Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Feb 1916, p. 1

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1~ WliiiTIX JONTARIO,, Ct.A-DA. THIJRSDAY, FEBRUl1Y 24. 1916 Wilii b Compound Syrup of HYMPPHOSPHITES A Strengtheuîung ant inlvig- orattng toic, Blood Builder amti Nerve Torti c. Builuls up the qypteiun, Curt-ot im sudwatt-ry bllood, Nervotîs he-ati-uche, 1 Nerv'ous prosîratittutl Sleepiessuesq, etc A reliable routorative after La Grippe. $1 per bottie J. E. WILLIS Dragglst and epticlan MEDICAL HALL a Whitby.1 THE OtSE 0F QUALII1Y llie [eaiet wîtiî thle t os tl lte 'ei l"Scranton Coal" The 3, edard I'mspaàratiuîu perietît - i"h n i uita t - ortes. A Il 4izeo-Grate. foi large Iiîrtia'es, EU santiStave. 817e ftr frîrstea andi large Nieatera. Chetuut and Pasfuir ranîge subit amati Cook slove%. Blue Grasi Cannel tit Xratenaud i Ilrepliai CaMonogahela Youghio. IMA"IIuilulf < for 0tCSut, te leathilig tus forkh reshiuni tuurîuoaes. Geoes Cueek Cembb.a,nlqutiliirg-tai AIl1 t hese -rua tp are thte higt-at tandsrti of î1uaIty ihit .Ieltvury aervuue u rihuu -fnti oa,t, au yoti &ui flret iii lbeutuand cii iti-i "Ve rdbpt.etilIy militit yuîur patronage. E. R. BLOW, Bell ptit-,s 9. Wkiitiy Homeophone IL YOUNG MEN IN DEMANO t Pit FeLIo young (o .-niim Kr"11n great tiemandi4 r ltuu.ireeftTbi [C rti:l. liffering 850 lmet-là [o star( were au Hlead t ifoiem Iut illaus Sciloul un .nue W. H.N AI 396 Venge St. TORONTO. J. HOWEIJL JA~MES Carpenter,[t ilde-r aud t ont ractor Piani; draw n andi-timt'ef nihc Agent for Brantlord Roolino BOX 467 WRII' Phonecl4çl Marriage Liuenses. A. H1. ALIAN. lasuiter et' Marrage Licentie Corner 4rug store.. Wittl>', No wlLta's-.iruqutreci. TheoCretor Canada Improvoment à Land Co.. Llmltêd Whltby - Ontario lteal KBetate DI>Aeeu, Estates amaged, RersCollwted. Firsi Loans; Arrarigel, Pur terâs alploIy Ileai Office, Iiruck qt.t Bell phon jet193t. U c740. WIiIIIW lahIte Go. Office anti Works Oppoîiite liewlis Brou., Whitby MONU MENTS of dl Dealas and Iatodl tokpt ln Stock It wIii pmy you to cmi at our worku and innpet for yourselt. Do Dot ho misled by agent, We do miot employ them. Consequently vo cma ad do slow the agent'. commis. ion et 10 ver cent., -vhlch you vii coerWnly ae 1w purchaislng rom u&. A Galli bfIcod. LIIEY, SALE AND SUOINO STABLES SROCK ST.WHUTBlVl, AU kibdii of stagle and double rigifor bire. Bu to&U the trsainsd bsggag. transfer. Hors. bought and sold on tommisuion. Some good .oud driversadsud .vy t.eus for ssih; si"obaw. bayMd tmwin oByu¶sity for 014*ekwr at, àh«,phoue 9,1 or M4 OtbhmoOw: GEORGE'BRANTON'S FINAL VISIT TO MIS HOME TOWN, Enthu5iastic Reception to Famous Boy -Singer.- * \Vlîlïthy peopleliait the privilege of est-salarted boy sin ger on record. Hia .uurngGorge Branton, the notedi boy host of Wbitby frientis wtsh hlm' all slnet. forthe gooti things he tiesorves. sne.frthe- last time before is de- Misses Georgian Smith anti A. M. iparitire for New York, ai the Trafal-' Collins, of the Ontarru Ladies' Celgo, gar Datigbters' concert held on Friday I rendereti several piano selections mhat cývu'nlng lasi. George le a native of were greatly enjoyeti. Miss Smith l8 Wtîithv* anti bas atways helti