ . ~ r i Oh, it will net be very isard," said ir nnie !first squinrel. "Thosoa trange J '. ifer as whe have just gne away ~ ~ nd it easy enough." i al] sorts o! ways tiey trie] te ca euarrei with one anoec, but y wre se polite that- the plans er wrke. At last tho first squi- found two fine nuts, and bringing nm te the second squirrel, saiA- T -t )w, bre are two nuts. You say r- y'ne yours, an] l'Il say they're- . 2 e, an] we'll ho sure to have a fine rrc. Now! Thlose nuts are '. .2 e!"'nita Oh, very weli," said tihe other. .,(N u are m&âe than welcome t6 them." But at this rate," said the fist," w i ii n e er q ua sre . T a lk back . Tri nn Ical person c n't fight by h um acf. I r.-ta s tw . No*' et's begi-n alt ver ' ~ T r n. 1 own ail the trees in the s t h a t s ? " n a i ] t i e s e c o n di , c t T ebly. "How nice of yu te let lve here!" m t this the first squirrel had te ffse they gave up the idea of J* ~ C relinz, an ] live] bappily ev r r -i , ýrwards. igertive power. Y en mut eat -b ,because the worn human machine 4")sdI] t capable e! c nsuming se much 1ii_ or h frc Food is tbe bodysa fuel. You '1Y ît greatly decrease yonr consump-. Sof mneat, an] let m ik ini the fonm :îrîh uddings, soup, etc., form a large* t of your diet. loderation must le your motte. e-- 1must ont slewly, and masticate r food thorougbiy. If you are hless, it- is worth ten years o! r life te renew tem arti.tcialy. J'il hV r t e the dentist,. Tou e)> - nothing - I lbag eh is bard te digest, and avoid] az try andt i al spiced dishes. K ep f uwple -i;neer get excited -or angry. ape ýp eleven heurs, and take an after-. n nap. Seek the fresis air; take m île Etigzuing exercise, but 'ware -ca r gts. *--utr lic above are the golden ruIez se ot ch guarantee a good old ag. p*'1- 107 1,te ---.7'5-- CANADA'S -GRAIN CP01P. ýreat Revival in Trade Coming. ute JIl who are pessimistic about con- fcior, 2: ýc conditions in Canada Just nw to 36c; E ul] read "Our Great Revival inEgs ,de", an article by tie well-known e1cs1 e expert, W. L. Edmons which3cCs cars in Tise Canadian Magazine 12t February. According to- deduc- l* $2. 402 as mnate by Mr Edmnonda from $2.40. rernent reports, tb e tum~ers were Pui d by the Department o eancul- Put n at Ottawa te naie an effort te 0; e luce- 250,000;00 buahels-J -1.at& 20c7e rions year, being placedi t; Mo'- -Bbs 000. *.* ran, Io officiai valuation et tich grain $28 tui is lias Yet been muade hbr -tise Bur- -Nu, but experUftse! e #psrtent--$'20.50 taricultur estimat'e Shât the ag-c- 18%- t itte value oe!-aIl -trops (graine,1 à or and reota> wlfl ho $260,000,.. 8 4 ta in excesuo! 1914.- I eitîn. . Eggs- ila correct, tise iotai h>,about, te 29ct 100 tise Previous YeBX', a grain of car lot itfprty per, cent hc fOregesug -do.. noe 4e the '0000Wi entersm e ,by thse a Cosumitto. açr thos«' 4rders oh. Wiiii id, by private deP n ~ dre t. ,- tons.- W,44 No.i br le te 1»V tee], Nertis tbi Ohw r'UT

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