a deelp a graduate of last year, anti an accom- place ln the licarts of its frIends ln plisheti planlat. Miss Collins ltz a re- the homne town. s was Pvldenct-d by cent adition to the musical staff of thc large erowd that greeted i hm. The the Coilege, and ta probably the clever- mint hall was filleti almost to capa- est artist lu hier department hearti ta eit:. and tuie young atiger receiveti a Whitby- tn years. Townspeople have rotolitta ucîcome f rom is admirera. already l earnedti 1 anticipate with ( ;-orge hais a volre that Is partIcu- pleasure bhr performances. larly adapu cd for bird songe, anti he Miss Katherîne MeCormlck. alte a rendered several oft(hem ta the course' graduate of the College ln 16,1 anti of ilie plrugrarn. HIE, setections were now assistant teacher tn Oratory. gave- nearty aIt îî'rv difficult. but hie showedtiwo readinga. each of whlch was en- an Pase ln its singlng that spoke of cored. tn whlch she tilsplayeti ber tira- mutich hard application anti study untier mntlc abillty lu the fuît. Miss MeCor- his teac-lers. He ba-s the glft of be- mlck la anoîher graduate of the Col- tng ail. to [tilt the spirit of te song tege who te makIng a namoe for ber- luto tua vole anti manner. and thtus self ln her chosen work. atidsa woiiderfutty to the effectiveness Miss %Jarjory Gartock. of te Col-. of lits setecttona. His closiug atîmber. tege. gave twu detightful vocal solos, HIomne. Sw-tee Home," was very appro- luntptace ot Miss Alice Gott, wbo was triamt for t-e occasion, and waesutng niable to take part as announced. witti deep feeling. Mir. G. 0. MePherson, of the staff of t;"tirgee*t vole,- seerms Io have lm-1 the Hospital for tbe Insane, Wbltby, prov&-d evt-r: ilieb comen to Wbitbv. took part lu the program b> renderIng and a briltiant succes t pru-dîcteti for st-vernI btumoroîus musiciAi readinga. Iitiiii (Irace Chureli. Nea.N York ' toi l'art of the proceetis are to ho devot- whvh l e will go stiortl:. as the- high-1, d to jiatriotle pturposes. TOWN COUNUIL TURNS OVER A BRAND NEW LEAF A Surprise Sprurug Upon the Reporter. - ~~1 INQUIRY --,.INTO -DEATH OF NEW**BqRN' CHILD Qn Thlirsday lm#~ Coroner Dr. C., F. McGilli -y mp need hJuy to ln- quire linto thedeat1î i !,ài Urénfntchlt,, wbtch hati occurrie a few hours; after its birtb on.Thurs4iae onig The moth[er, à'aa ber name ls M rs. Fred Liteonler huesbanti ho- tng at the front *t the Eaton Ma- chine (lun Battery, tIcuOWn hi Whitby as Almira Corbmitàn She lias been staylng at hie bouqsfWMr. and Mrs. Arthur Hartrick, Wllçre sho wuas a- tentied by Dr. tI!er on Thursday morning. Rer aý6ewa. a weii-dovoî- opeti. robust boW4, weighing about etght pountis, n'wa qui te strong anti active when h doctor lf t the home. At noon ->Iirtrick called hlm wlth the news that-jhe chilti was deati. The informnatlin,iVen was that the mother bad talon aaleep with the chilti in her arme and 'that,. on awaking. she founti she tiati tain on il anti evitiontly suffocated Iit The jury empanelleti were A. M. Rosa (foreman), W. J. H. Richardison, Goo. Robb, Jas. Gray, Wm. Maw, Arthur Ellis, Rolit. Barnes, Wm. Roach. The jury viewed the body, anti then adjourneti until Marcb lOth. On Fritiay aiternoon Dr. B.TL. Proc- ter performod a post-mortem examina- tion on the body of t.he tiead Infant, and bis flntiing wtt! ho matie known when.the Inquest la resumed. The accidentai suffocation of a chlld In the manner describeti ta an occur- rence that does sometimes bappeni, but the Crown boltevoti an Investigation Into the case was ativisable becauseofe certain _circumstances of which tbey ONE BOk SCOUT TROOP FOR WHITBY TOWN Followlng the «jample of the big ders for the Boy Scout movement in business concerna, the lioy Scouts of Whitby. Me'. J. T. Hornsby bas con- sented to act as Scout Master , anti will Whiby aveforie~ amerertha ~ have three assistants. Arrangements the troops formerle1,tonneeted with the are be:ng matie for club rooms lnn thei varlous lodhl churýees have combineti business section. andi things wflI be In to roni o~e twn top . full swing soon. This step was ducideti upon atter a, r the short time that the movement conference of the Biemt Masters, fol-, bas been activeiy engageti in here, It lowetl by nmeetingsI'ef Uic troops. The' has done much for the boys, It de. proposai was put Muarely beforo the* serves the wbole-hearted support of ev- members, and In ettei case there was'ery one in town, espeeially of the par- an instant and ungntlmouas detision for enta, ant i t la confitiently expecteti that a consolidation 1Into ne troop. the communlty wilI tend lts sympathy The step was con4dered ativIsable In'anti assistance for the ativancement of ortier te save overdiPing of work, un- the work. ,f. eldit.,>s of ûrganL'aUon, and ti én in Mr, Hornsby is enterIng upon his ttiii.>tiIt'd tii îitioîu by It-e braclng. giove's for moen wiîo boid the uozzjes so proue wtei0e betweeîugroupe witttof belng abte te do much forthie boys. irtusi) air oui Mtuîday e euîlag, the towiof it hiose durjng a fire. Ho alse simîlar objecte. 1Lot every citizen see toit that ho le Coiil ltiidIlle shortetst session re aked tiat arrankements ho made witb The reorganization should werk won- gIs-en every possible encouragement. cortddtor miaux a day. Atidedti Lu (is. the omwner of a team of tiorses tu bave _________________________________ %%as tii' tact thalthei meeting commenc- the team on h&ata every ire. In the ed al a nî-ry respiectable botir. 1 tn fact. p)asi t Itias been lett for teamelers ho j ~ ~ I~ê "lo the wortd's greateet Intorpretor et whenîi tlut-reporter enturedti ho Cotunciltirr>- their bors"s to the tewn hall, The JýReta* 5 1u religlous -Music.- He wlIl ho aseisteti uuianibîîr ait the- unirecetienbed hour ut, and Ille.z man wbo reacheti there ftret by rs. Btlher, piantat, anti Prof. T. C. inti o'ttock. tble Boardi had alreatiY 1gui the job. This Ise unsatistactory, Mr oerpe~èInteRealibMu.Btr.iae.adPofT.C coniiu-iiidlia detîberailouis. 1a-na the requiest was matie that tiefInite MMehants' Associaùot thewas i Wh tbY MmAntler.attrationdP ofM.sT. C It uas uîigiiîy diffieuti te tuainlain arrangements be matie tor a man ob cati 10 ho è.'aslnWh t Aohr trcio-flbeNeo a t-trftert self cotitrol untier suchcb r- present wIth bts team whonever a tire onlo nay0etevilgt raiza alat umr t hl ilge ciiiiistaiiees. anud the reporter fears ltarm le sounto.lca branc tthe *ociatn. A meet- » "~~".Irtm." Tht-se genhle- allo t- a uitut itsastuismen (0 W H Wilinsn aitied e I i ng oethlIe retailerlf t he tewn was Wt-ui are. perhoits, tbe rmocst effective cr-tlto a biiis ountlitsainisu-, fo j he Htainlleon edseîti beancalleti in the even pg, but a puer at- campaigners ln the Unitedi State3.and Nt~uor aveiuii a uuld-yu-Iie-tniereqcatuf .J tendance resultet.i.Tl~o those whe did makle a most unique andti ellîng proes- M or-v, iiafoldyo-ht;tnestattcd I lu liebuse ofthe Pire Ch efM1Mye 'e entationo h ae look, aas tlit- scierlt-aauk mb bis seat. lie aise matie mention ofthe practîce Igather, however, M, yrezp,.atil n f heca1e Athi >at lit- claliuîaltue dld not rt-ad ut llahtiug bonires lu the- rear of the the- objecte ot the 8M'-" iation.. He told «Phese special tentutres, while add'tng ili. atict, ublshèJ to -ees aIb ow creâit informattou regardtng slow.-'ho1aîc atîractiveness et- thie greaý con- t tt- t-oi, înblsbei 'euwcks gostore buildinags lunte business section lpayîng custotnqere tfî.every tov 1 event ion. wtll ot cotfrse lie oversir'ilow. lt No tînt tht-l lat- Itunrskept by the of the town. Ho urged that Ibis be gteeifrtebnfte h en -b~eiIcraç.tlt anqts tousi hiîii sidied hîîtîoff." suat tcniud sI a xrm a-bers. A great <cal c4usetul legislatton tieýnsl t -coenjGret, the- present per- iii'st iar t ppe hii of. e LtaI eros. ntiho houhî liee seul I n lte Çterests-9 .QitV% retailers has senal dut>' 0f everY Provincial and a t iiiav, uit proceedings of te even- a big erematory where ail rubbisbbe rmte nhI enciets- Dominion legislator anti IlYQr> elector iiig %erti iii irief antt uhie point (liai coutd be burned, or else the tires sheulticriat ieas0ltq isas. i bsgete1r'c~lt i~tlh onie waï i -îtietofuthle wercis 1thiebe hultout in a aý rp l otor 0 retheb.,,,basPiamsi In th' ie cfhi'-tb1 ftipluuiurti'6t1 <'ukw ie igiî here ùiere wocttd bho edanger.th nii andi bu-ttîrtîu-d arwiîîd andt he watk- Thtese variotus rè'qusî were roter- 1 tradea. Ceibectio'hs are aise made, mnd its blsîory-inaklng import. -- igioutagaiji'rt-d lthie Pire andttLight Conunittet-. a huadreti and' one thinga done le beip Tho ir.t lîli. Win. Sîiîiîh, matie a Mr. A.E. Bt-t! apîtlbetfor a transit ombrgaiaisws e.fet br.- ij ii Cuirl.Heas- rlis owin adshotnggaley Wile a raito as no fetI LOCAL ITEMS tintI tlt ut tu (outîît.He sk f bs bwlIg ati hooinggaloryeti Mr, Moyer Inttmated Ihat he woulti 1.1i tir i1&- tiistiailtintof a fire alarut lit-t se to John Williams. te wbom ho ole onaanl e itsat ral~~ti~i thet liants of the t- m- ii.uiolti hie business. On motion of wouîd try thon te bolti a big meetIig - MET9DST TABERNACLE.- tir t . of, tuiadbu, tluti yo t-l'vrapovets aeantt rnfe .a-wtth as many merchants present as; Rev. A. H. Poster, DamIer. là-litti iliq.tg i a ilîotosret-r i tto inne onmttepad he possible. -Sunday., Februsry 27. iritautli n Thîzi isllst r-s tci lui 1-tuateComtcepsedi The more leoks like a valuable one,! - M0RNI.Çt savlic. ut i fink f suitiltiiiil'bis tuisianis tI-t-tiuîit' ........ 4 as a local association coulti aise per.. Anthemn-'How Flrm a Poundaton."9 litu4tîîî- u it-rt-irvwenan, attdis IPlsoc.........$4 0 form the functiene et a Board ot Tratie. Anthem-"Won-derfui Savtour.". tit' urietaite lt-n ka:ut (;o .M Sont .... whicb hilhby sot'ety neetis at the pro- ss'uýtNG SERVICE. f ii lits k îîîd intitisw. andid lus H[furge........7 senit ime. Special Song Service bY Men's choir. iitHit ittk u lutuil rdgn...............5 - _ -Chorus-'*My Savieur Firiî t fAl". i" ( luit-i alst askt-d for a tcoupîle out I litie s-tiug tg dJuturutet at 9.30 ~ * *Sl-atrGog lre iLi f'ii /.- it our upairs tof rtila-r t-ok HOCKEY.' P had 13 maes of drlvlag motor cars Itat none. Accients bave bt-oi de- ti:lU-\tLE 5. C)SI11AWA 1. creaseti. Reckicss tivtag bas be-en ro- l't- lit-i le-', it- O. H. A. Interumetilaucati ducoti b> Prohibition from 21 arrests chiampuiuonîs ofGroupti\Nos. 1 anti 2, and lu Dt<-t-ttber (o ilve arruets In Jauuuary. oiawa. N% itnners et Grotilu Ne. 3, (net andtioee0tdui.g bas droppeti from 41 ceues ln tht- latter tuwa on Tluesday nIght Iha December te aine ibis moriîb.1 lIn thp irs! t omoe-autd-heMe gaines lIt the third round efthlIe st-ml-final ai [Be-leville- wotn In a harti-tougbt ce n-1 ~ ~ ttes by-' to 4. Tht- first and secend 1 11II..IL J< U ire pe>-ruade rt- vury strenuous, but both teauis pin> d cloa andi fast hockey. Oi t onday Higli Sottool Inspecter 'Tlic -ire attheIend tiof the- tirist porioti Wenhertil came tu Wbllby te vlii wa.s 1 to 1, asti aI the end oef the second the- Whitby Scitoot. Thts la bis gist 1 tu 3t iu favor of Bellevile. *Thlte' i it sînce lte scluool lia been bee.n ut-rioti sas comparatively slow,' Osh- ; remouteîie& HRe as uit-att>'pleaseti awa secirîng two geais ho Believille'a. Wltit te traformation "ht hati been ont-. The Oshawa lino-up Was: i effe atind'trankly stated to nwinbers Goal. Smith; defence, Boue aMdioetthe BoardI Ot Education that b. bai Kempt: rover, Pair: centre, IM5I: 1net thonghtlit possible le mabo sncb a wiaga. Jacobl andi Hambly. 1 decideti IMPrvemumîtantie butldtzq. WHITBY 10, PORT PERRY 3. i la bis gradlng ot bididiag andi equlp. A tast team tram Port Perry cae nient bavas abit to avart u»any armas, te lova on Tueda>' evening anti stack- wber itote mnevm' beore possble. ed tmp agaInst s team et local boma, bo 11 Tb budtn" vasgradai IM. boeuse oW gave tem a 10-3 trouacing. 1%e gMme, t" .atMU M etru pposraoe Its vas tnteresîiîtg andi keeniy oentested loStia u uien tbe site: the eNnuis f rom atairIt tefinish. dospite tl lgevoe ae 1L, ais OeeOsmbly uoem, score, anti aise proviietithe speb etsbocee t mot 0«botgU çte imrge hsong vîtît mucit amusement. te o mpl viitii*0 hlgb, vi.T The Wbitby boys ba" net play"l ta- claM nts vote maieI., cmbut m gether as a tbainbere, but they st 1au»sinepicUM san« buug mm *0i In sanie go"eo comh nm wort. w-ailsthey' wtIi ho niai. L Uttag, TNiere wus skatings atr lb. game. VeAt»UUaUMsa $MI lua à M. 'lTe Wbitby Une-up via: *~ q~j roqy.omm Goal, G. O'Connor; defence, IL Su.th 9grMAditiNé. L Alboq, e us4 s,1 anti C.Rie.farvards, ýP. Gray. T. lasu>r's report i.. Muot t. ma Soulhwell, F. Rie anti Ben Iester. tdIoe0l0. kur*Vi, b. hbu Crime Cut Tv. TLii.~ £1gSl One mentit ef prohhilos la theetla. BiW& wa b*i.00M et Oregon bas ap atiyuroMW o0.8 CI Oustodftev4i. ii **PortUidOreoliao," ammusr ><E OI whteb vua monotoo ftilmdlyte t" i. w& meueure prier teaoahtu tmt. k »W the somel" la tie eux et Pertbaoi grooerystores ibavet*lseud u mîtbave lmpbuu.mmdmr M .7i etreubsuca foursrolss, dry 4»0". Mdi -i .""' i otheu- stapil-stelo. toei t te atnemuoa C. Op a c. i«wt <d Ant thinvga. il se«»ouffl by P1r*ot tb=.* t a 19M*, t i sM s l t--11- ss41111,0006s"MM" rîOviill rîoieii1 SCoaveati...ý TORONTO,. MAItCH 2"-0. (ii Tue.stiay. Wedaesdian d Thurs- day, March 28. 29 asti 30, lte prohibi- tion farces et On tarie ývil Enset it their tnuat convention in Massey Hall, To. roto. la Great BrItata, legMaaters are tort Itîg upon the- Ilquor traf in t many le. cahitis suclb rigbi rrictions as a rew years 'ago would flot bave bea "b ne Canada rmtlitary autsori. tIés went se far as te timantiprohibi. toen ln the neigborhood trinngt camps. Many citizen. Who before could -net be calil saa ine f t th llqto ta"r-have U te eut In favor of Prohbition during-the war, andti il PrIntIal Goverament at preeat la tconstdering bo'w ftai-'w ilI howarrant- (I la Sg ln tatii ldtloa. Tis aquestte muaI b. e tik d . andi nteurpucy vl 4 Pestly te tb' lInterest takea its»Pitje11 a.t&nt ot Tempema ertoega, vbicli W*lu w 1f IWMâ Imporuce,?be wi>rL nt 'bê Past Yesm rs vibqgrevk-we. tisepres. eMt sIlt on ,VhIII 'ê-"M*a4rod. andi future *gttm viii beý "P - ensie Mr* retumratstefon in lis frXitm aif Md *tsaOiite iim eh eo Quartette- Mesrs. Stephensjon, anti Ayres, Jeune and tlerry. î Chorus-"What a Fellewship- Quartette- Mesars Wilson, ROsa,& Whibte anti Johns. Sob-?utir. W. J. HL Richardson. Charusz-4-Brighten the Corner vhere! The- paster wtli ociPY the pulpit «.t betb servicS. B3APTIST CIIUlICIT. yo x*Sunday. Febrnaiy 27. Servies at il a.= . ad 7 pin. in the oenlng te ehoir viui rentier, anj Sngservice fer wbJeb a great dee; of preparattn bas beenmade tie kVii Goti Bave tite KIag. OpealnghyMn, '14leý'y be. te o&$ i Tbat Beauttftl Throe", "Love&s Remjng WC*k la !he. "The- fflew»ra Fome)t eB"oudthe 8flnsgSmi-thé W#D. And miiiQwtet, 'My Ot Vol.53-N. 3L CA. 000J,1LLOW & S N, Publisheýrs STANDARD. BANK OF CANADA SIKADo rines - TOtiONTO Efficient and Prompt Service in every Department SBTD li* SAVINGS BANJS at ail Branches. W'HITBY BRA'NCH c. A. McCoRa., Manager with $1 .00. hltgflot nDocesa"yfor you t. viiuntil -you bm ea large surti of monoy. An aoccunt cati b. op.nod with *1.00 or more on whioh Intereat Li aompouad.d ivice a year. WHITBY BRANCH : S. D. TERRY, Manager. OSHAWA " C. N. HENRV, il ----4- PEE]L'8 811E STORE;, See our bargains in Women's. Misses' and Children's SIioe at greatly reduced prices. Our stock is complete ini Men's and Boys',heavy Stub Proof Rubbere, FeIt and FeIt Lined Boots Moccasins, Overshoes, etc. McPherson's Lightniiîg Hitch Hotkey Shoes for Men, Wonien and Children. JOHN PEEL.& SO'N Phone 151 amCk st,WIwIITB Crolk ery- Sale URING the month oÊ Janqary we wiIt offerýall: opur stock o-f China and Glassware at a.specialj Çash Price If you are ina'need i>f anythbwg ira this ulne it wîlic to your, advantagqc to-,bey hers .dom A. -A 1W r4"#"a tAi the Brocis St. lu -4; t 4 .4 ý -imi io" -e e!!Éný M à 0 -le a 0 z Mmager. 1 1 GREAT

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